int main() { CyGlobalIntDisable; /* Enable global interrupts. */ SW_int_Start(); // Add ISR to vector table. SW_int_SetVector(switchISR); CyGlobalIntEnable; for(;;) { CyDelay(1000*frequency); LED_Write(!(LED_Read())); } }
void main() { /* Place your initialization/startup code here (e.g. MyInst_Start()) */ CyGlobalIntEnable; /* Uncomment this line to enable global interrupts. */ CyDelay(5u); // Short delay to make sure device is ready for low power entry sleep_isr_StartEx(Wakeup_ISR); // Start Sleep ISR SleepTimer_Start(); // Start SleepTimer Compnent modem_set_api_feed(FEED_ID, API_KEY); //ADC_SAR_1_Start(); //modem_start(); //modem_power_on(); //modem_get_serial_number(); // Check/set flow control: Change from 3 (default - bidirectional) to 0 (no flow control) --> Did NOT fix ability to connect using AT#SD /* modem_set_flow_control(0u); modem_get_profile(); // modem_get_sw_version(); modem_set_error_reports(2u); */ // Init and enable CDMA /* modem_set_user(""); modem_set_password(""); modem_test_CDMA_data(); modem_enable_CDMA_data(1u); modem_test_CDMA_data(); */ // Initialize variables ready = 1u; loops = 0u; lock = 0u; packet_ready = 0u; iter = 0; sign = 1; packet_len = 0u; wakeup_interval_counter = 0u; v_out = 0.0; VBAT_READ_EN_Write(0u); Pin2_Write(0u); Pin17_Write(0u); Pin18_Write(0u); Pin37_Write(0u); Pin38_Write(0u); Pin39_Write(0u); //Pin34_Write(0u); //Pin35_Write(0u); // WaveDAC8_1_Start(); /* Start WaveDAC8 */ for(;;) { if ( ready == 1u ){ iter = 0; if (clear_packet(data_packet)) { packet_len = 0u; packet_ready = 0u; } blink_LED(3u); if (ultrasonic_get_reading(&ultrasonic_reading)){ sprintf(data_packet,"%s%s, %d\r\n", data_packet, "depth_sonic", (uint16) (ultrasonic_reading.depth)); } blink_LED(3u); // Set up the modem and connect to network LED_Write(!LED_Read()); if (modem_startup()) { //modem_get_serial_number(); // Send a packet LED_Write(!LED_Read()); sprintf(data_packet,"%s%s, %u\r\n", data_packet, "tmp", loops); ready = modem_send_packet(data_packet); CyDelay(5000u); if (clear_packet(data_packet)) { packet_len = 0u; packet_ready = 0u; } // Request a packet LED_Write(!LED_Read()); if( modem_get_packet(data_packet,"lock,tmp") ){ // Code to test moving the actuator if(packet_get_uint8(data_packet,"lock",&lock)){ if(lock == 1u){ // Supply power to breakout board // This powers the Reed Switch Pin2_Write(1u); CyDelay(1000u); // Move the actuator out Pin17_Write(1u); CyDelay(3000u); Pin17_Write(0u); CyDelay(2000u); // Move the actuator in Pin18_Write(1u); CyDelay(3000u); Pin18_Write(0u); // Cut power to breakout board CyDelay(1000u); Pin2_Write(0u); } } } /* modem_power_off(); modem_stop(); */ } modem_shutdown(); loops += 10; ready = 0u; } /* If not ready, update the counter for the sleep timer */ else { /* Blink the LED to indicate sleeping */ blink_LED(5u); /* Prepares system clocks for the Sleep mode */ CyPmSaveClocks(); do { /******************************************************************* * Switch to the Sleep Mode for the other devices: * - PM_SLEEP_TIME_NONE: wakeup time is defined by Sleep Timer * - PM_SLEEP_SRC_CTW : wakeup on CTW sources is allowed *******************************************************************/ CyPmSleep(PM_SLEEP_TIME_NONE, PM_SLEEP_SRC_CTW); /*********************************************************************** * After the device is woken up the Sleep Timer's ISR is executed. * Afterwards the CyPmSleep() execution is finished the clock * configuration is restored. ***********************************************************************/ if(SLEEPTIMER_INTERVAL_COUNTER == wakeup_interval_counter) { /* Blink with LED */ //(0u == LED_P1_2_Read()) ? LED_P1_2_Write(1u) : LED_P1_2_Write(0u); wakeup_interval_counter = 0u; ready = 1u; } else { wakeup_interval_counter++; } } while (wakeup_interval_counter != 0u); /* Restore clock configuration */ CyPmRestoreClocks(); } /* // Place your application code here. Pin37_Write(!Pin37_Read()); clear_packet(data_packet); sprintf(data_packet,"%s, %u\r\n", "tmp", iter); modem_connect(); LED_Write(!LED_Read()); // modem_state should now be IDLE or READY //modem_send_packet(data_packet); modem_get_google(); //Can't get to work if (tmp > 10) { sign = -1; } else if (tmp < -10) { sign = 1; } tmp = tmp + sign; Pin37_Write(!Pin37_Read()); LED_Write(!LED_Read()); CyDelay(100u); modem_get_time(); Pin38_Write(!Pin38_Read()); LED_Write(!LED_Read()); CyDelay(100u); modem_get_signal_quality(); Pin39_Write(!Pin39_Read()); LED_Write(!LED_Read()); CyDelay(100u); modem_check_network(); //Pin34_Write(!Pin34_Read()); LED_Write(!LED_Read()); CyDelay(100u); modem_get_serial_number(); //modem_disconnect(); //Pin35_Write(!Pin35_Read()); LED_Write(!LED_Read()); CyDelay(100u); ADC_SAR_1_StartConvert(); ADC_SAR_1_IsEndConversion(ADC_SAR_1_WAIT_FOR_RESULT); v_out = ADC_SAR_1_CountsTo_Volts(ADC_SAR_1_GetResult16()); //v_out = Pin30_Read(); Pin25_Write(v_out); */ } /* modem_power_off(); modem_stop(); blink_LED(3u); CyPmSaveClocks(); CyPmHibernate(); */ }