Пример #1
DefWndControlColor(HDC hDC, UINT ctlType)
  if (ctlType == CTLCOLOR_SCROLLBAR)
      HBRUSH hb = IntGetSysColorBrush(COLOR_SCROLLBAR);
      COLORREF bk = IntGetSysColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT);
      IntGdiSetTextColor(hDC, IntGetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
      IntGdiSetBkColor(hDC, bk);

      /* if COLOR_WINDOW happens to be the same as COLOR_3DHILIGHT
       * we better use 0x55aa bitmap brush to make scrollbar's background
       * look different from the window background.
      if ( bk == IntGetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW))
          return gpsi->hbrGray;

      NtGdiUnrealizeObject( hb );
      return hb;

  IntGdiSetTextColor(hDC, IntGetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT));

  if ((ctlType == CTLCOLOR_EDIT) || (ctlType == CTLCOLOR_LISTBOX))
      IntGdiSetBkColor(hDC, IntGetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW));
      IntGdiSetBkColor(hDC, IntGetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
      return IntGetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE);

  return IntGetSysColorBrush(COLOR_WINDOW);
Пример #2
FillRect(HDC hDC, CONST RECT *lprc, HBRUSH hbr)
    BOOL Ret;
    HBRUSH prevhbr = NULL;

    /* Select brush if specified */
    if (hbr)
        /* Handle system colors */
        if (hbr <= (HBRUSH)(COLOR_MENUBAR + 1))
            hbr = IntGetSysColorBrush(PtrToUlong(hbr) - 1);
        prevhbr = NtGdiSelectBrush(hDC, hbr);
        if (prevhbr == NULL)
            return (INT)FALSE;

    Ret = NtGdiPatBlt(hDC, lprc->left, lprc->top, lprc->right - lprc->left,
                 lprc->bottom - lprc->top, PATCOPY);

    /* Select old brush */
    if (prevhbr)
        NtGdiSelectBrush(hDC, prevhbr);

    return (INT)Ret;
Пример #3
/* Ported from WINE20020904 */
void FASTCALL UITOOLS_DrawCheckedRect( HDC dc, LPRECT rect )
    if(IntGetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT) == RGB(255, 255, 255))
        HBRUSH hbsave;
        COLORREF bg;

        FillRect(dc, rect, IntGetSysColorBrush(COLOR_BTNFACE));
        bg = IntGdiSetBkColor(dc, RGB(255, 255, 255));
        hbsave = NtGdiSelectBrush(dc, gpsi->hbrGray);
        NtGdiPatBlt(dc, rect->left, rect->top, rect->right-rect->left, rect->bottom-rect->top, 0x00FA0089);
        NtGdiSelectBrush(dc, hbsave);
        IntGdiSetBkColor(dc, bg);
        FillRect(dc, rect, IntGetSysColorBrush(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT));
Пример #4
/* Draw a push button coming from DrawFrameControl()
 * Does a pretty good job in emulating MS behavior. Some quirks are
 * however there because MS uses a TrueType font (Marlett) to draw
 * the buttons.
 * FIXME: This looks a little bit strange, needs to be rewritten completely
 * (several quirks with adjust, DFCS_CHECKED aso)
    UINT edge;
    RECT myr = *r;

        edge = EDGE_SUNKEN;
        edge = EDGE_RAISED;

    if(uFlags & DFCS_CHECKED)
        if(uFlags & DFCS_MONO)
            IntDrawRectEdge(dc, &myr, edge, BF_MONO|BF_RECT|BF_ADJUST);
            IntDrawRectEdge(dc, &myr, edge, (uFlags&DFCS_FLAT)|BF_RECT|BF_SOFT|BF_ADJUST);

        UITOOLS_DrawCheckedRect( dc, &myr );
        if(uFlags & DFCS_MONO)
            IntDrawRectEdge(dc, &myr, edge, BF_MONO|BF_RECT|BF_ADJUST);
            FillRect(dc, &myr, IntGetSysColorBrush(COLOR_BTNFACE));
            IntDrawRectEdge(dc, r, edge, (uFlags&DFCS_FLAT) | BF_MIDDLE | BF_RECT | BF_SOFT);

    /* Adjust rectangle if asked */
    if(uFlags & DFCS_ADJUSTRECT)
        r->left   += 2;
        r->right  -= 2;
        r->top    += 2;
        r->bottom -= 2;

    return TRUE;
Пример #5
/* Same as DrawEdge invoked without BF_DIAGONAL
 * 23-Nov-1997: Changed by Bertho Stultiens
 * Well, I started testing this and found out that there are a few things
 * that weren't quite as win95. The following rewrite should reproduce
 * win95 results completely.
 * The colorselection is table-driven to avoid awfull if-statements.
 * The table below show the color settings.
 * Pen selection table for uFlags = 0
 * uType |  LTI  |  LTO  |  RBI  |  RBO
 * ------+-------+-------+-------+-------
 *  0000 |   x   |   x   |   x   |   x
 *  0001 |   x   |  22   |   x   |  21
 *  0010 |   x   |  16   |   x   |  20
 *  0011 |   x   |   x   |   x   |   x
 * ------+-------+-------+-------+-------
 *  0100 |   x   |  20   |   x   |  16
 *  0101 |  20   |  22   |  16   |  21
 *  0110 |  20   |  16   |  16   |  20
 *  0111 |   x   |   x   |   x   |   x
 * ------+-------+-------+-------+-------
 *  1000 |   x   |  21   |   x   |  22
 *  1001 |  21   |  22   |  22   |  21
 *  1010 |  21   |  16   |  22   |  20
 *  1011 |   x   |   x   |   x   |   x
 * ------+-------+-------+-------+-------
 *  1100 |   x   |   x   |   x   |   x
 *  1101 |   x   | x (22)|   x   | x (21)
 *  1110 |   x   | x (16)|   x   | x (20)
 *  1111 |   x   |   x   |   x   |   x
 * Pen selection table for uFlags = BF_SOFT
 * uType |  LTI  |  LTO  |  RBI  |  RBO
 * ------+-------+-------+-------+-------
 *  0000 |   x   |   x   |   x   |   x
 *  0001 |   x   |  20   |   x   |  21
 *  0010 |   x   |  21   |   x   |  20
 *  0011 |   x   |   x   |   x   |   x
 * ------+-------+-------+-------+-------
 *  0100 |   x   |  22   |   x   |  16
 *  0101 |  22   |  20   |  16   |  21
 *  0110 |  22   |  21   |  16   |  20
 *  0111 |   x   |   x   |   x   |   x
 * ------+-------+-------+-------+-------
 *  1000 |   x   |  16   |   x   |  22
 *  1001 |  16   |  20   |  22   |  21
 *  1010 |  16   |  21   |  22   |  20
 *  1011 |   x   |   x   |   x   |   x
 * ------+-------+-------+-------+-------
 *  1100 |   x   |   x   |   x   |   x
 *  1101 |   x   | x (20)|   x   | x (21)
 *  1110 |   x   | x (21)|   x   | x (20)
 *  1111 |   x   |   x   |   x   |   x
 * x = don't care; (n) = is what win95 actually uses
 * LTI = left Top Inner line
 * LTO = left Top Outer line
 * RBI = Right Bottom Inner line
 * RBO = Right Bottom Outer line
BOOL FASTCALL IntDrawRectEdge(HDC hdc, LPRECT rc, UINT uType, UINT uFlags)
    signed char LTInnerI, LTOuterI;
    signed char RBInnerI, RBOuterI;
    HPEN LTInnerPen, LTOuterPen;
    HPEN RBInnerPen, RBOuterPen;
    RECT InnerRect = *rc;
    POINT SavePoint;
    HPEN SavePen;
    int LBpenplus = 0;
    int LTpenplus = 0;
    int RTpenplus = 0;
    int RBpenplus = 0;
    BOOL retval = !(   ((uType & BDR_INNER) == BDR_INNER
                        || (uType & BDR_OUTER) == BDR_OUTER)
                       && !(uFlags & (BF_FLAT|BF_MONO)) );
    /* Init some vars */
    LTInnerPen = LTOuterPen = RBInnerPen = RBOuterPen = (HPEN)NtGdiGetStockObject(NULL_PEN);
    SavePen = (HPEN)NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, LTInnerPen);

    /* Determine the colors of the edges */
    if(uFlags & BF_MONO)
        LTInnerI = RBInnerI = LTRBInnerMono[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)];
        LTOuterI = RBOuterI = LTRBOuterMono[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)];
    else if(uFlags & BF_FLAT)
        LTInnerI = RBInnerI = LTRBInnerFlat[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)];
        LTOuterI = RBOuterI = LTRBOuterFlat[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)];

        /* Bertho Stultiens states above that this function exactly matches win95
         * In win98 BF_FLAT rectangles have an inner border same color as the
        * middle (COLOR_BTNFACE). I believe it's the same for win95 but since
        * I don't know I go with Bertho and just sets it for win98 until proven
        * otherwise.
        *                                          Dennis Björklund, 10 June, 99
        if( LTInnerI != -1 )
            LTInnerI = RBInnerI = COLOR_BTNFACE;
    else if(uFlags & BF_SOFT)
        LTInnerI = LTInnerSoft[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)];
        LTOuterI = LTOuterSoft[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)];
        RBInnerI = RBInnerSoft[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)];
        RBOuterI = RBOuterSoft[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)];
        LTInnerI = LTInnerNormal[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)];
        LTOuterI = LTOuterNormal[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)];
        RBInnerI = RBInnerNormal[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)];
        RBOuterI = RBOuterNormal[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)];

        LBpenplus = 1;
    if((uFlags & BF_TOPRIGHT) == BF_TOPRIGHT)
        RTpenplus = 1;
        RBpenplus = 1;
    if((uFlags & BF_TOPLEFT) == BF_TOPLEFT)
        LTpenplus = 1;

    if(LTInnerI != -1)
        LTInnerPen = NtGdiGetStockObject(DC_PEN);
    if(LTOuterI != -1)
        LTOuterPen = NtGdiGetStockObject(DC_PEN);
    if(RBInnerI != -1)
        RBInnerPen = NtGdiGetStockObject(DC_PEN);
    if(RBOuterI != -1)
        RBOuterPen = NtGdiGetStockObject(DC_PEN);
    if((uFlags & BF_MIDDLE) && retval)
        FillRect(hdc, &InnerRect, IntGetSysColorBrush(uFlags & BF_MONO ?
                 COLOR_WINDOW : COLOR_BTNFACE));
    GreMoveTo(hdc, 0, 0, &SavePoint);

    /* Draw the outer edge */
    NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, LTOuterPen);
    IntSetDCPenColor(hdc, IntGetSysColor(LTOuterI));
    if(uFlags & BF_TOP)
        GreMoveTo(hdc, InnerRect.left, InnerRect.top, NULL);
        NtGdiLineTo(hdc, InnerRect.right, InnerRect.top);
    if(uFlags & BF_LEFT)
        GreMoveTo(hdc, InnerRect.left, InnerRect.top, NULL);
        NtGdiLineTo(hdc, InnerRect.left, InnerRect.bottom);
    NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, RBOuterPen);
    IntSetDCPenColor(hdc, IntGetSysColor(RBOuterI));
    if(uFlags & BF_BOTTOM)
        GreMoveTo(hdc, InnerRect.left, InnerRect.bottom-1, NULL);
        NtGdiLineTo(hdc, InnerRect.right, InnerRect.bottom-1);
    if(uFlags & BF_RIGHT)
        GreMoveTo(hdc, InnerRect.right-1, InnerRect.top, NULL);
        NtGdiLineTo(hdc, InnerRect.right-1, InnerRect.bottom);

    /* Draw the inner edge */
    NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, LTInnerPen);
    IntSetDCPenColor(hdc, IntGetSysColor(LTInnerI));
    if(uFlags & BF_TOP)
        GreMoveTo(hdc, InnerRect.left+LTpenplus, InnerRect.top+1, NULL);
        NtGdiLineTo(hdc, InnerRect.right-RTpenplus, InnerRect.top+1);
    if(uFlags & BF_LEFT)
        GreMoveTo(hdc, InnerRect.left+1, InnerRect.top+LTpenplus, NULL);
        NtGdiLineTo(hdc, InnerRect.left+1, InnerRect.bottom-LBpenplus);
    NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, RBInnerPen);
    IntSetDCPenColor(hdc, IntGetSysColor(RBInnerI));
    if(uFlags & BF_BOTTOM)
        GreMoveTo(hdc, InnerRect.left+LBpenplus, InnerRect.bottom-2, NULL);
        NtGdiLineTo(hdc, InnerRect.right-RBpenplus, InnerRect.bottom-2);
    if(uFlags & BF_RIGHT)
        GreMoveTo(hdc, InnerRect.right-2, InnerRect.top+RTpenplus, NULL);
        NtGdiLineTo(hdc, InnerRect.right-2, InnerRect.bottom-RBpenplus);

    if( ((uFlags & BF_MIDDLE) && retval) || (uFlags & BF_ADJUST) )
        int add = (LTRBInnerMono[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)] != -1 ? 1 : 0)
                      + (LTRBOuterMono[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)] != -1 ? 1 : 0);

        if(uFlags & BF_LEFT)
            InnerRect.left += add;
        if(uFlags & BF_RIGHT)
            InnerRect.right -= add;
        if(uFlags & BF_TOP)
            InnerRect.top += add;
        if(uFlags & BF_BOTTOM)
            InnerRect.bottom -= add;

        if(uFlags & BF_ADJUST)
            *rc = InnerRect;

    /* Cleanup */
    NtGdiSelectPen(hdc, SavePen);
    GreMoveTo(hdc, SavePoint.x, SavePoint.y, NULL);
    return retval;
Пример #6
static void
IntDrawScrollInterior(PWND pWnd, HDC hDC, INT nBar, BOOL Vertical, PSCROLLBARINFO ScrollBarInfo)
   INT ThumbSize = ScrollBarInfo->xyThumbBottom - ScrollBarInfo->xyThumbTop;
   INT ThumbTop = ScrollBarInfo->xyThumbTop;
   RECT Rect;
   HBRUSH hSaveBrush, hBrush;
   BOOL TopSelected = FALSE, BottomSelected = FALSE;

   if (ScrollBarInfo->rgstate[SCROLL_TOP_RECT] & STATE_SYSTEM_PRESSED)
      TopSelected = TRUE;
      BottomSelected = TRUE;

    * Only scrollbar controls send WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR.
    * The window-owned scrollbars need to call DefWndControlColor
    * to correctly setup default scrollbar colors
   if (nBar == SB_CTL)
      hBrush = GetControlBrush( pWnd, hDC, WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR);
      if (!hBrush)
         hBrush = IntGetSysColorBrush(COLOR_SCROLLBAR);
      hBrush = DefWndControlColor(hDC, CTLCOLOR_SCROLLBAR);

   hSaveBrush = NtGdiSelectBrush(hDC, hBrush);

   /* Calculate the scroll rectangle */
   if (Vertical)
      Rect.top = ScrollBarInfo->rcScrollBar.top + ScrollBarInfo->dxyLineButton;
      Rect.bottom = ScrollBarInfo->rcScrollBar.bottom - ScrollBarInfo->dxyLineButton;
      Rect.left = ScrollBarInfo->rcScrollBar.left;
      Rect.right = ScrollBarInfo->rcScrollBar.right;
      Rect.top = ScrollBarInfo->rcScrollBar.top;
      Rect.bottom = ScrollBarInfo->rcScrollBar.bottom;
      Rect.left = ScrollBarInfo->rcScrollBar.left + ScrollBarInfo->dxyLineButton;
      Rect.right = ScrollBarInfo->rcScrollBar.right - ScrollBarInfo->dxyLineButton;

   /* Draw the scroll rectangles and thumb */
   if (!ScrollBarInfo->xyThumbBottom)
      NtGdiPatBlt(hDC, Rect.left, Rect.top, Rect.right - Rect.left,
         Rect.bottom - Rect.top, PATCOPY);

      /* Cleanup and return */
      NtGdiSelectBrush(hDC, hSaveBrush);

   ThumbTop -= ScrollBarInfo->dxyLineButton;

   if (ScrollBarInfo->dxyLineButton)
      if (Vertical)
         if (ThumbSize)
            NtGdiPatBlt(hDC, Rect.left, Rect.top, Rect.right - Rect.left,
                   ThumbTop, TopSelected ? BLACKNESS : PATCOPY);
            Rect.top += ThumbTop;
            NtGdiPatBlt(hDC, Rect.left, Rect.top + ThumbSize, Rect.right - Rect.left,
               Rect.bottom - Rect.top - ThumbSize, BottomSelected ? BLACKNESS : PATCOPY);
            Rect.bottom = Rect.top + ThumbSize;
            if (ThumbTop)
               NtGdiPatBlt(hDC, Rect.left, ScrollBarInfo->dxyLineButton,
                  Rect.right - Rect.left, Rect.bottom - Rect.top, PATCOPY);
         if (ThumbSize)
            NtGdiPatBlt(hDC, Rect.left, Rect.top, ThumbTop,
               Rect.bottom - Rect.top, TopSelected ? BLACKNESS : PATCOPY);
            Rect.left += ThumbTop;
            NtGdiPatBlt(hDC, Rect.left + ThumbSize, Rect.top,
               Rect.right - Rect.left - ThumbSize, Rect.bottom - Rect.top,
               BottomSelected ? BLACKNESS : PATCOPY);
            Rect.right = Rect.left + ThumbSize;
            if (ThumbTop)
               NtGdiPatBlt(hDC, ScrollBarInfo->dxyLineButton, Rect.top,
                  Rect.right - Rect.left, Rect.bottom - Rect.top, PATCOPY);

   /* Draw the thumb */
   if (ThumbSize)
      DrawEdge(hDC, &Rect, EDGE_RAISED, BF_RECT | BF_MIDDLE);

   /* Cleanup */
   NtGdiSelectBrush(hDC, hSaveBrush);