/*********************************************************************** * init() ***********************************************************************/ int crypt0_init(void **pptr, int init, void *data, size_t size) { crypt0_t *c; FUN("crypt0_init"); if (NULL == pptr) { LOGS(L_CRYPTO,L_ERROR,("pptr is NULL\n")); errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if (0 != init) { LOGS(L_CRYPTO,L_ERROR,("init is not 0\n")); errno = EINVAL; return -1; } c = (crypt0_t *)xcalloc(sizeof(crypt0_t), 1); *pptr = c; c->magic = CRYPT0_MAGIC; (void)data; (void)size; return 0; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUpnpCpbSimpleDeviceDescription::DiscoverDeviceL // Start processing device. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TInt CUpnpCpbSimpleDeviceDescription::DiscoverDeviceL(CUpnpDevice* aDevice) { LOG_FUNC_NAME; iIsNull = EFalse; iRootDevice = aDevice; // check if device match the type if(!iRepository.MatchTargetDevice(aDevice->DeviceType())) { iResult = KDisscoveryFinished; return iResult; } iResult = KDisscoveryInProgress; TPtrC8 buffer(GetNextServiceType(iRootDevice)); if (buffer.Length()) { LOGS("CUpnpCpbSimpleDeviceDescription::DiscoverDeviceL - Discovering services"); //ask for 1st service description iResult = KDisscoveryInProgress; TInt sessionId = iMessanger.GetServiceDescriptionL (aDevice, buffer); // put SessionID to memory per pending Service Description request aDevice->WaitServiceDescriptionL( sessionId ); } else { LOGS("CUpnpCpbSimpleDeviceDescription::DiscoverDeviceL - " "No service info for the device"); LOGS("CUpnpCpbSimpleDeviceDescription::DiscoverDeviceL - " "All device info brought - device officially discovered"); iResult = KDisscoveryFinished; } return iResult; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUpnpSymbianServerBase::RunError // RunError is called when RunL leaves. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXPORT_C TInt CUpnpSymbianServerBase::RunError( TInt aError ) { LOG_FUNC_NAME; if ( aError == KErrBadDescriptor ) { // A bad descriptor error implies a badly programmed client, so panic it; // otherwise report the error to the client LOGS( "RunError - BadClient" ); PanicClient( Message(), EBadDescriptor ); } else if ( aError != KErrCorrupt ) { LOGS( "RunError - Faulty Message" ); if ( !Message().IsNull() ) { Message().Complete( aError ); } } // The leave will result in an early return from CServer::RunL(), skipping // the call to request another message. So do that now in order to keep the // server running. ReStart(); // Handled the error fully return KErrNone; }
bool ZFile::open(const char* pMode) { //LOGS("Begin Open File:"); //LOGS(m_strFileName.c_str()); try { clear(); m_pFile = fopen(m_strFileName.c_str(),pMode); if (NULL == m_pFile) { LOGS("fopen file failed"); return false; } //LOGS("open file success"); return true; } catch (...) { LOGS("fopen file failed"); m_pFile = NULL; return false; } return false; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUpnpSymbianServerBase::StartServerL // Create and start the server. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CUpnpSymbianServerBase::StartServerL( const TDesC& aThreadName, TServerFactoryMethodLC aServerFactoryMethodLC ) { User::LeaveIfError( User::RenameThread( aThreadName ) ); // Construct active scheduler CActiveScheduler* activeScheduler = new( ELeave ) CActiveScheduler; CleanupStack::PushL( activeScheduler ); // Install active scheduler // We don't need to check whether an active scheduler is already installed // as this is a new thread, so there won't be one CActiveScheduler::Install( activeScheduler ); // Construct our server CUpnpSymbianServerBase* serverObject = aServerFactoryMethodLC(); LOGS( "UpnpSymbianServer *** Ready to accept connections" ); RProcess::Rendezvous( KErrNone ); // Start handling requests CActiveScheduler::Start(); LOGS( "UpnpSymbianServer *** Active scheduler stopped" ); LOGS( "UpnpSymbianServer *** Prepared for shutdown" ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( serverObject ); REComSession::FinalClose(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( activeScheduler ); LOGS( "UpnpSymbianServer *** Shutdown complete" ); }
//* //* Init All Resources //* void a_init_all(){ //-- Init Input Event Handler ui_init(); LOGS("Input Initialized\n"); //-- Init Graphic Framebuffer ag_init(); LOGS("Graph Initialized\n"); }
//* //* Release All Resources //* void a_release_all(){ //-- Release All ag_closefonts(); //-- Release Fonts LOGS("Font Released\n"); ev_exit(); //-- Release Input Engine LOGS("Input Released\n"); az_close(); //-- Release Zip Handler LOGS("Archive Released\n"); ag_close(); //-- Release Graph Engine LOGS("Graph Released\n"); }
/** * Issues simulations till a stop condition is fulfilled. * * @param rCond The stop condition. */ void UpdateController::runSubphase(StopCondition &rCond) { LOGS(Priority::INFO)<<"(re)started subphase"; fireInitializePhase(); lNIterations = 0; while (!rCond.fulfilled(lNIterations)) { if (lNIterations % 50 == 0) { LOGS(Priority::VERBOSE)<<"iteration: "<<lNIterations; R_CheckUserInterrupt(); } lrSimulation.simulate(); ++lNIterations; } fireFinalizePhase(lNIterations * lrSimulation.nSimulations()); }
BBSoundSet *BBSoundSetPool::getSet(){ BBSoundSet *set = _sets[_currentIndex]; set->reset(); _currentIndex ++; LOGS("BBSoundSetPool::getSet()"); LOG(_currentIndex); LOG(_numSets); if( _currentIndex == _numSets){ LOGS("-------------- RESET SET POOL --------------"); shuffle(); _currentIndex = 0; } return set; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUpnpDeviceImplementation::NewL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXPORT_C CUpnpDeviceImplementation* CUpnpDeviceImplementation::NewL( const TDesC8& aUri, CUpnpDeviceDescriptionStore& aDescriptionStore, MUpnpDeviceDescriptionProvider& aProvider ) { LOGS("CUpnpDevice:: CUpnpDevice::NewL( const TDesC& aFilename, TInt aIapId, TInt aHandle )" ); HBufC8* descr = UpnpFileUtil::ReadFileL( aDescriptionStore.DescriptionFile() ); if ( descr->Length()> KMaxDeviceDescriptionLenght ) { delete descr; User::Leave( KErrTooBig ); } CleanupStack::PushL( descr ); CUpnpContentHandlersController* controller = CUpnpContentHandlersController::NewLC(); CUpnpDeviceImplementation* deviceImpl = controller->ParseDeviceImplL( *descr ); CleanupStack::PushL( deviceImpl ); deviceImpl->ConstructL( aUri, aDescriptionStore, aProvider ); CleanupStack::Pop( deviceImpl ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( controller ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( descr ); return deviceImpl; }
void MeetingSetting::initPermittedSteps(const bool* const permitted) { // THIS WORKS CAUSE WE KNOW THAT PERMITTED STEPS CONTAINS EGO! if (lpPermittedSteps == 0) { lpSetting->initPermittedSteps(permitted); if (lpSetting->getPermittedSize() > 1) { ITieIterator* iter = lpSetting->getPermittedSteps(); if(iter->actor() == ego()) { iter->next(); } int pos = nextInt(lpSetting->getPermittedSize() - 1); while (pos != 0) { iter->next(); if (iter->actor() != ego()) { --pos; } } SingleIterator iter1(ego()); SingleIterator iter2(iter->actor()); lpPermittedSteps = new UnionTieIterator(iter1, iter2); delete iter; } else { lpPermittedSteps = new SingleIterator(ego()); } } else { LOGS(Priority::ERROR)<<"setting has not been terminated\n"; throw "setting has not been terminated"; } }
/* Our own IRQs are disabled as we're being called from our IRQ handler */ static void rds_processpacket(struct rds_dev *dev) { int a,last_used=dev->rx_used; char buffer[64]; /* Got a whole packet, log it and buffer */ sprintf(buffer,"pkt %02x/%02x/%02x/%02x %02x/%02x/%02x/%02x\n", dev->buffer[0],dev->buffer[1],dev->buffer[2],dev->buffer[3], dev->buffer[4],dev->buffer[5],dev->buffer[6],dev->buffer[7]); LOGS(buffer); /* Put it into the buffer */ if (dev->rx_free<8) { /* No room! */ return; } dev->rx_free-=8; dev->rx_used+=8; dev->rx_count+=8; for(a=0;a<8;a++) { dev->rx_buffer[dev->rx_head++]=dev->buffer[a]; if (dev->rx_head==RDS_RX_BUFFER_SIZE) dev->rx_head=0; } /* If we've filled an empty buffer, wake up readers */ if (!last_used) wake_up_interruptible(&dev->rx_wq); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUpnpHttpServer::ConnectionAcceptedL // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUpnpTcpSession* CUpnpHttpServer::ConnectionAcceptedL( RSocket aSocket ) { LOG_FUNC_NAME; #ifdef _DEBUG TInetAddr tempAddr; aSocket.RemoteName( tempAddr ); tempAddr.ConvertToV4(); const TInt KMaxAdressLength = 20; TBuf<KMaxAdressLength> addrBuf; tempAddr.Output( addrBuf ); HBufC8* addrBuf8 = UpnpString::FromUnicodeL( addrBuf ); CleanupStack::PushL( addrBuf8 ); LOGS( "CUpnpHttpServer::ConnectionAcceptedL - Remote socket connected" ); LOGT( addrBuf8->Des() ); LOGS1("CUpnpHttpServer::ConnectionAcceptedL - Creating a new Http session. Session count: %i", iSessionList.Count()); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(addrBuf8); #endif //_DEBUG CUpnpHttpSession* sess = CUpnpHttpSession::NewL( aSocket, this, CUpnpHttpMessage::NewSessionIdL(), EPriorityNormal ); return sess; }
static void pnode(shm_node_t *n) { FUN("pnode"); #if SHM_DEBUG LOGS(L_SHM,L_ERROR, ("%#x: rsize=%#x usize=%#x addr=%#x pid=%u file=%s:%u next=0x%x\n", (unsigned)n, (unsigned)n->x.rsize, (unsigned)n->x.usize, (unsigned)ADDR(n), (unsigned)n->x.pid, (unsigned)n->x.next, (char *)((NULL != n->x.file) ? n->x.file : "unknown"), (unsigned)n->x.line)); #else LOGS(L_SHM,L_ERROR, ("%#x: rsize=%#x usize=%#x addr=%#x pid=%u next=0x%x\n", (unsigned)n, (unsigned)n->x.rsize, (unsigned)n->x.usize, (unsigned)ADDR(n), (unsigned)n->x.pid, (unsigned)n->x.next)); #endif }
SYSCALL(void, maHttpSetRequestHeader(MAHandle conn, const char* key, const char* value)) { LOGS("HttpSetRequestHeader %i %s: %s\n", conn, key, value); MAStreamConn& mac = getStreamConn(conn); HttpConnection* http = mac.conn->http(); MYASSERT(http != NULL, ERR_CONN_NOT_HTTP); MYASSERT(http->mState == HttpConnection::SETUP, ERR_HTTP_NOT_SETUP); http->SetRequestHeader(key, value); }
/** * Runs the epoch simulation for the period and updates the variables. * * Similar to: siena07models.cpp mlPeriod() * * @param m Period. */ void MetropolisHastingsSimulation::simulatePeriod(const int m) { MLSimulation* pSim = new MLSimulation(lpData, lpModel); // Update simulations pSim->simpleRates(lpModel->simpleRates()); pSim->currentPermutationLength(lpModel->currentPermutationLength(m)); pSim->missingNetworkProbability( static_cast<const Model*>(lpModel)->missingNetworkProbability(m)); pSim->missingBehaviorProbability( static_cast<const Model*>(lpModel)->missingBehaviorProbability(m)); LOGS(Priority::VERBOSE)<<"\nSimple rates: "<<pSim->simpleRates() <<"\nCurrent permutation length: "<<pSim->currentPermutationLength() <<"\nMissing network probability: "<<pSim->missingNetworkProbability() <<"\nMissing behavior probability: "<<pSim->missingBehaviorProbability(); pSim->pChain(lpModel->rChainStore(m).back()->copyChain()); lpModel->needScores(false); lpModel->needDerivatives(false); lpModel->numberMLSteps(lNRunMH[m]); LOGS(Priority::VERBOSE)<<"\nNum steps: "<<lpModel->numberMLSteps(); pSim->runEpoch(m); // Run through current state of chain and calculate scores and derivatives. lpModel->needScores(true); // !onlyLoglik (bayes) lpModel->needDerivatives(lNeedsDerivative); pSim->updateProbabilities(pSim->pChain(), pSim->pChain()->pFirst()->pNext(), pSim->pChain()->pLast()->pPrevious()); // Store chain on Model. Chain* pChain = pSim->pChain(); pChain->createInitialStateDifferences(); pSim->createEndStateDifferences(); lpModel->chainStore(*pChain, m); lpModel->currentPermutationLength(m, pSim->currentPermutationLength()); // Add up period results. addSingleScores(lScores[0], m, *pSim); addSingleDerivatives(lDerivative[0], m, *pSim); LOGS(Priority::DEBUG)<<"Scores: "<<lScores[0].transpose(); }
void BBSoundSetPool::setPool(BBSoundSet *(sets[]), int count){ _sets = sets; _numSets = count; srand(analogRead(0) * analogRead(1) - analogRead(2)); shuffle(); LOGS("BBSoundSetPool::setPool()"); // LOG(_numSets); }
bool ZFile::GetLineInfo(char* pBuf, int iBufSize) { if(NULL == m_pFile) { LOGS("file not open"); return false; } return (NULL != fgets(pBuf,iBufSize,m_pFile))?true:false; }
int ZFile::write(const char* pBuf,int iBufSize) { if(NULL == m_pFile) { LOGS("file not open"); return (-1); } return fwrite(pBuf,1,iBufSize,m_pFile); }
int ZFile::fprintf( const char* format,...) { if(NULL == m_pFile) { LOGS("file not open"); return (-1); } return ::fprintf(m_pFile,format); }
void ISubject::detatch(IObserver *observer){ ObserverVector::iterator position = std::find(_observers.begin(), _observers.end(), observer); if (position != _observers.end()) {// == vector.end() means the element was not found _observers.erase(position); LOGS("remove observer: "); LOG(_observers.size()); } }
void MeetingSetting::terminateSetting() { lpSetting->terminateSetting(ego()); if (lpPermittedSteps != 0) { delete lpPermittedSteps; lpPermittedSteps = 0; } else { LOGS(Priority::ERROR)<< "setting has not been initialized\n"; throw "setting has not been initialized"; } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUpnpCpbSimpleDeviceDescription::ServiceDescription // Parse service description // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TInt CUpnpCpbSimpleDeviceDescription::ProcessServiceDescriptionL(CUpnpHttpMessage* aMsg) { LOG_FUNC_NAME; CUpnpDevice::TServiceAdd result; // Parsing service desription CUpnpService* service = NULL; service = iSaxController->ParseServiceL(aMsg->Body(), iRootDevice); CleanupStack::PushL(service); result = iRootDevice->AddServiceL(aMsg->SessionId(), service); CleanupStack::Pop(service); if ( result == CUpnpDevice::EAllServicesAdded ) { // device has received all service descriptions LOGS("CUpnpCpbSimpleDeviceDescription::ProcessServiceDescriptionL - " "All service info added to the parent device"); iResult = KDisscoveryFinished; } else if ( result == CUpnpDevice::EServiceAdded ) { LOGS("CUpnpCpbSimpleDeviceDescription::ProcessServiceDescriptionL - " "Service added"); // Waiting for next desciptions. iResult = KDisscoveryInProgress; TPtrC8 buffer(GetNextServiceType(iRootDevice)); TInt sessionId = iMessanger.GetServiceDescriptionL (iRootDevice, buffer); // put SessionID to memory per pending Service Description request iRootDevice->WaitServiceDescriptionL( sessionId ); } else { delete service; iResult = KDisscoveryInProgress; } LOGS1("CUpnpCpbSimpleDeviceDescription::ProcessServiceDescriptionL -res=%d", iResult); return iResult; }
/** * \copydoc Simulation::needsChanged() */ void StatisticsSimulation::needsChanged() { set<ResultType>::iterator it = find(lNeeds.begin(), lNeeds.end(), PERIOD_SCORES); lpModel->needScores(it != lNeeds.end()); if (lpModel->needScores()) { LOGS(Priority::DEBUG)<<"simulation collects scores"; // Create stores only the first time. if (lScores.empty()) { setupMaps(lScores, lScoresData, lNThreads, nPeriods(), nParameters()); } } }
void ISubject::attach(IObserver *observer){ // LOG((int)this); // don't add if already subscribed if (std::find(_observers.begin(), _observers.end(), observer) == _observers.end()) { LOGS("attatching Observer: "); _observers.push_back(observer); LOG(_observers.size()); } }
void resize(int _newWidth, int _newHeight) { LOGS("resize: %d x %d", _newWidth, _newHeight); LOG("resize: %d x %d", _newWidth, _newHeight); glViewport(0, 0, _newWidth, _newHeight); if (m_view) { m_view->setSize(_newWidth, _newHeight); } Primitives::setResolution(_newWidth, _newHeight); }
static void plist(shm_node_t *head) { shm_node_t *c; FUN("plist"); LOGS(L_SHM,L_ERROR,("=== list starts at 0x%x ===\n", (uint32_t)head)); c = head; while (NULL != c) { pnode(c); c = c->x.next; } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUpnpHttpFileAccess::SaveL // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TInt CUpnpHttpFileAccess::SaveL( TDesC8& aBuffer ) { LOGS1( "%i, CUpnpHttpFileAccess::SaveL()", this ); if ( iIsDeleted ) { LOGS( "file closed" ); return KErrGeneral; } LOGS( "file not closed" ); TInt toWrite = (EncodingMode( )|| (TransferTotal( ) == KErrNotFound ) ) ? aBuffer.Length( ) : (TransferTotal( )- iBytesWritten); if ( aBuffer.Size( ) < toWrite ) { toWrite = aBuffer.Size( ); } if ( UpnpFileUtil::CheckDiskSpaceShortL( iFileToServe->Des( ), toWrite, iFsSession ) ) { DeleteFile( ); return EHttpInsufficientStorage; } TInt error = KErrNone; // At first time iPosInFile == 0 or range offset, see ConstructL, and the next time // saving will continue at stopped point. error = iFile.Write( iPosInFile, aBuffer.Right( toWrite ) ); if ( error != KErrNone ) { return error; } iPosInFile += toWrite; iBytesWritten += toWrite; return KErrNone; }
/*********************************************************************** * exit() ***********************************************************************/ int crypt0_exit(void *ptr) { crypt0_t *c = ptr; FUN("crypt0_exit"); if (NULL == ptr) { LOGS(L_CRYPTO,L_ERROR,("pptr is NULL\n")); errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if (CRYPT0_MAGIC != c->magic) { LOGS(L_CRYPTO,L_ERROR,("magic is %x (!= %x)\n", c->magic, CRYPT0_MAGIC)); errno = EINVAL; return -1; } memset(c, 0, sizeof(*c)); xfree(ptr); return 0; }
/** * \copydoc Controller::run() */ bool UpdateController::run() { addListener(lpStep); addListener(&lAutoCorrelator); addListener(&lParameterSum); // Run lPhase2N2subphases sub phases lpStep->setGain(lGainInitial); for (int subphase = 0; subphase < lNSubphases; ++subphase) { const pair<int, int> n = calculateNIterations(subphase); LOGS(Priority::INFO)<<"\n\n=== start subphase ===========" <<"\nSubphase: "<<subphase <<"\nIterations: ["<<n.first<<".."<<n.second<<"]" <<"\n==============================\n"; retryPhase(n); // Reduce gain lpStep->setGain(lpStep->getGain() * lGainDecay); LOGS(Priority::VERBOSE)<<"reduced gain to: "<<lpStep->getGain(); } removeListener(&lParameterSum); removeListener(&lAutoCorrelator); removeListener(lpStep); return true; }