int main() { char port_read; double ans; char disp_buf[20]; int i=0; DDRB=0x07; // first three outputs DDRC=0xFF; // output LCD_INIT(); sei(); ADMUX=0x00; // CHANNEL 0 AS INPUT ADCSRA=0xCF; PORTB=0x00; PORTC=0x00; while(1) { ADCSRA|=0x40; //START OF CONVERSION _delay_ms(20); port_read=ADCL; ans=(port_read/255)*5.00; sprintf(disp_buf,"%f",ans); for(i=0;disp_buf[i]!='\0';i++) { PORTC=disp_buf[i]; DATA(); } } return 0; }
void main(void) { int ADC10_Result=0; double ADC10_RESULT=0; char a[5]; int i; lcd_init(); adc_init(); LCD_INIT(); /*SET_XY(0*T_CHAR,0); W_STR("X"); SET_XY(0*T_CHAR,1); W_STR("Z"); SET_XY(0*T_CHAR,2); W_STR("J"); SET_XY(0*T_CHAR,3); W_STR("jiaodu"); SET_XY(0*T_CHAR,4); W_STR("jiaosudu"); */ while(1) { for(i=0;i<20;i++) { ADC10CTL0 |=ENC+ADC10SC; //开始转换 while((ADC10CTL0 &ADC10IFG)==0); //等待ADC10IFG标志变高(转换完成) ADC10_Result+=ADC10MEM; //读取采样结果 } ADC10_RESULT=ADC10_Result/20*100; ADC10_RESULT=ADC10_Result/1024*5/2; ADC10_RESULT=(ADC10_Result-ADC_STEP)/ADC_G; //if(ADC10_RESULT>=1) //ADC10_RESULT=1.0; ADC10_RESULT=asin(ADC10_Result/100.0)/3.14*180; ADC10_Result=(int)abs(ADC10_Result); a[0]=ADC10_Result/100+48; a[1]=ADC10_Result/10%10+48; a[2]='.'; a[3]=ADC10_Result%10+48; a[4]='\0'; SET_XY(0*T_CHAR,0); W_STR(a); for(i=0;i<500;i++) { for(ADC10_Result=0;ADC10_Result<10;ADC10_Result++) { ; } } } }
int lcd_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) { printk(KERN_INFO "lcd_couscous: release\n"); LCD_INIT(); LCD_HOME(); LCD_CLEAR(); if(MINOR(inode->i_rdev) != 0) { printk("mauvais numero d unite\n"); return -EINVAL; } return 0; }
void main(void) { double a,b; unsigned int c,i; char f[4]; LCD_INIT(); _delay_ms(10); DDRA=0x00; sei(); ADMUX=0x00; ADMUX|=(1<<ADLAR); ADCSRA=0xCF; DDRB=0xFF; PORTB=0x00; PORTD=0x00; while(1) { a=ADCH; b=((a/255)*5); itoa(b,f,10); for(i=0;i<3;i++) { PORTD=f[i]; _delay_ms(5); DATA(); } _delay_ms(1000); PORTD=0x01; CMD (); _delay_ms(100); } }
void MenuHandler( void *pvParameters ) { unsigned int key; unsigned char str[20]=""; LCD_INIT (); startMenu(); while(1) { if( xKeySemaphore != NULL ) { if( xSemaphoreTake( xKeySemaphore, ( portTickType ) 10 ) == pdTRUE ) { if( xKeyQueue != 0 ) { if( xQueueReceive( xKeyQueue, &( key ), ( portTickType ) 10 ) ) { sprintf(&str,"%i",key); // LCD_STRING (&str); if((key&GPIO_Pin_10)==0) { Menu_Previous(); } if((key&GPIO_Pin_11)==0) { Menu_Next(); } if((key&GPIO_Pin_12)==0) { Menu_Child(); } if((key&GPIO_Pin_0)==1) { Menu_Parent(); } } } } else { } } vTaskDelay(10); } }
/*! * @brief LCD初始化 * @since v5.0 */ void LCD_init(void) { Site_t site = {0, 0}; Size_t size ; LCD_INIT(); //初始化LCD //LCD_SET_DIR(LCD_DIR+1); //由于初始化的时候进行 屏幕方向 选择,因而初始化完成后,才获取宽高 size.W = LCD_W; size.H = LCD_H; LCD_rectangle(site, size, BCOLOUR); //初始化背景 }
void ALL_Init(void) { SOPT1 &= 0x3F; //disable cop MCG_Init(); //PTED_Init(); //LED_Init(); //KBI_Init(); RTC_Init(); //SPI_Init(); //ATD_Init(); //SCI_Init(); //PWM_Init(); IIC_Init(); //HCS08_EE_Init(); //初始化Flash控制寄存器 PCF8563_Init(); LCD_INIT(); }
void main(void) { unsigned char count=0; // Counter variable LCD_INIT(); LCD_CMD(LINE1); LCD_WRITE("**BALL-COUNTER**"); LCD_CMD(DON_COFF); counter_display(count); while(1) { if(touch_sensor==0)//If Touch detected { count++; //Counter incremented counter_display(count); //Display Number buzzer=0; //Buzzer ON delay_ms(1000); //Delay for correction if any } else { buzzer=1; //Buzzer OFF } } }
int main(void) { /*** LOCAL VARIABLES ***/ /*** CONFIGURE OSCILLATOR ***/ SET_FreqOsc( FRCDIV_8MHZ ); //Set Frequency of Oscillator /*** CONFIGURE HARDWARE ****/ Hardware_INIT(); //Intialize Hardware Hardware.ConfigPins_Default(); //Configure Hardware //NOTE: PPS Unlock & Lock Sequence not required when Using Hardware.ConfigPins_Default() __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON & 0xbf); //UNLCOK PPS Hardware.ConfigPins_PWM(USE2); //Configure the PWM Pins to use __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON | 0x40); //LOCK PPS // __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON & 0xbf); //UNLCOK PPS // Hardware.ConfigPins_Motor(USE1|USE2); // __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON | 0x40); //LOCK PPS MotA1 = C_ON; // Set state to OFF MotA2 = C_OFF; // Set state to OFF /*** INITIALIZE PERIPHERAL ***/ CLKDIVbits.RCDIV0=0; //clock divider to 0 PWM2_INIT(PWMsrc_FOSC, 10); // PWM2_SET_PulseWidth(5); //Set PWM1 Dutycycle Time 5 mSec //To Test, Probe the Pin1 of PWM connector J7 LCD_INIT(); //Initialize LCD // LED1_DIR = DIR_OUT; // Set LED1 as Output // LED1 = C_OFF; // Set state to OFF // RE5_IN; // AN0 input pin is analog AD1CON1 = 0x2202; // Configure sample clock source // and conversion trigger mode. // Unsigned Fraction format (FORM<1:0>=10), // Manual conversion trigger (SSRC<2:0>=000), // Manual start of sampling (ASAM=0), // No operation in Idle mode (ADSIDL=1), // S/H in Sample (SAMP = 1) AD1CON2 = 0; // Configure A/D voltage reference // and buffer fill modes. // Vr+ and Vr- from AVdd and AVss (VCFG<2:0>=000), // Inputs are not scanned, // Interrupt after every sample AD1CON3 = 0x0100; // Configure sample time = 1Tad, // A/D conversion clock as Tcy AD1CHS = 1; // Configure input channels, // S/H+ input is AN1, // S/H- input is Vr- (AVss). AD1CSSL = 0; // No inputs are scanned. IFS0bits.AD1IF = 0; // Clear A/D conversion interrupt. // Configure A/D interrupt priority bits (AD1IP<2:0>) here, if // required. Default priority level is 4. // IEC0bits.AD1IE = 1; // Enable A/D conversion interrupt AD1CON1bits.ADON = 1; // Turn on A/D AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 1; // Start sampling the input //this just gives us a little delay between measurements U32 i = 0xFFFFF; //sets i to 1048575 while (i--); //delay function AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 0; // End A/D sampling and start conversion // Example code for A/D ISR: // sensor_read = LATE; /*8** APPLICATION CODE BEGINS ***/ v_PrintData_U16= 2013; // Store some Value to print /*** ENTER ETERNITY ***/ while(1) { // MotA1 = C_ON; // Set state to OFF // MotA2 = C_OFF; // Set state to OFF /*** RECURRING CODE HERE***/ // sprintf(A_Str_U8,"%d ", v_PrintData_U16); // Print variable to string // LCD_WriteString(1, 0, A_Str_U8); //print varible on Line1 // sprintf(A_Str_U8,"BRIGOSHA TECH."); // Print variable to string // LCD_WriteString(2, 2, A_Str_U8); //print string on second line second column //Use TIMER Interrupts to perform time based tasks at fixed interval. //Use Peripheral Interrupts to perform event based tasks v_PrintData_U16++; AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 1; // start sampling... U32 i = 0xFFFF; //sets i to 1048575 while (i--); //delay function AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 0; // start converting while (!AD1CON1bits.DONE){}; // conversion done? ADCValue = ADC1BUF0; // yes then get ADC value LCD_Clear(); sprintf(A_Str_U8,"%u ", ADCValue); // Print variable to string LCD_WriteString(2, 2, A_Str_U8); //print varible on Line1 // } }
int main(void) { /*** LOCAL VARIABLES ***/ unsigned int period , period2, config1=0 ,config2=0; Int_flag = 0; /*** CONFIGURE OSCILLATOR ***/ SET_FreqOsc( FRCDIV_1MHZ ); //Set Frequency /*** CONFIGURE HARDWARE ****/ Hardware_INIT(); //Initialise Hardware functions LCD_INIT(); //NOTE: PPS Unlock & Lock Sequence not required when Using Hardware.ConfigPins_Default() __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON & 0xbf); //UNLCOK PPS // Hardware.ConfigPins_PWM(USE1 | USE2 | USE4 | USE3 ); //Configure the PWM Pins to use PWM4_DIR = DIR_OUT; // Set PWM4 as Output PWM4 = C_OFF; iPPSInput(IN_FN_PPS_IC1, IN_PIN_PPS_RP10); iPPSOutput(OUT_PIN_PPS_RP12, OUT_FN_PPS_OC1); iPPSOutput(OUT_PIN_PPS_RP11, OUT_FN_PPS_OC9); __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON | 0x40); //LOCK PPS Int_flag = 0; // timers T1CON = 0x8000; T2CON = 0x8000; T1CONbits.TCKPS = 0b00; T2CONbits.TCKPS = 0b01; T3CON = 0x8000; T4CON = 0x8000; T4CONbits.TCKPS = 0b01; // input capture ConfigIntCapture1(IC_INT_ON | IC_INT_PRIOR_4); config1 = IC_IDLE_STOP | IC_TIMER2_SRC | IC_INT_1CAPTURE | IC_EVERY_EDGE; config2 = IC_CASCADE_DISABLE /*| IC_SYNC_ENABLE | IC_SYNC_TRIG_IN_TMR2*/; OpenCapture1_GB(config1, config2); // output compare EnableIntOC9; OC9R = 0x5FF0; OC9RS = 0x5FF4; OC9CON1bits.OCTSEL = 0b000; OC9CON2bits.SYNCSEL = 0x1F; OC9CON1bits.OCM = 0b110; OC9CON2bits.OCINV = 1; // PR1 = 2000;// period for timer 1 // PR2 = 0xFFFF; // IFS0bits.IC1IF = 0; // Clear the IC1 interrupt status flag // IEC0bits.IC1IE = 1; // Enable IC1 interrupts // IPC0bits.IC1IP = 1; // Set module interrupt priority as 1 // IC1CON1 = 0x1C24; // IC1CON2 = 0x0040; // IC1CON1bits.ICSIDL = 0; //Continue in idle mode // IC1CON1bits.ICI = 0b00; //Interrupt on every capture // IC1CON1bits.ICM = 0b001; //Every edge // EnableIntIC1; /*** INITIALIZE PERIPHERAL ***/ // TIMER3_INIT( 1000, TMR_INT_PRI7 ); PWM1_INIT(PWMsrc_FOSC, 20); //Set PWM Period of 20 mSec // PWM3_INIT(PWMsrc_Timer1, 100); //Set PWM Period of 1000 mSec // PWM3_INIT(PWMsrc_FOSC, 30); /*** APPLICATION CODE BEGINS ***/ // PWM3_SET_PulseWidth(1); PWM1_SET_PulseWidth(1.3); // PWM3_SET_PulseWidth(10); //Set PWM1 Dutycycle Time 5 mSec //To Test, Probe the Pin1 of PWM connector J7 LED1_DIR = DIR_OUT; // Set LED1 as Output LED1 = C_OFF; LED2_DIR = DIR_OUT; // Set LED1 as Output LED2 = C_OFF; LED3_DIR = DIR_OUT; // Set LED1 as Output LED3 = C_OFF; /*** ENTER ETERNITY ***/ int buf[100]; Int_flag = 2; //LOCK PPS while (1) { // while (!read_enable); //wait till two succssive falling edges // M_ToggleIO(LED1); // period = timer_second_edge - timer_first_edge; // period2 = 65535 + timer_first_edge - timer_second_edge; int j; for(j=1;j<5;j++){ if(edge_buffer[j+1] - edge_buffer[j] > 30){ if(edge_buffer[j+1] - edge_buffer[j] < 500){ pulse = edge_buffer[j+1] - edge_buffer[j]; break; }else{ pulse = 11111; } }else{ pulse = 11111; } } if(pulse != 11111){ LCD_Clear(); sprintf(A_Str_U8, "%u", pulse); // Print variable to string LCD_WriteString(1, 1, A_Str_U8); } // sprintf(A_Str_U8, "%u", timer_second_edge); // Print variable to string // LCD_WriteString(1, 8, A_Str_U8); // sprintf(A_Str_U8, "%u", abs(timer_second_edge - timer_first_edge)); // Print variable to string // LCD_WriteString(2, 1, A_Str_U8); // sprintf(A_Str_U8, "%u", abs(timer_third_edge - timer_second_edge)); // Print variable to string // LCD_WriteString(2, 7, A_Str_U8); // DELAY_mSec(100); // sprintf(A_Str_U8, "%d", Interrupt_Count); // Print variable to string // LCD_WriteString(2, 8, A_Str_U8); // Int_flag = 0; read_enable = 0; // __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON & 0xbf); // iPPSOutput(OUT_PIN_PPS_RP10, OUT_FN_PPS_OC4); // __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON | 0x40); // // PWM4 = C_OFF; // PWM4 = C_ON; // PWM4 = C_OFF; // DELAY_mSec(200); // DELAY_mSec(200); // LATEbits.LATE5 = 1; // DELAY_mSec(500); // LATEbits.LATE5 = 0; // ReadCapture1_v4(buf) ; /*** RECURRING CODE HERE***/ //Use TIMER Interrupts to perform time based tasks at fixed interval. //Use Peripheral Interrupts to perform event based tasks int i; for (i = 40; i < 100; i++) { PWM1_SET_PulseWidth(0.02 * i); DELAY_mSec(20); } while (i>=40) { PWM1_SET_PulseWidth(0.02 * i); DELAY_mSec(20); i--; } } }
int main() { characters_init(); PORT_INIT(); LCD_INIT(); init_key(); //设定mah 2580 为3000mah 4b00 为6000 /*while(!ds_reset()); ds_write_byte(CMD_ONEWIRE_SKIP_ROM); ds_write_byte(CMD_ONEWIRE_WRITE); ds_write_byte(CMD_ADDR_ACR); ds_write_byte(0X4b); ds_write_byte(0X00);*/ int count = 5; char key; while(1) { key = get_key(); //switch mode and in edit edit. if(key==1) { //in mode 1 go to next cursor if(yes&&mode==1) { //go back to the begining of the line if(pos_mode1==4){LCD_WR_COM(0X02);} else { //cursor to the next LCD_WR_COM(0X14); } //the position of mode1 add pos_mode1 = (pos_mode1+1)%5; } else if(yes&&mode==2) { //go to the begining of the first line if(pos_mode2==4){LCD_WR_COM(0X02);} else { LCD_WR_COM(0x14); } pos_mode2 = (pos_mode2+1)%5; } else { switch_mode(1); mode = (mode+1)%3; } } if(key==3) { yes = ~yes; switch_mode(3); } if(key==2) { if(mode==1&&yes) { res[pos_mode1]=(res[pos_mode1]+1-'0')%10+'0'; LCD_WR_COM(0X80+pos_mode1); LCD_WR_DATA(res[pos_mode1]); LCD_WR_COM(0X10); } if(mode==2&&yes) { fullc[pos_mode2] = (fullc[pos_mode2]+1-'0')%10+'0'; LCD_WR_COM(0x80+pos_mode2); LCD_WR_DATA(fullc[pos_mode2]); LCD_WR_COM(0X10); } } if(mode==0) { if(count==0) { count=4; LCD_CLEAR(); } count--; } update(); mode_pro(); _delay_ms(50); } }
/******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Demo_Init * Description : Initializes the demonstration application * Input : None * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void Demo_Init(void) { ClockConfigure(); /************************ LCD Initialization *************************/ /* Configure LCD_DATA_PORT for data transfer to/from LCD */ PortInitStructure.PORT_Pin = LCD_DATA_BAS_8_0; PortInitStructure.PORT_FUNC = PORT_FUNC_PORT; PortInitStructure.PORT_OE = PORT_OE_IN; PortInitStructure.PORT_SPEED = PORT_SPEED_SLOW; PortInitStructure.PORT_MODE = PORT_MODE_DIGITAL; PORT_Init(LCD_DATA_PORT_0, &PortInitStructure); PortInitStructure.PORT_Pin = LCD_DATA_BAS_8_1; PORT_Init(LCD_DATA_PORT_1, &PortInitStructure); /* Configure LCD_RD_WR_PORT for read/write control */ /* Switch LCD into data output mode */ PORT_SetBits(LCD_RD_WR_PORT, LCD_RD_WR_PIN); PortInitStructure.PORT_Pin = LCD_RD_WR_PIN; PortInitStructure.PORT_OE = PORT_OE_OUT; PORT_Init(LCD_RD_WR_PORT, &PortInitStructure); /* Configure LCD_CLOCK_PORT for CLOCK signal control*/ /* Set LCD CLOCK signal to its initial value (0) */ PORT_ResetBits(LCD_CLOCK_PORT, LCD_CLOCK_PIN); PortInitStructure.PORT_Pin = LCD_CLOCK_PIN; PortInitStructure.PORT_SPEED = PORT_SPEED_FAST; PORT_Init(LCD_CLOCK_PORT, &PortInitStructure); /* Configure LCD_CRYSTAL_PORT for LCD crystal control */ /* De-select both LCD crystals*/ PORT_ResetBits(LCD_CRYSTAL_PORT, LCD_CRYSTAL_PINs); PortInitStructure.PORT_Pin = LCD_CRYSTAL_PINs; PortInitStructure.PORT_SPEED = PORT_SPEED_SLOW; PORT_Init(LCD_CRYSTAL_PORT, &PortInitStructure); /* Configure LCD_CMD_DATA_PORT for data/command mode switching */ PortInitStructure.PORT_Pin = LCD_CMD_DATA_PIN; PORT_Init(LCD_CMD_DATA_PORT, &PortInitStructure); /* Configure LCD_RESET_PORT for RESET signal control */ /* Zeroing LCD RES signal (initial state) */ PORT_ResetBits(LCD_RESET_PORT, LCD_RESET_PIN); PortInitStructure.PORT_Pin = LCD_RESET_PIN; PortInitStructure.PORT_SPEED = PORT_SPEED_FAST; PORT_Init(LCD_RESET_PORT, &PortInitStructure); LCD_INIT(); /************************ Joystick Initialization *************************/ /* Configure SEL_PORT for input to handle joystick event SEL */ PortInitStructure.PORT_Pin = SEL_PIN; PortInitStructure.PORT_OE = PORT_OE_IN; PortInitStructure.PORT_FUNC = PORT_FUNC_PORT; PortInitStructure.PORT_SPEED = PORT_SPEED_SLOW; PORT_Init(SEL_PORT, &PortInitStructure); /* Configure UP_PORT for input to handle joystick event UP */ PortInitStructure.PORT_Pin = UP_PIN; PORT_Init(UP_PORT, &PortInitStructure); /* Configure DOWN_PORT for input to handle joystick event DOWN */ PortInitStructure.PORT_Pin = DOWN_PIN; PORT_Init(DOWN_PORT, &PortInitStructure); /* Configure LEFT_PORT for input to handle joystick event LEFT */ PortInitStructure.PORT_Pin = LEFT_PIN; PORT_Init(LEFT_PORT, &PortInitStructure); /* Configure RIGHT_PORT for input to handle joystick event RIGHT */ PortInitStructure.PORT_Pin = RIGHT_PIN; PORT_Init(RIGHT_PORT, &PortInitStructure); /************************ LEDs Initialization *************************/ /* Configure LEDs_PORT for output to switch LEDs on/off */ PortInitStructure.PORT_Pin = LEDs_PINs; PortInitStructure.PORT_OE = PORT_OE_OUT; PortInitStructure.PORT_FUNC = PORT_FUNC_PORT; PORT_Init(LEDs_PORT, &PortInitStructure); /* All LEDs switch off */ PORT_ResetBits(LEDs_PORT, LEDs_PINs); }
bool _SYS_OUT_INIT(int out_port) { LCD_INIT(); return true; }
void main(void) { float a,b,e; unsigned int c,d,i; char f[1],g[3]; LCD_INIT(); _delay_ms(10); DDRA=0x00; sei(); ADMUX=0x00; ADMUX|=(1<<ADLAR); ADCSRA=0xCF; DDRB=0xFF; PORTB=0x00; PORTD=0x00; while(1) { a=ADCH; b=(((a/255)*5)*100); c=b/100; e=c*100; d=b-e; itoa(c,f,10); for(i=0;i<1;i++) { PORTD=f[i]; _delay_ms(5); DATA(); } PORTD='.'; _delay_ms(5); DATA(); itoa(d,g,10); for(i=0;i<2;i++) { PORTD=g[i]; _delay_ms(5); DATA(); } _delay_ms(1000); PORTD=0x01; CMD (); } }
int main (void) { /// Configure Devices ////////////////////////////////////// // Display configuration: frontLCD.ddr = &DDRD; frontLCD.port = &PORTD; = &PIND; frontLCD.pinNr_EN = PD5; frontLCD.pinNr_RS = PD4; frontLCD.pinNr_D4 = PD0; frontLCD.pinNr_D5 = PD1; frontLCD.pinNr_D6 = PD2; frontLCD.pinNr_D7 = PD3; // Buttion A configuration button_A.ddr = &DDRC; button_A.port = &PORTC; = &PINC; button_A.pinNr = PC7; button_A.internPullup = True; button_A.bounce_ms = 40; // Buttion B configuration button_B.ddr = &DDRC; button_B.port = &PORTC; = &PINC; button_B.pinNr = PC4; button_B.internPullup = True; button_B.bounce_ms = 40; // Rotary encoder A configuration encoder_A.ddr = &DDRC; encoder_A.port = &PORTC; = &PINC; encoder_A.pinNr_A = PC6; encoder_A.pinNr_B = PC5; encoder_A.internPullup = True; encoder_A.autoAcceleration = True; encoder_A.accerelationFactor = 200; // Rotary encoder B configuration encoder_B.ddr = &DDRC; encoder_B.port = &PORTC; = &PINC; encoder_B.pinNr_A = PC3; encoder_B.pinNr_B = PC2; encoder_B.internPullup = True; encoder_B.autoAcceleration = True; encoder_B.accerelationFactor = 100; /// END Configure Devices ////////////////////////////////// /// INIT Devices /////////////////////////////////////////// // INIT display LCD_INIT(&frontLCD); LCD_CLEAR(&frontLCD); // INIT buttons BUTTON_INIT(&button_A); BUTTON_INIT(&button_B); // INIT rotary encoders ROTARYENC_INIT(&encoder_A); ROTARYENC_INIT(&encoder_B); /// END INIT Devices /////////////////////////////////////// while(1) MainMenu(); // Enter main-menu (see below) return 0; }