void RCInitChromaQP(AVCEncObject *encvid)
    AVCCommonObj *video = encvid->common;
    AVCMacroblock *currMB = video->currMB;
    int q_bits;

    /* we have to do the same thing for AVC_CLIP3(0,51,video->QSy) */

    video->QPy_div_6 = (currMB->QPy * 43) >> 8;
    video->QPy_mod_6 = currMB->QPy - 6 * video->QPy_div_6;
    currMB->QPc = video->QPc = mapQPi2QPc[AVC_CLIP3(0, 51, currMB->QPy + video->currPicParams->chroma_qp_index_offset)];
    video->QPc_div_6 = (video->QPc * 43) >> 8;
    video->QPc_mod_6 = video->QPc - 6 * video->QPc_div_6;

    /* pre-calculate this to save computation */
    q_bits = 4 + video->QPy_div_6;
    if (video->slice_type == AVC_I_SLICE)
        encvid->qp_const = 682 << q_bits;       // intra
        encvid->qp_const = 342 << q_bits;       // inter

    q_bits = 4 + video->QPc_div_6;
    if (video->slice_type == AVC_I_SLICE)
        encvid->qp_const_c = 682 << q_bits;    // intra
        encvid->qp_const_c = 342 << q_bits;    // inter

    encvid->lambda_mode = QP2QUANT[AVC_MAX(0, currMB->QPy-SHIFT_QP)];
    encvid->lambda_motion = LAMBDA_FACTOR(encvid->lambda_mode);

    return ;
void RCInitFrameQP(AVCEncObject *encvid)
    AVCCommonObj *video = encvid->common;
    AVCRateControl *rateCtrl = encvid->rateCtrl;
    AVCPicParamSet *picParam = video->currPicParams;
    MultiPass *pMP = rateCtrl->pMP;

    if (rateCtrl->rcEnable == TRUE)
        /* frame layer rate control */
        if (rateCtrl->encoded_frames == 0)
            video->QPy = rateCtrl->Qc = rateCtrl->initQP;
            calculateQuantizer_Multipass(encvid, video, rateCtrl, pMP);
            video->QPy = rateCtrl->Qc;

        rateCtrl->NumberofHeaderBits = 0;
        rateCtrl->NumberofTextureBits = 0;
        rateCtrl->numFrameBits = 0; // reset

        /* update pMP->framePos */
        if (++pMP->framePos == pMP->frameRange) pMP->framePos = 0;

        if (rateCtrl->T == 0)
            pMP->counter_BTdst = (int)(rateCtrl->frame_rate * 7.5 + 0.5); /* 0.75s time frame */
            pMP->counter_BTdst = AVC_MIN(pMP->counter_BTdst, (int)(rateCtrl->max_BitVariance_num / 2 * 0.40)); /* 0.75s time frame may go beyond VBV buffer if we set the buffer size smaller than 0.75s */
            pMP->counter_BTdst = AVC_MAX(pMP->counter_BTdst, (int)((rateCtrl->Bs / 2 - rateCtrl->VBV_fullness) * 0.30 / (rateCtrl->TMN_TH / 10.0) + 0.5)); /* At least 30% of VBV buffer size/2 */
            pMP->counter_BTdst = AVC_MIN(pMP->counter_BTdst, 20); /* Limit the target to be smaller than 3C */

            pMP->target_bits = rateCtrl->T = rateCtrl->TMN_TH = (int)(rateCtrl->TMN_TH * (1.0 + pMP->counter_BTdst * 0.1));
            pMP->diff_counter = pMP->counter_BTdst;

        /* collect the necessary data: target bits, actual bits, mad and QP */
        pMP->target_bits = rateCtrl->T;
        pMP->QP  = video->QPy;

        pMP->mad = (OsclFloat)rateCtrl->totalSAD / video->PicSizeInMbs; //ComputeFrameMAD(video, rateCtrl);
        if (pMP->mad < MAD_MIN) pMP->mad = MAD_MIN; /* MAD_MIN is defined as 1 in mp4def.h */

        pMP->bitrate = rateCtrl->bitRate; /* calculated in RCVopQPSetting */
        pMP->framerate = rateCtrl->frame_rate;

        /* first pass encoding */
        pMP->nRe_Quantized = 0;

    } // rcEnable
        video->QPy = rateCtrl->initQP;

//  printf(" %d ",video->QPy);

    if (video->CurrPicNum == 0 && encvid->outOfBandParamSet == FALSE)
        picParam->pic_init_qs_minus26 = 0;
        picParam->pic_init_qp_minus26 = video->QPy - 26;

    // need this for motion estimation
    encvid->lambda_mode = QP2QUANT[AVC_MAX(0, video->QPy-SHIFT_QP)];
    encvid->lambda_motion = LAMBDA_FACTOR(encvid->lambda_mode);
    return ;
Пример #3
 * \brief
 *    FastIntegerPelBlockMotionSearch: fast pixel block motion search 
 *    this algrithm is called UMHexagonS(see JVT-D016),which includes 
 *    four steps with different kinds of search patterns
 * \par Input:
 * pel_t**   orig_pic,     // <--  original picture
 * int       ref,          // <--  reference frame (0... or -1 (backward))
 * int       pic_pix_x,    // <--  absolute x-coordinate of regarded AxB block
 * int       pic_pix_y,    // <--  absolute y-coordinate of regarded AxB block
 * int       blocktype,    // <--  block type (1-16x16 ... 7-4x4)
 * int       pred_mv_x,    // <--  motion vector predictor (x) in sub-pel units
 * int       pred_mv_y,    // <--  motion vector predictor (y) in sub-pel units
 * int*      mv_x,         //  --> motion vector (x) - in pel units
 * int*      mv_y,         //  --> motion vector (y) - in pel units
 * int       search_range, // <--  1-d search range in pel units                         
 * int       min_mcost,    // <--  minimum motion cost (cost for center or huge value)
 * double    lambda        // <--  lagrangian parameter for determining motion cost
 * \par
 * Three macro definitions defined in this program:
 * 1. EARLY_TERMINATION: early termination algrithm, refer to JVT-D016.doc
 * 2. SEARCH_ONE_PIXEL: search one pixel in search range
 * 3. SEARCH_ONE_PIXEL1(value_iAbort): search one pixel in search range,
 *                                 but give a parameter to show if mincost refeshed
 * \ Main contributors: (see contributors.h for copyright, address and affiliation details)
 *   Zhibo Chen         <*****@*****.**>
 *   JianFeng Xu        <*****@*****.**>  
 * \date   : 2003.8
int                                     //  ==> minimum motion cost after search
FastIntegerPelBlockMotionSearch  (pel_t**   orig_pic,     // <--  not used
                  int       ref,          // <--  reference frame (0... or -1 (backward))
                  int       list,
                  int       pic_pix_x,    // <--  absolute x-coordinate of regarded AxB block
                  int       pic_pix_y,    // <--  absolute y-coordinate of regarded AxB block
                  int       blocktype,    // <--  block type (1-16x16 ... 7-4x4)
                  int       pred_mv_x,    // <--  motion vector predictor (x) in sub-pel units
                  int       pred_mv_y,    // <--  motion vector predictor (y) in sub-pel units
                  int*      mv_x,         //  --> motion vector (x) - in pel units
                  int*      mv_y,         //  --> motion vector (y) - in pel units
                  int       search_range, // <--  1-d search range in pel units                         
                  int       min_mcost,    // <--  minimum motion cost (cost for center or huge value)
                  double    lambda)       // <--  lagrangian parameter for determining motion cost
  static int Diamond_x[4] = {-1, 0, 1, 0};
  static int Diamond_y[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
  static int Hexagon_x[6] = {2, 1, -1, -2, -1, 1};
  static int Hexagon_y[6] = {0, -2, -2, 0,  2, 2};
  static int Big_Hexagon_x[16] = {0,-2, -4,-4,-4, -4, -4, -2,  0,  2,  4,  4, 4, 4, 4, 2};
  static int Big_Hexagon_y[16] = {4, 3, 2,  1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3};

  int   pos, cand_x, cand_y,  mcost;
  pel_t *(*get_ref_line)(int, pel_t*, int, int, int, int);
  int   list_offset   = ((img->MbaffFrameFlag)&&(img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr].mb_field))? img->current_mb_nr%2 ? 4 : 2 : 0;
  pel_t*  ref_pic       = listX[list+list_offset][ref]->imgY_11;//img->type==B_IMG? Refbuf11 [ref+((mref==mref_fld)) +1] : Refbuf11[ref];
  int   best_pos      = 0;                                        // position with minimum motion cost
  int   max_pos       = (2*search_range+1)*(2*search_range+1);    // number of search positions
  int   lambda_factor = LAMBDA_FACTOR (lambda);                   // factor for determining lagragian motion cost
  int   mvshift       = 2;                  // motion vector shift for getting sub-pel units
  int   blocksize_y   = input->blc_size[blocktype][1];            // vertical block size
  int   blocksize_x   = input->blc_size[blocktype][0];            // horizontal block size
  int   blocksize_x4  = blocksize_x >> 2;                         // horizontal block size in 4-pel units
  int   pred_x        = (pic_pix_x << mvshift) + pred_mv_x;       // predicted position x (in sub-pel units)
  int   pred_y        = (pic_pix_y << mvshift) + pred_mv_y;       // predicted position y (in sub-pel units)
  int   center_x      = pic_pix_x + *mv_x;                        // center position x (in pel units)
  int   center_y      = pic_pix_y + *mv_y;                        // center position y (in pel units)
  int    best_x, best_y;
  int   check_for_00  = (blocktype==1 && !input->rdopt && img->type!=B_SLICE && ref==0);
  int   search_step,iYMinNow, iXMinNow;
  int   i,m, iSADLayer; 
  int   iAbort;
  int       N_Bframe = input->successive_Bframe;
  float betaSec,betaThird;
  int height=((img->MbaffFrameFlag)&&(img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr].mb_field))?img->height/2:img->height;

  //===== set function for getting reference picture lines =====
  if ((center_x > search_range) && (center_x < img->width -1-search_range-blocksize_x) &&
    (center_y > search_range) && (center_y < height-1-search_range-blocksize_y)   )
    get_ref_line = FastLineX;
    get_ref_line = UMVLineX;
  //////allocate memory for search state//////////////////////////
   ///////Threshold defined for early termination///////////////////  
      betaSec = Bsize[blocktype]/(pred_SAD_ref*pred_SAD_ref)-AlphaSec[blocktype];
      betaThird = Bsize[blocktype]/(pred_SAD_ref*pred_SAD_ref)-AlphaThird[blocktype];
      betaSec = 0;
      betaThird = 0;
      if(pred_SAD_space !=0)
        betaSec = Bsize[blocktype]/(pred_SAD_space*pred_SAD_space)-AlphaSec[blocktype];
        betaThird = Bsize[blocktype]/(pred_SAD_space*pred_SAD_space)-AlphaThird[blocktype];
        betaSec = 0;
        betaThird = 0;
      if(pred_SAD_uplayer !=0)
        betaSec = Bsize[blocktype]/(pred_SAD_uplayer*pred_SAD_uplayer)-AlphaSec[blocktype];
        betaThird = Bsize[blocktype]/(pred_SAD_uplayer*pred_SAD_uplayer)-AlphaThird[blocktype];
        betaSec = 0;
        betaThird = 0;

  //check the center median predictor
  cand_x = center_x ;
  cand_y = center_y ;
  mcost = MV_COST (lambda_factor, mvshift, cand_x, cand_y, pred_x, pred_y);
  mcost = PartCalMad(ref_pic, orig_pic, get_ref_line,blocksize_y,blocksize_x,blocksize_x4,mcost,min_mcost,cand_x,cand_y);
  McostState[search_range][search_range] = mcost;
  if (mcost < min_mcost)
    min_mcost = mcost;
    best_x = cand_x;
    best_y = cand_y;

  iXMinNow = best_x;
  iYMinNow = best_y;
  for (m = 0; m < 4; m++)
    cand_x = iXMinNow + Diamond_x[m];
    cand_y = iYMinNow + Diamond_y[m];   

  if(center_x != pic_pix_x || center_y != pic_pix_y)
    cand_x = pic_pix_x ;
    cand_y = pic_pix_y ;

    iXMinNow = best_x;
    iYMinNow = best_y;
    for (m = 0; m < 4; m++)
      cand_x = iXMinNow + Diamond_x[m];
      cand_y = iYMinNow + Diamond_y[m];   