Пример #1
 Constructor for the data structure of CG vectors.

 @param[in]  A    the data structure that describes the problem matrix and its structure
 @param[out] data the data structure for CG vectors that will be allocated to get it ready for use in CG iterations
inline void InitializeSparseCGData(SparseMatrix & A, CGData & data) {
  local_int_t nrow = A.localNumberOfRows;
  local_int_t ncol = A.localNumberOfColumns;
  InitializeVector(data.r, nrow);
  InitializeVector(data.z, ncol);
  InitializeVector(data.p, ncol);
  InitializeVector(data.Ap, nrow);
Пример #2
int TestSymmetry(SparseMatrix & A, Vector & b, Vector & xexact, TestSymmetryData & testsymmetry_data) {

 local_int_t nrow = A.localNumberOfRows;
 local_int_t ncol = A.localNumberOfColumns;

 Vector x_ncol, y_ncol, z_ncol;
 InitializeVector(x_ncol, ncol);
 InitializeVector(y_ncol, ncol);
 InitializeVector(z_ncol, ncol);

 double t4 = 0.0; // Needed for dot-product call, otherwise unused
 testsymmetry_data.count_fail = 0;

 // Test symmetry of matrix

 // First load vectors with random values

 double xNorm2, yNorm2;
 double ANorm = 2 * 26.0;

 // Next, compute x'*A*y
 ComputeDotProduct(nrow, y_ncol, y_ncol, yNorm2, t4, A.isDotProductOptimized);
 int ierr = ComputeSPMV(A, y_ncol, z_ncol); // z_nrow = A*y_overlap
 if (ierr) HPCG_fout << "Error in call to SpMV: " << ierr << ".\n" << endl;
 double xtAy = 0.0;
 ierr = ComputeDotProduct(nrow, x_ncol, z_ncol, xtAy, t4, A.isDotProductOptimized); // x'*A*y
 if (ierr) HPCG_fout << "Error in call to dot: " << ierr << ".\n" << endl;

 // Next, compute y'*A*x
 ComputeDotProduct(nrow, x_ncol, x_ncol, xNorm2, t4, A.isDotProductOptimized);
 ierr = ComputeSPMV(A, x_ncol, z_ncol); // b_computed = A*x_overlap
 if (ierr) HPCG_fout << "Error in call to SpMV: " << ierr << ".\n" << endl;
 double ytAx = 0.0;
 ierr = ComputeDotProduct(nrow, y_ncol, z_ncol, ytAx, t4, A.isDotProductOptimized); // y'*A*x
 if (ierr) HPCG_fout << "Error in call to dot: " << ierr << ".\n" << endl;

 testsymmetry_data.depsym_spmv = std::fabs((long double) (xtAy - ytAx))/((xNorm2*ANorm*yNorm2 + yNorm2*ANorm*xNorm2) * (DBL_EPSILON));
 if (testsymmetry_data.depsym_spmv > 1.0) ++testsymmetry_data.count_fail;  // If the difference is > 1, count it wrong
 if (A.geom->rank==0) HPCG_fout << "Departure from symmetry (scaled) for SpMV abs(x'*A*y - y'*A*x) = " << testsymmetry_data.depsym_spmv << endl;

 // Test symmetry of symmetric Gauss-Seidel

 // Compute x'*Minv*y
 ierr = ComputeMG(A, y_ncol, z_ncol); // z_ncol = Minv*y_ncol
 if (ierr) HPCG_fout << "Error in call to MG: " << ierr << ".\n" << endl;
 double xtMinvy = 0.0;
 ierr = ComputeDotProduct(nrow, x_ncol, z_ncol, xtMinvy, t4, A.isDotProductOptimized); // x'*Minv*y
 if (ierr) HPCG_fout << "Error in call to dot: " << ierr << ".\n" << endl;

 // Next, compute z'*Minv*x
 ierr = ComputeMG(A, x_ncol, z_ncol); // z_ncol = Minv*x_ncol
 if (ierr) HPCG_fout << "Error in call to MG: " << ierr << ".\n" << endl;
 double ytMinvx = 0.0;
 ierr = ComputeDotProduct(nrow, y_ncol, z_ncol, ytMinvx, t4, A.isDotProductOptimized); // y'*Minv*x
 if (ierr) HPCG_fout << "Error in call to dot: " << ierr << ".\n" << endl;

 testsymmetry_data.depsym_mg = std::fabs((long double) (xtMinvy - ytMinvx))/((xNorm2*ANorm*yNorm2 + yNorm2*ANorm*xNorm2) * (DBL_EPSILON));
 if (testsymmetry_data.depsym_mg > 1.0) ++testsymmetry_data.count_fail;  // If the difference is > 1, count it wrong
 if (A.geom->rank==0) HPCG_fout << "Departure from symmetry (scaled) for MG abs(x'*Minv*y - y'*Minv*x) = " << testsymmetry_data.depsym_mg << endl;

 CopyVector(xexact, x_ncol); // Copy exact answer into overlap vector

 int numberOfCalls = 2;
 double residual = 0.0;
 for (int i=0; i< numberOfCalls; ++i) {
   ierr = ComputeSPMV(A, x_ncol, z_ncol); // b_computed = A*x_overlap
   if (ierr) HPCG_fout << "Error in call to SpMV: " << ierr << ".\n" << endl;
   if ((ierr = ComputeResidual(A.localNumberOfRows, b, z_ncol, residual)))
     HPCG_fout << "Error in call to compute_residual: " << ierr << ".\n" << endl;
   if (A.geom->rank==0) HPCG_fout << "SpMV call [" << i << "] Residual [" << residual << "]" << endl;

 return 0;
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc < 3)
    printf("Invalid input parameters\n");
    return 1;
  int N = atoi(argv[1]);
  int NZ = atoi(argv[2]);
  char *mtxFileName = NULL;
  char *vecFileName = NULL;
  if (argc > 3 && argc < 6)
      mtxFileName = argv[3];
      vecFileName = argv[4];

  if ((NZ > N) || (N <= 0) || (NZ <= 0))
    printf("Incorrect arguments of main\n");
    return 1;

  crsMatrix A;
  double *x, *b, *bm;
  double timeM=0, timeM1=0, diff=0;

  if (ReadMatrix(A, mtxFileName) != 0)
    GenerateRegularCRS(1, N, NZ, A);
    WriteMatrix(A, "mtx.txt");
  if (ReadVector(&x, N, vecFileName) != 0)
    GenerateVector(2, N, &x);
    WriteVector(x, N, "vec.txt");

  InitializeVector(N, &b);
  Multiplicate(A, x, b, timeM);

  InitializeVector(N, &bm);
  SparseMKLMult(A, x, bm, timeM1);

  CompareVectors(b, bm, N, diff);

  if (diff < EPSILON)
    printf("not OK\n");
  printf("%d %d\n", A.N, A.NZ);
  printf("%.3f %.3f\n", timeM, timeM1);


  return 0;