void DifficultyManager::LoadDefaultDifficultySettings() {
	DM_LOG( LC_DIFFICULTY, LT_INFO )LOGSTRING( "Trying to load default difficulty settings from entityDefs.\r" );
	// Construct the entityDef name (e.g. atdm:difficulty_settings_default)
	const idDict *difficultyDict = gameLocal.FindEntityDefDict( defName, true ); // grayman #3391 - don't create a default 'difficultyDict'
	// We want 'false' here, but FindEntityDefDict()
	// will print its own warning, so let's not
	// clutter the console with a redundant message
	if( difficultyDict != NULL ) {
		DM_LOG( LC_DIFFICULTY, LT_DEBUG )LOGSTRING( "Found difficulty settings: %s.\r", defName.c_str() );
		// greebo: Try to lookup the entityDef for each difficulty level and load the settings
		for( int i = 0; i < DIFFICULTY_COUNT; i++ ) {
			// Let the setting structure know which level it is referring to
			_globalSettings[i].SetLevel( i );
			// And load the settings
			_globalSettings[i].LoadFromEntityDef( *difficultyDict );
			// Load the CVAR settings too
			_cvarSettings[i].SetLevel( i );
			_cvarSettings[i].LoadFromEntityDef( *difficultyDict );
	} else {
		for( int i = 0; i < DIFFICULTY_COUNT; i++ ) {
		gameLocal.Warning( "DifficultyManager: Could not find default difficulty entityDef!" );
Пример #2
bool MeleeCombatTask::Perform(Subsystem& subsystem)
	DM_LOG(LC_AI, LT_INFO)LOGSTRING("Melee Combat Task performing.\r");

	idAI* ownerEnt = _owner.GetEntity();
	assert(ownerEnt != NULL);

	idActor* enemy = _enemy.GetEntity();
	if ( ( enemy == NULL ) || enemy->IsKnockedOut() || ( enemy->health <= 0 ) )
		DM_LOG(LC_AI, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("No enemy, terminating task!\r");
		return true; // terminate me

	// Perform the task according to the current action
	EMeleeActState actState = ownerEnt->m_MeleeStatus.m_ActionState;

	switch (actState)
	return false; // not finished yet
Пример #3
void DifficultySettings::ApplySettings(idDict& target)
	std::string eclass = target.GetString("classname");

	if (eclass.empty()) {
		return; // no classname, no rules

	// greebo: First, get the list of entity-specific difficulty settings from the dictionary
	// Everything processed here will be ignored in the second run (where the default settings are applied)
	idList<Setting> entSettings = Setting::ParseSettingsFromDict(target, _level);
	DM_LOG(LC_DIFFICULTY, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("Found %d difficulty settings on the entity %s.\r", entSettings.Num(), target.GetString("name"));

	// Apply the settings one by one
	for (int i = 0; i < entSettings.Num(); i++)
		DM_LOG(LC_DIFFICULTY, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("Applying entity-specific setting: %s => %s.\r", entSettings[i].spawnArg.c_str(), entSettings[i].argument.c_str());

	// Second step: apply global settings

	// Get the inheritancechain for the given target dict
	const InheritanceChain &inheritanceChain = GetInheritanceChain(target);

	// Go through the inheritance chain front to back and apply the settings
	for (InheritanceChain::const_iterator c = inheritanceChain.begin(); c != inheritanceChain.end(); ++c)
		std::string className = *c;

		// Process the list of default settings that apply to this entity class,
		// but ignore all keys that have been addressed by the entity-specific settings.
		for (SettingsMap::iterator i = _settings.find(className);
			 i != _settings.upper_bound(className) && i != _settings.end();
			Setting& setting = i->second;
			bool settingApplicable = true;

			// Check if the spawnarg has been processed in the entity-specific settings
			for (int k = 0; k < entSettings.Num(); k++)
				if (entSettings[k].spawnArg == setting.spawnArg)
					// This target spawnarg has already been processed in the first run, skip it
					DM_LOG(LC_DIFFICULTY, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("Ignoring global setting: %s => %s.\r", setting.spawnArg.c_str(), setting.argument.c_str());
					settingApplicable = false;

			if (settingApplicable)
				// We have green light, apply the setting
				DM_LOG(LC_DIFFICULTY, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("Applying global setting: %s => %s.\r", setting.spawnArg.c_str(), setting.argument.c_str());
bool CStimResponse::CheckChance() {
	if( m_Chance < 1.0f ) {
		// Chance timer still active?
		if( m_NextChanceTime > gameLocal.GetTime() ) {
			DM_LOG( LC_STIM_RESPONSE, LT_DEBUG )LOGSTRING( "CStimResponse::checkChance: Timeout still active.\r" );
			// Next chance time is still in the future, return false
			return false;
		// The stim only fires if the (hopefully uniformly distributed)
		// random variable is within the interval (0, m_Chance]
		if( gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() <= m_Chance ) {
			// Reset the next chance time
			m_NextChanceTime = -1;
			return true;
		} else {
			DM_LOG( LC_STIM_RESPONSE, LT_DEBUG )LOGSTRING( "CStimResponse::checkChance: Chance test failed.\r" );
			// Test failed, should we use a timeout?
			if( m_ChanceTimer > 0 ) {
				// Save the earliest time of the next response chance
				m_NextChanceTime = gameLocal.GetTime() + m_ChanceTimer;
			return false;
	} else {
		// 100% chance => return true
		return true;
void DifficultyManager::Init( idMapFile *mapFile ) {
	DM_LOG( LC_DIFFICULTY, LT_INFO )LOGSTRING( "Searching for difficulty setting on worldspawn.\r" );
	if( mapFile->GetNumEntities() <= 0 ) {
		return; // no entities!
	// Fetch the worldspawn
	idMapEntity *mapEnt = mapFile->GetEntity( 0 );
	idDict spawnArgs = mapEnt->epairs;
	int mapDifficulty;
	if( spawnArgs.GetInt( "difficulty", "0", mapDifficulty ) ) {
		// We have a difficulty spawnarg set on the map's worldspawn, take it as override value
		DM_LOG( LC_DIFFICULTY, LT_DEBUG )LOGSTRING( "Found overriding difficulty setting on worldspawn entity: %d.\r", mapDifficulty );
		_difficulty = mapDifficulty;
	// Check for the CVAR, which might override any setting
	if( cv_tdm_difficulty.GetInteger() >= 0 ) {
		_difficulty = cv_tdm_difficulty.GetInteger();
		DM_LOG( LC_DIFFICULTY, LT_DEBUG )LOGSTRING( "Found overriding CVAR 'tdm_difficulty': %d.\r", _difficulty );
	// Clear the CVAR settings before parsing
	for( int i = 0; i < DIFFICULTY_COUNT; i++ ) {
	// Load the default difficulty settings from the entityDefs
	LoadMapDifficultySettings( mapFile );
void ConversationSystem::ProcessConversations() {
	// Remove the dying conversations first
	for( int i = 0; i < _dyingConversations.Num(); i++ ) {
		// Remove the dying index from the active conversations list
		_activeConversations.Remove( _dyingConversations[i] );
	// What remains is a list of active conversations
	for( int i = 0; i < _activeConversations.Num(); i++ ) {
		ConversationPtr conv = GetConversation( _activeConversations[i] );
		assert( conv != NULL );
		// Let the conversation do its job
		if( !conv->Process() ) {
			// Job returned false, terminate this conversation
			DM_LOG( LC_CONVERSATION, LT_DEBUG )LOGSTRING( "Terminating conversation %s due to error.\r", conv->GetName().c_str() );
			EndConversation( _activeConversations[i] );
		// Check if the conversation is done
		if( conv->IsDone() ) {
			// Job returned false, terminate this conversation
			DM_LOG( LC_CONVERSATION, LT_INFO )LOGSTRING( "Conversation %s finished normally.\r", conv->GetName().c_str() );
			EndConversation( _activeConversations[i] );
Пример #7
void CStimResponseCollection::InitFromSpawnargs(const idDict& args, idEntity* owner)
	if (owner == NULL)
		DM_LOG(LC_STIM_RESPONSE, LT_ERROR)LOGSTRING("Owner set to NULL is not allowed!\r");

	idStr name;

	for (int i = 1; /* in-loop break */; ++i)
		idStr name = va("sr_class_%u", i);
		DM_LOG(LC_STIM_RESPONSE, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("Looking for %s\r", name.c_str());

		idStr str;
		if (!args.GetString(name, "X", str))

		char sr_class = str[0];

		if (ParseSpawnArg(args, owner, sr_class, i) == false)
Пример #8
bool PathWaitTask::Perform(Subsystem& subsystem)
	DM_LOG(LC_AI, LT_INFO)LOGSTRING("PathWaitTask performing.\r");

	idPathCorner* path = _path.GetEntity();
	idAI* owner = _owner.GetEntity();

	// This task may not be performed with empty entity pointers
	assert(path != NULL && owner != NULL);

	if (gameLocal.time >= _endtime)
		// Trigger path targets, now that we're done waiting
		// grayman #3670 - need to keep the owner->Activate() calls to not break
		// existing maps, but the intent was path->Activate().

		// NextPath();

		// Wait is done, fall back to PatrolTask
		DM_LOG(LC_AI, LT_INFO)LOGSTRING("Wait is done.\r");

		return true; // finish this task
	return false;
Пример #9
bool MoveToCoverTask::Perform(Subsystem& subsystem)
	DM_LOG(LC_AI, LT_INFO)LOGSTRING("Move to Cover Task performing.\r");

	idAI* owner = _owner.GetEntity();

	// This task may not be performed with empty entity pointer
	assert(owner != NULL);

		DM_LOG(LC_AI, LT_INFO)LOGSTRING("Destination unreachable.\r");
		return true;

	if (owner->AI_MOVE_DONE)
		// Move is done, 
		DM_LOG(LC_AI, LT_INFO)LOGSTRING("Move is done.\r");

		// finish this task

		return true;

	return false; // not finished yet
Пример #10
void CMissionManager::UninstallMod()
	// To uninstall the current FM, just clear the FM name in currentfm.txt	

#if 0
	// Path to the darkmod directory
	fs::path darkmodPath = GetDarkmodPath();

	// Path to file that holds the current FM name
	fs::path currentFMPath(darkmodPath / cv_tdm_fm_current_file.GetString());

	DM_LOG(LC_MAINMENU, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("Trying to clear current FM name in %s\r", currentFMPath.file_string().c_str());

	if (DoRemoveFile(currentFMPath))
		DM_LOG(LC_MAINMENU, LT_INFO)LOGSTRING("Current FM file removed: %s.\r", currentFMPath.string().c_str());
		// Log removal error
		DM_LOG(LC_MAINMENU, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("Caught exception while removing current FM file %s.\r", currentFMPath.string().c_str());
void CFrobLock::Event_TriggerUnlockTargets()
	bool updateFrobability = spawnArgs.GetBool("update_target_frobability", "0");

	for (const idKeyValue* kv = spawnArgs.MatchPrefix("unlock_target"); kv != NULL; kv = spawnArgs.MatchPrefix("unlock_target", kv))
		// Find the entity
		idEntity* unlockTarget = gameLocal.FindEntity(kv->GetValue());

		if (unlockTarget == NULL) 
			DM_LOG(LC_LOCKPICK, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("Could not find unlock target %s (this: %s)\r", kv->GetValue().c_str(), name.c_str());

		DM_LOG(LC_LOCKPICK, LT_INFO)LOGSTRING("Activating unlock target %s\r", kv->GetValue().c_str());

		if (updateFrobability)
			DM_LOG(LC_LOCKPICK, LT_INFO)LOGSTRING("Enabling unlock target frobability: %s\r", unlockTarget->name.c_str());
Пример #12
bool CMissionManager::DoCopyFile(const fs::path& source, const fs::path& dest, bool overwrite)
	if (overwrite)
			// According to docs, remove() doesn't throw if file doesn't exist
			DM_LOG(LC_MAINMENU, LT_INFO)LOGSTRING("Destination file %s already exists, has been removed before copying.\r", dest.string().c_str());
		catch (fs::filesystem_error& e)
			// Don't care about removal error
			DM_LOG(LC_MAINMENU, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("Caught exception while removing destination file %s: %s\r", dest.string().c_str(), e.what());

	// Copy the source file to the destination
		fs::copy_file(source, dest);
		DM_LOG(LC_MAINMENU, LT_INFO)LOGSTRING("File successfully copied to %s.\r", dest.string().c_str());

		return true;
	catch (fs::filesystem_error& e)
		DM_LOG(LC_MAINMENU, LT_ERROR)LOGSTRING("Exception while coyping file from %s to %s: %s\r", 
			source.string().c_str(), dest.string().c_str(), e.what());

		return false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSamplerPluginLoader::LoadRlibraryL
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSamplerPluginLoader::LoadRlibraryL(CArrayPtrFlat<CSamplerPluginInterface>* aPluginArray)
    LOGSTRING("CSamplerPluginLoader rlibrary loading");
                // Load dll
    iPluginArray = aPluginArray;
    RLibrary aLib;
    TInt ret = aLib.Load(_L("PIProfilerGenerals.dll"),_L("c:\\sys\\bin"));

    LOGSTRING2("RLibrary load returns %d", ret);
    const TInt KNewLOrdinal = 2;
    TLibraryFunction NewL =aLib.Lookup(KNewLOrdinal);

        RDebug::Printf("library.lookup returns null");    
        LOGSTRING2("library.lookup returns 0x%x", NewL);
        //CGeneralsPlugin* mydll=(CGeneralsPlugin*)NewL();
        CSamplerPluginInterface* mydll=(CSamplerPluginInterface*)NewL();
        //Generals plugin loaded, samplers enabled.
        CleanupStack::PushL( mydll );
        //InsertPluginInOrderL( mydll, aPluginArray);
        // call engine to finalize the startup
        //TRAPD(result, iObserver->HandleSamplerControllerReadyL(););

        //Begin CActive asynchronous loop.
    LOGSTRING("RLibrary and plugins loaded");
Пример #14
void CResponseEffect::runScript(idEntity* owner, idEntity* stimEntity, float magnitude) {
	if (!_scriptFunctionValid)
		if (owner == NULL)
			DM_LOG(LC_STIM_RESPONSE, LT_ERROR)LOGSTRING("Cannot restore scriptfunction, owner is NULL: %s\r", _scriptName.c_str());

		_scriptFunctionValid = true;

		if (_localScript) {
			// Local scriptfunction
			_scriptFunction = owner->scriptObject.GetFunction(_scriptName.c_str());
		else {
			// Global Method
			_scriptFunction = gameLocal.program.FindFunction(_scriptName.c_str());

	if ( _scriptFunction == NULL )

	DM_LOG(LC_STIM_RESPONSE, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("Running ResponseEffect Script %s, effectPostfix = %s...\r", _scriptFunction->Name(), _effectPostfix.c_str());

	idThread *pThread = new idThread(_scriptFunction);
	int n = pThread->GetThreadNum();
	pThread->CallFunctionArgs(_scriptFunction, true, "eesff", owner, stimEntity, _effectPostfix.c_str(), magnitude, n);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmAOAdapter::DDFVersionL
// Returns ddf version nr
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmAOAdapter::DDFVersionL( CBufBase& aDDFVersion )
    LOGSTRING( "CNSmlDmAOAdapter::DDFVersionL: Start" );
    aDDFVersion.InsertL( 0, KNSmlDmAOAdapterDDFVersion );
    LOGSTRING( "CNSmlDmAOAdapter::DDFVersionL:End" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  CNSmlDmAOAdapter::AddNodeObjectL
//  Not supported
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmAOAdapter::AddNodeObjectL( const TDesC8& /*aURI*/, 
                                       const TDesC8& /*aParentLUID*/,
								       TInt aStatusRef )
    LOGSTRING( "CNSmlDmAOAdapter::AddNodeObjectL: Start" );
    Callback().SetStatusL(aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError);
    LOGSTRING( "CNSmlDmAOAdapter::AddNodeObjectL: End" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmAOAdapter::ConstructL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmAOAdapter::ConstructL()
    LOGSTRING( "CNSmlDmAOAdapter::CNSmlDmAOAdapter: Start" );
    iSettingStore = CNSmlDmAOSettingStore::NewL( this );
    LOGSTRING( "CNSmlDmAOAdapter::CNSmlDmAOAdapter: End" );
Пример #18
CMissionManager::InstallResult CMissionManager::InstallMod(const idStr& name)
	CModInfoPtr info = GetModInfo(name); // result is always non-NULL

	const idStr& modName = info->modName;

	// Ensure that the target folder exists
	fs::path targetFolder = g_Global.GetModPath(modName.c_str());

	if (!fs::create_directory(targetFolder))
		// Directory exists, not a problem, but log this
		DM_LOG(LC_MAINMENU, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("FM targetFolder already exists: %s\r", targetFolder.string().c_str());

#if 0
	// Path to the darkmod directory
	fs::path darkmodPath = GetDarkmodPath();

	// greebo: We don't copy PK4s around anymore, they remain in the fms/ subfolders

	// Copy all PK4s from the FM folder (and all subdirectories)
	idFileList* pk4Files = fileSystem->ListFilesTree(info->pathToFMPackage, ".pk4", false);

	for (int i = 0; i < pk4Files->GetNumFiles(); ++i)
		// Source file (full OS path)
		fs::path pk4fileOsPath = GetDarkmodPath() / pk4Files->GetFile(i);

		// Target location
		fs::path targetFile = targetFolder / pk4fileOsPath.leaf();

		DM_LOG(LC_MAINMENU, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("Copying file %s to %s\r", pk4fileOsPath.string().c_str(), targetFile.string().c_str());

		// Use boost::filesystem instead of id's (comments state that copying large files can be problematic)
		//fileeSystem->CopyFile(pk4fileOsPath, targetFile.string().c_str());

		// Copy the PK4 file and make sure any target file with the same name is removed beforehand
		if (!DoCopyFile(pk4fileOsPath, targetFile, true))
			// Failed copying
			return COPY_FAILURE;


	// Save the name to currentfm.txt

    // taaaki: now that fms are loaded directly from <basepath>/darkmod/fms/ 
    //         we don't need to copy config files around (i.e. just use the 
    //         one in <basepath>/darkmod/ (same with config.spec)

Пример #19
CInventoryItemPtr CInventory::ValidateWeapon(idEntity* ent, const bool gotFromShop) // grayman (#2376)
	// Sanity check
	if (ent == NULL) return CInventoryItemPtr();

	idStr weaponName = ent->spawnArgs.GetString("inv_weapon_name");

	if (weaponName.IsEmpty())
		// Not a weapon item
		return CInventoryItemPtr();

	// Entity has a weapon name set, check for match in our inventory

	// Find the weapon category
	CInventoryCategoryPtr weaponCategory = GetCategory(TDM_PLAYER_WEAPON_CATEGORY);

	if (weaponCategory == NULL)
		DM_LOG(LC_INVENTORY, LT_ERROR)LOGSTRING("Could not find weapon category in inventory.\r");
		return CInventoryItemPtr();
	// Look for the weapon with the given name
	for (int i = 0; i < weaponCategory->GetNumItems(); i++)
		CInventoryWeaponItemPtr weaponItem = 

		// Is this the right weapon? (must be a melee weapon, allowed empty)
		if (weaponItem != NULL && weaponItem->IsAllowedEmpty() && weaponItem->GetWeaponName() == weaponName)
			DM_LOG(LC_INVENTORY, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("Entity %s is matching the melee weapon %s.\r", ent->name.c_str(), weaponName.c_str());

			// Enable this weapon

			if (!gotFromShop) // grayman (#2376)

			if (!ent->spawnArgs.GetBool("inv_map_start", "0") && !ent->spawnArgs.GetBool("inv_no_pickup_message", "0"))
				NotifyOwnerAboutPickup( common->Translate( ent->spawnArgs.GetString("inv_name") ), weaponItem);
			// We're done
			return weaponItem;

	DM_LOG(LC_INVENTORY, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("Couldn't find a match for weapon name: %s.\r", weaponName.c_str());

	return CInventoryItemPtr();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmAOAdapter::~CNSmlDmAOAdapter
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    LOGSTRING( "CNSmlDmAOAdapter::~CNSmlDmAOAdapter: Start" );    
    delete iSettingStore;
    LOGSTRING( "CNSmlDmAOAdapter::~CNSmlDmAOAdapter: End" );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  CNSmlDmAOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL
//  Not supported
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmAOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL( const TDesC8& /* aURI */, 
                                        const TDesC8& /* aLUID */, 
                                        RWriteStream*& /* aStream */, 
                                        const TDesC8& /* aType */, 
                                        TInt aStatusRef )
    LOGSTRING( "CNSmlDmAOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL: Start" );
    Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError );    
    LOGSTRING( "CNSmlDmAOAdapter::ExecuteCommandL: End" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  CNSmlDmAOAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL
//  Fetches leaf object size.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmAOAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL( const TDesC8& aURI, 
                                             const TDesC8& aLUID,
									         const TDesC8& /* aType */, 
									         TInt aResultsRef,
									         TInt aStatusRef )
    LOGSTRING( "CNSmlDmAOAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL: Start" );
    LOGSTRING3( "\tFetchLeafObjectSizeL  \tURI: %S, \tLUID: %S,", 
                         &aURI, &aLUID );
    CSmlDmAOCommandElement* cmd = 
    CSmlDmAOCommandElement::NewLC( ETrue, 
                                   LastURISeg( aURI ), 
    TInt luid( KDefaultLuid );
    if ( aLUID.Length() > 0 )
        luid = DesToIntL( aLUID );    
    iSettingStore->ExecuteCmdL( *cmd, luid );
    LOGSTRING2( "\tCmd executed with status: %d ", 
                          cmd->Status() );
    // if executed get status
    if ( cmd->Executed() ) 
        Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, cmd->Status() );            
        // if successful get results
        if ( cmd->Status() == CSmlDmAdapter::EOk )
            LOGSTRING2( "\tCmd executed with result: %S ", 
                                  cmd->Data() );
            CBufBase* result = CBufFlat::NewL( cmd->Data()->Size() );
            CleanupStack::PushL( result );
            result->InsertL( 0, *cmd->Data() );
            Callback().SetResultsL( aResultsRef, *result, KNullDesC8 );
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( result );
        // failed to execute command
        Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cmd );
    LOGSTRING( "CNSmlDmAOAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL: End" );
void CDownloadMenu::StartDownload( idUserInterface *gui ) {
	// Add a new download for each selected mission
	const DownloadableModList &mods = gameLocal.m_MissionManager->GetDownloadableMods();
	for( int i = 0; i < _selectedMods.Num(); ++i ) {
		int missionIndex = _selectedMods[i];
		if( missionIndex > mods.Num() ) {
		const DownloadableMod &mod = *mods[missionIndex];
		// The filename is deduced from the mod name found on the website
		idStr targetPath = g_Global.GetDarkmodPath().c_str();
		targetPath += "/";
		targetPath += cv_tdm_fm_path.GetString();
		// Final path to the FM file
		idStr missionPath = targetPath + mod.modName + ".pk4";
		DM_LOG( LC_MAINMENU, LT_INFO )LOGSTRING( "Will download the mission PK4 to %s (modName %s).", missionPath.c_str(), mod.modName.c_str() );
		// log all the URLs
		for( int u = 0; u < mod.missionUrls.Num(); u++ ) {
			DM_LOG( LC_MAINMENU, LT_INFO )LOGSTRING( " URL: '%s'", mod.missionUrls[u].c_str() );
		CDownloadPtr download( new CDownload( mod.missionUrls, missionPath, true ) );
		// gnartsch: In case only the language pack needs to be downloaded, do not add the mission itself to the download list.
		//           In that case we did not add any urls for the mission itself anyway.
		int id = -1;
		if( mod.missionUrls.Num() > 0 ) {
			// Check for valid PK4 files after download
			id = gameLocal.m_DownloadManager->AddDownload( download );
		int l10nId = -1;
		// Check if there is a Localisation pack available
		if( mod.l10nPackUrls.Num() > 0 ) {
			DM_LOG( LC_MAINMENU, LT_INFO )LOGSTRING( "There are l10n pack URLs listed for this FM." );
			for( int u = 0; u < mod.l10nPackUrls.Num(); u++ ) {
				DM_LOG( LC_MAINMENU, LT_INFO )LOGSTRING( " l10n pack URL: '%s'", mod.l10nPackUrls[u].c_str() );
			idStr l10nPackPath = targetPath + mod.modName + "_l10n.pk4";
			DM_LOG( LC_MAINMENU, LT_INFO )LOGSTRING( "Will download the l10n pack to %s.", l10nPackPath.c_str() );
			CDownloadPtr l10nDownload( new CDownload( mod.l10nPackUrls, l10nPackPath, true ) );
			l10nId = gameLocal.m_DownloadManager->AddDownload( l10nDownload );
			// Relate these two downloads, so that they might be handled as pair
			// gnartsch: In case only the language pack needs to be downloaded, we can ignore the mission itself
			if( id > 0 ) {
				download->SetRelatedDownloadId( l10nId );
			} else {
				id = l10nId;
				l10nId = -1;
		// Store these IDs for later reference
		_downloads[missionIndex] = MissionDownload( id, l10nId );
	// Let the download manager start its downloads
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDmAOAdapter::NewL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CNSmlDmAOAdapter* CNSmlDmAOAdapter::NewL( MSmlDmCallback* aDmCallback )
    LOGSTRING("CNSmlDmAOAdapter::NewL: Start");
    CNSmlDmAOAdapter* self = new (ELeave) CNSmlDmAOAdapter( aDmCallback );
    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    LOGSTRING("CNSmlDmAOAdapter::NewL: End");
    return self;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  CNSmlDmAOAdapter::CopyCommandL
//  Not supported
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmAOAdapter::CopyCommandL( const TDesC8& /* aTargetURI */ , 
                                     const TDesC8& /* aTargetLUID */ , 
                                     const TDesC8& /* aSourceURI */ , 
                                     const TDesC8& /* aSourceLUID */, 
                                     const TDesC8& /* aType */ , 
                                     TInt aStatusRef )
    //not supported
    LOGSTRING( "CNSmlDmAOAdapter::CopyCommandL: Sart" );
    Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError );    
    LOGSTRING( "CNSmlDmAOAdapter::CopyCommandL: End" );
Пример #26
void CInventoryItem::RestoreItemEntityFromDict(const idVec3& entPosition)
	if (!m_ItemDict)
		return; // no saved spawnargs, do nothing

	// We have an item dictionary, let's respawn our entity
	idEntity* ent;
	// grayman #3723 - When restoring items this way, it's possible
	// that the name of the object we're about to restore is the same
	// as an object in the map. If so, change the name of the restored object.

	idStr		error;
	const char  *name;

	if ( (*m_ItemDict).GetString( "name", "", &name ) )
		sprintf( error, " on '%s'", name);

	// check if this name is already in use

	if (gameLocal.FindEntity(name))
		gameLocal.Warning("Multiple entities named '%s'", name);
		DM_LOG(LC_INIT, LT_INIT)LOGSTRING("WARNING - Multiple entities named '%s'\r", name);

		// Rename with a unique name.


	if (!gameLocal.SpawnEntityDef(*m_ItemDict, &ent))
		DM_LOG(LC_INVENTORY, LT_ERROR)LOGSTRING("Can't respawn inventory item entity '%s'!\r", m_ItemDict->GetString("name"));
		gameLocal.Error("Can't respawn inventory item entity '%s'!", m_ItemDict->GetString("name"));

	// Place the entity at the given position

	// Hide the entity (don't delete it)
	CInventory::RemoveEntityFromMap(ent, false);

	// Set this as new item entity

	// Finally, remove our saved spawnargs
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  CNSmlDmAOAdapter::ChildURIListL
//  Fetches child nodes of a node. these may be either all VENDORCONFIG 
//  nodes or leaf nodes under a VENDORCONFIG node. 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDmAOAdapter::ChildURIListL( const TDesC8& aURI, 
                                      const TDesC8& aLUID,
					                  const CArrayFix<TSmlDmMappingInfo>& 
					                  TInt aResultsRef, 
					                  TInt aStatusRef )
    LOGSTRING( "CNSmlDmAOAdapter::ChildURIListL: Start" );
    LOGSTRING3( "\tChildURIListL  URI: %S, LUID: %S ", 
                        &aURI, &aLUID );
    CBufBase* resultList = CBufFlat::NewL( KSmlMaxURISegLen );
    CleanupStack::PushL( resultList );
	// get all leaf nodes below VENDORCONFIG node
    if ( !aURI.Compare( KNSmlDmAOAdapterAO ) )
        CSmlDmAOCommandElement* cmd = 
        CSmlDmAOCommandElement::NewLC( EFalse, 
                                       KNullDesC8 );
        TInt luid( KDefaultLuid );
        if ( aLUID.Length() > 0 )
            luid = DesToIntL( aLUID );    
        iSettingStore->ExecuteCmdL( *cmd, luid );
        LOGSTRING2( "\tCmd executed with status: %d ", 
                              cmd->Status() );
        Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, cmd->Status() );
        if( cmd->Status() == CSmlDmAdapter::EOk )
            resultList->InsertL( 0, *cmd->Data() );
            Callback().SetResultsL( aResultsRef, 
                                    KNullDesC8 );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cmd );               
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( resultList );
    LOGSTRING( "CNSmlDmAOAdapter::ChildURIListL: End" );
Пример #28
void CShop::AddPersistentStartingEquipment() {
	const CInventory &sourceInventory = *gameLocal.persistentPlayerInventory;
	// Cycle through all categories to add them
	for( int c = 0; c < sourceInventory.GetNumCategories(); ++c ) {
		const CInventoryCategoryPtr &category = sourceInventory.GetCategory( c );
		for( int itemIdx = 0; itemIdx < category->GetNumItems(); ++itemIdx ) {
			const CInventoryItemPtr &item = category->GetItem( itemIdx );
			if( item->GetPersistentCount() <= 0 ) {
					"Item %s is not marked as persistent, won't add to shop.\r",
					item->GetName().c_str() );
				continue; // not marked as persistent
			const idDict *itemDict = item->GetSavedItemEntityDict();
			if( itemDict == NULL ) {
					"Item %s is marked as persistent, but has no saved item dictionary.\r",
					item->GetName().c_str() );
			idStr className = itemDict->GetString( "classname" );
			// Try to look up the corresponding shop item definition for this item's classname
			CShopItemPtr found = FindShopItemDefByClassName( className );
			if( found == NULL ) {
					"Can't find shopitem definition for classname %s, skipping.\r", className.c_str() );
			int quantity = GetQuantityForItem( item );
			// Don't attempt to merge if we don't have anything to merge in the first place
			if( quantity == 0 ) {
					"Persistent weapon doesn't have ammo, skipping.\r", className.c_str() );
			// Check if this is a weapon
			CInventoryWeaponItemPtr weaponItem = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CInventoryWeaponItem>( item );
			bool isWeapon = ( weaponItem != NULL );
			bool weaponIsAllowedEmpty = weaponItem ? weaponItem->IsAllowedEmpty() : false;
			bool itemMerged = MergeIntoStartingEquipment( className, quantity, isWeapon, weaponIsAllowedEmpty );
			// Append the item to the list if it didn't contribute quantity to
			// an existing list item.
			if( !itemMerged ) {
				CShopItemPtr anItem( new CShopItem( *found, quantity, 0, false ) );
				bool canDrop = itemDict->GetBool( "inv_droppable", "1" );
				anItem->SetCanDrop( canDrop );
				_startingItems.Append( anItem );
Пример #29
ConversationStatePtr Conversation::GetConversationState( int actor ) {
	idAI *ai = GetActor( actor );
	if( ai == NULL ) {
		DM_LOG( LC_CONVERSATION, LT_ERROR )LOGSTRING( "Conversation %s could not find actor.\r", _name.c_str() );
		return ConversationStatePtr();
	// Let's see if the AI can handle this conversation command
	ConversationStatePtr convState = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ConversationState>( ai->GetMind()->GetState() );
	if( convState == NULL ) {
		// AI is not in ConversationState anymore
		DM_LOG( LC_CONVERSATION, LT_DEBUG )LOGSTRING( "Conversation %s: ai %s is not in conversation mode anymore.\r", _name.c_str(), ai->name.c_str() );
		return ConversationStatePtr();
	return convState;
Пример #30
TInt DMemSamplerImpl::CreateFirstSample()
    LOGSTRING("MemSamplerImpl::CreateFirstSample - entry");
	sample[0] = this->sampleDescriptor.Size();

	LOGSTRING("MemSamplerImpl::CreateFirstSample - exit");

	return (TInt)(sample[0]+1);