Пример #1
  Reset the Mouse and do BAT test for it, if ExtendedVerification isTRUE and there is a mouse device connectted to system.

  @param This                 - Pointer of simple pointer Protocol.
  @param ExtendedVerification - Whether configure mouse parameters. True: do; FALSE: skip.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS         - The command byte is written successfully.
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR    - Errors occurred during reseting keyboard.

MouseAbsolutePointerReset (
  IN BOOLEAN                          ExtendedVerification
  EFI_STATUS                       Status;
  PS2_MOUSE_ABSOLUTE_POINTER_DEV  *MouseAbsolutePointerDev;
  EFI_TPL                          OldTpl;
  BOOLEAN                          KeyboardEnable;
  UINT8                            Data;

  MouseAbsolutePointerDev = PS2_MOUSE_ABSOLUTE_POINTER_DEV_FROM_THIS (This);

  // Report reset progress code

  KeyboardEnable = FALSE;

  // Raise TPL to avoid keyboard operation impact
  OldTpl = gBS->RaiseTPL (TPL_NOTIFY);

  ZeroMem (&MouseAbsolutePointerDev->State, sizeof (EFI_ABSOLUTE_POINTER_STATE));
  MouseAbsolutePointerDev->StateChanged = FALSE;

  // Exhaust input data
  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
  while (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    Status = In8042Data (MouseAbsolutePointerDev->IsaIo, &Data);

  CheckKbStatus (MouseAbsolutePointerDev->IsaIo, &KeyboardEnable);

  KbcDisableKb (MouseAbsolutePointerDev->IsaIo);

  MouseAbsolutePointerDev->IsaIo->Io.Read (MouseAbsolutePointerDev->IsaIo, EfiIsaIoWidthUint8, KBC_CMD_STS_PORT, 1, &Data);

  // if there's data block on KBC data port, read it out
  if ((Data & KBC_OUTB) == KBC_OUTB) {
    MouseAbsolutePointerDev->IsaIo->Io.Read (MouseAbsolutePointerDev->IsaIo, EfiIsaIoWidthUint8, KBC_DATA_PORT, 1, &Data);

  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
  // The PS2 mouse driver reset behavior is always successfully return no matter wheater or not there is mouse connected to system.
  // This behavior is needed by performance speed. The following mouse command only succeessfully finish when mouse device is
  // connected to system, so if PS2 mouse device not connect to system or user not ask for, we skip the mouse configuration and enabling
  if (ExtendedVerification && CheckMouseAbsolutePointerConnect (MouseAbsolutePointerDev)) {
    // Send mouse reset command and set mouse default configure
    Status = PS2MouseReset (MouseAbsolutePointerDev->IsaIo);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
      goto Exit;

    Status = PS2MouseSetSampleRate (MouseAbsolutePointerDev->IsaIo, MouseAbsolutePointerDev->SampleRate);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
      goto Exit;

    Status = PS2MouseSetResolution (MouseAbsolutePointerDev->IsaIo, MouseAbsolutePointerDev->Resolution);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
      goto Exit;

    Status = PS2MouseSetScaling (MouseAbsolutePointerDev->IsaIo, MouseAbsolutePointerDev->Scaling);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
      goto Exit;

    Status = PS2MouseEnable (MouseAbsolutePointerDev->IsaIo);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
      goto Exit;
  gBS->RestoreTPL (OldTpl);

  if (KeyboardEnable) {
    KbcEnableKb (MouseAbsolutePointerDev->IsaIo);

  return Status;
Пример #2
  Get mouse packet . Only care first 3 bytes

  @param MouseDev  Pointer of PS2 Mouse Private Data Structure

  @retval EFI_NOT_READY  Mouse Device not ready to input data packet, or some error happened during getting the packet
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS    The data packet is gotten successfully.

PS2MouseGetPacket (
  PS2_MOUSE_DEV     *MouseDev

  EFI_STATUS  Status;
  BOOLEAN     KeyboardEnable;
  UINT8       Packet[PS2_PACKET_LENGTH];
  UINT8       Data;
  UINTN       Count;
  UINTN       State;
  INT16       RelativeMovementX;
  INT16       RelativeMovementY;
  BOOLEAN     LButton;
  BOOLEAN     RButton;

  KeyboardEnable  = FALSE;
  Count           = 1;
  State           = PS2_READ_BYTE_ONE;

  // State machine to get mouse packet
  while (1) {

    switch (State) {
    case PS2_READ_BYTE_ONE:
      // Read mouse first byte data, if failed, immediately return
      KbcDisableAux ();
      Status = PS2MouseRead (&Data, &Count, State);
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        KbcEnableAux ();
        return EFI_NOT_READY;

      if (Count != 1) {
        KbcEnableAux ();
        return EFI_NOT_READY;

      if (IS_PS2_SYNC_BYTE (Data)) {
        Packet[0] = Data;
        State     = PS2_READ_DATA_BYTE;

        CheckKbStatus (&KeyboardEnable);
        KbcDisableKb ();
        KbcEnableAux ();

    case PS2_READ_DATA_BYTE:
      Count   = 2;
      Status  = PS2MouseRead ((Packet + 1), &Count, State);
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        if (KeyboardEnable) {
          KbcEnableKb ();

        return EFI_NOT_READY;

      if (Count != 2) {
        if (KeyboardEnable) {
          KbcEnableKb ();

        return EFI_NOT_READY;

      State = PS2_PROCESS_PACKET;

      if (KeyboardEnable) {
        KbcEnableKb ();
      // Decode the packet
      RelativeMovementX = Packet[1];
      RelativeMovementY = Packet[2];
      //               Bit 7   |    Bit 6   |    Bit 5   |   Bit 4    |   Bit 3  |   Bit 2    |   Bit 1   |   Bit 0
      //  Byte 0  | Y overflow | X overflow | Y sign bit | X sign bit | Always 1 | Middle Btn | Right Btn | Left Btn
      //  Byte 1  |                                           8 bit X Movement
      //  Byte 2  |                                           8 bit Y Movement
      // X sign bit + 8 bit X Movement : 9-bit signed twos complement integer that presents the relative displacement of the device in the X direction since the last data transmission.
      // Y sign bit + 8 bit Y Movement : Same as X sign bit + 8 bit X Movement.
      // First, Clear X and Y high 8 bits
      RelativeMovementX = (INT16) (RelativeMovementX & 0xFF);
      RelativeMovementY = (INT16) (RelativeMovementY & 0xFF);
      // Second, if the 9-bit signed twos complement integer is negative, set the high 8 bit 0xff
      if ((Packet[0] & 0x10) != 0) {
        RelativeMovementX = (INT16) (RelativeMovementX | 0xFF00);
      if ((Packet[0] & 0x20) != 0) {
        RelativeMovementY = (INT16) (RelativeMovementY | 0xFF00);

      RButton           = (UINT8) (Packet[0] & 0x2);
      LButton           = (UINT8) (Packet[0] & 0x1);

      // Update mouse state
      MouseDev->State.RelativeMovementX += RelativeMovementX;
      MouseDev->State.RelativeMovementY -= RelativeMovementY;
      MouseDev->State.RightButton = (UINT8) (RButton ? TRUE : FALSE);
      MouseDev->State.LeftButton  = (UINT8) (LButton ? TRUE : FALSE);
      MouseDev->StateChanged      = TRUE;

      return EFI_SUCCESS;