static LLVMValueRef get_prototype(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g, const char *name, ast_t* typeargs, ast_t* fun) { // Behaviours and actor constructors also have sender functions. bool sender = false; switch(ast_id(fun)) { case TK_NEW: sender = g->underlying == TK_ACTOR; break; case TK_BE: sender = true; break; default: {} } // Get a fully qualified name: starts with the type name, followed by the // type arguments, followed by the function name, followed by the function // level type arguments. const char* funname = genname_fun(g->type_name, name, typeargs); // If the function already exists, just return it. LLVMValueRef func = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, funname); if(func != NULL) return func; LLVMTypeRef ftype = get_signature(c, g, fun); if(ftype == NULL) return NULL; // If the function exists now, just return it. func = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, funname); if(func != NULL) return func; if(sender) { // Generate the sender prototype. const char* be_name = genname_be(funname); func = codegen_addfun(c, be_name, ftype); // Change the return type to void for the handler. size_t count = LLVMCountParamTypes(ftype); size_t buf_size = count *sizeof(LLVMTypeRef); LLVMTypeRef* tparams = (LLVMTypeRef*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size); LLVMGetParamTypes(ftype, tparams); ftype = LLVMFunctionType(c->void_type, tparams, (int)count, false); pool_free_size(buf_size, tparams); } // Generate the function prototype. return codegen_addfun(c, funname, ftype); }
static LLVMTypeRef send_message(compile_t* c, ast_t* fun, LLVMValueRef to, LLVMValueRef func, uint32_t index) { // Get the parameter types. LLVMTypeRef f_type = LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(func)); int count = LLVMCountParamTypes(f_type) + 2; VLA(LLVMTypeRef, f_params, count); LLVMGetParamTypes(f_type, &f_params[2]); // The first one becomes the message size, the second the message ID. f_params[0] = c->i32; f_params[1] = c->i32; f_params[2] = c->void_ptr; LLVMTypeRef msg_type = LLVMStructTypeInContext(c->context, f_params, count, false); LLVMTypeRef msg_type_ptr = LLVMPointerType(msg_type, 0); // Allocate the message, setting its size and ID. size_t msg_size = LLVMABISizeOfType(c->target_data, msg_type); LLVMValueRef args[2]; args[0] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, pool_index(msg_size), false); args[1] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, index, false); LLVMValueRef msg = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_alloc_msg", args, 2, ""); LLVMValueRef msg_ptr = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, msg, msg_type_ptr, ""); // Trace while populating the message contents. LLVMValueRef start_trace = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_gc_send", NULL, 0, ""); ast_t* params = ast_childidx(fun, 3); ast_t* param = ast_child(params); bool need_trace = false; for(int i = 3; i < count; i++) { LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(func, i - 2); LLVMValueRef arg_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(c->builder, msg_ptr, i, ""); LLVMBuildStore(c->builder, arg, arg_ptr); need_trace |= gentrace(c, arg, ast_type(param)); param = ast_sibling(param); } if(need_trace) gencall_runtime(c, "pony_send_done", NULL, 0, ""); else LLVMInstructionEraseFromParent(start_trace); // Send the message. args[0] = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, to, c->object_ptr, ""); args[1] = msg; gencall_runtime(c, "pony_sendv", args, 2, ""); // Return the type of the message. return msg_type_ptr; }
static LLVMValueRef make_unbox_function(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g, const char* name) { LLVMValueRef fun = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, name); if(fun == NULL) return LLVMConstNull(c->void_ptr); // Create a new unboxing function that forwards to the real function. LLVMTypeRef f_type = LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(fun)); int count = LLVMCountParamTypes(f_type); // If it takes no arguments, it's a special number constructor. Don't put it // in the vtable. if(count == 0) return LLVMConstNull(c->void_ptr); size_t buf_size = count *sizeof(LLVMTypeRef); LLVMTypeRef* params = (LLVMTypeRef*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size); LLVMGetParamTypes(f_type, params); LLVMTypeRef ret_type = LLVMGetReturnType(f_type); // It's the same type, but it takes the boxed type instead of the primitive // type as the receiver. params[0] = g->structure_ptr; const char* unbox_name = genname_unbox(name); LLVMTypeRef unbox_type = LLVMFunctionType(ret_type, params, count, false); LLVMValueRef unbox_fun = codegen_addfun(c, unbox_name, unbox_type); codegen_startfun(c, unbox_fun, false); // Extract the primitive type from element 1 and call the real function. LLVMValueRef this_ptr = LLVMGetParam(unbox_fun, 0); LLVMValueRef primitive_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(c->builder, this_ptr, 1, ""); LLVMValueRef primitive = LLVMBuildLoad(c->builder, primitive_ptr, ""); LLVMValueRef* args = (LLVMValueRef*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size); args[0] = primitive; for(int i = 1; i < count; i++) args[i] = LLVMGetParam(unbox_fun, i); LLVMValueRef result = codegen_call(c, fun, args, count); LLVMBuildRet(c->builder, result); codegen_finishfun(c); pool_free_size(buf_size, params); pool_free_size(buf_size, args); return LLVMConstBitCast(unbox_fun, c->void_ptr); }
static LLVMValueRef make_unbox_function(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t, reach_method_t* m) { // Create a new unboxing function that forwards to the real function. LLVMTypeRef f_type = LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(m->func)); int count = LLVMCountParamTypes(f_type); // Leave space for a receiver if it's a constructor vtable entry. size_t buf_size = (count + 1) * sizeof(LLVMTypeRef); LLVMTypeRef* params = (LLVMTypeRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size); LLVMGetParamTypes(f_type, params); LLVMTypeRef ret_type = LLVMGetReturnType(f_type); const char* unbox_name = genname_unbox(m->full_name); if(ast_id(m->r_fun) != TK_NEW) { // It's the same type, but it takes the boxed type instead of the primitive // type as the receiver. params[0] = t->structure_ptr; } else { // For a constructor, the unbox_fun has a receiver, even though the real // method does not. memmove(¶ms[1], ¶ms[0], count * sizeof(LLVMTypeRef*)); params[0] = t->structure_ptr; count++; } LLVMTypeRef unbox_type = LLVMFunctionType(ret_type, params, count, false); LLVMValueRef unbox_fun = codegen_addfun(c, unbox_name, unbox_type); codegen_startfun(c, unbox_fun, NULL, NULL); // Extract the primitive type from element 1 and call the real function. LLVMValueRef this_ptr = LLVMGetParam(unbox_fun, 0); LLVMValueRef primitive_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(c->builder, this_ptr, 1, ""); LLVMValueRef primitive = LLVMBuildLoad(c->builder, primitive_ptr, ""); LLVMValueRef* args = (LLVMValueRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size); if(ast_id(m->r_fun) != TK_NEW) { // If it's not a constructor, pass the extracted primitive as the receiver. args[0] = primitive; for(int i = 1; i < count; i++) args[i] = LLVMGetParam(unbox_fun, i); } else { count--; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) args[i] = LLVMGetParam(unbox_fun, i + 1); } LLVMValueRef result = codegen_call(c, m->func, args, count); LLVMBuildRet(c->builder, result); codegen_finishfun(c); ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, params); ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, args); return LLVMConstBitCast(unbox_fun, c->void_ptr); }
LLVMValueRef gen_call(compile_t* c, ast_t* ast) { // Special case calls. LLVMValueRef special; if(special_case_call(c, ast, &special)) return special; AST_GET_CHILDREN(ast, positional, named, postfix); AST_GET_CHILDREN(postfix, receiver, method); ast_t* typeargs = NULL; // Dig through function qualification. switch(ast_id(receiver)) { case TK_NEWREF: case TK_NEWBEREF: case TK_BEREF: case TK_FUNREF: case TK_BECHAIN: case TK_FUNCHAIN: typeargs = method; AST_GET_CHILDREN_NO_DECL(receiver, receiver, method); break; default: {} } // Get the receiver type. const char* method_name = ast_name(method); ast_t* type = ast_type(receiver); reach_type_t* t = reach_type(c->reach, type); pony_assert(t != NULL); // Generate the arguments. size_t count = ast_childcount(positional) + 1; size_t buf_size = count * sizeof(void*); LLVMValueRef* args = (LLVMValueRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size); ast_t* arg = ast_child(positional); int i = 1; while(arg != NULL) { LLVMValueRef value = gen_expr(c, arg); if(value == NULL) { ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, args); return NULL; } args[i] = value; arg = ast_sibling(arg); i++; } bool is_new_call = false; // Generate the receiver. Must be done after the arguments because the args // could change things in the receiver expression that must be accounted for. if(call_needs_receiver(postfix, t)) { switch(ast_id(postfix)) { case TK_NEWREF: case TK_NEWBEREF: { call_tuple_indices_t tuple_indices = {NULL, 0, 4}; = (size_t*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(4 * sizeof(size_t)); ast_t* current = ast; ast_t* parent = ast_parent(current); while((parent != NULL) && (ast_id(parent) != TK_ASSIGN) && (ast_id(parent) != TK_CALL)) { if(ast_id(parent) == TK_TUPLE) { size_t index = 0; ast_t* child = ast_child(parent); while(current != child) { ++index; child = ast_sibling(child); } tuple_indices_push(&tuple_indices, index); } current = parent; parent = ast_parent(current); } // If we're constructing an embed field, pass a pointer to the field // as the receiver. Otherwise, allocate an object. if((parent != NULL) && (ast_id(parent) == TK_ASSIGN)) { size_t index = 1; current = ast_childidx(parent, 1); while((ast_id(current) == TK_TUPLE) || (ast_id(current) == TK_SEQ)) { parent = current; if(ast_id(current) == TK_TUPLE) { // If there are no indices left, we're destructuring a tuple. // Errors in those cases have already been catched by the expr // pass. if(tuple_indices.count == 0) break; index = tuple_indices_pop(&tuple_indices); current = ast_childidx(parent, index); } else { current = ast_childlast(parent); } } if(ast_id(current) == TK_EMBEDREF) { args[0] = gen_fieldptr(c, current); set_descriptor(c, t, args[0]); } else { args[0] = gencall_alloc(c, t); } } else { args[0] = gencall_alloc(c, t); } is_new_call = true; ponyint_pool_free_size(tuple_indices.alloc * sizeof(size_t),; break; } case TK_BEREF: case TK_FUNREF: case TK_BECHAIN: case TK_FUNCHAIN: args[0] = gen_expr(c, receiver); break; default: pony_assert(0); return NULL; } } else { // Use a null for the receiver type. args[0] = LLVMConstNull(t->use_type); } // Static or virtual dispatch. token_id cap = cap_dispatch(type); reach_method_t* m = reach_method(t, cap, method_name, typeargs); LLVMValueRef func = dispatch_function(c, t, m, args[0]); bool is_message = false; if((ast_id(postfix) == TK_NEWBEREF) || (ast_id(postfix) == TK_BEREF) || (ast_id(postfix) == TK_BECHAIN)) { switch(t->underlying) { case TK_ACTOR: is_message = true; break; case TK_UNIONTYPE: case TK_ISECTTYPE: case TK_INTERFACE: case TK_TRAIT: if(m->cap == TK_TAG) is_message = can_inline_message_send(t, m, method_name); break; default: {} } } // Cast the arguments to the parameter types. LLVMTypeRef f_type = LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(func)); LLVMTypeRef* params = (LLVMTypeRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size); LLVMGetParamTypes(f_type, params); arg = ast_child(positional); i = 1; LLVMValueRef r = NULL; if(is_message) { // If we're sending a message, trace and send here instead of calling the // sender to trace the most specific types possible. LLVMValueRef* cast_args = (LLVMValueRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size); cast_args[0] = args[0]; while(arg != NULL) { cast_args[i] = gen_assign_cast(c, params[i], args[i], ast_type(arg)); arg = ast_sibling(arg); i++; } token_id cap = cap_dispatch(type); reach_method_t* m = reach_method(t, cap, method_name, typeargs); codegen_debugloc(c, ast); gen_send_message(c, m, args, cast_args, positional); codegen_debugloc(c, NULL); switch(ast_id(postfix)) { case TK_NEWREF: case TK_NEWBEREF: r = args[0]; break; default: r = c->none_instance; break; } ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, cast_args); } else { while(arg != NULL) { args[i] = gen_assign_cast(c, params[i], args[i], ast_type(arg)); arg = ast_sibling(arg); i++; } if(func != NULL) { // If we can error out and we have an invoke target, generate an invoke // instead of a call. codegen_debugloc(c, ast); if(ast_canerror(ast) && (c->frame->invoke_target != NULL)) r = invoke_fun(c, func, args, i, "", true); else r = codegen_call(c, func, args, i); if(is_new_call) { LLVMValueRef md = LLVMMDNodeInContext(c->context, NULL, 0); LLVMSetMetadataStr(r, "pony.newcall", md); } codegen_debugloc(c, NULL); } } // Class constructors return void, expression result is the receiver. if(((ast_id(postfix) == TK_NEWREF) || (ast_id(postfix) == TK_NEWBEREF)) && (t->underlying == TK_CLASS)) r = args[0]; // Chained methods forward their receiver. if((ast_id(postfix) == TK_BECHAIN) || (ast_id(postfix) == TK_FUNCHAIN)) r = args[0]; ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, args); ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, params); return r; }
LLVMValueRef gen_ffi(compile_t* c, ast_t* ast) { AST_GET_CHILDREN(ast, id, typeargs, args, named_args, can_err); bool err = (ast_id(can_err) == TK_QUESTION); // Get the function name, +1 to skip leading @ const char* f_name = ast_name(id) + 1; // Get the return type. ast_t* type = ast_type(ast); reach_type_t* t = reach_type(c->reach, type); pony_assert(t != NULL); // Get the function. LLVMValueRef func = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, f_name); if(func == NULL) { // If we have no prototype, declare one. ast_t* decl = (ast_t*)ast_data(ast); if(decl != NULL) { // Define using the declared types. AST_GET_CHILDREN(decl, decl_id, decl_ret, decl_params, decl_err); err = (ast_id(decl_err) == TK_QUESTION); func = declare_ffi(c, f_name, t, decl_params, err, false); } else if(!strncmp(f_name, "llvm.", 5)) { // Intrinsic, so use the exact types we supply. func = declare_ffi(c, f_name, t, args, err, true); } else { // Make it varargs. func = declare_ffi_vararg(c, f_name, t, err); } } // Generate the arguments. int count = (int)ast_childcount(args); size_t buf_size = count * sizeof(LLVMValueRef); LLVMValueRef* f_args = (LLVMValueRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size); LLVMTypeRef f_type = LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(func)); LLVMTypeRef* f_params = NULL; bool vararg = (LLVMIsFunctionVarArg(f_type) != 0); if(!vararg) { f_params = (LLVMTypeRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size); LLVMGetParamTypes(f_type, f_params); } ast_t* arg = ast_child(args); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { f_args[i] = gen_expr(c, arg); if(!vararg) f_args[i] = cast_ffi_arg(c, f_args[i], f_params[i]); if(f_args[i] == NULL) { ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, f_args); return NULL; } arg = ast_sibling(arg); } // If we can error out and we have an invoke target, generate an invoke // instead of a call. LLVMValueRef result; codegen_debugloc(c, ast); if(err && (c->frame->invoke_target != NULL)) result = invoke_fun(c, func, f_args, count, "", false); else result = LLVMBuildCall(c->builder, func, f_args, count, ""); codegen_debugloc(c, NULL); ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, f_args); if(!vararg) ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, f_params); // Special case a None return value, which is used for void functions. if(is_none(type)) return t->instance; return result; }
void JITImpl:: emitMemoryChecks(unsigned index, std::queue<std::pair<uint32_t,MemoryCheck*> > &checks) { while (!checks.empty() && checks.front().first == index) { MemoryCheck *check = checks.front().second; checks.pop(); LLVMBasicBlockRef bailoutBB = getOrCreateMemoryCheckBailoutBlock(index); // Compute address. LLVMValueRef address; { LLVMTypeRef paramTypes[5]; LLVMGetParamTypes(LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(functions.jitComputeAddress)), paramTypes); LLVMValueRef args[] = { threadParam, LLVMConstInt(paramTypes[1], check->getBaseReg(), false), LLVMConstInt(paramTypes[2], check->getScale(), false), LLVMConstInt(paramTypes[3], check->getOffsetReg(), false), LLVMConstInt(paramTypes[4], check->getOffsetImm(), false) }; address = emitCallToBeInlined(functions.jitComputeAddress, args, 5); } // Check alignment. if (check->getFlags() & MemoryCheck::CheckAlignment && check->getSize() > 1) { LLVMValueRef rem = LLVMBuildURem( builder, address, LLVMConstInt(LLVMTypeOf(address), check->getSize(), false), ""); LLVMValueRef cmp = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntNE, rem, LLVMConstInt(LLVMTypeOf(address), 0, false), ""); emitCondBrToBlock(cmp, bailoutBB); } // Check address valid. if (check->getFlags() & MemoryCheck::CheckAddress) { LLVMValueRef args[] = { threadParam, ramSizeLog2Param, address }; LLVMValueRef isValid = emitCallToBeInlined(functions.jitCheckAddress, args, 3); LLVMValueRef cmp = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntEQ, isValid, LLVMConstInt(LLVMTypeOf(isValid), 0, false), ""); emitCondBrToBlock(cmp, bailoutBB); } // Check invalidation info. if (check->getFlags() & MemoryCheck::CheckInvalidation) { LLVMValueRef args[] = { threadParam, address }; LLVMValueRef cacheInvalidated = emitCallToBeInlined(getJitInvalidateFunction(check->getSize()), args, 2); LLVMValueRef cmp = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntNE, cacheInvalidated, LLVMConstInt(LLVMTypeOf(cacheInvalidated), 0, false), ""); emitCondBrToBlock(cmp, bailoutBB); } delete check; } }
LLVMValueRef gen_call(compile_t* c, ast_t* ast) { // Special case calls. LLVMValueRef special; if(special_case_call(c, ast, &special)) return special; AST_GET_CHILDREN(ast, positional, named, postfix); AST_GET_CHILDREN(postfix, receiver, method); ast_t* typeargs = NULL; // Dig through function qualification. switch(ast_id(receiver)) { case TK_NEWREF: case TK_NEWBEREF: case TK_BEREF: case TK_FUNREF: typeargs = method; AST_GET_CHILDREN_NO_DECL(receiver, receiver, method); break; default: {} } // Generate the receiver type. const char* method_name = ast_name(method); ast_t* type = ast_type(receiver); gentype_t g; if(!gentype(c, type, &g)) return NULL; // Generate the arguments. LLVMTypeRef f_type = genfun_sig(c, &g, method_name, typeargs); if(f_type == NULL) { ast_error(ast, "couldn't create a signature for '%s'", method_name); return NULL; } size_t count = ast_childcount(positional) + 1; size_t buf_size = count * sizeof(void*); LLVMValueRef* args = (LLVMValueRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size); LLVMTypeRef* params = (LLVMTypeRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size); LLVMGetParamTypes(f_type, params); ast_t* arg = ast_child(positional); int i = 1; while(arg != NULL) { LLVMValueRef value = make_arg(c, params[i], arg); if(value == NULL) { ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, args); ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, params); return NULL; } args[i] = value; arg = ast_sibling(arg); i++; } // Generate the receiver. Must be done after the arguments because the args // could change things in the receiver expression that must be accounted for. if(call_needs_receiver(postfix, &g)) { switch(ast_id(postfix)) { case TK_NEWREF: case TK_NEWBEREF: { ast_t* parent = ast_parent(ast); ast_t* sibling = ast_sibling(ast); // If we're constructing an embed field, pass a pointer to the field // as the receiver. Otherwise, allocate an object. if((ast_id(parent) == TK_ASSIGN) && (ast_id(sibling) == TK_EMBEDREF)) args[0] = gen_fieldptr(c, sibling); else args[0] = gencall_alloc(c, &g); break; } case TK_BEREF: case TK_FUNREF: args[0] = gen_expr(c, receiver); break; default: assert(0); return NULL; } } else { // Use a null for the receiver type. args[0] = LLVMConstNull(g.use_type); } // Always emit location info for a call, to prevent inlining errors. This may // be disabled in dispatch_function, if the target function has no debug // info set. ast_setdebug(ast, true); dwarf_location(&c->dwarf, ast); // Static or virtual dispatch. LLVMValueRef func = dispatch_function(c, ast, &g, args[0], method_name, typeargs); LLVMValueRef r = NULL; if(func != NULL) { // If we can error out and we have an invoke target, generate an invoke // instead of a call. if(ast_canerror(ast) && (c->frame->invoke_target != NULL)) r = invoke_fun(c, func, args, i, "", true); else r = codegen_call(c, func, args, i); } ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, args); ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, params); return r; }
/// Try and compile a fragment starting at the specified address. Returns /// true if successful setting \a nextAddress to the first instruction after /// the fragment. If unsuccessful returns false and sets \a nextAddress to the /// address after the current function. \a endOfBlock is set to true if the /// next address is in a new basic block. bool JITImpl:: compileOneFragment(Core &core, JITCoreInfo &coreInfo, uint32_t startPc, bool &endOfBlock, uint32_t &pcAfterFragment) { assert(initialized); resetPerFunctionState(); std::map<uint32_t,JITFunctionInfo*>::iterator infoIt = coreInfo.functionMap.find(startPc); JITFunctionInfo *info = (infoIt == coreInfo.functionMap.end()) ? 0 : infoIt->second; if (info && !info->isStub) { endOfBlock = true; return false; } std::vector<InstructionOpcode> opcode; std::vector<Operands> operands; if (!getFragmentToCompile(core, startPc, opcode, operands, endOfBlock, pcAfterFragment)) { return false; } std::queue<std::pair<uint32_t,MemoryCheck*> > checks; placeMemoryChecks(opcode, operands, checks); LLVMValueRef f; if (info) { f = info->value; info->func = 0; info->isStub = false; deleteFunctionBody(f); } else { info = new JITFunctionInfo(startPc); coreInfo.functionMap.insert(std::make_pair(startPc, info)); // Create function to contain the code we are about to add. info->value = f = LLVMAddFunction(module, "", jitFunctionType); LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(f, LLVMFastCallConv); } threadParam = LLVMGetParam(f, 0); LLVMValueRef ramBase = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), core.ram_base, false); ramSizeLog2Param = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), core.ramSizeLog2, false); LLVMBasicBlockRef entryBB = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(f, "entry"); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, entryBB); uint32_t pc = startPc; bool needsReturn = true; for (unsigned i = 0, e = opcode.size(); i != e; ++i) { InstructionOpcode opc = opcode[i]; const Operands &ops = operands[i]; InstructionProperties *properties = &instructionProperties[opc]; uint32_t nextPc = pc + properties->size / 2; emitMemoryChecks(i, checks); // Lookup function to call. LLVMValueRef callee = LLVMGetNamedFunction(module, properties->function); assert(callee && "Function for instruction not found in module"); LLVMTypeRef calleeType = LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(callee)); const unsigned fixedArgs = 4; const unsigned maxOperands = 6; unsigned numArgs = properties->getNumExplicitOperands() + fixedArgs; assert(LLVMCountParamTypes(calleeType) == numArgs); LLVMTypeRef paramTypes[fixedArgs + maxOperands]; assert(numArgs <= (fixedArgs + maxOperands)); LLVMGetParamTypes(calleeType, paramTypes); // Build call. LLVMValueRef args[fixedArgs + maxOperands]; args[0] = threadParam; args[1] = LLVMConstInt(paramTypes[1], nextPc, false); args[2] = ramBase; args[3] = ramSizeLog2Param; for (unsigned i = fixedArgs; i < numArgs; i++) { uint32_t value = properties->getNumExplicitOperands() <= 3 ? ops.ops[i - fixedArgs] : ops.lops[i - fixedArgs]; args[i] = LLVMConstInt(paramTypes[i], value, false); } LLVMValueRef call = emitCallToBeInlined(callee, args, numArgs); checkReturnValue(call, *properties); if (properties->mayBranch() && properties->function && emitJumpToNextFragment(opc, ops, coreInfo, nextPc, info)) { needsReturn = false; } pc = nextPc; } assert(checks.empty() && "Not all checks emitted"); if (needsReturn) { LLVMValueRef args[] = { threadParam }; emitCallToBeInlined(functions.jitUpdateExecutionFrequency, args, 1); // Build return. LLVMBuildRet(builder, LLVMConstInt(LLVMGetReturnType(jitFunctionType), JIT_RETURN_CONTINUE, 0)); } // Add incoming phi values. if (earlyReturnBB) { LLVMAddIncoming(earlyReturnPhi, &earlyReturnIncomingValues[0], &earlyReturnIncomingBlocks[0], earlyReturnIncomingValues.size()); } if (DEBUG_JIT) { LLVMDumpValue(f); LLVMVerifyFunction(f, LLVMAbortProcessAction); } // Optimize. for (std::vector<LLVMValueRef>::iterator it = calls.begin(), e = calls.end(); it != e; ++it) { LLVMExtraInlineFunction(*it); } LLVMRunFunctionPassManager(FPM, f); if (DEBUG_JIT) { LLVMDumpValue(f); } // Compile. JITInstructionFunction_t compiledFunction = reinterpret_cast<JITInstructionFunction_t>( LLVMRecompileAndRelinkFunction(executionEngine, f)); info->isStub = false; info->func = compiledFunction; core.setOpcode(startPc, getFunctionThunk(*info), (pc - startPc) * 2); return true; }
LLVMValueRef gen_call(compile_t* c, ast_t* ast) { // Special case calls. LLVMValueRef special; if(special_case_call(c, ast, &special)) return special; AST_GET_CHILDREN(ast, postfix, positional, named, question); AST_GET_CHILDREN(postfix, receiver, method); ast_t* typeargs = NULL; deferred_reification_t* reify = c->frame->reify; // Dig through function qualification. switch(ast_id(receiver)) { case TK_NEWREF: case TK_NEWBEREF: case TK_BEREF: case TK_FUNREF: case TK_BECHAIN: case TK_FUNCHAIN: typeargs = deferred_reify(reify, method, c->opt); AST_GET_CHILDREN_NO_DECL(receiver, receiver, method); break; default: {} } // Get the receiver type. const char* method_name = ast_name(method); ast_t* type = deferred_reify(reify, ast_type(receiver), c->opt); reach_type_t* t = reach_type(c->reach, type); pony_assert(t != NULL); token_id cap = cap_dispatch(type); reach_method_t* m = reach_method(t, cap, method_name, typeargs); ast_free_unattached(type); ast_free_unattached(typeargs); // Generate the arguments. size_t count = m->param_count + 1; size_t buf_size = count * sizeof(void*); LLVMValueRef* args = (LLVMValueRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size); ast_t* arg = ast_child(positional); int i = 1; while(arg != NULL) { LLVMValueRef value = gen_expr(c, arg); if(value == NULL) { ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, args); return NULL; } args[i] = value; arg = ast_sibling(arg); i++; } bool is_new_call = false; // Generate the receiver. Must be done after the arguments because the args // could change things in the receiver expression that must be accounted for. if(call_needs_receiver(postfix, t)) { switch(ast_id(postfix)) { case TK_NEWREF: case TK_NEWBEREF: args[0] = gen_constructor_receiver(c, t, ast); is_new_call = true; break; case TK_BEREF: case TK_FUNREF: case TK_BECHAIN: case TK_FUNCHAIN: args[0] = gen_expr(c, receiver); break; default: pony_assert(0); return NULL; } } else { // Use a null for the receiver type. args[0] = LLVMConstNull(((compile_type_t*)t->c_type)->use_type); } // Static or virtual dispatch. LLVMValueRef func = dispatch_function(c, t, m, args[0]); bool is_message = false; if((ast_id(postfix) == TK_NEWBEREF) || (ast_id(postfix) == TK_BEREF) || (ast_id(postfix) == TK_BECHAIN)) { switch(t->underlying) { case TK_ACTOR: is_message = true; break; case TK_UNIONTYPE: case TK_ISECTTYPE: case TK_INTERFACE: case TK_TRAIT: if(m->cap == TK_TAG) is_message = can_inline_message_send(t, m, method_name); break; default: {} } } bool bare = m->cap == TK_AT; LLVMValueRef r = NULL; if(is_message) { // If we're sending a message, trace and send here instead of calling the // sender to trace the most specific types possible. codegen_debugloc(c, ast); gen_send_message(c, m, args, positional); codegen_debugloc(c, NULL); switch(ast_id(postfix)) { case TK_NEWREF: case TK_NEWBEREF: r = args[0]; break; default: r = c->none_instance; break; } } else { LLVMTypeRef f_type = LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(func)); LLVMTypeRef* params = (LLVMTypeRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size); LLVMGetParamTypes(f_type, params + (bare ? 1 : 0)); arg = ast_child(positional); i = 1; while(arg != NULL) { ast_t* arg_type = deferred_reify(reify, ast_type(arg), c->opt); args[i] = gen_assign_cast(c, params[i], args[i], arg_type); ast_free_unattached(arg_type); arg = ast_sibling(arg); i++; } uintptr_t arg_offset = 0; if(bare) { arg_offset = 1; i--; } if(func != NULL) { // If we can error out and we have an invoke target, generate an invoke // instead of a call. codegen_debugloc(c, ast); if(ast_canerror(ast) && (c->frame->invoke_target != NULL)) r = invoke_fun(c, func, args + arg_offset, i, "", !bare); else r = codegen_call(c, func, args + arg_offset, i, !bare); if(is_new_call) { LLVMValueRef md = LLVMMDNodeInContext(c->context, NULL, 0); LLVMSetMetadataStr(r, "pony.newcall", md); } codegen_debugloc(c, NULL); ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, params); } } // Bare methods with None return type return void, special case a None return // value. if(bare && is_none(m->result->ast)) r = c->none_instance; // Class constructors return void, expression result is the receiver. if(((ast_id(postfix) == TK_NEWREF) || (ast_id(postfix) == TK_NEWBEREF)) && (t->underlying == TK_CLASS)) r = args[0]; // Chained methods forward their receiver. if((ast_id(postfix) == TK_BECHAIN) || (ast_id(postfix) == TK_FUNCHAIN)) r = args[0]; ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, args); return r; }
LLVMValueRef gen_ffi(compile_t* c, ast_t* ast) { AST_GET_CHILDREN(ast, id, typeargs, args, named_args, can_err); bool err = (ast_id(can_err) == TK_QUESTION); // Get the function name, +1 to skip leading @ const char* f_name = ast_name(id) + 1; deferred_reification_t* reify = c->frame->reify; // Get the return type. ast_t* type = deferred_reify(reify, ast_type(ast), c->opt); reach_type_t* t = reach_type(c->reach, type); pony_assert(t != NULL); ast_free_unattached(type); // Get the function. First check if the name is in use by a global and error // if it's the case. ffi_decl_t* ffi_decl; bool is_func = false; LLVMValueRef func = LLVMGetNamedGlobal(c->module, f_name); if(func == NULL) { func = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, f_name); is_func = true; } if(func == NULL) { // If we have no prototype, declare one. ast_t* decl = (ast_t*)ast_data(ast); if(decl != NULL) { // Define using the declared types. AST_GET_CHILDREN(decl, decl_id, decl_ret, decl_params, decl_err); err = (ast_id(decl_err) == TK_QUESTION); func = declare_ffi(c, f_name, t, decl_params, false); } else if(!strncmp(f_name, "llvm.", 5) || !strncmp(f_name, "internal.", 9)) { // Intrinsic, so use the exact types we supply. func = declare_ffi(c, f_name, t, args, true); } else { // Make it varargs. func = declare_ffi_vararg(c, f_name, t); } size_t index = HASHMAP_UNKNOWN; #ifndef PONY_NDEBUG ffi_decl_t k; k.func = func; ffi_decl = ffi_decls_get(&c->ffi_decls, &k, &index); pony_assert(ffi_decl == NULL); #endif ffi_decl = POOL_ALLOC(ffi_decl_t); ffi_decl->func = func; ffi_decl->decl = (decl != NULL) ? decl : ast; ffi_decls_putindex(&c->ffi_decls, ffi_decl, index); } else { ffi_decl_t k; k.func = func; size_t index = HASHMAP_UNKNOWN; ffi_decl = ffi_decls_get(&c->ffi_decls, &k, &index); if((ffi_decl == NULL) && (!is_func || LLVMHasMetadataStr(func, "pony.abi"))) { ast_error(c->opt->check.errors, ast, "cannot use '%s' as an FFI name: " "name is already in use by the internal ABI", f_name); return NULL; } pony_assert(is_func); } // Generate the arguments. int count = (int)ast_childcount(args); size_t buf_size = count * sizeof(LLVMValueRef); LLVMValueRef* f_args = (LLVMValueRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size); LLVMTypeRef f_type = LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(func)); LLVMTypeRef* f_params = NULL; bool vararg = (LLVMIsFunctionVarArg(f_type) != 0); if(!vararg) { if(count != (int)LLVMCountParamTypes(f_type)) { ast_error(c->opt->check.errors, ast, "conflicting declarations for FFI function: declarations have an " "incompatible number of parameters"); if(ffi_decl != NULL) ast_error_continue(c->opt->check.errors, ffi_decl->decl, "first " "declaration is here"); return NULL; } f_params = (LLVMTypeRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size); LLVMGetParamTypes(f_type, f_params); } ast_t* arg = ast_child(args); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { f_args[i] = gen_expr(c, arg); if(!vararg) f_args[i] = cast_ffi_arg(c, ffi_decl, ast, f_args[i], f_params[i], "parameters"); if(f_args[i] == NULL) { ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, f_args); return NULL; } arg = ast_sibling(arg); } // If we can error out and we have an invoke target, generate an invoke // instead of a call. LLVMValueRef result; codegen_debugloc(c, ast); if(err && (c->frame->invoke_target != NULL)) result = invoke_fun(c, func, f_args, count, "", false); else result = LLVMBuildCall(c->builder, func, f_args, count, ""); codegen_debugloc(c, NULL); ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, f_args); if(!vararg) ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, f_params); compile_type_t* c_t = (compile_type_t*)t->c_type; // Special case a None return value, which is used for void functions. bool isnone = is_none(t->ast); bool isvoid = LLVMGetReturnType(f_type) == c->void_type; if(isnone && isvoid) { result = c_t->instance; } else if(isnone != isvoid) { report_ffi_type_err(c, ffi_decl, ast, "return values"); return NULL; } result = cast_ffi_arg(c, ffi_decl, ast, result, c_t->use_type, "return values"); result = gen_assign_cast(c, c_t->use_type, result, t->ast_cap); return result; }
static LLVMTypeRef send_message(compile_t* c, ast_t* params, LLVMValueRef to, LLVMValueRef func, uint32_t index) { // Get the parameter types. LLVMTypeRef f_type = LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(func)); int count = LLVMCountParamTypes(f_type) + 2; size_t buf_size = count * sizeof(LLVMTypeRef); LLVMTypeRef* f_params = (LLVMTypeRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size); LLVMGetParamTypes(f_type, &f_params[2]); // The first one becomes the message size, the second the message ID. f_params[0] = c->i32; f_params[1] = c->i32; f_params[2] = c->void_ptr; LLVMTypeRef msg_type = LLVMStructTypeInContext(c->context, f_params, count, false); LLVMTypeRef msg_type_ptr = LLVMPointerType(msg_type, 0); ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, f_params); // Allocate the message, setting its size and ID. size_t msg_size = (size_t)LLVMABISizeOfType(c->target_data, msg_type); LLVMValueRef args[3]; args[0] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, ponyint_pool_index(msg_size), false); args[1] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, index, false); LLVMValueRef msg = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_alloc_msg", args, 2, ""); LLVMValueRef msg_ptr = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, msg, msg_type_ptr, ""); for(int i = 3; i < count; i++) { LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(func, i - 2); LLVMValueRef arg_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(c->builder, msg_ptr, i, ""); LLVMBuildStore(c->builder, arg, arg_ptr); } // Trace while populating the message contents. LLVMValueRef ctx = codegen_ctx(c); ast_t* param = ast_child(params); bool need_trace = false; while(param != NULL) { if(gentrace_needed(ast_type(param))) { need_trace = true; break; } param = ast_sibling(param); } if(need_trace) { gencall_runtime(c, "pony_gc_send", &ctx, 1, ""); param = ast_child(params); for(int i = 3; i < count; i++) { LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(func, i - 2); gentrace(c, ctx, arg, ast_type(param)); param = ast_sibling(param); } gencall_runtime(c, "pony_send_done", &ctx, 1, ""); } // Send the message. args[0] = ctx; args[1] = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, to, c->object_ptr, ""); args[2] = msg; gencall_runtime(c, "pony_sendv", args, 3, ""); // Return the type of the message. return msg_type_ptr; }
static void make_prototype(compile_t* c, reachable_type_t* t, reachable_method_t* m) { if(m->intrinsic) return; // Behaviours and actor constructors also have handler functions. bool handler = false; switch(ast_id(m->r_fun)) { case TK_NEW: handler = t->underlying == TK_ACTOR; break; case TK_BE: handler = true; break; default: {} } make_signature(t, m); switch(t->underlying) { case TK_PRIMITIVE: case TK_STRUCT: case TK_CLASS: case TK_ACTOR: break; default: return; } if(handler) { // Generate the sender prototype. const char* sender_name = genname_be(m->full_name); m->func = codegen_addfun(c, sender_name, m->func_type); // Change the return type to void for the handler. size_t count = LLVMCountParamTypes(m->func_type); size_t buf_size = count * sizeof(LLVMTypeRef); LLVMTypeRef* tparams = (LLVMTypeRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size); LLVMGetParamTypes(m->func_type, tparams); LLVMTypeRef handler_type = LLVMFunctionType(c->void_type, tparams, (int)count, false); ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, tparams); // Generate the handler prototype. m->func_handler = codegen_addfun(c, m->full_name, handler_type); make_function_debug(c, t, m, m->func_handler); } else { // Generate the function prototype. m->func = codegen_addfun(c, m->full_name, m->func_type); make_function_debug(c, t, m, m->func); } }