Пример #1
void AdjustCandidateSet()
    Candidate *NFrom, *NN, Temp;
    Node *From = FirstNode, *To;

    /* Extend and reorder candidate sets */
    do {
        if (!From->CandidateSet)
            assert(From->CandidateSet =
                   (Candidate *) calloc(3, sizeof(Candidate)));
        /* Extend */
        for (To = From->Pred; To; To = To == From->Pred ? From->Suc : 0) {
            int Count = 0;
            if ((ProblemType == HCP || ProblemType == HPP) &&
                !IsBackboneCandidate(From, To))
            for (NFrom = From->CandidateSet; NFrom->To && NFrom->To != To;
            if (!NFrom->To) {
                /* Add new candidate edge */
                NFrom->Cost = C(From, To);
                NFrom->To = To;
                NFrom->Alpha = INT_MAX;
                assert(From->CandidateSet =
                       (Candidate *) realloc(From->CandidateSet,
                                             (Count +
                                              2) * sizeof(Candidate)));
                From->CandidateSet[Count + 1].To = 0;
        /* Reorder */
        for (NFrom = From->CandidateSet + 1; (To = NFrom->To); NFrom++)
            if (InBestTour(From, To) &&
                (InNextBestTour(From, To) || InInitialTour(From, To))) {
                /* Move the edge to the start of the candidate table */
                Temp = *NFrom;
                for (NN = NFrom - 1; NN >= From->CandidateSet; NN--)
                    *(NN + 1) = *NN;
                *(NN + 1) = Temp;
    while ((From = From->Suc) != FirstNode);
int IsPossibleCandidate(Node * From, Node * To)
    Node *Na, *Nb, *Nc, *N;

    if (InInitialTour(From, To) ||
        From->SubproblemSuc == To || To->SubproblemSuc == From ||
        FixedOrCommon(From, To))
        return 1;
    if (From->FixedTo2 || To->FixedTo2)
        return 0;
    if (MergeTourFiles < 2)
        return 1;
    if (!From->Head) {
        Nb = FirstNode;
        do {
            Na = Nb;
            Nb = Na->MergeSuc[0];
        } while (Nb != FirstNode && FixedOrCommon(Na, Nb));
        if (Nb != FirstNode) {
            N = Nb;
            do {
                Nc = Nb;
                do {
                    Na = Nb;
                    Na->Head = Nc;
                    Nb = Na->MergeSuc[0];
                } while (FixedOrCommon(Na, Nb));
                    Nc->Tail = Na;
                while ((Nc = Nc->MergeSuc[0]) != Nb);
            } while (Nb != N);
        } else {
                Nb->Head = Nb->Tail = FirstNode;
            while ((Nb = Nb->Suc) != FirstNode);
    if (From->Head == To->Head ||
        (From->Head != From && From->Tail != From) ||
        (To->Head != To && To->Tail != To))
        return 0;
    return 1;
Пример #3
void ChooseInitialTour()
    Node *N, *NextN, *FirstAlternative, *Last;
    Candidate *NN;
    int Alternatives, Count, i;

    if (KickType > 0 && Kicks > 0 && Trial > 1) {
        for (Last = FirstNode; (N = Last->BestSuc) != FirstNode; Last = N)
            Follow(N, Last);
        for (i = 1; i <= Kicks; i++)
    if (Trial == 1 && (!FirstNode->InitialSuc || InitialTourFraction < 1)) {
        if (InitialTourAlgorithm == BORUVKA ||
            InitialTourAlgorithm == GREEDY ||
            InitialTourAlgorithm == MOORE ||
            InitialTourAlgorithm == NEAREST_NEIGHBOR ||
            InitialTourAlgorithm == QUICK_BORUVKA ||
            InitialTourAlgorithm == SIERPINSKI) {
            GainType Cost = InitialTourAlgorithm == MOORE ||
                InitialTourAlgorithm == SIERPINSKI ?
                SFCTour(InitialTourAlgorithm) : GreedyTour();
            if (MaxTrials == 0) {
                BetterCost = Cost;
            if (!FirstNode->InitialSuc)

    /* Mark all nodes as "not chosen" by setting their V field to zero */
    N = FirstNode;
        N->V = 0;
    while ((N = N->Suc) != FirstNode);
    Count = 0;

    /* Choose FirstNode without two incident fixed or common candidate edges */
    do {
        if (FixedOrCommonCandidates(N) < 2)
    while ((N = N->Suc) != FirstNode);
    if (ProblemType == ATSP && N->Id <= DimensionSaved)
        N += DimensionSaved;
    FirstNode = N;

    /* Move nodes with two incident fixed or common candidate edges in 
       front of FirstNode */
    for (Last = FirstNode->Pred; N != Last; N = NextN) {
        NextN = N->Suc;
        if (FixedOrCommonCandidates(N) == 2)
            Follow(N, Last);

    /* Mark FirstNode as chosen */
    FirstNode->V = 1;
    N = FirstNode;

    /* Loop as long as not all nodes have been chosen */
    while (N->Suc != FirstNode) {
        FirstAlternative = 0;
        Alternatives = 0;

        /* Case A */
        for (NN = N->CandidateSet; (NextN = NN->To); NN++) {
            if (!NextN->V && Fixed(N, NextN)) {
                NextN->Next = FirstAlternative;
                FirstAlternative = NextN;
        if (Alternatives == 0 && MergeTourFiles > 1) {
            for (NN = N->CandidateSet; (NextN = NN->To); NN++) {
                if (!NextN->V && IsCommonEdge(N, NextN)) {
                    NextN->Next = FirstAlternative;
                    FirstAlternative = NextN;
        if (Alternatives == 0 && FirstNode->InitialSuc && Trial == 1 &&
            Count <= InitialTourFraction * Dimension) {
            /* Case B */
            for (NN = N->CandidateSet; (NextN = NN->To); NN++) {
                if (!NextN->V && InInitialTour(N, NextN)) {
                    NextN->Next = FirstAlternative;
                    FirstAlternative = NextN;
        if (Alternatives == 0 && Trial > 1 &&
            ProblemType != HCP && ProblemType != HPP) {
            /* Case C */
            for (NN = N->CandidateSet; (NextN = NN->To); NN++) {
                if (!NextN->V && FixedOrCommonCandidates(NextN) < 2 &&
                    NN->Alpha == 0 && (InBestTour(N, NextN) ||
                                       InNextBestTour(N, NextN))) {
                    NextN->Next = FirstAlternative;
                    FirstAlternative = NextN;
        if (Alternatives == 0) {
            /* Case D */
            for (NN = N->CandidateSet; (NextN = NN->To); NN++) {
                if (!NextN->V && FixedOrCommonCandidates(NextN) < 2) {
                    NextN->Next = FirstAlternative;
                    FirstAlternative = NextN;
        if (Alternatives == 0) {
            /* Case E (actually not really a random choice) */
            NextN = N->Suc;
            while ((FixedOrCommonCandidates(NextN) == 2 || Forbidden(N, NextN))
                   && NextN->Suc != FirstNode)
                NextN = NextN->Suc;
            if (FixedOrCommonCandidates(NextN) == 2 || Forbidden(N, NextN)) {
                FirstNode = FirstNode->Suc;
                goto Start;
        } else {
            NextN = FirstAlternative;
            if (Alternatives > 1) {
                /* Select NextN at random among the alternatives */
                i = Random() % Alternatives;
                while (i--)
                    NextN = NextN->Next;
        /* Include NextN as the successor of N */
        Follow(NextN, N);
        N = NextN;
        N->V = 1;
    if (Forbidden(N, N->Suc)) {
        FirstNode = FirstNode->Suc;
        goto Start;
    if (MaxTrials == 0) {
        GainType Cost = 0;
        N = FirstNode;
            Cost += C(N, N->Suc) - N->Pi - N->Suc->Pi;
        while ((N = N->Suc) != FirstNode);
        Cost /= Precision;
        if (Cost < BetterCost) {
            BetterCost = Cost;