Пример #1
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    static const double endingCondition = 0.000000001;
    printf(" This program will successively run iterations of the     \n");
    printf(" Jacobi Algorithm for diagonalization until some form of  \n");
    printf(" convergence is reacheed.\n");
    BOOL shouldSort = promptShouldUseSorting();
    BOOL demoMode = promptShouldUseDemo();
    int iterations = 1;
    if (!demoMode) {
        iterations = promptIterations();
    for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
        MatrixRef A = MatrixCreateRandomSymmetric(5);
        double offA = JacobiSquareSumOffDiagonal(A, NULL);
        if (demoMode) {
            printf("Starting 5x5 symmetric matrix: \n\n");
            printf("Starting off(A): %6.2f\n\n", offA);
        MatrixRef B = Jacobi(A, shouldSort, endingCondition);
        if (demoMode) {
            printf("Finishing matrix: \n\n");
        MatrixDestroy(B); B = NULL;
        MatrixDestroy(A); A = NULL;
#if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(_WIN32)
    return 0;
Пример #2
// generate a random private key
void InvertibleRabinFunction::GenerateRandom(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const NameValuePairs &alg)
	int modulusSize = 2048;
	alg.GetIntValue("ModulusSize", modulusSize) || alg.GetIntValue("KeySize", modulusSize);

	if (modulusSize < 16)
		throw InvalidArgument("InvertibleRabinFunction: specified modulus size is too small");

	// VC70 workaround: putting these after primeParam causes overlapped stack allocation
	bool rFound=false, sFound=false;
	Integer t=2;

	const NameValuePairs &primeParam = MakeParametersForTwoPrimesOfEqualSize(modulusSize)
		("EquivalentTo", 3)("Mod", 4);
	m_p.GenerateRandom(rng, primeParam);
	m_q.GenerateRandom(rng, primeParam);

	while (!(rFound && sFound))
		int jp = Jacobi(t, m_p);
		int jq = Jacobi(t, m_q);

		if (!rFound && jp==1 && jq==-1)
			m_r = t;
			rFound = true;

		if (!sFound && jp==-1 && jq==1)
			m_s = t;
			sFound = true;


	m_n = m_p * m_q;
	m_u = m_q.InverseMod(m_p);
void EigenSystemSolverRealSymmetricMatrix(const Array2 <doublevar > & Ain, Array1 <doublevar> & evals, Array2 <doublevar> & evecs){
  //returns eigenvalues from largest to lowest and
  //eigenvectors, where for i-th eigenvalue, the eigenvector components are evecs(*,i)
  int N=Ain.dim[0];
  Array2 <doublevar> Ain2(N,N);
  //need to copy the array!!
  /* allocate and initialise the matrix */
  Array1 <doublevar> W, Z, WORK;
  Array1 <int> ISUPPZ, IWORK;
  int  M;
  /* allocate space for the output parameters and workspace arrays */

  int info;
  /* get the eigenvalues and eigenvectors */
  info=dsyevr('V', 'A', 'L', N, Ain2.v, N, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, dlamch('S'), &M,
         W.v, Z.v, N, ISUPPZ.v, WORK.v, 26*N, IWORK.v, 10*N);
    error("Internal error in the LAPACK routine dsyevr");
    error("Problem with the input parameter of LAPACK routine dsyevr in position "-info);

  for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
  for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
    for (int j=0; j<N; j++) {
#else //IF NO LAPACK
  const int n = Ain.dim[0];
  Array2 < dcomplex > Ain_complex(n,n);
  Array2 <dcomplex> evecs_complex(n,n);
  for (int i=0; i < n; i++)
    for (int j=0; j < n; j++) {
  Jacobi(Ain_complex, evals, evecs_complex);
   for (int i=0; i < n; i++)
     for (int j=0; j < n; j++){
Пример #4
double PDECond::Passo(){
  for(int i=1; i<X-1;i++){
    for(int j=1; j<Y-1;j++){
      if(M == mSOR)
	succ[i][j] = SOR(i,j);
      else if(M == mGaussSeidel)
	succ[i][j] = GaussSeidel(i,j);
	succ[i][j] = Jacobi(i,j);
  return getErr();//ritorna l'errore la precisione e` decisa dall'utente
Пример #5
bool ECP::DecodePoint(ECP::Point &P, BufferedTransformation &bt, unsigned int encodedPointLen) const
	byte type;
	if (encodedPointLen < 1 || !bt.Get(type))
		return false;

	switch (type)
	case 0:
		P.identity = true;
		return true;
	case 2:
	case 3:
		if (encodedPointLen != EncodedPointSize(true))
			return false;

		Integer p = FieldSize();

		P.identity = false;
		P.x.Decode(bt, GetField().MaxElementByteLength()); 
		P.y = ((P.x*P.x+m_a)*P.x+m_b) % p;

		if (Jacobi(P.y, p) !=1)
			return false;

		P.y = ModularSquareRoot(P.y, p);

		if ((type & 1) != P.y.GetBit(0))
			P.y = p-P.y;

		return true;
	case 4:
		if (encodedPointLen != EncodedPointSize(false))
			return false;

		unsigned int len = GetField().MaxElementByteLength();
		P.identity = false;
		P.x.Decode(bt, len);
		P.y.Decode(bt, len);
		return true;
		return false;
Пример #6
Integer ModularSquareRoot(const Integer &a, const Integer &p)
	if (p%4 == 3)
		return a_exp_b_mod_c(a, (p+1)/4, p);

	Integer q=p-1;
	unsigned int r=0;
	while (q.IsEven())
		q >>= 1;

	Integer n=2;
	while (Jacobi(n, p) != -1)

	Integer y = a_exp_b_mod_c(n, q, p);
	Integer x = a_exp_b_mod_c(a, (q-1)/2, p);
	Integer b = (x.Squared()%p)*a%p;
	x = a*x%p;
	Integer tempb, t;

	while (b != 1)
		unsigned m=0;
		tempb = b;
			b = b.Squared()%p;
			if (m==r)
				return Integer::Zero();
		while (b != 1);

		t = y;
		for (unsigned i=0; i<r-m-1; i++)
			t = t.Squared()%p;
		y = t.Squared()%p;
		r = m;
		x = x*t%p;
		b = tempb*y%p;

	assert(x.Squared()%p == a);
	return x;
Пример #7
bool IsStrongLucasProbablePrime(const Integer &n)
	if (n <= 1)
		return false;

	if (n.IsEven())
		return n==2;


	Integer b=3;
	unsigned int i=0;
	int j;

	while ((j=Jacobi(b.Squared()-4, n)) == 1)
		if (++i==64 && n.IsSquare())	// avoid infinite loop if n is a square
			return false;
		++b; ++b;

	if (j==0) 
		return false;

	Integer n1 = n+1;
	unsigned int a;

	// calculate a = largest power of 2 that divides n1
	for (a=0; ; a++)
		if (n1.GetBit(a))
	Integer m = n1>>a;

	Integer z = Lucas(m, b, n);
	if (z==2 || z==n-2)
		return true;
	for (i=1; i<a; i++)
		z = (z.Squared()-2)%n;
		if (z==n-2)
			return true;
		if (z==2)
			return false;
	return false;
Пример #8
// generate a random prime p of the form 2*r*q+delta, where q is also prime
PrimeAndGenerator::PrimeAndGenerator(signed int delta, RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int pbits, unsigned int qbits)
	// no prime exists for delta = -1, qbits = 4, and pbits = 5
	assert(qbits > 4);
	assert(pbits > qbits);

	Integer minQ = Integer::Power2(qbits-1);
	Integer maxQ = Integer::Power2(qbits) - 1;
	Integer minP = Integer::Power2(pbits-1);
	Integer maxP = Integer::Power2(pbits) - 1;

		q.Randomize(rng, minQ, maxQ, Integer::PRIME);
	} while (!p.Randomize(rng, minP, maxP, Integer::PRIME, delta%q, q));

	// find a random g of order q
	if (delta==1)
			Integer h(rng, 2, p-2, Integer::ANY);
			g = a_exp_b_mod_c(h, (p-1)/q, p);
		} while (g <= 1);
		assert(a_exp_b_mod_c(g, q, p)==1);
			Integer h(rng, 3, p-1, Integer::ANY);
			if (Jacobi(h*h-4, p)==1)
			g = Lucas((p+1)/q, h, p);
		} while (g <= 2);
		assert(Lucas(q, g, p) == 2);
Пример #9
int WarpVolume::JacobiRotationMatrix(float xx, float yy, float zz, Matrix& M)
{// (xx, yy, zz): the 3-D location 
 // return 1 : successful
 // return -1: failed
 // resulting matrix: M

  float Jab[9], ang, ox,oy,oz;
  Vector I(1,0,0), J(0,1,0), K(0,0,1), omega;
  	//cout <<" **111****" << endl;
  int res=Jacobi(xx,yy,zz, Jab);
  	//cout <<" **222****" << endl;

  if (res == -1)
	return -1;
  omega = -(I*Jab[5]) - (J*Jab[6]) - (K*Jab[1]);
	//cout <<endl <<"omega=>"; omega.outputs();
	//cout << endl << "omega <==" << endl;
  ang = omega.length(); 
     //cout << "omega & ang :" << endl;
     //omega.outputs(); cout << "ang = " << ang << endl;
  M.setValue(0 , 0, ox*ox*(1-cos(ang)) +    cos(ang));
  M.setValue(0 , 1, ox*oy*(1-cos(ang)) - oz*sin(ang));
  M.setValue(0 , 2, ox*oz*(1-cos(ang)) + ox*sin(ang));
  M.setValue(1 , 0, ox*oy*(1-cos(ang)) + oz*sin(ang));
  M.setValue(1 , 1, oy*oy*(1-cos(ang)) +    cos(ang));
  M.setValue(1 , 2, oy*oz*(1-cos(ang)) - ox*sin(ang));
  M.setValue(2,  0, ox*oz*(1-cos(ang)) - oy*sin(ang));
  M.setValue(2 , 1, oy*oz*(1-cos(ang)) + ox*sin(ang));
  M.setValue(2 , 2, oz*oz*(1-cos(ang)) +    cos(ang));

  return 1;
Пример #10
bool SolveModularQuadraticEquation(Integer &r1, Integer &r2, const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &c, const Integer &p)
	Integer D = (b.Squared() - 4*a*c) % p;
	switch (Jacobi(D, p))
		assert(false);	// not reached
		return false;
	case -1:
		return false;
	case 0:
		r1 = r2 = (-b*(a+a).InverseMod(p)) % p;
		assert(((r1.Squared()*a + r1*b + c) % p).IsZero());
		return true;
	case 1:
		Integer s = ModularSquareRoot(D, p);
		Integer t = (a+a).InverseMod(p);
		r1 = (s-b)*t % p;
		r2 = (-s-b)*t % p;
		assert(((r1.Squared()*a + r1*b + c) % p).IsZero());
		assert(((r2.Squared()*a + r2*b + c) % p).IsZero());
		return true;
Пример #11
double CParam::calculate_log_cond_norm(CData &Data, int i_original, ColumnVector &item_by_rnorm, ColumnVector &tilde_y_i, ColumnVector &y_q, bool is_q, LowerTriangularMatrix &LSigma_1_i, ColumnVector &s_q) { // MODIFIED 2015/02/16

  double log_cond_norm;

  if ( item_by_rnorm.sum() >= 1 ) {

    ColumnVector mu_z_i = Mu.column(z_in(i_original));
    ColumnVector s_1_compact = Data.get_compact_vector(item_by_rnorm); 
    ColumnVector Mu_1 = subvector(mu_z_i,s_1_compact);
    Matrix Sigma_1 = Submatrix_elem_2(SIGMA[z_in(i_original)-1],s_1_compact,s_1_compact);

    // ADDED 2015/01/27

    ColumnVector s_q_compact = Data.get_compact_vector(s_q) ; // MODIFIED 2015/02/16 
    ColumnVector VectorOne = s_q_compact ; VectorOne = 1 ; // MODIFIED 2015/02/16
    ColumnVector s_0_compact = VectorOne - s_q_compact ; // MODIFIED 2015/02/16
    int sum_s_0_comp = s_0_compact.sum() ;
    LowerTriangularMatrix LSigma_cond ;
    ColumnVector Mu_cond ;

    if ( sum_s_0_comp>0 ){

      ColumnVector Mu_0 = subvector(mu_z_i,s_0_compact); // (s_1_compact.sum()) vector
      Matrix Sigma_0 = Submatrix_elem_2(SIGMA[z_in(i_original)-1],s_0_compact,s_0_compact);
      Matrix Sigma_10 = Submatrix_elem_2(SIGMA[z_in(i_original)-1],s_1_compact,s_0_compact);
      ColumnVector y_tilde_compact = Data.get_compact_vector(tilde_y_i) ;
      ColumnVector y_tilde_0 = subvector(y_tilde_compact,s_0_compact) ;
      SymmetricMatrix Sigma_0_symm ; Sigma_0_symm << Sigma_0 ;

      LowerTriangularMatrix LSigma_0 = Cholesky(Sigma_0_symm) ;
      Mu_cond = Mu_1 + Sigma_10 * (LSigma_0.i()).t()*LSigma_0.i() * ( y_tilde_0-Mu_0 ) ;
      Matrix Sigma_cond = Sigma_1 - Sigma_10 * (LSigma_0.i()).t()*LSigma_0.i() * Sigma_10.t() ;
      SymmetricMatrix Sigma_cond_symm ; Sigma_cond_symm << Sigma_cond ;
      int sum_s_1_comp = s_1_compact.sum() ;
      DiagonalMatrix D(sum_s_1_comp) ; Matrix V(sum_s_1_comp,sum_s_1_comp) ;
      Jacobi(Sigma_cond_symm,D,V) ;
      int is_zero_exist = 0 ;
      for (int i_var=1; i_var<=sum_s_1_comp; i_var++){
    	if ( D(i_var) < 1e-9 ){
    	  D(i_var) = 1e-9 ;
    	  is_zero_exist = 1 ;
      } // for (int i_var=1; i_var<=sum_s_1_comp; i_var++)
      if ( is_zero_exist == 1 ){
    	Sigma_cond_symm << V * D * V.t() ;
    	if ( msg_level >= 1 ) {
		  Rprintf( "   Warning: When generating y_j from conditional normal(Mu_-j,Sigma_-j), Sigma_-j is non-positive definite because of computation precision. The eigenvalues D(j,j) smaller than 1e-9 is replaced with 1e-9, and let Sigma_-j = V D V.t().\n");
      } //
      LSigma_cond = Cholesky(Sigma_cond_symm);
      // y_part = rMVN_fn(Mu_cond,LSigma_cond);
      // log_cond_norm = log_MVN_fn(y_part,Mu_cond,LSigma_cond) ;

    } else {

      Mu_cond = Mu_1 ;
      SymmetricMatrix Sigma_1_symm = Submatrix_elem(SIGMA[z_in(i_original)-1],s_1_compact);
      LSigma_cond = Cholesky(Sigma_1_symm) ;
      // SymmetricMatrix Sigma_1_symm ; Sigma_1_symm << Sigma_1 ;
      // LowerTriangularMatrix LSigma_1 = Cholesky_Sigma_star_symm(Sigma_1_symm);
      // y_part = rMVN_fn(Mu_1,LSigma_1);
      // log_cond_norm = log_MVN_fn(y_part,Mu_1,LSigma_1) ;

    } // if ( sum_s_0_comp>0 ) else ...

    // ADDED 2015/01/26

    LowerTriangularMatrix LSigma_cond_i = LSigma_cond.i() ;
    // LowerTriangularMatrix LSigma_1 = Cholesky(Sigma_1);
    // LSigma_1_i = LSigma_1.i();

    ColumnVector y_part;
    if (is_q) {
      y_part = rMVN_fn(Mu_cond,LSigma_cond);
    } else {
      ColumnVector y_i = (Y_in.row(i_original)).t();
      y_part = subvector(y_i,item_by_rnorm);
    log_cond_norm = log_MVN_fn(y_part,Mu_cond,LSigma_cond_i);

    if (is_q) {
      y_q = tilde_y_i;
      for ( int temp_j = 1,temp_count1 = 0; temp_j<=n_var; temp_j++ ){
        if ( item_by_rnorm(temp_j)==1 ){ 
          y_q(temp_j) = y_part(++temp_count1);
    } // if (is_q)

  } else {

    log_cond_norm = 0;
    if (is_q) { y_q = tilde_y_i;}

  } // if ( item_by_rnorm.sum() > = 1 ) else ..

  return log_cond_norm;
Пример #12
void Jacobi(const SymmetricMatrix& X, DiagonalMatrix& D, Matrix& V)
{ REPORT SymmetricMatrix A; Jacobi(X,D,A,V,true); }
Пример #13
void Jacobi(const SymmetricMatrix& X, DiagonalMatrix& D, SymmetricMatrix& A)
{ REPORT Matrix V; Jacobi(X,D,A,V,false); }
Пример #14
int getNormalModes(double** cartCoords, double* carthessian,
		   double* masslist, int numCartesians, double* frequencies,
		   double* normalmodes, int &nfreq, int decontaminate) {

  Matrix Hc(numCartesians*3,numCartesians*3);
  Hc << carthessian;

  //  mass weighted cartesian Hessian
  int i,j;
  Matrix Hmwc(numCartesians*3,numCartesians*3);
  for (i=0; i<numCartesians; i++) {
    for (j=0; j<numCartesians; j++) {
      Hmwc << Hc(i+1,j+1)/sqrt(masslist[i]*masslist[j]);
#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "Hmwc:\n";
  cout << setw(9) << setprecision(3) << (Hmwc);
  cout << "\n\n";

  if (!decontaminate) {
    Matrix V;
    DiagonalMatrix eigval;

    const float twopicinv = 1/(2*PI*LIGHTSPEED); // 2*pi*c
    for (i=0; i<numCartesians; i++) {
      frequencies[i] = twopicinv*sqrt(abs(eigval(i+1)));
      // Complex frequencies are marked with a negative sign
      if (eigval(i+1)<0) frequencies[i] *= -1.0f;

  // Moments of inertia tensor
  double Ixx=0, Iyy=0, Izz=0, Ixy=0, Ixz=0, Iyz=0, x, y, z, m, mtot=0.0;
  double Rcom[3];
  for (i=0; i<numCartesians; i++) {
    x = cartCoords[i][0];
    y = cartCoords[i][1];
    z = cartCoords[i][2];
    m = masslist[i];

    // Center of mass
    Rcom[0] += m*x;
    Rcom[1] += m*y;
    Rcom[2] += m*z;
    mtot += m;
    Ixx += m*(y*y+z*z);
    Iyy += m*(x*x+z*z);
    Izz += m*(x*x+y*y);
    Ixy -= m*x*y;
    Ixz -= m*x*z;
    Iyz -= m*y*z;

  Rcom[0] /= mtot;
  Rcom[1] /= mtot;
  Rcom[2] /= mtot;

  SymmetricMatrix I(3);
  I << Ixx << Ixy << Ixz 
    << Ixy << Iyy << Iyz 
    << Ixz << Iyz << Izz;

  // Diagonalize moments of intertia
  DiagonalMatrix eigval;
  Matrix X;
  Jacobi(I, eigval, X);

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "I:\n";
  cout << setw(9) << setprecision(3) << (I);
  cout << "\n\n";

  cout << "X:\n";
  cout << setw(9) << setprecision(3) << (X);
  cout << "\n\n";

  // Coords wrt COM
  Matrix R(numCartesians, 3);
  for (i=0; i<numCartesians; i++) {
    R(i,0) = cartCoords[i][0]-Rcom[0];
    R(i,1) = cartCoords[i][1]-Rcom[1];
    R(i,2) = cartCoords[i][2]-Rcom[2];

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "R:\n";
  cout << setw(9) << setprecision(3) << (R);
  cout << "\n\n";

  RowVector Px = R*I.Row(1);
  RowVector Py = R*I.Row(2);
  RowVector Pz = R*I.Row(3);

  double sqrm;
  IdentityMatrix E(3*numCartesians);
  Matrix D(3*numCartesians,3*numCartesians);
  D << E;

  for (i=0; i<numCartesians; i++) {
    sqrm = sqrt(masslist[i]);
    D(1,i*3+1) = D(2,i*3+2) = D(3,i*3+3) = sqrm;
    D(1,i*3+2) = D(1,i*3+3) = D(2,i*3+1) = D(2,i*3+3) = D(3,i*3+1) = D(3,i*3+2) = 0.0;
    for (j=1; j<=3; j++) {
      D(4,i*3+j) = (Py(i)*X(j,3)-Pz(i)*X(j,2))/sqrm;
      D(5,i*3+j) = (Pz(i)*X(j,1)-Px(i)*X(j,3))/sqrm;
      D(6,i*3+j) = (Px(i)*X(j,2)-Py(i)*X(j,1))/sqrm;

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "D:\n";
  cout << setw(9) << setprecision(3) << (D);
  cout << "\n\n";

  // Normalize D
  int ntransrot=6;
  double s[6];
  RowVector Ri, Rj; 
  for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
    //Ri = D.Row(i+1);
    //s[i] = DotProduct(Ri, Ri);
    s[i] = D.Row(i).NormFrobenius();
    if (s[i]<1e-6) ntransrot--;
    else  D.Column(i+1) *= 1.f/sqrt(s[i]);

  // Remove the row with zero elements
  if (ntransrot<6) {
    int k=1;
    for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
      if (s[i]>=1e-6) {

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "D normalized:\n";
  cout << setw(9) << setprecision(3) << (D);
  cout << "\n\n";

  int Nvib = 3*numCartesians-ntransrot;
  cout << "Nvib = 3N-"<<ntransrot<<" = "<<Nvib<<" nonredundant internal coordinates"<<"\n";

  // We create a 3N*3N transformation matrix D which transforms from mass weighted
  // cartesian coordinates q to internal coordinates S = Dq, where rotation and 
  // translation have been separated out.

  // The first five or six vectors are already linearly independent,
  // and we just orthogonalized them above. 
  // Now the remaining 3N-6 vectors are generated using the stabilized 
  // Gram-Schmidt algorithm. They are required to be orthogonal to the
  // translational rotational vectors.
  double dot , norm;
  for (i=1; i<=ntransrot; i++) {
    for (j=1; j<i; j++) {
      // Remove component of D_i that is parallel to D_k:
      // D_i = D_i - <D_i, D_k> * D_k
      Ri = D.Row(i);
      Rj = D.Row(j);
      dot = DotProduct(Rj, Ri);
      D.Row(i) -= dot*Rj;
    // Normalize
    //norm = DotProduct(D.Row(i), D.Row(i));
    norm = D.Row(i).NormFrobenius();
    D.Row(i) *= 1/sqrt(norm);
  int k, cik=0;
  for (i=ntransrot; i<=3*numCartesians; i++) {

    norm = 0.0;
    while (abs(norm) < 1e-12) {

      // Initialize i'th row with cik'th coord axis
      D.Row(i) = E.Row(cik);

      // Stabilized Gram-Schmidt:
      for (k=0; k<i; k++) {
	// Remove component of D_i that is parallel to D_k (k'th row):
	// D_i = D_i - <D_i, D_k> * D_k
	// <D_i, D_k> = D_k[cik], since D_i[j]=0 for j!=cik and D_i[cik]=1
	D.Row(i) -= D(k,cik)*D.Row(k);

      // Length of D_i:
      norm = D.Row(i).NormFrobenius();
      // Check for the linear independence:
      // If norm==0 it means that all components parallel to another existing
      // vector (row of D) summed up to D_i, i.e the new D_i is linear dependent
      // on the other vectors. In this case we choose another D_cik for the
      // construction of D_i.
      if ( norm < 1e-6) {                        
	cik++; // take another vector
	norm = 0.0;
    D.Row(i) *= 1.f/norm;


#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "D orthonormalized:\n";
  cout << setw(9) << setprecision(3) << (D);
  cout << "\n\n";

  Matrix Hint;
  Hint = D.t() * Hmwc * D;

  Matrix V;

  frequencies = new double[Nvib];

  const double scale = 1.f/(2.f*PI*LIGHTSPEED);
  for (i=0; i<Nvib; i++) {
    frequencies[i] = scale*sqrt(eigval(i+1));
    // Complex frequencies are marked with a negative sign
    if (eigval(i+1)<0) frequencies[i] *= -1.0f;

  return Nvib;
Пример #15
double Fem3D::isoTet4(const double &xi, const double &eta, const double &mu, const DoubleVector &x, const DoubleVector &y, const DoubleVector &z, DoubleVector &N, DoubleVector &dNdX, DoubleVector &dNdY, DoubleVector &dNdZ)
    const mtx::size_type elementNodes = 4;
    // значения производных функций формы в местных координатах
    DoubleVector dNdXi(elementNodes);
    DoubleVector dNdEta(elementNodes);
    DoubleVector dNdMu(elementNodes);
    // Якобиан
    DoubleMatrix Jacobi(3, 0.0);
    DoubleMatrix invJacobian(3);
    double jacobian;
    N(0) = 1.0 - xi - eta - mu;
    N(1) = xi;
    N(2) = eta;
    N(3) = mu;

    dNdXi(0) = -1.0;
    dNdXi(1) = 1.0;
    dNdXi(2) = 0.0;
    dNdXi(3) = 0.0;

    dNdEta(0) = -1.0;
    dNdEta(1) = 0.0;
    dNdEta(2) = 1.0;
    dNdEta(3) = 0.0;

    dNdMu(0) = -1.0;
    dNdMu(1) = 0.0;
    dNdMu(2) = 0.0;
    dNdMu(3) = 1.0;

    Jacobi(0, 0) = 0.0; Jacobi(0, 1) = 0.0; Jacobi(0, 2) = 0.0;
    Jacobi(1, 0) = 0.0; Jacobi(1, 1) = 0.0; Jacobi(1, 2) = 0.0;
    Jacobi(2, 0) = 0.0; Jacobi(2, 1) = 0.0; Jacobi(2, 2) = 0.0;

    for (mtx::size_type i = 0; i < elementNodes; i++)
        Jacobi(0, 0) += dNdXi(i) * x[i]; Jacobi(0, 1) += dNdXi(i) * y[i]; Jacobi(0, 2) += dNdXi(i) * z[i];
        Jacobi(1, 0) += dNdEta(i) * x[i]; Jacobi(1, 1) += dNdEta(i) * y[i]; Jacobi(1, 2) += dNdEta(i) * z[i];
        Jacobi(2, 0) += dNdMu(i) * x[i]; Jacobi(2, 1) += dNdMu(i) * y[i]; Jacobi(2, 2) += dNdMu(i) * z[i];
    invJacobian = Jacobi.inverted3x3();
    jacobian = Jacobi.det3x3();

    for (mtx::size_type i = 0; i < elementNodes; i++)
        dNdX(i) = invJacobian(0, 0) * dNdXi(i) + invJacobian(0, 1) * dNdEta(i) + invJacobian(0, 2) * dNdMu(i);
        dNdY(i) = invJacobian(1, 0) * dNdXi(i) + invJacobian(1, 1) * dNdEta(i) + invJacobian(1, 2) * dNdMu(i);
        dNdZ(i) = invJacobian(2, 0) * dNdXi(i) + invJacobian(2, 1) * dNdEta(i) + invJacobian(2, 2) * dNdMu(i);
    return jacobian;
void Calculate(int data)

	glViewport(0, 0, g_iWidth, g_iHeight);

	Advect(Velocity.Ping, Velocity.Ping, Boundaries, Velocity.Pong, VelocityDissipation);

	/*Advect(Velocity2.Ping, Velocity2.Ping, Boundaries, Velocity2.Pong, VelocityDissipation);

	Advect(Velocity.Ping, Temperature.Ping, Boundaries, Temperature.Pong, TemperatureDissipation);

	/*Advect(Velocity2.Ping, Temperature2.Ping, Boundaries, Temperature2.Pong, TemperatureDissipation);

	Advect(Velocity.Ping, Density.Ping, Boundaries, Density.Pong, DensityDissipation);

	/*Advect(Velocity2.Ping, Density2.Ping, Boundaries, Density2.Pong, DensityDissipation);

	ApplyBuoyancy(Velocity.Ping, Temperature.Ping, Density.Ping, Velocity.Pong, ax, ay);

	/*ApplyBuoyancy2(Velocity.Ping, Temperature.Ping, Density.Ping, Velocity.Pong);

	ApplyImpulse(Temperature.Ping, ImpulsePosition, ImpulseTemperature);
    ApplyImpulse(Density.Ping, ImpulsePosition, ImpulseDensity);

	/*ApplyImpulse(Temperature2.Ping, ImpulsePosition2, ImpulseTemperature);
    ApplyImpulse(Density2.Ping, ImpulsePosition2, ImpulseDensity);*/

	ComputeDivergence(Velocity.Ping, Boundaries, Divergence);
    ClearSurface(Pressure.Ping, 0);

	/*ComputeDivergence(Velocity2.Ping, Boundaries, Divergence2);
    ClearSurface(Pressure2.Ping, 0);*/

	for (int i = 0; i < NumJacobiIterations; ++i) {
        Jacobi(Pressure.Ping, Divergence, Boundaries, Pressure.Pong);

	/*for (int i = 0; i < NumJacobiIterations; ++i) {
        Jacobi(Pressure2.Ping, Divergence2, Boundaries, Pressure2.Pong);

	SubtractGradient(Velocity.Ping, Pressure.Ping, Boundaries, Velocity.Pong);

	/*SubtractGradient(Velocity2.Ping, Pressure2.Ping, Boundaries, Velocity2.Pong);

	glutTimerFunc(30, Calculate, 1);
Пример #17
/* main function
 * */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int subsize = SUB_SIZE;
	double A[subsize+2][subsize+2];
	int count, tag, myid,np, i,j,k;
	MPI_Status status;

	/* check processes  */
	if(np < N_PROCESS){
		printf("!!!%d processes is needed!!!\n",N_PROCESS );
		return -1;
	/*  set initiate ,all get 0.0 */
			A[i][j]= 0.0;

	/* set four sides element to 8.0 */ 
	for(i =0;i<3;i++){
		if(myid == i){
		A[1][j]= 8.0;
	for(i =6;i<9;i++){
		if(myid == i){
		A[subsize][j]= 8.0;
	for(i =0;i<9;i=i+3){
		if(myid == i){
		A[j][1]= 8.0;}
	for(i =2;i<9;i=i+3){
		if(myid == i){
		A[j][subsize]= 8.0;}
	if (myid ==0){	
	printf("----------Initiate Matrix  --------\n");}
	for(i =0;i<9;i++){
		if(myid ==i ){
	if (myid ==0){	
	printf("----------Passing massage -----begin---\n");}	
	Cross(A,myid, subsize,np,&status);

	if (myid ==0){	
	printf("----------Passing massage -----end---\n");	
	printf("----------Matrix show after  Passage --------\n");}
	for(i =0;i<9;i++){
		if(myid ==i ){
	Jacobi(A, myid, subsize,np);
	if (myid ==0){	
	printf("----------Matrix show after  Jacobi --------\n");}
	for(i =0;i<9;i++){
		if(myid ==i ){
	return 0;
Пример #18
/// Calcuate ellipsoids with same moments of inertia, centroids as grains 
int Dataset::calculate_ellipses()
	int i;
	int done = 0;
	//#pragma omp parallel for

		int j,k,

		SymmetricMatrix I2(3); I2 = 0;
		DiagonalMatrix D(3);
		double I1[3], A[3], I0, p[3], c[3], ax[3], I2x[3];
		class GrainList *list;
		progress_callback((float)done/num_grains, "Calculating ellipses", false);
		I0 = grains[i].volume;
		I1[0] = 0; 	I1[1] = 0;	I1[2] = 0;
		if(grains[i].volume > 1){
			// Calculate 1st moments of inertia
			for(list=grains[i].list_head; list!=NULL; list=list->next){
				index = list->index;
				p[X] = (index % tx)     *(double)steps[X];
				p[Y] = ((index/dy) % ty)*(double)steps[Y];
				p[Z] = ((index/dz) % tz)*(double)steps[Z];

					I1[j] += p[j];
			// Calculate centroid
				c[j] = I1[j]/I0;
			// Calculate 1st, 2nd moments of inertia
			for(list=grains[i].list_head; list!=NULL; list=list->next){
				index = list->index;
				p[X] = (index % tx)     *(double)steps[X] - c[X];
				p[Y] = ((index/dy) % ty)*(double)steps[Y] - c[Y];
				p[Z] = ((index/dz) % tz)*(double)steps[Z] - c[Z];
				I2(1,1) += p[1]*p[1] + p[2]*p[2];		// Newmat library uses
				I2(2,2) += p[0]*p[0] + p[2]*p[2];		// 1-indexed arrays
				I2(3,3) += p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1];
				I2(1,2) -= p[0]*p[1];
				I2(1,3) -= p[0]*p[2];
				I2(2,3) -= p[1]*p[2];		
				I2(j,j) = I2(j,j)/I0;
					I2(j,k) = I2(j,k)/I0;
			// Diagonalise matrix
			// Calcuate axes
				A[j] = 15/(8*PI)*( D(j+1,j+1) + D((j+1)%3+1,(j+1)%3+1) - D((j+2)%3+1,(j+2)%3+1) );
			I2x[0] = D(1,1);
			I2x[1] = D(2,2);
			I2x[2] = D(3,3);
				ax[j] = sqrt(2.5*(I2x[(j+1)%3]+I2x[(j+2)%3]-I2x[j]));
				grains[i].centroid[j] = c[j];	
				grains[i].axis[j] = ax[j]; //pow(pow(A[j],4)/(A[(j+1)%3]*A[(j+2)%3]),0.1);

			// Sort axes such that a>b>c
			if (isnan(grains[i].axis[0]) || isnan(grains[i].axis[1]) || isnan(grains[i].axis[2]) ) { //||
				//isinf(grains[i].axis[0]) || isinf(grains[i].axis[1]) || isinf(grains[i].axis[2])) {
				grains[i].axis[0] = 1;
				grains[i].axis[1] = 1;
				grains[i].axis[2] = 1;
		#pragma omp atomic
	progress_callback(1, "Calculating ellipses", false);
	return 1;
Пример #19
bool DH::ValidateDomainParameters(RandomNumberGenerator &rng) const
	return VerifyPrime(rng, p) && VerifyPrime(rng, (p-1)/2) && g > 1 && g < p && Jacobi(g, p) == 1;
Пример #20
    short m;
    double abscis[N];
    double  wt[N];
    double left, right;

    printf("Table 25.8, k= %1d, n=%1d\n\n", k, N);
    Jacobi(N, FLOATk, ZERO, abscis, wt);
    for (m=0; m<N; m++) wt[m] /= (k+1);
    for (m=0; m<N; m++) printf("%2d %20.18g %20.18g\n", m, abscis[m], wt[m]);

    printf("\n\n\nTable 25.4, n=9\n\n");
    Radau_Jacobi(4, -0.5, ZERO, abscis, wt, &left);
    left *= 2;
    for (m=0; m<4; m++) abscis[m]= sqrt(abscis[m]);

    printf("%2d %20.18g %20.18g\n", 0, ZERO, left);
    for (m=0; m<4; m++) printf("%2d %20.18g %20.18g\n", m, abscis[m], wt[m]);

    printf("\n\n\nTable 25.9, n= %1d\n\n", N);
    Laguerre(N, ZERO, abscis, wt);

    for (m=0; m<N; m++) printf("%2d %20.18g %20.18g\n", m, abscis[m], wt[m]);

    printf("\n\n\nTable 25.10, n= %1d\n\n", N);
    Hermite(N, ZERO, abscis, wt);

    for (m=0; m<N; m++) wt[m] *= SqrtPI;
    for (m=0; m<N; m++) printf("%2d %20.18g %20.18g\n", m, abscis[m], wt[m]);

    printf("\n\n\nSame, n= %1d\n\n", 2*N);
    Even_Hermite(2*N, ZERO, abscis, wt);
    for (m=0; m<N; m++) wt[m] *= SqrtPI;
    for (m=0; m<N; m++) printf("%2d %20.18g %20.18g\n", m, abscis[m], wt[m]);

    printf("\n\n\nSame, n= %1d\n\n", 9);
    Odd_Hermite(9, ZERO, abscis, wt, &left);
    left *= SqrtPI;
    for (m=0; m<4; m++) wt[m] *= SqrtPI;

    printf("%2d %20.18g %20.18g\n", 0, ZERO, left);
    for (m=0; m<4; m++) printf("%2d %20.18g %20.18g\n", m, abscis[m], wt[m]);

    printf("\n\n\nTable 25.6, n= %1d\n\n", N+1);
    Lobatto_Jacobi(N-1, ZERO, ZERO, abscis, wt, &left, &right);

    for (m=0; m<(N-1); m++) wt[m] *= 2;
    left *= 2;  right *= 2;
    for (m=0; m<(N-1); m++) abscis[m] = (2*abscis[m] - 1);

    printf("   %20.18g %20.18g\n", -1.0, left);
    for (m=0; m<(N-1); m++)
	printf("%2d %20.18g %20.18g\n", m, abscis[m], wt[m]);
    printf("   %20.18g %20.18g\n",  1.0, right);
Пример #21
Kalkreuter_qdp(QDP_ColorVector **eigVec, double *eigVal, Real Tolerance, 
	       Real RelTol, int Nvecs, int MaxIter, int Restart, int Kiters,
	       QDP_Subset subset)
  QLA_Real max_error = 1.0e+10;
  QLA_Real min_grad;
  QLA_Real *grad, *err;
  Matrix Array, V;
  QDP_ColorVector *vec;
  int total_iters=0;
  int i, j;
  int iter = 0;

#ifdef DEBUG
  if(QDP_this_node==0) printf("begin Kalkreuter_qdp\n");


  Array = AllocateMatrix(Nvecs);  /* Allocate the array */
  V = AllocateMatrix(Nvecs);      /* Allocate the Eigenvector matrix */

  vec = QDP_create_V();
  grad = malloc(Nvecs*sizeof(QLA_Real));
  err = malloc(Nvecs*sizeof(QLA_Real));

  /* Initiallize all the eigenvectors to a random vector */
  for(j=0; j<Nvecs; j++) {
    grad[j] = 1.0e+10;
    QDP_V_eq_gaussian_S(eigVec[j], rand_state, QDP_all);
    eigVal[j] = 1.0e+16;
    //project_out_qdp(eigVec[j], eigVec, j, subset);
    //normalize_qdp(eigVec[j], subset);

#if 0
  constructArray_qdp(eigVec, &Array, grad, subset);
  Jacobi(&Array, &V, JACOBI_TOL);
  sort_eigenvectors(&Array, &V);
  RotateBasis_qdp(eigVec, &V, subset);

  while( (max_error>Tolerance) && (iter<Kiters) ) {

    min_grad = grad[0]/eigVal[0];
    for(i=1; i<Nvecs; i++) {
      if(grad[i]<min_grad*eigVal[i]) min_grad = grad[i]/eigVal[i];

    RelTol = 0.3;
    for(j=0; j<Nvecs; j++) {
      if(grad[j]>Tolerance*eigVal[j]) {
	QLA_Real rt;
	rt = RelTol*min_grad*eigVal[j]/grad[j];
	//rt = 1e-5/grad[j];
	if(rt>RelTol) rt = RelTol;
	//rt = RelTol;
	QDP_V_eq_V(vec, eigVec[j], QDP_all);
	total_iters += Rayleigh_min_qdp(vec, eigVec, Tolerance, rt,
					j, MaxIter, Restart, subset);
	QDP_V_eq_V(eigVec[j], vec, QDP_all);
    constructArray_qdp(eigVec, &Array, grad, subset);

    for(i=0; i<Nvecs; i++)
      node0_printf("quot(%i) = %g +/- %8e |grad|=%g\n",
		   i, Array.M[i][i].real, err[i], grad[i]);

#ifdef DEBUG
    node0_printf("Eigenvalues before diagonalization\n");
      node0_printf("quot(%i) = %g |grad|=%g\n",i,Array.M[i][i].real,grad[i]);

    Jacobi(&Array, &V, JACOBI_TOL);
    sort_eigenvectors(&Array, &V);
    RotateBasis_qdp(eigVec, &V, subset);
    constructArray_qdp(eigVec, &Array, grad, subset);

    /* find the maximum error */
    max_error = 0.0;
    for(i=0; i<Nvecs; i++) {
      err[i] = eigVal[i];
      eigVal[i] = Array.M[i][i].real;
      err[i] = fabs(err[i] - eigVal[i])/(1.0 - RelTol*RelTol);
      if(eigVal[i]>1e-10) {
	if(err[i]/eigVal[i]>max_error) max_error = err[i]/eigVal[i];
	if(grad[i]/eigVal[i]>max_error) max_error = grad[i]/eigVal[i];

    node0_printf("\nEigenvalues after diagonalization at iteration %i\n",iter);
    for(i=0; i<Nvecs; i++)
      node0_printf("quot(%i) = %g +/- %8e |grad|=%g\n",
		   i, eigVal[i], err[i], grad[i]);

  node0_printf("BEGIN RESULTS\n");
    node0_printf("Eigenvalue(%i) = %g +/- %8e\n",

#if 0
  node0_printf("BEGIN EIGENVALUES\n");
  for(i=0; i<Nvecs; i++) {
    double ev, er;
    ev = sqrt(eigVal[i]);
    er = err[i]/(2*ev);
    node0_printf("%.8g\t%g\n", ev, er);
  node0_printf("END EIGENVALUES\n");

    QDP_Writer *qw;
    QDP_String *md;
    char evstring[100], *fn="eigenvecs.out";
    md = QDP_string_create();

    sprintf(evstring, "%i", Nvecs);
    QDP_string_set(md, evstring);
    qw = QDP_open_write(md, fn, QDP_SINGLEFILE);

    for(i=0; i<Nvecs; i++) {
      double ev, er;
      ev = sqrt(eigVal[i]);
      er = err[i]/(2*ev);
      sprintf(evstring, "%.8g\t%g", ev, er);
      QDP_string_set(md, evstring);
      QDP_write_V(qw, md, eigVec[i]);


  /** Deallocate the arrays **/
  deAllocate(&V) ;
  deAllocate(&Array) ;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if(QDP_this_node==0) printf("end Kalkreuter_qdp\n");
  return total_iters;
Пример #22
//Goldwasser-Micali HE system
//len: length of params p,q
void GM(int len=512){
  ZZ N, p, q, x;

  long m1, m2;
  ZZ BSm, HEm; //baseline and HE result
  ZZ c, c1, c2, cm1, cm2, r;

  //key gen
  start = std::clock();

  GenPrime(p, len);
  GenPrime(q, len);
  mul(N, p, q);
  RandomBnd(x, N);
  } while( (Jacobi(x,p)==1) || (Jacobi(x,q)==1));

  duration = ( std::clock() - start ) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  cout<<"GM Setup:"<< duration <<'\n';


  start = std::clock();
  RandomBnd(r, N);

  RandomBnd(r, N);


  duration = ( std::clock() - start ) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  cout<<"GM Enc:"<< duration <<'\n';

  start = std::clock();
  duration = ( std::clock() - start ) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  cout<<"GM Eval:"<< duration <<'\n';

  start = std::clock();
  duration = ( std::clock() - start ) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  cout<<"GM Dec:"<< duration <<'\n';


  BSm=m1^m2;  //xor

void Leaf::computeBboxOO()
	//compute the covariance matrix
	double covMat[3][3], v[3][3];
	DBGP("Cov mat:"); DBGST(print(covMat));

	//perform singular value decomposition
	Jacobi(covMat, v);
	DBGP("eigenvalues:"); DBGST(print(covMat));
	DBGP("eigenVectors:"); DBGST(print(v));
	int first = 0, second = 1, third = 2;
	if (covMat[1][1] > covMat[0][0]) {
		std::swap(first, second);
	if (covMat[2][2] > covMat[first][first]) {
		std::swap(first, third);
	if (covMat[third][third] > covMat[second][second]) {
		std::swap(second, third);
	DBGP("Eigenvalues: " << covMat[first][first] << " " << covMat[second][second] 
		 << " "  << covMat[third][third]);

	//set up rotation matrix
	vec3 xAxis(v[0][first], v[1][first], v[2][first]); 
	vec3 yAxis(v[0][second], v[1][second], v[2][second]);
	vec3 zAxis = normalise(xAxis) * normalise(yAxis);
	yAxis = zAxis * normalise(xAxis);
	xAxis = yAxis * zAxis;
	mat3 R(xAxis, yAxis, zAxis);

	DBGP("Matrix: " << R);

	//compute bbox extents
	vec3 halfSize, center;
	fitBox(R, center, halfSize);

	//rotate box so that x axis always points in the direction of largest extent
	first = 0;
	if (halfSize.y() > halfSize.x()) first = 1;
	if (halfSize.z() > halfSize[first]) first = 2;
	transf rotate = transf::IDENTITY;
	if (first == 1) {
		// y has the largest extent, rotate around z
		rotate = rotate_transf(M_PI/2.0, vec3(0,0,1));
	} else if (first == 2) {
		// z has the largest extent, rotate around y
		rotate = rotate_transf(M_PI/2.0, vec3(0,1,0));
	halfSize = halfSize * rotate;
	for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
		if (halfSize[i] < 0) halfSize[i] = -halfSize[i];
	mat3 RR;
	R = RR * R;

	mBbox.halfSize = halfSize;
	mBbox.setTran( transf(R, center ) );
Пример #24
int main(){
    int n = 200;
    double N = (double) n;
    double rho_max = 10.;
    double rho_min = 0.;
    double h = (rho_max - rho_min)/N;
    double omega_r = 1.;
    double TIME1, TIME2;
    vec rho(n), V(n-2), eigval;
    mat A = zeros<mat>(n-2,n-2);
    mat eigvec;

    clock_t start, finish, start2, finish2; // Declare start and finish time
    for(int i=1; i<n-1; i++){
        rho[i] = rho_min + (i+1)*h;
        V[i] = omega_r*omega_r*rho[i]*rho[i] + 1./rho[i];
    rho[0] = 0.;
    rho[n-1] = rho_max;

    //Initializes the matrix A:
    A.diag(-1) += -1./(h*h);
    A.diag(+1) += -1./(h*h);
    A.diag() = (2./(h*h)) + V;

    // Eigenvector matrix:
    mat R = eye<mat>(n-2,n-2);

    // Built in eigenvalue/eigenvector procedure in armadillo:
    start2 = clock();
    eig_sym(eigval, eigvec, A);
    finish2 = clock();

    // Jacobi method:
    start = clock();
    Jacobi(&A, &R, (n-2));
    finish = clock();

    TIME1 = (finish - start)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    TIME2 = (finish2 - start2)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    vec l;
    l = A.diag();

    // Wavefunction for the lowest energy level:

    double MIN = max(l);
    int index = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<n-2; i++){
        if(l(i) <= MIN){
            MIN = l(i);
            index = i;

    vec u_1 = R.col(index);
    vec wave(n);
    for(int i=1; i<n-1; i++){
        wave(i) = u_1(i-1);

    // Dirichlet boundary conditions
    wave(0) = 0;
    wave(n-1) = 0;

    //Writing wave and rho to file:
    string filename;
    string Omega = static_cast<ostringstream*>( \
                &(ostringstream() << omega_r*100) )->str();
    filename = "wavefunc2_omega"+Omega+".dat";

    ofile.open(filename.c_str(), ios::out);
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ ofile << rho[i] << ' ' << wave[i] << endl; }

    vec lam = sort(l);
    cout << "omega_r = " << omega_r << endl;
    cout << "three lowest eigenvalues:" << endl;
    for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
        cout << "lambda = " << lam(i) << endl;

    cout << "computation time for jacobi.cpp with n = " << n << ": " << TIME1 << " s" << endl;
    cout << "computation time for built in procedure with n = " << n << ": " << TIME2 << " s" << endl;

    return 0;
Пример #25
int main() {
	clock_t start, stop;

	float lambda0 = 1.0, largeLambda, smallLambda;
	float tol = 0.00005, error = 10.0 * tol;
	float normSq, norm;
	int maxIter = 200, iter = 0, i;

	for (i = 0; i < rowMat * colMat; i++) {
    	printf("i = %d \t A = %f \n", i, A[i]);  // column-wise

	// step 1: query platform info
	status = clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, &numPlatforms);
	platforms = (cl_platform_id*)malloc(numPlatforms *sizeof(cl_platform_id));
	status = clGetPlatformIDs(numPlatforms, platforms, NULL);
	if (status != 0) {
		printf("Step 1: Failed to discover available platforms. Error code = %d. \n", status);

  	// step 2: query devices
	status = clGetDeviceIDs(platforms[0], CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU, 0, NULL, &numDevices);
	devices = (cl_device_id*)malloc(numDevices *sizeof(cl_device_id));
	status = clGetDeviceIDs(platforms[0], CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU, numDevices, devices, NULL);
	if (status != 0) {
		printf("Step 2: Failed to discover available devices. Error code = %d. \n", status);

	// step 3: create context for matrix-vector multiplication
	powerContext = clCreateContext(NULL, numDevices, devices, NULL, NULL, &powerStatus);
	if (powerStatus != 0) {
		printf("Step 3 kernel Power. Failed to create the context. Error code = %d. \n", powerStatus);

	// step 3: create context for Jacobi iterative method
	iPowerContext = clCreateContext(NULL, numDevices, devices, NULL, NULL, &iPowerStatus);
	if (iPowerStatus != 0) {
		printf("Step 3 kernel iPower. Failed to create the context. Error code = %d. \n", iPowerStatus);

  	// step 4: set up command queue for matrix-vector multiplication
	powerQueue = clCreateCommandQueue(powerContext, devices[0], 0, &powerStatus);
	if (powerStatus != 0) {
		printf("Step 4 kernel Power. Failed to set up the command queue. Error code = %d. \n", powerStatus);

	// step 4: set up command queue for Jacobi iterative method
	iPowerQueue = clCreateCommandQueue(iPowerContext, devices[0], 0, &iPowerStatus);
	if (iPowerStatus != 0) {
		printf("Step 4 kernel iPower. Failed to set up the command queue. Error code = %d. \n", iPowerStatus);

	start = clock();

	MatVecMult(B);  // obtain C, where C = A * B		
	while (error > tol && iter < maxIter) {
		normSq = VecMult(C, C);	
		norm = sqrt(normSq);
		for (i = 0; i < rowVec * colVec; i++) {
			Chat[i] = C[i] / norm;  // normalize C

		// obtain Rayleigh quotient tranpose(Chat) * A * Chat
		MatVecMult(Chat);  // 1st part of Rayleigh. Also updates old C with new C.
		largeLambda = VecMult(Chat, C);  // continue with 2nd part

		error = fabs((largeLambda - lambda0) / largeLambda);  // relative error
		lambda0 = largeLambda;  // update old eigenvalue with new one
		iter += 1;

	// reset variables for next calculation
	lambda0 = 1.0, error = 10.0 * tol, maxIter = 200, iter = 0, normSq = 0.0, norm = 0.0;


	Jacobi(B, B);  // Solve A * B = B. The solution is labeled X.
	while (error > tol && iter < maxIter) {
		normSq = VecMult(X, X);	
		norm = sqrt(normSq);
		for (i = 0; i < rowVec * colVec; i++) {
			Xhat[i] = X[i] / norm;  // normalize X
		// obtain Rayleigh quotient tranpose(Xhat) * A * Xhat
		MatVecMult(Xhat);  // 1st part of Rayleigh: C = transpose(Xhat) * A
		smallLambda = VecMult(C, Xhat);  // 2nd part of Rayleigh
		error = fabs((smallLambda - lambda0) / smallLambda);  // relative error
		lambda0 = smallLambda;  // update old smallest eigenvalue with new one
		Jacobi(X, Xhat);  // update old solution with new one
		iter += 1;

	stop = clock();

	printf("The largest eigenvalue is %f \n", largeLambda);
	printf("The smallest eigenvalue is %f \n", smallLambda);
	printf("The condition number of the matrix is %f \n", fabs(largeLambda / smallLambda));
	printf("OpenCL CPU elapsed time = %f seconds. \n", (double)(stop - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  	// step 14: free used memory






	if (status != 0) {
		printf("Step 13: Failed to deallocate memory. Error code = %d. \n", status);
Пример #26
// find the optimal superposition transform (translation, rotation, translation)
// return rmsd resulting from it
// both pointsets are unchanged
float findSuperpositionTransform( vector<vector<float> > & from, vector<vector<float> > & onto, vector<float> & t1, vector<vector<float> > & rot, vector<float> & t2 ) {
    if(from.size() != onto.size()) { cout << "superpose called with unequal pointsets" << endl; exit(1); }
    // find center of mass and translate the pointsets so that they are at origin
    vector<float> CMfrom(3), CMonto(3);
    for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) { CMfrom[i] = 0; CMonto[i] = 0.; }
    for(int pi=0; pi < from.size(); pi++)
        for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
            CMfrom[i] += from[pi][i];
            CMonto[i] += onto[pi][i];
    for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) { CMfrom[i] /= from.size(); CMonto[i] /= from.size(); }
    // find distance matrix
    vector<float> q(4,0), m(3,0), p(3,0); // minus and plus
    vector<vector<float> > Q(4,q); // quaternion
    //for(int qi=0; qi < 4; qi++) cout << "Q " << Q[qi][0] <<" "<< Q[qi][1] <<" "<< Q[qi][2] <<" "<< Q[qi][3] << endl;
    float xm, ym, zm, xp, yp, zp;
    for(int pi=0; pi < from.size(); pi++) {
        xm = from[pi][0]-CMfrom[0] - onto[pi][0]+CMonto[0]; xp = onto[pi][0]-CMonto[0] + from[pi][0]-CMfrom[0];
        ym = from[pi][1]-CMfrom[1] - onto[pi][1]+CMonto[1]; yp = onto[pi][1]-CMonto[1] + from[pi][1]-CMfrom[1];
        zm = from[pi][2]-CMfrom[2] - onto[pi][2]+CMonto[2]; zp = onto[pi][2]-CMonto[2] + from[pi][2]-CMfrom[2];
        Q[0][0] += xm*xm + ym*ym + zm*zm;
        Q[1][1] += yp*yp + zp*zp + xm*xm;
        Q[2][2] += xp*xp + zp*zp + ym*ym;
        Q[3][3] += xp*xp + yp*yp + zm*zm;
        Q[0][1] += yp*zm - ym*zp;
        Q[0][2] += xm*zp - xp*zm;
        Q[0][3] += xp*ym - xm*yp;
        Q[1][2] += xm*ym - xp*yp;
        Q[1][3] += xm*zm - xp*zp;
        Q[2][3] += ym*zm - yp*zp;

    //for(int qi=0; qi < 4; qi++) cout << "Q " << Q[qi][0] <<" "<< Q[qi][1] <<" "<< Q[qi][2] <<" "<< Q[qi][3] << endl;

    vector<float> eigvals(4,0);
    vector<vector<float> > eigvecs(4,eigvals);
    if(Jacobi(Q, eigvals, eigvecs)) { cout << "Jacobi did not converge" << endl; exit(1); }
    //for(int ei=0; ei < 4; ei++) cout <<"EIG "<< eigvals[ei] <<" : "<< eigvecs[0][ei] <<" "<< eigvecs[1][ei] <<" "<< eigvecs[2][ei] <<" "<< eigvecs[3][ei] << endl;

    float rmsd;
    if(eigvals[3] < 0) rmsd = 0;
    else rmsd = sqrt(eigvals[3]/from.size());

    // construct rotation matrix from eigenvector with lowest eigenvalue
    float q1 = eigvecs[0][3], q2 = eigvecs[1][3], q3 = eigvecs[2][3], q4 = eigvecs[3][3];
    float q1sqr=q1*q1, q2sqr=q2*q2, q3sqr=q3*q3, q4sqr=q4*q4;
    float q1q2=q1*q2, q1q3=q1*q3, q1q4=q1*q4;
    float q2q3=q2*q3, q2q4=q2*q4, q3q4=q3*q4;

    rot[0][0] = q1sqr + q2sqr - q3sqr -q4sqr;
    rot[0][1] = 2.0 * (q2q3 - q1q4);
    rot[0][2] = 2.0 * (q2q4 + q1q3);

    rot[1][0] = 2.0 * (q2q3 + q1q4);
    rot[1][1] = q1sqr + q3sqr - q2sqr - q4sqr;
    rot[1][2] = 2.0 * (q3q4 - q1q2);

    rot[2][0] = 2.0 * (q2q4 - q1q3);
    rot[2][1] = 2.0 * (q3q4 + q1q2);
    rot[2][2] = q1sqr + q4sqr -q2sqr - q3sqr;

    for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) t1[i] = -1 * CMfrom[i];
    for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) t2[i] = CMonto[i];

    return rmsd;