int WikiManage::wiki_init() { struct timeval now; if (LOG_INIT(LOG_MIN, BASE_DIR, "fastwiki.log") == -1) LOG_INIT(LOG_MIN, "/data/local/tmp", "fastwiki.log"); gettimeofday(&now, NULL); srand(now.tv_sec | now.tv_usec); memset(&m_search_buf, 0, sizeof(m_search_buf)); m_search_buf.page_idx = (int *)calloc(MAX_PAGE_IDX_TOTAL, sizeof(int)); m_buf = (char *)malloc(_MAX_ONE_PAGE_SIZE + 1024); m_trans_buf = (char *)malloc(MAX_TRANS_BUF_SIZE); m_curr_content = (char *)malloc(_MAX_ONE_PAGE_SIZE + 1024); m_curr_page = (char *)malloc(_MAX_ONE_PAGE_SIZE + 1024); memset(&m_all_lang[0], 0, sizeof(struct one_lang)); m_match_title = (wiki_title_t *)calloc(MAX_MATCH_TITLE_TOTAL + 1, sizeof(wiki_title_t)); memset(m_match_title, 0, (MAX_MATCH_TITLE_TOTAL + 1) * sizeof(wiki_title_t)); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PTHREAD_TOTAL; i++) { m_math_data[i] = (char *)malloc(_MAX_MATH_SIZE + 1024); } m_wiki_config = new WikiConfig(); m_wiki_config->wc_init(); m_wiki_socket = new WikiSocket(); m_wiki_socket->ws_init(NULL, _wiki_do_url, (void *)this); pthread_t id; pthread_create(&id, NULL, wiki_manage_start_socket_thread, m_wiki_socket); usleep(10000); m_wiki_history = new WikiHistory(); m_wiki_history->wh_init(); m_history = (struct tmp_history *)calloc(MAX_TMP_HISTORY_TOTAL + 10, sizeof(struct tmp_history)); m_wiki_favorite = new WikiFavorite(); m_wiki_favorite->wf_init(); m_favorite = (struct tmp_favorite *)calloc(MAX_TMP_FAVORITE_TOTAL + 10, sizeof(struct tmp_favorite)); m_wiki_audio = new WikiAudio(); m_wiki_audio->wa_init(m_wiki_config->wc_get_audio_path()); INIT_CURR_LANG(); pthread_mutex_init(&m_mutex, NULL); if (wiki_lang_init() == -1) return -1; m_init_flag = 1; return 0; }
int RuleInit::init_su_rule(Connection_T conn) { RulerManager::getInstance()->init_system_rule(SU_RULER); if(!system_if_initialized(conn , SU_RULER)) { LOG_INIT("!!!SU IS NOT BEEN INITIALIZED!!!"); return 0; } int bucket_num = get_bucket_number(conn , SU_RULER); int mod = get_mod_from_db(conn , SU_RULER); if((bucket_num < 0) || (mod < 0)) { LOG_ERROR("RuleInit::get bucket number or get mod error when init su rule !"); return -1; } std::cerr<<"SU bucket number : "<<bucket_num<<" and current mod : "<<mod<<std::endl; if((this->generate_all_rule(conn , SU_RULER , bucket_num) < 0) || (this->generate_all_order(conn , SU_RULER) < 0)) { LOG_ERROR("RuleInit::init su rule table or order table in memory error !"); RulerManager::getInstance()->init_system_rule(SU_RULER); return -1; } return 0; }
STDAPI DllGetClassObject(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR *ppv) { LOG_INIT(); LOG_APPEND("------ DllGetClassObject -----"); CClassFactory *pClassFactory; const COCLASS_REGISTER *pCoClass; HRESULT hr = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; // scan for the right one for (pCoClass = g_CoClasses; pCoClass->pClsid != NULL; pCoClass++) { if (*pCoClass->pClsid == rclsid) { pClassFactory = new CClassFactory(pCoClass); if (pClassFactory != NULL) { hr = pClassFactory->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); pClassFactory->Release(); break; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } } } return hr; }
void emulator_init(int width, int height, void *user) { LOG_INIT(); video_init(width, height, user); mapper_init(); emulator_last_tick = 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ #ifdef HAS_PARMETIS int size, rank, rc; char lfname[100]; char efname[100]; testcount = 0; rc = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); if(rc != MPI_SUCCESS){ FERROR("MPI Initialization error\n"); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rc); } rank = 0; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); sprintf(lfname, "parmetislog.%04d", rank); //0: debug, 5: critical LOG_INIT(lfname, NULL, 0); parmetis_with_amd(); parmetis_only(); parmetis_with_metmmd(); MPI_Finalize(); LOG_CLOSE(); #else // ifdef HAS_PARMETIS cout << "Enable HAS_PARMETIS flag and recompile to test parmetis functions" << endl; #endif // HAS_PARMETIS return 0; } // main
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { LOG_INIT("/tmp/delay_stat.log"); main_loop(); LOG_CLOSE(); }
LR_CES_DEV *init_lrchip(void) { int ret = 0; int i, ch; LR_SYS_CONFIG cfg; LR_CES_DEV *lrdev = malloc(sizeof(LR_CES_DEV)); LOG_INIT("hardware-firware", LR_LOG_INFO, STDOUT); //init param cfg.BSPFunctions.readSPI = fpgaRead; cfg.BSPFunctions.writeSPI = fpgaWrite; ret = lrLoadDriver(&cfg, lrdev); printf("found device \n"); printf("device ID = %x\n", lrdev->devId); printf(" E1 line Num = %d\n", lrdev->e1Num); printf(" chip version = %x\n", lrdev->version); printf(" chip release data = %x-%x\n", lrdev->year, lrdev->date); return lrdev; }
void init() { open(DEV_CONSOLE, O_RDWR); printf(""); LOG_INIT("Leaks", LOGSYS_COMM, 0xffffffff); LOG_PRINTF(("Leaks started")); LOG_PRINTF(("")); }
void *init(void *args) { t_args_plug *a; a = (t_args_plug *)args; LOG_INIT(a); INFO("Minc Converter init"); return (NULL); }
int Updater::sMain(const std::vector<CL_String8>& args) { singleton_ = new Updater(); singleton_->init(); LOG_INIT(0); int ret = singleton_->main(args); LOG_CLOSE; delete singleton_; return ret; }
int main() { char x[100]; char xe[100]; sprintf(x, "test.log"); sprintf(xe, "test.err"); LOG_INIT(x, xe, 1); DEBUG("This is testing debugging message from sample program \n"); ERROR("Error message from sample program\n"); LOG_CLOSE(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //initialize file logger LOG_INIT("zzz.log"); // Q_INIT_RESOURCE(ABM_GUI); QApplication app(argc, argv); MainWindow mainWin;; return app.exec(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { LOG_INIT("", true, true); IGame::Service service; IGame::Timer staticTimer(service); IGame::Timer memberTimer(service); Object obj; staticTimer.Set(1000, IGame::TimerEvent(&Func), &staticTimer); memberTimer.Set(2000, IGame::TimerEvent(&obj, &Object::Func), &memberTimer); service.Run(); exit(0); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { LOG_INIT(LOG_ALL); LOG_GMT_ZONE; LOG_BEGIN; settings = bp_hashtab_new_ext(czstr_hash, czstr_equal, free, free); if (!preload_settings()){ LOG_END_RC(1); //return 1; } chain_set(); LOG("chain-set"); RAND_bytes((unsigned char *)&instance_nonce, sizeof(instance_nonce)); unsigned int arg; for (arg = 1; arg < argc; arg++) { const char *argstr = argv[arg]; if (!do_setting(argstr)){ LOG_END_RC(1); //return 1; } } LOG("arguments processed"); /* * properly capture TERM and other signals */ signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGINT, term_signal); signal(SIGTERM, term_signal); LOG("signals set"); init_daemon(&global_nci); run_daemon(&global_nci); fprintf(plog, "daemon exiting\n"); shutdown_daemon(&global_nci); LOG_END_RC(0); //return 0; }
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved){ DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hModule); if(dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH){ int res; LOG_INIT("jt2"); LOG_DEBUG_MF(L"main.cpp", 0, L"DLL", L"Attach", L"in process..."); JungleTime::Core::singleton = new JungleTime::Core(); res = JungleTime::Core::singleton->Init(); LOG_VERBOSE_MF(L"main.cpp", 0, L"DLL", L"Attach", L"complete"); return res; } else if(dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH){ LOG_DEBUG_MF(L"main.cpp", 0, L"DLL", L"Detach", L"in progress..."); delete JungleTime::Core::singleton; LOG_VERBOSE_MF(L"main.cpp", 0, L"DLL", L"Detach", L"complete"); } return TRUE; }
// the main routine makes the window, and then runs an even loop // until the window is closed int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { LOG_INIT( "log.txt" ); srand(time(NULL)); _wind = new Fl_Double_Window(6,MENUBAR_HEIGHT,WINDOW_WIDTH,WINDOW_HEIGHT+MENUBAR_HEIGHT,"Omnivision"); /* 0 */ _gl_main = new MyGlWindow(0,MENUBAR_HEIGHT,WINDOW_WIDTH-CONTROLBAR_WIDTH,WINDOW_HEIGHT); // main window /* 1 */ _gl_main->_menu_bar = new Fl_Menu_Bar(0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH-CONTROLBAR_WIDTH, MENUBAR_HEIGHT); // menu bar /* 2 */ _gl_control = new MyControlBarWindow(WINDOW_WIDTH-CONTROLBAR_WIDTH,MENUBAR_HEIGHT,CONTROLBAR_WIDTH,\ CONTROLBAR_HEIGHT); // control bar _gl_main->_control_bar = _gl_control; initMainWindow(_gl_main,_gl_control); // init the state machine SM_Init( _gl_main, _gl_main->MAINTENANCE_MAX_CORRESPONDENCES, _gl_main->MAINTENANCE_HISTORY_SIZE ); _wind->begin(); _tempo = 0.0; Fl::add_timeout(_tempo, callback); _wind->end(); _wind->show(); /*_wind->begin(); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_DOUBLE); glutInitWindowSize(WINDOW_WIDTH,WINDOW_HEIGHT); int ww = glutCreateWindow(argv[0]); LOG(LEVEL_INFO, "created window %d\n", ww); GLuint textures[10]; glGenTextures( 10, textures ); _wind->end();*/ return Fl::run(); //delete _gl_main; //delete _gl_control; //return 1; }
// 初始化SDK ELTE_INT32 __SDK_CALL ELTE_SDK_Init() { //打开日志 LOG_RUN_ERROR("ELTE_SDK_Init start."); std::string strIniPath = eLTE_Tool::GetDllPath(ELTE_RM_SDK_DLL_NAME); strIniPath.append(LOG_INI_FILE_NAME); ELTE_UINT32 logLevel[LOG_CATEGORY]; for (ELTE_UINT32 i = 0; i < LOG_CATEGORY; ++ i) { logLevel[i] = g_uiLogLevel; } ELTE_INT32 iRet = LOG_INIT(strIniPath.c_str(), logLevel, g_strLogPath.c_str()); if(eLTE_SDK_ERR_SUCCESS != iRet) { return eLTE_SDK_ERR_LOG_INIT; } LOG_INTERFACE_TRACE(); if(NULL == g_pUserMgr) { g_pUserMgr = new CUserMgr(); if(NULL == g_pUserMgr) { LOG_RUN_ERROR("New CUserMgr failed."); LOG_INTERFACE_INFO(eLTE_SDK_ERR_CREATE_OBJECT, ""); //关闭日志 LOG_EXIT(); return eLTE_SDK_ERR_CREATE_OBJECT; } } //初始化socket SSL_Socket& sslSocket = const_cast<SSL_Socket&>(g_pUserMgr->GetSSLSocket()); iRet = sslSocket.Init_SSL_Socket(); if(eLTE_SDK_ERR_SUCCESS != iRet) { LOG_RUN_ERROR("Init ssl socket failed."); return iRet; } LOG_INTERFACE_INFO(iRet, ""); return iRet; }
// // ESciVis::InitPhysX // void ESciVis::InitPhysX( void ) { LOG_INIT("PhysX"); // Create the physics SDK nx = NxCreatePhysicsSDK(NX_PHYSICS_SDK_VERSION); if (!nx) return; // Set the physics parameters nx->setParameter(NX_SKIN_WIDTH, 0.01f); // Set the debug visualization parameters nx->setParameter(NX_VISUALIZATION_SCALE, 1); nx->setParameter(NX_VISUALIZE_COLLISION_SHAPES, 1); nx->setParameter(NX_VISUALIZE_ACTOR_AXES, 1); // Create the scene NxSceneDesc sceneDesc; sceneDesc.gravity = NxVec3(0,0,0); sceneDesc.simType = NX_SIMULATION_SW; nx_scene = nx->createScene(sceneDesc); if(!nx_scene) { sceneDesc.simType = NX_SIMULATION_SW; nx_scene = nx->createScene(sceneDesc); if(!nx_scene) return; } // coocking lib : nx_cook = NxGetCookingLib(NX_PHYSICS_SDK_VERSION); if (!nx_cook) { RUNTIME_ERROR("NxGetCookingLib() failed"); } nx_cook->NxInitCooking(); // Create the default material NxMaterial* defaultMaterial = nx_scene->getMaterialFromIndex(0); defaultMaterial->setRestitution(0.5); defaultMaterial->setStaticFriction(0.5); defaultMaterial->setDynamicFriction(0.5); }
void time_init(void) { LOG_INIT(); DDRD &= ~_BV(PD2); // internal pullup seems NOT to work // PORTD |= _BV(PD2); PORTD &= ~_BV(PD2); // The rising edge of INT0 generates an interrupt request. // enable external interrupt 0 MCUCR |= _BV(ISC01) | _BV(ISC00); GICR |= _BV(INT0); newtime = 0; LOG_INIT_EXIT(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int res; char msg[1024]; //initialize file logger LOG_INIT("scell_GUI.log"); /* if( SetConsoleCtrlHandler( (PHANDLER_ROUTINE) CtrlHandler, TRUE ) ) { sprintf(msg, "\nThe Control Handler is installed.\n" ); LOG_MSG(msg); // printf( "\nThe Control Handler is installed.\n" ); // printf( "\n -- Now try pressing Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break, or" ); // printf( "\n try logging off or closing the console...\n" ); // printf( "\n(...waiting in a loop for events...)\n\n" ); // while( 1 ){ } } else { sprintf(msg, "\nERROR: Could not set control handler"); LOG_MSG(msg); return 1; } */ QApplication app(argc, argv); MainWindow mainWin;; res = app.exec(); sprintf(msg,"Result code: %d",res); LOG_MSG(msg); return res; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, j; Graph::VertexWeightedGraph *G; TDTree *T=NULL; DP_info info; list<int> optimal_solution; int rank, size; double stime, etime; int storage_nodes = 1; MPI_Group orig_group, new_group; double leaf_time; double nonleaf_time; long smem_hwm; long rmem_hwm; MPI_Init (&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); // There is a seperate log file for each processor, strictly for // debugging and development purposes only. char lfname[100]; char efname[100]; sprintf (lfname, "parallel_wis-%d.log", rank); sprintf (efname, "parallel_wis-error.log", rank); //0: debug, 5: critical LOG_INIT(lfname, efname, 0); if (!(size > storage_nodes + 2)) { FERROR ("No enough processors, please allocate more\n"); FERROR ("Processor distribution: head_node: %d storage_nodes: %d compute_nodes: %d\n", 1, storage_nodes, size - (storage_nodes + 1)); MPI_Finalize (); exit (0); } // Process command line options int help = info.process_DP_info(argc, argv); if(help == -1){ if(rank == 0) { usage(argv[0]); } MPI_Finalize (); exit (1); } // Create the graph for WIS create_WIS_graph(&info, G); // See if the MIP is to be written/solved if(info.write_mod) { write_ind_set_model(info.DIMACS_file, info.model_file, G); if(info.solve_mip) { // Use GLPSOL to run the MIP solver char command_string[100]; sprintf(command_string,"%s -m %s",GLPSOL,info.model_file); fprintf(stderr,"Will use %s to solve MIP. Solution will be written to %s.MIP.WIS.sol", GLPSOL,info.DIMACS_file); system(command_string); } return 1; } // Create the tree decomposition using the options create_tree_decomposition(&info, G, &T); // Check to see if the DP is to be done if(info.decompose_only) { printf("%s: Treewidth %d\n", info.DIMACS_file, T->width); //delete G; //delete T; return 1; } T->head_node = 0; T->allnodes = new vector<int>(size, -1); //T->storage_nodes = new vector<int>(size, -1); //T->compute_nodes = new vector<int>(size, -1); (*T->allnodes)[0] = HEAD_NODE; for (i = 1; i < size; i++) { if ((storage_nodes > 0) && (i % 4 == 1)) { T->storage_nodes.push_back(i); (*T->allnodes)[i] = STORAGE_NODE; storage_nodes --; } else { T->compute_nodes.push_back(i); (*T->allnodes)[i] = COMPUTE_NODE; } } if (MPI_SUCCESS != MPI_Comm_group(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &orig_group)) { FERROR ("MPI Test any failed at processor : %d %s:%d\n", T->rank, __FILE__, __LINE__); MPI_Finalize(); } if (MPI_SUCCESS != MPI_Group_incl (orig_group, T->compute_nodes.size(), &T->compute_nodes.front(), &new_group)) { FERROR ("MPI Test any failed at processor : %d %s:%d\n", T->rank, __FILE__, __LINE__); MPI_Finalize(); } MPI_Comm compute_nodes_comm; if (MPI_SUCCESS != MPI_Comm_create (MPI_COMM_WORLD, new_group, &compute_nodes_comm)) { FERROR ("MPI Test any failed at processor : %d %s:%d\n", T->rank, __FILE__, __LINE__); MPI_Finalize(); } T->compute_nodes_comm = &compute_nodes_comm; T->storage_nodes_size = T->storage_nodes.size(); T->compute_nodes_size = T->compute_nodes.size(); if ((*T->allnodes)[rank] == HEAD_NODE) { parallel_wis_head_init (T, size, rank); parallel_wis_head_start (T); } else if ((*T->allnodes)[rank] == COMPUTE_NODE) { parallel_wis_compute_init (T, size, rank); } else if ((*T->allnodes)[rank] == STORAGE_NODE) { parallel_wis_storage_init (T, size, rank); parallel_wis_storage_start (T); } if ((*T->allnodes)[T->rank] == COMPUTE_NODE) { DEBUG("post order walk\n"); // Create the post_order walk vector<int> walk(T->num_tree_nodes,GD_UNDEFINED); T->post_order_walk(&walk); stime = MPI_Wtime(); int j; DEBUG("starting loop\n"); for(i = 0; i < T->num_tree_nodes; i++) { CRIT("processing node : ############# %d\n", walk[i]); DEBUG(" %d more nodes left\n", (T->num_tree_nodes - i)); T->compute_table(compute_weighted_ind_sets_parallel, walk[i]); MPI_Barrier (compute_nodes_comm); if(T->info->free_children) { for(j = 0; (j < T->storage_nodes_size) && (T->rank == T->compute_nodes[0]); j++) { if (MPI_SUCCESS != MPI_Send ((void *)&walk[i], 1, MPI_INT, T->storage_nodes[j], MPI_CHILD_FREE_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD)) { FERROR ("MPI Irecv failed at processor : %d %s:%d\n", T->rank, __FILE__, __LINE__); MPI_Finalize(); } } } } // Send termination signal to head node to nofity that // computation is over for the given tree if (MPI_SUCCESS != MPI_Send (&T->rank, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMP_TERM_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD)) { FERROR ("MPI Send failed at processor : %d %s:%d\n", T->rank, __FILE__, __LINE__); MPI_Finalize(); } // Set flag_recv_done when all tree nodes have been finished then // receiving threads can exit. T->flag_recv_done = 1; etime = MPI_Wtime (); // Store and reset info's table stats info.orig_total_pc_table_entries=info.total_pc_table_entries; info.orig_total_table_entries=info.total_table_entries; info.total_pc_table_entries=info.total_table_entries=0; // Compute some stats here in parent-child intersection to analyze // why memory savings varies across different graphs // This is less than ideal, but you have to do it this way for something like make_nice // since there are "holes" in the tree_nodes[] array. The above compute_table() loop // gets around this by using the post order walk that is filled with only valid tree node // indices! vector<int> intersection_sizes(T->tree_nodes.size(),-1); T->compute_parent_child_intersections(&intersection_sizes); info.avg_pc_proportion=0; int num_in_avg=0; for(i=0;i<(int)T->tree_nodes.size();i++) { if(T->tree_nodes[i]) { num_in_avg++; info.avg_pc_proportion += ((double)intersection_sizes[i]/(double)T->tree_nodes[i]->bag.size()); } } info.avg_pc_proportion = info.avg_pc_proportion/(double)num_in_avg; } smem_hwm = getHWmem(); if ((*T->allnodes)[rank] == COMPUTE_NODE) { if (MPI_SUCCESS != MPI_Reduce ((void *)&T->info->leaf_time, (void *)&leaf_time, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, *T->compute_nodes_comm)) { FERROR ("MPI Reduce failed at processor : %d %s:%d\n", T->rank, __FILE__, __LINE__); MPI_Finalize(); } T->info->leaf_time = leaf_time; if (MPI_SUCCESS != MPI_Reduce ((void *)&T->info->nonleaf_time, (void *)&nonleaf_time, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, *T->compute_nodes_comm)) { FERROR ("MPI Reduce failed at processor : %d %s:%d\n", T->rank, __FILE__, __LINE__); MPI_Finalize(); } T->info->nonleaf_time = nonleaf_time; if (MPI_SUCCESS != MPI_Reduce ((void *)&smem_hwm, (void *)&rmem_hwm, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_MAX, 0, *T->compute_nodes_comm)) { FERROR ("MPI Reduce failed at processor : %d %s:%d\n", T->rank, __FILE__, __LINE__); MPI_Finalize(); } if (T->rank == T->compute_nodes[0]) fprintf (stderr, "Memory HWM for all compute nodes: %d\n", rmem_hwm); } if (MPI_SUCCESS != MPI_Reduce ((void *)&smem_hwm, (void *)&rmem_hwm, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)) { FERROR ("MPI Reduce failed at processor : %d %s:%d\n", T->rank, __FILE__, __LINE__); MPI_Finalize(); } if (T->rank == 0) fprintf (stderr, "Memory HWM for all nodes: %d\n", rmem_hwm); if ((*T->allnodes)[rank] == HEAD_NODE) { parallel_wis_head_cleanup (T); } else if ((*T->allnodes)[rank] == COMPUTE_NODE) { parallel_wis_compute_cleanup (T); } else if ((*T->allnodes)[rank] == STORAGE_NODE) { parallel_wis_storage_cleanup (T); } LOG_CLOSE(); MPI_Finalize(); if (T->rank == T->compute_nodes[0] ) print_WIS_results(stdout, T, &info); //delete T; //delete &G; return 1; }
int _tmain(int argc, char* argv[])//lint !e752 !e1768 !e1727 { //打开日志 std::string strIniPath = eLTE_Tool::GetServicePath(); strIniPath.append(LOG_INI_FILE_NAME); unsigned int logLevel[LOG_CATEGORY] = {INVALID_LOG_LEVEL,INVALID_LOG_LEVEL,INVALID_LOG_LEVEL}; std::string strLogPath = eLTE_Tool::GetServicePath(); strLogPath.append("log"); int iRet = LOG_INIT(strIniPath.c_str(), logLevel, strLogPath.c_str()); if(RET_SUCCESS != iRet) { return eLTE_SDK_ERR_LOG_INIT; } LOG_TRACE(); if (INSTALL_AGRC == argc && NULL != argv) { if (0 == _stricmp(argv[1], "/install") || 0 == _stricmp(argv[1], "-install")) { InstallService(); } else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[1], "/uninstall") || 0 == _stricmp(argv[1], "-uninstall")) { UninstallService(); } } else { SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY svcTable[2]; svcTable[0].lpServiceName = MY_SERVICE_NAME; svcTable[0].lpServiceProc = (LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTIONA)ServiceMain; svcTable[1].lpServiceName = NULL; svcTable[1].lpServiceProc = NULL; if (!StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(svcTable)) { LOG_RUN_ERROR("StartServiceCtrlDispatcher failed."); } } // 用于直接以普通应用程序的形式启动服务器,方便debug调试服务程序业务 // 初始化SDK //int iRet = AppContextMgr::Instance().Init(); //if (eLTE_SVC_ERR_SUCCESS != iRet) //{ // LOG_RUN_ERROR("Init elte sdk failed.(%d)", iRet); //} //else //{ // // 开启业务监听 // StartRun(); // // 退出SDK // iRet = AppContextMgr::Instance().Exit(); // if (eLTE_SVC_ERR_SUCCESS != iRet) // { // LOG_RUN_ERROR("Exit elte sdk failed.(%d)", iRet); // } //} LOG_EXIT(); return 0; }//lint !e818
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int option; int ret; int log_mode; int log_level; char buffer[OAM_STR_MAX]; char program[OAM_PROCNAME_MAX]; oammmc_t *oammmc = NULL; mpipc_t *mpipc = NULL; mptmr_t *mptmr = NULL; #if !defined(_SKIP_PRIVILEGES_CHECK) if (geteuid() == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Shouldn't startup with root privileges\n"); return 1; } #endif while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "v")) != EOF) { switch (option) { case 'v': fprintf(stdout, MODULE_VERSION"\n"); return 0; default: fprintf(stdout,"Usage: %s [-v]\n", argv[0]); return 0; } } mpconf_get_int(NULL, MODULE_CONF, MODULE_NAME, "log_mode", &log_mode, 1, 125); mpconf_get_int(NULL, MODULE_CONF, MODULE_NAME, "log_level", &log_level, 1, LOG_LEVEL_SVC); strlcpy(buffer, argv[0], sizeof(buffer)); mpconv_get_upperl(basename(buffer), program, sizeof(program)); if ((ret = LOG_INIT(program, NULL, log_mode, log_level)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to initialize log\n"); goto _exit_failure; } MPGLOG_ERR("STARTUP_PROCESS[%d]: %s\n", (int)getpid(), MODULE_VERSION); mpsignal(SIGINT, default_signal_handler); mpsignal(SIGTERM, default_signal_handler); mpsignal(SIGCHLD, child_exit_handler); mpsignal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); if ((mpipc = xxx_ipc_init(program)) == NULL) { MPGLOG_ERR("%s:: xxx_ipc_init failed\n", __func__); goto _exit_failure; } if ((oammmc = xxx_mmc_init(program, mpipc)) == NULL) { MPGLOG_ERR("%s:: xxx_mmc_init failed\n", __func__); goto _exit_failure; } #if 0 /* remove comment if it use stctl library */ if ((ret = stgen_open(MODULE_NAME, stctl_item_list, stctl_dtl_type_list)) < 0) { MPGLOG_ERR("%s:: stgen_open failed, ret=%d,%s\n", __func__, ret, stctl_strerror(ret)); goto _exit_failure; } #endif if ((mptmr = xxx_svc_init(mpipc, &service_flag)) == NULL) { MPGLOG_ERR("%s:: xxx_svc_init failed\n", __func__); goto _exit_failure; } while (service_flag == 1) { mpthr_sleep_msec(500); } xxx_svc_destroy(mptmr); #if 0 /* remove comment if it use stctl library */ stgen_close(); #endif xxx_mmc_destroy(oammmc); xxx_ipc_destroy(mpipc); MPGLOG_ERR("SHUTDOWN_PROCESS[%d]: EXIT_SUCCESS, SIGNAL=%d\n\n", (int)getpid(), received_signal ); return 0; _exit_failure: xxx_svc_destroy(mptmr); #if 0 /* remove comment if it use stctl library */ stgen_close(); #endif xxx_mmc_destroy(oammmc); xxx_ipc_destroy(mpipc); MPGLOG_ERR("SHUTDOWN_PROCESS[%d]: EXIT_FAILURE\n\n", (int)getpid()); return 100; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int pid; /* read the arguments */ td.connect = 1; td.logfile = NULL; LOG_INIT(NULL);//"/tmp/vlhttp-debug.log"); LOG_SET_LEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_DBG); char opt; while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "p:i:m:r:A:S:f")) != -1) { switch(opt) { case 'A': encode_base64(optarg, strlen(optarg), (unsigned char**)(&proxy_auth)); DBG("proxy_auth: %s", proxy_auth); break; case 'S': encode_base64(optarg, strlen(optarg), (unsigned char**)(&sys_auth)); DBG("sys_auth: %s", sys_auth); break; case 'r': strncpy(proxy_realm, optarg, sizeof(proxy_realm)); break; case 'p': proxy_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'i': td.auth_ip = inet_addr(optarg); break; case 'm': td.netmask = inet_addr(optarg); break; case 'f': DBG("turn off daemon", 0); foreground_mode = 1; break; } } td.auth_ip &= td.netmask; td.client_ip = 0; DBG("========================================================================================================", 0); /* is inetd mode enabled ? */ if( proxy_port == 0 ) { int r; td.client_fd = 0; /* stdin */ DBG("start",0); r = proxy_thread( &td ); DBG("exit with %d code", r); return( r ); } /* fork into background */ if (!foreground_mode) { if ( (pid = fork() ) < 0 ) { ERR("fork() fail", 0); return -1; } if (pid) return ( 0 ); } if (!init_proxy()) { return -1; } while( 1 ) { int n = sizeof( client_addr ); /* wait for inboud connections */ if( ( td.client_fd = accept( proxy_fd, (struct sockaddr *) &client_addr, (socklen_t*)&n ) ) < 0 ) { ERR("accept() fail", 0); return -1; } td.client_ip = client_addr.sin_addr.s_addr; /* verify that the client is authorized */ if ( (td.client_ip & td.netmask) != td.auth_ip ) { close( td.client_fd ); continue; } /* fork a child to handle the connection */ if ( (pid = fork()) < 0 ) { close( td.client_fd ); continue; } if (pid) { /* in father; wait for the child to terminate */ close( td.client_fd ); waitpid( pid, NULL, 0 ); continue; } /* in child; fork & exit so that father becomes init */ if ((pid = fork()) < 0 ) { ERR("fork() fail", 0); return -1; } if (pid) return 0; return( proxy_thread( &td ) ); } /* not reached */ return -1; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char cfg_file[256]; char app_name[256]; char* p; p = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); snprintf(app_name, sizeof(app_name), "%s", p+1); /* -- get the config filename -- */ switch (sys_getopt(argc, argv, "c:", cfg_file, sizeof(cfg_file))) { case 'c': #ifdef __DEBUG__ fprintf(stdout, "config file = [%s]\n", cfg_file); #endif if (0 != Config::load(cfg_file)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to load config file [%s]!!!\n", app_name, cfg_file); exit(-1); } break; default: usage(argv[0]); exit(0); } /* -- check if already running -- */ if (0 != sys_bind(Config::getLockPort())) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to continue, make sure there's no other instance running!!!\n", app_name); exit(-1); } /* -- initialize log -- */ LOG_INIT(Config::getLogFile(), Config::getLogLevel()); /* -- check if logger is successfully initialized -- */ if (0 != LOG_GET_STATUS()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to initialize logger!\n", app_name); exit(-1); } /* -- initialize libsqlora8 -- */ if (OraDB::init_lib(true) < 0) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to initialize libsqlora8!", app_name); exit(-1); } /* -- load system messages from db -- */ if (0 != Sysmsg::load(Config::getOraAuth(), Config::getBrand())) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to load system messages from db (%s).", app_name, Config::getOraAuth()); exit(-1); } /* -- load services from db -- */ if (0 != Global::loadRC(Config::getOraAuth(), Config::getLibraryPath(), Config::getBrand())) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to load services from db (%s).", app_name, Config::getOraAuth()); exit(-1); } /* -- initialize request queue -- */ if (0 != c2q_init(Global::getRequestQ())) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to initialize request queue!", app_name); exit(-1); } /* -- initialize transaction queue -- */ if (0 != c2q_init(Global::getTransactionQ())) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to initialize transaction queue!", app_name); exit(-1); } /* -- initialize response queue -- */ if (0 != c2q_init(Global::getResponseQ())) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to initialize response queue!", app_name); exit(-1); } /* -- initialize notification queue -- */ if (0 != c2q_init(Global::getNotificationQ())) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to initialize notification queue!", app_name); exit(-1); } /* -- initialize queue -- */ int rc_size = Global::getRCSize(); LOG_DEBUG("%s: rc_size: %d", app_name, rc_size); if (Global::initTransactionQ(rc_size) < 0) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to initialize transaction queue!", app_name); exit(-1); } int tran_size = Global::getTransactionQSize(); LOG_DEBUG("%s: tran_size: %d", app_name, tran_size); for (int i=0; i<tran_size; ++i) { if (0 != c2q_init(Global::getTransactionQ(i))) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to initialize transaction queue: %d!", app_name, i); exit(-1); } } /* -- initialize geoprobe queue -- */ if (0 != c2q_init(Global::getGeoProbeQ())) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to initialize geoprobe queue!", app_name); exit(-1); } /* -- initialize ods queue -- */ if (0 != c2q_init(Global::getODSQ())) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to initialize ods queue!", app_name); exit(-1); } /* -- initialize ccb queue -- */ if (0 != c2q_init(Global::getCCBQ())) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to initialize ccb queue!", app_name); exit(-1); } /* -- initialize conditioner queue -- */ if (0 != c2q_init(Global::getConditionerQ())) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to initialize conditioner queue!", app_name); exit(-1); } /* -- initialize voyager queue -- */ if (0 != c2q_init(Global::getVoyagerQ())) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to initialize voyager queue!", app_name); exit(-1); } /* -- run in background -- */ sys_daemon(); /* -- block all signals -- */ sys_sigblock(); // Thread attributes pthread_attr_t pthread_attr_norm; pthread_attr_init(&pthread_attr_norm); pthread_attr_setstacksize(&pthread_attr_norm, Global::thr_stack_size); std::vector<pthread_t> thrs; // Signal handler pthread_t signal_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(&signal_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, signal_handler, NULL)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create signal_handler thread!!!", app_name); exit(-1); } thrs.push_back(signal_thr); // Response handler for (int i=0; i<Config::getThreadCount(); ++i) { pthread_t response_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(&response_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, response_handler, (void*)i)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create response_handler thread (%d)!!!", app_name, i); abort(); } thrs.push_back(response_thr); } // Notification handler for (int i=0; i<Config::getThreadCount(); ++i) { pthread_t notification_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(¬ification_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, notification_handler, (void*)i)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create notification_handler thread (%d)!!!", app_name, i); abort(); } thrs.push_back(notification_thr); } // Transaction fetcher int proc_id = 0; int step_no = 0; rc_t* rc; while ((rc = Global::getNextRC(step_no))) { rc_proc_t* rc_proc = new(rc_proc_t); rc_proc->rc = rc; rc_proc->proc_id = proc_id; rc_proc->parent_id = -1; rc_proc->ppid = getpid(); pthread_t tran_fetcher_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(&tran_fetcher_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, transaction_fetcher, (void*) rc_proc)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create transaction_fetcher thread (%d)!!!", app_name, proc_id); abort(); } thrs.push_back(tran_fetcher_thr); step_no = rc->step_no; proc_id++; } // Request handler for (int i=0; i<Config::getThreadCount(); ++i) { pthread_t request_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(&request_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, request_handler, (void*)i)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create request_handler thread (%d)!!!", app_name, i); abort(); } thrs.push_back(request_thr); } // Request fetcher pthread_t request_fetcher_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(&request_fetcher_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, request_fetcher, NULL)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create request_fetcher thread!!!", app_name); abort(); } thrs.push_back(request_fetcher_thr); // Raw handler for (int i=0; i<Config::getThreadCount(); ++i) { pthread_t raw_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(&raw_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, raw_handler, (void*)i)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create raw_handler thread (%d)!!!", app_name, i); abort(); } thrs.push_back(raw_thr); } // Raw fetcher pthread_t raw_fetcher_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(&raw_fetcher_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, raw_fetcher, NULL)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create raw_fetcher thread!!!", app_name); abort(); } thrs.push_back(raw_fetcher_thr); // Geoprobe handler for (int i=0; i<Config::getThreadCount(); ++i) { pthread_t geoprobe_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(&geoprobe_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, geoprobe_handler, (void*)i)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create geoprobe_handler thread (%d)!!!", app_name, i); abort(); } thrs.push_back(geoprobe_thr); } // Geoprobe fetcher pthread_t geoprobe_fetcher_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(&geoprobe_fetcher_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, geoprobe_fetcher, NULL)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create geoprobe_fetcher thread!!!", app_name); abort(); } thrs.push_back(geoprobe_fetcher_thr); // ODS handler for (int i=0; i<Config::getThreadCount(); ++i) { pthread_t ods_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(&ods_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, ods_handler, (void*)i)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create ods_handler thread (%d)!!!", app_name, i); abort(); } thrs.push_back(ods_thr); } // ODS fetcher pthread_t ods_fetcher_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(&ods_fetcher_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, ods_fetcher, NULL)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create ods_fetcher thread!!!", app_name); abort(); } thrs.push_back(ods_fetcher_thr); // CCB handler for (int i=0; i<Config::getThreadCount(); ++i) { pthread_t ccb_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(&ccb_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, ccb_handler, (void*)i)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create ccb_handler thread (%d)!!!", app_name, i); abort(); } thrs.push_back(ccb_thr); } if (! strncasecmp(Config::getBrand(), "PREPAID", 7)) { // conditioner fetcher pthread_t conditioner_fetcher_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(&conditioner_fetcher_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, conditioner_fetcher, NULL)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create conditioner_fetcher thread!!!", app_name); abort(); } thrs.push_back(conditioner_fetcher_thr); // conditioner handler for (int i=0; i<Config::getThreadCount(); ++i) { pthread_t conditioner_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(&conditioner_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, conditioner_handler, (void*)i)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create conditioner_handler thread (%d)!!!", app_name, i); abort(); } thrs.push_back(conditioner_thr); } // voyager fetcher pthread_t voyager_fetcher_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(&voyager_fetcher_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, voyager_fetcher, NULL)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create voyager_fetcher thread!!!", app_name); abort(); } thrs.push_back(voyager_fetcher_thr); // voyager handler for (int i=0; i<Config::getThreadCount(); ++i) { pthread_t voyager_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(&voyager_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, voyager_handler, (void*)i)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create voyager_handler thread (%d)!!!", app_name, i); abort(); } thrs.push_back(voyager_thr); } } LOG_INFO("%s: Started.", app_name); if (Config::bypassARDS()) { LOG_WARNING("%s: ARDS bypass is ENABLED!", app_name); } while (! IS_SHUTDOWN()) { sys_msleep(1000); } #if 0 for (int i=0; i<(int)thrs.size(); ++i) { pthread_join(thrs[i], NULL); } #endif while (! thrs.empty()) { pthread_join(thrs.back(), NULL); thrs.pop_back(); } LOG_INFO("%s: Terminated.", app_name); /* -- deinitialize queue -- */ for (int i=0; i<Global::getTransactionQSize(); ++i) { c2q_deinit(Global::getTransactionQ(i)); } Global::deinitTransactionQ(); c2q_deinit(Global::getRequestQ()); c2q_deinit(Global::getTransactionQ()); c2q_deinit(Global::getResponseQ()); c2q_deinit(Global::getGeoProbeQ()); c2q_deinit(Global::getODSQ()); c2q_deinit(Global::getCCBQ()); c2q_deinit(Global::getConditionerQ()); c2q_deinit(Global::getVoyagerQ()); /* -- deinitialize log -- */ LOG_DEINIT(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int c; char *ubus_socket = UBUS_UNIX_SOCKET; #ifdef LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT LOG_INIT(APP_NAME, LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT, STDOUT); #else LOG_INIT(APP_NAME, LR_LOG_INFO, STDOUT); #endif while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "dl:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'd': become_daemon = 0; break; case 'l': { char *end; long l; l = strtoul(optarg, &end, 0); if(*optarg == 0 || *end != 0 || l > 10) { ERROR(DEFAULT_GROUP,"Invalid loglevel %s", optarg); exit(1); } SET_LOG_LEVEL(l); break; } default: return -1; } } if(become_daemon){ LOG_MODE(SYSLOG); openlog(APP_NAME, LOG_CONS | LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL1); be_daemon(); } lpd_setup_signals(); pthread_create(&lpd_thread_id, NULL, (void *)loop_detect_run, NULL); if (loop_detect_ubus_init(ubus_socket) < 0) { ERROR(DEFAULT_GROUP, "failed to connect to ubus\n"); return -1; } loop_detect_ubus_run(); pthread_cancel(lpd_thread_id); pthread_join(lpd_thread_id, NULL); return 0; }
int main() { struct stat st; sys_spu_initialize(6, 1); cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_FS); cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_IO); cellSysutilRegisterCallback(0, sysutil_exit_callback, NULL); LOG_INIT(); LOG_DBG("LOG INIT\n"); mode_switch = MODE_MENU; Graphics = new PS3Graphics(); LOG_DBG("Graphics->Init()\n"); Graphics->Init(); CellInput = new CellInputFacade(); LOG_DBG("CellInput->Init()\n"); CellInput->Init(); oskutil = new OSKUtil(); // FIXME: Is this necessary? if (Graphics->InitCg() != CELL_OK) { LOG_DBG("Failed to InitCg: %d\n", __LINE__); exit(0); } LOG_DBG("Graphics->InitDbgFont()\n"); Graphics->InitDbgFont(); Emulator_ToggleSound(); emulation_running = true; /* if (ini_parse("/dev_hdd0/game/GENP00001/USRDIR/GenesisConf.ini", handler, &Iniconfig) < 0) { gl_dprintf(0.09f,0.05f,Emulator_GetFontSize(),"Could not load /dev_hdd0/game/GENP00001/GenesisConf.ini\n"); sys_timer_sleep(5); gl_dprintf(0.09f,0.05f,Emulator_GetFontSize(),"Now exiting to XMB...\n"); sys_timer_sleep(5); sys_process_exit(0); } */ //REPLACEMENT if (load_settings) { Emulator_InitSettings(); load_settings = false; } /* //main path - Check if not present - create all folders and exit if(stat(Iniconfig.rompath,&st) != 0) { gl_dprintf(0.09f,0.05f,Emulator_GetFontSize(),"Creating generic folder tree for Genesisplus...\n"); sys_timer_sleep(5); CreateFolder(Iniconfig.rompath); CreateFolder(Iniconfig.savpath); CreateFolder(Iniconfig.cartpath); CreateFolder(Iniconfig.sram_path); CreateFolder(Iniconfig.biospath); gl_dprintf(0.09f,0.05f,Emulator_GetFontSize(),"Generic folder tree done! Will now exit to XMB...\nPlease put all your ROMs inside %s\n",Iniconfig.rompath); sys_timer_sleep(5); sys_process_exit(0); } */ ////Set Bios //sprintf(Iniconfig.biospath,"%s/bios.bin",Iniconfig.biospath); while(1) { switch(mode_switch) { case MODE_MENU: MenuMainLoop(); break; case MODE_EMULATION: Emulator_Start(); CellAudio->pause(); break; case MODE_EXIT: Emulator_Shutdown(); } } return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char cfg_file[256]; char app_name[256]; char* p; p = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); snprintf(app_name, sizeof(app_name), "%s", p+1); /* -- get the config filename -- */ switch (sys_getopt(argc, argv, "c:", cfg_file, sizeof(cfg_file))) { case 'c': #ifdef __DEBUG__ fprintf(stdout, "config file = [%s]\n", cfg_file); #endif if (0 != Config::load(cfg_file)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to load config file [%s]!!!\n", app_name, cfg_file); exit(-1); } break; default: usage(argv[0]); exit(0); } /* -- check if already running -- */ if (0 != sys_bind(Config::getLockPort())) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to continue, make sure there's no other instance running!!!\n", app_name); exit(-1); } /* -- initialize log -- */ LOG_INIT(Config::getLogFile(), Config::getLogLevel()); /* -- check if logger is successfully initialized -- */ if (0 != LOG_GET_STATUS()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to initialize logger!\n", app_name); exit(-1); } /* -- initialize libsqlora8 -- */ if (OraDB::init_lib(true) < 0) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to initialize libsqlora8!", app_name); exit(-1); } /* -- initialize queue -- */ if (0 != c2q_init(Global::getNotificationQ())) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to initialize notification queue!", app_name); exit(-1); } /* -- run in background -- */ sys_daemon(); /* -- block all signals -- */ sys_sigblock(); // Thread attributes pthread_attr_t pthread_attr_norm; pthread_attr_init(&pthread_attr_norm); pthread_attr_setstacksize(&pthread_attr_norm, Global::thr_stack_size); std::vector<pthread_t> thrs; // Signal handler pthread_t signal_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(&signal_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, signal_handler, NULL)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create signal_handler thread!!!", app_name); exit(-1); } thrs.push_back(signal_thr); // Notification handler for (int i=0; i<Config::getThreadCount(); ++i) { pthread_t notification_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(¬ification_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, notification_handler, (void*)i)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create notification_handler thread (%d)!!!", app_name, i); abort(); } thrs.push_back(notification_thr); } // Notification fetcher pthread_t notification_fetcher_thr; if (0 != pthread_create(¬ification_fetcher_thr, &pthread_attr_norm, notification_fetcher, NULL)) { LOG_CRITICAL("%s: Unable to create notification_fetcher thread (%d)!!!", app_name); abort(); } thrs.push_back(notification_fetcher_thr); LOG_INFO("%s: Started.", app_name); while (! IS_SHUTDOWN()) { sys_msleep(1000); } #if 0 for (int i=0; i<(int)thrs.size(); ++i) { pthread_join(thrs[i], NULL); } #endif while (! thrs.empty()) { pthread_join(thrs.back(), NULL); thrs.pop_back(); } LOG_INFO("%s: Terminated.", app_name); /* -- deinitialize queue -- */ c2q_deinit(Global::getNotificationQ()); /* -- deinitialize log -- */ LOG_DEINIT(); return 0; }
void commandline_init(void) { LOG_INIT(); current_pos = ¤t_line[0]; LOG_INIT_EXIT(); }
int havok_convert_main(bx::CommandLine* cmdline) { #ifdef HAVOK_COMPILE uint32_t timeMS = GetTickCount(); int err = kErrorSuccess; LOG_INIT("HavokConverterLog.html", "Havok Converter"); MemoryConfig cfg; memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg)); cfg.m_debugMemSize = SIZE_MB(2); cfg.m_initHavok = true; cfg.m_havokFrameMemSize = 0; cfg.m_havokMonitorMemSize = 0; g_memoryMgr.init(cfg); #ifdef HC_DUMP_PROFILE g_profiler.init(64); #endif register_engine_factories(); g_hc_config = new HC_Config; g_hc_config->m_packNormal = cmdline->hasArg("packnormal"); g_hc_config->m_packUV = cmdline->hasArg("packuv"); g_hc_config->m_slient = cmdline->hasArg("slient"); g_hc_config->m_verbose = cmdline->hasArg("verbose"); g_hc_config->m_merge = !cmdline->hasArg('b'); Actor_Config config; ActorConverter* converter = 0; const char* mode = cmdline->findOption('m'); if(!mode) mode = "model"; const char* class_name = cmdline->findOption('c'); if(!class_name) class_name = "level_geometry"; const char* input = cmdline->findOption('f'); const char* output = cmdline->findOption('o'); if(!input) { g_hc_config->m_error.add_error("havok convert must specific f args!"); err = kErrorArg; goto error_exit; } config.m_exportMode = mode; config.m_input = input; config.m_exportName = getFileName(input); config.m_exportFolder = ""; config.m_rootPath = ""; config.m_exportClass = class_name; if(output) { std::string output_path = output; string_replace(output_path, "\\", "/"); if (str_begin_with(output_path, "./")) { output_path = output_path.substr(2, output_path.length() - 2); } if(!str_begin_with(output_path, INTERMEDIATE_PATH)) config.m_exportFolder = std::string(INTERMEDIATE_PATH) + output_path; else config.m_exportFolder = output_path; add_trailing_slash(config.m_exportFolder); std::string path = config.m_exportFolder; string_replace(path, INTERMEDIATE_PATH, ""); config.m_rootPath = path; LOGD("export-folder=%s *********** root-folder=%s", config.m_exportFolder.c_str(), config.m_rootPath.c_str()); } else { config.m_exportFolder = TEMP_PATH; } config.m_output = config.m_exportFolder + config.m_exportName + "." + std::string(EngineNames::ACTOR); config.m_loader = new hkLoader; hkRootLevelContainer* rlc = config.m_loader->load(config.m_input.c_str()); if (!rlc) { g_hc_config->m_error.add_error("can not load input havok file %s", config.m_input.c_str()); err = kErrorLoadHavok; goto error_exit; } config.m_rlc = rlc; create_folder(config.m_exportFolder); hkxEnvironment* env = LOAD_OBJECT(rlc, hkxEnvironment); if(env) { hkStringBuf env_str; env->convertToString(env_str); LOGI(env_str.cString()); config.m_assetFolder = env->getVariableValue("assetFolder"); config.m_assetPath = env->getVariableValue("assetPath"); } hkaAnimationContainer* ac = LOAD_OBJECT(rlc, hkaAnimationContainer); hkxScene* scene = LOAD_OBJECT(rlc,hkxScene); hkpPhysicsData* data = LOAD_OBJECT(rlc, hkpPhysicsData); config.m_scene = scene; config.m_animation = ac; config.m_physics = data; if(config.m_exportMode == "model") { if(!scene || !scene->m_rootNode) { g_hc_config->m_error.add_error("hkx file do not has root scene node."); goto error_exit; } converter = new StaticModelConverter; converter->setClass(config.m_exportClass); } else if(config.m_exportMode == "skin") { converter = new CharacterConverter; converter->setClass("character"); } else if(config.m_exportMode == "level") { converter = new LevelConverter; config.m_output = config.m_exportFolder + config.m_exportName + "." + std::string(EngineNames::LEVEL); } else if(config.m_exportMode == "animation") { converter = new AnimationConverter; config.m_output = config.m_exportFolder + config.m_exportName + "." + std::string(EngineNames::ANIMATION); } if(!converter) { g_hc_config->m_error.add_error("havok converter export mode error."); err = kErrorArg; goto error_exit; } converter->m_config = &config; converter->setName(config.m_exportName); if(config.m_exportMode == "skin") { converter->process(ac); } else if(config.m_exportMode == "animation") { converter->process(ac); } else { converter->process(scene); } converter->postProcess(); converter->serializeToFile(config.m_output.c_str()); error_exit: SAFE_REMOVEREF(converter); SAFE_REMOVEREF(config.m_loader); if(!g_hc_config->m_slient) g_hc_config->m_error.show_error(); SAFE_DELETE(g_hc_config); #ifdef HC_DUMP_PROFILE g_profiler.dump_to_file("havokconverter_profile.txt", true, true); g_profiler.shutdown(); #endif g_memoryMgr.shutdown(); timeMS = GetTickCount() - timeMS; LOGD("******************************************************"); LOGD("******************************************************"); LOGD("* TOTAL TIME COST = %d[MS]", timeMS); LOGD("******************************************************"); LOGD("******************************************************"); LOG_TERM(); #endif return kErrorSuccess; }