void libxsmm_generator_spgemm_csc_bsparse_soa_avx256_512( libxsmm_generated_code*         io_generated_code,
                                                          const libxsmm_gemm_descriptor*  i_xgemm_desc,
                                                          const char*                     i_arch,
                                                          const unsigned int*             i_row_idx,
                                                          const unsigned int*             i_column_idx,
                                                          const void*                     i_values ) {
  unsigned int l_n = 0;
  unsigned int l_k = 0;
  unsigned int l_soa_width = 0;
  unsigned int l_max_cols = 0;
  unsigned int l_n_processed = 0;
  unsigned int l_n_limit = 0;
  unsigned int l_n_chunks = 0;
  unsigned int l_n_chunksize = 0;
  unsigned int l_found_mul = 0;
  unsigned int l_max_reg_block = 0;

  libxsmm_micro_kernel_config l_micro_kernel_config;
  libxsmm_loop_label_tracker l_loop_label_tracker;
  libxsmm_gp_reg_mapping l_gp_reg_mapping;


  /* select soa width */
  if ( LIBXSMM_GEMM_PRECISION_F64 == LIBXSMM_GETENUM_INP( i_xgemm_desc->datatype )  ) {
    if ( strcmp(i_arch, "knl") == 0 ||
         strcmp(i_arch, "knm") == 0 ||
         strcmp(i_arch, "skx") == 0 ||
         strcmp(i_arch, "clx") == 0 ||
         strcmp(i_arch, "cpx") == 0 ) {
      l_soa_width = 8;
      l_max_reg_block = 28;
    } else {
      l_soa_width = 4;
      l_max_reg_block = 14;
  } else {
    if ( strcmp(i_arch, "knl") == 0 ||
         strcmp(i_arch, "knm") == 0 ||
         strcmp(i_arch, "skx") == 0 ||
         strcmp(i_arch, "clx") == 0 ||
         strcmp(i_arch, "cpx") == 0 ) {
      l_soa_width = 16;
      l_max_reg_block = 28;
    } else {
      l_soa_width = 8;
      l_max_reg_block = 14;

  /* define gp register mapping */
  libxsmm_reset_x86_gp_reg_mapping( &l_gp_reg_mapping );
  /* matching calling convention on Linux */
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_a = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_RCX;
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_b = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_RDX;
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_c = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_R8;
  /* TODO: full support for Windows calling convention */
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_a_prefetch = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_RDI;
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_b_prefetch = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_RSI;
#else /* match calling convention on Linux */
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_a = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_RDI;
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_b = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_RSI;
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_c = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_RDX;
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_a_prefetch = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_RCX;
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_b_prefetch = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_R8;
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_c_prefetch = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_UNDEF;
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_mloop = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_R12;
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_nloop = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_R13;
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_kloop = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_R14;
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_help_0 = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_UNDEF;
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_help_1 = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_UNDEF;
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_help_2 = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_UNDEF;
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_help_3 = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_UNDEF;
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_help_4 = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_UNDEF;
  l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_help_5 = LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_UNDEF;

  /* define loop_label_tracker */
  libxsmm_reset_loop_label_tracker( &l_loop_label_tracker );

  /* define the micro kernel code gen properties */
  libxsmm_generator_gemm_init_micro_kernel_config_fullvector( &l_micro_kernel_config, i_xgemm_desc, i_arch, 0 );

  /* get max column in C */
  l_max_cols = i_xgemm_desc->n;
  for ( l_n = 0; l_n < i_xgemm_desc->n; l_n++ ) {
    if ( i_column_idx[l_n] == i_column_idx[i_xgemm_desc->n] ) {
      l_max_cols = l_n+1;

  /* calculate the chunk size of current columns to work on */
  l_n_chunks = ( (l_max_cols % l_max_reg_block) == 0 ) ? (l_max_cols / l_max_reg_block) : (l_max_cols / l_max_reg_block) + 1;
  assert(0 != l_n_chunks); /* mute static analysis (division-by-zero); such invalid input must be caught upfront */
  l_n_chunksize = ( (l_max_cols % l_n_chunks) == 0 ) ? (l_max_cols / l_n_chunks) : (l_max_cols / l_n_chunks) + 1;

  /* open asm */
  libxsmm_x86_instruction_open_stream( io_generated_code, &l_gp_reg_mapping, i_arch, i_xgemm_desc->prefetch );

  /* m loop */
  libxsmm_x86_instruction_register_jump_back_label( io_generated_code, &l_loop_label_tracker );
  libxsmm_x86_instruction_alu_imm( io_generated_code, l_micro_kernel_config.alu_add_instruction, l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_mloop, 1 );

  /* loop over n-blocks */
  l_n_processed = 0;
  l_n_limit = l_n_chunksize;
  while ( l_n_processed < l_max_cols ) {
#if 0
    printf("l_max_cols: %i, l_n_processed: %i, l_n_limit: %i\n", l_max_cols, l_n_processed, l_n_limit);
    /* load C accumulator */
    for ( l_n = 0; l_n < l_n_limit - l_n_processed; l_n++ ) {
      if (0 != (LIBXSMM_GEMM_FLAG_BETA_0 & i_xgemm_desc->flags)) { /* Beta=0 */
        libxsmm_x86_instruction_vec_compute_reg( io_generated_code,
                                                 l_n, l_n, l_n );
      } else {
        libxsmm_x86_instruction_vec_move( io_generated_code,
                                          LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_UNDEF, 0,
                                          (l_n_processed + l_n)*l_soa_width*l_micro_kernel_config.datatype_size,
                                          l_n, 0, 1, 0 );

    /* do dense soa times sparse multiplication */
    for ( l_k = 0; l_k < (unsigned int)i_xgemm_desc->k; l_k++ ) {
      unsigned int l_found_qmadd = 0;
      unsigned int l_col_k = 0;
      unsigned int l_column_active[28];
      int l_nnz_idx[28][4];

      /* reset helpers */
      for ( l_n = 0; l_n < l_n_limit - l_n_processed; l_n++ ) {
        l_column_active[l_n] = 0;
        l_nnz_idx[l_n][0] = -1; l_nnz_idx[l_n][1] = -1; l_nnz_idx[l_n][2] = -1; l_nnz_idx[l_n][3] = -1;
      l_found_mul = 0;

      /* let's figure out if we can apply qmadd when being sin F32 setting and on KNM */
      if ( (l_k < ((unsigned int)i_xgemm_desc->k - 3))                       &&
           (l_micro_kernel_config.instruction_set == LIBXSMM_X86_AVX512_KNM) &&
           (LIBXSMM_GEMM_PRECISION_F32 == LIBXSMM_GETENUM_INP( i_xgemm_desc->datatype ) )               ) {
        /* loop over the columns of B/C */
        for ( l_n = 0; l_n < l_n_limit - l_n_processed; l_n++ ) {
          unsigned int l_found = 0;
          unsigned int l_acol_k = 0;
          unsigned int l_col_elements = i_column_idx[l_n_processed+l_n+1] - i_column_idx[l_n_processed+l_n];
          unsigned int l_cur_column = i_column_idx[l_n_processed+l_n];

          for ( l_col_k = 0; l_col_k < l_col_elements; l_col_k++ ) {
            for ( l_acol_k = l_found; l_acol_k < 4; l_acol_k++ ) {
              if ( (l_k + l_acol_k) == i_row_idx[l_cur_column + l_col_k] ) {
                l_nnz_idx[l_n][l_acol_k] = l_cur_column + l_col_k;
                l_found = l_acol_k+1;
              if (l_found == 4) {
                l_col_k = l_col_elements;
          /* let's check if we can apply qmadd in col l_n */
          if ( (l_nnz_idx[l_n][0] != -1) && (l_nnz_idx[l_n][1] != -1) && (l_nnz_idx[l_n][2] != -1) && (l_nnz_idx[l_n][3] != -1) ) {
            l_column_active[l_n] = 2;
            l_found_qmadd = 1;
            l_found_mul = 1;
          } else {
            /* let's check if we have at least one entry in the column that matches one of the four entries */
            if ( (l_nnz_idx[l_n][0] != -1) || (l_nnz_idx[l_n][1] != -1) || (l_nnz_idx[l_n][2] != -1) || (l_nnz_idx[l_n][3] != -1) ) {
              l_column_active[l_n] = 1;
              l_found_mul = 1;
            } else {
              l_column_active[l_n] = 0;

      if ( l_found_qmadd == 0 ) {
        /* loop over the columns of B/C */
        for ( l_n = 0; l_n < l_n_limit - l_n_processed; l_n++ ) {
          unsigned int l_col_elements = i_column_idx[l_n_processed+l_n+1] - i_column_idx[l_n_processed+l_n];
          unsigned int l_cur_column = i_column_idx[l_n_processed+l_n];
          /* search for entries matching that k */
          for ( l_col_k = 0; l_col_k < l_col_elements; l_col_k++ ) {
            if ( l_k == i_row_idx[l_cur_column + l_col_k] ) {
              l_nnz_idx[l_n][0] = l_cur_column + l_col_k;
              l_col_k = l_col_elements;
          /* let's check if we have an entry in the column that matches the k from A */
          if ( (l_nnz_idx[l_n][0] != -1) ) {
            l_column_active[l_n] = 1;
            l_found_mul = 1;
          } else {
            l_column_active[l_n] = 0;

      /* First case: we can use qmadd */
      if ( l_found_qmadd != 0 ) {
        unsigned int l_lcl_k = 0;
        for ( l_lcl_k = 0; l_lcl_k < 4; l_lcl_k++ ) {
          libxsmm_x86_instruction_vec_move( io_generated_code,
                                            LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_UNDEF, 0,
                                            l_max_reg_block+l_lcl_k, 0, 1, 0 );

        /* loop over the columns of B/C */
        for ( l_n = 0; l_n < l_n_limit - l_n_processed; l_n++ ) {
          /* issue a qmadd */
          if ( l_column_active[l_n] == 2 ) {
            libxsmm_x86_instruction_vec_compute_qfma( io_generated_code,
                                                      l_nnz_idx[l_n][0] * l_micro_kernel_config.datatype_size,
                                                      l_n );
          } else if ( l_column_active[l_n] == 1 ) {
            for ( l_lcl_k = 0; l_lcl_k < 4; l_lcl_k++ ) {
              if ( l_nnz_idx[l_n][l_lcl_k] != -1 ) {
                libxsmm_x86_instruction_vec_compute_mem( io_generated_code,
                                                         l_nnz_idx[l_n][l_lcl_k] * l_micro_kernel_config.datatype_size,
                                                         l_n );
        /* increment by additional 3 columns */
        l_k += 3;
      } else if ( l_found_mul != 0 ) {
        libxsmm_x86_instruction_vec_move( io_generated_code,
                                          LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_UNDEF, 0,
                                          l_max_reg_block, 0, 1, 0 );
        /* loop over the columns of B/C */
        for ( l_n = 0; l_n < l_n_limit - l_n_processed; l_n++ ) {
          if ( l_nnz_idx[l_n][0] != -1 ) {
            if ( strcmp(i_arch, "knl") == 0 ||
                 strcmp(i_arch, "knm") == 0 ||
                 strcmp(i_arch, "skx") == 0 ||
                 strcmp(i_arch, "clx") == 0 ||
                 strcmp(i_arch, "cpx") == 0 ) {
              libxsmm_x86_instruction_vec_compute_mem( io_generated_code,
                                                       l_nnz_idx[l_n][0] * l_micro_kernel_config.datatype_size,
                                                       l_n );
            } else if ( strcmp(i_arch, "hsw") == 0 ) {
              libxsmm_x86_instruction_vec_move( io_generated_code,
                                                LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_UNDEF, 0,
                                                l_nnz_idx[l_n][0] * l_micro_kernel_config.datatype_size,
                                                15, 0, 1, 0 );
              libxsmm_x86_instruction_vec_compute_reg( io_generated_code,
                                                       l_n );
            } else {
              libxsmm_x86_instruction_vec_move( io_generated_code,
                                                LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_UNDEF, 0,
                                                l_nnz_idx[l_n][0] * l_micro_kernel_config.datatype_size,
                                                15, 0, 1, 0 );
              libxsmm_x86_instruction_vec_compute_reg( io_generated_code,
                                                       15 );
              libxsmm_x86_instruction_vec_compute_reg( io_generated_code,
                                                       l_n );
      } else {
        /* shouldn't happen */

    /* store C accumulator */
    for ( l_n = 0; l_n < l_n_limit - l_n_processed; l_n++ ) {
      libxsmm_x86_instruction_vec_move( io_generated_code,
                                        LIBXSMM_X86_GP_REG_UNDEF, 0,
                                        (l_n_processed + l_n)*l_soa_width*l_micro_kernel_config.datatype_size,
                                        l_n, 0, 0, 1 );

    /* adjust n progression */
    l_n_processed += l_n_chunksize;
    l_n_limit = LIBXSMM_MIN(l_n_processed + l_n_chunksize, l_max_cols);

  /* advance C pointer */
  libxsmm_x86_instruction_alu_imm( io_generated_code, l_micro_kernel_config.alu_add_instruction, l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_c,

  /* advance A pointer */
  libxsmm_x86_instruction_alu_imm( io_generated_code, l_micro_kernel_config.alu_add_instruction, l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_a,

  /* close m loop */
  libxsmm_x86_instruction_alu_imm( io_generated_code, l_micro_kernel_config.alu_cmp_instruction, l_gp_reg_mapping.gp_reg_mloop, i_xgemm_desc->m );
  libxsmm_x86_instruction_jump_back_to_label( io_generated_code, l_micro_kernel_config.alu_jmp_instruction, &l_loop_label_tracker );

  /* close asm */
  libxsmm_x86_instruction_close_stream( io_generated_code, &l_gp_reg_mapping, i_arch, i_xgemm_desc->prefetch );
Пример #2
#if defined(_WIN32)
/*TODO: no inline*/
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
const char* libxsmm_trace_info(unsigned int* depth, unsigned int* threadid, const int* filter_threadid, const int* filter_mindepth, const int* filter_maxnsyms)
  const char *fname = NULL;
#if defined(LIBXSMM_TRACE)
  const int max_n = (0 != depth ? (LIBXSMM_TRACE_MAXDEPTH) : 2);
  const int min_n = (0 != depth ? (LIBXSMM_TRACE_MINDEPTH + *depth) : 2);
  void *stacktrace[LIBXSMM_TRACE_MAXDEPTH], **symbol = stacktrace + LIBXSMM_MIN(0 != depth ? ((int)(*depth + 1)) : 1, max_n - 1);
  static LIBXSMM_TLS int cerberus = 0;
  int i;

  /* check against entering a recursion (recursion should not happen due to
   * attribute "no_instrument_function" but better prevent this in any case)
  if (0 == cerberus) {
# if defined(__GNUC__)
# endif
    i = LIBXSMM_ATOMIC_LOAD(&internal_trace_initialized, LIBXSMM_ATOMIC_RELAXED);
    if (0 <= i) { /* do nothing if not yet initialized */
      const int mindepth = (0 != filter_mindepth ? *filter_mindepth : internal_trace_mindepth);
      const int maxnsyms = (0 != filter_maxnsyms ? *filter_maxnsyms : internal_trace_maxnsyms);
      i = libxsmm_backtrace(stacktrace, max_n);
      /* filter depth against filter_mindepth and filter_maxnsyms */
      if ((0 >= mindepth ||      (min_n + mindepth) <= i) &&
          (0 >  maxnsyms || i <= (min_n + mindepth + maxnsyms - 1)))
        if (min_n <= i) { /* check against min. depth */
          const int filter = (0 != filter_threadid ? *filter_threadid : internal_trace_threadid);
          int abs_tid = 0;
# if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
          static LIBXSMM_TLS char buffer[sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO)+LIBXSMM_TRACE_SYMBOLSIZE];
          static LIBXSMM_TLS int tid = 0;

          PSYMBOL_INFO value = (PSYMBOL_INFO)buffer;
          value->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO);
          value->MaxNameLen = LIBXSMM_TRACE_SYMBOLSIZE - 1;

          if (0 != tid) {
            abs_tid = (0 <= tid ? tid : -tid);
          else {
            abs_tid = LIBXSMM_ATOMIC_ADD_FETCH(&internal_trace_initialized, 1, LIBXSMM_ATOMIC_RELAXED);
            /* use sign bit to flag enabled fall-back for symbol resolution */
            tid = -abs_tid;

          assert(0 < abs_tid);
          if (0 > filter || filter == abs_tid - 1) {
            if (FALSE != SymFromAddr(GetCurrentProcess(), (DWORD64)*symbol, NULL, value)
              && 0 < value->NameLen)
              /* disable fall-back allowing unresolved symbol names */
              tid = abs_tid; /* make unsigned */
              fname = value->Name;
            else if (0 > tid) { /* fall-back allowing unresolved symbol names */
#   if defined(__MINGW32__)
              sprintf(buffer, "%p", *symbol);
#   else
              sprintf(buffer, "0x%" PRIxPTR, (uintptr_t)*symbol);
#   endif
              fname = buffer;
            if (depth) *depth = i - min_n;
            if (threadid) *threadid = abs_tid - 1;
# else
#   if defined(LIBXSMM_NO_SYNC)
          static char raw_c;
          char */*const*/ raw_value = &raw_c; /* const: avoid warning (below / constant control-flow) */
#   else
          char *const raw_value = (char*)pthread_getspecific(internal_trace_key);
#   endif
          int* ivalue = 0, fd = -1;
          char* value = 0;

          if (raw_value) {
            ivalue = (int*)raw_value;
            abs_tid = (0 <= ivalue[1] ? ivalue[1] : -ivalue[1]);

            if (0 > filter || filter == abs_tid - 1) {
              fd = ivalue[0];
              if (0 <= fd && (sizeof(int) * 2) == lseek(fd, sizeof(int) * 2, SEEK_SET)) {
                value = raw_value + sizeof(int) * 2;
#   if !defined(NDEBUG) /* library code is expected to be mute */
              else {
                fprintf(stderr, "LIBXSMM ERROR: failed to get buffer\n");
#   endif
          else {
            char filename[] = "/tmp/";
#if defined(__GLIBC__) && defined(__GLIBC_MINOR__) && LIBXSMM_VERSION2(2, 19) <= LIBXSMM_VERSION2(__GLIBC__, __GLIBC_MINOR__)
            fd = mkstemps(filename, 4/*.map*/);
            char *const xpos = strrchr(filename, 'X');
            const char c = (char)(NULL != xpos ? *(xpos + 1) : 0);
            if (0 != c) {
              xpos[1] = 0;
              fd = mkstemp(filename);
              xpos[1] = c;
            else {
              fd = -1;
            if (0 <= fd && 0 == posix_fallocate(fd, 0, LIBXSMM_TRACE_SYMBOLSIZE)) {
              char *const buffer = (char*)mmap(NULL, LIBXSMM_TRACE_SYMBOLSIZE,
                PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);

              if (MAP_FAILED != buffer) {
                int check = -1;
                ivalue = (int*)buffer;
                ivalue[0] = fd; /* valid file descriptor for internal_delete */

                if (
#   if !defined(LIBXSMM_NO_SYNC)
                  0 == pthread_setspecific(internal_trace_key, buffer) &&
#   endif
                     (sizeof(int) * 1) == read(fd, &check, sizeof(int))
                  && (sizeof(int) * 2) == lseek(fd, sizeof(int), SEEK_CUR)
                  && check == fd)
                  abs_tid = LIBXSMM_ATOMIC_ADD_FETCH(&internal_trace_initialized, 1, LIBXSMM_ATOMIC_RELAXED);
                  assert(0 < abs_tid);
                  /* use sign bit to flag enabled fall-back for symbol resolution */
                  ivalue[1] = -abs_tid;

                  if (0 > filter || filter == abs_tid - 1) {
                    value = buffer + sizeof(int) * 2;
                else {
#   if !defined(NDEBUG) /* library code is expected to be mute */
                  fprintf(stderr, "LIBXSMM ERROR: failed to setup buffer\n");
#   endif
#   if !defined(NDEBUG)
              else {
                const int error = errno;
                fprintf(stderr, "LIBXSMM ERROR: %s (mmap allocation error #%i)\n",
                  strerror(error), error);
#   endif
#   if !defined(NDEBUG) /* library code is expected to be mute */
            else {
              fprintf(stderr, "LIBXSMM ERROR: failed to setup file descriptor (%i)\n", fd);
#   endif

          if (value) {
            backtrace_symbols_fd(symbol, 1, fd);

            /* attempt to parse symbol name */
            if (1 == sscanf(value, "%*[^(](%s0x", value)) {
              char* c;
              for (c = value; '+' != *c && *c; ++c);
              if ('+' == *c) {
                /* disable fall-back allowing unresolved symbol names */
                ivalue[1] = abs_tid; /* make unsigned */
                fname = value;
                *c = 0;

            /* fall-back to symbol address */
            if (0 > ivalue[1] && 0 == fname) {
              sprintf(value, "0x%llx", (unsigned long long)*symbol);
              fname = value;

            if (depth) *depth = i - min_n;
            if (threadid) *threadid = abs_tid - 1;
# endif


  return fname;
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
  try {
    const libxsmm_blasint benchmark = 1 < argc ? std::atoi(argv[1]) : 0;
    LIBXSMM_GEMM_CONST libxsmm_blasint m = (2 < argc ? std::atoi(argv[2]) : 23);
    LIBXSMM_GEMM_CONST libxsmm_blasint k = (4 < argc ? std::atoi(argv[4]) : m);
    LIBXSMM_GEMM_CONST libxsmm_blasint n = (3 < argc ? std::atoi(argv[3]) : k);
    const libxsmm_blasint q = (5 < argc ? std::atoi(argv[5]) : 0/*auto*/);
    const libxsmm_blasint nrepeat = (6 < argc ? std::atoi(argv[6]) : (0 >= q ? 13 : 1));

    LIBXSMM_GEMM_CONST libxsmm_blasint lda = m, ldb = k, ldc = m;
    LIBXSMM_GEMM_CONST char transa = 'N', transb = 'N';
    LIBXSMM_GEMM_CONST OTYPE alpha = 1, beta = 1;

    const libxsmm_blasint asize = PAD(ITYPE, lda * k), bsize = PAD(ITYPE, ldb * n), csize = PAD(OTYPE, ldc * n);
    const libxsmm_blasint max_size = ((2ULL << 30/*2 GB*/) / ((asize + bsize) * sizeof(ITYPE) + csize * sizeof(OTYPE)));
    const libxsmm_blasint s = LIBXSMM_MIN(0 < q ? q : max_size, max_size);
    const libxsmm_blasint aspace = LIBXSMM_ALIGNMENT / sizeof(ITYPE);
    const size_t bwsize = static_cast<size_t>((asize/*load*/ + bsize/*load*/) * sizeof(ITYPE) + 2/*RFO*/ * csize * sizeof(OTYPE));
    const double gflops = 2E-9 * s * m * n * k;
    const char *const ops = "FLOPS";
    const double scale = 1.0 / s;
    const char *const ops = "OPS";
    const double scale = 1;
#if !defined(_DEBUG)
    const char *const env_check = getenv("CHECK");
    const int check = (0 == env_check ? 0 : atoi(env_check));
    /*const*/ int check = 1;

#   pragma offload target(LIBXSMM_OFFLOAD_TARGET)
#if defined(_OPENMP)
      const libxsmm_blasint chunksize = s / omp_get_max_threads();
      struct raii { // avoid std::vector (first-touch init. causes NUMA issue)
        ITYPE *a, *b;
        OTYPE *c, *d;
        libxsmm_blasint *m_shuffle;
        raii(libxsmm_blasint asize_, libxsmm_blasint bsize_, libxsmm_blasint csize_, libxsmm_blasint size_)
          : a(new ITYPE[static_cast<size_t>(asize_)]), b(new ITYPE[static_cast<size_t>(bsize_)])
          , c(new OTYPE[static_cast<size_t>(csize_)]), d(new OTYPE[static_cast<size_t>(csize_)])
          , m_shuffle(new libxsmm_blasint[size_])
# if defined(_OPENMP)
#         pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
# endif
          for (libxsmm_blasint i = 0; i < size_; ++i) m_shuffle[i] = libxsmm_rand_u32(size_);
        ~raii() { delete[] a; delete[] b; delete[] c; delete[] d; delete[] m_shuffle; }
#if defined(RANDOMIZED)
        libxsmm_blasint shuffle(libxsmm_blasint i) const { return m_shuffle[i]; }
        libxsmm_blasint shuffle(libxsmm_blasint i) const { return i; }
      } helper(s * asize + aspace - 1, s * bsize + aspace - 1, s * csize + aspace - 1, s);

      ITYPE *const a = LIBXSMM_ALIGN(helper.a, LIBXSMM_ALIGNMENT);
      ITYPE *const b = LIBXSMM_ALIGN(helper.b, LIBXSMM_ALIGNMENT);
      OTYPE *const c = LIBXSMM_ALIGN(helper.c, LIBXSMM_ALIGNMENT);
      OTYPE *const d = LIBXSMM_ALIGN(helper.d, LIBXSMM_ALIGNMENT);
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#     pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
      for (libxsmm_blasint i = 0; i < s; ++i) {
        LIBXSMM_MATINIT(ITYPE, 42 + helper.shuffle(i), a + helper.shuffle(i) * asize, m, k, lda, scale);
        LIBXSMM_MATINIT(ITYPE, 24 + helper.shuffle(i), b + helper.shuffle(i) * bsize, k, n, ldb, scale);
        LIBXSMM_MATINIT(OTYPE, 22 + i, c + i * csize, m, n, ldc, scale);
        LIBXSMM_MATINIT(OTYPE, 22 + i, d + i * csize, m, n, ldc, scale);

#if defined(MKL_ENABLE_AVX512)
      // initialize LIBXSMM

      fprintf(stdout, "m=%lli n=%lli k=%lli size=%lli memory=%.1f MB (input=%s output=%s)\n\n",
        static_cast<long long>(m), static_cast<long long>(n), static_cast<long long>(k), static_cast<long long>(s),
        1.0 * (s * ((asize + bsize) * sizeof(ITYPE) + csize * sizeof(OTYPE))) / (1 << 20),

      // LAPACK/BLAS3 (warm-up BLAS Library)
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#     pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
      for (libxsmm_blasint i = 0; i < s; ++i) {
        LIBXSMM_GEMM_SYMBOL(ITYPE)(&transa, &transb, &m, &n, &k,
          &alpha, a + helper.shuffle(i) * asize, &lda, b + helper.shuffle(i) * bsize, &ldb,
           &beta, c + i * csize, &ldc);

#if (defined(__MKL) || defined(MKL_DIRECT_CALL_SEQ) || defined(MKL_DIRECT_CALL)) && (LIBXSMM_VERSION3(11, 3, 0) <= INTEL_MKL_VERSION)
      std::vector<const ITYPE*> va_array(static_cast<size_t>(s)), vb_array(static_cast<size_t>(s));
      std::vector<OTYPE*> vc_array(static_cast<size_t>(s));
      const ITYPE* *const a_array = &va_array[0];
      const ITYPE* *const b_array = &vb_array[0];
      OTYPE* *const c_array = &vc_array[0];
      const libxsmm_blasint group_count = 1;
      for (libxsmm_blasint i = 0; i < s; ++i) { // setup batched (A,B,C)
        a_array[i] = a + helper.shuffle(i) * asize; b_array[i] = b + helper.shuffle(i) * bsize; c_array[i] = d + i * csize;
      // additional warm-up (also to eventually match the Gold result)
      LIBXSMM_TPREFIX(ITYPE,gemm_batch)(&transa, &transb, &m, &n, &k,
        &alpha, &a_array[0], &lda, &b_array[0], &ldb,
          &beta, &c_array[0], &ldc, &group_count, &s);

      switch (benchmark) {
      case 0: { // batched
        fprintf(stdout, "Batched (A,B,C)...\n");
        const unsigned long long start = libxsmm_timer_tick();
        for (libxsmm_blasint r = 0; r < nrepeat; ++r) {
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#         pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
          for (libxsmm_blasint i = 0; i < s; ++i) {
            LIBXSMM_GEMM_SYMBOL(ITYPE)(&transa, &transb, &m, &n, &k,
              &alpha, a + helper.shuffle(i) * asize, &lda, b + helper.shuffle(i) * bsize, &ldb,
               &beta, c + i * csize, &ldc);
        const unsigned long long ncycles = libxsmm_timer_diff(start, libxsmm_timer_tick());
        const double duration = libxsmm_timer_duration(0, ncycles) / nrepeat;
        if (0 < duration && 0 != ncycles) {
          fprintf(stdout, "\tpseudo-perf.: %.1f %s/cycle\n", (2 * k - 1) * (double)(s * m * n) / ncycles, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tperformance: %.1f G%s/s\n", gflops / duration, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tbandwidth: %.1f GB/s\n", s * bwsize / (duration * (1 << 30)));
        fprintf(stdout, "\tduration: %.0f ms\n", 1000.0 * duration);
      } /* fallthrough */

#if (defined(__MKL) || defined(MKL_DIRECT_CALL_SEQ) || defined(MKL_DIRECT_CALL)) && (LIBXSMM_VERSION3(11, 3, 0) <= INTEL_MKL_VERSION)
      case 1: { // batched indirect
        fprintf(stdout, "Indirect (A,B,C)...\n");
        const unsigned long long start = libxsmm_timer_tick();
        for (libxsmm_blasint r = 0; r < nrepeat; ++r) {
          LIBXSMM_TPREFIX(ITYPE,gemm_batch)(&transa, &transb, &m, &n, &k,
            &alpha, &a_array[0], &lda, &b_array[0], &ldb,
             &beta, &c_array[0], &ldc, &group_count, &s);
        const unsigned long long ncycles = libxsmm_timer_diff(start, libxsmm_timer_tick());
        const double duration = libxsmm_timer_duration(0, ncycles) / nrepeat;
        if (0 < duration && 0 != ncycles) {
          fprintf(stdout, "\tpseudo-perf.: %.1f %s/cycle\n", (2 * k - 1) * (double)(s * m * n) / ncycles, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tperformance: %.1f G%s/s\n", gflops / duration, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tbandwidth: %.1f GB/s\n", s * bwsize / (duration * (1 << 30)));
        fprintf(stdout, "\tduration: %.0f ms\n", 1000.0 * duration);
        if (0 == benchmark) { /* Gold result is available */
          libxsmm_matdiff_info diff;
          memset(&diff, 0, sizeof(diff));
          for (libxsmm_blasint h = 0; h < s; ++h) {
            const OTYPE *const u = c + h * csize, *const v = c_array[h];
            libxsmm_matdiff_info dv;
            if (EXIT_SUCCESS == libxsmm_matdiff(LIBXSMM_DATATYPE(OTYPE), m, n, u, v, &ldc, &ldc, &dv)) {
              libxsmm_matdiff_reduce(&diff, &dv);
          if (0 < diff.normf_rel) fprintf(stdout, "\tdiff: %.0f%%\n", 100.0 * diff.normf_rel);
      case 2: { // streaming A and C
        fprintf(stdout, "Streamed (A,C)...\n");
        const unsigned long long start = libxsmm_timer_tick();
        for (libxsmm_blasint r = 0; r < nrepeat; ++r) {
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#         pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
          for (libxsmm_blasint i = 0; i < s; ++i) {
            LIBXSMM_GEMM_SYMBOL(ITYPE)(&transa, &transb, &m, &n, &k,
              &alpha, a + helper.shuffle(i) * asize, &lda, b, &ldb,
               &beta, c + i * csize, &ldc);
        const unsigned long long ncycles = libxsmm_timer_diff(start, libxsmm_timer_tick());
        const double duration = libxsmm_timer_duration(0, ncycles) / nrepeat;
        if (0 < duration && 0 != ncycles) {
          fprintf(stdout, "\tpseudo-perf.: %.1f %s/cycle\n", (2 * k - 1) * (double)(s * m * n) / ncycles, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tperformance: %.1f G%s/s\n", gflops / duration, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tbandwidth: %.1f GB/s\n", s * (bwsize - bsize * sizeof(ITYPE)) / (duration * (1 << 30)));
        fprintf(stdout, "\tduration: %.0f ms\n", 1000.0 * duration);
      } /* fallthrough */

#if (defined(__MKL) || defined(MKL_DIRECT_CALL_SEQ) || defined(MKL_DIRECT_CALL)) && (LIBXSMM_VERSION3(11, 3, 0) <= INTEL_MKL_VERSION)
      case 3: { // indirect A and C
        fprintf(stdout, "Indirect (A,C)...\n");
        for (libxsmm_blasint i = 0; i < s; ++i) { a_array[i] = a + helper.shuffle(i) * asize; b_array[i] = b; c_array[i] = d + i * csize; }
        const unsigned long long start = libxsmm_timer_tick();
        for (libxsmm_blasint r = 0; r < nrepeat; ++r) {
          LIBXSMM_TPREFIX(ITYPE, gemm_batch)(&transa, &transb, &m, &n, &k,
            &alpha, &a_array[0], &lda, &b_array[0], &ldb,
             &beta, &c_array[0], &ldc, &group_count, &s);
        const unsigned long long ncycles = libxsmm_timer_diff(start, libxsmm_timer_tick());
        const double duration = libxsmm_timer_duration(0, ncycles) / nrepeat;
        if (0 < duration && 0 != ncycles) {
          fprintf(stdout, "\tpseudo-perf.: %.1f %s/cycle\n", (2 * k - 1) * (double)(s * m * n) / ncycles, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tperformance: %.1f G%s/s\n", gflops / duration, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tbandwidth: %.1f GB/s\n", s * (bwsize - bsize * sizeof(ITYPE)) / (duration * (1 << 30)));
        fprintf(stdout, "\tduration: %.0f ms\n", 1000.0 * duration);
      case 4: { // streaming B and C
        fprintf(stdout, "Streamed (B,C)...\n");
        const unsigned long long start = libxsmm_timer_tick();
        for (libxsmm_blasint r = 0; r < nrepeat; ++r) {
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#         pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
          for (libxsmm_blasint i = 0; i < s; ++i) {
            LIBXSMM_GEMM_SYMBOL(ITYPE)(&transa, &transb, &m, &n, &k,
              &alpha, a, &lda, b + helper.shuffle(i) * bsize, &ldb,
               &beta, c + i * csize, &ldc);
        const unsigned long long ncycles = libxsmm_timer_diff(start, libxsmm_timer_tick());
        const double duration = libxsmm_timer_duration(0, ncycles) / nrepeat;
        if (0 < duration && 0 != ncycles) {
          fprintf(stdout, "\tpseudo-perf.: %.1f %s/cycle\n", (2 * k - 1) * (double)(s * m * n) / ncycles, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tperformance: %.1f G%s/s\n", gflops / duration, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tbandwidth: %.1f GB/s\n", s * (bwsize - asize * sizeof(ITYPE)) / (duration * (1 << 30)));
        fprintf(stdout, "\tduration: %.0f ms\n", 1000.0 * duration);
      } /* fallthrough */

#if (defined(__MKL) || defined(MKL_DIRECT_CALL_SEQ) || defined(MKL_DIRECT_CALL)) && (LIBXSMM_VERSION3(11, 3, 0) <= INTEL_MKL_VERSION)
      case 5: { // indirect B and C
        fprintf(stdout, "Indirect (B,C)...\n");
        for (libxsmm_blasint i = 0; i < s; ++i) { a_array[i] = a; b_array[i] = b + helper.shuffle(i) * bsize; c_array[i] = d + i * csize; }
        const unsigned long long start = libxsmm_timer_tick();
        for (libxsmm_blasint r = 0; r < nrepeat; ++r) {
          LIBXSMM_TPREFIX(ITYPE, gemm_batch)(&transa, &transb, &m, &n, &k,
            &alpha, &a_array[0], &lda, &b_array[0], &ldb,
             &beta, &c_array[0], &ldc, &group_count, &s);
        const unsigned long long ncycles = libxsmm_timer_diff(start, libxsmm_timer_tick());
        const double duration = libxsmm_timer_duration(0, ncycles) / nrepeat;
        if (0 < duration && 0 != ncycles) {
          fprintf(stdout, "\tpseudo-perf.: %.1f %s/cycle\n", (2 * k - 1) * (double)(s * m * n) / ncycles, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tperformance: %.1f G%s/s\n", gflops / duration, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tbandwidth: %.1f GB/s\n", s * (bwsize - asize * sizeof(ITYPE)) / (duration * (1 << 30)));
        fprintf(stdout, "\tduration: %.0f ms\n", 1000.0 * duration);
      case 6: { // streaming A and B
        fprintf(stdout, "Streamed (A,B)...\n");
        const unsigned long long start = libxsmm_timer_tick();
        for (libxsmm_blasint r = 0; r < nrepeat; ++r) {
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#         pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
          for (libxsmm_blasint i = 0; i < s; ++i) {
#if defined(_OPENMP) /* attempt to write to disjunct cachelines */
            const libxsmm_blasint j = omp_get_thread_num() * chunksize * csize;
            const libxsmm_blasint j = 0;
            LIBXSMM_GEMM_SYMBOL(ITYPE)(&transa, &transb, &m, &n, &k,
              &alpha, a + helper.shuffle(i) * asize, &lda, b + helper.shuffle(i) * bsize, &ldb,
               &beta, c + j, &ldc);
        const unsigned long long ncycles = libxsmm_timer_diff(start, libxsmm_timer_tick());
        const double duration = libxsmm_timer_duration(0, ncycles) / nrepeat;
        if (0 < duration && 0 != ncycles) {
          fprintf(stdout, "\tpseudo-perf.: %.1f %s/cycle\n", (2 * k - 1) * (double)(s * m * n) / ncycles, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tperformance: %.1f G%s/s\n", gflops / duration, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tbandwidth: %.1f GB/s\n", s * (bwsize - 2 * csize * sizeof(OTYPE)) / (duration * (1 << 30)));
        fprintf(stdout, "\tduration: %.0f ms\n", 1000.0 * duration);
      } /* fallthrough */

#if (defined(__MKL) || defined(MKL_DIRECT_CALL_SEQ) || defined(MKL_DIRECT_CALL)) && (LIBXSMM_VERSION3(11, 3, 0) <= INTEL_MKL_VERSION)
      case 7: { // indirect A and B
        fprintf(stdout, "Indirect (A,B)...\n");
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#       pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
        for (libxsmm_blasint i = 0; i < s; ++i) {
          a_array[i] = a + helper.shuffle(i) * asize; b_array[i] = b + helper.shuffle(i) * bsize;
#if defined(_OPENMP) /* attempt to write to disjunct cachelines */
          c_array[i] = d + omp_get_thread_num() * chunksize * csize;
          c_array[i] = d;
        const unsigned long long start = libxsmm_timer_tick();
        for (libxsmm_blasint r = 0; r < nrepeat; ++r) {
          LIBXSMM_TPREFIX(ITYPE, gemm_batch)(&transa, &transb, &m, &n, &k,
            &alpha, &a_array[0], &lda, &b_array[0], &ldb,
             &beta, &c_array[0], &ldc, &group_count, &s);
        const unsigned long long ncycles = libxsmm_timer_diff(start, libxsmm_timer_tick());
        const double duration = libxsmm_timer_duration(0, ncycles) / nrepeat;
        if (0 < duration && 0 != ncycles) {
          fprintf(stdout, "\tpseudo-perf.: %.1f %s/cycle\n", (2 * k - 1) * (double)(s * m * n) / ncycles, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tperformance: %.1f G%s/s\n", gflops / duration, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tbandwidth: %.1f GB/s\n", s * (bwsize - 2 * csize * sizeof(OTYPE)) / (duration * (1 << 30)));
        fprintf(stdout, "\tduration: %.0f ms\n", 1000.0 * duration);
      case 8: { // cached
        fprintf(stdout, "Cached...\n");
        const unsigned long long start = libxsmm_timer_tick();
        for (libxsmm_blasint r = 0; r < nrepeat; ++r) {
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#         pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
          for (libxsmm_blasint i = 0; i < s; ++i) {
#if defined(_OPENMP) /* attempt to write to disjunct cachelines */
            const libxsmm_blasint j = omp_get_thread_num() * chunksize * csize;
            const libxsmm_blasint j = 0;
            LIBXSMM_GEMM_SYMBOL(ITYPE)(&transa, &transb, &m, &n, &k,
              &alpha, a, &lda, b, &ldb, &beta, c + j, &ldc);
        const unsigned long long ncycles = libxsmm_timer_diff(start, libxsmm_timer_tick());
        const double duration = libxsmm_timer_duration(0, ncycles) / nrepeat;
        if (0 < duration && 0 != ncycles) {
          fprintf(stdout, "\tpseudo-perf.: %.1f %s/cycle\n", (2 * k - 1) * (double)(s * m * n) / ncycles, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tperformance: %.1f G%s/s\n", gflops / duration, ops);
        fprintf(stdout, "\tduration: %.0f ms\n", 1000.0 * duration);
      } /* fallthrough */

#if (defined(__MKL) || defined(MKL_DIRECT_CALL_SEQ) || defined(MKL_DIRECT_CALL)) && (LIBXSMM_VERSION3(11, 3, 0) <= INTEL_MKL_VERSION)
      case 9: { // indirect cached
        fprintf(stdout, "Indirect cached...\n");
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#       pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
        for (libxsmm_blasint i = 0; i < s; ++i) {
          a_array[i] = a; b_array[i] = b;
#if defined(_OPENMP) /* attempt to write to disjunct cachelines */
          c_array[i] = d + omp_get_thread_num() * chunksize * csize;
          c_array[i] = d;
        const unsigned long long start = libxsmm_timer_tick();
        for (libxsmm_blasint r = 0; r < nrepeat; ++r) {
          LIBXSMM_TPREFIX(ITYPE, gemm_batch)(&transa, &transb, &m, &n, &k,
            &alpha, &a_array[0], &lda, &b_array[0], &ldb,
             &beta, &c_array[0], &ldc, &group_count, &s);
        const unsigned long long ncycles = libxsmm_timer_diff(start, libxsmm_timer_tick());
        const double duration = libxsmm_timer_duration(0, ncycles) / nrepeat;
        if (0 < duration && 0 != ncycles) {
          fprintf(stdout, "\tpseudo-perf.: %.1f %s/cycle\n", (2 * k - 1) * (double)(s * m * n) / ncycles, ops);
          fprintf(stdout, "\tperformance: %.1f G%s/s\n", gflops / duration, ops);
        fprintf(stdout, "\tduration: %.0f ms\n", 1000.0 * duration);
      default: throw "invalid case selected!";
      } /*switch*/

      if (0 != check) {
        libxsmm_matdiff_info diff;
        if (EXIT_SUCCESS == libxsmm_matdiff(LIBXSMM_DATATYPE(OTYPE), m, n, 0 == (benchmark & 1) ? c : d, NULL, &ldc, &ldc, &diff)) {
          fprintf(stdout, "\tcheck: %f\n", diff.l1_ref);
      // finalize LIBXSMM
      fprintf(stdout, "Finished\n");
  catch(const std::exception& e) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", e.what());
    result = EXIT_FAILURE;
  catch(const char* message) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", message);
    result = EXIT_FAILURE;
  catch(...) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: unknown exception caught!\n");
    result = EXIT_FAILURE;

  return result;
Пример #4
Файл: diff.c Проект: hfp/libxsmm
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  const int insize = (1 < argc ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0);
  const int incrmt = (2 < argc ? atoi(argv[2]) : 0);
  const int nelems = (3 < argc ? atoi(argv[3]) : 0);
  const int niters = (4 < argc ? atoi(argv[4]) : 1);
  const int elsize = (0 >= insize ? LIBXSMM_DESCRIPTOR_SIGSIZE : insize);
  const int stride = (0 >= incrmt ? LIBXSMM_MAX(LIBXSMM_DESCRIPTOR_MAXSIZE, elsize) : LIBXSMM_MAX(incrmt, elsize));
  const size_t n = (0 >= nelems ? (((size_t)2 << 30/*2 GB*/) / stride) : ((size_t)nelems));
  unsigned char *input, *icopy = NULL, *ilast = NULL;
  int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
  size_t nbytes, size, nrpt;

  if (0 < niters) {
    size = n;
    nrpt = niters;
  else {
    size = LIBXSMM_MAX(LIBXSMM_ABS(niters), 1);
    nrpt = n;
  nbytes = size * stride;
  input = (unsigned char*)(0 != nbytes ? malloc(nbytes) : NULL);

  if (NULL != input) {
    unsigned char *const ref = input + (size - 1) * stride; /* last item */
    libxsmm_timer_tickint start;
    size_t i, j = 0;

    /* initialize the input data */
    for (i = 0; i < nbytes; ++i) input[i] = LIBXSMM_MOD2(i, 128);
    for (i = 0; i < (size_t)elsize; ++i) ref[i] = 255;

    { /* benchmark libxsmm_diff_n */
#if defined(USE_HASH)
      const unsigned int hashref = libxsmm_hash(ref, elsize, 0/*seed*/);
      start = libxsmm_timer_tick();
      for (i = 0; i < nrpt; ++i) {
#if !defined(USE_HASH)
        j = libxsmm_diff_n(ref, input, (unsigned char)elsize, (unsigned char)stride,
          (unsigned int)LIBXSMM_MIN(i, size)/*hint*/, (unsigned int)size);
        const unsigned char* tst = input;
        for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
          const unsigned int hashtst = libxsmm_hash(tst, elsize, 0/*seed*/);
          if (hashref == hashtst && 0 == libxsmm_diff(ref, tst, (unsigned char)elsize)) {
          tst += stride;
      printf("libxsmm_diff_n:\t\t%.8f s\n", libxsmm_timer_duration(start, libxsmm_timer_tick()));

    if (size == (j + 1) && 0 == memcmp(ref, input + j * stride, elsize)) { /* benchmark libxsmm_memcmp */
      icopy = (unsigned char*)(elsize == stride ? malloc(nbytes) : NULL);
      if (NULL != icopy) {
        ilast = icopy + (size - 1) * stride; /* last item */
        memcpy(icopy, input, nbytes);
        start = libxsmm_timer_tick();
        for (i = 0; i < nrpt; ++i) {
          j += libxsmm_memcmp(input, icopy, nbytes); /* take result of every execution */
          /* memcmp may be pure and without touching input it is not repeated (nrpt) */
          ilast[i%elsize] = 255;
        printf("libxsmm_memcmp:\t\t%.8f s\n", libxsmm_timer_duration(start, libxsmm_timer_tick()));
        result += (int)j * ((int)stride / ((int)stride + 1)); /* ignore result */
    else {
      result = EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (NULL != icopy) { /* benchmark stdlib's memcmp */
      LIBXSMM_ASSERT(NULL != ilast);
      start = libxsmm_timer_tick();
      for (i = 0; i < nrpt; ++i) {
        j += memcmp(input, icopy, nbytes); /* take result of every execution */
        /* memcmp is likely pure and without touching input it is not repeated (nrpt) */
        ilast[i%elsize] = 255;
      printf("stdlib memcmp:\t\t%.8f s\n", libxsmm_timer_duration(start, libxsmm_timer_tick()));
      result += (int)j * ((int)stride / ((int)stride + 1)); /* ignore result */

  else {
    result = EXIT_FAILURE;

  return result;
Пример #5
LIBXSMM_API int libxsmm_matcopy_thread(void* out, const void* in, unsigned int typesize,
  libxsmm_blasint m, libxsmm_blasint n, libxsmm_blasint ldi, libxsmm_blasint ldo,
  const int* prefetch, int tid, int nthreads)
  int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
  static int error_once = 0;
  assert(typesize <= 255);
  if (0 != out && out != in && 0 < typesize && 0 < m && 0 < n && m <= ldi && m <= ldo &&
    /* use (signed) integer types, but check sanity of input */
    0 <= tid && tid < nthreads)
    const unsigned int uldi = (unsigned int)ldi, uldo = (unsigned int)ldo;
    unsigned int tm = (unsigned int)m, tn = (unsigned int)n;
    const int iprefetch = (0 == prefetch ? 0 : *prefetch);
    libxsmm_xmcopyfunction xmatcopy = 0;
    LIBXSMM_INIT /* before leading tile sizes */
    if (1 < nthreads) {
      libxsmm_blasint m0 = 0, n0 = 0, m1 = m, n1 = n;
      const unsigned int size = tm * tn, size2 = LIBXSMM_SQRT2(size);
      const unsigned int indx = LIBXSMM_MIN(size2 >> 10, 7);
      const unsigned int tidx = (4 < typesize ? 0 : 1);
      int mtasks;
      tm = LIBXSMM_MIN(tm, libxsmm_trans_tile[tidx][0/*M*/][indx]);
      tn = LIBXSMM_MIN(tn, libxsmm_trans_tile[tidx][1/*N*/][indx]);
      mtasks = ((1 < nthreads) ? ((int)((m + tm - 1) / tm)) : 1);
      if (1 < mtasks && nthreads <= mtasks) { /* only parallelized over M */
        const int mc = (mtasks + nthreads - 1) / nthreads * tm;
        m0 = tid * mc; m1 = LIBXSMM_MIN(m0 + mc, m);
      else if (1 < nthreads) {
        const int ntasks = nthreads / mtasks, mtid = tid / ntasks, ntid = tid - mtid * ntasks;
        const libxsmm_blasint nc = (((n + ntasks - 1) / ntasks + tn - 1) / tn) * tn;
        const libxsmm_blasint mc = tm;
        m0 = mtid * mc; m1 = LIBXSMM_MIN(m0 + mc, m);
        n0 = ntid * nc; n1 = LIBXSMM_MIN(n0 + nc, n);
      if (0 != (1 & libxsmm_trans_jit) /* libxsmm_trans_jit: JIT'ted matrix-copy permitted? */
        && (1 == typesize || 2 == typesize || 4 == typesize) /* TODO: support multiples */
        /* avoid code-dispatch if task does not need the kernel for inner tiles */
        && tm + m0 <= (unsigned int)(m1 - m0) && tn <= (unsigned int)(n1 - n0)
        /* TODO: investigate issue with Byte-element copy/MT on pre-AVX512 */
        && (1 < typesize || LIBXSMM_X86_AVX2 < libxsmm_target_archid))
        libxsmm_descriptor_blob blob;
        const libxsmm_mcopy_descriptor *const desc = libxsmm_mcopy_descriptor_init(&blob,
          typesize, tm, tn, uldo, uldi, 0 != in ? 0 : LIBXSMM_MATCOPY_FLAG_ZERO_SOURCE,
          iprefetch, NULL/*default unroll*/);
        xmatcopy = libxsmm_dispatch_mcopy(desc);
      if (0 != prefetch && 0 != *prefetch) { /* prefetch */
          LIBXSMM_MCOPY_KERNEL, LIBXSMM_MCOPY_CALL, xmatcopy, out, in,
          typesize, uldi, uldo, tm, tn, m0, m1, n0, n1);
      else { /* no prefetch */
          typesize, uldi, uldo, tm, tn, m0, m1, n0, n1);
    else {
/* transpose, copy and reduce work-related variables  */
const int reduce_work = BLOCKSOFM*BLOCKSIFM*handle->desc.R*handle->desc.S*handle->ifmblock;
const int reduce_chunksize = (reduce_work % handle->desc.threads == 0) ? (reduce_work / handle->desc.threads) : (reduce_work / handle->desc.threads) + 1;
const int reduce_thr_begin = (ltid * reduce_chunksize < reduce_work) ? (ltid * reduce_chunksize) : reduce_work;
const int reduce_thr_end = ((ltid + 1) * reduce_chunksize < reduce_work) ? ((ltid + 1) * reduce_chunksize) : reduce_work;
const int copywork = handle->desc.N*BLOCKSIFM;
const int copychunksize = (copywork % handle->desc.threads == 0) ? (copywork / handle->desc.threads) : (copywork / handle->desc.threads) + 1;
const int copy_thr_begin = (ltid * copychunksize < copywork) ? (ltid * copychunksize) : copywork;
const int copy_thr_end = ((ltid + 1) * copychunksize < copywork) ? ((ltid + 1) * copychunksize) : copywork;

/* Pointer related variables for output and weight */
element_output_type *const out = ((element_output_type*)handle->grad_output->data) + (handle->desc.pad_h_out * handle->ofwp + handle->desc.pad_w_out) * handle->ofmblock;
LIBXSMM_VLA_DECL(5, element_output_type, output, out, BLOCKSOFM, handle->ofhp, handle->ofwp, handle->ofmblock);
element_filter_type* weight_ptr = (element_filter_type*)handle->grad_filter->data;
element_filter_type* per_thread_weight_ptr = ((element_filter_type*)handle->scratch4) + (ltid*LIBXSMM_MIN(handle->block_upd_ofm,BLOCKSOFM)*LIBXSMM_MIN(handle->block_upd_ifm,BLOCKSIFM)*handle->desc.R*handle->desc.S*handle->ifmblock*handle->ofmblock);
LIBXSMM_VLA_DECL(2, element_filter_type, per_thread_weight, per_thread_weight_ptr, handle->ofmblock);
element_filter_type* reduction_weight_ptr = ((element_filter_type*)handle->scratch4) + (handle->desc.threads*LIBXSMM_MIN(handle->block_upd_ofm,BLOCKSOFM)*LIBXSMM_MIN(handle->block_upd_ifm,BLOCKSIFM)*handle->desc.R*handle->desc.S*handle->ifmblock*handle->ofmblock);
LIBXSMM_VLA_DECL(3, element_filter_type, reduction_weight, reduction_weight_ptr, handle->desc.threads, handle->ofmblock);

/* Pointer related variables for input */
element_input_type *LIBXSMM_RESTRICT input_ptr;
element_input_type *LIBXSMM_RESTRICT copy_ptr;
element_input_type *prefetch_ptr;
int padded_h = (handle->padding_flag == 1) ? handle->ifhp + 2 * handle->desc.pad_h : handle->ifhp;
int padded_w = (handle->padding_flag == 1) ? handle->ifwp + 2 * handle->desc.pad_w : handle->ifwp;
int ifwp_extended = (handle->resize_input == 1 ? (handle->ifwp_resized + handle->qfma_input_pad) : (padded_w + handle->qfma_input_pad));
int dst_ifhp = (handle->resize_input == 1 ? handle->ifhp_resized : handle->ifhp);

LIBXSMM_VLA_DECL(5, const element_input_type, input_nopad, (element_input_type*)handle->reg_input->data, BLOCKSIFM, handle->ifhp, handle->ifwp, handle->ifmblock);
LIBXSMM_VLA_DECL(5, element_input_type, tr_input_padded, (element_input_type*)handle->scratch5, BLOCKSIFM, padded_h, handle->ifmblock, ifwp_extended);
Пример #7
LIBXSMM_INLINE LIBXSMM_RETARGETABLE libxsmm_blasint randstart(libxsmm_blasint start, libxsmm_blasint value)
  const libxsmm_blasint s = (start < value ? start : 0), r = LIBXSMM_MIN(s + (rand() % (value - s)) + 1, value);
  assert(0 < r && s <= r && r <= value);
  return r;
Пример #8
Файл: gemm.c Проект: hfp/libxsmm
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  unsigned int m=8, n=8, k=8, lda=8, ldb=8, ldc=8, nerrs, num, nmat;
  unsigned int layout, asize, bsize, ntest, ncorr;
#ifdef AVX512_TESTING
  unsigned int VLEND=8, VLENS=16;
  int arch=LIBXSMM_X86_AVX512_CORE;
  unsigned int VLEND=4, VLENS=8;
  int arch=LIBXSMM_X86_AVX2;
  unsigned int nmats, nmatd;
  unsigned int i, j, l, iunroll, junroll, loopi, loopj;
  char side='L', uplo='U', transa='N', transb='N', diag='N';
  unsigned int typesize8 = 8;
  unsigned int typesize4 = 4;
  float  *sa, *sb, *sc, *sd, *sc1;
  double *da, *db, *dc, *dd, *dc1;
  double dalpha = 1.0;
  float  salpha = (float)dalpha;
  double dbeta = 1.0;
  float  sbeta = (float)dbeta;
  double dtmp;
  const unsigned char *cptr = NULL;
  unsigned long op_count;
  const libxsmm_pgemm_descriptor* desc8 = NULL;
  const libxsmm_pgemm_descriptor* desc4 = NULL;
  libxsmm_descriptor_blob blob;
  libxsmm_pgemm_xfunction mykernel = NULL;
#if defined(USE_KERNEL_GENERATION_DIRECTLY) && defined(__linux__)
  void (*opcode_routine)();
  unsigned char *routine_output;
  libxsmm_generated_code io_generated_code;
  int pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
  if (pagesize == -1) fprintf(stderr,"sysconf pagesize\n");
  routine_output = (unsigned char *) mmap(NULL,
                      BUFSIZE2, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
                      MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, 0,0);
  if (mprotect(routine_output, BUFSIZE2,
                PROT_EXEC | PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE ) == -1)
  printf("Routine ready\n");
  io_generated_code.generated_code = &routine_output[0];
  io_generated_code.buffer_size = BUFSIZE2;
  io_generated_code.code_size = 0;
  io_generated_code.code_type = 2;
  io_generated_code.last_error = 0;

  printf("\nUSAGE: %s m n k lda ldb ldc nmat layout ntest transa transb iunroll junroll loopj loopi\n",argv[0]);
  if ( argc <= 3 )
     printf("Compact SGEMM a C_mxn<-C_mxn+A_mxk*B_kxn matrix of leading dims lda/b/c\n");
     printf("This will test the jit of 1 VLEN=%d ",VLENS);
     if ( VLENS==8 ) printf("(AVX2)");
     else            printf("(AVX512)");
     printf("Compact DGEMM a C_mxn<-C_mxn+A_mxk*B_kxn matrix of leading dims lda/b/c\n");
     printf("This will test the jit of 1 VLEN=%d ",VLEND);
     if ( VLEND==4 ) printf("(AVX2)");
     else            printf("(AVX512)");
     printf(" work of nmat at a time\n");
     printf("Configurable: M-loop controlled by iunroll & loopi. N-loop by junroll & loopj\n");
     printf("Defaults: m=n=k=lda=ldb=ldc=nmat=8, layout=102 (col major), transa=/b='N', ntest=1\n");
  if ( argc > 1 ) m = atoi(argv[1]); else m = 8;
  if ( argc > 2 ) n = atoi(argv[2]); else n = 8;
  if ( argc > 3 ) k = atoi(argv[3]); else k = 8;
  if ( argc > 4 ) lda= atoi(argv[4]); else lda = 8;
  if ( argc > 5 ) ldb= atoi(argv[5]); else ldb = 8;
  if ( argc > 6 ) ldc= atoi(argv[6]); else ldc = 8;
  if ( argc > 7 ) nmat = atoi(argv[7]); else nmat = 8;
  if ( argc > 8 ) layout = atoi(argv[8]); else layout=102;
  if ( argc > 9 ) ntest = atoi(argv[9]); else ntest = 1;
  if ( argc > 10 ) transa = argv[10][0]; else transa = 'N';
  if ( argc > 11 ) transb = argv[11][0]; else transb = 'N';
  if ( argc > 12 ) iunroll=atoi(argv[12]); else iunroll=0;
  if ( argc > 13 ) junroll=atoi(argv[13]); else junroll=0;
  if ( argc > 14 ) loopj=atoi(argv[14]); else loopj=0;
  if ( argc > 15 ) loopi=atoi(argv[15]); else loopi=0;

  salpha = (float)dalpha;
  m = LIBXSMM_MAX(m,1);
  n = LIBXSMM_MAX(n,1);
  k = LIBXSMM_MAX(k,1);
  ntest = LIBXSMM_MAX(ntest,1);
  nmat = LIBXSMM_MAX(nmat,VLEND);
  layout = LIBXSMM_MAX(LIBXSMM_MIN(layout,102),101);

  if ( transa!='N' && transa!='n' && transa!='T' && transa!='t' ) transa='N';
  if ( transb!='N' && transb!='n' && transb!='T' && transb!='t' ) transb='N';

  lda = LIBXSMM_MAX(lda,m);
  ldb = LIBXSMM_MAX(ldb,k);
  ldc = LIBXSMM_MAX(ldc,m);

  nmats = LIBXSMM_MAX(VLENS,nmat - (nmat%VLENS));
  nmatd = LIBXSMM_MAX(VLEND,nmat - (nmat%VLEND));
  nmat = nmats;
  nmat = nmatd;

  op_count = (unsigned long)(nmat * 2.0 * (double)m * (double)n * (double)k);

printf("This is a real*%d tester for JIT compact SGEMM %c%c kernels! (m=%u n=%u k=%u lda=%u ldb=%u ldc=%u layout=%d nmat=%d alpha=%g beta=%g iun=%d jun=%d loopi=%d loopj=%d VLEN=%d)\n",typesize4,transa,transb,m,n,k,lda,ldb,ldc,layout,nmat,dalpha,dbeta,iunroll,junroll,loopi,loopj,VLENS);
printf("This is a real*%d tester for JIT compact DGEMM %c%c kernels! (m=%u n=%u k=%u lda=%u ldb=%u ldc=%u layout=%d nmat=%d alpha=%g beta=%g iun=%d jun=%d loopi=%d loopj=%d VLEN=%d)\n",typesize8,transa,transb,m,n,k,lda,ldb,ldc,layout,nmat,dalpha,dbeta,iunroll,junroll,loopi,loopj,VLEND);

  printf("This code tests the LIBXSMM generated kernels\n");
  printf("This code tests some predefined assembly kernel\n");
#if defined(USE_KERNEL_GENERATION_DIRECTLY) && defined(__linux__)
  printf("This code tests kernel generation directly\n");
#ifdef TIME_MKL
  printf("This code tests MKL compact batch directly\n");
#ifdef AVX512_TESTING
  printf("This tests AVX512 binaries\n");
  printf("This tests AVX2 binaries\n");

  desc8 = libxsmm_pgemm_descriptor_init(&blob, typesize8, m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldc, &dalpha, transa, transb, layout );
  desc4 = libxsmm_pgemm_descriptor_init(&blob, typesize4, m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldc, &dalpha, transa, transb, layout );

  printf("Descriptor set\n");

  printf("calling libxsmm_dispatch_pgemm: typesize8=%u\n",typesize8);
  mykernel = libxsmm_dispatch_pgemm(desc8);
  printf("done calling libxsmm_dispatch_pgemm: typesize8=%u\n",typesize8);
  if ( mykernel == NULL ) printf("R8 Kernel after the create call is null\n");
  mykernel = libxsmm_dispatch_pgemm(desc4);
  if ( mykernel == NULL ) printf("R4 kernel after the create call is null\n");

#if defined(USE_KERNEL_GENERATION_DIRECTLY) && defined(__linux__)
  libxsmm_generator_pgemm_kernel( &io_generated_code, desc8, arch, iunroll, junroll, loopi, loopj );

  printf("mallocing matrices\n");
  sa  = (float  *) malloc ( lda*k*nmat*sizeof(float) );
  da  = (double *) malloc ( lda*k*nmat*sizeof(double) );
  sb  = (float  *) malloc ( ldb*n*nmat*sizeof(float) );
  db  = (double *) malloc ( ldb*n*nmat*sizeof(double) );
  sc1 = (float  *) malloc ( ldc*n*nmat*sizeof(float) );
  dc1 = (double *) malloc ( ldc*n*nmat*sizeof(double) );
  sc  = (float  *) malloc ( ldc*n*nmat*sizeof(float) );
  dc  = (double *) malloc ( ldc*n*nmat*sizeof(double) );
  sd  = (float  *) malloc ( ldc*n*nmat*sizeof(float) );
  dd  = (double *) malloc ( ldc*n*nmat*sizeof(double) );

  printf("filling matrices\n");
  sfill_matrix ( sa, lda, m, k*nmat );
  sfill_matrix ( sb, ldb, k, n*nmat );
  sfill_matrix ( sc, ldc, m, n*nmat );
  dfill_matrix ( da, lda, m, k*nmat );
  dfill_matrix ( db, ldb, k, n*nmat );
  dfill_matrix ( dc, ldc, m, n*nmat );

  for ( i = 0 ; i < ldc*n*nmat ; i++ ) sd[i]=sc[i];
  for ( i = 0 ; i < ldc*n*nmat ; i++ ) dd[i]=dc[i];
  for ( i = 0 ; i < ldc*n*nmat ; i++ ) sc1[i]=sc[i];
  for ( i = 0 ; i < ldc*n*nmat ; i++ ) dc1[i]=dc[i];
  printf("Pointing at the kernel now\n");

  cptr = (const unsigned char*) mykernel;
  cptr = (const unsigned char*) gemm_;
#if defined(USE_KERNEL_GENERATION_DIRECTLY) && defined(__linux__)
  cptr = (const unsigned char*) &routine_output[0];
  opcode_routine = (void *) &cptr[0];

#ifndef TIME_MKL

  printf("Dumping assembly file\n");
  FILE *fp = fopen("foo.s","w");
  char buffer[80];
  fputs("\t.align 256\n",fp);
  fputs("\t.globl gemm_\n",fp);
  for (i = 0 ; i < 7000; i+=4 )
     sprintf(buffer,".byte 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x\n",cptr[i],cptr[i+1],cptr[i+2],cptr[i+3]);
  fputs("\t.type gemm_,@function\n",fp);
  fputs("\t.size gemm_,.-gemm_\n",fp);

#if defined(USE_MKL_FOR_REFERENCE) || defined(TIME_MKL)
# include <mkl.h>
  MKL_SIDE SIDE = (side == 'R' || side == 'r') ? MKL_RIGHT : MKL_LEFT;
  MKL_UPLO UPLO = (uplo == 'U' || uplo == 'u') ? MKL_UPPER : MKL_LOWER;
  MKL_TRANSPOSE TRANSA = (transa == 'N' || transa == 'n') ? MKL_NOTRANS : MKL_TRANS;
  MKL_TRANSPOSE TRANSB = (transb == 'N' || transb == 'n') ? MKL_NOTRANS : MKL_TRANS;
  MKL_DIAG DIAG = (diag == 'N' || diag == 'n') ? MKL_NONUNIT : MKL_UNIT;
  MKL_COMPACT_PACK CMP_FORMAT = mkl_get_format_compact();
#if 0

  printf("Before routine, initial A(1,1)=%g A[256]=%g\n",da[0],da[256]);
  double one = 1.0;
  double timer, firsttime = 0;
#ifdef MKL_TIMER
  double tmptimer;
  tmptimer = dsecnd_();
  unsigned long long l_start, l_end;

  timer = 0.0;
  for ( j = 0 ; j < (int)ntest ; j++ )
  for ( i = 0 ; i < ldc*n*nmat ; i++ ) dc[i]=dc1[i];
  for ( i = 0 , num = 0; i < (int)nmat ; i+= (int)VLEND, num++ )
     double *Ap = &da[num*lda*k*VLEND];
     double *Bp = &db[num*ldb*n*VLEND];
     double *Cp = &dc[num*ldc*n*VLEND];
#ifdef MKL_TIMER
     tmptimer = dsecnd_();
     l_start = libxsmm_timer_tick();

     gen_compact_dgemm_ ( &layout, &m, &n, &k, &dalpha, Ap, &lda, Bp, &ldb, &dbeta, Cp, &ldc, &VLEND );
     mykernel ( Ap, Bp, Cp );
     gemm_ ( Ap, Bp, Cp );
     (*opcode_routine)( Ap, Bp, Cp );
#ifdef TIME_MKL
     mkl_dgemm_compact ( CLAYOUT, TRANSA, TRANSB, m, n, k, dalpha, da, lda, db, ldb, dbeta, dc, ldc, CMP_FORMAT, nmat );
     i+=nmatd; /* Because MKL will do everything */
#ifdef MKL_TIMER
     dtmp = dsecnd_() - tmptimer;
     l_end = libxsmm_timer_tick();
     dtmp = libxsmm_timer_duration(l_start,l_end);
     if ( j == 0 ) firsttime=dtmp;
     timer += dtmp;
  if ( ntest >= 100 ) {
      /* Skip the first timing: super necessary if using MKL */
      timer = (timer-firsttime)/((double)(ntest-1));
  } else {
      timer /= ((double)ntest);

  printf("Average time to get through %u matrices: %g\n",nmat,timer);
  printf("Gflops: %g\n",(double)op_count/(timer*1.0e9));
  printf("after routine, new      C(1,1)=%g C[256]=%g\n",dc[0],dc[256]);

  printf("Before r4 routine, initial C(1,1)=%g C[256]=%g\n",sc[0],sc[256]);

  for ( i = 0 , num = 0; i < nmats ; i+= VLENS, num++ )
     float *Ap = &sa[num*lda*k*VLENS];
     float *Bp = &sb[num*ldb*n*VLENS];
     float *Cp = &sc[num*ldc*n*VLENS];
     mykernel ( Ap, Bp, Cp );
  printf("after r4 routine, new      C(1,1)=%g C]256]=%g\n",dc[0],dc[256]);

  /* Call some reference code now on a copy of the B matrix (C) */
  double timer2 = 0.0;
  for ( j = 0 ; j < (int)ntest ; j++ )
  for ( i = 0 ; i < ldc*n*nmat ; i++ ) dd[i]=dc1[i];
#ifdef MKL_TIMER
  tmptimer = dsecnd_();
  l_start = libxsmm_timer_tick();

  compact_dgemm_ ( &layout, &transa, &transb, &m, &n, &k, &dalpha, da, &lda, db, &ldb, &dbeta, dd, &ldc, &nmat, &VLEND );
  mkl_dgemm_compact ( CLAYOUT, TRANSA, TRANSB, m, n, k, dalpha, da, lda, db, ldb, dbeta, dd, ldc, CMP_FORMAT, nmat );

#ifdef MKL_TIMER
  timer2 += dsecnd_() - tmptimer;
  l_end = libxsmm_timer_tick();
  timer2 += libxsmm_timer_duration(l_start,l_end);

  timer2 /= ((double)ntest);
  printf("Reference time=%g Reference Gflops=%g\n",timer2,op_count/(timer2*1.0e9));

  /* Compute the residual between B and C */
  dtmp = residual_d ( dc, ldc, m, n*nmat, dd, ldc, &nerrs, &ncorr );
  printf("R8 mnk=%u %u %u ldabc=%u %u %u error: %g number of errors: %u corrects: %u",m,n,k,lda,ldb,ldc,dtmp,nerrs,ncorr);
  if ( nerrs > 0 ) printf(" ->FAILED at %ux%u real*8 %u case",m,n,layout);

  /* Call some reference code now on a copy of the B matrix (C) */
  compact_dgemm_ ( &layout, &transa, &transb, &m, &n, &k, &salpha, sa, &lda, sb, &ldb, &sbeta, sd, &ldc, &nmat, &VLENS );
  /* Compute the residual between C and D */
  dtmp = residual_s ( sc, ldc, m, n*nmat, sd, ldc, &nerrs, &ncorr );
  printf("R4 mnk=%u %u %u ldabc=%u %u %u error: %g number of errors: %u corrects: %u",m,n,k,lda,ldb,ldc,dtmp,nerrs,ncorr);
  if ( nerrs > 0 ) printf(" ->FAILED at %ux%u real*4 case",m,n);

  for ( j = 0, nerrs = 0 ; j < lda*n*nmat; j++ )
     if ( isnan(dc[j]) || isinf(dc[j]) )
        if ( ++nerrs < 10 )
           printf("WARNING: dc[%d]=%g\n",j,dc[j]);
  printf("%g,real*8 m/n/k=%u %u %u lda-c=%u %u %u Denormals=%u Time=%g Gflops=%g",op_count/(timer*1.0e9),m,n,k,lda,ldb,ldc,nerrs,timer,op_count/(timer*1.0e9));
  if ( nerrs > 0 ) printf(" -> FAILED at %ux%u real*8 case",m,n);


  return 0;