double Statistics::Max(Image& Source, int& outX, int& outY) { Check1Channel(Source); PrepareCoords(Source); Kernel(max_coord, In(Source), Out(), *m_PartialResultBuffer, *m_PartialCoordBuffer, Source.Step(), Source.Width(), Source.Height()); m_PartialResultBuffer->Read(); m_PartialCoordBuffer->Read(true); return ReduceMax(m_PartialResult, m_PartialCoord, outX, outY); }
/** * 习题3.21,将中序表达式写成逆波兰式 */ void RPN(SqStack &S1, SqStack &S2) { char c; int temp; InitStack(S1); //存储临时运算符 InitStack(S2); //存储逆波兰式 Push(S1, '#'); c = getchar(); while (c != '#' || !StackEmpty(S1)) { if (!In(c)) { //不是运算符,是操作数 Push(S2, c); c = getchar(); //读入下一个字符 } else { //是运算符 if ('(' == c) { Push(S1, c); c = getchar(); //读入下一个字符 } else if (')' == c) { while (GetTop(S1) != '(') { Pop(S1, temp); Push(S2, temp); } if (GetTop(S1) == '(') Pop(S1, temp); c = getchar(); } else { switch (Precede(GetTop(S1), c)) { case '<': Push(S1, c); c = getchar(); break; case '>': while ('>' == Precede(GetTop(S1), c)) { Pop(S1, temp); Push(S2, temp); } Push(S1, c); c = getchar(); break; } } } if ('#' == c) { while ('#' != GetTop(S1)) { Pop(S1, temp); Push(S2, temp); } Pop(S1, temp); } } }
LONG ModeSense(UWORD PageCode, UWORD PageControl, void *Buffer, UWORD ParmLen) {{{ ParmLen = ParmLen + sizeof(tParmHead) /* ParameterHeader */ + sizeof(tBlockDesc); /* Block-Deskriptor */ SetCmd6(0x1A, 0, ParmLen); Cmd6.Adr = ((PageControl * 64 + PageCode) % 0x100)*0x100; return In(SetCmd((BYTE *)&Cmd6, 6, Buffer, ParmLen, DefTimeout)); }}}
bool GraphMatcher::CanMatch(int a, int b, vector<int>& matching) { if (b == -1) { if (ignore < 0 || ignore > 0) return true; else return false; } else { if (!In(b, used) && comparator->CanMatch(A, B, a, b, matching)) { return true; } } return false; }
// Histogram must be an array of at least 1024 elements void Histogram::Histogram4C(Image& Source, uint * Histogram) { const static int Length = 256 * 4; for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++) Histogram[i] = 0; Buffer Buffer(*m_CL, Histogram, Length); Buffer.Send(); Kernel(histogram_4C, In(Source), Out(), Buffer); Buffer.Read(true); }
bool Sudoku::Load(std::string PathToFile) { std::ifstream In(PathToFile); if(!In.good()) { return false; } // Read in board from file Board.push_back(std::vector<Cell>()); char Temp; while(In.get(Temp)) { if(Temp=='\n') { Board.push_back(std::vector<Cell>()); } else { Board[Board.size()-1].push_back(atoi(&Temp)); if(atoi(&Temp)>0) { // Filled value FilledCells++; } } } In.close(); // Validate board if(Board.size()==0) { // Invalid board return false; } int Size=Board[0].size(); for(unsigned int y=0; y<Board.size(); y++) { if(Board[y].size()!=Size) { // Not regularly shaped return false; } } TotalCells=Board.size()*Board[0].size(); return true; }
static void GetIntersection(const struct LineClipping_Rectangle *r, const struct LineClipping_Segment *s, int outcode, double *x, double *y) /*sets (x, y) to the intersection point of s and an edge of r contained in `outcode'*/ { if (In(TOP, outcode)) { assert(s->y0 != s->y1); *x = s->x0 + (s->x1 - s->x0) * (r->yMax - s->y0) / (s->y1 - s->y0); *y = r->yMax; } else if (In(BOTTOM, outcode)) { assert(s->y0 != s->y1); *x = s->x0 + (s->x1 - s->x0) * (r->yMin - s->y0) / (s->y1 - s->y0); *y = r->yMin; } else if (In(RIGHT, outcode)) { assert(s->x0 != s->x1); *y = s->y0 + (s->y1 - s->y0) * (r->xMax - s->x0) / (s->x1 - s->x0); *x = r->xMax; } else if (In(LEFT, outcode)) { assert(s->x0 != s->x1); *y = s->y0 + (s->y1 - s->y0) * (r->xMin - s->x0) / (s->x1 - s->x0); *x = r->xMin; } }
void Statistics::StdDev(Image& Source, double outVal[4], double outMean[4]) { Mean(Source, outMean); cl_float4 fmeans = {{float(outMean[0]), float(outMean[1]), float(outMean[2]), float(outMean[3])}}; Kernel(reduce_stddev, In(Source), Out(), *m_PartialResultBuffer, Source.Step(), Source.Width(), Source.Height(), fmeans); m_PartialResultBuffer->Read(true); ReduceMean(m_PartialResult, Source.NbChannels(), outVal); for (uint i = 0; i < Source.NbChannels(); i++) outVal[i] = sqrt(outVal[i]); }
void CSourcesListBox::LoadNetStream(wxString sName, wxString & sMainUrl,MusikSongIdArray * purlids ) { wxString sFilename = sName; SourcesToFilename( &sFilename ,MUSIK_SOURCES_NETSTREAM); if ( !wxFileExists( sFilename ) ) { return ; } wxTextFile In( sFilename ); In.Open(); if ( !In.IsOpened() ) { return; } if(In.GetLineCount() >= 1) { sMainUrl = ( In.GetLine(0) ); } In.Close(); if(purlids) { purlids->Clear(); PLFile f(wxGetApp().Prefs.GetProxyServer()); if(!f.Read(sMainUrl)) { PLFileEntry e; e.File = sMainUrl; f.push_back(e); } for(size_t i = 0;i < f.size(); i++) { CMusikSong *pSong = new CMusikSong; if(f[i].Title.IsEmpty()) pSong->MetaData.Title = ConvToUTF8(sName); else pSong->MetaData.Title = ConvToUTF8( f[i].Title ); pSong->MetaData.nTracknum = i + 1; pSong->MetaData.Filename = f[i].File; pSong->MetaData.Artist = ConvToUTF8( sName ); pSong->MetaData.eFormat = MUSIK_FORMAT_NETSTREAM; purlids->Add(MusikSongId(pSong)); } } return; }
//实际值-预测值-置信度 void CEvaluate::CalcChart(CDoubleMatrix &m, CPtrArray *pArr) { int nValue = 0; int i=0, j=0, nSize=0, nRow=0; double fSum = 0; CDoubleVector v; m_fValCnt = 0; bool bString = m_pDecTree->m_TargetField.cFieldType == fString ? true : false; //转化非Hit值的置信度 nRow = m.mrow(); if (bString) { for (i=0; i<nRow; i++) { } } else { for (i=0; i<nRow; i++) { nValue = m(1)(i);//预测值 if (In(nValue)) continue; m(2)(i) = 1-m(2)(i); //置信度 } } //计算Value for (i=0; i<nRow; i++) { CalcConfidence(m(0)(i),m(2)(i),pArr); } //换算 double fSX = 0, fSY=0; nSize = pArr->GetSize(); for (i=nSize-1; i>=0; i--) { CEv *pEv = (CEv *)pArr->GetAt(i); fSX += pEv->fX; fSY += pEv->fY; pEv->fX = fSX; pEv->fY = fSY; pEv->fX /= nRow; //转换为百分位数 pEv->fY /= m_fValCnt; //转换为Gain值 } }
int main() { BinaryTree <int> BTT; BTT.input(); LevelOrder<int> Level(BTT); //Level.Traverse(); PostOrder<int> Post(BTT); //Post.Traverse(); InOrder<int> In(BTT); //In.Traverse(); PreOrder<int> Pre(BTT); //Pre.Traverse(); cout<<"******************************"<<endl; cout<<"*selet an item "<<endl; cout<<"*levelorder traverse,enter'1' " <<endl; cout<<"*preorder traverse,enter '2' "<<endl; cout<<"*inorder traverse enter '3' "<<endl; cout<<"*postorder traverse enter '3' "<<endl; cout<<"*quit,enter '0' "<<endl; cout<<"******************************"<<endl; int i; do { cin>>i; cout<<"ÇëÊäÈëÄãµÄÑ¡Ôñ£º"; cout<<"1---> levelorder traverse¡¢2----preorder traverse¡¢3----inorder traverse¡¢4--->postorder traverse¡¢0--->quit¡¢"<<endl; switch(i) { case 1: Level.Traverse(); break; case 2: Pre.Traverse(); break; case 3: In.Traverse(); break; case 4: Post.Traverse(); break; } }while(i!=0); return 1; }
void MATRIX::CreatePermutation(int min, int max) { int j; int newVal; for (j=0;j<width;j++) Set(0,j,min-1); for (j=0;j<width;j++) { newVal = RandInt(min,max); while ( In(newVal) ) newVal = RandInt(min,max); Set(0,j,newVal); } }
SElemType EvaluateExpression() /* 算法3.4 */ { /* 算术表达式求值的算符优先算法。设OPTR和OPND分别为运算符栈和运算数栈 */ SqStack OPTR,OPND; SElemType a,b,c,x,theta; InitStack(&OPTR); Push(&OPTR,'#'); InitStack(&OPND); c=getchar(); GetTop(OPTR,&x); while(c!='#'||x!='#') { if(In(c)) /* 是7种运算符之一 */ switch(Precede(x,c)) { case'<': Push(&OPTR,c); /* 栈顶元素优先权低 */ c=getchar(); break; case'=': Pop(&OPTR,&x); /* 脱括号并接收下一字符 */ c=getchar(); break; case'>': Pop(&OPTR,&theta); /* 退栈并将运算结果入栈 */ Pop(&OPND,&b); Pop(&OPND,&a); Push(&OPND,Operate(a,theta,b)); break; } else if(c>='0'&&c<='9') /* c是操作数 */ { Push(&OPND,c); c=getchar(); } else /* c是非法字符 */ { printf("ERROR4\n"); exit(ERROR); } GetTop(OPTR,&x); } GetTop(OPND,&x); return x; }
void In(vector<string> &res,int *num,int index,string s) { if(index!=4) { int size=s.size(); for(int i=0;i<(size>3?3:size);i++) { string cs=s; string sub=s.substr(0,i+1); if(sub[0]=='0' && sub.size()!=1) goto finish; num[index]=atoi(sub.c_str()); cs.erase(0,i+1); if(!(i==3 && num[index]>255)) In(res,num,index+1,cs); } finish:; } else { if(!s.size()) { string newstr=""; for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { if(num[i]>255) { goto end;//res.push_back("exceed"); } else { if(i!=3) newstr+=itoa(num[i])+"."; else newstr+=itoa(num[i]); } } res.push_back(newstr); } end:; } }
wxString CSourcesListBox::LoadDynPlaylist( wxString sName ) { wxString sReturn; SourcesToFilename( &sName, MUSIK_SOURCES_PLAYLIST_DYNAMIC ); if ( !wxFileExists( sName ) ) return wxT( "" ); wxTextFile In( sName ); In.Open(); if ( !In.IsOpened() ) return wxT( "" ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < In.GetLineCount(); i++ ) { sReturn += In.GetLine( i ); } return sReturn; }
char CEmailAddress::MPAtom(const CString& iStr, int& curPos){ /* atom = 1*<any CHAR except specials, SPACE and CTLs> */ if (curPos >= (int) iStr.GetLength()) { return 0; } unsigned char c = (unsigned char) iStr[curPos]; if (c <= 31) return 0; else if (c == 127) return 0; else if (c == ' ') return 0; else if (In(c, g_strRfc822EmailAddressSpecials)) return 0; else { curPos++; return c; } }
char CMail::MPAtom(const CString& iStr, int& curPos){ /* atom = 1*<any CHAR except specials, SPACE and CTLs> */ #ifdef M_DEBUG cout << "MPAtom() - " << curPos << endl; #endif char c = iStr[curPos]; if ((c >= 0)&&(c <= 31)) return 0; else if (c == 127) return 0; else if (c == ' ') return 0; else if (In(c, Specials)) return 0; else { curPos++; return c; } }
LONG ReadCapacity(BOOLEAN PMI, ULONG *BlockAdr, ULONG *BlockLen) {{{ ULONG Data[2]; LONG ret; SetCmd10(0x25, *BlockAdr, 0); if (PMI) Cmd10.LenLow = 1; /* und rufen */ ret = In(SetCmd((BYTE *)&Cmd10, 10, Data, sizeof(Data), DefTimeout)); /* und Antwort, bitte */ if (ret == 0) { *BlockAdr = Data[0]; *BlockLen = Data[1]; } return ret; }}}
void FiltersVector::GaussianBlur(ImageBuffer& Source, ImageBuffer& Dest, float Sigma) { CheckCompatibility(Source, Dest); // Prepare mask int MaskSize = int(ceil(3 * Sigma)); if (Sigma <= 0 || MaskSize > 31) throw cl::Error(CL_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, "Invalid sigma used with GaussianBlur - allowed : 0.01-10"); uint NbElements = (MaskSize * 2 + 1 ) * (MaskSize * 2 + 1 ); std::vector<float> Mask(NbElements); GenerateBlurMask(Mask, Sigma, MaskSize); // NOTE : Maybe we should generate the mask in the device to prevent having to send that buffer // Send mask to device ReadBuffer MaskBuffer(*m_CL,, NbElements); // Execute kernel Kernel(gaussian_blur, In(Source), Out(Dest), Source.Step(), Dest.Step(), Source.Height(), MaskBuffer, MaskSize); }
static rc_t CreateConfig(char* argv0) { const KFile* std_in = NULL; KDirectory* native = NULL; KDirectory* dir = NULL; rc_t rc = 0; char* location = NULL; char* mod = NULL; char* wmod = NULL; char* refseq = NULL; if (rc == 0) { rc = KDirectoryNativeDir(&native); } if (rc == 0) { const char* def = NULL; char cwd[PATH_MAX + 1] = ""; const char* home = getenv("HOME"); if (home) { def = home; } else { rc = VPathGetCWD(cwd, sizeof cwd); if (rc == 0 && cwd[0]) { def = cwd; } else { def = "."; } } while (rc == 0) { char buffer[PATH_MAX + 1]; rc = In("Specify configuration files directory", def, &location); if (rc == 0) { rc = KDirectoryOpenDirUpdate(native, &dir, false, location); if (rc == 0) { rc = KDirectoryVVisit (dir, false, scan_config_dir, buffer, ".", NULL); if (rc != 0) { if (rc == RC(rcExe, rcDirectory, rcListing, rcFile, rcExists) && buffer[0]) { PLOGERR(klogErr, (klogErr, rc, "Configuration file found: $(dir)/$(name)", "dir=%s,name=%s", location, buffer)); rc = 0; buffer[0] = '\0'; continue; } else { PLOGERR(klogErr, (klogErr, rc, "$(dir)/$(name)", "dir=%s,name=%s", location, buffer)); } } break; } else if (GetRCObject(rc) == rcPath && (GetRCState(rc) == rcIncorrect || GetRCState(rc) == rcNotFound)) { PLOGERR(klogErr, (klogErr, rc, "$(path)", "path=%s", location)); rc = 0; } else { DISP_RC(rc, location); } } } } while (rc == 0) { const KDirectory* dir = NULL; rc = In("Specify refseq installation directory", NULL, &refseq); if (rc != 0) { break; } rc = KDirectoryOpenDirRead(native, &dir, false, refseq); if (rc == 0) { RELEASE(KDirectory, dir); break; } else if (GetRCObject(rc) == rcPath && GetRCState(rc) == rcIncorrect) { PLOGERR(klogErr, (klogErr, rc, "$(path)", "path=%s", refseq)); rc = 0; } DISP_RC(rc, refseq); } if (rc == 0) { char buffer[512]; const char path[] = "vdb-config.kfg"; uint64_t pos = 0; KFile* f = NULL; rc = KDirectoryCreateFile(dir, &f, false, 0664, kcmCreate, path); DISP_RC(rc, path); if (rc == 0) { int n = snprintf(buffer, sizeof buffer, "refseq/servers = \"%s\"\n", refseq); if (n >= sizeof buffer) { rc = RC(rcExe, rcFile, rcWriting, rcBuffer, rcInsufficient); } else { size_t num_writ = 0; rc = KFileWrite(f, pos, buffer, strlen(buffer), &num_writ); pos += num_writ; } } if (rc == 0) { const char buffer[] = "refseq/volumes = \".\"\n"; size_t num_writ = 0; rc = KFileWrite(f, pos, buffer, strlen(buffer), &num_writ); pos += num_writ; } if (rc == 0 && mod && mod[0]) { int n = snprintf(buffer, sizeof buffer, "vdb/module/paths = \"%s\"\n", mod); if (n >= sizeof buffer) { rc = RC(rcExe, rcFile, rcWriting, rcBuffer, rcInsufficient); } else { size_t num_writ = 0; rc = KFileWrite(f, pos, buffer, strlen(buffer), &num_writ); pos += num_writ; } } if (rc == 0 && wmod && wmod[0]) { int n = snprintf(buffer, sizeof buffer, "vdb/wmodule/paths = \"%s\"\n", wmod); if (n >= sizeof buffer) { rc = RC(rcExe, rcFile, rcWriting, rcBuffer, rcInsufficient); } else { size_t num_writ = 0; rc = KFileWrite(f, pos, buffer, strlen(buffer), &num_writ); pos += num_writ; } } RELEASE(KFile, f); } free(mod); free(wmod); free(refseq); free(location); RELEASE(KDirectory, dir); RELEASE(KDirectory, native); RELEASE(KFile, std_in); DestroyStdin(); return rc; }
bool C_Mouse::InRect(RECT rc) { return (In(rc.left,,rc.left+rc.right,; }
//Private methods bool CtbzPlugin::Compress(const std::string& input, const std::string& output, IProgressbar* callback) { bool Ret = false; FILE* Out = fopen(output.c_str(), "wb"); // Open up the output file if(!Out) { std::cout << i8n("Error out file!") << '\n'; Ret = false; } else { BZFILE* BZ = 0; int Err = 0; BZ = BZ2_bzWriteOpen(&Err, Out, 9, 0, 90); if(Err != BZ_OK) { std::cout << i8n("Error bzWriteOpen!") << '\n'; Ret = false; } else { // Open up the input file std::ifstream In(input.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if(!In.good()) { std::cout << i8n("Error in file!") << '\n'; Ret = false; } else { // Get the file size. (I hate C I/O, so don't use them :D ) struct stat Info; double Total; //Try to stat file. if(stat(input.c_str(), &Info) == -1) { std::cout << i8n("Cannot stat ") << input.c_str() << '\n'; Ret = false; } else { char Buffer[4096]; memset(Buffer, 0, 4096); Total = Info.st_size; double Done = 0; do {, 4096); std::streamsize BytesRead = In.gcount(); Done += BytesRead; int Result = static_cast<int>((Done*50)/Total)+50; std::string Mess(i8n("bz2 compression of\n")); std::stringstream DoneStr; DoneStr << (Result-50)*2; Mess += output + " : " + DoneStr.str() + "%"; bool Continue = callback->UpdateProgress(Mess, false, Result); if(!Continue) break; BZ2_bzWrite(&Err, BZ, Buffer, BytesRead); } while(In.good()); if( In.bad() || !In.eof() ) Ret = false; else Ret = true; In.close(); } // Close up. BZ2_bzWriteClose(&Err, BZ, 0, 0, 0); fclose(Out); Out = 0; } } } return Ret; }
void ptRun(const gchar* Name, gint NrParameters, const GimpParam* Parameter, gint *nreturn_vals, GimpParam **return_vals) { printf("(%s,%d) '%s'\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); printf("Name : '%s'\n",Name); printf("NrParameters : %d\n",NrParameters); if (!strcmp(Name,"photivoSendToGimp")) { printf("RunMode : %d\n",Parameter[0].data.d_int32); printf("FileName1 : '%s'\n",Parameter[1].data.d_string); printf("FileName2 : '%s'\n",Parameter[2].data.d_string); QFile GimpFile(Parameter[1].data.d_string); bool result = | QIODevice::Text); assert(result); QTextStream In(&GimpFile); QString ImageFileName = In.readLine(); QString ExifFileName = In.readLine(); QString ICCFileName = In.readLine(); // Read image FILE *InputFile = fopen(ImageFileName.toLocal8Bit().data(),"rb"); if (!InputFile) { ptLogError(1,ImageFileName.toLocal8Bit().data()); return; // ptError_FileOpen; } short Colors; unsigned short Width; unsigned short Height; unsigned short BitsPerColor; char Buffer[128]; // Extremely naive. Probably just enough for testcases. char *s = fgets(Buffer,127,InputFile); assert ( s ); int n = sscanf(Buffer,"P%hd",&Colors); assert ( 1 == n ); assert(Colors == 6 ); do { s = fgets(Buffer,127,InputFile); assert ( s ); } while (Buffer[0] == '#'); sscanf(Buffer,"%hd %hd",&Width,&Height); s = fgets(Buffer,127,InputFile); assert ( s ); sscanf(Buffer,"%hd",&BitsPerColor); assert(BitsPerColor == 0xffff); Colors = 3; unsigned short (* ImageForGimp)[3] = (unsigned short (*)[3]) CALLOC2(Width*Height,sizeof(*ImageForGimp)); ptMemoryError(ImageForGimp,__FILE__,__LINE__); unsigned short* PpmRow = (unsigned short *) CALLOC2(Width*Height,sizeof(*PpmRow)); ptMemoryError(PpmRow,__FILE__,__LINE__); for (unsigned short Row=0; Row<Height; Row++) { size_t RV = fread(PpmRow,Colors*2,Width,InputFile); if (RV != (size_t) Width) { printf("ReadPpm error. Expected %d bytes. Got %d\n",Width,(int)RV); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (htons(0x55aa) != 0x55aa) { swab((char *)PpmRow,(char *)PpmRow,Width*Colors*2); } for (unsigned short Col=0; Col<Width; Col++) { for (short c=0;c<3;c++) { ImageForGimp[Row*Width+Col][c] = PpmRow[Col*Colors+c]; } } } FREE2(PpmRow); FCLOSE(InputFile); QFile ExifFile(ExifFileName); result =; assert(result); qint64 FileSize = ExifFile.size(); QDataStream ExifIn(&ExifFile); char* ExifBuffer = (char *) MALLOC2(FileSize); ptMemoryError(ExifBuffer,__FILE__,__LINE__); unsigned ExifBufferLength = ExifIn.readRawData(ExifBuffer,FileSize); ExifFile.close(); QFile ICCFile(ICCFileName); result =; assert(result); qint64 FileSize2 = ICCFile.size(); QDataStream ICCIn(&ICCFile); char* ICCBuffer = (char *) MALLOC2(FileSize2); ptMemoryError(ICCBuffer,__FILE__,__LINE__); unsigned ICCBufferLength = ICCIn.readRawData(ICCBuffer,FileSize2); ICCFile.close(); // And now copy to gimp. gint32 GimpImage = gimp_image_new(Width, Height, GIMP_RGB); assert (GimpImage != -1); gint32 GimpLayer = gimp_layer_new(GimpImage, "BG", Width, Height, GIMP_RGB_IMAGE, 100.0, GIMP_NORMAL_MODE); #if GIMP_MINOR_VERSION<=6 gimp_image_add_layer(GimpImage,GimpLayer,0); #else gimp_image_insert_layer(GimpImage,GimpLayer,0,0); #endif GimpDrawable* Drawable = gimp_drawable_get(GimpLayer); GimpPixelRgn PixelRegion; gimp_pixel_rgn_init(&PixelRegion, Drawable, 0, 0, Drawable->width, Drawable->height, true, false); unsigned short TileHeight = gimp_tile_height(); for (unsigned short Row=0; Row<Height; Row+=TileHeight) { unsigned short NrRows = MIN(Height-Row, (int)TileHeight); guint8* Buffer = g_new(guint8,TileHeight*Width*3); for (unsigned short i=0; i<NrRows; i++) { for (unsigned short j=0; j<Width; j++) { for (short c=0;c<3;c++) { Buffer[3*(i*Width+j)+c] = ImageForGimp[(Row+i)*Width+j][c]>>8; } } } gimp_pixel_rgn_set_rect(&PixelRegion, Buffer, 0, Row, Width, NrRows); g_free(Buffer); } gimp_drawable_flush(Drawable); gimp_drawable_detach(Drawable); FREE2(ImageForGimp); GimpParasite* GimpExifData = gimp_parasite_new("exif-data", GIMP_PARASITE_PERSISTENT, ExifBufferLength, ExifBuffer); gimp_image_parasite_attach(GimpImage,GimpExifData); gimp_parasite_free(GimpExifData); FREE2(ExifBuffer); GimpParasite* GimpICCData = gimp_parasite_new("icc-profile", GIMP_PARASITE_PERSISTENT, ICCBufferLength, ICCBuffer); gimp_image_parasite_attach(GimpImage,GimpICCData); gimp_parasite_free(GimpICCData); FREE2(ICCBuffer); static GimpParam Values[2]; *nreturn_vals = 2; *return_vals = Values; Values[0].type = GIMP_PDB_STATUS; Values[0].data.d_status = GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS; Values[1].type = GIMP_PDB_IMAGE; Values[1].data.d_image = GimpImage; QFile::remove(ImageFileName); QFile::remove(ExifFileName); QFile::remove(ICCFileName); QFile::remove(Parameter[1].data.d_string); }
double initialize(double **data, double **centroids, int *ppp, int rank, int size, options opt) { MPI_Status status; double comm_time = 0.0; if(rank == 0) { #ifdef TIME_ALL timestamp_type comm_s, comm_e; #endif int i, idx, owner; int *init = (int*) malloc(opt.n_centroids * sizeof(int)); check(init); double *point = (double*) malloc(opt.dimensions * sizeof(double)); check(point); double *tofree = point; for(i = 0; i < opt.n_centroids; i++){ while(In(idx = randint(opt.n_points), init, i)); init[i] = idx; owner = get_owner(&idx, ppp); if(owner != 0) { #ifdef TIME_ALL get_timestamp(&comm_s); #endif MPI_Send(&idx, 1, MPI_INT, owner, 999, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Recv(point, opt.dimensions, MPI_DOUBLE, owner, 999, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); #ifdef TIME_ALL get_timestamp(&comm_e); comm_time += timestamp_diff_in_seconds(comm_s, comm_e); #endif } else{ point = data[idx]; } // printf("%d owned by %d at %d ", init[i], owner, idx); // print_vec(point, opt.dimensions); memcpy(centroids[i], point, opt.dimensions * sizeof(double)); point = tofree; } idx = -1; #ifdef TIME_ALL get_timestamp(&comm_s); #endif for(i = 1; i < size; i++) MPI_Send(&idx, 1, MPI_INT, i, 999, MPI_COMM_WORLD); #ifdef TIME_ALL get_timestamp(&comm_e); comm_time += timestamp_diff_in_seconds(comm_s, comm_e); #endif free(init); free(tofree); } else { int get_point; while(1) { MPI_Recv(&get_point, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 999, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); if(get_point != -1) MPI_Send(data[get_point], opt.dimensions, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 999, MPI_COMM_WORLD); else break; } } return comm_time; }
double EvaExpression() { SqStack<int> OPTR; SqStack<double> OPND; int buffer; bool preIsDigit = false; bool hasDot = false; int exp; double ans = 0; OPTR.Push(Index('#')); buffer = mGetchar(); if (buffer == INPUT_VALID) return EvaExpression(); while (buffer!='#' || OPTR.GetTop()!=Index('#')) { if (buffer == '.') { if (hasDot) { char tmp_s[1024]; printf("您的输入有误,请确保输入的算术表达式合法!\n"); if (buffer != '\n') gets(tmp_s); return EvaExpression(); } hasDot = true; exp = 0; buffer = mGetchar(); if (buffer == INPUT_VALID) return EvaExpression(); } else if (In(buffer, DIGIT)) { if (preIsDigit) { double number; OPND.Pop(&number); if (hasDot) { exp--; number += E(buffer-'0', exp); } else { number *= 10; number += buffer-'0'; } OPND.Push(number); } else { OPND.Push(buffer-'0'); preIsDigit = true; } buffer = mGetchar(); if (buffer == INPUT_VALID) return EvaExpression(); } else { int toOperate, top; preIsDigit = false; hasDot = false; toOperate = Index(buffer); top = OPTR.GetTop(); switch(cmp[top][toOperate]) { case -1: OPTR.Push(toOperate); buffer = mGetchar(); if (buffer == INPUT_VALID) return EvaExpression(); break; case 0: int tmp; OPTR.Pop(&tmp); buffer = mGetchar(); if (buffer == INPUT_VALID) return EvaExpression(); break; case 1: int op; double a, b; if (OPTR.Pop(&op) != OK || OPND.Pop(&b) != OK || OPND.Pop(&a) != OK) { char tmp_s[1024]; printf("您的输入有误,请确保输入的算术表达式合法!\n"); if (buffer != '\n') gets(tmp_s); return EvaExpression(); } ans = Operate(a, op, b); OPND.Push(ans); break; case ERROR: char tmp_s[1024]; printf("您的输入有误,请确保输入的算术表达式合法!\n"); if (buffer != '\n') gets(tmp_s); return EvaExpression(); default: exit(ERROR); } } } OPND.Pop(&ans); if (OPTR.IsEmpty() || OPND.IsEmpty() ) return ans; char tmp_s[1024]; printf("您的输入有误,请确保输入的算术表达式合法!\n"); if (buffer != '\n') gets(tmp_s); return EvaExpression(); }
LONG TestUnitReady(void) { SetCmd6(0x00, 0, 0); return In(SetCmd((BYTE *)&Cmd6, 6, NULL, 0, DefTimeout)); }
void PoissonReconstruction::PoissonRecon(int argc , char* argv[], const MagicDGP::Point3DSet* pPC, std::vector< PlyValueVertex< float > >& vertices, std::vector< std::vector< int > >& polygons) { cmdLineString In( "in" ) , Out( "out" ) , VoxelGrid( "voxel" ) , XForm( "xForm" ); cmdLineReadable Performance( "performance" ) , ShowResidual( "showResidual" ) , NoComments( "noComments" ) , PolygonMesh( "polygonMesh" ) , Confidence( "confidence" ) , NonManifold( "nonManifold" ) , ASCII( "ascii" ) , Density( "density" ) , Verbose( "verbose" ); cmdLineInt Depth( "depth" , 8 ) , SolverDivide( "solverDivide" , 8 ) , IsoDivide( "isoDivide" , 8 ) , KernelDepth( "kernelDepth" ) , AdaptiveExponent( "adaptiveExp" , 1 ) , MinIters( "minIters" , 24 ) , FixedIters( "iters" , -1 ) , VoxelDepth( "voxelDepth" , -1 ) , MinDepth( "minDepth" , 5 ) , MaxSolveDepth( "maxSolveDepth" ) , BoundaryType( "boundary" , 1 ) , Threads( "threads" , omp_get_num_procs() ); cmdLineFloat SamplesPerNode( "samplesPerNode" , 1.f ) , Scale( "scale" , 1.1f ) , SolverAccuracy( "accuracy" , float(1e-3) ) , PointWeight( "pointWeight" , 4.f ); cmdLineReadable* params[] = { &In , &Depth , &Out , &XForm , &SolverDivide , &IsoDivide , &Scale , &Verbose , &SolverAccuracy , &NoComments , &KernelDepth , &SamplesPerNode , &Confidence , &NonManifold , &PolygonMesh , &ASCII , &ShowResidual , &MinIters , &FixedIters , &VoxelDepth , &PointWeight , &VoxelGrid , &Threads , &MinDepth , &MaxSolveDepth , &AdaptiveExponent , &BoundaryType , &Density }; cmdLineParse( argc , argv , sizeof(params)/sizeof(cmdLineReadable*) , params , 1 ); /*if( Density.set ) return Execute< 2 , PlyValueVertex< Real > , true >(argc , argv, pPC); else return Execute< 2 , PlyVertex< Real > , false >(argc , argv, pPC);*/ //Execute int i; int paramNum = sizeof(params)/sizeof(cmdLineReadable*); int commentNum=0; char **comments; comments = new char*[paramNum + 7]; for( i=0 ; i<paramNum+7 ; i++ ) comments[i] = new char[1024]; //if( Verbose.set ) echoStdout=1; XForm4x4< Real > xForm , iXForm; if( XForm.set ) { FILE* fp = fopen( XForm.value , "r" ); if( !fp ) { fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] Could not read x-form from: %s\n" , XForm.value ); xForm = XForm4x4< Real >::Identity(); } else { for( int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<4 ; j++ ) fscanf( fp , " %f " , &xForm( i , j ) ); fclose( fp ); } } else xForm = XForm4x4< Real >::Identity(); iXForm = xForm.inverse(); //DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "Running Screened Poisson Reconstruction (Version 5.0)\n" , Degree ); //char str[1024]; //for( int i=0 ; i<paramNum ; i++ ) // if( params[i]->set ) // { // params[i]->writeValue( str ); // if( strlen( str ) ) DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "\t--%s %s\n" , params[i]->name , str ); // else DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "\t--%s\n" , params[i]->name ); // } double t; double tt=Time(); Real isoValue = 0; //Octree< Degree , OutputDensity > tree; Octree< 2 , true > tree; tree.threads = Threads.value; //if( !In.set ) //{ // ShowUsage(argv[0]); // return 0; //} if( !MaxSolveDepth.set ) MaxSolveDepth.value = Depth.value; if( SolverDivide.value<MinDepth.value ) { fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] %s must be at least as large as %s: %d>=%d\n" , , , SolverDivide.value , MinDepth.value ); SolverDivide.value = MinDepth.value; } if( IsoDivide.value<MinDepth.value ) { fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] %s must be at least as large as %s: %d>=%d\n" , , , IsoDivide.value , IsoDivide.value ); IsoDivide.value = MinDepth.value; } OctNode< TreeNodeData< true > , Real >::SetAllocator( MEMORY_ALLOCATOR_BLOCK_SIZE ); t=Time(); int kernelDepth = KernelDepth.set ? KernelDepth.value : Depth.value-2; tree.setBSplineData( Depth.value , BoundaryType.value ); //if( kernelDepth>Depth.value ) //{ // fprintf( stderr,"[ERROR] %s can't be greater than %s: %d <= %d\n" , , , KernelDepth.value , Depth.value ); // return EXIT_FAILURE; //} // int pointNumber = pPC->GetPointNumber(); std::vector<float> posList(pointNumber * 3); std::vector<float> norList(pointNumber * 3); for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < pointNumber; pIndex++) { * pIndex + 0) = pPC->GetPoint(pIndex)->GetPosition()[0]; * pIndex + 1) = pPC->GetPoint(pIndex)->GetPosition()[1]; * pIndex + 2) = pPC->GetPoint(pIndex)->GetPosition()[2]; * pIndex + 0) = pPC->GetPoint(pIndex)->GetNormal()[0]; * pIndex + 1) = pPC->GetPoint(pIndex)->GetNormal()[1]; * pIndex + 2) = pPC->GetPoint(pIndex)->GetNormal()[2]; } // double maxMemoryUsage; t=Time() , tree.maxMemoryUsage=0; //int pointCount = tree.setTree( In.value , Depth.value , MinDepth.value , kernelDepth , Real(SamplesPerNode.value) , Scale.value , Confidence.set , PointWeight.value , AdaptiveExponent.value , xForm ); int pointCount = tree.setTree( posList, norList, Depth.value , MinDepth.value , kernelDepth , Real(SamplesPerNode.value) , Scale.value , Confidence.set , PointWeight.value , AdaptiveExponent.value , xForm ); tree.ClipTree(); tree.finalize( IsoDivide.value ); /*DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "# Tree set in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage ); DumpOutput( "Input Points: %d\n" , pointCount ); DumpOutput( "Leaves/Nodes: %d/%d\n" , tree.tree.leaves() , tree.tree.nodes() ); DumpOutput( "Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n" , float( MemoryInfo::Usage() )/(1<<20) );*/ maxMemoryUsage = tree.maxMemoryUsage; t=Time() , tree.maxMemoryUsage=0; tree.SetLaplacianConstraints(); /*DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "# Constraints set in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage ); DumpOutput( "Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n" , float( MemoryInfo::Usage())/(1<<20) );*/ maxMemoryUsage = std::max< double >( maxMemoryUsage , tree.maxMemoryUsage ); t=Time() , tree.maxMemoryUsage=0; tree.LaplacianMatrixIteration( SolverDivide.value, ShowResidual.set , MinIters.value , SolverAccuracy.value , MaxSolveDepth.value , FixedIters.value ); /*DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "# Linear system solved in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage ); DumpOutput( "Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n" , float( MemoryInfo::Usage() )/(1<<20) );*/ maxMemoryUsage = std::max< double >( maxMemoryUsage , tree.maxMemoryUsage ); CoredFileMeshData< PlyValueVertex< Real > > mesh; if( Verbose.set ) tree.maxMemoryUsage=0; t=Time(); isoValue = tree.GetIsoValue(); //DumpOutput( "Got average in: %f\n" , Time()-t ); //DumpOutput( "Iso-Value: %e\n" , isoValue ); if( VoxelGrid.set ) { double t = Time(); FILE* fp = fopen( VoxelGrid.value , "wb" ); if( !fp ) fprintf( stderr , "Failed to open voxel file for writing: %s\n" , VoxelGrid.value ); else { int res; Pointer( Real ) values = tree.GetSolutionGrid( res , isoValue , VoxelDepth.value ); fwrite( &res , sizeof(int) , 1 , fp ); if( sizeof(Real)==sizeof(float) ) fwrite( values , sizeof(float) , res*res*res , fp ); else { float *fValues = new float[res*res*res]; for( int i=0 ; i<res*res*res ; i++ ) fValues[i] = float( values[i] ); fwrite( fValues , sizeof(float) , res*res*res , fp ); delete[] fValues; } fclose( fp ); DeletePointer( values ); } //DumpOutput( "Got voxel grid in: %f\n" , Time()-t ); } if( Out.set ) { t = Time() , tree.maxMemoryUsage = 0; tree.GetMCIsoTriangles( isoValue , IsoDivide.value , &mesh , 0 , 1 , !NonManifold.set , PolygonMesh.set ); //if( PolygonMesh.set ) DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "# Got polygons in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage ); //else DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "# Got triangles in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage ); maxMemoryUsage = std::max< double >( maxMemoryUsage , tree.maxMemoryUsage ); //DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++],"# Total Solve: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-tt , maxMemoryUsage ); //if( NoComments.set ) //{ // if( ASCII.set ) PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , &mesh , PLY_ASCII , NULL , 0 , iXForm ); // else PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , &mesh , PLY_BINARY_NATIVE , NULL , 0 , iXForm ); //} //else //{ // if( ASCII.set ) PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , &mesh , PLY_ASCII , comments , commentNum , iXForm ); // else PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , &mesh , PLY_BINARY_NATIVE , comments , commentNum , iXForm ); //} vertices.clear(); polygons.clear(); int incorePointNum = int( mesh.inCorePoints.size() ); int outofcorePointNum = mesh.outOfCorePointCount(); DebugLog << "incorePointNum: " << incorePointNum << std::endl; DebugLog << "outofcorePointNum: " << outofcorePointNum << std::endl; mesh.resetIterator(); for(int pIndex = 0 ; pIndex < incorePointNum ; pIndex++ ) { PlyValueVertex< Real > vertex = iXForm * mesh.inCorePoints[pIndex]; vertices.push_back(vertex); //ply_put_element(ply, (void *) &vertex); } for(int pIndex = 0; pIndex < outofcorePointNum; pIndex++ ) { PlyValueVertex< Real > vertex; mesh.nextOutOfCorePoint( vertex ); vertex = iXForm * ( vertex ); vertices.push_back(vertex); //ply_put_element(ply, (void *) &vertex); } int polyNum = mesh.polygonCount(); DebugLog << "polyNum: " << polyNum << std::endl; for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < polyNum; pIndex++) { std::vector< CoredVertexIndex > coreIndex; mesh.nextPolygon(coreIndex); std::vector< int > pureIndex; for (int ii = 0; ii < coreIndex.size(); ii++) { if ( { pureIndex.push_back(; } else { pureIndex.push_back( + incorePointNum); } } if (coreIndex.size() != 3) { DebugLog << "Error: coreIndex.size: " << coreIndex.size() << std::endl; } polygons.push_back(pureIndex); } //just for test /*DebugLog << "Export inter object" << std::endl; std::ofstream fout("pc_inter.obj"); for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < vertices.size(); pIndex++) { PlyValueVertex< float > vert =; fout << "v " << vert.point[0] << " " << vert.point[1] << " " << vert.point[2] << std::endl; } for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < polygons.size(); pIndex++) { fout << "f " << + 1 << " " << + 1 << " " << + 1 << std::endl; } fout.close();*/ } }
MagicDGP::LightMesh3D* PoissonReconstruction::SurfaceTrimmer(int argc , char* argv[], std::vector< PlyValueVertex< float > >& vertices, std::vector< std::vector< int > >& polygons) { cmdLineString In( "in" ) , Out( "out" ); cmdLineInt Smooth( "smooth" , 5 ); cmdLineFloat Trim( "trim" ) , IslandAreaRatio( "aRatio" , 0.001f ); cmdLineFloatArray< 2 > ColorRange( "color" ); cmdLineReadable PolygonMesh( "polygonMesh" ); cmdLineReadable* params[] = { &In , &Out , &Trim , &PolygonMesh , &ColorRange , &Smooth , &IslandAreaRatio }; int paramNum = sizeof(params)/sizeof(cmdLineReadable*); cmdLineParse( argc , argv, paramNum , params , 0 ); float min , max; //std::vector< PlyValueVertex< float > > vertices; //std::vector< std::vector< int > > polygons; //int ft , commentNum = paramNum+2; //char** comments; //bool readFlags[ PlyValueVertex< float >::Components ]; //PlyReadPolygons( In.value , vertices , polygons , PlyValueVertex< float >::Properties , PlyValueVertex< float >::Components , ft , &comments , &commentNum , readFlags ); //if( !readFlags[3] ){ fprintf( stderr , "[ERROR] vertices do not have value flag\n" ) ; return EXIT_FAILURE; } for( int i=0 ; i<Smooth.value ; i++ ) SmoothValues( vertices , polygons ); min = max = vertices[0].value; for( size_t i=0 ; i<vertices.size() ; i++ ) min = std::min< float >( min , vertices[i].value ) , max = std::max< float >( max , vertices[i].value ); printf( "Value Range: [%f,%f]\n" , min , max ); if( Trim.set ) { hash_map< long long , int > vertexTable; std::vector< std::vector< int > > ltPolygons , gtPolygons; std::vector< bool > ltFlags , gtFlags; /*for( int i=0 ; i<paramNum+2 ; i++ ) comments[i+commentNum]=new char[1024]; sprintf( comments[commentNum++] , "Running Surface Trimmer (V5)" ); if( In.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s %s" , , In.value ); if( Out.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s %s" , , Out.value ); if( Trim.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s %f" , , Trim.value ); if( Smooth.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s %d" , , Smooth.value ); if( IslandAreaRatio.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s %f" , , IslandAreaRatio.value ); if( PolygonMesh.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s" , );*/ double t=Time(); for( size_t i=0 ; i<polygons.size() ; i++ ) SplitPolygon( polygons[i] , vertices , <Polygons , >Polygons , <Flags , >Flags , vertexTable , Trim.value ); if( IslandAreaRatio.value>0 ) { std::vector< std::vector< int > > _ltPolygons , _gtPolygons; std::vector< std::vector< int > > ltComponents , gtComponents; SetConnectedComponents( ltPolygons , ltComponents ); SetConnectedComponents( gtPolygons , gtComponents ); std::vector< double > ltAreas( ltComponents.size() , 0. ) , gtAreas( gtComponents.size() , 0. ); std::vector< bool > ltComponentFlags( ltComponents.size() , false ) , gtComponentFlags( gtComponents.size() , false ); double area = 0.; for( size_t i=0 ; i<ltComponents.size() ; i++ ) { for( size_t j=0 ; j<ltComponents[i].size() ; j++ ) { ltAreas[i] += PolygonArea( vertices , ltPolygons[ ltComponents[i][j] ] ); ltComponentFlags[i] = ( ltComponentFlags[i] || ltFlags[ ltComponents[i][j] ] ); } area += ltAreas[i]; } for( size_t i=0 ; i<gtComponents.size() ; i++ ) { for( size_t j=0 ; j<gtComponents[i].size() ; j++ ) { gtAreas[i] += PolygonArea( vertices , gtPolygons[ gtComponents[i][j] ] ); gtComponentFlags[i] = ( gtComponentFlags[i] || gtFlags[ gtComponents[i][j] ] ); } area += gtAreas[i]; } for( size_t i=0 ; i<ltComponents.size() ; i++ ) { if( ltAreas[i]<area*IslandAreaRatio.value && ltComponentFlags[i] ) for( size_t j=0 ; j<ltComponents[i].size() ; j++ ) _gtPolygons.push_back( ltPolygons[ ltComponents[i][j] ] ); else for( size_t j=0 ; j<ltComponents[i].size() ; j++ ) _ltPolygons.push_back( ltPolygons[ ltComponents[i][j] ] ); } for( size_t i=0 ; i<gtComponents.size() ; i++ ) { if( gtAreas[i]<area*IslandAreaRatio.value && gtComponentFlags[i] ) for( size_t j=0 ; j<gtComponents[i].size() ; j++ ) _ltPolygons.push_back( gtPolygons[ gtComponents[i][j] ] ); else for( size_t j=0 ; j<gtComponents[i].size() ; j++ ) _gtPolygons.push_back( gtPolygons[ gtComponents[i][j] ] ); } ltPolygons = _ltPolygons , gtPolygons = _gtPolygons; } if( !PolygonMesh.set ) { { std::vector< std::vector< int > > polys = ltPolygons; Triangulate( vertices , ltPolygons , polys ) , ltPolygons = polys; } { std::vector< std::vector< int > > polys = gtPolygons; Triangulate( vertices , gtPolygons , polys ) , gtPolygons = polys; } } RemoveHangingVertices( vertices , gtPolygons ); MagicDGP::LightMesh3D* pExportMesh = new MagicDGP::LightMesh3D; for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < vertices.size(); pIndex++) { PlyValueVertex< float > vert =; MagicMath::Vector3 vertPos(vert.point[0], vert.point[1], vert.point[2]); pExportMesh->InsertVertex(vertPos); } for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < gtPolygons.size(); pIndex++) { MagicDGP::FaceIndex faceIdx; for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { faceIdx.mIndex[k] =; } pExportMesh->InsertFace(faceIdx); } pExportMesh->UpdateNormal(); return pExportMesh; } else { //if( ColorRange.set ) min = ColorRange.values[0] , max = ColorRange.values[1]; //std::vector< PlyColorVertex< float > > outVertices; //ColorVertices( vertices , outVertices , min , max ); ////if( Out.set ) PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , outVertices , polygons , PlyColorVertex< float >::Properties , PlyColorVertex< float >::Components , ft , comments , commentNum ); //if( Out.set ) PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , outVertices , polygons , PlyColorVertex< float >::Properties , PlyColorVertex< float >::Components , 1 , NULL , 0 ); } return NULL; }
static T InOut(T normalizedTime) { constexpr auto half = T(1) / 2; return (time < half) ? half * In(normalizedTime * 2) : half + half * Out(normalizedTime * 2 - 1); }
bool Settings::Load() { Print("Loading settings."); std::ifstream In(FilePath.c_str()); if(!In.good()) { return false; } unsigned int SettingsLoaded=0; std::string Line; while(std::getline(In, Line)) { if(Line.size()>0) { std::vector<std::string> Parts=Split(Line, ": "); if(Parts.size()==4) { if(Parts[0]=="SelectedColour") { SettingsLoaded++; SelectedColour.a=255; SelectedColour.r=atoi(Parts[1].c_str()); SelectedColour.g=atoi(Parts[2].c_str()); SelectedColour.b=atoi(Parts[3].c_str()); } else if(Parts[0]=="UnselectedColour") { SettingsLoaded++; UnselectedColour.a=255; UnselectedColour.r=atoi(Parts[1].c_str()); UnselectedColour.g=atoi(Parts[2].c_str()); UnselectedColour.b=atoi(Parts[3].c_str()); } } else if(Parts.size()==2) { if(Parts[0]=="TileWidth") { TileWidth=atoi(Parts[1].c_str()); } else if(Parts[0]=="TileHeight") { TileHeight=atoi(Parts[1].c_str()); } } } } In.close(); if(SettingsLoaded!=2) { Print("Failed to load settings."); return false; } else { Print("Loaded settings succesfully."); return true; } }