Пример #1
//                              Local Functions                             //
void LegendSetCurrentLine (PLEGEND pLegend, int iIndex)
   pLegend->pCurrentLine =
      (PLINESTRUCT) LBData (pLegend->hWndItems, iIndex) ;

   if (pLegend->pCurrentLine == (PLINESTRUCT) LB_ERR)
      pLegend->pCurrentLine = NULL ;
   }  // LegendSetCurrentLine
Пример #2
static void lb_s2a21d(unsigned int dimen, list_type& pl)
        LBData lbd = LBData(par::comm_world(), pl.size());

        const par::communicator& comm = par::comm_world();
        const unsigned int my_rank = comm.rank();
        const unsigned int num_proc = comm.size();

        const unsigned int num_point = lbd.size[my_rank];

        const list_type::size_type glob_num_point =
                std::accumulate(lbd.size.begin(), lbd.size.end(), 0);

        if (glob_num_point < 2 * num_proc) comm.abort("Try more points", 1);

        // First: sort list
        sort_point2d_list(dimen, pl);

        std::vector<unsigned int>::const_iterator max_elem =
                std::max_element(lbd.size.begin(), lbd.size.end());

        unsigned int my_num_cut = std::floor(
                static_cast<real>(num_point) / (*max_elem) *
                         std::max(static_cast<int>(num_point)-1, 0)));

        // Iterate until enough cuts are placed so the points can be (almost)
        // equally placed onto the processors - or give up
        real imbalance;
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<5; i++) {
                lb_create_cut(comm, my_num_cut, dimen, pl, lbd);
                lb_create_bin(comm, dimen, pl, lbd);
                imbalance = lb_s2a2_calculate_imbalance(lbd);
                my_num_cut = std::min(2 * my_num_cut, num_point - 1);
                int at_limit = static_cast<int>(my_num_cut == num_point - 1);
                int all_at_limit;
                comm.allreduce(&at_limit, &all_at_limit, par::min(), 1);
                if (imbalance < 0.05 || all_at_limit) break;
        // if (my_rank == 0) std::cout << "Imbalance = " << imbalance << std::endl;

        // Migrate the points
        lb_migrate_points(comm, pl, lbd);
Пример #3
void PrintLegend (HDC hDC, PGRAPHSTRUCT pGraph, HWND hWndLegend,
                  RECT rectLegend)
   PLEGEND        pLegend ;
   int            yItemHeight ;
   HFONT          hFontItems ;
   PLINE          pLine ;
   int            iIndex ;
   int            iIndexNum ;

   pLegend = LegendData (hWndLegend) ;

   yItemHeight = pLegend->yItemHeight ;
   hFontItems = pLegend->hFontItems ;

   pLegend->hFontItems = hFontPrinterScales ;
   SelectFont (hDC, pLegend->hFontItems) ;

   pLegend->yItemHeight = FontHeight (hDC, TRUE) ;

   iIndexNum = LBNumItems (pLegend->hWndItems) ;
   for (iIndex = 0 ;
        iIndex < iIndexNum ;
      {  // for
      pLine = (PLINE) LBData (pLegend->hWndItems, iIndex) ;
      DrawLegendItem (pLegend, pLine, iIndex * pLegend->yItemHeight, hDC) ;
      }  // for

   pLegend->hFontItems = hFontItems ;
   pLegend->yItemHeight = yItemHeight ;

   SelectBrush (hDC, GetStockObject (HOLLOW_BRUSH)) ;
   SelectPen (hDC, GetStockObject (BLACK_PEN)) ;
   Rectangle (hDC, 0, 0, 
              rectLegend.right - rectLegend.left,
              rectLegend.bottom - rectLegend.top) ;
Пример #4
void OnDrawLegendItem (HWND hWnd,
                        LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDI)
   {  // OnDrawItem
   HFONT          hFontPrevious ;
   HDC            hDC ;
   PLEGEND        pLegend ;
   PLINESTRUCT    pLine ;
   int            iLBIndex ;
   COLORREF       preBkColor = 0;
   COLORREF       preTextColor = 0;
   BOOL           ResetColor = FALSE ;

   hDC = lpDI->hDC ;
   iLBIndex = DIIndex (lpDI) ;

   pLegend = LegendData (hWnd) ;

   if (iLBIndex == -1)
      pLine = NULL ;
      pLine = (PLINESTRUCT) LBData (pLegend->hWndItems, iLBIndex) ;

   // Set DC attributes           //

   if (DISelected (lpDI) || pLine == NULL)
      {  // if
      preTextColor = SetTextColor (hDC, GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)) ;
      preBkColor = SetBkColor (hDC, GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)) ;
      ResetColor = TRUE ;
      }  // if
   ExtTextOut (hDC, lpDI->rcItem.left, lpDI->rcItem.top,
      ETO_OPAQUE, &(lpDI->rcItem), NULL, 0, NULL ) ;

   // Draw Legend Item            //

   hFontPrevious = SelectFont (hDC, pLegend->hFontItems) ;
   if (pLine)
      DrawLegendItem (pLegend, pLine, lpDI->rcItem.top, hDC) ;
   SelectFont (hDC, hFontPrevious) ;

   // Draw Focus                  //

   if (DIFocus (lpDI))
      DrawFocusRect (hDC, &(lpDI->rcItem)) ;

   if (ResetColor == TRUE)
      {  // if
      preTextColor = SetTextColor (hDC, preTextColor) ;
      preBkColor = SetBkColor (hDC, preBkColor) ;
      }  // if
   }  // OnDrawItem