Пример #1
long* histogram(char* fn_input) {
	pImage image;
	int i, j, m, c, d, id;
	long* histo;
	time_t  t0, t1; /* time_t is defined on <time.h> and <sys/types.h> as long */
	clock_t c0, c1; /* clock_t is defined on <time.h> and <sys/types.h> as int */
	long count; 

	/* initalization & reading image file */
	histo = malloc(256*sizeof(long));
	image = Image_Read(fn_input);

	long temp[8][256];

	for(c=0; c<256; c++)
	for(d=0; d<8; d++){

	t0 = time(NULL);
	c0 = clock();

	/* obtain histogram from image, repeated 10 times */
	for (m=0; m<10; m++) {
#pragma omp parallel for default(shared) private(i,j,id) num_threads (8)
		for (i=0; i<image->row; i++) {
			id = omp_get_thread_num();
			for (j=0; j<image->col; j++) {
				//      assert(image->content[i][j] >=0 && image->content[i][j] < 256);
	/* ------- Termination */

	t1 = time(NULL);
	c1 = clock();

	printf ("\t Wall clock time: %ld\n", (long) (t1 - t0));

	for(c=0; c<256; c++){
		for(d=0; d<8; d++){
			histo[c] = histo[c]+temp[d][c];}}

	printf("--- Histogram Content ---\n");
	for (i=0; i<256; i++)
	printf("histo[%d] = %d\n", i, histo[i]);
	return histo;
Пример #2
	// CJ2kFile
	bool CJ2kFile::Open(CBgraFrame* pFrame, const std::wstring& wsSrcPath, const std::wstring& wsXmlOptions)
		Image *pImage = NULL;

		DecoderParams oParameters;

		// Установим стандартные значения параметров
		ApplyDecoderOptions(&oParameters, wsXmlOptions);


		NSFile::CFileBinary oFile;
		if (!oFile.OpenFile(wsSrcPath))
			return false;

		DWORD nFileSize = oFile.GetFileSize();

		int type = check_j2000_type(oFile.GetFileNative());

		bool bOpenResult = false;
		if (!bOpenResult && type == 1)
			bOpenResult = (NULL != (pImage = Jp2ToImage(wsSrcPath, &oParameters)));

		if (!bOpenResult && type == 2)
			bOpenResult = (NULL != (pImage = J2kToImage(wsSrcPath, &oParameters)));

		if (!bOpenResult && type == 3)
			bOpenResult = (NULL != (pImage = Mj2ToImage(wsSrcPath, &oParameters)));

		if (!bOpenResult && type == 4)
			bOpenResult = (NULL != (pImage = JptToImage(wsSrcPath, &oParameters)));

		if (!bOpenResult)
			return false;

		int nWidth  = pImage->pComponents[0].nWidth;
		int nHeight = pImage->pComponents[0].nHeight;
		int nBufferSize = 4 /*pImage->nCsiz*/ * nWidth * nHeight;

		if (nBufferSize < 1)
			return false;

		pFrame->put_Stride(4 * nWidth);

		BYTE* pData = new BYTE[nBufferSize];
		if (!pData)
			return false;


		unsigned char* pBufferPtr = (unsigned char*)pData;
		long nCreatedBufferSize = nBufferSize;

		// Пишем данные в pBufferPtr
		if (pImage->nCsiz == 3 && pImage->pComponents[0].nXRsiz == pImage->pComponents[1].nXRsiz && pImage->pComponents[1].nXRsiz == pImage->pComponents[2].nXRsiz
			&& pImage->pComponents[0].nYRsiz == pImage->pComponents[1].nYRsiz && pImage->pComponents[1].nYRsiz == pImage->pComponents[2].nYRsiz
			&& pImage->pComponents[0].nPrecision == pImage->pComponents[1].nPrecision && pImage->pComponents[1].nPrecision == pImage->pComponents[2].nPrecision)
			int nResW = CeilDivPow2(pImage->pComponents[0].nWidth, pImage->pComponents[0].nFactorDiv2);
			int nResH = CeilDivPow2(pImage->pComponents[0].nHeight, pImage->pComponents[0].nFactorDiv2);

			for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nResW * nResH; nIndex++)
				unsigned char nR = pImage->pComponents[0].pData[nWidth * nResH - ((nIndex) / (nResW)+1) * nWidth + (nIndex) % (nResW)];
				unsigned char nG = pImage->pComponents[1].pData[nWidth * nResH - ((nIndex) / (nResW)+1) * nWidth + (nIndex) % (nResW)];
				unsigned char nB = pImage->pComponents[2].pData[nWidth * nResH - ((nIndex) / (nResW)+1) * nWidth + (nIndex) % (nResW)];

				pBufferPtr[0] = nB;
				pBufferPtr[1] = nG;
				pBufferPtr[2] = nR;
				pBufferPtr[3] = 255;
				pBufferPtr += 4;

		else if (pImage->nCsiz >= 4 && pImage->pComponents[0].nXRsiz == pImage->pComponents[1].nXRsiz && pImage->pComponents[1].nXRsiz == pImage->pComponents[2].nXRsiz && pImage->pComponents[2].nXRsiz == pImage->pComponents[3].nXRsiz
				 && pImage->pComponents[0].nYRsiz == pImage->pComponents[1].nYRsiz && pImage->pComponents[1].nYRsiz == pImage->pComponents[2].nYRsiz && pImage->pComponents[2].nYRsiz == pImage->pComponents[3].nYRsiz
				 && pImage->pComponents[0].nPrecision == pImage->pComponents[1].nPrecision && pImage->pComponents[1].nPrecision == pImage->pComponents[2].nPrecision && pImage->pComponents[2].nPrecision == pImage->pComponents[3].nPrecision)
			int nResW = CeilDivPow2(pImage->pComponents[0].nWidth, pImage->pComponents[0].nFactorDiv2);
			int nResH = CeilDivPow2(pImage->pComponents[0].nHeight, pImage->pComponents[0].nFactorDiv2);

			for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nResW * nResH; nIndex++)
				unsigned char nR = pImage->pComponents[0].pData[nWidth * nResH - ((nIndex) / (nResW)+1) * nWidth + (nIndex) % (nResW)];
				unsigned char nG = pImage->pComponents[1].pData[nWidth * nResH - ((nIndex) / (nResW)+1) * nWidth + (nIndex) % (nResW)];
				unsigned char nB = pImage->pComponents[2].pData[nWidth * nResH - ((nIndex) / (nResW)+1) * nWidth + (nIndex) % (nResW)];
				unsigned char nA = pImage->pComponents[3].pData[nWidth * nResH - ((nIndex) / (nResW)+1) * nWidth + (nIndex) % (nResW)];

				pBufferPtr[0] = nB;
				pBufferPtr[1] = nG;
				pBufferPtr[2] = nR;
				pBufferPtr[3] = nA;
				pBufferPtr += 4;

		else // Grayscale
			int nResW = CeilDivPow2(pImage->pComponents[0].nWidth, pImage->pComponents[0].nFactorDiv2);
			int nResH = CeilDivPow2(pImage->pComponents[0].nHeight, pImage->pComponents[0].nFactorDiv2);

			for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nResW * nResH; nIndex++)
				unsigned char nG = pImage->pComponents[0].pData[nWidth * nResH - ((nIndex) / (nResW)+1) * nWidth + (nIndex) % (nResW)];
				pBufferPtr[0] = nG;
				pBufferPtr[1] = nG;
				pBufferPtr[2] = nG;
				pBufferPtr[3] = 255;
				pBufferPtr += 4;

		return true;
Пример #3
	bool CJ2kFile::Save(CBgraFrame* pFrame, const std::wstring& wsDstPath, const std::wstring& wsXmlOptions)
		// TODO: Запись не реализована, надо доделать.
		return false;

		if (!pFrame)
			return false;

		LONG lWidth         = pFrame->get_Width();
		LONG lHeight        = pFrame->get_Height();
		BYTE* pSourceBuffer = pFrame->get_Data();
		LONG lBufferSize    = 4 * lWidth * lHeight;

		// Далее обрабатываем Xml с параметрами компрессии
		EncoderParams oParameters;
		int nFormat = ApplyEncoderOptions(&oParameters, wsXmlOptions);

		// TODO: Добавить возможность записи альфа-канала
		ImageComponentParams aComponentParams[3]; // Пока пусть будет максимально три компоненты (RGB)
		Image *pImage = NULL;
		int nComponentsCount = oParameters.nComponentsCount;

		memset(&aComponentParams[0], 0, sizeof(ImageComponentParams));
		for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nComponentsCount; nIndex++)
			aComponentParams[nIndex].nPrecision = 8;
			aComponentParams[nIndex].nBPP       = 8;
			aComponentParams[nIndex].nSigned    = 0;
			aComponentParams[nIndex].nXRsiz     = oParameters.nSubSamplingDx;
			aComponentParams[nIndex].nYRsiz     = oParameters.nSubSamplingDy;
			aComponentParams[nIndex].nWidth     = (int)lWidth;
			aComponentParams[nIndex].nHeight    = (int)lHeight;

		// Создаем структуру Image
		pImage = Image_Create(nComponentsCount, &aComponentParams[0], csRGB);
		if (!pImage)
			return false;

		pImage->nXOsiz = oParameters.nImageOffsetX0;
		pImage->nYOsiz = oParameters.nImageOffsetY0;
		pImage->nXsiz  = (!pImage->nXOsiz) ? (lWidth - 1) * oParameters.nSubSamplingDx + 1 : pImage->nXOsiz + (lWidth - 1) * oParameters.nSubSamplingDy + 1;
		pImage->nYsiz  = (!pImage->nYOsiz) ? (lHeight - 1) * oParameters.nSubSamplingDy + 1 : pImage->nYOsiz + (lHeight - 1) * oParameters.nSubSamplingDy + 1;

		if (3 == nComponentsCount)
			int nIndex = 0;
			for (int nY = 0; nY < (int)lHeight; nY++)
				for (int nX = 0; nX < (int)lWidth; nX++, pSourceBuffer += 4)
					pImage->pComponents[0].pData[nIndex] = pSourceBuffer[2];
					pImage->pComponents[1].pData[nIndex] = pSourceBuffer[1];
					pImage->pComponents[2].pData[nIndex] = pSourceBuffer[0];
		else if (1 == nComponentsCount)
			int nIndex = 0;
			for (int nY = 0; nY < (int)lHeight; nY++)
				for (int nX = 0; nX < (int)lWidth; nX++, pSourceBuffer += 4)
					pImage->pComponents[0].pData[nIndex] = pSourceBuffer[0];
			return false;

		bool bRes = false;
		switch (nFormat)
			case 0: bRes = ImageToJ2k(pImage, wsDstPath, &oParameters); break;
			case 1: bRes = ImageToJ2p(pImage, wsDstPath, &oParameters); break;
			case -1:
			default: bRes = false;

		return bRes;
Пример #4
	bool CJ2kFile::Open(BYTE** ppData, int& nComponentsCount, int& nWidth, int& nHeight, const std::wstring& wsSrcPath, const std::wstring& wsXmlOptions)
		Image *pImage = NULL;

		DecoderParams oParameters;

		// Установим стандартные значения параметров
		ApplyDecoderOptions(&oParameters, wsXmlOptions);


		NSFile::CFileBinary oFile;
		if (!oFile.OpenFile(wsSrcPath))
			return false;

		DWORD nFileSize = oFile.GetFileSize();

		int type = check_j2000_type(oFile.GetFileNative());

		bool bOpenResult = false;
		if (!bOpenResult && type == 1)
			bOpenResult = (NULL != (pImage = Jp2ToImage(wsSrcPath, &oParameters)));

		if (!bOpenResult && type == 2)
			bOpenResult = (NULL != (pImage = J2kToImage(wsSrcPath, &oParameters)));

		if (!bOpenResult && type == 3)
			bOpenResult = (NULL != (pImage = Mj2ToImage(wsSrcPath, &oParameters)));

		if (!bOpenResult && type == 4)
			bOpenResult = (NULL != (pImage = JptToImage(wsSrcPath, &oParameters)));

		if (!bOpenResult)
			return false;

		nWidth  = pImage->pComponents[0].nWidth;
		nHeight = pImage->pComponents[0].nHeight;

		int nBufferSize = pImage->nCsiz * nWidth * nHeight;
		if (nBufferSize < 1 || pImage->nCsiz <= 0)
			return false;

		*ppData = new BYTE[nBufferSize];
		if (!(*ppData))
			return false;

		unsigned char* pBufferPtr = (unsigned char*)(*ppData);
		long nCreatedBufferSize = nBufferSize;

		nComponentsCount = pImage->nCsiz;

		// Пишем данные в pBufferPtr
		for (int nComponent = 1; nComponent < nComponentsCount; nComponent++)
			if (pImage->pComponents[0].nXRsiz != pImage->pComponents[nComponent].nXRsiz
				|| pImage->pComponents[0].nYRsiz != pImage->pComponents[nComponent].nYRsiz
				|| pImage->pComponents[0].nPrecision != pImage->pComponents[nComponent].nPrecision)

				return false;

		int nResW = CeilDivPow2(pImage->pComponents[0].nWidth, pImage->pComponents[0].nFactorDiv2);
		int nResH = CeilDivPow2(pImage->pComponents[0].nHeight, pImage->pComponents[0].nFactorDiv2);

		for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nResW * nResH; nIndex++)
			for (int nComponent = 0; nComponent < nComponentsCount; nComponent++)
				pBufferPtr[nComponent] = pImage->pComponents[nComponent].pData[nWidth * nResH - ((nIndex) / (nResW)+1) * nWidth + (nIndex) % (nResW)];
			pBufferPtr += nComponentsCount;

		return true;