Пример #1
bool FeynHiggsWrapper::SetFeynHiggsPars()
    int err;

    /* FeynHiggs debug flag */

    Mw_FHinput = mySUSY.Mw_tree(); /* Tree-level W-boson mass */
    //Mw_FHinput = mySUSY.StandardModel::Mw(); /* SM prediction, which should not be used, since mHl cannot be set before calling FeynHiggs. */
    //std::cout << "Mw = " << Mw_FHinput << " used in FeynHiggsWrapper::SetFeynHiggsPars()" << std::endl;

    /* Set the FeynHiggs SM input parameters */
                mySUSY.getAlsMz(), mySUSY.getGF(),
                Mw_FHinput, mySUSY.getMz(),
                mySUSY.getLambda(), mySUSY.getA(), mySUSY.getRhob(), mySUSY.getEtab());
    if (err != 0) {
#ifdef FHDEBUG
        std::cout << "FeynHiggsWrapper::SetFeynHiggsPars(): Error has been detected in SetPara.F:"
                  << err << std::endl;
        return (false);

    /* Parameters for FeynHiggs */
    double Q_S = mySUSY.Q_SUSY;
    gslpp::complex muHFH = mySUSY.muH;
    gslpp::complex M1FH = mySUSY.m1;
    gslpp::complex M2FH = mySUSY.m2;
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> MsQ2 = mySUSY.msQhat2;
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> MsU2 = mySUSY.msUhat2;
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> MsD2 = mySUSY.msDhat2;
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> MsL2 = mySUSY.msLhat2;
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> MsE2 = mySUSY.msEhat2;
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> KU = mySUSY.TUhat.hconjugate() * mySUSY.v2() / sqrt(2.0);
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> KD = mySUSY.TDhat.hconjugate() * mySUSY.v1() / sqrt(2.0);
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> KE = mySUSY.TEhat.hconjugate() * mySUSY.v1() / sqrt(2.0);

    /* MFV trilinear couplings */
    gslpp::vector<gslpp::complex> AU(3,0.), AD(3,0.), AE(3,0.);
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        int p = (int)mySUSY.UP + 2*i;
        AU.assign(i, KU(i,i) / mySUSY.Mq_Q((QCD::quark)p));
        p = (int)mySUSY.DOWN + 2*i;
        AD.assign(i, KD(i,i) / mySUSY.Mq_Q((QCD::quark)p));
        p = (int)mySUSY.ELECTRON + 2*i;
        AE.assign(i, KE(i,i) / mySUSY.Ml_Q((StandardModel::lepton)p));

    /* Check if non-minimal flavor-violating (NMFV) entries exist in the
     * sfermion mass matrices. See also IniFV() in SetFV.F of FeynHiggs. */
    NMFVu = true; NMFVd = true; NMFVe = true;// NMFVnu = true; 
    double TMPu = 0.0, TMPd = 0.0, TMPe = 0.0; //TMPnu = 0.0
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
           if (i < j) {
               TMPu += MsQ2(i, j).abs2() + MsU2(i, j).abs2();
               TMPd += MsQ2(i, j).abs2() + MsD2(i, j).abs2();
               //TMPnu += MsL2(i, j).abs2(); /* not used */
               TMPe += MsL2(i, j).abs2() + MsE2(i, j).abs2();
           if (i != j) {
               TMPu += KU(i, j).abs2();
               TMPd += KD(i, j).abs2();
               TMPe += KE(i, j).abs2();
    if (!TMPu) NMFVu = false;
    if (!TMPe) NMFVd = false;
    if (!TMPe) NMFVe = false;

    /* NMFV trilinear couplings. In the case of NMFV, the trilinear couplings
     * AU, AD and AE for FHSetPara() as well as KU, KD and KE for FHSetNMFV()
     * and FHSetLFV() have to be rotated. */
    gslpp::complex muHphase(1.0, - 2.0*muHFH.arg(), true);
    if (NMFVu) AU *= muHphase;
    if (NMFVd) AD *= muHphase;
    if (NMFVe) AE *= muHphase;
    KU *= muHphase;
    KD *= muHphase;
    KE *= muHphase;

    /* NMFV parameters for FeynHiggs */
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> deltaQLL(3,3,0.);
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> deltaULR(3,3,0.), deltaURL(3,3,0.), deltaURR(3,3,0.);
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> deltaDLR(3,3,0.), deltaDRL(3,3,0.), deltaDRR(3,3,0.);
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> deltaLLL(3,3,0.);
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex> deltaELR(3,3,0.), deltaERL(3,3,0.), deltaERR(3,3,0.);
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
        for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
            deltaQLL.assign(i, j, MsQ2(i,j) / sqrt(MsQ2(i,i).real() * MsQ2(j,j).real()));
            deltaULR.assign(i, j, KU(i,j) / sqrt(MsQ2(i,i).real() * MsU2(j,j).real()));
            deltaURL.assign(i, j, KU(j,i).conjugate() / sqrt(MsU2(i,i).real() * MsQ2(j,j).real()));
            deltaURR.assign(i, j, MsU2(i,j) / sqrt(MsU2(i,i).real() * MsU2(j,j).real()));
            deltaDLR.assign(i, j, KD(i,j) / sqrt(MsQ2(i,i).real() * MsD2(j,j).real()));
            deltaDRL.assign(i, j, KD(j,i).conjugate() / sqrt(MsD2(i,i).real() * MsQ2(j,j).real()));
            deltaDRR.assign(i, j, MsD2(i,j) / sqrt(MsD2(i,i).real() * MsD2(j,j).real()));
            deltaLLL.assign(i, j, MsL2(i,j) / sqrt(MsL2(i,i).real() * MsL2(j,j).real()));
            deltaELR.assign(i, j, KE(i,j) / sqrt(MsL2(i,i).real() * MsE2(j,j).real()));
            deltaERL.assign(i, j, KE(j,i).conjugate() / sqrt(MsE2(i,i).real() * MsL2(j,j).real()));
            deltaERR.assign(i, j, MsE2(i,j) / sqrt(MsE2(i,i).real() * MsE2(j,j).real()));

    /* Set the FeynHiggs parameters, where the GUT relation is used for M1=0. */
              mySUSY.mtpole, mySUSY.tanb,
              mySUSY.mHptree,  // as now used, "mHptree" is a name for MA0. We shall be using mA instead of mHptree
	      -1, // this is now not used, the mHptree 
              sqrt(MsL2(2,2).real()), sqrt(MsE2(2,2).real()),
              sqrt(MsQ2(2,2).real()), sqrt(MsU2(2,2).real()),
              sqrt(MsL2(1,1).real()), sqrt(MsE2(1,1).real()),
              sqrt(MsQ2(1,1).real()), sqrt(MsU2(1,1).real()),
              sqrt(MsL2(0,0).real()), sqrt(MsE2(0,0).real()),
              sqrt(MsQ2(0,0).real()), sqrt(MsU2(0,0).real()),
              ToComplex2(muHFH.real(), muHFH.imag()),
              ToComplex2(AE(2).real(), AE(2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(AU(2).real(), AU(2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(AD(2).real(), AD(2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(AE(1).real(), AE(1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(AU(1).real(), AU(1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(AD(1).real(), AD(1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(AE(0).real(), AE(0).imag()),
              ToComplex2(AU(0).real(), AU(0).imag()),
              ToComplex2(AD(0).real(), AD(0).imag()),
              ToComplex2(M1FH.real(), M1FH.imag()),
              ToComplex2(M2FH.real(), M2FH.imag()),
              ToComplex2(mySUSY.m3, 0.),
              Q_S, Q_S, Q_S);
    if (err != 0) {
#ifdef FHDEBUG
        std::cout << "FeynHiggsWrapper::SetFeynHiggsPars(): Error has been detected in SetPara.F:"
                  << err << std::endl;
        return (false);

    /* Set the non-minimal flavor-violating parameters in the squark sector */
              // Q_LL
              ToComplex2(deltaQLL(0,1).real(), deltaQLL(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaQLL(1,2).real(), deltaQLL(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaQLL(0,2).real(), deltaQLL(0,2).imag()),
              // U_LR
              ToComplex2(deltaULR(0,1).real(), deltaULR(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaULR(1,2).real(), deltaULR(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaULR(0,2).real(), deltaULR(0,2).imag()),
              // U_RL
              ToComplex2(deltaURL(0,1).real(), deltaURL(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaURL(1,2).real(), deltaURL(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaURL(0,2).real(), deltaURL(0,2).imag()),
              // U_RR
              ToComplex2(deltaURR(0,1).real(), deltaURR(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaURR(1,2).real(), deltaURR(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaURR(0,2).real(), deltaURR(0,2).imag()),
              // D_LR
              ToComplex2(deltaDLR(0,1).real(), deltaDLR(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaDLR(1,2).real(), deltaDLR(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaDLR(0,2).real(), deltaDLR(0,2).imag()),
              // D_RL
              ToComplex2(deltaDRL(0,1).real(), deltaDRL(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaDRL(1,2).real(), deltaDRL(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaDRL(0,2).real(), deltaDRL(0,2).imag()),
              // D_RR
              ToComplex2(deltaDRR(0,1).real(), deltaDRR(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaDRR(1,2).real(), deltaDRR(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaDRR(0,2).real(), deltaDRR(0,2).imag())
    if (err != 0) {
#ifdef FHDEBUG
        std::cout << "FeynHiggsWrapper::SetFeynHiggsPars(): Error was detected in SetFV.F:"
                  << err << std::endl;
        return (false);

    /* Set the non-minimal flavor-violating parameters in the slepton sector,
     * which are not used to compute the sneutrino mass spectrum. */
              // L_LL
              ToComplex2(deltaLLL(0,1).real(), deltaLLL(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaLLL(1,2).real(), deltaLLL(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaLLL(0,2).real(), deltaLLL(0,2).imag()),
              // E_LR
              ToComplex2(deltaELR(0,1).real(), deltaELR(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaELR(1,2).real(), deltaELR(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaELR(0,2).real(), deltaELR(0,2).imag()),
              // E_RL
              ToComplex2(deltaERL(0,1).real(), deltaERL(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaERL(1,2).real(), deltaERL(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaERL(0,2).real(), deltaERL(0,2).imag()),
              // E_RR
              ToComplex2(deltaERR(0,1).real(), deltaERR(0,1).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaERR(1,2).real(), deltaERR(1,2).imag()),
              ToComplex2(deltaERR(0,2).real(), deltaERR(0,2).imag())
    if (err != 0) {
#ifdef FHDEBUG
        std::cout << "FeynHiggsWrapper::SetFeynHiggsPars(): Error was detected in SetFV.F:"
                  << err << std::endl;
        return (false);

    computeHiggsCouplings = true;
    computeHiggsProd = true;
    computeConstraints = true;
    computeFlavour = true;

    return (true);
Пример #2
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void Test003(
) {

// ========================================================================== //
// void Test003(                                                              //
//     void)                                                                  //
//                                                                            //
// kd-tree demo.                                                              //
// ========================================================================== //
// INPUT                                                                      //
// ========================================================================== //
// - none                                                                     //
// ========================================================================== //
// OUTPUT                                                                     //
// ========================================================================== //
// - none                                                                     //
// ========================================================================== //

// ========================================================================== //
// VARIABLES DECLARATION                                                      //
// ========================================================================== //

// Local variables
    int                         N = 5120000;
    bitpit::KdTree<2, vector<double> >           KD(N);
    dvector2D                   X(N, dvector1D(2, 0.0));
    dvector1D                   x(2, -0.1);

// Counters
// none

// ========================================================================== //
// OPENING MESSAGE                                                            //
// ========================================================================== //
        // Scope variables ------------------------------------------------------ //
        // none

        // Output message ------------------------------------------------------- //
        cout << "=================== TEST 003: kd-tree =========================" << endl;

// ========================================================================== //
// BUILD KD-TREE                                                              //
// ========================================================================== //

        // Scope variables ------------------------------------------------------ //
        chrono::time_point<chrono::system_clock> start, end;
        int                                      i;
        int                                      elapsed_seconds;

        // Output message ------------------------------------------------------- //
        cout << " - Generating k-d tree by element insertion" << endl;

        // Create vertex list --------------------------------------------------- //
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            X[i][0] = ((double) rand())/((double) RAND_MAX);
            X[i][1] = ((double) rand())/((double) RAND_MAX);
        } //next i

        // Build kd tree -------------------------------------------------------- //
        start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        } //next i
        end = chrono::system_clock::now();
        elapsed_seconds = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(end-start).count();
        cout << "elapsed time: " << elapsed_seconds << " ms" << endl;

        // output kd-tree ------------------------------------------------------- //
//     for (i = 0; i < KD.n_nodes; i++) {
//         cout << "j: " << i << endl;
//         cout << "target: " << *(KD.nodes[i].object_) << endl;
//         cout << "children: (L) " << KD.nodes[i].lchild_ << " (R) " << KD.nodes[i].rchild_ << endl;
//     } //next i

// ========================================================================== //
// INSERT ELEMENT                                                             //
// ========================================================================== //
        // Scope variables ------------------------------------------------------ //
        // none

        // Output message ------------------------------------------------------- //
        cout << " - Inserting a new element" << endl;

        // Inserting a new element ---------------------------------------------- //
        cout << "# of nodes: " << KD.n_nodes << endl;

        // output kd-tree ------------------------------------------------------- //
//     for (i = 0; i < KD.n_nodes; i++) {
//         cout << "j: " << i << endl;
//         cout << "target: " << *(KD.nodes[i].object_) << endl;
//         cout << "children: (L) " << KD.nodes[i].lchild_ << " (R) " << KD.nodes[i].rchild_ << endl;
//     } //next i


// ========================================================================== //
// CHECK FOR EXISTING ELEMENTS                                                //
// ========================================================================== //
        // Scope variables ------------------------------------------------------ //
        int            i;

        // Output message ------------------------------------------------------- //
        cout << " - Checking existing elements" << endl;

        // Create vertex list --------------------------------------------------- //

        // Build kd tree -------------------------------------------------------- //
        for (i = N-1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if( KD.exist(&X[i]) < 0 ) {
                cout << "error: " << i << "  " << X[i] << endl ;
//ht         cout << "elem found: " << KD.exist(&X[i]) << endl;
        } //next i


// ========================================================================== //
// CLOSING MESSAGE                                                            //
// ========================================================================== //
        // Scope variables ------------------------------------------------------ //
        // none

        // Output message ------------------------------------------------------- //
        cout << "===================== TEST 003: done!! =====================" << endl;

Пример #3
void Player::tick(World* world){
    if (this->noclip){
        if (KD(KM_UP))    this->pos+=vector2df(0,-NOCLIP_SPEED);
        if (KD(KM_DOWN))  this->pos+=vector2df(0, NOCLIP_SPEED);
        if (KD(KM_LEFT))  this->pos+=vector2df(-NOCLIP_SPEED,0);
        if (KD(KM_RIGHT)) this->pos+=vector2df(NOCLIP_SPEED, 0);
        bool ongr = BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-3,8))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-2,8))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-1,8))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(0, 8))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(1, 8))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(2, 8))).solid;
        bool lsol = BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-5,-7))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-5,-6))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-5,-5))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-5,-4))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-5,-3))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-5,-2))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-5,-1))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-5, 0))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-5, 1))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-5, 2))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-5, 3))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-5, 4))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-5, 5))).solid;
        bool rsol = BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(4,-7))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(4,-6))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(4,-5))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(4,-4))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(4,-3))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(4,-2))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(4,-1))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(4, 0))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(4, 1))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(4, 2))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(4, 3))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(4, 4))).solid ||
                    BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(4, 5))).solid;
        if (ongr) this->vel.X/=FRICTION;
        if (ongr && this->vel.Y > 0) this->vel.Y = 0;
        if (!ongr) this->vel.Y += world->gravity;
        if (ongr && KD(KM_LEFT) && ! lsol) {
            this->vel.X = -WALK_SPEED;
            if (BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-5, 7))).solid){
                if (BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(-5, 7))).solid) this->pos.Y-=1;
        if (ongr && KD(KM_RIGHT) && ! rsol) {
            this->vel.X = WALK_SPEED;
            if (BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(5, 7))).solid){
                if (BLOCK(world->getBlockAt(this->getIPos()+vector2d<s32>(5, 7))).solid) this->pos.Y-=1;
        if (ongr && KD(KM_JUMP)) this->vel.Y = -JUMP_POWER;
        if (lsol && this->vel.X < 0) this->vel.X = 0;
        if (rsol && this->vel.X > 0) this->vel.X = 0;
    vector2d<s32> cp = this->getIPos() + ((mpos - position2d<s32>(500,333)) / 4);
    stack<vector2d<s32>> pss;
    switch (this->brush) {
        case BRUSH_PX:
        case BRUSH_CIRCLE:
            for (s32 i = -4; i < 4; i++) for (s32 j = -4; j < 4; j++) if (i*i+j*j<17) pss.emplace(i,j);
        if (EVTRR->LB && world->getBlockAt(pss.top()+cp) != BLOCK_AIR) world->setBlockAt(pss.top()+cp,BLOCK_AIR);