Пример #1
int lcc_putval (lcc_connection_t *c, const lcc_value_list_t *vl) /* {{{ */
  char ident_str[6 * LCC_NAME_LEN];
  char ident_esc[12 * LCC_NAME_LEN];
  char command[1024] = "";
  lcc_response_t res;
  int status;
  size_t i;

  if ((c == NULL) || (vl == NULL) || (vl->values_len < 1)
      || (vl->values == NULL) || (vl->values_types == NULL))
    lcc_set_errno (c, EINVAL);
    return (-1);

  status = lcc_identifier_to_string (c, ident_str, sizeof (ident_str),
  if (status != 0)
    return (status);

  SSTRCATF (command, "PUTVAL %s",
      lcc_strescape (ident_esc, ident_str, sizeof (ident_esc)));

  if (vl->interval > 0)
    SSTRCATF (command, " interval=%i", vl->interval);

  if (vl->time > 0)
    SSTRCATF (command, "%u", (unsigned int) vl->time);
    SSTRCAT (command, "N");

  for (i = 0; i < vl->values_len; i++)
    if (vl->values_types[i] == LCC_TYPE_COUNTER)
      SSTRCATF (command, ":%"PRIu64, vl->values[i].counter);
    else if (vl->values_types[i] == LCC_TYPE_GAUGE)
      if (isnan (vl->values[i].gauge))
        SSTRCPY (command, ":U");
        SSTRCATF (command, ":%g", vl->values[i].gauge);
  } /* for (i = 0; i < vl->values_len; i++) */

  status = lcc_sendreceive (c, command, &res);
  if (status != 0)
    return (status);

  if (res.status != 0)
    LCC_SET_ERRSTR (c, "Server error: %s", res.message);
    lcc_response_free (&res);
    return (-1);

  lcc_response_free (&res);
  return (0);
} /* }}} int lcc_putval */
Пример #2
int lcc_flush (lcc_connection_t *c, const char *plugin, /* {{{ */
    lcc_identifier_t *ident, int timeout)
  char command[1024] = "";
  lcc_response_t res;
  int status;

  if (c == NULL)
    lcc_set_errno (c, EINVAL);
    return (-1);

  SSTRCPY (command, "FLUSH");

  if (timeout > 0)
    SSTRCATF (command, " timeout=%i", timeout);

  if (plugin != NULL)
    char buffer[2 * LCC_NAME_LEN];
    SSTRCATF (command, " plugin=%s",
        lcc_strescape (buffer, plugin, sizeof (buffer)));

  if (ident != NULL)
    char ident_str[6 * LCC_NAME_LEN];
    char ident_esc[12 * LCC_NAME_LEN];

    status = lcc_identifier_to_string (c, ident_str, sizeof (ident_str), ident);
    if (status != 0)
      return (status);

    SSTRCATF (command, " identifier=%s",
        lcc_strescape (ident_esc, ident_str, sizeof (ident_esc)));

  status = lcc_sendreceive (c, command, &res);
  if (status != 0)
    return (status);

  if (res.status != 0)
    LCC_SET_ERRSTR (c, "Server error: %s", res.message);
    lcc_response_free (&res);
    return (-1);

  lcc_response_free (&res);
  return (0);
} /* }}} int lcc_flush */
Пример #3
int lcc_string_to_identifier (lcc_connection_t *c, /* {{{ */
    lcc_identifier_t *ident, const char *string)
  char *string_copy;
  char *host;
  char *plugin;
  char *plugin_instance;
  char *type;
  char *type_instance;

  string_copy = strdup (string);
  if (string_copy == NULL)
    lcc_set_errno (c, ENOMEM);
    return (-1);

  host = string_copy;
  plugin = strchr (host, '/');
  if (plugin == NULL)
    LCC_SET_ERRSTR (c, "Malformed identifier string: %s", string);
    free (string_copy);
    return (-1);
  *plugin = 0;

  type = strchr (plugin, '/');
  if (type == NULL)
    LCC_SET_ERRSTR (c, "Malformed identifier string: %s", string);
    free (string_copy);
    return (-1);
  *type = 0;

  plugin_instance = strchr (plugin, '-');
  if (plugin_instance != NULL)
    *plugin_instance = 0;

  type_instance = strchr (type, '-');
  if (type_instance != NULL)
    *type_instance = 0;

  memset (ident, 0, sizeof (*ident));

  SSTRCPY (ident->host, host);
  SSTRCPY (ident->plugin, plugin);
  if (plugin_instance != NULL)
    SSTRCPY (ident->plugin_instance, plugin_instance);
  SSTRCPY (ident->type, type);
  if (type_instance != NULL)
    SSTRCPY (ident->type_instance, type_instance);

  free (string_copy);
  return (0);
} /* }}} int lcc_string_to_identifier */
Пример #4
int lcc_listval (lcc_connection_t *c, /* {{{ */
    lcc_identifier_t **ret_ident, size_t *ret_ident_num)
  lcc_response_t res;
  size_t i;
  int status;

  lcc_identifier_t *ident;
  size_t ident_num;

  if (c == NULL)
    return (-1);

  if ((ret_ident == NULL) || (ret_ident_num == NULL))
    lcc_set_errno (c, EINVAL);
    return (-1);

  status = lcc_sendreceive (c, "LISTVAL", &res);
  if (status != 0)
    return (status);

  if (res.status != 0)
    LCC_SET_ERRSTR (c, "Server error: %s", res.message);
    lcc_response_free (&res);
    return (-1);

  ident_num = res.lines_num;
  ident = (lcc_identifier_t *) malloc (ident_num * sizeof (*ident));
  if (ident == NULL)
    lcc_response_free (&res);
    lcc_set_errno (c, ENOMEM);
    return (-1);

  for (i = 0; i < res.lines_num; i++)
    char *time_str;
    char *ident_str;

    /* First field is the time. */
    time_str = res.lines[i];

    /* Set `ident_str' to the beginning of the second field. */
    ident_str = time_str;
    while ((*ident_str != ' ') && (*ident_str != '\t') && (*ident_str != 0))
    while ((*ident_str == ' ') || (*ident_str == '\t'))
      *ident_str = 0;

    if (*ident_str == 0)
      lcc_set_errno (c, EILSEQ);
      status = -1;

    status = lcc_string_to_identifier (c, ident + i, ident_str);
    if (status != 0)

  lcc_response_free (&res);

  if (status != 0)
    free (ident);
    return (-1);

  *ret_ident = ident;
  *ret_ident_num = ident_num;

  return (0);
} /* }}} int lcc_listval */
Пример #5
int lcc_getval (lcc_connection_t *c, lcc_identifier_t *ident, /* {{{ */
    size_t *ret_values_num, gauge_t **ret_values, char ***ret_values_names)
  char ident_str[6 * LCC_NAME_LEN];
  char ident_esc[12 * LCC_NAME_LEN];
  char command[14 * LCC_NAME_LEN];

  lcc_response_t res;
  size_t   values_num;
  gauge_t *values = NULL;
  char   **values_names = NULL;

  size_t i;
  int status;

  if (c == NULL)
    return (-1);

  if (ident == NULL)
    lcc_set_errno (c, EINVAL);
    return (-1);

  /* Build a commend with an escaped version of the identifier string. */
  status = lcc_identifier_to_string (c, ident_str, sizeof (ident_str), ident);
  if (status != 0)
    return (status);

  snprintf (command, sizeof (command), "GETVAL %s",
      lcc_strescape (ident_esc, ident_str, sizeof (ident_esc)));
  command[sizeof (command) - 1] = 0;

  /* Send talk to the daemon.. */
  status = lcc_sendreceive (c, command, &res);
  if (status != 0)
    return (status);

  if (res.status != 0)
    LCC_SET_ERRSTR (c, "Server error: %s", res.message);
    lcc_response_free (&res);
    return (-1);

  values_num = res.lines_num;

#define BAIL_OUT(e) do { \
  lcc_set_errno (c, (e)); \
  free (values); \
  if (values_names != NULL) { \
    for (i = 0; i < values_num; i++) { \
      free (values_names[i]); \
    } \
  } \
  free (values_names); \
  lcc_response_free (&res); \
  return (-1); \
} while (0)

  /* If neither the values nor the names are requested, return here.. */
  if ((ret_values == NULL) && (ret_values_names == NULL))
    if (ret_values_num != NULL)
      *ret_values_num = values_num;
    lcc_response_free (&res);
    return (0);

  /* Allocate space for the values */
  if (ret_values != NULL)
    values = (gauge_t *) malloc (values_num * sizeof (*values));
    if (values == NULL)

  if (ret_values_names != NULL)
    values_names = (char **) calloc (values_num, sizeof (*values_names));
    if (values_names == NULL)

  for (i = 0; i < res.lines_num; i++)
    char *key;
    char *value;
    char *endptr;

    key = res.lines[i];
    value = strchr (key, '=');
    if (value == NULL)

    *value = 0;

    if (values != NULL)
      endptr = NULL;
      errno = 0;
      values[i] = strtod (value, &endptr);

      if ((endptr == value) || (errno != 0))
        BAIL_OUT (errno);

    if (values_names != NULL)
      values_names[i] = strdup (key);
      if (values_names[i] == NULL)
        BAIL_OUT (ENOMEM);
  } /* for (i = 0; i < res.lines_num; i++) */

  if (ret_values_num != NULL)
    *ret_values_num = values_num;
  if (ret_values != NULL)
    *ret_values = values;
  if (ret_values_names != NULL)
    *ret_values_names = values_names;

  lcc_response_free (&res);

  return (0);
} /* }}} int lcc_getval */
Пример #6
static int lcc_open_netsocket (lcc_connection_t *c, /* {{{ */
    const char *addr_orig)
  struct addrinfo ai_hints;
  struct addrinfo *ai_res;
  struct addrinfo *ai_ptr;
  char addr_copy[NI_MAXHOST];
  char *addr;
  char *port;
  int fd;
  int status;

  assert (c != NULL);
  assert (c->fh == NULL);
  assert (addr_orig != NULL);

  strncpy(addr_copy, addr_orig, sizeof(addr_copy));
  addr_copy[sizeof(addr_copy) - 1] = '\0';
  addr = addr_copy;

  memset (&ai_hints, 0, sizeof (ai_hints));
  ai_hints.ai_flags = 0;
  ai_hints.ai_flags |= AI_ADDRCONFIG;
  ai_hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
  ai_hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;

  port = NULL;
  if (*addr == '[') /* IPv6+port format */
    /* `addr' is something like "[2001:780:104:2:211:24ff:feab:26f8]:12345" */

    port = strchr (addr, ']');
    if (port == NULL)
      LCC_SET_ERRSTR (c, "malformed address: %s", addr_orig);
      return (-1);
    *port = 0;

    if (*port == ':')
    else if (*port == 0)
      port = NULL;
      LCC_SET_ERRSTR (c, "garbage after address: %s", port);
      return (-1);
  } /* if (*addr = ']') */
  else if (strchr (addr, '.') != NULL) /* Hostname or IPv4 */
    port = strrchr (addr, ':');
    if (port != NULL)
      *port = 0;

  ai_res = NULL;
  status = getaddrinfo (addr,
                        port == NULL ? LCC_DEFAULT_PORT : port,
                        &ai_hints, &ai_res);
  if (status != 0)
    LCC_SET_ERRSTR (c, "getaddrinfo: %s", gai_strerror (status));
    return (-1);

  for (ai_ptr = ai_res; ai_ptr != NULL; ai_ptr = ai_ptr->ai_next)
    fd = socket (ai_ptr->ai_family, ai_ptr->ai_socktype, ai_ptr->ai_protocol);
    if (fd < 0)
      status = errno;

    status = connect (fd, ai_ptr->ai_addr, ai_ptr->ai_addrlen);
    if (status != 0)
      status = errno;
      close (fd);

    c->fh = fdopen (fd, "r+");
    if (c->fh == NULL)
      status = errno;
      close (fd);

    assert (status == 0);
  } /* for (ai_ptr) */

  if (status != 0)
    lcc_set_errno (c, status);
    return (-1);

  return (0);
} /* }}} int lcc_open_netsocket */