void _SPR_StrainRate_Execute( void* patch, void* data ) {
   * Fuction Description: is the driver of the main algorithm
   * All repFields associated with this component will be
   * are executed in the below functions 
   PICelleratorContext* context = (PICelleratorContext*)data;
   SPR_StrainRate* self = (SPR_StrainRate*) LiveComponentRegister_Get( context->CF->LCRegister, (Name)NameOfPatch );
   double startTime;
   assert( self );

   _OperatorFeVariable_SyncShadowValues( self->rawField );

   startTime = MPI_Wtime( );
   Journal_RPrintf( Journal_Register( Info_Type, (Name)"REP" ), "Start Recovery Method\n" );
   /* Phases of the SPR_StrainRate in this code */

   /* 1: Assemble A and b see eq. 14.31, REFERENCE and solve for [a] */
   _SPR_StrainRate_AssembleSolveLocalPatchs( self );   
   /* 2: Communicate [a]  */
   FeVariable_SyncShadowValues( self );
   /* 3: Calculate the Boundary values */
   _BaseRecoveryFeVar_Boundaries( self );
   /* 4: Perform a final sync for new proc boundary domain edge nodes */
   FeVariable_SyncShadowValues( self );

   Journal_RPrintf( Journal_Register( Info_Type, (Name)"REP" ), "Time Taken for Recovery Method %f\n", MPI_Wtime()-startTime);
void TimeIntegrator_UpdateClass( void* timeIntegrator, void* data ) {
	TimeIntegrator*        self            = (TimeIntegrator*) timeIntegrator;
	double wallTime,tmin,tmax;
	wallTime = MPI_Wtime();
	Journal_RPrintf(self->info,"Time Integration\n");
	self->_execute( self, data );

	wallTime = MPI_Wtime()-wallTime;
        MPI_Reduce( &wallTime, &tmin, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        MPI_Reduce( &wallTime, &tmax, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
	Journal_RPrintf(self->info,"Time Integration - %.4g [min] / %.4g [max] (secs)\n", tmin,tmax);	
Пример #3
void _Module_Init( Module* self, Module_MangleNameFunction MangleName, Stg_ObjectList* directories ) {
   char*   fileName = NULL;
   char*   fullPathName = NULL;
   Stream* stream;
   Stream* debug;
   Stream* error;
   Bool    found = False;
   #ifndef NOSHARED
   int     fullPathLength = 0;
   int     length;
   Index   dir_i;
   stream = Journal_Register( Info_Type, self->type );
   debug = Journal_Register( Debug_Type, self->type );
   error = Journal_Register( Error_Type, self->type );
   self->MangleName = MangleName;
   Journal_Printf( debug, "Finding module: \"%s\"... ", self->name );

   self->mangledName = self->MangleName( self->name );

   #ifndef NOSHARED
   fileName = Memory_Alloc_Array( char, strlen(self->mangledName) + strlen(MODULE_SUFFIX) + strlen(MODULE_EXT) + 1,
   sprintf( fileName, "%s%s%s", self->mangledName, MODULE_SUFFIX, MODULE_EXT );
   /* Look for the library from the directories. */
   for( dir_i = 0; dir_i < directories->count; ++dir_i ) {
      length = strlen( (char*)Stg_ObjectList_ObjectAt( directories, dir_i ) ) + 1 + strlen( fileName ) + 1;

      if( fullPathLength < length ) {
         fullPathLength = length;
         fullPathName = Memory_Realloc_Array( fullPathName, char, fullPathLength );
      PathJoin( fullPathName, 2, Stg_ObjectList_ObjectAt( directories, dir_i ), fileName );
      self->dllPtr = dlopen( fullPathName, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL );

      if( self->dllPtr ) {
         Journal_RPrintf( stream, "%s \"%s\" found using %s\n", self->type, self->name, fullPathName );
         found = True;
      } else {
         Journal_RPrintf( stream, "\n%s \"%s\" NOT found using %s\n", self->type, self->name, fullPathName );
         Journal_RPrintf( stream, "   dlopen returned the error: %s\n\n", dlerror() );
void Underworld_DensityChange_Check( UnderworldContext* context ) {
	/* Function runs each timestep to check if centroid is at certain height */

	double volume;
	double centroid[3];
	static int densityChangeIsDone = 0;

	/* test if this has already happened, if so leave function */
	if ( densityChangeIsDone )

	/* Get self (the plugin) */
	Underworld_DensityChange* self = (Underworld_DensityChange*)LiveComponentRegister_Get( context->CF->LCRegister, (Name)Underworld_DensityChange_Type  );

	/* get centroid coordinate */
	volume = Material_Volume( self->material, (IntegrationPointsSwarm*)self->swarm, centroid );

	/* test if centroid height (y-coord) is >= input height
	 * 	Note following code is only run once */
	if( centroid[1] >= self->height ) {
		self->bftExt->density = self->newDensity;
		densityChangeIsDone = 1;
		Journal_RPrintf( Journal_Register( Info_Type, (Name)"DensityChange"  ), 
				"************** Density Change for material %s, new density is %g**************\n",
				self->material->name, self->bftExt->density );

void _TimeIntegrator_ExecuteRK4( void* timeIntegrator, void* data ) {
	TimeIntegrator*	self = (TimeIntegrator*) timeIntegrator;
	Index					integrand_I;
	Index					integrandCount = TimeIntegrator_GetCount( self );
	double				dt = self->dt;
	TimeIntegrand*	integrand;
	double wallTime,tmin,tmax;

	Journal_DPrintf( self->debug, "In %s for %s '%s'\n", __func__, self->type, self->name );

	/* Set Time */
    double startTime = TimeIntegrator_GetTime( self );

	TimeIntegrator_Setup( self );
	for ( integrand_I = 0 ; integrand_I < integrandCount ; integrand_I++ ) {
		integrand = TimeIntegrator_GetByIndex( self, integrand_I );

		TimeIntegrator_SetTime( self, startTime );
		wallTime = MPI_Wtime();
		TimeIntegrand_FourthOrder( integrand, integrand->variable, dt );
		wallTime = MPI_Wtime()-wallTime;
        	MPI_Reduce( &wallTime, &tmin, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        	MPI_Reduce( &wallTime, &tmax, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
		Journal_RPrintf(self->info,"\t4th order: %35s - %9.4f [min] / %9.4f [max] (secs)\n", integrand->name, tmin, tmax);
	TimeIntegrator_Finalise( self );
Пример #6
void PICellerator_Toolbox_Finalise( ToolboxesManager* toolboxesManager ) {
      Journal_Register( Info_Type, (Name)PICellerator_Toolbox_Type ),
         "Finalised: PICellerator (Particle-In-Cell Framework).\n" );
void _TimeIntegrator_Execute( void* timeIntegrator, void* data ) {
	TimeIntegrator*	self = (TimeIntegrator*)timeIntegrator;
	double wallTime,tmin,tmax;

	Journal_DPrintf( self->debug, "In %s for %s '%s'\n", __func__, self->type, self->name );

	wallTime = MPI_Wtime();

	/* Set function pointer */
	switch (self->order) {
		case 1:
			self->_execute = _TimeIntegrator_ExecuteEuler; 
		case 2:
			if (self->simultaneous) 
				self->_execute = _TimeIntegrator_ExecuteRK2Simultaneous; 
				self->_execute = _TimeIntegrator_ExecuteRK2; 
		case 4:
			if (self->simultaneous) 
				self->_execute = _TimeIntegrator_ExecuteRK4Simultaneous; 
				self->_execute = _TimeIntegrator_ExecuteRK4; 
			Journal_Firewall( False, Journal_Register( Error_Type, (Name)self->type  ),
					"%s '%s' cannot handle order %u\n", self->type, self->name, self->order );

	/* Call real function */
	Journal_RPrintf( self->info, "Time Integration\n" );
	self->_execute( self, data );

	wallTime = MPI_Wtime()-wallTime;
        MPI_Reduce( &wallTime, &tmin, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        MPI_Reduce( &wallTime, &tmax, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
	Journal_RPrintf(self->info,"Time Integration - %.6g [min] / %.6g [max] (secs)\n", tmin, tmax);
void _TimeIntegrator_ExecuteRK2Simultaneous( void* timeIntegrator, void* data ) {
	TimeIntegrator*	self = (TimeIntegrator*)timeIntegrator;
	AbstractContext*	context = (AbstractContext*) data;
	Index					integrand_I;   
	Index					integrandCount = TimeIntegrator_GetCount( self );
	double				dt = self->dt;
	TimeIntegrand*	integrand;
	Variable**			originalVariableList;

    assert(0); /* this shit be broken */
	Journal_DPrintf( self->debug, "In %s for %s '%s'\n", __func__, self->type, self->name );

		Journal_MyStream( Error_Type, self ),
		"Error in %s '%s' - This function is temporarily unavailable \n"
		"Please only use non-simultaneous update or only first order update.\n", 
		self->type, self->name );

	/* Set Time */
	TimeIntegrator_SetTime( self, context->currentTime );

	originalVariableList = Memory_Alloc_Array( Variable*, integrandCount, "originalVariableList" );
	TimeIntegrator_Setup( self );
	for ( integrand_I = 0 ; integrand_I < integrandCount ; integrand_I++ ) {
		integrand = TimeIntegrator_GetByIndex( self, integrand_I );
		Journal_RPrintf(self->info,"\t2nd order (simultaneous): %s\n", integrand->name);
		/* Store Original */
		originalVariableList[ integrand_I ] = Variable_NewFromOld( integrand->variable, "Original", True );

		/* Predictor Step */
		TimeIntegrand_FirstOrder( integrand, integrand->variable, 0.5 * dt );
	TimeIntegrator_Finalise( self );
	/* Set Time */
	TimeIntegrator_SetTime( self, context->currentTime + 0.5 * dt );

	TimeIntegrator_Setup( self );
	for ( integrand_I = 0 ; integrand_I < integrandCount ; integrand_I++ ) {
		integrand = TimeIntegrator_GetByIndex( self, integrand_I );

		/* Corrector Step */
		TimeIntegrand_FirstOrder( integrand, originalVariableList[ integrand_I ], dt );

		/* Free Original */
		Stg_Class_Delete( originalVariableList[ integrand_I ] );
	TimeIntegrator_Finalise( self );
	Memory_Free( originalVariableList );
void TimeIntegrator_Finalise( void* timeIntegrator ) {
	TimeIntegrator*	self = (TimeIntegrator*)timeIntegrator;
	EntryPoint*			entryPoint = self->finishEP;
	Hook_Index			hookIndex;
	double				wallTime,tmin,tmax;
	for( hookIndex = 0; hookIndex < entryPoint->hooks->count; hookIndex++ ) {
		wallTime = MPI_Wtime();
		((EntryPoint_2VoidPtr_Cast*)((Hook*)entryPoint->hooks->data[hookIndex])->funcPtr)( self, Stg_ObjectList_At( self->finishData, hookIndex ) );

   	wallTime = MPI_Wtime()-wallTime;
		MPI_Reduce( &wallTime, &tmin, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
		MPI_Reduce( &wallTime, &tmax, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
		Journal_RPrintf(self->info,"\t       EP: %35s - %9.4f (secs)\n",(entryPoint->hooks->data[hookIndex])->name,tmin,tmax);	
void TimeIntegrator_Setup( void* timeIntegrator ) {
	TimeIntegrator*        self            = (TimeIntegrator*)timeIntegrator;
	EntryPoint*            entryPoint      = self->setupEP;
	Hook_Index             hookIndex;
	double wallTime,tmin,tmax;
	/* Shouldn't this be using a call to a run function of the entry point class ? */ 
	for( hookIndex = 0; hookIndex < entryPoint->hooks->count; hookIndex++ ) {
		wallTime = MPI_Wtime();
			self, Stg_ObjectList_At( self->setupData, hookIndex ) );
			wallTime = MPI_Wtime()-wallTime;
        	MPI_Reduce( &wallTime, &tmin, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        	MPI_Reduce( &wallTime, &tmax, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
		Journal_RPrintf(self->info,"\t       EP: %35s - %9.4f [min] / %9.4f [max] (secs)\n",(entryPoint->hooks->data[hookIndex])->name,tmin,tmax);	
void Underworld_DensityChange_Setup( UnderworldContext* context ) {
		/* Function pulls and checks user input from the xml file */
	BuoyancyForceTerm*  bft = NULL;
	BuoyancyForceTerm_MaterialExt* materialExt = NULL;;
	Stream* stream = Journal_Register( Info_Type, (Name)"cows" );
	Name   materialName = NULL;
	int materialIndex;

	/* Get self (the plugin) */
	Underworld_DensityChange* self = (Underworld_DensityChange* )LiveComponentRegister_Get( context->CF->LCRegister, (Name)Underworld_DensityChange_Type  ); 

	/* Initialise plugin data */
	self->bftExt = NULL;
	self->swarm = NULL;
	self->material = NULL;
	self->height = 0;
	self->newDensity = 0;

	/* Need buoyancy force term, to get density infomation from bft extension + the integration swarm */
	bft = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName( context->CF, (Name)"buoyancyForceTerm", BuoyancyForceTerm, True, NULL  );

	/* Read in input from root xml dictionary */
	self->height = Dictionary_GetDouble_WithDefault( context->dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"materialDensityChangeHeight", 0.5  );
	self->newDensity = Dictionary_GetDouble_WithDefault( context->dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"materialDensityNewDensity", 0.3 );
	self->swarm = (IntegrationPointsSwarm* )bft->integrationSwarm;
	materialName = Dictionary_GetString( context->dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"materialDensityToChange"  );
	self->material = Materials_Register_GetByName( self->swarm->materials_Register, materialName );

	/* check if material index exists */
	if( self->material==NULL ) {
		printf("Error\nCounld find the material with index %d\n", materialIndex ); exit(0);
	materialExt = (BuoyancyForceTerm_MaterialExt*)ExtensionManager_Get( self->material->extensionMgr, self->material, bft->materialExtHandle );
	Journal_RPrintf( stream, "Will change %s's density at height %g from %g to %g\n", 
			self->material->name, self->height, materialExt->density, self->newDensity );

	self->bftExt = materialExt;
void _TimeIntegrator_ExecuteRK4Simultaneous( void* timeIntegrator, void* data ) {
	TimeIntegrator*	self = (TimeIntegrator*)timeIntegrator;
	AbstractContext*	context = (AbstractContext*) data;
	Index					integrand_I;   
	Index					integrandCount = TimeIntegrator_GetCount( self );
	double				dt = self->dt;
	TimeIntegrand*	integrand;
	Variable**			originalVariableList;
	Variable**			timeDerivVariableList;
    assert(0); /* this shit be broken */

	Journal_DPrintf( self->debug, "In %s for %s '%s'\n", __func__, self->type, self->name );

	/* Set Time */
	TimeIntegrator_SetTime( self, context->currentTime );
	originalVariableList  = Memory_Alloc_Array( Variable*, integrandCount, "originalVariableList" );
	timeDerivVariableList = Memory_Alloc_Array( Variable*, integrandCount, "timeDerivVariableList" );

	/* First Step */
	TimeIntegrator_Setup( self );
	for ( integrand_I = 0 ; integrand_I < integrandCount ; integrand_I++ ) {
		integrand = TimeIntegrator_GetByIndex( self, integrand_I );
		Journal_RPrintf(self->info,"\t4nd order (simultaneous): %s\n", integrand->name);

		/* Store Original Position Variable */
		originalVariableList[ integrand_I ]  = Variable_NewFromOld( integrand->variable, "Original", True );
		timeDerivVariableList[ integrand_I ] = Variable_NewFromOld( integrand->variable, "k1+2k2+2k3", False );

		/* Store k1 */
		TimeIntegrand_StoreTimeDeriv( integrand, timeDerivVariableList[ integrand_I ] );

		/* 1st Step */
		TimeIntegrand_FirstOrder( integrand, integrand->variable, 0.5 * dt );
	TimeIntegrator_Finalise( self );
	/* Set Time */
	TimeIntegrator_SetTime( self, context->currentTime + 0.5 * dt );
	/* Second Step */
	TimeIntegrator_Setup( self );
	for ( integrand_I = 0 ; integrand_I < integrandCount ; integrand_I++ ) {
		integrand = TimeIntegrator_GetByIndex( self, integrand_I );

		/* Add k2 */
		TimeIntegrand_Add2TimesTimeDeriv( integrand, timeDerivVariableList[ integrand_I ] );

		TimeIntegrand_FirstOrder( integrand, originalVariableList[ integrand_I ], 0.5 * dt );
	TimeIntegrator_Finalise( self );

	TimeIntegrator_Setup( self );
	for ( integrand_I = 0 ; integrand_I < integrandCount ; integrand_I++ ) {
		integrand = TimeIntegrator_GetByIndex( self, integrand_I );
		/* Add k3 */
		TimeIntegrand_Add2TimesTimeDeriv( integrand, timeDerivVariableList[ integrand_I ] );

		/* 3rd Step */
		TimeIntegrand_FirstOrder( integrand, originalVariableList[ integrand_I ], dt );
	TimeIntegrator_Finalise( self );
	/* Set Time */
	TimeIntegrator_SetTime( self, context->currentTime + dt );
	TimeIntegrator_Setup( self );
	for ( integrand_I = 0 ; integrand_I < integrandCount ; integrand_I++ ) {
		integrand = TimeIntegrator_GetByIndex( self, integrand_I );

		TimeIntegrand_FourthOrderFinalStep( integrand, originalVariableList[ integrand_I ], timeDerivVariableList[ integrand_I ], dt );

		/* Free Original */
		Stg_Class_Delete( timeDerivVariableList[ integrand_I ] );
		Stg_Class_Delete( originalVariableList[ integrand_I ] );
	TimeIntegrator_Finalise( self );

	Memory_Free( originalVariableList );
	Memory_Free( timeDerivVariableList );
Пример #13
void ImportersToolbox_Toolbox_Finalise( PluginsManager* pluginsManager ) {
	Journal_RPrintf( Journal_Register( Info_Type, (Name)ImportersToolbox_Toolbox_Type  ), "Finalised: ImportersToolbox Toolbox.\n" );
Пример #14
void Stg_ComponentFactory_CreateComponents( Stg_ComponentFactory *self ) {
   Dictionary_Entry*                      componentDictEntry           = NULL;
   Dictionary*                            currComponentDict            = NULL;
   Type                                   componentType                = NULL;
   Name                                   componentName                = NULL;
   Stg_Component_DefaultConstructorFunction*  componentConstructorFunction;
   Index                                  component_I;
   Stream*                                stream;
   assert( self );
   stream = self->infoStream;
   if( self->componentDict ){
      Stream_Indent( stream );

      /* add the contexts to the live component register first (so these get constructed/built/initialised first) */   
      for( component_I = 0; component_I < Dictionary_GetCount( self->componentDict ) ; component_I++ ){
         componentDictEntry = self->componentDict->entryPtr[ component_I ];

         currComponentDict  = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( componentDictEntry->value );
         componentType      = Dictionary_GetString( currComponentDict, "Type" );
         componentName      = componentDictEntry->key;

         if( strcmp( componentType, "DomainContext" ) && 
             strcmp( componentType, "FiniteElementContext" ) &&
             strcmp( componentType, "PICelleratorContext" ) )

         if( LiveComponentRegister_Get( self->LCRegister, componentName ) != NULL ) {
            Journal_RPrintf( Journal_Register( Error_Type, self->type ),
               "Error in func %s: Trying to instantiate two components with the name of '%s'\n"
               "Each component's name must be unique.\n",
               __func__, componentName );

         /* Print Message */
         /* Journal_Printf( stream, "Instantiating %s as %s\n", componentType, componentName ); */
         /* Get Default Constructor for this type */
         componentConstructorFunction = Stg_ComponentRegister_AssertGet( 
               Stg_ComponentRegister_Get_ComponentRegister(), componentType, "0" );

         /* Add to register */
         LiveComponentRegister_Add( self->LCRegister, (Stg_Component*)componentConstructorFunction( componentName ) );

      /* now add the rest of the components */   
      for( component_I = 0; component_I < Dictionary_GetCount( self->componentDict ) ; component_I++ ){
         componentDictEntry = self->componentDict->entryPtr[ component_I ];

         currComponentDict  = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( componentDictEntry->value );
         componentType      = Dictionary_GetString( currComponentDict, "Type" );
         componentName      = componentDictEntry->key;

         if( !strcmp( componentType, "DomainContext" ) ||
             !strcmp( componentType, "FiniteElementContext" ) ||
             !strcmp( componentType, "PICelleratorContext" ) )

         if( LiveComponentRegister_Get( self->LCRegister, componentName ) != NULL ) {
            Journal_RPrintf( Journal_Register( Error_Type, self->type ),
               "Error in func %s: Trying to instantiate two components with the name of '%s'\n"
               "Each component's name must be unique.\n",
               __func__, componentName );
         Journal_Firewall( strcmp( componentType, "" ), NULL, "In func %s: Component with name '%s' does not have a 'Type' specified.\n"
                                                                              "This is sometimes caused by incorrect or missing 'mergeType' resulting in clobbered input file components.\n"
                                                                              "You may need to add 'mergeType=\"merge\"' to this component. Please check your input file.", __func__, componentName);

         /* Print Message */
         /* Journal_Printf( stream, "Instantiating %s as %s\n", componentType, componentName ); */
         /* Get Default Constructor for this type */
         componentConstructorFunction = Stg_ComponentRegister_AssertGet( 
               Stg_ComponentRegister_Get_ComponentRegister(), componentType, "0" );

         /* Add to register */
         LiveComponentRegister_Add( self->LCRegister, (Stg_Component*)componentConstructorFunction( componentName ) );

      Stream_UnIndent( stream );
      Journal_Printf( stream, "No Stg_Component List found..!\n" );