static nsresult
ReadScriptFromStream(JSContext *cx, nsIObjectInputStream *stream,
                     JSScript **script)
    *script = nsnull;

    PRUint32 size;
    nsresult rv = stream->Read32(&size);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

    char *data;
    rv = stream->ReadBytes(size, &data);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

    JSXDRState *xdr = JS_XDRNewMem(cx, JSXDR_DECODE);

    xdr->userdata = stream;
    JS_XDRMemSetData(xdr, data, size);

    if (!JS_XDRScript(xdr, script)) {
        rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    // Update data in case ::JS_XDRScript called back into C++ code to
    // read an XPCOM object.
    // In that case, the serialization process must have flushed a run
    // of counted bytes containing JS data at the point where the XPCOM
    // object starts, after which an encoding C++ callback from the JS
    // XDR code must have written the XPCOM object directly into the
    // nsIObjectOutputStream.
    // The deserialization process will XDR-decode counted bytes up to
    // but not including the XPCOM object, then call back into C++ to
    // read the object, then read more counted bytes and hand them off
    // to the JSXDRState, so more JS data can be decoded.
    // This interleaving of JS XDR data and XPCOM object data may occur
    // several times beneath the call to ::JS_XDRScript, above.  At the
    // end of the day, we need to free (via nsMemory) the data owned by
    // the JSXDRState.  So we steal it back, nulling xdr's buffer so it
    // doesn't get passed to ::JS_free by ::JS_XDRDestroy.

    uint32 length;
    data = static_cast<char*>(JS_XDRMemGetData(xdr, &length));
    if (data) {
        JS_XDRMemSetData(xdr, nsnull, 0);

    // If data is null now, it must have been freed while deserializing an
    // XPCOM object (e.g., a principal) beneath ::JS_XDRScript.
    if (data) {

    return rv;
static nsresult
WriteScriptToStream(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script,
                    nsIObjectOutputStream *stream)
    JSXDRState *xdr = JS_XDRNewMem(cx, JSXDR_ENCODE);

    xdr->userdata = stream;
    nsresult rv = NS_OK;

    if (JS_XDRScript(xdr, &script)) {
        // Get the encoded JSXDRState data and write it.  The JSXDRState owns
        // this buffer memory and will free it beneath ::JS_XDRDestroy.
        // If an XPCOM object needs to be written in the midst of the JS XDR
        // encoding process, the C++ code called back from the JS engine (e.g.,
        // nsEncodeJSPrincipals in caps/src/nsJSPrincipals.cpp) will flush data
        // from the JSXDRState to aStream, then write the object, then return
        // to JS XDR code with xdr reset so new JS data is encoded at the front
        // of the xdr's data buffer.
        // However many XPCOM objects are interleaved with JS XDR data in the
        // stream, when control returns here from ::JS_XDRScript, we'll have
        // one last buffer of data to write to aStream.

        uint32 size;
        const char* data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>
                                           (JS_XDRMemGetData(xdr, &size));
        NS_ASSERTION(data, "no decoded JSXDRState data!");

        rv = stream->Write32(size);
        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
            rv = stream->WriteBytes(data, size);
    } else {
        rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // likely to be a principals serialization error

    return rv;
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    JSRuntime *rt;
    JSContext *cx;
    JSObject  *glob;
    long       rtsize = 8;      /* Runtime size allocated in MB */
    JSBool     status;
    JSScript  *script;
    jsval      rval;

    JSClass dj_Global = { "global", JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE,
                          JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub,
                          JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub,
                          JS_EnumerateStub, JS_ResolveStub,
                          JS_ConvertStub,  JS_FinalizeStub,
                          NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0

    rt = JS_NewRuntime(1024L * 1024L * rtsize);
    if (rt == NULL)
        printf("Cannot initialise javascript runtime\n");
        return ERROR;

/* Create a javascript context and associate it with the JS runtime */
    cx = JS_NewContext(rt, CONTEXT_SIZE);
    if (cx == NULL)
        printf("Cannot initialise javascript context\n");
        return ERROR;

/* Create a global object */
    glob = JS_NewObject(cx, &dj_Global, NULL, NULL);
    if (glob == NULL)
        printf("Cannot create javascript global object\n");
        return ERROR;

/* Create the standard classes */
    status = JS_InitStandardClasses(cx, glob);
    if (status == JS_FALSE)
        printf("Cannot initialise javascript standard classes\n");
        return ERROR;

/* XDR script */
    JSXDRState *xdr = JS_XDRNewMem(cx, JSXDR_DECODE);
    if ((xdr != NULL)) {
      void* f = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
      fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
      int len = ftell(f);
      fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
      void* data = malloc(len);
      fread(data, 1, len, f);
      JS_XDRMemSetData(xdr, data, len);
      if (JS_XDRScript(xdr, &script) != JS_TRUE) {
        printf("Decompilation error\n");

/* Decompile script */
    JSString *sourcecode = JS_DecompileScript(cx, script, "proba.js", 2);
    char *sourcecode_str = JS_GetStringBytes(sourcecode);
    printf("%s", sourcecode_str);

/* Destroy context */


/* Destroy runtime */


    return 0;