Пример #1
void cChannel::SetPids(int Vpid, int Ppid, int *Apids, char ALangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int *Dpids, char DLangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int Tpid)
  int mod = CHANNELMOD_NONE;
  if (vpid != Vpid || ppid != Ppid || tpid != Tpid)
     mod |= CHANNELMOD_PIDS;
  int m = IntArraysDiffer(apids, Apids, alangs, ALangs) | IntArraysDiffer(dpids, Dpids, dlangs, DLangs);
  if (m & STRDIFF)
  if (m & VALDIFF)
     mod |= CHANNELMOD_PIDS;
  if (mod) {
     const int BufferSize = (MAXAPIDS + MAXDPIDS) * (5 + 1 + MAXLANGCODE2) + 10; // 5 digits plus delimiting ',' or ';' plus optional '=cod+cod', +10: paranoia
     char OldApidsBuf[BufferSize];
     char NewApidsBuf[BufferSize];
     char *q = OldApidsBuf;
     q += IntArrayToString(q, apids, 10, alangs);
     if (dpids[0]) {
        *q++ = ';';
        q += IntArrayToString(q, dpids, 10, dlangs);
     *q = 0;
     q = NewApidsBuf;
     q += IntArrayToString(q, Apids, 10, ALangs);
     if (Dpids[0]) {
        *q++ = ';';
        q += IntArrayToString(q, Dpids, 10, DLangs);
     *q = 0;
     dsyslog("changing pids of channel %d from %d+%d:%s:%d to %d+%d:%s:%d", Number(), vpid, ppid, OldApidsBuf, tpid, Vpid, Ppid, NewApidsBuf, Tpid);
     vpid = Vpid;
     ppid = Ppid;
     for (int i = 0; i < MAXAPIDS; i++) {
         apids[i] = Apids[i];
         strn0cpy(alangs[i], ALangs[i], MAXLANGCODE2);
     apids[MAXAPIDS] = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < MAXDPIDS; i++) {
         dpids[i] = Dpids[i];
         strn0cpy(dlangs[i], DLangs[i], MAXLANGCODE2);
     dpids[MAXDPIDS] = 0;
     tpid = Tpid;
     modification |= mod;
Пример #2
void cChannel::SetCaIds(const int *CaIds)
  if (caids[0] && caids[0] <= 0x00FF)
     return; // special values will not be overwritten
  if (IntArraysDiffer(caids, CaIds)) {
     char OldCaIdsBuf[MAXCAIDS * 5 + 10]; // 5: 4 digits plus delimiting ',', 10: paranoia
     char NewCaIdsBuf[MAXCAIDS * 5 + 10];
     IntArrayToString(OldCaIdsBuf, caids, 16);
     IntArrayToString(NewCaIdsBuf, CaIds, 16);
     dsyslog("changing caids of channel %d from %s to %s", Number(), OldCaIdsBuf, NewCaIdsBuf);
     for (int i = 0; i <= MAXCAIDS; i++) { // <= to copy the terminating 0
         caids[i] = CaIds[i];
         if (!CaIds[i])
     modification |= CHANNELMOD_CA;
Пример #3
void cChannel::SetPids(int Vpid, int Ppid, int Vtype, int *Apids, int *Atypes, char ALangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int *Dpids, int *Dtypes, char DLangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int *Spids, char SLangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int Tpid)
  int mod = CHANNELMOD_NONE;
  if (vpid != Vpid || ppid != Ppid || vtype != Vtype)
     mod |= CHANNELMOD_PIDS;
  if (tpid != Tpid)
     mod |= CHANNELMOD_AUX;
  int m = IntArraysDiffer(apids, Apids, alangs, ALangs) | IntArraysDiffer(atypes, Atypes) | IntArraysDiffer(dpids, Dpids, dlangs, DLangs) | IntArraysDiffer(dtypes, Dtypes) | IntArraysDiffer(spids, Spids, slangs, SLangs);
  if (m & STRDIFF)
  if (m & VALDIFF)
     mod |= CHANNELMOD_PIDS;
  if (mod) {
     const int BufferSize = (MAXAPIDS + MAXDPIDS) * (5 + 1 + MAXLANGCODE2 + 5) + 10; // 5 digits plus delimiting ',' or ';' plus optional '=cod+cod@type', +10: paranoia
     char OldApidsBuf[BufferSize];
     char NewApidsBuf[BufferSize];
     char *q = OldApidsBuf;
     q += IntArrayToString(q, apids, 10, alangs, atypes);
     if (dpids[0]) {
        *q++ = ';';
        q += IntArrayToString(q, dpids, 10, dlangs, dtypes);
     *q = 0;
     q = NewApidsBuf;
     q += IntArrayToString(q, Apids, 10, ALangs, Atypes);
     if (Dpids[0]) {
        *q++ = ';';
        q += IntArrayToString(q, Dpids, 10, DLangs, Dtypes);
     *q = 0;
     const int SBufferSize = MAXSPIDS * (5 + 1 + MAXLANGCODE2) + 10; // 5 digits plus delimiting ',' or ';' plus optional '=cod', +10: paranoia
     char OldSpidsBuf[SBufferSize];
     char NewSpidsBuf[SBufferSize];
     q = OldSpidsBuf;
     q += IntArrayToString(q, spids, 10, slangs);
     *q = 0;
     q = NewSpidsBuf;
     q += IntArrayToString(q, Spids, 10, SLangs);
     *q = 0;
     if (Number())
        dsyslog("changing pids of channel %d (%s) from %d+%d=%d:%s:%s:%d to %d+%d=%d:%s:%s:%d", Number(), name, vpid, ppid, vtype, OldApidsBuf, OldSpidsBuf, tpid, Vpid, Ppid, Vtype, NewApidsBuf, NewSpidsBuf, Tpid);
     vpid = Vpid;
     ppid = Ppid;
     vtype = Vtype;
     for (int i = 0; i < MAXAPIDS; i++) {
         apids[i] = Apids[i];
         atypes[i] = Atypes[i];
         strn0cpy(alangs[i], ALangs[i], MAXLANGCODE2);
     apids[MAXAPIDS] = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < MAXDPIDS; i++) {
         dpids[i] = Dpids[i];
         dtypes[i] = Dtypes[i];
         strn0cpy(dlangs[i], DLangs[i], MAXLANGCODE2);
     dpids[MAXDPIDS] = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < MAXSPIDS; i++) {
         spids[i] = Spids[i];
         strn0cpy(slangs[i], SLangs[i], MAXLANGCODE2);
     spids[MAXSPIDS] = 0;
     tpid = Tpid;
     modification |= mod;
     if (Number())