Пример #1
bool wxTopLevelWindowMSW::IsMaximized() const
    return IsAlwaysMaximized() ||
#if !defined(__SMARTPHONE__) && !defined(__POCKETPC__) && !defined(__WINCE_STANDARDSDK__)

           (::IsZoomed(GetHwnd()) != 0) ||
Пример #2
MyChild::MyChild(wxMDIParentFrame *parent)
       : wxMDIChildFrame
            wxString::Format("Child %u", ++ms_numChildren)
         MenuEventLogger("child", this)
    m_canvas = new MyCanvas(this, wxPoint(0, 0), GetClientSize());


    const bool canBeResized = !IsAlwaysMaximized();

    // create our menu bar: it will be shown instead of the main frame one when
    // we're active
    wxMenuBar *mbar = MyFrame::CreateMainMenubar();
    mbar->GetMenu(0)->Insert(1, wxID_CLOSE, "&Close child\tCtrl-W",
                             "Close this window");

    wxMenu *menuChild = new wxMenu;

    menuChild->Append(MDI_REFRESH, "&Refresh picture");
    menuChild->Append(MDI_CHANGE_TITLE, "Change &title...\tCtrl-T");
    if ( canBeResized )
        menuChild->Append(MDI_CHANGE_POSITION, "Move frame\tCtrl-M");
        menuChild->Append(MDI_CHANGE_SIZE, "Resize frame\tCtrl-S");
    menuChild->Append(wxID_PASTE, "Copy text from clipboard\tCtrl-V");
#endif // wxUSE_CLIPBOARD

    mbar->Insert(1, menuChild, "&Child");

    // Associate the menu bar with the frame
#endif // wxUSE_MENUS

    // this should work for MDI frames as well as for normal ones, provided
    // they can be resized at all
    if ( canBeResized )
        SetSizeHints(100, 100);

    // test that event handlers pushed on top of MDI children do work (this
    // used to be broken, see #11225)
    PushEventHandler(new EventHandler(ms_numChildren));
Пример #3
bool wxTopLevelWindowMSW::CreateFrame(const wxString& title,
                                      const wxPoint& pos,
                                      const wxSize& size)
    WXDWORD exflags;
    WXDWORD flags = MSWGetCreateWindowFlags(&exflags);

    const wxSize sz = IsAlwaysMaximized() ? wxDefaultSize : size;

    if ( wxApp::MSWGetDefaultLayout(m_parent) == wxLayout_RightToLeft )
        exflags |= WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL;

    return MSWCreate(MSWGetRegisteredClassName(),
                     title.t_str(), pos, sz, flags, exflags);
Пример #4
bool wxTopLevelWindowMSW::Create(wxWindow *parent,
                                 wxWindowID id,
                                 const wxString& title,
                                 const wxPoint& pos,
                                 const wxSize& size,
                                 long style,
                                 const wxString& name)
    wxSize sizeReal = size;
    if ( !sizeReal.IsFullySpecified() )

    // notice that we should append this window to wxTopLevelWindows list
    // before calling CreateBase() as it behaves differently for TLW and
    // non-TLW windows

    bool ret = CreateBase(parent, id, pos, sizeReal, style, name);
    if ( !ret )
        return false;

    if ( parent )

    if ( GetExtraStyle() & wxTOPLEVEL_EX_DIALOG )
        // we have different dialog templates to allows creation of dialogs
        // with & without captions under MSWindows, resizable or not (but a
        // resizable dialog always has caption - otherwise it would look too
        // strange)

        // we need 3 additional WORDs for dialog menu, class and title (as we
        // don't use DS_SETFONT we don't need the fourth WORD for the font)
        static const int dlgsize = sizeof(DLGTEMPLATE) + (sizeof(WORD) * 3);
        DLGTEMPLATE *dlgTemplate = (DLGTEMPLATE *)malloc(dlgsize);
        memset(dlgTemplate, 0, dlgsize);

        // these values are arbitrary, they won't be used normally anyhow
        dlgTemplate->x  = 34;
        dlgTemplate->y  = 22;
        dlgTemplate->cx = 144;
        dlgTemplate->cy = 75;

        // reuse the code in MSWGetStyle() but correct the results slightly for
        // the dialog
        // NB: we need a temporary variable as we can't pass pointer to
        //     dwExtendedStyle directly, it's not aligned correctly for 64 bit
        //     architectures
        WXDWORD dwExtendedStyle;
        dlgTemplate->style = MSWGetStyle(style, &dwExtendedStyle);
        dlgTemplate->dwExtendedStyle = dwExtendedStyle;

        // all dialogs are popups
        dlgTemplate->style |= WS_POPUP;

#ifndef __WXWINCE__
        if ( wxApp::MSWGetDefaultLayout(m_parent) == wxLayout_RightToLeft )
            dlgTemplate->dwExtendedStyle |= WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL;

        // force 3D-look if necessary, it looks impossibly ugly otherwise
        if ( style & (wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxCAPTION) )
            dlgTemplate->style |= DS_MODALFRAME;

        ret = CreateDialog(dlgTemplate, title, pos, sizeReal);
    else // !dialog
        ret = CreateFrame(title, pos, sizeReal);

#ifndef __WXWINCE__
    if ( ret && !(GetWindowStyleFlag() & wxCLOSE_BOX) )

    // for standard dialogs the dialog manager generates WM_CHANGEUISTATE
    // itself but for custom windows we have to do it ourselves in order to
    // make the keyboard indicators (such as underlines for accelerators and
    // focus rectangles) work under Win2k+
    if ( ret )

    // Note: if we include PocketPC in this test, dialogs can fail to show up,
    // for example the text entry dialog in the dialogs sample. Problem with Maximise()?
#if defined(__WXWINCE__) && (defined(__SMARTPHONE__) || defined(__WINCE_STANDARDSDK__))
    if ( ( style & wxMAXIMIZE ) || IsAlwaysMaximized() )

#if defined(__SMARTPHONE__) && defined(__WXWINCE__)
    SetRightMenu(); // to nothing for initialization

    return ret;
Пример #5
WXDWORD wxTopLevelWindowMSW::MSWGetStyle(long style, WXDWORD *exflags) const
    // let the base class deal with the common styles but fix the ones which
    // don't make sense for us (we also deal with the borders ourselves)
    WXDWORD msflags = wxWindow::MSWGetStyle
                        (style & ~wxBORDER_MASK) | wxBORDER_NONE, exflags
                      ) & ~WS_CHILD & ~WS_VISIBLE;

    // For some reason, WS_VISIBLE needs to be defined on creation for
    // SmartPhone 2003. The title can fail to be displayed otherwise.
#if defined(__SMARTPHONE__) || (defined(__WXWINCE__) && _WIN32_WCE < 400)
    msflags |= WS_VISIBLE;

    // first select the kind of window being created
    // note that if we don't set WS_POPUP, Windows assumes WS_OVERLAPPED and
    // creates a window with both caption and border, hence we need to use
    // WS_POPUP in a few cases just to avoid having caption/border which we
    // don't want

    // border and caption styles
    if ( ( style & wxRESIZE_BORDER ) && !IsAlwaysMaximized())
        msflags |= WS_THICKFRAME;
    else if ( exflags && ((style & wxBORDER_DOUBLE) || (style & wxBORDER_RAISED)) )
        *exflags |= WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME;
    else if ( !(style & wxBORDER_NONE) )
        msflags |= WS_BORDER;
#ifndef __POCKETPC__
        msflags |= WS_POPUP;

    // normally we consider that all windows without a caption must be popups,
    // but CE is an exception: there windows normally do not have the caption
    // but shouldn't be made popups as popups can't have menus and don't look
    // like normal windows anyhow

    // TODO: Smartphone appears to like wxCAPTION, but we should check that
    // we need it.
#if defined(__SMARTPHONE__) || !defined(__WXWINCE__)
    if ( style & wxCAPTION )
        msflags |= WS_CAPTION;
#ifndef __WXWINCE__
        msflags |= WS_POPUP;
#endif // !__WXWINCE__

    // next translate the individual flags

    // and is ignored if we specify both of them, but chances are that if we
    // use wxWS_EX_CONTEXTHELP, we really do want to have the context help
    // button while wxMINIMIZE/wxMAXIMIZE are included by default, so the help
    // takes precedence
    if ( !(GetExtraStyle() & wxWS_EX_CONTEXTHELP) )
        if ( style & wxMINIMIZE_BOX )
            msflags |= WS_MINIMIZEBOX;
        if ( style & wxMAXIMIZE_BOX )
            msflags |= WS_MAXIMIZEBOX;

#ifndef __WXWINCE__
    // notice that if wxCLOSE_BOX is specified we need to use WS_SYSMENU too as
    // otherwise the close box doesn't appear
    if ( style & (wxSYSTEM_MENU | wxCLOSE_BOX) )
        msflags |= WS_SYSMENU;
#endif // !__WXWINCE__

    // NB: under CE these 2 styles are not supported currently, we should
    //     call Minimize()/Maximize() "manually" if we want to support them
    if ( style & wxMINIMIZE )
        msflags |= WS_MINIMIZE;

    if ( style & wxMAXIMIZE )
        msflags |= WS_MAXIMIZE;

    // Keep this here because it saves recoding this function in wxTinyFrame
    if ( style & wxTINY_CAPTION )
        msflags |= WS_CAPTION;

    if ( exflags )
        // there is no taskbar under CE, so omit all this
#if !defined(__WXWINCE__)
        if ( !(GetExtraStyle() & wxTOPLEVEL_EX_DIALOG) )
            if ( style & wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW )
                // create the palette-like window
                *exflags |= WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW;

                // tool windows shouldn't appear on the taskbar (as documented)
                style |= wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR;

            // We have to solve 2 different problems here:
            // 1. frames with wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR flag shouldn't appear in the
            //    taskbar even if they don't have a parent
            // 2. frames without this style should appear in the taskbar even
            //    if they're owned (Windows only puts non owned windows into
            //    the taskbar normally)
            // The second one is solved here by using WS_EX_APPWINDOW flag, the
            // first one is dealt with in our MSWGetParent() method
            // implementation
            if ( !(style & wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR) && GetParent() )
                // need to force the frame to appear in the taskbar
                *exflags |= WS_EX_APPWINDOW;
            //else: nothing to do [here]

        if ( GetExtraStyle() & wxWS_EX_CONTEXTHELP )
            *exflags |= WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP;
#endif // !__WXWINCE__

        if ( style & wxSTAY_ON_TOP )
            *exflags |= WS_EX_TOPMOST;

    return msflags;
Пример #6
void wxTopLevelWindowBase::DoCentre(int dir)
    // on some platforms centering top level windows is impossible
    // because they are always maximized by guidelines or limitations
    // and centering a maximized window doesn't make sense as its position
    // can't change
    if ( IsAlwaysMaximized() || IsMaximized() )

    // we need the display rect anyhow so store it first: notice that we should
    // be centered on the same display as our parent window, the display of
    // this window itself is not really defined yet
    int nDisplay = wxDisplay::GetFromWindow(GetParent() ? GetParent() : this);
    wxDisplay dpy(nDisplay == wxNOT_FOUND ? 0 : nDisplay);
    const wxRect rectDisplay(dpy.GetClientArea());

    // what should we centre this window on?
    wxRect rectParent;
    if ( !(dir & wxCENTRE_ON_SCREEN) && GetParent() )
        // centre on parent window: notice that we need screen coordinates for
        // positioning this TLW
        rectParent = GetParent()->GetScreenRect();

        // if the parent is entirely off screen (happens at least with MDI
        // parent frame under Mac but could happen elsewhere too if the frame
        // was hidden/moved away for some reason), don't use it as otherwise
        // this window wouldn't be visible at all
        if ( !rectParent.Intersects(rectDisplay) )
            // just centre on screen then
            rectParent = rectDisplay;
        // we were explicitly asked to centre this window on the entire screen
        // or if we have no parent anyhow and so can't centre on it
        rectParent = rectDisplay;

    if ( !(dir & wxBOTH) )
        dir |= wxBOTH; // if neither is specified, center in both directions

    // the new window rect candidate
    wxRect rect = GetRect().CentreIn(rectParent, dir & ~wxCENTRE_ON_SCREEN);

    // we don't want to place the window off screen if Centre() is called as
    // this is (almost?) never wanted and it would be very difficult to prevent
    // it from happening from the user code if we didn't check for it here
    if ( !rectDisplay.Contains(rect.GetTopLeft()) )
        // move the window just enough to make the corner visible
        int dx = rectDisplay.GetLeft() - rect.GetLeft();
        int dy = rectDisplay.GetTop() - rect.GetTop();
        rect.Offset(dx > 0 ? dx : 0, dy > 0 ? dy : 0);

    if ( !rectDisplay.Contains(rect.GetBottomRight()) )
        // do the same for this corner too
        int dx = rectDisplay.GetRight() - rect.GetRight();
        int dy = rectDisplay.GetBottom() - rect.GetBottom();
        rect.Offset(dx < 0 ? dx : 0, dy < 0 ? dy : 0);

    // the window top left and bottom right corner are both visible now and
    // although the window might still be not entirely on screen (with 2
    // staggered displays for example) we wouldn't be able to improve the
    // layout much in such case, so we stop here

    // -1 could be valid coordinate here if there are several displays
    SetSize(rect, wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE);
Пример #7
bool wxTopLevelWindowMSW::IsMaximized() const
    return IsAlwaysMaximized() ||
           (::IsZoomed(GetHwnd()) != 0) ||