Пример #1
ICCItem *CArmorClass::GetItemProperty (CItemCtx &Ctx, const CString &sName)

//	GetItemProperty
//	Returns armor property

	CCodeChain &CC = g_pUniverse->GetCC();

	if (strEquals(sName, PROPERTY_BLINDING_IMMUNE))
		return CC.CreateBool(IsBlindingDamageImmune(Ctx));

	else if (strEquals(sName, PROPERTY_COMPLETE_HP))
		return CC.CreateInteger(GetMaxHP(Ctx, true));

	else if (strEquals(sName, PROPERTY_DEVICE_DAMAGE_IMMUNE))
		return CC.CreateBool(IsDeviceDamageImmune(Ctx));

	else if (strEquals(sName, PROPERTY_DEVICE_DISRUPT_IMMUNE))
		return CC.CreateBool(IsDeviceDamageImmune(Ctx));

		return CC.CreateBool(IsDisintegrationImmune(Ctx));

	else if (strEquals(sName, PROPERTY_EMP_IMMUNE))
		return CC.CreateBool(IsEMPDamageImmune(Ctx));

	else if (strEquals(sName, PROPERTY_HP))
		return CC.CreateInteger(GetMaxHP(Ctx));

	else if (strEquals(sName, PROPERTY_RADIATION_IMMUNE))
		return CC.CreateBool(IsRadiationImmune(Ctx));

	else if (strEquals(sName, PROPERTY_SHATTER_IMMUNE))
		return CC.CreateBool(IsShatterImmune(Ctx));

	else if (m_pItemType)
		return CreateResultFromDataField(CC, m_pItemType->GetDataField(sName));

		return CC.CreateNil();
Пример #2
void CArmorClass::CalcDamageEffects (CItemCtx &ItemCtx, SDamageCtx &Ctx)

//	CalcDamageEffects
//	Initialize the damage effects based on the damage and on this armor type.

	CSpaceObject *pSource = ItemCtx.GetSource();
	CInstalledArmor *pArmor = ItemCtx.GetArmor();

	//	Compute all the effects (if we don't have installed armor, then the 
	//	caller is responsible for setting this).

	if (pArmor)
		Ctx.iHPLeft = pArmor->GetHitPoints();

	//	Reflect

	Ctx.bReflect = (IsReflective(ItemCtx, Ctx.Damage) && Ctx.iDamage > 0);

	//	Disintegration

	int iDisintegration = Ctx.Damage.GetDisintegrationDamage();
	Ctx.bDisintegrate = (iDisintegration > 0 && !IsDisintegrationImmune(ItemCtx));

	//	Shatter

	int iShatter = Ctx.Damage.GetShatterDamage();
	if (iShatter)
		//	Compute the threshold mass. Below this size, we shatter the object

		int iMassLimit = 10 * mathPower(5, iShatter);
		Ctx.bShatter = (pSource && pSource->GetMass() < iMassLimit);
		Ctx.bShatter = false;

	//	Blinding

	int iBlinding = Ctx.Damage.GetBlindingDamage();
	if (iBlinding && !IsBlindingDamageImmune(ItemCtx))
		//	The chance of being blinded is dependent
		//	on the rating.

		int iChance = 4 * iBlinding * iBlinding * GetBlindingDamageAdj() / 100;
		Ctx.bBlind = (mathRandom(1, 100) <= iChance);
		Ctx.iBlindTime = Ctx.iDamage * g_TicksPerSecond / 2;
		Ctx.bBlind = false;

	//	EMP

	int iEMP = Ctx.Damage.GetEMPDamage();
	if (iEMP && !IsEMPDamageImmune(ItemCtx))
		//	The chance of being paralyzed is dependent
		//	on the EMP rating.

		int iChance = 4 * iEMP * iEMP * GetEMPDamageAdj() / 100;
		Ctx.bParalyze = (mathRandom(1, 100) <= iChance);
		Ctx.iParalyzeTime = Ctx.iDamage * g_TicksPerSecond / 2;
		Ctx.bParalyze = false;

	//	Device disrupt

	int iDeviceDisrupt = Ctx.Damage.GetDeviceDisruptDamage();
	if (iDeviceDisrupt && !IsDeviceDamageImmune(ItemCtx))
		//	The chance of damaging a device depends on the rating.

		int iChance = 4 * iDeviceDisrupt * iDeviceDisrupt * GetDeviceDamageAdj() / 100;
		Ctx.bDeviceDisrupt = (mathRandom(1, 100) <= iChance);
		Ctx.iDisruptTime = 2 * Ctx.iDamage * g_TicksPerSecond;
		Ctx.bDeviceDisrupt = false;

	//	Device damage

	int iDeviceDamage = Ctx.Damage.GetDeviceDamage();
	if (iDeviceDamage && !IsDeviceDamageImmune(ItemCtx))
		//	The chance of damaging a device depends on the rating.

		int iChance = 4 * iDeviceDamage * iDeviceDamage * GetDeviceDamageAdj() / 100;
		Ctx.bDeviceDamage = (mathRandom(1, 100) <= iChance);
		Ctx.bDeviceDamage = false;

	//	Radiation

	int iRadioactive = Ctx.Damage.GetRadiationDamage();
	Ctx.bRadioactive = (iRadioactive > 0 && !IsRadiationImmune(ItemCtx));

	//	Some effects decrease damage

	if (iBlinding || iEMP)
		Ctx.iDamage = 0;
	else if (iDeviceDamage)
		Ctx.iDamage = Ctx.iDamage / 2;