Пример #1
extern "C" DECLSPEC void SDLCALL Java_paulscode_android_mupen64plusae_jni_NativeExports_loadLibraries(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jstring jlibPath, jint jandroidSDK)
    LOGI("Loading native libraries");

    // Clear stale error messages

    // Get the library path from the java-managed string
    const char *libPath = env->GetStringUTFChars(jlibPath, 0);
    char path[256];
    strcpy(path, libPath);
    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jlibPath, libPath);

#ifdef __i386__ // ARM libraries are already PIC-compliant
    // Check if PIC libraries are needed
    if (jandroidSDK >= ANDROID_SDK_VERSION_M)
        coreLibraryName = "mupen64plus-core-pic";

    // Open shared libraries
    handleAEI      = loadLibrary(path, "ae-imports");
    handleSDL      = loadLibrary(path, "SDL2");
    handleFreetype = loadLibrary(path, "freetype");
    handleCore     = loadLibrary(path, coreLibraryName);
    handleFront    = loadLibrary(path, "mupen64plus-ui-console");

    // Make sure we don't have any typos
    if (!handleAEI || !handleSDL || !handleFreetype || !handleCore || !handleFront )
        LOGE("Could not load libraries: be sure the paths are correct");

    // Find and call the JNI_OnLoad functions manually since we aren't loading the libraries from Java
    pJNI_OnLoad JNI_OnLoad0 = (pJNI_OnLoad) locateFunction(handleAEI, "ae-imports", "JNI_OnLoad");
    pJNI_OnLoad JNI_OnLoad1 = (pJNI_OnLoad) locateFunction(handleSDL, "SDL2",       "JNI_OnLoad");
    JNI_OnLoad0(mVm, mReserved);
    JNI_OnLoad1(mVm, mReserved);
    JNI_OnLoad0 = NULL;
    JNI_OnLoad1 = NULL;

    // Find library functions
    aeiInit       = (pAeiInit)       locateFunction(handleAEI,   "ae-imports",             "Android_JNI_InitImports");
    sdlInit       = (pSdlInit)       locateFunction(handleSDL,   "SDL2",                   "SDL_Android_Init");
    sdlSetScreen  = (pSdlSetScreen)  locateFunction(handleSDL,   "SDL2",                   "Android_SetScreenResolution");
    sdlMainReady  = (pVoidFunc)      locateFunction(handleSDL,   "SDL2",                   "SDL_SetMainReady");
    coreDoCommand = (pCoreDoCommand) locateFunction(handleCore,  coreLibraryName,          "CoreDoCommand");
    coreShutdown  = (pCoreShutdown)  locateFunction(handleCore,  coreLibraryName,          "CoreShutdown");
    frontMain     = (pFrontMain)     locateFunction(handleFront, "mupen64plus-ui-console", "SDL_main");
    nativeResume  = (pNativeResume)  locateFunction(handleSDL,   "SDL2",                   "Java_org_libsdl_app_SDLActivity_nativeResume");
    nativePause   = (pNativePause)   locateFunction(handleSDL,   "SDL2",                   "Java_org_libsdl_app_SDLActivity_nativePause");

    // Make sure we don't have any typos
    if (!aeiInit || !sdlInit || !sdlSetScreen || !sdlMainReady || !coreDoCommand || !frontMain || !nativeResume || !nativePause || !coreShutdown)
        LOGE("Could not load library functions: be sure they are named and typedef'd correctly");
Пример #2
extern "C" DECLSPEC void SDLCALL Java_paulscode_android_mupen64plusae_jni_NativeExports_loadLibraries(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jstring jlibPath)
    LOGI("Loading native libraries");

    // Construct the library paths
    const char *libPath = env->GetStringUTFChars(jlibPath, 0);
    char pathAEI[256];
    char pathSDL[256];
    char pathCore[256];
    char pathFront[256];
    sprintf(pathAEI,    "%s/libae-imports.so",  libPath);
    sprintf(pathSDL,    "%s/libSDL2.so",        libPath);
    sprintf(pathCore,   "%s/libcore.so",        libPath);
    sprintf(pathFront,  "%s/libfront-end.so",   libPath);
    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jlibPath, libPath);

    // Open shared libraries
    handleAEI   = dlopen(pathAEI,   RTLD_NOW);
    handleSDL   = dlopen(pathSDL,   RTLD_NOW);
    handleCore  = dlopen(pathCore,  RTLD_NOW);
    handleFront = dlopen(pathFront, RTLD_NOW);

    // Make sure we don't have any typos
    if (!handleAEI || !handleSDL || !handleCore || !handleFront)
        LOGE("Could not load libraries: be sure the paths are correct");

    // Find and call the JNI_OnLoad functions manually since we aren't loading the libraries from Java
    pJNI_OnLoad JNI_OnLoad0 = (pJNI_OnLoad) dlsym(handleAEI, "JNI_OnLoad");
    pJNI_OnLoad JNI_OnLoad1 = (pJNI_OnLoad) dlsym(handleSDL, "JNI_OnLoad");
    JNI_OnLoad0(mVm, mReserved);
    JNI_OnLoad1(mVm, mReserved);
    JNI_OnLoad0 = NULL;
    JNI_OnLoad1 = NULL;

    // Find library functions
    aeiInit         = (pAeiInit)        dlsym(handleAEI,    "Android_JNI_InitImports");
    sdlInit         = (pSdlInit)        dlsym(handleSDL,    "SDL_Android_Init");
    sdlSetScreen    = (pSdlSetScreen)   dlsym(handleSDL,    "Android_SetScreenResolution");
    sdlMainReady    = (pVoidFunc)       dlsym(handleSDL,    "SDL_SetMainReady");
    coreDoCommand   = (pCoreDoCommand)  dlsym(handleCore,   "CoreDoCommand");
    frontMain       = (pFrontMain)      dlsym(handleFront,  "SDL_main");

    // Make sure we don't have any typos
    if (!aeiInit || !sdlInit || !sdlSetScreen || !sdlMainReady || !coreDoCommand || !frontMain)
        LOGE("Could not load library functions: be sure they are named and typedef'd correctly");