Пример #1
  * @brief  Draws an ellipse on LCD.
  * @param  Xpos: X position
  * @param  Ypos: Y position
  * @param  XRadius: Ellipse X radius
  * @param  YRadius: Ellipse Y radius
  * @retval None
void BSP_LCD_DrawEllipse(int Xpos, int Ypos, int XRadius, int YRadius)
  int x = 0, y = -YRadius, err = 2-2*XRadius, e2;
  float K = 0, rad1 = 0, rad2 = 0;
  rad1 = XRadius;
  rad2 = YRadius;
  K = (float)(rad2/rad1);
  do {      
    LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos-(uint16_t)(x/K)), (Ypos+y), DrawProp.TextColor);
    LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos+(uint16_t)(x/K)), (Ypos+y), DrawProp.TextColor);
    LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos+(uint16_t)(x/K)), (Ypos-y), DrawProp.TextColor);
    LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos-(uint16_t)(x/K)), (Ypos-y), DrawProp.TextColor);      
    e2 = err;
    if (e2 <= x) {
      err += ++x*2+1;
      if (-y == x && e2 <= y) e2 = 0;
    if (e2 > y) err += ++y*2+1;     
  while (y <= 0);
void LCD_DrawCircle( u16 CoordiX, u16 CoordiY, u16 Radius, u16 Color )
	int a,b;
	int di;


	while(a<=b) {
		LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX-b, CoordiY-a, Color); //3
		LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX+b, CoordiY-a, Color); //0
		LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX-a, CoordiY+b, Color); //1
		LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX-b, CoordiY-a, Color); //7
		LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX-a, CoordiY-b, Color); //2
		LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX+b, CoordiY+a, Color); //4
		LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX+a, CoordiY-b, Color); //5
		LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX+a, CoordiY+b, Color); //6
		LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX-b, CoordiY+a, Color);
		// 使用Bresenham算法畫圓
			di += 4*a+6;
		else {
		LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX+a, CoordiY+b, Color);
Пример #3
void LCD_DrawCircle( uint16_t coordiX, uint16_t coordiY, uint16_t radius, uint16_t color )
  int a, b;
  int di;

  a = 0;
  b = radius;
  di = 3 - (radius << 1);

  while(a <= b) {
    LCD_DrawPixel(coordiX-b, coordiY-a, color); //3
    LCD_DrawPixel(coordiX+b, coordiY-a, color); //0
    LCD_DrawPixel(coordiX-a, coordiY+b, color); //1
    LCD_DrawPixel(coordiX-b, coordiY-a, color); //7
    LCD_DrawPixel(coordiX-a, coordiY-b, color); //2
    LCD_DrawPixel(coordiX+b, coordiY+a, color); //4
    LCD_DrawPixel(coordiX+a, coordiY-b, color); //5
    LCD_DrawPixel(coordiX+a, coordiY+b, color); //6
    LCD_DrawPixel(coordiX-b, coordiY+a, color);
    // Bresenham
    if(di < 0)
      di += 4 * a + 6;
    else {
      di += 10 + 4* (a - b);
    LCD_DrawPixel(coordiX+a, coordiY+b, color);
Пример #4
*       _DrawFocusRect
static void _DrawFocusRect(const GUI_RECT* pr) {
  int i; 
  for (i = pr->x0; i <= pr->x1; i += 2) {
    LCD_DrawPixel(i, pr->y0);
    LCD_DrawPixel(i, pr->y1);
  for (i = pr->y0; i <= pr->y1; i += 2) {
    LCD_DrawPixel(pr->x0, i);
    LCD_DrawPixel(pr->x1, i);
void WaveFormPrint( WaveForm_Struct* WaveForm )
  u16 i, j;
  s16 TempY[WaveChannelMax] = {0};
  s16 CoordiY[WaveChannelMax] = {0};

  static u16 WavePic[WaveChannelMax][WaveFormW] = {0};

  /* 更新顯示座標 */
  for(i=0; i<WaveForm->Channel; i++) {
    for(j=0; j<WaveFormW-1; j++)
      WavePic[i][j] = WavePic[i][j+1];
    TempY[i] = (s16)((double)WaveForm->Data[i]/WaveForm->Scale[i]+0.5);
    CoordiY[i] = WaveFormH - TempY[i];
      WavePic[i][WaveFormW-1] = 0;
    else if(CoordiY[i]>WaveForm2H)
      WavePic[i][WaveFormW-1] = WaveForm2H;
      WavePic[i][WaveFormW-1] = CoordiY[i];
  /* 畫邊框 */
  LCD_DrawLineX(WaveWindowX,           WaveWindowY,            WaveFormW,	 WaveForm->WindowColor);
  LCD_DrawLineX(WaveWindowX,           WaveWindowY+WaveForm2H, WaveFormW,  WaveForm->WindowColor);
  LCD_DrawLineY(WaveWindowX,           WaveWindowY,            WaveForm2H, WaveForm->WindowColor);
  LCD_DrawLineY(WaveWindowX+WaveFormW, WaveWindowY,            WaveForm2H, WaveForm->WindowColor);
  /* 顯示 */
  for(i=0; i<WaveFormW-1; i++) {
    /* 清除上筆數據 */
    for(j=0; j<WaveForm->Channel; j++) {
      if(WavePic[j][i] == 0)
      LCD_DrawPixel(WaveWindowX+i+1, WaveWindowY+WavePic[j][i], WaveForm->WindowColor);
      else if(WavePic[j][i] == WaveForm2H)
      LCD_DrawPixel(WaveWindowX+i+1, WaveWindowY+WavePic[j][i], WaveForm->WindowColor);
      LCD_DrawPixel(WaveWindowX+i+1, WaveWindowY+WavePic[j][i], WaveForm->BackColor);
    /* 畫輔助線 */
    if((i%10) < 3) {
      for(j=0; j<=WaveFormH; j+=(WaveFormH/10)) {
        LCD_DrawPixel(WaveWindowX+i, WaveWindowY+WaveFormH+j, WaveForm->WindowColor);
        LCD_DrawPixel(WaveWindowX+i, WaveWindowY+WaveFormH-j, WaveForm->WindowColor);
    /* 畫中線 */
    LCD_DrawPixel(WaveWindowX+i, WaveWindowY+WaveFormH, WaveForm->WindowColor);
    /* 更新顯示新數據 */
    for(j=0; j<WaveForm->Channel; j++) {
      if(WavePic[j][i] == 0)
        LCD_DrawPixel(WaveWindowX+i, WaveWindowY+WavePic[j][i], WaveForm->WindowColor);
      else if(WavePic[j][i] == WaveForm2H)
        LCD_DrawPixel(WaveWindowX+i, WaveWindowY+WavePic[j][i], WaveForm->WindowColor);
        LCD_DrawPixel(WaveWindowX+i, WaveWindowY+WavePic[j][i], WaveForm->PointColor[j]);
void LCD_DrawRectangle( uint16_t CoordiX, uint16_t CoordiY, uint16_t Width, uint16_t Height, uint16_t Color )
  uint16_t i;

  for(i = 0; i <= Height; i++) {
    LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX+i, CoordiY, Color);
    LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX+i, CoordiY+Width, Color);
  for(i = 1; i < Width; i++) {
    LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX, CoordiY+i, Color);
    LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX+Height, CoordiY+i, Color);
Пример #7
void LCD_DrawRectangle( uint16_t coordiX, uint16_t coordiY, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint16_t color )
  uint16_t i;

  for(i = 0; i <= height; i++) {
    LCD_DrawPixel(coordiX + i, coordiY, color);
    LCD_DrawPixel(coordiX + i, coordiY + width, color);
  for(i = 1; i < width; i++) {
    LCD_DrawPixel(coordiX, coordiY + i, color);
    LCD_DrawPixel(coordiX + height, coordiY + i, color);
void LCD_DrawRectangle( u16 CoordiX, u16 CoordiY, u16 Width, u16 Height, u16 Color )
	u16 i;

	for(i=0; i<=Height; i++) {
		LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX+i, CoordiY, Color);
		LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX+i, CoordiY+Width, Color);
	for(i=1; i<Width; i++) {
		LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX, CoordiY+i, Color);
		LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX+Height, CoordiY+i, Color);
Пример #9
void LCD_PutChar( uint16_t coordiX, uint16_t coordiY, char *chWord, uint16_t fontColor, uint16_t backColor )
  uint8_t tmpChar = 0;
  uint16_t i = 0, j = 0;

  for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    tmpChar = ASCII_16x8[*chWord - 32][i];
    for(j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
      if(((tmpChar >> (7 - j)) & 0x01) == 0x01)
        LCD_DrawPixel(coordiX + j, coordiY + i, fontColor);
        LCD_DrawPixel(coordiX + j, coordiY + i, backColor);
void LCD_PutChar( uint16_t CoordiX, uint16_t CoordiY, char *ChWord, uint16_t FontColor, uint16_t BackColor )
  uint8_t Tmp_Char = 0;
  uint16_t i = 0, j = 0;

  for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    Tmp_Char = ASCII_16x8[*ChWord-32][i];
    for(j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
      if(((Tmp_Char >> (7 - j)) & 0x01) == 0x01)
        LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX+j, CoordiY+i, FontColor); // 字符顏色
        LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX+j, CoordiY+i, BackColor); // 背景顏色
void LCD_PutChar1206( u16 CoordiX, u16 CoordiY, u8* ChWord, u16 FontColor, u16 BackColor )
	u8 Tmp_Char = 0;
	u16 i = 0, j = 0;

	for(i=0; i<12; i++) {
		Tmp_Char = ASCII_12x6[*ChWord-32][i];
		for(j=0; j<6; j++) {
			if(((Tmp_Char>>j)&0x01) == 0x01)
				LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX+j, CoordiY+i, FontColor);	// 字符顏色
				LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX+j, CoordiY+i, BackColor);	// 背景顏色
Пример #12
void LCD_DrawFastVLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, 
                 int16_t h, uint16_t color) {
    LCD_DrawStart(x, y, x, y + h -1, DRAW_NWSE); // bug fix: should be y+ h-1
void LCD_DrawLineY( u16 CoordiX, u16 CoordiY, u16 Length, u16 Color )
	u16 i;

	for(i=0; i<Length; i++)
		LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX, CoordiY+i, Color);
void LCD_DrawLineY( uint16_t CoordiX, uint16_t CoordiY, uint16_t Length, uint16_t Color )
  uint16_t i;

  for(i = 0; i < Length; i++)
    LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX, CoordiY+i, Color);
Пример #15
void LCD_FillRect(u16 x, u16 y, u16 w, u16 h, u16 color)
    u32 bytes = (u32)w * h;
    LCD_DrawStart(x, y, x + w - 1, y + h -1, DRAW_NWSE); // Bug fix: should be y+h-1 instead of y+h
void LCD_DrawRectangleFill( uint16_t CoordiX, uint16_t CoordiY, uint16_t Width, uint16_t Height, uint16_t Color )
  uint16_t i, j;

  for(i = 0; i < Width; i++)
    for(j = 0; j < Height; j++)
      LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX+j, CoordiY+i, Color);
Пример #17
void LCD_DrawRectangleFill( uint16_t coordiX, uint16_t coordiY, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint16_t color )
  uint16_t i, j;

  for(i = 0; i < width; i++)
    for(j = 0; j < height; j++)
      LCD_DrawPixel(coordiX + j, coordiY + i, color);
void LCD_DrawRectangleFill( u16 CoordiX, u16 CoordiY, u16 Width, u16 Height, u16 Color )
	u16 i, j;

	for(i=0; i<Width; i++)
		for(j=0; j<Height; j++)
			LCD_DrawPixel(CoordiX+j, CoordiY+i, Color);
Пример #19
void WaveFormPrint( WaveForm_Struct *WaveForm, uint8_t display )
  int16_t i, j;
  int16_t TempY[WaveChannelMax] = {0};
  int16_t CoordiY[WaveChannelMax] = {0};

  static uint16_t WavePic[WaveChannelMax][WaveFormW] = {0};

  /* 更新顯示座標 */
  for(i = 0; i < WaveForm->Channel; i++) {
    for(j = 0; j < WaveFormW - 1; j++)
      WavePic[i][j] = WavePic[i][j+1];
    TempY[i] = (int16_t)((float)WaveForm->Data[i] / WaveForm->Scale[i] + 0.5f);
    CoordiY[i] = WaveFormH - TempY[i];
    if((CoordiY[i] > 0) && (CoordiY[i] < WaveForm2H))
      WavePic[i][WaveFormW-1] = CoordiY[i];
  if(display == ENABLE) {
    /* 顯示 */
    for(i = 0; i < WaveFormW - 1; i++) {
      /* 清除上筆數據 */
      for(j = 0; j < WaveForm->Channel; j++)
        LCD_DrawPixel(WaveWindowX+i+1, WaveWindowY+WavePic[j][i], WaveForm->BackColor);
//      /* 畫輔助線 */
//      if((i % 10) < 3) {
//        for(j = 0; j <= WaveFormH; j += (WaveFormH / 10)) {
//          LCD_DrawPixel(WaveWindowX+i, WaveWindowY+WaveFormH+j, WaveForm->WindowColor);
//          LCD_DrawPixel(WaveWindowX+i, WaveWindowY+WaveFormH-j, WaveForm->WindowColor);
//        }
//      }
      /* 畫中線 */
      LCD_DrawPixel(WaveWindowX+i, WaveWindowY+WaveFormH, WaveForm->WindowColor);
      /* 更新顯示新數據 */
      for(j = 0; j < WaveForm->Channel; j++)
        LCD_DrawPixel(WaveWindowX+i, WaveWindowY+WavePic[j][i], WaveForm->PointColor[j]);
    for(j = 0; j < WaveForm->Channel; j++)
      LCD_DrawPixel(WaveWindowX, WaveWindowY+WavePic[j][0], WaveForm->BackColor);
    /* 畫邊框 */
    LCD_DrawLineX(WaveWindowX,           WaveWindowY,            WaveFormW,	 WaveForm->WindowColor);
    LCD_DrawLineX(WaveWindowX,           WaveWindowY+WaveForm2H, WaveFormW,  WaveForm->WindowColor);
    LCD_DrawLineY(WaveWindowX,           WaveWindowY,            WaveForm2H, WaveForm->WindowColor);
    LCD_DrawLineY(WaveWindowX+WaveFormW, WaveWindowY,            WaveForm2H, WaveForm->WindowColor);
Пример #20
*       _WritePixelsGray
static void _WritePixelsGray(const U8*p, int x0, int y0, int xSize) {
  U8 u;
  while (xSize) {
    u = *p++;
    LCD_SetColor(u * (U32)0x10101);
    LCD_DrawPixel(x0++, y0);
Пример #21
void DrawLine(u8 x0, u8 y0, u8 x1, u8 y1, u16 color) {
	int dx, dy, dx2, dy2, stepx, stepy, err;

	if((x0 == x1) ||
		(y0 == y1)) //horizontal or vertical line
		FillRect(x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
	} else {
		//calculate direction
		dx = x1 - x0;
		dy = y1 - y0;
		if(dx < 0) { dx = -dx; stepx = -1; } else { stepx = +1; }
		if(dy < 0) { dy = -dy; stepy = -1; } else { stepy = +1; }
		dx2 = dx << 1;
		dy2 = dy << 1;
		//draw line
		//LCD_SetArea(0, 0, (LCD_WIDTH-1), (LCD_HEIGHT-1));
		LCD_DrawPixel(x0, y0, color);
		if(dx > dy) {
			err = dy2 - dx;
			while(x0 != x1) {
				if(err >= 0) {
					err -= dx2;
					y0  += stepy;
				err += dy2;
				x0  += stepx;
				LCD_DrawPixel(x0, y0, color);
		} else {
			err = dx2 - dy;
			while(y0 != y1) {
				if(err >= 0) {
					err -= dy2;
					x0  += stepx;
				err += dx2;
				y0  += stepy;
				LCD_DrawPixel(x0, y0, color);
Пример #22
*       _WritePixelsRGB
static void _WritePixelsRGB(const U8*p, int x0, int y0, int xSize) {
  U8 r,g,b;
  while (xSize) {
    r = *p++;
    g = *p++;
    b = *p++;
    LCD_SetColor(r | (g << 8) | (U32)((U32)b << 16));
    LCD_DrawPixel(x0++, y0);
Пример #23
void LCD_DrawRLE(const u8 *data, int len, u32 color)
    while(len) {
        u32 c = (*data & 0x80) ? color : 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < (*data & 0x7f); i++) {
Пример #24
  * @brief  Draws a vertical line.
  * @param  Xpos: X position
  * @param  Ypos: Y position
  * @param  Length: Line length
  * @retval None
void BSP_LCD_DrawVLine(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Length)
  uint32_t index = 0;
  if(lcd_drv->DrawVLine != NULL)
    lcd_drv->DrawVLine(DrawProp.TextColor, Xpos, Ypos, Length);
    for(index = 0; index < Length; index++)
      LCD_DrawPixel(Xpos, Ypos + index, DrawProp.TextColor);
Пример #25
  * @brief  Draws a circle.
  * @param  Xpos: X position
  * @param  Ypos: Y position
  * @param  Radius: Circle radius
  * @retval None
void BSP_LCD_DrawCircle(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Radius)
  int32_t  D;       /* Decision Variable */ 
  uint32_t  CurX;   /* Current X Value */
  uint32_t  CurY;   /* Current Y Value */ 
  D = 3 - (Radius << 1);
  CurX = 0;
  CurY = Radius;
  while (CurX <= CurY)
    LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos + CurX), (Ypos - CurY), DrawProp.TextColor);

    LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos - CurX), (Ypos - CurY), DrawProp.TextColor);

    LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos + CurY), (Ypos - CurX), DrawProp.TextColor);

    LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos - CurY), (Ypos - CurX), DrawProp.TextColor);

    LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos + CurX), (Ypos + CurY), DrawProp.TextColor);

    LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos - CurX), (Ypos + CurY), DrawProp.TextColor);

    LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos + CurY), (Ypos + CurX), DrawProp.TextColor);

    LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos - CurY), (Ypos + CurX), DrawProp.TextColor);   

    /* Initialize the font */

    if (D < 0)
      D += (CurX << 2) + 6;
      D += ((CurX - CurY) << 2) + 10;
Пример #26
void LCD_DrawFastHLine(u16 x, u16 y, u16 w, u16 color) {
    LCD_DrawStart(x, y, x + w -1, y, DRAW_NWSE);
Пример #27
  * @brief  Draws an uni-line (between two points).
  * @param  x1: Point 1 X position
  * @param  y1: Point 1 Y position
  * @param  x2: Point 2 X position
  * @param  y2: Point 2 Y position
  * @retval None
void BSP_LCD_DrawLine(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2)
  int16_t deltax = 0, deltay = 0, x = 0, y = 0, xinc1 = 0, xinc2 = 0, 
  yinc1 = 0, yinc2 = 0, den = 0, num = 0, numadd = 0, numpixels = 0, 
  curpixel = 0;
  deltax = ABS(x2 - x1);        /* The difference between the x's */
  deltay = ABS(y2 - y1);        /* The difference between the y's */
  x = x1;                       /* Start x off at the first pixel */
  y = y1;                       /* Start y off at the first pixel */
  if (x2 >= x1)                 /* The x-values are increasing */
    xinc1 = 1;
    xinc2 = 1;
  else                          /* The x-values are decreasing */
    xinc1 = -1;
    xinc2 = -1;
  if (y2 >= y1)                 /* The y-values are increasing */
    yinc1 = 1;
    yinc2 = 1;
  else                          /* The y-values are decreasing */
    yinc1 = -1;
    yinc2 = -1;
  if (deltax >= deltay)         /* There is at least one x-value for every y-value */
    xinc1 = 0;                  /* Don't change the x when numerator >= denominator */
    yinc2 = 0;                  /* Don't change the y for every iteration */
    den = deltax;
    num = deltax / 2;
    numadd = deltay;
    numpixels = deltax;         /* There are more x-values than y-values */
  else                          /* There is at least one y-value for every x-value */
    xinc2 = 0;                  /* Don't change the x for every iteration */
    yinc1 = 0;                  /* Don't change the y when numerator >= denominator */
    den = deltay;
    num = deltay / 2;
    numadd = deltax;
    numpixels = deltay;         /* There are more y-values than x-values */
  for (curpixel = 0; curpixel <= numpixels; curpixel++)
    LCD_DrawPixel(x, y, DrawProp.TextColor);  /* Draw the current pixel */
    num += numadd;                            /* Increase the numerator by the top of the fraction */
    if (num >= den)                           /* Check if numerator >= denominator */
      num -= den;                             /* Calculate the new numerator value */
      x += xinc1;                             /* Change the x as appropriate */
      y += yinc1;                             /* Change the y as appropriate */
    x += xinc2;                               /* Change the x as appropriate */
    y += yinc2;                               /* Change the y as appropriate */
Пример #28
void LCD_DrawPixelXY(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int color)
    xpos = x;
    ypos = y;
Пример #29
* 	draw a circle 
*	algorithm by Jack Bresenham
void DrawCircle(u8 X1, u8 Y1, u8 Radius, u16 color) 
{	int f;
	int ddF_x;
	int ddF_y;
	int x;
	int y;
	f = 1 - Radius;
	ddF_x = 0;
	ddF_y = -2 * Radius;
	x = 0;
	y = Radius;

	LCD_DrawPixel(X1, Y1 + Radius, color);
	LCD_DrawPixel(X1, Y1 - Radius, color);
	LCD_DrawPixel(X1 + Radius, Y1, color);
	LCD_DrawPixel(X1 - Radius, Y1, color);

	while (x < y) 
	{	if (f >= 0) 
		{	y--;
			ddF_y += 2;
			f += ddF_y;

		ddF_x += 2;
		f += ddF_x + 1;
		LCD_DrawPixel(X1 + x, Y1 + y, color);
		LCD_DrawPixel(X1 - x, Y1 + y, color);
		LCD_DrawPixel(X1 + x, Y1 - y, color);
		LCD_DrawPixel(X1 - x, Y1 - y, color);
		LCD_DrawPixel(X1 + y, Y1 + x, color);
		LCD_DrawPixel(X1 - y, Y1 + x, color);
		LCD_DrawPixel(X1 + y, Y1 - x, color);
		LCD_DrawPixel(X1 - y, Y1 - x, color);
Пример #30
void LCD_DrawWindowedImageFromFile(u16 x, u16 y, const char *file, s16 w, s16 h, u16 x_off, u16 y_off)
    u16 i, j;
    FILE *fh;
    u8 transparent = 0;
    u8 row_has_transparency = 0;

    u8 buf[480 * 2];

    if (w == 0 || h == 0)

    fh = fopen(file, "rb");
    if(! fh) {
        printf("DEBUG: LCD_DrawWindowedImageFromFile: Image not found: %s\n", file);
        if (w > 0 && h > 0)
            LCD_FillRect(x, y, w, h, 0);
    setbuf(fh, 0);
    u32 img_w, img_h, offset, compression;

    if(fread(buf, 0x46, 1, fh) != 1 || buf[0] != 'B' || buf[1] != 'M')
        printf("DEBUG: LCD_DrawWindowedImageFromFile: Buffer read issue?\n");
    compression = *((u32 *)(buf + 0x1e));
    if(*((u16 *)(buf + 0x1a)) != 1      /* 1 plane */
       || *((u16 *)(buf + 0x1c)) != 16  /* 16bpp */
       || (compression != 0 && compression != 3)  /* BI_RGB or BI_BITFIELDS */
        printf("DEBUG: LCD_DrawWindowedImageFromFile: BMP Format not correct\n");
    if(compression == 3)
        if(*((u16 *)(buf + 0x36)) == 0x7c00 
           && *((u16 *)(buf + 0x3a)) == 0x03e0
           && *((u16 *)(buf + 0x3e)) == 0x001f
           && *((u16 *)(buf + 0x42)) == 0x8000)
            transparent = 1;
        } else if(*((u16 *)(buf + 0x36)) != 0xf800 
           || *((u16 *)(buf + 0x3a)) != 0x07e0
           || *((u16 *)(buf + 0x3e)) != 0x001f)
            printf("DEBUG: LCD_DrawWindowedImageFromFile: BMP Format not correct second check\n");
    offset = *((u32 *)(buf + 0x0a));
    img_w = *((u32 *)(buf + 0x12));
    img_h = *((u32 *)(buf + 0x16));
    if(w < 0)
        w = img_w;
    if(h < 0)
        h = img_h;
    if((u16)w + x_off > img_w || (u16)h + y_off > img_h)
        printf("DEBUG: LCD_DrawWindowedImageFromFile: Dimensions asked for are out of bounds\n");
        printf("size: (%d x %d) bounds(%d x %d)\n", (u16)img_w, (u16)img_h, (u16)(w + x_off), (u16)(h + y_off));

    offset += (img_w * (img_h - (y_off + h)) + x_off) * 2;
    fseek(fh, offset, SEEK_SET);
    LCD_DrawStart(x, y, x + w - 1, y + h - 1, DRAW_SWNE);
    /* Bitmap start is at lower-left corner */
    for (j = 0; j < h; j++) {
        if (fread(buf, 2 * w, 1, fh) != 1)
        u16 *color = (u16 *)buf;
        if(transparent) {
            //Display supports a transparent color
            for (i = 0; i < w; i++ ) {
                u32 c;
                if((*color & 0x8000)) {
                    //convert 1555 -> 565
                    c = ((*color & 0x7fe0) << 1) | (*color & 0x1f);
                } else {
                    c = TRANSPARENT_COLOR;
            u8 last_pixel_transparent = row_has_transparency;
            row_has_transparency = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < w; i++ ) {
                if((*color & 0x8000)) {
                    //convert 1555 -> 565
                    u16 c = ((*color & 0x7fe0) << 1) | (*color & 0x1f);
                    if(last_pixel_transparent) {
                        LCD_DrawPixelXY(x + i, y + h - j - 1, c);
                        last_pixel_transparent = 0;
                    } else {
                } else {
                    //When we see a transparent pixel, the next real pixel
                    // will need to be drawn with XY coordinates
                    row_has_transparency = 1;
                    last_pixel_transparent = 1;
        } else {
            for (i = 0; i < w; i++ ) {
                if (LCD_DEPTH == 1)
                    *color = (*color & 0x8410) == 0x8410 ?  0 : 0xffff;
        if((u16)w < img_w) {
            fseek(fh, 2 * (img_w - w), SEEK_CUR);