/* Main program */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* Initializes IUP */ IupOpen(&argc, &argv); /* Executes IupAlarm */ switch (IupAlarm ("IupAlarm Example", "File not saved! Save it now?", "Yes", "No", "Cancel")) { /* Shows a message for each selected button */ case 1: IupMessage ("Save file", "File saved successfully - leaving program"); break; case 2: IupMessage ("Save file", "File not saved - leaving program anyway"); break; case 3: IupMessage ("Save file", "Operation canceled"); break; } /* Finishes IUP */ IupClose(); /* Program finished successfully */ return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/* main program */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *error=NULL; /* IUP initialization */ IupOpen(&argc, &argv); IupControlsOpen () ; /* loads LED */ if((error = IupLoad("vbox.led"))) { IupMessage("LED error", error); return 1 ; } dlg = IupGetHandle("Alinhav"); /* sets callbacks */ // IupSetFunction( "acao_pausa", (Icallback) btn_pause_cb ); /* shows dialog */ // IupShowXY(dlg,IUP_CENTER,IUP_CENTER); IupShow(dlg); /* main loop */ IupMainLoop(); IupDestroy(dlg); /* ends IUP */ IupControlsClose() ; IupClose(); return 0 ; }
static int k_any(Ihandle *ih, int c) { switch(c) { case K_m: IupSetGlobal("PARENTDIALOG", "_MAIN_DIALOG_TEST_"); IupMessage("IupMessage Test", "Message Text\nSecond Line."); IupSetGlobal("PARENTDIALOG", NULL); break; case K_e: new_message("ERROR", NULL); break; case K_i: new_message("INFORMATION", NULL); break; case K_w: new_message("WARNING", "OKCANCEL"); break; case K_q: new_message("QUESTION", "YESNO"); break; case K_c: new_color(); break; case K_f: new_font(); break; case K_o: new_file("OPEN", 0); break; case K_O: new_file("OPEN", 1); break; case K_G: new_file("OPEN", 2); break; case K_s: new_file("SAVE", 0); break; case K_d: new_file("DIR", 0); break; case K_a: new_alarm(); break; case K_g: new_getfile(); break; case K_t: new_gettext(); break; case K_l: new_list(); break; case K_ESC: IupDestroy(ih); return IUP_IGNORE; } return IUP_DEFAULT; }
int item_autosave_cb(void) { Ihandle *item_autosave = IupGetHandle("item_autosave"); if (IupGetInt(item_autosave, "VALUE")) { IupMessage("Auto Save","OFF"); IupSetAttribute(item_autosave, "VALUE", "OFF"); } else { IupMessage("Auto Save","ON"); IupSetAttribute(item_autosave, "VALUE", "ON"); } return IUP_DEFAULT; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; int integer = 12; float real = 1e-3f; char text[300]="This is a vector of characters"; char *fmt = { "IupScanf Example\n" "Text: %300.5%s\n" "Real: %20.10%g\n" "Integer: %3.10%d\n" }; IupOpen(&argc, &argv); IupSetLanguage("ENGLISH"); ret = IupScanf(fmt, text, &real, &integer); if (ret == -1) IupMessage("IupScanf","Operation canceled"); else IupMessagef("IupScanf","Text: %s\nReal: %f\nInteger: %d\nFields read successfully: %d",text,real,integer,ret); IupClose(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static int Message(lua_State *L) { const char *title = luaL_checkstring(L,1); const char *message = luaL_checkstring(L,2); IupMessage(title, message); return 0; }
static void PrintError(int error) { switch (error) { case IM_ERR_OPEN: IupMessage("IM", "Error Opening File."); break; case IM_ERR_MEM: IupMessage("IM", "Insuficient memory."); break; case IM_ERR_ACCESS: IupMessage("IM", "Error Accessing File."); break; case IM_ERR_DATA: IupMessage("IM", "Image type not Suported."); break; case IM_ERR_FORMAT: IupMessage("IM", "Invalid Format."); break; case IM_ERR_COMPRESS: IupMessage("IM", "Invalid or unsupported compression."); break; default: IupMessage("IM", "Unknown Error."); } }
void IupMessagef(const char *title, const char *f, ...) { static char m[SHRT_MAX]; va_list arglist; va_start(arglist, f); vsprintf(m, f, arglist); va_end (arglist); IupMessage(title, m); }
void IupMessagef(const char *title, const char *format, ...) { static char message[SHRT_MAX]; va_list arglist; va_start(arglist, format); vsprintf(message, format, arglist); va_end (arglist); IupMessage(title, message); }
int goto_ok_action_cb(Ihandle* bt_ok) { int line_count = IupGetInt(bt_ok, "TEXT_LINECOUNT"); Ihandle* txt = IupGetDialogChild(bt_ok, "LINE_TEXT"); int line = IupGetInt(txt, "VALUE"); if (line < 1 || line >= line_count) { IupMessage("Error", "Invalid line number."); return IUP_DEFAULT; } IupSetAttribute(IupGetDialog(bt_ok), "STATUS", "1"); return IUP_CLOSE; }
int app_open_cb(Ihandle* self) { imFile* ifile; /* file input */ int ret, error; unsigned char* gl_data = (unsigned char*)IupGetAttribute(self, "APP_GL_DATA"); char filename[1024] = ".\\*.*"; /* get a file name */ ret = IupGetFile(filename); if (ret == -1) return IUP_DEFAULT; ifile = imFileOpen(filename, &error); if (!ifile) { IupMessage("Error", "Error reading image file."); return IUP_DEFAULT; } { int width = 0, height = 0, file_color_mode, color_space; Ihandle* dialog = IupGetDialog(self); imFileReadImageInfo(ifile, 0, &width, &height, &file_color_mode, NULL); /* alocates the buffers */ if (gl_data) free(gl_data); gl_data = malloc(width*height*3); IupSetAttribute(dialog, "APP_GL_DATA", gl_data); IupSetfAttribute(dialog, "APP_GL_WIDTH", "%d", width); IupSetfAttribute(dialog, "APP_GL_HEIGHT", "%d", height); imFileReadImageData(ifile, gl_data, 1, IM_PACKED); color_space = imColorModeSpace(file_color_mode); if (color_space == IM_MAP || color_space == IM_GRAY || color_space == IM_BINARY) { long palette[256]; int palette_count; imFileGetPalette(ifile, palette, &palette_count); ConvertMapToGLData(gl_data, width*height, 3, palette, palette_count); } } imFileClose(ifile); return IUP_DEFAULT; }
int find_next_action_cb(Ihandle* bt_next) { Ihandle* multitext = (Ihandle*)IupGetAttribute(bt_next, "MULTITEXT"); char* str = IupGetAttribute(multitext, "VALUE"); int find_pos = IupGetInt(multitext, "FIND_POS"); Ihandle* txt = IupGetDialogChild(bt_next, "FIND_TEXT"); char* str_to_find = IupGetAttribute(txt, "VALUE"); Ihandle* find_case = IupGetDialogChild(bt_next, "FIND_CASE"); int casesensitive = IupGetInt(find_case, "VALUE"); int pos = str_find(str + find_pos, str_to_find, casesensitive); if (pos >= 0) pos += find_pos; else if (find_pos > 0) pos = str_find(str, str_to_find, casesensitive); /* try again from the start */ if (pos >= 0) { int lin, col, end_pos = pos + (int)strlen(str_to_find); IupSetInt(multitext, "FIND_POS", end_pos); IupSetFocus(multitext); IupSetfAttribute(multitext, "SELECTIONPOS", "%d:%d", pos, end_pos); IupTextConvertPosToLinCol(multitext, pos, &lin, &col); IupTextConvertLinColToPos(multitext, lin, 0, &pos); /* position at col=0, just scroll lines */ IupSetInt(multitext, "SCROLLTOPOS", pos); } else IupMessage("Warning", "Text not found."); return IUP_DEFAULT; }
/* main program */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *error=NULL; /* IUP initialization */ IupOpen(&argc, &argv); IupControlsOpen () ; /* loads LED */ if(error = IupLoad("iupgauge.led")) { IupMessage("LED error", error); return 1 ; } dlg = IupGetHandle("dialog_name"); gauge = IupGetHandle("gauge_name"); /* sets callbacks */ IupSetFunction( "acao_pausa", (Icallback) pausa_cb ); IupSetFunction( "acao_inicio", (Icallback) inicio_cb ); IupSetFunction( "acao_acelera", (Icallback) acelera_cb ); IupSetFunction( "acao_freia", (Icallback) freia_cb ); IupSetFunction( "acao_exibe", (Icallback) exibe_cb ); IupSetFunction( "IDLE_ACTION", (Icallback) idle_cb); /* shows dialog */ IupShowXY(dlg,IUP_CENTER,IUP_CENTER); /* main loop */ IupMainLoop(); IupDestroy(dlg); /* ends IUP */ IupControlsClose() ; IupClose(); return 0 ; }
//Display the about page int _about(Ihandle* self) { #define C "\xa9" #define VERSION "0.1 alpha" IupMessage("About", "Pic2MCMap Minecraft map format converter\n" "Version " VERSION "\n" "Built on " __DATE__ "\n" "Copyright "C"2014-2015 Yakov Lipkovich\n" "Licensed under the BSD license\n" "---------------------------------------------------------------\n" "Additional libraries:\n" " * IUP Portable User Interface; "C"1994-2014 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio\n" " * IM Digital Imaging; "C"1994-2014 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio\n" " * cNBT NBT File Parser; "C"Lukas Niederbremer and Clark Gaebel\n" "---------------------------------------------------------------\n" "github.com/wooky/pic2mcmap" ); #undef C #undef VERSION return IUP_DEFAULT; }
int item_about_action_cb(void) { IupMessage("About", " Simple Notepad\n\nAutors:\n Gustavo Lyrio\n Antonio Scuri"); return IUP_DEFAULT; }
int item_save_cb(void) { IupMessage("Test","Saved!"); return IUP_DEFAULT; }
int downloadCb(){ IupSetFunction("IDLE_ACTION", NULL); IupLoopStep(); char *cachePath = path_get_nwjs_cache(); char *indexJsonPath = string_concat(2, cachePath, "../index.json"); recursiveMkdir(cachePath, 0755); //Create directories if they don't already exist indexJsonFile_t versionIndex = {}; if(download(INDEXJSON_URL, indexJsonPath, genericCb) != DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS){ printf("[nwjsmanager][DEBUG] Failed to download version index at URL '%s'. Cached version will be used if available.\n", INDEXJSON_URL); } indexJson_file_parse(indexJsonPath, &versionIndex); if(versionIndex.nwjsVersionCount != 0){ if(update_required(&versionIndex)){ Ihandle *info = IupGetHandle("info"); IupSetStrf(info, "TITLE", "Downloading nwjsmanager update (you are running v%s, but v%d.%d.%d is available).", NWJSMANAGER_VERSION, versionIndex.nwjsmanagerLatestVersion.major, versionIndex.nwjsmanagerLatestVersion.minor, versionIndex.nwjsmanagerLatestVersion.patch); if(!update_install(&versionIndex, progressCb, _argc, _argv)){ IupMessage(app->name, "Failed to install update!"); return IUP_CLOSE; } } nwjsVersion_t *launchVersion = NULL; for(int i = 0; i < versionIndex.nwjsVersionCount; i++) if(packageJson_file_is_nw_version_OK(app, versionIndex.nwjsVersions[i].version) && (!launchVersion || semver_gt(versionIndex.nwjsVersions[i].version, launchVersion->version))) launchVersion = &versionIndex.nwjsVersions[i]; if(!launchVersion){ IupMessage(app->name, "Error: no nw.js version compatible with the application was found. Please try to reinstall the application, or contact the developer if the problem persists."); }else{ printf("[nwjsmanager][DEBUG] Downloading nw.js %d.%d.%d\n", launchVersion->version.major, launchVersion->version.minor, launchVersion->version.patch); char *versionName = malloc(255); //Using 255 as max length (see https://github.com/mojombo/semver/blob/master/semver.md#does-semver-have-a-size-limit-on-the-version-string) sprintf(versionName, "v%d.%d.%d", launchVersion->version.major, launchVersion->version.minor, launchVersion->version.patch); nwjsDownload_t *downloads = &launchVersion->defaultDownloads; char *url; #ifdef _WIN32 //Actually on Windows only a 32-bit binary is distributed since it will work out-of-the box thanks to Wow64. The IsWow64 function (see win-only/IsWow64.c) is used to detect at runtime if we are on a 64-bit system and properly select the nw.js architecture. if(IsWow64()) url = downloads->win64; else url = downloads->win32; #else //On linux, architecture is detected at compile time because two different binaries are distributed (i386 and x86_64) #ifdef __x86_64__ url = downloads->linux64; #else url = downloads->linux32; #endif #endif char *file = string_concat(2, cachePath, "download"); int result = download(url, file, progressCb); if(result == DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS){ result = extractArchive(file, cachePath); remove(file); char *oldName = strrchr(url, '/') + sizeof(char); char *oldNameEnd = strstr(oldName, ".zip"); if(!oldNameEnd) oldNameEnd = strstr(oldName, ".tar.gz"); *oldNameEnd = '\0'; char *oldPath = string_concat(2, cachePath, oldName); *oldNameEnd = '.'; char *newPath = string_concat(2, cachePath, versionName); rename(oldPath, newPath); free(oldPath); #ifndef _WIN32 recursiveChmod(newPath, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IXUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IXGRP|S_IROTH|S_IXOTH); #endif free(newPath); globalResult = DOWNLOADERGUI_SUCCESS; } free(file); free(versionName); } }else IupMessage(app->name, "Error: this application requires the nw.js runtime, but a suitable version of the runtime files isn't installed. An attempt was done to download it, but it wasn't possible to retrive the version index.\nPlease check your Internet connection (this is necessary only for the first run of the application). Also, be sure the current user is allowed to write to the nw.js binary cache directory."); indexJson_file_free(&versionIndex); free(indexJsonPath); free(cachePath); return IUP_CLOSE; }
static void Message(void) { IupMessage(luaL_check_string(1), luaL_check_string(2)); }