Пример #1
qint64 AssemblyModel::getModelHeight(U2OpStatus & os) {
    if(NO_VAL == cachedModelHeight) {
        U2AttributeDbi * attributeDbi = dbiHandle.dbi->getAttributeDbi();
        if(attributeDbi != NULL) {
            U2IntegerAttribute attr = U2AttributeUtils::findIntegerAttribute(attributeDbi, assembly.id, U2BaseAttributeName::max_prow, os);
            if(attr.hasValidId()) {
                if(attr.version == assembly.version) {
                    cachedModelHeight = attr.value;
                } else if(checkPermissions(QFile::WriteUser,false)) {
                    U2AttributeUtils::removeAttribute(attributeDbi, attr.id, os);
        if(cachedModelHeight == NO_VAL) {
            // if could not get value from attribute, recompute the value...
            cachedModelHeight = assemblyDbi->getMaxPackedRow(assembly.id, U2Region(0, getModelLength(os)), os);
            if(! os.isCoR()) {
                // ...and store it in a new attribure
                U2IntegerAttribute attr;
                U2AttributeUtils::init(attr, assembly, U2BaseAttributeName::max_prow);
                attr.value = cachedModelHeight;
                attributeDbi->createIntegerAttribute(attr, os);
        if(cachedModelHeight  == NO_VAL){
            os.setError("Can't get model height, database is corrupted");
    return cachedModelHeight;
//off_t lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence);
off_t posix_lseek(const char *path, int fd, off_t offset, int whence)
	off_t ret;
	char whenceBuf[16];
	const char *whenceStr;

	switch (whence )
		case SEEK_SET:
			whenceStr = "SEEK_SET";

		case SEEK_CUR:
			whenceStr = "SEEK_CUR";

		case SEEK_END:
			whenceStr = "SEEK_END";

			snprintf(whenceBuf, sizeof(whenceBuf), "%d", whence);
			whenceStr = whenceBuf;

	ret = lseek(fd, offset, whence);
	LOG_OP(ret == (off_t) -1, errno,
		"lseek(fd=%d offset=%llu whence=%s) path='%s' ret=%lu",
		fd, (uint64_t) offset, whenceStr, path, ret);
	return ret;
Пример #3
qint64 ZoomableAssemblyOverview::minimalOverviewedLen() const {
    U2OpStatusImpl os;
    qint64 modelLen = model->getModelLength(os);
    // 1 letter == 1 pixel. We are not going to draw more than one pixel per letter
    // Allow more pixels per letter only if model is shorter than screen
    return qMin(modelLen, (qint64)width());
//int dup(int fildes);
int posix_dup(const char *path, int fd)
	int ret;
	LOOP_ON_EINTR(ret = dup(fd), ret < 0, errno);;
	LOG_OP(ret < 0, errno,
		"dup(fd=%d) path='%s'",
		fd, path);
	return ret;
//int close(int fd);
int posix_close(const char *path, int fd)
	int ret;
	LOOP_ON_EINTR(ret = close(fd), ret < 0, errno);
	LOG_OP(ret < 0, errno,
		"close(fd=%d) path='%s' ret=%d",
		fd, path, ret);
	return ret;
//int open(char *path, int oflag, mode_t mode); We always use the 3 arguments version
int posix_open(const char *path, int oflag, mode_t mode)
	int ret;
	LOOP_ON_EINTR(ret = open(path, oflag, mode), ret < 0, errno);
	LOG_OP(ret < 0, errno,
			"open(path='%s' oflag=%#x mode=%#x) ret=%d",
			path, oflag, mode, ret);
	return ret;
//int creat(char *path, mode_t mode);
int posix_creat(const char *path, mode_t mode)
	int ret;
	LOOP_ON_EINTR(ret = creat(path, mode), ret < 0, errno);
	LOG_OP(ret < 0, errno,
			"creat(path='%s' mode=%#x) ret=%d",
			path, mode, ret);
	return ret;
//DIR *opendir(char *dirname);
DIR *posix_opendir(const char *dirname)
	DIR *dirp;
	dirp = opendir(dirname);
	LOG_OP(dirp == NULL, errno,
		"opendir(dirname='%s') dirp=%p",
		dirname, dirp);
	return dirp;
//ssize_t write(int fildes, const void *buf, size_t nbyte);
ssize_t posix_write(const char *path,
	int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbyte)
	ssize_t ret;
	LOOP_ON_EINTR(ret = write(fd, buf, nbyte), ret < 0, errno);
	LOG_OP(ret < 0, errno,
		"write_packet(fd=%d buf=%p nbyte=%zu) path='%s' ret=%zd",
		fd, buf, nbyte, path, ret);
	return ret;
Пример #10
//int closedir(DIR *dirp);
int posix_closedir(const char *path, DIR *dirp)
	//this saves the address of the pointer without
	// keeping and passing the pointer itself to LOG_OP().
	ptrdiff_t ptradr = (char *) dirp - (char *) 0;
	int ret;

	ret = closedir(dirp);
	LOG_OP(ret < 0, errno,
		"closedir(dirp=0x%x) path='%s' ret=%d",
		ptradr, path, ret);
	return ret;
Пример #11
qint64 AssemblyModel::getModelLength(U2OpStatus & os) {
    if(NO_VAL == cachedModelLength) {
        // try to set length from attributes
        U2AttributeDbi * attributeDbi = dbiHandle.dbi->getAttributeDbi();
        if(attributeDbi != NULL) {
            U2IntegerAttribute attr = U2AttributeUtils::findIntegerAttribute(attributeDbi, assembly.id, U2BaseAttributeName::reference_length, os);
            if(attr.hasValidId()) {
                cachedModelLength = attr.value;
            // ignore incorrect attribute value and remove corrupted attribute (auto-fix incorrectly converted ugenedb)
            if(cachedModelLength == 0) {
                coreLog.details(QString("ignored incorrect value of attribute %1: should be > 0, got %2. Bad attribute removed!").arg(QString(U2BaseAttributeName::reference_length)).arg(cachedModelLength));
                cachedModelLength = NO_VAL;
                U2AttributeUtils::removeAttribute(attributeDbi, attr.id, os);
        // if cannot from attributes -> set from reference or max end pos
        if(cachedModelLength == NO_VAL) {
            qint64 refLen = hasReference() ? refObj->getSequenceLength() : 0;
            qint64 assLen = assemblyDbi->getMaxEndPos(assembly.id, os);
            cachedModelLength = qMax(refLen, assLen);

            // and save in attribute
            U2IntegerAttribute attr;
            U2AttributeUtils::init(attr, assembly, U2BaseAttributeName::reference_length);
            attr.value = cachedModelLength;
            attributeDbi->createIntegerAttribute(attr, os);
        if(cachedModelLength == NO_VAL){
            os.setError("Can't get model length, database is corrupted");
    return cachedModelLength;
Пример #12
//int select(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout);
int posix_select(const char *path,
	int nfds,
	fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds,
	struct timeval *timeout)
	int ret;
	struct timeval tv;

	//select() updates timeout which is not permitted by POSIX.1-2001.
	// So copy the timeout and use the copy in the call.
	if (timeout != NULL) {
		tv = *timeout;
	LOOP_ON_EINTR(ret = select(nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, (timeout != NULL) ? &tv : NULL), ret < 0, errno);
	LOG_OP(ret < 0, errno,
		"select(nfds=%d readfds=%p writefds=%p exceptfds=%p timeout=%ld.%ld) path='%s' ret=%zd",
		nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds,
		(timeout != NULL) ? timeout->tv_sec : -1,
		(timeout != NULL) ? timeout->tv_usec : -1,
		path, ret);
	return ret;
Пример #13
const U2AssemblyCoverageStat &AssemblyModel::getCoverageStat(U2OpStatus & os) {
    QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&mutex);
    if(cachedCoverageStat.isEmpty()) {
        U2AttributeDbi * attributeDbi = dbiHandle.dbi->getAttributeDbi();
        if(NULL != attributeDbi) {
            U2ByteArrayAttribute attr = U2AttributeUtils::findByteArrayAttribute(attributeDbi, assembly.id, COVERAGE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, os);
            if(!os.isCoR()) {
                if(attr.hasValidId()) {
                    // TODO: check version
                    U2AssemblyUtils::deserializeCoverageStat(attr.value, cachedCoverageStat, os);
                } else {
                    qint64 length = getModelLength(os);
                    if(!os.isCoR()) {
                        static const qint64 MAX_COVERAGE_CACHE_SIZE = 1000*1000;
                        int coverageCacheSize = (int)qMin(MAX_COVERAGE_CACHE_SIZE, length);
                        calculateCoverageStat(U2Region(0, length), cachedCoverageStat, os);
                        if(!os.isCoR()) {
                            U2ByteArrayAttribute attribute;
                            attribute.objectId = assembly.id;
                            attribute.name = COVERAGE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
                            attribute.value = U2AssemblyUtils::serializeCoverageStat(cachedCoverageStat);
                            attribute.version = assembly.version;
                            U2OpStatusImpl opStatus;
                            attributeDbi->createByteArrayAttribute(attribute, opStatus);
        } else {
            os.setError("Attribute DBI is not supported");
    return cachedCoverageStat;
Пример #14
QString AssemblyBrowser::tryAddObject(GObject * obj) {
    Document * objDoc = obj->getDocument();
    SAFE_POINT(NULL != objDoc, "", tr("Internal error: only object with document can be added to browser"));

    if (GObjectTypes::SEQUENCE == obj->getGObjectType()) {
        U2SequenceObject * seqObj = qobject_cast<U2SequenceObject*>(obj);
        CHECK(NULL != seqObj, tr("Internal error: broken sequence object"));
        SAFE_POINT(NULL != objDoc->getDocumentFormat(), "", tr("Internal error: empty document format"));

        U2OpStatus2Log os;
        qint64 seqLen = seqObj->getSequenceLength();
        QStringList errs;
        qint64 modelLen = model->getModelLength(os);
        if (seqLen != modelLen) {
            errs << tr("The lengths of the sequence and assembly are different.");
        if (seqObj->getGObjectName() != gobject->getGObjectName()) {
            errs << tr("The sequence and assembly names are different.");

        // commented: waiting for fix
        //QByteArray refMd5 = model->getReferenceMd5();
        //if(!refMd5.isEmpty()) {
        //    //QByteArray data = QString(seqObj->getSequence()).remove("-").toUpper().toUtf8();
        //    QByteArray data = QString(seqObj->getSequence()).toUpper().toUtf8();
        //    QByteArray seqObjMd5 = QCryptographicHash::hash(data, QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex();
        //    if(seqObjMd5 != refMd5) {
        //        errs << tr("- Reference MD5 not match with MD5 written in assembly");
        //    }

        bool setRef = !isAssemblyObjectLocked(true) && !model->isLoadingReference();
        setRef &= model->checkPermissions(QFile::WriteUser, setRef);
        if(!errs.isEmpty() && setRef) {
            const NotificationStack *notificationStack = AppContext::getMainWindow()->getNotificationStack();
            const QString message = tr("It seems that sequence \"%1\", set as reference to assembly \"%2\", does not match it.").arg(seqObj->getGObjectName()).arg(gobject->getGObjectName())
                + "\n- " + errs.join("\n- ");
            notificationStack->addNotification(message, Warning_Not);
        if(setRef) {

            U2Assembly assembly = model->getAssembly();
            U2DataId refId;
            QString folder;
            const QStringList folders = model->getDbiConnection().dbi->getObjectDbi()->getObjectFolders(assembly.id, os);
            if (folders.isEmpty() || os.isCoR()) {
                folder = U2ObjectDbi::ROOT_FOLDER;
            } else {
                folder = folders.first();

            if (seqObj->getEntityRef().dbiRef == model->getDbiConnection().dbi->getDbiRef()) {
                refId = seqObj->getEntityRef().entityId;
            } else {
                U2CrossDatabaseReferenceDbi * crossDbi = model->getDbiConnection().dbi->getCrossDatabaseReferenceDbi();
                U2CrossDatabaseReference crossDbRef;
                // Cannot simply use seqObj->getSequenceRef(), since it points to a temporary dbi
                // TODO: make similar method seqObj->getPersistentSequenctRef()
                crossDbRef.dataRef.dbiRef.dbiId = objDoc->getURLString();
                crossDbRef.dataRef.dbiRef.dbiFactoryId = "document";
                crossDbRef.dataRef.entityId = seqObj->getGObjectName().toUtf8();
                crossDbRef.visualName = "cross_database_reference: " + seqObj->getGObjectName();
                crossDbRef.dataRef.version = 1;
                crossDbi->createCrossReference(crossDbRef, folder, os);
                refId = crossDbRef.id;
    } else if (GObjectTypes::VARIANT_TRACK == obj->getGObjectType()) {
        VariantTrackObject *trackObj = qobject_cast<VariantTrackObject*>(obj);
        CHECK(NULL != trackObj, tr("Internal error: broken variant track object"));

        connect(model.data(), SIGNAL(si_trackRemoved(VariantTrackObject *)), SLOT(sl_trackRemoved(VariantTrackObject *)));
    } else {