Пример #1
static void iMatrixListInitSize(Ihandle* ih, ImatrixListData* mtxList)
  char str[30];
  int num_col = 0;

  if (mtxList->label_col != 0)
  if (mtxList->color_col != 0)
  if (mtxList->image_col != 0)
  sprintf(str, "%d", num_col);
  iupMatrixSetNumColAttrib(ih, str);  /* "NUMCOL" */
  IupSetStrAttribute(ih, "NUMCOL_VISIBLE", str);

  if (mtxList->color_col != 0)
    if (!iupAttribGetId(ih, "WIDTH", mtxList->color_col))
      IupSetIntId(ih, "WIDTH", mtxList->color_col, IMTXL_COLOR_WIDTH);

  if (mtxList->image_col != 0)
    if (!iupAttribGetId(ih, "WIDTH", mtxList->image_col))
      IupSetIntId(ih, "WIDTH", mtxList->image_col, IMTXL_IMAGE_WIDTH);
Пример #2
static int iMatrixExSetNumericUnitShownAttrib(Ihandle* ih, int col, const char* value)
  int unit;
  int quantity = IupGetIntId(ih, "NUMERICQUANTITYINDEX", col);
  if (!quantity)
    return 0;

  unit = iMatrixFindUnit(imatex_quantities[quantity].units, imatex_quantities[quantity].units_count, value);
  if (unit < 0)
    return 0;

  IupSetIntId(ih, "NUMERICUNITSHOWNINDEX", col, unit);
  return 0;
Пример #3
static int iMatrixExSetNumericUnitSymbolAttrib(Ihandle* ih, int col, const char* value)
  int unit, utf8;
  int quantity = IupGetIntId(ih, "NUMERICQUANTITYINDEX", col);
  if (!quantity)
    return 0;
  utf8 = IupGetInt(NULL, "UTF8MODE");

  unit = iMatrixFindUnitSymbol(imatex_quantities[quantity].units, imatex_quantities[quantity].units_count, value, utf8);
  if (unit < 0)
    return 0;

  IupSetIntId(ih, "NUMERICUNITINDEX", col, unit);
  return 0;
Пример #4
static int iMatrixExSetNumericQuantityAttrib(Ihandle* ih, int col, const char* value)
  if (!value)
    IupSetCallback(ih, "NUMERICCONVERT_FUNC", NULL);
    IupSetAttributeId(ih, "NUMERICQUANTITYINDEX", col, NULL);
    int quantity = iMatrixFindQuantity(value);
    if (quantity < 0)
      quantity = 0;  /* Set to None, this will enable the numeric column, but no unit conversion */

    /* set the callback before setting the attribute */
    IupSetCallback(ih, "NUMERICCONVERT_FUNC", (Icallback)iMatrixConvertFunc);
    IupSetIntId(ih, "NUMERICQUANTITYINDEX", col, quantity);

  return 0;
Пример #5
static int iMatrixListKeyAny_CB(Ihandle *ih, int key)
  ImatrixListData* mtxList = (ImatrixListData*)iupAttribGet(ih, "_IUPMTXLIST_DATA");

  if (IupGetInt(ih, "EDITMODE"))
    return IUP_CONTINUE;

  if (key == K_SP || key == K_sSP)
    if (mtxList->image_col != 0)
      int lin = ih->data->lines.focus_cell;
      int itemactive = IupGetIntId(ih, "ITEMACTIVE", lin);
      int imageactive = IupGetIntId(ih, "IMAGEACTIVE", lin);
      int lines_num = ih->data->lines.num;

      if (!itemactive || !imageactive)
        return IUP_IGNORE;

      if (!mtxList->editable || lin != lines_num-1)
        IFnii imagevaluechanged_cb = (IFnii)IupGetCallback(ih, "IMAGEVALUECHANGED_CB");
        int imagevalue = !IupGetIntId(ih, "IMAGEVALUE", lin);
        if (!imagevaluechanged_cb || imagevaluechanged_cb(ih, lin, imagevalue) != IUP_IGNORE)
          IupSetIntId(ih, "IMAGEVALUE", lin, imagevalue);
          IupSetfAttribute(ih, "REDRAW", "L%d", lin);
          return IUP_IGNORE;

      return IUP_IGNORE;
  else if (key == K_HOME || key == K_sHOME)
    iMatrixListSetFocusItem(ih, mtxList, 1);
    IupSetAttribute(ih, "SHOW", "1:*");
    return IUP_IGNORE;
  else if (key == K_END || key == K_sEND)
    iMatrixListSetFocusItem(ih, mtxList, ih->data->lines.num-1);
    IupSetfAttribute(ih, "SHOW", "%d:*", ih->data->lines.num-1);
    return IUP_IGNORE;
  else if (key == K_DEL || key == K_sDEL)
    if (mtxList->editable)
      IFni listremove_cb = (IFni)IupGetCallback(ih, "LISTREMOVE_CB");
      /* notify the application that a line will be removed */
      int lin = ih->data->lines.focus_cell;
      int itemactive = IupGetIntId(ih, "ITEMACTIVE", lin);
      if (itemactive && (!listremove_cb || listremove_cb(ih, lin) != IUP_IGNORE))
        /* Remove the line */
        IupSetInt(ih, "DELLIN", lin);
        return IUP_IGNORE;
  else if (key == K_F2 || key == K_CR || key == K_sCR)
    int lin = ih->data->lines.focus_cell;
    iMatrixListSetFocusItem(ih, mtxList, lin);  /* this will position focus at the right cell */
    IupSetAttribute(ih, "EDITMODE", "Yes");
    return IUP_IGNORE;
    /* if a valid character is pressed enter edition mode */
    if (iup_isprint(key))
      int lin = ih->data->lines.focus_cell;
      iMatrixListSetFocusItem(ih, mtxList, lin);  /* this will position focus at the right cell */

      IupSetAttribute(ih, "EDITMODE", "Yes");
      if (IupGetInt(ih, "EDITMODE"))
        char value[2] = {0,0};
        value[0] = (char)key;
        IupStoreAttribute(ih->data->datah, "VALUEMASKED", value);
        IupSetAttribute(ih->data->datah, "CARET", "2");
        return IUP_IGNORE;

  return IUP_CONTINUE;
Пример #6
static int iMatrixListRelease_CB(Ihandle *ih, int lin, int col, char *status)
  ImatrixListData* mtxList = (ImatrixListData*)iupAttribGet(ih, "_IUPMTXLIST_DATA");
  IFniis listrelease_cb = (IFniis)IupGetCallback(ih, "LISTRELEASE_CB");
  int lines_num = ih->data->lines.num;
  int itemactive, imageactive;

  /* call application callback before anything */
  if (listrelease_cb && listrelease_cb(ih, lin, col, status)==IUP_IGNORE)
    return IUP_IGNORE;

  if (mtxList->last_click_lin != lin ||
      mtxList->last_click_col != col)
    return IUP_DEFAULT;

  /* only the image column must be processed */
  if (col != mtxList->image_col)
    return IUP_DEFAULT;

  itemactive = IupGetIntId(ih, "ITEMACTIVE", lin);
  imageactive = IupGetIntId(ih, "IMAGEACTIVE", lin);

  if (!itemactive || !imageactive)
    return IUP_DEFAULT;

  if (mtxList->editable && lin == lines_num-1)
    /* click on IMAGEADD - start editing */
    iMatrixListSetFocusItem(ih, mtxList, lin);
    IupSetAttribute(ih, "EDITMODE", "Yes");
  else if (iMatrixListCheckDelete(ih))
    /* click on IMAGEDEL */
    IFni listremove_cb = (IFni)IupGetCallback(ih, "LISTREMOVE_CB");
    if (lin == 0)
      if (mtxList->editable)

      for (lin = lines_num-1; lin>0; lin--)
        itemactive = IupGetIntId(ih, "ITEMACTIVE", lin);
        imageactive = IupGetIntId(ih, "IMAGEACTIVE", lin);

        if (!itemactive || !imageactive)

        if (!listremove_cb || listremove_cb(ih, lin) != IUP_IGNORE)
          IupSetInt(ih, "DELLIN", lin);
      /* notify the application that a line will be removed */
      if (!listremove_cb || listremove_cb(ih, lin) != IUP_IGNORE)
        /* Remove the line */
        IupSetInt(ih, "DELLIN", lin);
    IFnii imagevaluechanged_cb = (IFnii)IupGetCallback(ih, "IMAGEVALUECHANGED_CB");
    int imagevalue = !IupGetIntId(ih, "IMAGEVALUE", lin);
    if (!imagevaluechanged_cb || imagevaluechanged_cb(ih, lin, imagevalue) != IUP_IGNORE)
      IupSetIntId(ih, "IMAGEVALUE", lin, imagevalue);
      IupSetfAttribute(ih, "REDRAW", "L%d", lin);

      if (lin==0)
        if (mtxList->editable) 

        for (lin=1; lin<lines_num; lin++)
          itemactive = IupGetIntId(ih, "ITEMACTIVE", lin);
          imageactive = IupGetIntId(ih, "IMAGEACTIVE", lin);

          if (!itemactive || !imageactive)

          if (!imagevaluechanged_cb || imagevaluechanged_cb(ih, lin, imagevalue) != IUP_IGNORE)
            IupSetIntId(ih, "IMAGEVALUE", lin, imagevalue);
            IupSetfAttribute(ih, "REDRAW", "L%d", lin);

  return IUP_DEFAULT;