Пример #1
 * Topology Services Initialization.
 * Build the system topology data structures.  Initialize hardware values needed
 * for correct fabric operation, such as core count.
 * @param[in]   StdHeader              Opaque handle to standard config header
 * @param[in]   PlatformConfiguration  The platform configuration options.
 * @retval      AGESA_SUCCESS     Only information events logged.
AmdTopologyInitialize (
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader,
  IN       PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfiguration

  State.ConfigHandle = StdHeader;
  State.PlatformConfiguration = PlatformConfiguration;

  // Initialize for status and event output
  State.MaxEventClass = AGESA_SUCCESS;

  // Allocate permanent heap structs that are interfaces to other AGESA services.
  NewNodeAndSocketTables (&State);

  if (IsBootCore (&State)) {
    AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpProcTopologyEntry, State.ConfigHandle);
    // Create the BSP's northbridge.
    NewNorthBridge (0, &State, &Nb);
    State.Nb = &Nb;

    CoherentInit (&State);
    AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpProcTopologyDone, State.ConfigHandle);
  } else {
    // Do the AP Topology Init, which produces Node and Socket Maps for the AP's use.
    NewNorthBridge (0, &State, &Nb);
    State.Nb = &Nb;
    InitApMaps (&State);
  return State.MaxEventClass;
Пример #2
 * The top level external interface for Hypertransport Initialization.
 * Create our initial internal state, initialize the coherent fabric,
 * initialize the non-coherent chains, and perform any required fabric tuning or
 * optimization.
 * @param[in]   StdHeader              Opaque handle to standard config header
 * @param[in]   PlatformConfiguration  The platform configuration options.
 * @param[in]   AmdHtInterface         HT Interface structure.
 * @retval      AGESA_SUCCESS     Only information events logged.
 * @retval      AGESA_ALERT       Sync Flood or CRC error logged.
 * @retval      AGESA_WARNING     Example: expected capability not found
 * @retval      AGESA_ERROR       logged events indicating some devices may not be available
 * @retval      AGESA_FATAL       Mixed Family or MP capability mismatch
AmdHtInitialize (
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader,
  IN       PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfiguration,
  IN       AMD_HT_INTERFACE       *AmdHtInterface
  HT_FEATURES HtFeatures;
  HT_INTERFACE HtInterface;
  AGESA_STATUS DeallocateStatus;
  AP_MAIL_INFO ApMailboxInfo;
  UINT8 ApNode;


  State.HtBlock = AmdHtInterface;
  State.ConfigHandle = StdHeader;
  State.PlatformConfiguration = PlatformConfiguration;

  // Get the current HT internal interface (to HtBlock data)
  NewHtInterface (&HtInterface, State.ConfigHandle);
  State.HtInterface = &HtInterface;

  // Get the current HT Feature Set
  NewHtFeatures (&HtFeatures, State.ConfigHandle);
  State.HtFeatures = &HtFeatures;

  // Initialize from static options
  State.IsUsingRecoveryHt = OptionHtConfiguration.IsUsingRecoveryHt;
  State.IsSetHtCrcFlood = OptionHtConfiguration.IsSetHtCrcFlood;
  State.IsUsingUnitIdClumping = OptionHtConfiguration.IsUsingUnitIdClumping;

  // Initialize for status and event output
  State.MaxEventClass = AGESA_SUCCESS;

  // Allocate permanent heap structs that are interfaces to other AGESA services.
  State.HtInterface->NewNodeAndSocketTables (&State);

  if (IsBootCore (&State)) {
    AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpProcHtEntry, State.ConfigHandle);
    // Allocate Bsp only interface heap structs.
    State.HtInterface->NewHopCountTable (&State);
    // Allocate heap for our temporary working space.
    AllocHeapParams.RequestedBufferSize = (sizeof (PORT_DESCRIPTOR) * (MAX_PLATFORM_LINKS * 2));
    AllocHeapParams.BufferHandle = HT_STATE_DATA_HANDLE;
    AllocHeapParams.Persist = HEAP_LOCAL_CACHE;
    if (HeapAllocateBuffer (&AllocHeapParams, State.ConfigHandle) == AGESA_SUCCESS) {
      State.PortList = (PORT_LIST)AllocHeapParams.BufferPtr;
      // Create the BSP's northbridge.
      NewNorthBridge (0, &State, &Nb);
      State.Nb = &Nb;

      CoherentInit (&State);
      NcInit (&State);
      LinkOptimization (&State);
      Tuning (&State);

      DeallocateStatus = HeapDeallocateBuffer (HT_STATE_DATA_HANDLE, State.ConfigHandle);
      ASSERT (DeallocateStatus == AGESA_SUCCESS);
      AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpProcHtDone, State.ConfigHandle);
    } else {
      State.MaxEventClass = AGESA_ERROR;
      // Cannot Log entry due to heap allocate failed.
  } else {
    // Do the AP HT Init, which produces Node and Socket Maps for the AP's use.
    AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpProcHtApMapEntry, State.ConfigHandle);
    GetApMailbox (&ApMailboxInfo.Info, State.ConfigHandle);
    ASSERT (ApMailboxInfo.Fields.Node < MAX_NODES);
    ApNode = (UINT8)ApMailboxInfo.Fields.Node;
    NewNorthBridge (ApNode, &State, &Nb);
    State.Nb = &Nb;
    InitApMaps (&State);
    AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpProcHtApMapDone, State.ConfigHandle);
  return State.MaxEventClass;
Пример #3
 * Update maps with the core range for each module.
 * Cores are numbered relative to a Processor, but sometimes there is a need to know the
 * starting and ending core ids on a particular node.  This same info is also useful for
 * supporting the Core count on a node other than the one currently executing.
 * For each Processor, get the core count of each node using the family specific PCI core count
 * interface. The order of cores in a processor, and whether it is special for the BSP is family
 * specific.  But whether the processor orders core ids by module or node, iterate in the right
 * order and use the counts to determine each start and end range.
 * Update compute unit status for each node.
 * @param[in]   State    number of Nodes discovered.
UpdateCoreRanges (
  IN       STATE_DATA    *State
  UINT8 Node;
  UINT8 ProcessorCores;
  UINT8 ModuleCoreCount[MAX_DIES];
  UINT8 Socket;
  UINT8 Module;

  ASSERT (State->SocketDieToNodeMap != NULL);
  ASSERT (State->NodeToSocketDieMap != NULL);

  for (Socket = 0; Socket < MAX_SOCKETS; Socket++) {
    // Is a Processor present in Socket?
    if ((*State->SocketDieToNodeMap)[Socket][0].Node != HT_LIST_TERMINAL) {
      // Get all the Module core counts for this processor
      // Note that the core counts are 1 based counts.
      // Since Compute Unit info is not module ordering dependent, write it now.
      for (Module = 0; Module < MAX_DIES; Module++) {
        if ((*State->SocketDieToNodeMap)[Socket][Module].Node != HT_LIST_TERMINAL) {
          ModuleCoreCount[Module] = State->Nb->GetNumCoresOnNode ((*State->SocketDieToNodeMap)[Socket][Module].Node, State->Nb);
          (*State->SocketDieToNodeMap)[Socket][Module].EnabledComputeUnits =
            State->Nb->GetEnabledComputeUnits ((*State->SocketDieToNodeMap)[Socket][Module].Node, State->Nb);
          (*State->SocketDieToNodeMap)[Socket][Module].DualCoreComputeUnits =
            State->Nb->GetDualCoreComputeUnits ((*State->SocketDieToNodeMap)[Socket][Module].Node, State->Nb);
        } else {
          ModuleCoreCount[Module] = 0;
      // Determine the core ordering rule for this processor.
      if ((((*State->NodeToSocketDieMap)[0].Socket == Socket) && State->Nb->IsOrderBSPCoresByNode) ||
          (!State->Nb->IsOrderCoresByModule)) {
        // Order core ranges on this processor by Node Id.
        ProcessorCores = 0;
        for (Node = 0; Node < State->Nb->GetNodeCount (State->Nb); Node++) {
          // Is this node a module in this processor?
          if ((*State->NodeToSocketDieMap)[Node].Socket == Socket) {
            Module = (*State->NodeToSocketDieMap)[Node].Die;
            if (ModuleCoreCount[Module] != 0) {
              (*State->SocketDieToNodeMap)[Socket][Module].LowCore = ProcessorCores;
              (*State->SocketDieToNodeMap)[Socket][Module].HighCore = ProcessorCores + (ModuleCoreCount[Module] - 1);
              IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (
                (IsBootCore (State) ?
                 "Topology: Socket %d, Die %d, is Node %d, with Cores %d thru %d. Compute Unit status (0x%x,0x%x).\n" :
              ProcessorCores = ProcessorCores + ModuleCoreCount[Module];
      } else {
        // Order core ranges in this processor by Module Id.
        ProcessorCores = 0;
        for (Module = 0; Module < MAX_DIES; Module++) {
          if (ModuleCoreCount[Module] != 0) {
            (*State->SocketDieToNodeMap)[Socket][Module].LowCore = ProcessorCores;
            (*State->SocketDieToNodeMap)[Socket][Module].HighCore = ProcessorCores + (ModuleCoreCount[Module] - 1);
              IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (
                (IsBootCore (State) ?
                 "Topology: Socket %d, Die %d, is Node %d, with Cores %d thru %d. Compute Unit status (0x%x,0x%x).\n" :
            ProcessorCores = ProcessorCores + ModuleCoreCount[Module];