Пример #1
static void ref_norm_transform_normalize( const GLmatrix *mat,
					  GLfloat scale,
					  const GLvector4f *in,
					  const GLfloat *lengths,
					  GLvector4f *dest )
   GLuint i;
   const GLfloat *s = in->start;
   const GLfloat *m = mat->inv;
   GLfloat (*out)[4] = (GLfloat (*)[4]) dest->start;

   for ( i = 0 ; i < in->count ; i++ ) {
      GLfloat t[3];

      TRANSFORM_NORMAL( t, s, m );

      if ( !lengths ) {
         GLfloat len = LEN_SQUARED_3FV( t );
         if ( len > 1e-20 ) {
	    /* Hmmm, don't know how we could test the precalculated
	     * length case...
            scale = 1.0 / SQRTF( len );
	    SCALE_SCALAR_3V( out[i], scale, t );
         } else {
            out[i][0] = out[i][1] = out[i][2] = 0;
      } else {
         scale = lengths[i];;
	 SCALE_SCALAR_3V( out[i], scale, t );

      s = (GLfloat *)((char *)s + in->stride);
Пример #2
static int test_norm_function( normal_func func, int mtype, long *cycles )
   GLvector4f source[1], dest[1], dest2[1], ref[1], ref2[1];
   GLmatrix mat[1];
   GLfloat s[TEST_COUNT][5], d[TEST_COUNT][4], r[TEST_COUNT][4];
   GLfloat d2[TEST_COUNT][4], r2[TEST_COUNT][4], length[TEST_COUNT];
   GLfloat scale;
   GLfloat *m;
   int i, j;
   int cycle_i;		/* the counter for the benchmarks we run */

   (void) cycles;

   mat->m = (GLfloat *) _mesa_align_malloc( 16 * sizeof(GLfloat), 16 );
   mat->inv = m = mat->m;

   init_matrix( m );

   scale = 1.0F + rnd () * norm_scale_types[mtype];

   for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) {
      for ( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++ ) {
         switch ( norm_templates[mtype][i * 4 + j] ) {
         case NIL:
            m[j * 4 + i] = 0.0;
         case ONE:
            m[j * 4 + i] = 1.0;
         case NEG:
            m[j * 4 + i] = -1.0;
         case VAR:

   for ( i = 0 ; i < TEST_COUNT ; i++ ) {
      ASSIGN_3V( d[i],  0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
      ASSIGN_3V( s[i],  0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
      ASSIGN_3V( d2[i], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
      for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ )
         s[i][j] = rnd();
      length[i] = 1 / SQRTF( LEN_SQUARED_3FV( s[i] ) );

   source->data = (GLfloat(*)[4]) s;
   source->start = (GLfloat *) s;
   source->count = TEST_COUNT;
   source->stride = sizeof(s[0]);
   source->flags = 0;

   dest->data = d;
   dest->start = (GLfloat *) d;
   dest->count = TEST_COUNT;
   dest->stride = sizeof(float[4]);
   dest->flags = 0;

   dest2->data = d2;
   dest2->start = (GLfloat *) d2;
   dest2->count = TEST_COUNT;
   dest2->stride = sizeof(float[4]);
   dest2->flags = 0;

   ref->data = r;
   ref->start = (GLfloat *) r;
   ref->count = TEST_COUNT;
   ref->stride = sizeof(float[4]);
   ref->flags = 0;

   ref2->data = r2;
   ref2->start = (GLfloat *) r2;
   ref2->count = TEST_COUNT;
   ref2->stride = sizeof(float[4]);
   ref2->flags = 0;

   if ( norm_normalize_types[mtype] == 0 ) {
      ref_norm_transform_rescale( mat, scale, source, NULL, ref );
   } else {
      ref_norm_transform_normalize( mat, scale, source, NULL, ref );
      ref_norm_transform_normalize( mat, scale, source, length, ref2 );

   if ( mesa_profile ) {
      BEGIN_RACE( *cycles );
      func( mat, scale, source, NULL, dest );
      END_RACE( *cycles );
      func( mat, scale, source, length, dest2 );
   } else {
      func( mat, scale, source, NULL, dest );
      func( mat, scale, source, length, dest2 );

   for ( i = 0 ; i < TEST_COUNT ; i++ ) {
      for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
         if ( significand_match( d[i][j], r[i][j] ) < REQUIRED_PRECISION ) {
            printf( "-----------------------------\n" );
            printf( "(i = %i, j = %i)\n", i, j );
            printf( "%f \t %f \t [ratio = %e - %i bit missed]\n",
		    d[i][0], r[i][0], r[i][0]/d[i][0],
		    MAX_PRECISION - significand_match( d[i][0], r[i][0] ) );
            printf( "%f \t %f \t [ratio = %e - %i bit missed]\n",
		    d[i][1], r[i][1], r[i][1]/d[i][1],
		    MAX_PRECISION - significand_match( d[i][1], r[i][1] ) );
            printf( "%f \t %f \t [ratio = %e - %i bit missed]\n",
		    d[i][2], r[i][2], r[i][2]/d[i][2],
		    MAX_PRECISION - significand_match( d[i][2], r[i][2] ) );
            return 0;

         if ( norm_normalize_types[mtype] != 0 ) {
            if ( significand_match( d2[i][j], r2[i][j] ) < REQUIRED_PRECISION ) {
               printf( "------------------- precalculated length case ------\n" );
               printf( "(i = %i, j = %i)\n", i, j );
               printf( "%f \t %f \t [ratio = %e - %i bit missed]\n",
		       d2[i][0], r2[i][0], r2[i][0]/d2[i][0],
		       MAX_PRECISION - significand_match( d2[i][0], r2[i][0] ) );
               printf( "%f \t %f \t [ratio = %e - %i bit missed]\n",
		       d2[i][1], r2[i][1], r2[i][1]/d2[i][1],
		       MAX_PRECISION - significand_match( d2[i][1], r2[i][1] ) );
               printf( "%f \t %f \t [ratio = %e - %i bit missed]\n",
		       d2[i][2], r2[i][2], r2[i][2]/d2[i][2],
		       MAX_PRECISION - significand_match( d2[i][2], r2[i][2] ) );
               return 0;

   _mesa_align_free( mat->m );
   return 1;
Пример #3
 * Determine type and flags from scratch.  
 * \param mat matrix.
 * This is expensive enough to only want to do it once.
static void analyse_from_scratch( GLmatrix *mat )
   const GLfloat *m = mat->m;
   GLuint mask = 0;
   GLuint i;

   for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++) {
      if (m[i] == 0.0) mask |= (1<<i);

   if (m[0] == 1.0F) mask |= (1<<16);
   if (m[5] == 1.0F) mask |= (1<<21);
   if (m[10] == 1.0F) mask |= (1<<26);
   if (m[15] == 1.0F) mask |= (1<<31);

   mat->flags &= ~MAT_FLAGS_GEOMETRY;

   /* Check for translation - no-one really cares
   if ((mask & MASK_NO_TRX) != MASK_NO_TRX)
      mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_TRANSLATION;

   /* Do the real work
   if (mask == (GLuint) MASK_IDENTITY) {
      mat->type = MATRIX_IDENTITY;
   else if ((mask & MASK_2D_NO_ROT) == (GLuint) MASK_2D_NO_ROT) {
      mat->type = MATRIX_2D_NO_ROT;

      if ((mask & MASK_NO_2D_SCALE) != MASK_NO_2D_SCALE)
	 mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL_SCALE;
   else if ((mask & MASK_2D) == (GLuint) MASK_2D) {
      GLfloat mm = DOT2(m, m);
      GLfloat m4m4 = DOT2(m+4,m+4);
      GLfloat mm4 = DOT2(m,m+4);

      mat->type = MATRIX_2D;

      /* Check for scale */
      if (SQ(mm-1) > SQ(1e-6) ||
	  SQ(m4m4-1) > SQ(1e-6))
	 mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL_SCALE;

      /* Check for rotation */
      if (SQ(mm4) > SQ(1e-6))
	 mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL_3D;
	 mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_ROTATION;

   else if ((mask & MASK_3D_NO_ROT) == (GLuint) MASK_3D_NO_ROT) {
      mat->type = MATRIX_3D_NO_ROT;

      /* Check for scale */
      if (SQ(m[0]-m[5]) < SQ(1e-6) &&
	  SQ(m[0]-m[10]) < SQ(1e-6)) {
	 if (SQ(m[0]-1.0) > SQ(1e-6)) {
	    mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_UNIFORM_SCALE;
      else {
	 mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL_SCALE;
   else if ((mask & MASK_3D) == (GLuint) MASK_3D) {
      GLfloat c1 = DOT3(m,m);
      GLfloat c2 = DOT3(m+4,m+4);
      GLfloat c3 = DOT3(m+8,m+8);
      GLfloat d1 = DOT3(m, m+4);
      GLfloat cp[3];

      mat->type = MATRIX_3D;

      /* Check for scale */
      if (SQ(c1-c2) < SQ(1e-6) && SQ(c1-c3) < SQ(1e-6)) {
	 if (SQ(c1-1.0) > SQ(1e-6))
	    mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_UNIFORM_SCALE;
	 /* else no scale at all */
      else {
	 mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL_SCALE;

      /* Check for rotation */
      if (SQ(d1) < SQ(1e-6)) {
	 CROSS3( cp, m, m+4 );
	 SUB_3V( cp, cp, (m+8) );
	 if (LEN_SQUARED_3FV(cp) < SQ(1e-6))
	    mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_ROTATION;
	    mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL_3D;
      else {
	 mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL_3D; /* shear, etc */
   else if ((mask & MASK_PERSPECTIVE) == MASK_PERSPECTIVE && m[11]==-1.0F) {
      mat->type = MATRIX_PERSPECTIVE;
      mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL;
   else {
      mat->type = MATRIX_GENERAL;
      mat->flags |= MAT_FLAG_GENERAL;