Пример #1
void USoundWave::PostLoad()

	if (GetOutermost()->HasAnyPackageFlags(PKG_ReloadingForCooker))

	// Compress to whatever formats the active target platforms want
	// static here as an optimization
	ITargetPlatformManagerModule* TPM = GetTargetPlatformManager();
	if (TPM)
		const TArray<ITargetPlatform*>& Platforms = TPM->GetActiveTargetPlatforms();

		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Platforms.Num(); Index++)

	// We don't precache default objects and we don't precache in the Editor as the latter will
	// most likely cause us to run out of memory.
	if (!GIsEditor && !IsTemplate( RF_ClassDefaultObject ) && GEngine)
		FAudioDevice* AudioDevice = GEngine->GetMainAudioDevice();
		if (AudioDevice && AudioDevice->AreStartupSoundsPreCached())
			// Upload the data to the hardware, but only if we've precached startup sounds already
		// remove bulk data if no AudioDevice is used and no sounds were initialized
		else if(IsRunningGame())

	// Only add this streaming sound if we're not a dedicated server or if there is an audio device manager
	if (IsStreaming() && !IsRunningDedicatedServer() && GEngine && GEngine->GetAudioDeviceManager())

	if (!SourceFilePath_DEPRECATED.IsEmpty() && AssetImportData)
		FAssetImportInfo Info;
		AssetImportData->SourceData = MoveTemp(Info);

	INC_FLOAT_STAT_BY( STAT_AudioBufferTime, Duration );
	INC_FLOAT_STAT_BY( STAT_AudioBufferTimeChannels, NumChannels * Duration );
void FWindowsCursor::UpdateClipping()
	if (ClipRect.left == -1 && ClipRect.right == -1 && ClipRect.top == -1 && ClipRect.bottom == -1)
		// Unlock the cursor
	else if (bIsVisible)
		// Lock the cursor
		// If the cursor is not visible, assume we're in game where mouse is controlling the camera and lock it to the center of the widget.
		// This is a workaround for a problem in borderless window mode with round window corners where the cursor in the corner is in fact outside of the window area.
		if( IsRunningGame() )	// We never want to teleport the cursor back to the center unless we're in a game, otherwise it can interfere with how Simulate mode works
			RECT Center;
			Center.left = ClipRect.left + (ClipRect.right - ClipRect.left) / 2;
			Center.right = Center.left + 1;
			Center.top = ClipRect.top + (ClipRect.bottom - ClipRect.top) / 2;
			Center.bottom = Center.top + 1;
Пример #3
void USoundWave::PostLoad()

	if (GetOutermost()->PackageFlags & PKG_ReloadingForCooker)

	// Compress to whatever formats the active target platforms want
	// static here as an optimization
	ITargetPlatformManagerModule* TPM = GetTargetPlatformManager();
	if (TPM)
		const TArray<ITargetPlatform*>& Platforms = TPM->GetActiveTargetPlatforms();

		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Platforms.Num(); Index++)

	// We don't precache default objects and we don't precache in the Editor as the latter will
	// most likely cause us to run out of memory.
	if( !GIsEditor && !IsTemplate( RF_ClassDefaultObject ) && GEngine )
		FAudioDevice* AudioDevice = GEngine->GetAudioDevice();
		if( AudioDevice && AudioDevice->bStartupSoundsPreCached)
			// Upload the data to the hardware, but only if we've precached startup sounds already
			AudioDevice->Precache( this );
		// remove bulk data if no AudioDevice is used and no sounds were initialized
		else if( IsRunningGame() )

	if (IsStreaming())

	INC_FLOAT_STAT_BY( STAT_AudioBufferTime, Duration );
	INC_FLOAT_STAT_BY( STAT_AudioBufferTimeChannels, NumChannels * Duration );
bool FOnlineSubsystemAmazon::IsEnabled(void)
	// Check the ini for disabling Amazon
	bool bEnableAmazon = true;
	if (GConfig->GetBool(TEXT("OnlineSubsystemAmazon"), TEXT("bEnabled"), bEnableAmazon, GEngineIni) && 
		// Check the commandline for disabling Amazon
		bEnableAmazon = !FParse::Param(FCommandLine::Get(),TEXT("NOAMAZON"));
		if (bEnableAmazon)
			bEnableAmazon = IsRunningDedicatedServer() || IsRunningGame();
	return bEnableAmazon;
void UOnlineHotfixManager::StartHotfixProcess()
	// Patching the editor this way seems like a bad idea
	if (!IsRunningGame())
		UE_LOG(LogHotfixManager, Warning, TEXT("Hotfixing skipped due to IsRunningGame() == false"));

	// Kick off an enumeration of the files that are available to download
	if (OnlineTitleFile.IsValid())
		UE_LOG(LogHotfixManager, Error, TEXT("Failed to start the hotfixing process due to no OnlineTitleInterface present for OSS(%s)"), *OSSName);
bool FOnlineSubsystemSteam::IsEnabled()
	if (bSteamworksClientInitialized || bSteamworksGameServerInitialized)
		return true;

	// Check the ini for disabling Steam
	bool bEnableSteam = true;
	GConfig->GetBool(TEXT("OnlineSubsystemSteam"), TEXT("bEnabled"), bEnableSteam, GEngineIni);
	if (bEnableSteam)
		// Steam doesn't support running both the server and client on the same machine
		bEnableSteam = !FParse::Param(FCommandLine::Get(),TEXT("MultiprocessOSS"));
		if (bEnableSteam)
			bEnableSteam = IsRunningDedicatedServer() || IsRunningGame();

	return bEnableSteam;
void FAutomationTestFramework::GetValidTestNames( TArray<FAutomationTestInfo>& TestInfo ) const

	// Determine required application type (Editor, Game, or Commandlet)
	const bool bRunningEditor = GIsEditor && !IsRunningCommandlet();
	const bool bRunningGame = !GIsEditor || IsRunningGame();
	const bool bRunningCommandlet = IsRunningCommandlet();

	//application flags
	uint32 ApplicationSupportFlags = 0;
	if ( bRunningEditor )
		ApplicationSupportFlags |= EAutomationTestFlags::EditorContext;
	if ( bRunningGame )
		ApplicationSupportFlags |= EAutomationTestFlags::ClientContext;
	if ( bRunningCommandlet )
		ApplicationSupportFlags |= EAutomationTestFlags::CommandletContext;

	//Feature support - assume valid RHI until told otherwise
	uint32 FeatureSupportFlags = EAutomationTestFlags::FeatureMask;
	// @todo: Handle this correctly. GIsUsingNullRHI is defined at Engine-level, so it can't be used directly here in Core.
	// For now, assume Null RHI is only used for commandlets, servers, and when the command line specifies to use it.
	if (FPlatformProperties::SupportsWindowedMode())
		bool bUsingNullRHI = FParse::Param( FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("nullrhi") ) || IsRunningCommandlet() || IsRunningDedicatedServer();
		if (bUsingNullRHI)
			FeatureSupportFlags &= (~EAutomationTestFlags::NonNullRHI);
	if (FApp::IsUnattended())
		FeatureSupportFlags &= (~EAutomationTestFlags::RequiresUser);

	for ( TMap<FString, FAutomationTestBase*>::TConstIterator TestIter( AutomationTestClassNameToInstanceMap ); TestIter; ++TestIter )
		const FAutomationTestBase* CurTest = TestIter.Value();
		check( CurTest );

		uint32 CurTestFlags = CurTest->GetTestFlags();

		//filter out full tests when running smoke tests
		const bool bPassesFilterRequirement = ((CurTestFlags & RequestedTestFilter) != 0);

		//Application Tests
		uint32 CurTestApplicationFlags = (CurTestFlags & EAutomationTestFlags::ApplicationContextMask);
		const bool bPassesApplicationRequirements = (CurTestApplicationFlags == 0) || (CurTestApplicationFlags & ApplicationSupportFlags);
		//Feature Tests
		uint32 CurTestFeatureFlags = (CurTestFlags & EAutomationTestFlags::FeatureMask);
		const bool bPassesFeatureRequirements = (CurTestFeatureFlags == 0) || (CurTestFeatureFlags & FeatureSupportFlags);

		const bool bEnabled = (CurTestFlags & EAutomationTestFlags::Disabled) == 0;

		if (bEnabled && bPassesApplicationRequirements && bPassesFeatureRequirements && bPassesFilterRequirement)
Пример #8
void FEngineService::SendPong( const IMessageContextRef& Context )
	if (MessageEndpoint.IsValid())
		FEngineServicePong* Message = new FEngineServicePong();

		Message->EngineVersion = GEngineNetVersion;
		Message->InstanceId = FApp::GetInstanceId();
		Message->SessionId = FApp::GetSessionId();

		if (GEngine == NULL)
			Message->InstanceType = TEXT("Unknown");
		else if (IsRunningDedicatedServer())
			Message->InstanceType = TEXT("Server");
		else if (IsRunningCommandlet())
			Message->InstanceType = TEXT("Commandlet");
		else if (GEngine->IsEditor())
			Message->InstanceType = TEXT("Editor");
		else if ( IsRunningGame() )
			Message->InstanceType = TEXT("Game");
			Message->InstanceType = TEXT("Other");

		FWorldContext const* ContextToUse = NULL;

		// TODO: Should we be iterating here and sending a message for each context?

		// We're going to look through the WorldContexts and pull any Game context we find
		// If there isn't a Game context, we'll take the first PIE we find
		// and if none of those we'll use an Editor
		for (const FWorldContext& WorldContext : GEngine->GetWorldContexts())
			if (WorldContext.WorldType == EWorldType::Game)
				ContextToUse = &WorldContext;
			else if (WorldContext.WorldType == EWorldType::PIE && (ContextToUse == NULL || ContextToUse->WorldType != EWorldType::PIE))
				ContextToUse = &WorldContext;
			else if (WorldContext.WorldType == EWorldType::Editor && ContextToUse == NULL)
				ContextToUse = &WorldContext;

		if (ContextToUse != NULL && ContextToUse->World() != NULL)
			Message->CurrentLevel = ContextToUse->World()->GetMapName();
			Message->HasBegunPlay = ContextToUse->World()->HasBegunPlay();
			Message->WorldTimeSeconds = ContextToUse->World()->TimeSeconds;

		MessageEndpoint->Send(Message, Context->GetSender());