Пример #1
 void close()
     if (IsComPortOpen())
         hComPort = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
* @brief Send a buffer of data to the serial port
* @param txBufP Pointer to buffer of data to transmit
* @param txSize Size of data to transmit
* @return bool Write status (true=success, false=Error)
bool Instek8261Serial::SendCmd(char *txBufP, int txSize) {
    bool success = true;
    bool writeStatus = false;
    if (!IsComPortOpen()) {
        printf("SendMsg: WARNING: Serial port has not been opened.\n");
        success = false;
    if (success) {
        m_serialPort->write(txBufP, txSize);
        writeStatus = m_serialPort->waitForBytesWritten(1000);
        if (!writeStatus) {
            printf("Write failed\n");
    return writeStatus;
* @brief Send a command to the serial port and wait for a 
*        response.  Data received is assumed to be terminated
*        with the TERMINATION charater.  If the termination
*        character is received, it is assumed the receive data
*        is complete.
* @note The byte after the last byte of received data is 
*       terminated with a zero byte (NULL).  We assume we are
*       reading ASCII data back, and want to have a NULL
*       terminated string in the receive buffer on completion.
* @note All TERMINATION characters are replaced with the new 
*       line charater in the receive buffer.
* @param txBufP Pointer to buffer of data to transmit
* @param txSize Size of data to transmit
* @param rxBufP Pointer to buffer to put response data in
* @param maxRxSize Max size of receive buffer
* @param timeoutInMs How long to wait for receive data
* @return int Number of bytes received
int Instek8261Serial::SendCmdAndGetResponse(char *txBufP, int txSize, char *rxBufP, int maxRxSize, int timeoutInMs) {

    int numReadBytes = 0;
    int totalReadBytes = 0;
    bool writeStatus;
    bool readStatus;
    volatile bool msgOk = true;

    if (!IsComPortOpen()) {
        printf("SendCmdAndGetResponse: WARNING: Instek serial port has not been opened.\n");
        return 0;

    m_serialPort->write(txBufP, txSize);
    writeStatus = m_serialPort->waitForBytesWritten(1000);
    if (!writeStatus) {
        printf("Write failed\n");
        msgOk = false;

    while (msgOk) {
        readStatus = m_serialPort->waitForReadyRead(timeoutInMs);
        if (readStatus) {
            numReadBytes = m_serialPort->read(&rxBufP[totalReadBytes], (maxRxSize - totalReadBytes));
            totalReadBytes += numReadBytes;
            if (rxBufP[(totalReadBytes - 1)] == LINE_TERMINATION_CHAR) {
                rxBufP[(totalReadBytes - 1)] = '\n';
                rxBufP[totalReadBytes] = 0;
        } else {
            printf("NO SERIAL DATA\n");
            msgOk = false;

    if (!msgOk) {
        printf("Got %d total bytes\n", totalReadBytes);
        DumpMsgBytes(rxBufP, totalReadBytes);
        totalReadBytes = 0;

    return totalReadBytes;
Пример #4
    void OpenComPort(const char *comport, int baud, bool enableEcho, int byteSize, int parity, int stopBits)
        echo = enableEcho;

        hComPort = CreateFileA(
            0,    // cannot share the COM port                        
            0,    // security  (None)                
            0,    // no flags
            0);   // no templates

        if (IsComPortOpen())
            DCB dcb = {0};
            if (!GetCommState(hComPort, &dcb))
                close();    // must close before throwing, or we will try to print the error too!
                throw "GetCommState failed.";
            dcb.BaudRate = baud;
            dcb.ByteSize = byteSize;
            dcb.fParity = parity;
            dcb.StopBits = stopBits;
            if (!SetCommState(hComPort, &dcb))
                close();    // must close before throwing, or we will try to print the error too!
                throw "SetCommState failed.";
            printf("Opened and initialized %s\n", comport);
            throw "Cannot open serial port.";
* @brief Wait for multiple responses from the serial port. Each 
*        response received is assumed to be terminated with the
*        TERMINATION charater. If the termination character is
*        received, it is assumed one respnse is complete.
* @note The byte after the last byte of received data is 
*       terminated with a zero byte (NULL).  We assume we are
*       reading ASCII data back, and want to have a NULL
*       terminated string in the receive buffer on completion.
* @note All TERMINATION characters are replaced with the new 
*       line charater in the receive buffer.
* @param rxBufP Pointer to buffer to put response data in
* @param maxRxSize Max size of receive buffer
* @param timeoutInMs How long to wait for receive data
* @return int Number of bytes received
int Instek8261Serial::GetMultiResponse(char *rxBufP, int maxRxSize, int timeoutInMs, int numExpectedResponses) {

    int numReadBytes = 0;
    int totalReadBytes = 0;
    bool readStatus;
    volatile bool msgOk = true;
    int numResponses = 0;

    if (!IsComPortOpen()) {
        printf("SendMsg: WARNING: Serial port has not been opened.\n");
        return 0;
    while (msgOk) {
        readStatus = m_serialPort->waitForReadyRead(timeoutInMs);
        if (readStatus) {
            numReadBytes = m_serialPort->read(&rxBufP[totalReadBytes], (maxRxSize - totalReadBytes));
            numResponses += ReplaceCrWithNewLine(&rxBufP[totalReadBytes], numReadBytes);
            totalReadBytes += numReadBytes;
            if (numResponses == numExpectedResponses) {
        } else {
            printf("NO SERIAL DATA\n");
            msgOk = false;
    rxBufP[totalReadBytes] = 0;

    if (!msgOk) {
        printf("Got %d total bytes\n", totalReadBytes);
        DumpMsgBytes(rxBufP, totalReadBytes);
        totalReadBytes = 0;

    return totalReadBytes;
Пример #6
    void print(char c)
        if (allUpperOutput)
            c = toupper(c);
        fputc(c, stdout);
        if (IsComPortOpen())
            DWORD numBytesWritten = 0;
            WriteFile(hComPort, &c, 1, &numBytesWritten, NULL);

        // Reported issue with a real teletype machine:
        // The carriage return can take a long time, and the print head has enough mass
        // that it takes a while to settle down.  Without a delay, a long line
        // can cause the printer to crunch some characters together on the paper.
        // We provide a configuration option to wait a specified number of milliseconds
        // after every carriage return.
        if ((c == '\r') && (carriageReturnDelayMillis > 0))
Пример #7
    std::string readline()
        const int max = 120;
        char line[max];
        if (IsComPortOpen())
            // If the com port is open, read from it.
            int index = 0;
            while (true)
                DWORD numBytesRead = 0;
                char c = 0;
                if (ReadFile(hComPort, &c, 1, &numBytesRead, NULL) && (numBytesRead == 1))
                    if (echo)

                    if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z'))
                        // convert to lower case (otherwise move coordinates cannot be parsed)
                        c = (c + 'a') - 'A';

                    if (c == '\r')
                        if (echo)
                        line[index] = '\0';
                        return line;
                    else if (c != '\n')
                        if (index < max-1)
                            line[index++] = c;
                    throw "Com port read failure.";
            // If com port is closed, read from the local keyboard.
            if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin))
                // Remove carriage return and/or line feed at end.
                for (int i=0; i < max && line[i]; ++i)
                    if (line[i] == '\r' || line[i] == '\n')
                        line[i] = '\0';
                    if (line[i] >= 'A' && line[i] <= 'Z')
                        line[i] = (line[i] + 'a') - 'A';    // convert to lower case
                line[max-1] = '\0';
                return line;

        // lost communication - not much we can do
        throw "END OF INPUT";