Пример #1
static void ParseTime(PRTime tm, PRInt32& secs, PRInt32& msecs)
    PRTime llsecs, llmsecs, tmp;

    LL_DIV(llsecs, tm, 1000000);
    LL_MOD(tmp, tm, 1000000);
    LL_DIV(llmsecs, tmp, 1000);

    LL_L2I(secs, llsecs);
    LL_L2I(msecs, llmsecs);
Пример #2
/* PRBool getProperty (in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper, in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj, in JSVal id, in JSValPtr vp); */
calDateTime::GetProperty(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext * cx,
                         JSObject * obj_, jsval id, jsval * vp, PRBool *_retval)

    if (JSVAL_IS_STRING(id)) {
        nsDependentString const jsid(
            reinterpret_cast<PRUnichar const*>(
        if (jsid.EqualsLiteral("jsDate")) {
            PRTime tmp, thousand;
            jsdouble msec;
            LL_I2L(thousand, 1000);
            LL_DIV(tmp, mNativeTime, thousand);
            LL_L2D(msec, tmp);

            JSObject *obj;
            PRBool b;
            if (NS_SUCCEEDED(mTimezone->GetIsFloating(&b)) && b)
                obj = js_NewDateObject(cx, mYear, mMonth, mDay, mHour, mMinute, mSecond);
                obj = js_NewDateObjectMsec(cx, msec);

            *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
            *_retval = PR_TRUE;
            return NS_SUCCESS_I_DID_SOMETHING;

    *_retval = PR_TRUE;
    return NS_OK;
static void TestIntervals(void)
    PRStatus rv;
    PRUint32 delta;
    PRInt32 seconds;
    PRUint64 elapsed, thousand;
    PRTime timein, timeout;
    PRLock *ml = PR_NewLock();
    PRCondVar *cv = PR_NewCondVar(ml);
    for (seconds = 0; seconds < 10; ++seconds)
        PRIntervalTime ticks = PR_SecondsToInterval(seconds);
        timein = PR_Now();
        rv = PR_WaitCondVar(cv, ticks);
        timeout = PR_Now();
        LL_SUB(elapsed, timeout, timein);
        LL_I2L(thousand, 1000);
        LL_DIV(elapsed, elapsed, thousand);
        LL_L2UI(delta, elapsed);
        if (debug_mode) PR_fprintf(output, 
            "TestIntervals: %swaiting %ld seconds took %ld msecs\n",
            ((rv == PR_SUCCESS) ? "" : "FAILED "), seconds, delta);
    if (debug_mode) PR_fprintf(output, "\n");
}  /* TestIntervals */
Пример #4
    PRInt64 us, us2s;

    us = PRMJ_Now();
    LL_DIV(us, us, us2s);
    return us;
Пример #5
static void
testParseTimeString(PRTime t)
    PRExplodedTime et;
    PRTime t2;
    char timeString[128];
    char buf[128];
    PRInt32 totalOffset;
    PRInt32 hourOffset, minOffset;
    const char *sign;
    PRInt64 usec_per_sec;

    /* Truncate the microsecond part of PRTime */
    LL_I2L(usec_per_sec, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
    LL_DIV(t, t, usec_per_sec);
    LL_MUL(t, t, usec_per_sec);

    PR_ExplodeTime(t, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &et);

    /* Print day of the week, month, day, hour, minute, and second */
    PR_snprintf(timeString, 128, "%s %s %ld %02ld:%02ld:%02ld ",
	    dayOfWeek[et.tm_wday], month[et.tm_month], et.tm_mday,
	    et.tm_hour, et.tm_min, et.tm_sec);
    /* Print time zone */
    totalOffset = et.tm_params.tp_gmt_offset + et.tm_params.tp_dst_offset;
    if (totalOffset == 0) {
	strcat(timeString, "GMT ");  /* I wanted to use "UTC" here, but
                                      * PR_ParseTimeString doesn't 
                                      * understand "UTC".  */
    } else {
        sign = "+";
        if (totalOffset < 0) {
	    totalOffset = -totalOffset;
	    sign = "-";
        hourOffset = totalOffset / 3600;
        minOffset = (totalOffset % 3600) / 60;
        PR_snprintf(buf, 128, "%s%02ld%02ld ", sign, hourOffset, minOffset);
	strcat(timeString, buf);
    /* Print year */
    PR_snprintf(buf, 128, "%hd", et.tm_year);
    strcat(timeString, buf);

    if (PR_ParseTimeString(timeString, PR_FALSE, &t2) == PR_FAILURE) {
	fprintf(stderr, "PR_ParseTimeString() failed\n");
    if (LL_NE(t, t2)) {
	fprintf(stderr, "PR_ParseTimeString() incorrect\n");
	PR_snprintf(buf, 128, "t is %lld, t2 is %lld, time string is %s\n",
                t, t2, timeString);
	fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf);
Пример #6
    PRInt64 us, us2ms;

    us = PRMJ_Now();
    LL_DIV(us, us, us2ms);

    return us;
Пример #7
static inline PRUint32
PRTimeToSeconds(PRTime t_usec)
    PRTime usec_per_sec;
    PRUint32 t_sec;
    LL_I2L(usec_per_sec, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
    LL_DIV(t_usec, t_usec, usec_per_sec);
    LL_L2I(t_sec, t_usec);
    return t_sec;
Пример #8
static PRUint32
    PRTime now = PR_Now(), minutes, factor;
    LL_I2L(factor, 60 * PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
    LL_DIV(minutes, now, factor);
    PRUint32 result;
    LL_L2UI(result, minutes);
    return result;
PRInt64 StatsManagerUtil::getSeconds(PRInt64 time)
    PRInt64 temp = 0;
    PRInt64 dividend = 0;
    PRInt64 divisor = 0;

    LL_UI2L(temp, PR_USEC_PER_SEC/2);
    LL_ADD(dividend, time, temp);
    LL_UI2L(divisor, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
    LL_DIV(temp, dividend, divisor);

    return temp;
Пример #10
static void timePRTime32(void)
    PRInt32 index = count;
    PRInt32 rv32;
    PRTime q;
    PRTime rv;

    LL_I2L(q, 1000000);
    for (;index--;) {
        rv = PR_Now();
        LL_DIV(rv, rv, q);
        LL_L2I(rv32, rv);
Пример #11
/* returns an unsigned int containing the number of seconds in PR_Now() */
    PRUint32 myTime;
#if (defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_WIN) || defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(XP_BEOS)) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
    myTime = time(NULL);	/* accurate until the year 2038. */
    /* portable, but possibly slower */
    PRTime now;
    PRInt64 ll;

    now = PR_Now();
    LL_I2L(ll, 1000000L);
    LL_DIV(now, now, ll);
    LL_L2UI(myTime, now);
    return myTime;
Пример #12
PRUint32 nsMailDatabase::GetMailboxModDate()
  PRUint32 retModTime = 0;
  PRInt64 lastModTime;
  if (m_folderFile)
    nsresult rv = m_folderFile->GetLastModifiedTime(&lastModTime);
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))

      PRTime  temp64;
      PRInt64 thousand;
      LL_I2L(thousand, PR_MSEC_PER_SEC);
      LL_DIV(temp64, lastModTime, thousand);
      LL_L2UI(retModTime, temp64);
  return retModTime;
Пример #13
PRUint32 ticks2xsec(tmreader* aReader, PRUint32 aTicks, PRUint32 aResolution)
** Convert platform specific ticks to second units
** Returns 0 on success.
    PRUint32 retval = 0;
    PRUint64 bigone;
    PRUint64 tmp64;

    LL_UI2L(bigone, aResolution);
    LL_UI2L(tmp64, aTicks);
    LL_MUL(bigone, bigone, tmp64);
    LL_UI2L(tmp64, aReader->ticksPerSec);
    LL_DIV(bigone, bigone, tmp64);
    LL_L2UI(retval, bigone);

    return retval;
static void TestNowOverhead(void)
    PRTime timeout, timein;
    PRInt32 overhead, loops = 1000000;
    PRInt64 elapsed, per_call, ten23rd, ten26th;

    LL_I2L(ten23rd, 1000);
    LL_I2L(ten26th, 1000000);

    timein = PR_Now();
    while (--loops > 0)
        timeout = PR_Now();

    LL_SUB(elapsed, timeout, timein);
    LL_MUL(elapsed, elapsed, ten23rd);
    LL_DIV(per_call, elapsed, ten26th);
    LL_L2I(overhead, per_call);
        output, "Overhead of 'PR_Now()' is %u nsecs\n\n", overhead);
}  /* TestNowOverhead */
Пример #15
PRMJ_DSTOffset(PRInt64 time)
    PRInt64 us2s;
#ifdef XP_MAC
    MachineLocation  machineLocation;
    PRInt64 dlsOffset;
    /*	Get the information about the local machine, including
     *	its GMT offset and its daylight savings time info.
     *	Convert each into wides that we can add to
     *	startupTimeMicroSeconds.
    /* Is Daylight Savings On?  If so, we need to add an hour to the offset. */
    if (machineLocation.u.dlsDelta != 0) {
	LL_UI2L(us2s, PRMJ_USEC_PER_SEC); /* seconds in a microseconds */
	LL_UI2L(dlsOffset, PRMJ_HOUR_SECONDS);  /* seconds in one hour       */
	LL_MUL(dlsOffset, dlsOffset, us2s);
	LL_I2L(dlsOffset, 0);
    time_t local;
    PRInt32 diff;
    PRInt64  maxtimet;
    struct tm tm;
#if defined( XP_PC ) || defined( FREEBSD )
    struct tm *ptm;
    PRMJTime prtm;

    LL_DIV(time, time, us2s);
    /* get the maximum of time_t value */

    } else if(!LL_GE_ZERO(time)){
void nsNetscapeProfileMigratorBase::CopyNextFolder()
  if (mFileCopyTransactionIndex < mFileCopyTransactions.Length())
    PRUint32 percentage = 0;
    fileTransactionEntry fileTransaction =

    // copy the file

    // add to our current progress
    PRInt64 fileSize;
    LL_ADD(mCurrentProgress, mCurrentProgress, fileSize);

    PRInt64 percentDone;
    LL_MUL(percentDone, mCurrentProgress, 100);

    LL_DIV(percentDone, percentDone, mMaxProgress);

    LL_L2UI(percentage, percentDone);

    nsAutoString index;


    // fire a timer to handle the next one.
    mFileIOTimer = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/timer;1");

    if (mFileIOTimer)
      mFileIOTimer->InitWithCallback(static_cast<nsITimerCallback *>(this), percentage == 100 ? 500 : 0, nsITimer::TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
  } else

Пример #17
/* bool getProperty (in nsIXPConnectWrappedNative wrapper, in JSContextPtr cx, in JSObjectPtr obj, in jsid id, in JSValPtr vp); */
calDateTime::GetProperty(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *wrapper, JSContext * cx,
                         JSObject * obj_, jsid id, jsval * vp, bool *_retval)

    if (JSID_IS_STRING(id)) {
        size_t length;
        JSString *idString = JSID_TO_STRING(id);
        const jschar *str = JS_GetStringCharsAndLength(cx, idString, &length);

        nsDependentString const val(reinterpret_cast<PRUnichar const*>(str), length);

        if (val.EqualsLiteral("jsDate")) {
            PRTime tmp, thousand;
            jsdouble msec;
            LL_I2L(thousand, 1000);
            LL_DIV(tmp, mNativeTime, thousand);
            LL_L2D(msec, tmp);

            JSObject *obj;
            bool b;
            if (NS_SUCCEEDED(mTimezone->GetIsFloating(&b)) && b) {
                obj = js_NewDateObject(cx, mYear, mMonth, mDay, mHour, mMinute, mSecond);
            } else {
                obj = js_NewDateObjectMsec(cx, msec);

            *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
            *_retval = PR_TRUE;
            return NS_SUCCESS_I_DID_SOMETHING;

    *_retval = PR_TRUE;
    return NS_OK;
Пример #18
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  FILE* fp = fopen("words.txt", "r");
  if (nsnull == fp) {
    printf("can't open words.txt\n");
    return -1;

  PRInt32 count = 0;
  PRUnichar** strings = new PRUnichar*[60000];
  nsIAtom** ids = new nsIAtom*[60000];
  nsAutoString s1, s2;
  PRTime start = PR_Now();
  PRInt32 i;
  for (i = 0; i < 60000; i++) {
    char buf[1000];
    char* s = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp);
    if (nsnull == s) {
    nsCAutoString sb;
    strings[count++] = ToNewUnicode(sb);
    strings[count++] = ToNewUnicode(sb);
  PRTime end0 = PR_Now();

  // Find and create idents
  for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    ids[i] = NS_NewAtom(strings[i]);
  PRUnichar qqs[1]; qqs[0] = 0;
  nsIAtom* qq = NS_NewAtom(qqs);
  PRTime end1 = PR_Now();

  // Now make sure we can find all the idents we just made
  for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    const char *utf8String;
    nsIAtom* id = NS_NewAtom(utf8String);
    if (id != ids[i]) {
      printf("find failed: id='%s' ids[%d]='%s'\n",
             NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(s1).get(), i, NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(s2).get());
      return -1;
  PRTime end2 = PR_Now();

  // Destroy all the atoms we just made
  for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {

  // Print out timings
  PRTime end3 = PR_Now();
  PRTime creates, finds, lookups, dtor, ustoms;
  LL_I2L(ustoms, 1000);
  LL_SUB(creates, end0, start);
  LL_DIV(creates, creates, ustoms);
  LL_SUB(finds, end1, end0);
  LL_DIV(finds, finds, ustoms);
  LL_SUB(lookups, end2, end1);
  LL_DIV(lookups, lookups, ustoms);
  LL_SUB(dtor, end3, end2);
  char buf[500];
  PR_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "making %d ident strings took %lldms",
              count, creates);
  PR_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d new idents took %lldms",
              count, finds);
  PR_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d ident lookups took %lldms",
              count, lookups);
  PR_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "dtor took %lldusec", dtor);

  printf("%d live atoms\n", NS_GetNumberOfAtoms());
  NS_POSTCONDITION(0 == NS_GetNumberOfAtoms(), "dangling atoms");

  return 0;
CVE_2013_1732_firefox12_0_nsBlockFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*           aPresContext,
                     nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aMetrics,
                     const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                     nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aMetrics, aStatus);
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (gNoisyReflow) {
    IndentBy(stdout, gNoiseIndent);
    printf(": begin reflow availSize=%d,%d computedSize=%d,%d\n",
           aReflowState.availableWidth, aReflowState.availableHeight,
           aReflowState.ComputedWidth(), aReflowState.ComputedHeight());
  AutoNoisyIndenter indent(gNoisy);
  PRTime start = LL_ZERO; // Initialize these variablies to silence the compiler.
  PRInt32 ctc = 0;        // We only use these if they are set (gLameReflowMetrics).
  if (gLameReflowMetrics) {
    start = PR_Now();
    ctc = nsLineBox::GetCtorCount();

  const nsHTMLReflowState *reflowState = &aReflowState;
  nsAutoPtr<nsHTMLReflowState> mutableReflowState;
  // If we have non-auto height, we're clipping our kids and we fit,
  // make sure our kids fit too.
  if (aReflowState.availableHeight != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE &&
      aReflowState.ComputedHeight() != NS_AUTOHEIGHT &&
      ApplyOverflowClipping(this, aReflowState.mStyleDisplay)) {
    nsMargin heightExtras = aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding;
    if (GetSkipSides() & NS_SIDE_TOP) {
      heightExtras.top = 0;
    } else {
      // Bottom margin never causes us to create continuations, so we
      // don't need to worry about whether it fits in its entirety.
      heightExtras.top += aReflowState.mComputedMargin.top;

    if (GetEffectiveComputedHeight(aReflowState) + heightExtras.TopBottom() <=
        aReflowState.availableHeight) {
      mutableReflowState = new nsHTMLReflowState(aReflowState);
      mutableReflowState->availableHeight = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;
      reflowState = mutableReflowState;

  // See comment below about oldSize. Use *only* for the
  // abs-pos-containing-block-size-change optimization!
  nsSize oldSize = GetSize();

  // Should we create a float manager?
  nsAutoFloatManager autoFloatManager(const_cast<nsHTMLReflowState&>(*reflowState));

  // XXXldb If we start storing the float manager in the frame rather
  // than keeping it around only during reflow then we should create it
  // only when there are actually floats to manage.  Otherwise things
  // like tables will gain significant bloat.
  bool needFloatManager = nsBlockFrame::BlockNeedsFloatManager(this);
  if (needFloatManager)

  // OK, some lines may be reflowed. Blow away any saved line cursor
  // because we may invalidate the nondecreasing
  // overflowArea.VisualOverflow().y/yMost invariant, and we may even
  // delete the line with the line cursor.

  if (IsFrameTreeTooDeep(*reflowState, aMetrics, aStatus)) {
    return NS_OK;

  bool marginRoot = BlockIsMarginRoot(this);
  nsBlockReflowState state(*reflowState, aPresContext, this, aMetrics,
                           marginRoot, marginRoot, needFloatManager);

#ifdef IBMBIDI
#endif // IBMBIDI

  if (RenumberLists(aPresContext)) {

  nsresult rv = NS_OK;

  // ALWAYS drain overflow. We never want to leave the previnflow's
  // overflow lines hanging around; block reflow depends on the
  // overflow line lists being cleared out between reflow passes.

  // Handle paginated overflow (see nsContainerFrame.h)
  nsOverflowAreas ocBounds;
  nsReflowStatus ocStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;
  if (GetPrevInFlow()) {
    ReflowOverflowContainerChildren(aPresContext, *reflowState, ocBounds, 0,

  // Now that we're done cleaning up our overflow container lists, we can
  // give |state| its nsOverflowContinuationTracker.
  nsOverflowContinuationTracker tracker(aPresContext, this, false);
  state.mOverflowTracker = &tracker;

  // Drain & handle pushed floats
  nsOverflowAreas fcBounds;
  nsReflowStatus fcStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;
  rv = ReflowPushedFloats(state, fcBounds, fcStatus);

  // If we're not dirty (which means we'll mark everything dirty later)
  // and our width has changed, mark the lines dirty that we need to
  // mark dirty for a resize reflow.
  if (reflowState->mFlags.mHResize)


  // Now reflow...
  rv = ReflowDirtyLines(state);
  NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "reflow dirty lines failed");
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

  NS_MergeReflowStatusInto(&state.mReflowStatus, ocStatus);
  NS_MergeReflowStatusInto(&state.mReflowStatus, fcStatus);

  // If we end in a BR with clear and affected floats continue,
  // we need to continue, too.
  if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != reflowState->availableHeight &&
      NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(state.mReflowStatus) &&
      state.mFloatManager->ClearContinues(FindTrailingClear())) {

  if (!NS_FRAME_IS_FULLY_COMPLETE(state.mReflowStatus)) {
    if (GetOverflowLines() || GetPushedFloats()) {
      state.mReflowStatus |= NS_FRAME_REFLOW_NEXTINFLOW;

#ifdef DEBUG_kipp
    ListTag(stdout); printf(": block is not fully complete\n");


  // Place the "marker" (bullet) frame if it is placed next to a block
  // child.
  // According to the CSS2 spec, section 12.6.1, the "marker" box
  // participates in the height calculation of the list-item box's
  // first line box.
  // There are exactly two places a bullet can be placed: near the
  // first or second line. It's only placed on the second line in a
  // rare case: an empty first line followed by a second line that
  // contains a block (example: <LI>\n<P>... ). This is where
  // the second case can happen.
  if (mBullet && HaveOutsideBullet() && !mLines.empty() &&
      (mLines.front()->IsBlock() ||
       (0 == mLines.front()->mBounds.height &&
        mLines.front() != mLines.back() &&
        mLines.begin().next()->IsBlock()))) {
    // Reflow the bullet
    nsHTMLReflowMetrics metrics;
    // XXX Use the entire line when we fix bug 25888.
    nsLayoutUtils::LinePosition position;
    bool havePosition = nsLayoutUtils::GetFirstLinePosition(this, &position);
    nscoord lineTop = havePosition ? position.mTop
                                   : reflowState->mComputedBorderPadding.top;
    ReflowBullet(state, metrics, lineTop);
    NS_ASSERTION(!BulletIsEmpty() || metrics.height == 0,
                 "empty bullet took up space");

    if (havePosition && !BulletIsEmpty()) {
      // We have some lines to align the bullet with.  

      // Doing the alignment using the baseline will also cater for
      // bullets that are placed next to a child block (bug 92896)
      // Tall bullets won't look particularly nice here...
      nsRect bbox = mBullet->GetRect();
      bbox.y = position.mBaseline - metrics.ascent;
    // Otherwise just leave the bullet where it is, up against our top padding.

  // Compute our final size
  nscoord bottomEdgeOfChildren;
  ComputeFinalSize(*reflowState, state, aMetrics, &bottomEdgeOfChildren);
  nsRect areaBounds = nsRect(0, 0, aMetrics.width, aMetrics.height);
  ComputeOverflowAreas(areaBounds, reflowState->mStyleDisplay,
                       bottomEdgeOfChildren, aMetrics.mOverflowAreas);
  // Factor overflow container child bounds into the overflow area
  // Factor pushed float child bounds into the overflow area

  // Let the absolutely positioned container reflow any absolutely positioned
  // child frames that need to be reflowed, e.g., elements with a percentage
  // based width/height
  // We want to do this under either of two conditions:
  //  1. If we didn't do the incremental reflow above.
  //  2. If our size changed.
  // Even though it's the padding edge that's the containing block, we
  // can use our rect (the border edge) since if the border style
  // changed, the reflow would have been targeted at us so we'd satisfy
  // condition 1.
  // XXX checking oldSize is bogus, there are various reasons we might have
  // reflowed but our size might not have been changed to what we
  // asked for (e.g., we ended up being pushed to a new page)
  // When WillReflowAgainForClearance is true, we will reflow again without
  // resetting the size. Because of this, we must not reflow our abs-pos children
  // in that situation --- what we think is our "new size"
  // will not be our real new size. This also happens to be more efficient.
  if (HasAbsolutelyPositionedChildren()) {
    nsAbsoluteContainingBlock* absoluteContainer = GetAbsoluteContainingBlock();
    bool haveInterrupt = aPresContext->HasPendingInterrupt();
    if (reflowState->WillReflowAgainForClearance() ||
        haveInterrupt) {
      // Make sure that when we reflow again we'll actually reflow all the abs
      // pos frames that might conceivably depend on our size (or all of them,
      // if we're dirty right now and interrupted; in that case we also need
      // to mark them all with NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY).  Sadly, we can't do much
      // better than that, because we don't really know what our size will be,
      // and it might in fact not change on the followup reflow!
      if (haveInterrupt && (GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY)) {
      } else {
    } else {
      nsSize containingBlockSize =

      // Mark frames that depend on changes we just made to this frame as dirty:
      // Now we can assume that the padding edge hasn't moved.
      // We need to reflow the absolutes if one of them depends on
      // its placeholder position, or the containing block size in a
      // direction in which the containing block size might have
      // changed.
      bool cbWidthChanged = aMetrics.width != oldSize.width;
      bool isRoot = !GetContent()->GetParent();
      // If isRoot and we have auto height, then we are the initial
      // containing block and the containing block height is the
      // viewport height, which can't change during incremental
      // reflow.
      bool cbHeightChanged =
        !(isRoot && NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == reflowState->ComputedHeight()) &&
        aMetrics.height != oldSize.height;

      absoluteContainer->Reflow(this, aPresContext, *reflowState,
                                containingBlockSize.height, true,
                                cbWidthChanged, cbHeightChanged,

      //XXXfr Why isn't this rv (and others in this file) checked/returned?

  // Determine if we need to repaint our border, background or outline


  // Clear the float manager pointer in the block reflow state so we
  // don't waste time translating the coordinate system back on a dead
  // float manager.
  if (needFloatManager)
    state.mFloatManager = nsnull;

  aStatus = state.mReflowStatus;

#ifdef DEBUG
  // Between when we drain pushed floats and when we complete reflow,
  // we're allowed to have multiple continuations of the same float on
  // our floats list, since a first-in-flow might get pushed to a later
  // continuation of its containing block.  But it's not permitted
  // outside that time.
  nsLayoutUtils::AssertNoDuplicateContinuations(this, mFloats);

  if (gNoisyReflow) {
    IndentBy(stdout, gNoiseIndent);
    printf(": status=%x (%scomplete) metrics=%d,%d carriedMargin=%d",
           aStatus, NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(aStatus) ? "" : "not ",
           aMetrics.width, aMetrics.height,
    if (HasOverflowAreas()) {
      printf(" overflow-vis={%d,%d,%d,%d}",
      printf(" overflow-scr={%d,%d,%d,%d}",

  if (gLameReflowMetrics) {
    PRTime end = PR_Now();

    PRInt32 ectc = nsLineBox::GetCtorCount();
    PRInt32 numLines = mLines.size();
    if (!numLines) numLines = 1;
    PRTime delta, perLineDelta, lines;
    LL_I2L(lines, numLines);
    LL_SUB(delta, end, start);
    LL_DIV(perLineDelta, delta, lines);

    char buf[400];
    PR_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
                ": %lld elapsed (%lld per line) (%d lines; %d new lines)",
                delta, perLineDelta, numLines, ectc - ctc);
    printf("%s\n", buf);

  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, (*reflowState), aMetrics);
  return rv;
Пример #20
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  if (3 != argc) {
    printf("usage: CvtURL url utf8\n");
    return -1;

  char* characterSetName = argv[2];
  nsString* cset = ConvertCharacterSetName(characterSetName);
  if (NS_PTR_TO_INT32(cset) < 0) {
    printf("illegal character set name: '%s'\n", characterSetName);
    return -1;

  // Create url object
  char* urlName = argv[1];
  nsIURI* url;
  nsresult rv;
  rv = NS_NewURI(&url, urlName);
  if (NS_OK != rv) {
    printf("invalid URL: '%s'\n", urlName);
    return -1;

  // Get an input stream from the url
  nsresult ec;
  nsIInputStream* in;
  ec = NS_OpenURI(&in, url);
  if (nsnull == in) {
    printf("open of url('%s') failed: error=%x\n", urlName, ec);
    return -1;

  // Translate the input using the argument character set id into
  // unicode
  nsCOMPtr<nsIConverterInputStream> uin =
    do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/intl/converter-input-stream;1", &rv);
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
    rv = uin->Init(in, cset->get(), 4096);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    printf("can't create converter input stream: %d\n", rv);
    return -1;

  // Read the input and write some output
  PRTime start = PR_Now();
  PRInt32 count = 0;
  for (;;) {
    PRUnichar buf[1000];
    PRUint32 nb;
    ec = uin->Read(buf, 0, 1000, &nb);
    if (NS_FAILED(ec)) {
      printf("i/o error: %d\n", ec);
    if (nb == 0) break; // EOF
    count += nb;
  PRTime end = PR_Now();
  PRTime conversion, ustoms;
  LL_I2L(ustoms, 1000);
  LL_SUB(conversion, end, start);
  LL_DIV(conversion, conversion, ustoms);
  char buf[500];
  PR_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
              "converting and discarding %d bytes took %lldms",
              count, conversion);

  // Release the objects

  return 0;