Пример #1
void SendServoTargetPos(uint8_t ServoNo, int16_t targetPos,uint16_t targetSpeed)
	//printf("setting servo %d pos to %d @ %d\n", ServoNo, targetPos, targetSpeed);
	dxl_set_txpacket_parameter(0, P_GOAL_POSITION_L);
	dxl_set_txpacket_parameter(1, LO_BYTE(targetPos));
	dxl_set_txpacket_parameter(2, HI_BYTE(targetPos));
	dxl_set_txpacket_parameter(3, LO_BYTE(targetSpeed));
	dxl_set_txpacket_parameter(4, HI_BYTE(targetSpeed));

Пример #2
PRGArchive *
PRGArchive::archiveFromArchive(Archive *otherArchive)
    if (otherArchive == NULL || otherArchive->getNumberOfItems() == 0)
        return NULL;
    PRGArchive *archive = new PRGArchive();
    archive->debug(1, "Creating PRG archive from %s archive...\n", otherArchive->getTypeAsString());
    // Determine container size and allocate memory
    archive->size = 2 + otherArchive->getSizeOfItem(0);
    if ((archive->data = (uint8_t *)malloc(archive->size)) == NULL) {
        archive->warn("Failed to allocate %d bytes of memory\n", archive->size);
        delete archive;
        return NULL;
    // Load address
    uint8_t* ptr = archive->data;
    *ptr++ = LO_BYTE(otherArchive->getDestinationAddrOfItem(0));
    *ptr++ = HI_BYTE(otherArchive->getDestinationAddrOfItem(0));
    // File data
    int byte;
    while ((byte = otherArchive->getByte()) != EOF) {
        *ptr++ = (uint8_t)byte;
    return archive;
Пример #3
// set_address:
static void set_address(struct device_request *request)
	unsigned char addr = (LO_BYTE(request->wValue)) & USB_ADDRESS_MASK;

    log_printf(USBLOG_INFO, "USB: Set address %x\n", addr);
Пример #4
static void snap_received_packet(
    volatile struct mstp_port_struct_t *mstp_port,
    int sockfd)
    uint16_t mtu_len = 0;       /* number of octets of packet saved in file */
    unsigned i = 0;     /* counter */
    static uint8_t mtu[1500] = { 0 };
    uint16_t max_data = 0;

    mtu[0] = 0;
    mtu[1] = 0;
    mtu[2] = 0;
    mtu[3] = 0;
    mtu[4] = 0;
    mtu[5] = mstp_port->DestinationAddress;
    mtu[6] = 0;
    mtu[7] = 0;
    mtu[8] = 0;
    mtu[9] = 0;
    mtu[10] = 0;
    mtu[11] = mstp_port->SourceAddress;
    /* length - 12, 13 */
    mtu[14] = 0xaa;     /* DSAP for SNAP */
    mtu[15] = 0xaa;     /* SSAP for SNAP */
    mtu[16] = 0x03;     /* Control Field for SNAP */
    mtu[17] = 0x00;     /* Organization Code: Cimetrics */
    mtu[18] = 0x10;     /* Organization Code: Cimetrics */
    mtu[19] = 0x90;     /* Organization Code: Cimetrics */
    mtu[20] = 0x00;     /* Protocol ID */
    mtu[21] = 0x01;     /* Protocol ID */
    mtu[22] = 0x00;     /* delta time */
    mtu[23] = 0x00;     /* delta time */
    mtu[24] = 0x80;     /* unknown byte */
    mtu[25] = mstp_port->FrameType;
    mtu[26] = mstp_port->DestinationAddress;
    mtu[27] = mstp_port->SourceAddress;
    mtu[28] = HI_BYTE(mstp_port->DataLength);
    mtu[29] = LO_BYTE(mstp_port->DataLength);
    mtu[30] = mstp_port->HeaderCRCActual;
    mtu_len = 31;
    if (mstp_port->DataLength) {
        max_data = min(mstp_port->InputBufferSize, mstp_port->DataLength);
        for (i = 0; i < max_data; i++) {
            mtu[31 + i] = mstp_port->InputBuffer[i];
        mtu[31 + max_data] = mstp_port->DataCRCActualMSB;
        mtu[31 + max_data + 1] = mstp_port->DataCRCActualLSB;
        mtu_len += (max_data + 2);
    /* Ethernet length is data only - not address or length bytes */
    encode_unsigned16(&mtu[12], mtu_len - 14);
    write(sockfd, &mtu[0], mtu_len);
Пример #5
int lbp_write(u16 addr, void *buffer) {
    int send, recv;
    lbp_cmd_addr_data packet;

    packet.cmd = LBP_CMD_WRITE | LBP_ARGS_32BIT;
    packet.addr_hi = LO_BYTE(addr);
    packet.addr_lo = HI_BYTE(addr);
    memcpy(&packet.data, buffer, 4);

    send = lbp_send(&packet, sizeof(lbp_cmd_addr_data));
        printf("lbp_write(%02X:%04X)\n", packet.cmd, addr);
    return 0;
Пример #6
int lbp_read(u16 addr, void *buffer) {
    int send, recv;
    lbp_cmd_addr packet;
    u32 *ptr = buffer;

    packet.cmd = LBP_CMD_READ | LBP_ARGS_32BIT;
    packet.addr_hi = LO_BYTE(addr);
    packet.addr_lo = HI_BYTE(addr);

    send = lbp_send(&packet, sizeof(lbp_cmd_addr));
    recv = lbp_recv(buffer, 4);
        printf("lbp_read(%02X:%04X): %08X\n", packet.cmd, addr, *ptr);
    return 0;
Пример #7
// get_descriptor:
static void get_descriptor(struct device_request *request)
	unsigned char  bDescriptorType = HI_BYTE(request->wValue);
	unsigned char  bDescriptorIndex = LO_BYTE( request->wValue );
	unsigned short wLength = request->wLength;
	unsigned char  bCount = 0;
    unsigned char *desc_ptr;

    desc_ptr = usb_get_descriptor(bDescriptorType, bDescriptorIndex, wLength, &bCount);

    if (desc_ptr)
        usb_control_send(desc_ptr, bCount);
Пример #8
static void write_received_packet(
    volatile struct mstp_port_struct_t *mstp_port)
    uint32_t ts_sec;    /* timestamp seconds */
    uint32_t ts_usec;   /* timestamp microseconds */
    uint32_t incl_len;  /* number of octets of packet saved in file */
    uint32_t orig_len;  /* actual length of packet */
    uint8_t header[8];  /* MS/TP header */
    struct timeval tv;
    size_t max_data = 0;

    if (pFile) {
        gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
        ts_sec = tv.tv_sec;
        ts_usec = tv.tv_usec;
        if ((mstp_port->ReceivedValidFrame) ||
            (mstp_port->ReceivedValidFrameNotForUs)) {
            packet_statistics(&tv, mstp_port);
        (void) data_write(&ts_sec, sizeof(ts_sec), 1);
        (void) data_write(&ts_usec, sizeof(ts_usec), 1);
        if (mstp_port->DataLength) {
            max_data = min(mstp_port->InputBufferSize, mstp_port->DataLength);
            incl_len = orig_len = 8 + max_data + 2;
        } else {
            incl_len = orig_len = 8;
        (void) data_write(&incl_len, sizeof(incl_len), 1);
        (void) data_write(&orig_len, sizeof(orig_len), 1);
        header[0] = 0x55;
        header[1] = 0xFF;
        header[2] = mstp_port->FrameType;
        header[3] = mstp_port->DestinationAddress;
        header[4] = mstp_port->SourceAddress;
        header[5] = HI_BYTE(mstp_port->DataLength);
        header[6] = LO_BYTE(mstp_port->DataLength);
        header[7] = mstp_port->HeaderCRCActual;
        (void) data_write(header, sizeof(header), 1);
        if (mstp_port->DataLength) {
            (void) data_write(mstp_port->InputBuffer, max_data, 1);
            (void) data_write((char *) &mstp_port->DataCRCActualMSB, 1, 1);
            (void) data_write((char *) &mstp_port->DataCRCActualLSB, 1, 1);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "mstpcap[packet]: failed to open %s: %s\n",
            Capture_Filename, strerror(errno));
Пример #9
/** Read PDO assign structure */
int si_PDOassign(uint16 slave, uint16 PDOassign, int mapoffset, int bitoffset)
    uint16 idxloop, nidx, subidxloop, rdat, idx, subidx;
    uint8 subcnt;
    int wkc, bsize = 0, rdl;
    int32 rdat2;
    uint8 bitlen, obj_subidx;
    uint16 obj_idx;
    int abs_offset, abs_bit;

    rdl = sizeof(rdat); rdat = 0;
    /* read PDO assign subindex 0 ( = number of PDO's) */
    wkc = ec_SDOread(slave, PDOassign, 0x00, FALSE, &rdl, &rdat, EC_TIMEOUTRXM);
    rdat = etohs(rdat);
    /* positive result from slave ? */
    if ((wkc > 0) && (rdat > 0))
        /* number of available sub indexes */
        nidx = rdat;
        bsize = 0;
        /* read all PDO's */
        for (idxloop = 1; idxloop <= nidx; idxloop++)
            rdl = sizeof(rdat); rdat = 0;
            /* read PDO assign */
            wkc = ec_SDOread(slave, PDOassign, (uint8)idxloop, FALSE, &rdl, &rdat, EC_TIMEOUTRXM);
            /* result is index of PDO */
            idx = etohl(rdat);
            if (idx > 0)
                rdl = sizeof(subcnt); subcnt = 0;
                /* read number of subindexes of PDO */
                wkc = ec_SDOread(slave,idx, 0x00, FALSE, &rdl, &subcnt, EC_TIMEOUTRXM);
                subidx = subcnt;
                /* for each subindex */
                for (subidxloop = 1; subidxloop <= subidx; subidxloop++)
                    rdl = sizeof(rdat2); rdat2 = 0;
                    /* read SDO that is mapped in PDO */
                    wkc = ec_SDOread(slave, idx, (uint8)subidxloop, FALSE, &rdl, &rdat2, EC_TIMEOUTRXM);
                    rdat2 = etohl(rdat2);
                    /* extract bitlength of SDO */
                    bitlen = LO_BYTE(rdat2);
                    bsize += bitlen;
                    obj_idx = (uint16)(rdat2 >> 16);
                    obj_subidx = (uint8)((rdat2 >> 8) & 0x000000ff);
                    abs_offset = mapoffset + (bitoffset / 8);
                    abs_bit = bitoffset % 8;
                    ODlist.Slave = slave;
                    ODlist.Index[0] = obj_idx;
                    OElist.Entries = 0;
                    wkc = 0;
                    /* read object entry from dictionary if not a filler (0x0000:0x00) */
                    if(obj_idx || obj_subidx)
                        wkc = ec_readOEsingle(0, obj_subidx, &ODlist, &OElist);
                    printf("  [0x%4.4X.%1d] 0x%4.4X:0x%2.2X 0x%2.2X", abs_offset, abs_bit, obj_idx, obj_subidx, bitlen);
                    if((wkc > 0) && OElist.Entries)
                        printf(" %-12s %s\n", dtype2string(OElist.DataType[obj_subidx]), OElist.Name[obj_subidx]);
                    bitoffset += bitlen;
Пример #10
/** Enumerate and init all slaves.
 * @param[in]  context        = context struct
 * @param[in] usetable     = TRUE when using configtable to init slaves, FALSE otherwise
 * @return Workcounter of slave discover datagram = number of slaves found
int ecx_config_init(ecx_contextt *context, uint8 usetable)
   uint16 w, slave, ADPh, configadr, ssigen;
   uint16 topology, estat;
   int16 topoc, slavec, aliasadr;
   uint8 b,h;
   uint8 zbuf[64];
   uint8 SMc;
   uint32 eedat;
   int wkc, cindex, nSM, lp;

   EC_PRINT("ec_config_init %d\n",usetable);
   *(context->slavecount) = 0;
   /* clean ec_slave array */
   memset(context->slavelist, 0x00, sizeof(ec_slavet) * context->maxslave);
   memset(&zbuf, 0x00, sizeof(zbuf));
   memset(context->grouplist, 0x00, sizeof(ec_groupt) * context->maxgroup);
   /* clear slave eeprom cache */
   ecx_siigetbyte(context, 0, EC_MAXEEPBUF);
   for(lp = 0; lp < context->maxgroup; lp++)
      context->grouplist[lp].logstartaddr = lp << 16; /* default start address per group entry */
   /* make special pre-init register writes to enable MAC[1] local administered bit *
    * setting for old netX100 slaves */
   b = 0x00;
   ecx_BWR(context->port, 0x0000, ECT_REG_DLALIAS, sizeof(b), &b, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);    /* Ignore Alias register */
   ecx_BWR(context->port, 0x0000, ECT_REG_ALCTL, sizeof(b), &b, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);      /* Reset all slaves to Init */
   /* netX100 should now be happy */
   wkc = ecx_BWR(context->port, 0x0000, ECT_REG_ALCTL, sizeof(b), &b, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);      /* Reset all slaves to Init */
   printf("wkc = %d\n",wkc);
   w = 0x0000;
   wkc = ecx_BRD(context->port, 0x0000, ECT_REG_TYPE, sizeof(w), &w, EC_TIMEOUTSAFE);   /* detect number of slaves */
   if (wkc > 0)
      *(context->slavecount) = wkc;
      b = 0x00;
      ecx_BWR(context->port, 0x0000, ECT_REG_DLPORT, sizeof(b), &b, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);     /* deact loop manual */
      w = htoes(0x0004);
      ecx_BWR(context->port, 0x0000, ECT_REG_IRQMASK, sizeof(w), &w, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);    /* set IRQ mask */
      ecx_BWR(context->port, 0x0000, ECT_REG_RXERR, 8, &zbuf, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);           /* reset CRC counters */
      ecx_BWR(context->port, 0x0000, ECT_REG_FMMU0, 16 * 3, &zbuf, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);      /* reset FMMU's */
      ecx_BWR(context->port, 0x0000, ECT_REG_SM0, 8 * 4, &zbuf, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);         /* reset SyncM */
      ecx_BWR(context->port, 0x0000, ECT_REG_DCSYSTIME, 4, &zbuf, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);       /* reset system time+ofs */
      w = htoes(0x1000);
      ecx_BWR(context->port, 0x0000, ECT_REG_DCSPEEDCNT, sizeof(w), &w, EC_TIMEOUTRET3); /* DC speedstart */
      w = htoes(0x0c00);
      ecx_BWR(context->port, 0x0000, ECT_REG_DCTIMEFILT, sizeof(w), &w, EC_TIMEOUTRET3); /* DC filt expr */
      b = 0x00;
      ecx_BWR(context->port, 0x0000, ECT_REG_DLALIAS, sizeof(b), &b, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);    /* Ignore Alias register */
      ecx_BWR(context->port, 0x0000, ECT_REG_ALCTL, sizeof(b), &b, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);      /* Reset all slaves to Init */
      b = 2;
      ecx_BWR(context->port, 0x0000, ECT_REG_EEPCFG, sizeof(b), &b , EC_TIMEOUTRET3);    /* force Eeprom from PDI */
      b = 0;
      ecx_BWR(context->port, 0x0000, ECT_REG_EEPCFG, sizeof(b), &b , EC_TIMEOUTRET3);    /* set Eeprom to master */
      for (slave = 1; slave <= *(context->slavecount); slave++)
         ADPh = (uint16)(1 - slave);
         context->slavelist[slave].Itype = 
            etohs(ecx_APRDw(context->port, ADPh, ECT_REG_PDICTL, EC_TIMEOUTRET3)); /* read interface type of slave */
         /* a node offset is used to improve readibility of network frames */
         /* this has no impact on the number of addressable slaves (auto wrap around) */
         ecx_APWRw(context->port, ADPh, ECT_REG_STADR, htoes(slave + EC_NODEOFFSET) , EC_TIMEOUTRET3); /* set node address of slave */
         if (slave == 1) 
            b = 1; /* kill non ecat frames for first slave */
            b = 0; /* pass all frames for following slaves */
         ecx_APWRw(context->port, ADPh, ECT_REG_DLCTL, htoes(b), EC_TIMEOUTRET3); /* set non ecat frame behaviour */
         configadr = etohs(ecx_APRDw(context->port, ADPh, ECT_REG_STADR, EC_TIMEOUTRET3));
         context->slavelist[slave].configadr = configadr;
         ecx_FPRD(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_ALIAS, sizeof(aliasadr), &aliasadr, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);
         context->slavelist[slave].aliasadr = etohs(aliasadr);
         ecx_FPRD(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_EEPSTAT, sizeof(estat), &estat, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);
         estat = etohs(estat);
         if (estat & EC_ESTAT_R64) /* check if slave can read 8 byte chunks */
            context->slavelist[slave].eep_8byte = 1;
         ecx_readeeprom1(context, slave, ECT_SII_MANUF); /* Manuf */
      for (slave = 1; slave <= *(context->slavecount); slave++)
         context->slavelist[slave].eep_man = 
            etohl(ecx_readeeprom2(context, slave, EC_TIMEOUTEEP)); /* Manuf */
         ecx_readeeprom1(context, slave, ECT_SII_ID); /* ID */
      for (slave = 1; slave <= *(context->slavecount); slave++)
         context->slavelist[slave].eep_id = 
            etohl(ecx_readeeprom2(context, slave, EC_TIMEOUTEEP)); /* ID */
         ecx_readeeprom1(context, slave, ECT_SII_REV); /* revision */
      for (slave = 1; slave <= *(context->slavecount); slave++)
         context->slavelist[slave].eep_rev = 
            etohl(ecx_readeeprom2(context, slave, EC_TIMEOUTEEP)); /* revision */
         ecx_readeeprom1(context, slave, ECT_SII_RXMBXADR); /* write mailbox address + mailboxsize */
      for (slave = 1; slave <= *(context->slavecount); slave++)
         eedat = etohl(ecx_readeeprom2(context, slave, EC_TIMEOUTEEP)); /* write mailbox address and mailboxsize */
         context->slavelist[slave].mbx_wo = (uint16)LO_WORD(eedat);
         context->slavelist[slave].mbx_l = (uint16)HI_WORD(eedat);
         if (context->slavelist[slave].mbx_l > 0) 
            ecx_readeeprom1(context, slave, ECT_SII_TXMBXADR); /* read mailbox offset */
      for (slave = 1; slave <= *(context->slavecount); slave++)
         if (context->slavelist[slave].mbx_l > 0) 
            eedat = etohl(ecx_readeeprom2(context, slave, EC_TIMEOUTEEP)); /* read mailbox offset */
            context->slavelist[slave].mbx_ro = (uint16)LO_WORD(eedat); /* read mailbox offset */
            context->slavelist[slave].mbx_rl = (uint16)HI_WORD(eedat); /*read mailbox length */
            if (context->slavelist[slave].mbx_rl == 0)
               context->slavelist[slave].mbx_rl = context->slavelist[slave].mbx_l;
         configadr = context->slavelist[slave].configadr;
         if ((etohs(ecx_FPRDw(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_ESCSUP, EC_TIMEOUTRET3)) & 0x04) > 0)  /* Support DC? */
            context->slavelist[slave].hasdc = TRUE;
            context->slavelist[slave].hasdc = FALSE;
         topology = etohs(ecx_FPRDw(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_DLSTAT, EC_TIMEOUTRET3)); /* extract topology from DL status */
         h = 0; 
         b = 0;
         if ((topology & 0x0300) == 0x0200) /* port0 open and communication established */
            b |= 0x01;
         if ((topology & 0x0c00) == 0x0800) /* port1 open and communication established */
            b |= 0x02;
         if ((topology & 0x3000) == 0x2000) /* port2 open and communication established */
            b |= 0x04;
         if ((topology & 0xc000) == 0x8000) /* port3 open and communication established */
            b |= 0x08;
         /* ptype = Physical type*/
         context->slavelist[slave].ptype = 
            LO_BYTE(etohs(ecx_FPRDw(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_PORTDES, EC_TIMEOUTRET3)));
         context->slavelist[slave].topology = h;
         context->slavelist[slave].activeports = b;
         /* 0=no links, not possible             */
         /* 1=1 link  , end of line              */
         /* 2=2 links , one before and one after */
         /* 3=3 links , split point              */
         /* 4=4 links , cross point              */
         /* search for parent */
         context->slavelist[slave].parent = 0; /* parent is master */
         if (slave > 1)
            topoc = 0; 
            slavec = slave - 1;
               topology = context->slavelist[slavec].topology;
               if (topology == 1)
                  topoc--; /* endpoint found */
               if (topology == 3)
                  topoc++; /* split found */
               if (topology == 4)
                  topoc += 2; /* cross found */
               if (((topoc >= 0) && (topology > 1)) ||
                   (slavec == 1)) /* parent found */
                  context->slavelist[slave].parent = slavec;
                  slavec = 1;
            while (slavec > 0);

         w = ecx_statecheck(context, slave, EC_STATE_INIT,  EC_TIMEOUTSTATE); //* check state change Init */
         /* set default mailbox configuration if slave has mailbox */
         if (context->slavelist[slave].mbx_l>0)
            context->slavelist[slave].SMtype[0] = 1;
            context->slavelist[slave].SMtype[1] = 2;
            context->slavelist[slave].SMtype[2] = 3;
            context->slavelist[slave].SMtype[3] = 4;
            context->slavelist[slave].SM[0].StartAddr = htoes(context->slavelist[slave].mbx_wo);
            context->slavelist[slave].SM[0].SMlength = htoes(context->slavelist[slave].mbx_l);
            context->slavelist[slave].SM[0].SMflags = htoel(EC_DEFAULTMBXSM0);
            context->slavelist[slave].SM[1].StartAddr = htoes(context->slavelist[slave].mbx_ro);
            context->slavelist[slave].SM[1].SMlength = htoes(context->slavelist[slave].mbx_rl);
            context->slavelist[slave].SM[1].SMflags = htoel(EC_DEFAULTMBXSM1);
            context->slavelist[slave].mbx_proto = 
               ecx_readeeprom(context, slave, ECT_SII_MBXPROTO, EC_TIMEOUTEEP);
         cindex = 0;
         #ifdef EC_VER1
         /* use configuration table ? */
         if (usetable)
            cindex = ec_findconfig( context->slavelist[slave].eep_man, context->slavelist[slave].eep_id );
            context->slavelist[slave].configindex= cindex;
         /* slave found in configuration table ? */
         if (cindex)
            context->slavelist[slave].Dtype = ec_configlist[cindex].Dtype;            
            strcpy(context->slavelist[slave].name ,ec_configlist[cindex].name);
            context->slavelist[slave].Ibits = ec_configlist[cindex].Ibits;
            context->slavelist[slave].Obits = ec_configlist[cindex].Obits;
            if (context->slavelist[slave].Obits)
               context->slavelist[slave].FMMU0func = 1;
            if (context->slavelist[slave].Ibits)
               context->slavelist[slave].FMMU1func = 2;
            context->slavelist[slave].FMMU[0].FMMUactive = ec_configlist[cindex].FM0ac;
            context->slavelist[slave].FMMU[1].FMMUactive = ec_configlist[cindex].FM1ac;
            context->slavelist[slave].SM[2].StartAddr = htoes(ec_configlist[cindex].SM2a);
            context->slavelist[slave].SM[2].SMflags = htoel(ec_configlist[cindex].SM2f);
            /* simple (no mailbox) output slave found ? */
            if (context->slavelist[slave].Obits && !context->slavelist[slave].SM[2].StartAddr)
               context->slavelist[slave].SM[0].StartAddr = htoes(0x0f00);
               context->slavelist[slave].SM[0].SMlength = htoes((context->slavelist[slave].Obits + 7) / 8);
               context->slavelist[slave].SM[0].SMflags = htoel(EC_DEFAULTDOSM0);         
               context->slavelist[slave].FMMU[0].FMMUactive = 1;
               context->slavelist[slave].FMMU[0].FMMUtype = 2;
               context->slavelist[slave].SMtype[0] = 3;
            /* complex output slave */
               context->slavelist[slave].SM[2].SMlength = htoes((context->slavelist[slave].Obits + 7) / 8);
               context->slavelist[slave].SMtype[2] = 3;
            context->slavelist[slave].SM[3].StartAddr = htoes(ec_configlist[cindex].SM3a);
            context->slavelist[slave].SM[3].SMflags = htoel(ec_configlist[cindex].SM3f);
            /* simple (no mailbox) input slave found ? */
            if (context->slavelist[slave].Ibits && !context->slavelist[slave].SM[3].StartAddr)
               context->slavelist[slave].SM[1].StartAddr = htoes(0x1000);
               context->slavelist[slave].SM[1].SMlength = htoes((context->slavelist[slave].Ibits + 7) / 8);
               context->slavelist[slave].SM[1].SMflags = htoel(0x00000000);         
               context->slavelist[slave].FMMU[1].FMMUactive = 1;
               context->slavelist[slave].FMMU[1].FMMUtype = 1;
               context->slavelist[slave].SMtype[1] = 4;
            /* complex input slave */
               context->slavelist[slave].SM[3].SMlength = htoes((context->slavelist[slave].Ibits + 7) / 8);
               context->slavelist[slave].SMtype[3] = 4;
         /* slave not in configuration table, find out via SII */
            ssigen = ecx_siifind(context, slave, ECT_SII_GENERAL);
            /* SII general section */
            if (ssigen)
               context->slavelist[slave].CoEdetails = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, ssigen + 0x07);
               context->slavelist[slave].FoEdetails = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, ssigen + 0x08);
               context->slavelist[slave].EoEdetails = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, ssigen + 0x09);
               context->slavelist[slave].SoEdetails = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, ssigen + 0x0a);
               if((ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, ssigen + 0x0d) & 0x02) > 0)
                  context->slavelist[slave].blockLRW = 1;
               context->slavelist[slave].Ebuscurrent = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, ssigen + 0x0e);
               context->slavelist[slave].Ebuscurrent += ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, ssigen + 0x0f) << 8;
               context->slavelist[0].Ebuscurrent += context->slavelist[slave].Ebuscurrent;
            /* SII strings section */
            if (ecx_siifind(context, slave, ECT_SII_STRING) > 0)
               ecx_siistring(context, context->slavelist[slave].name, slave, 1);
            /* no name for slave found, use constructed name */
               sprintf(context->slavelist[slave].name, "? M:%8.8x I:%8.8x",
                       (unsigned int)context->slavelist[slave].eep_man, 
                       (unsigned int)context->slavelist[slave].eep_id);
            /* SII SM section */
            nSM = ecx_siiSM(context, slave, context->eepSM);
            if (nSM>0)
               context->slavelist[slave].SM[0].StartAddr = htoes(context->eepSM->PhStart);
               context->slavelist[slave].SM[0].SMlength = htoes(context->eepSM->Plength);
               context->slavelist[slave].SM[0].SMflags = 
                  htoel((context->eepSM->Creg) + (context->eepSM->Activate << 16));
               SMc = 1;
               while ((SMc < EC_MAXSM) &&  ecx_siiSMnext(context, slave, context->eepSM, SMc))
                  context->slavelist[slave].SM[SMc].StartAddr = htoes(context->eepSM->PhStart);
                  context->slavelist[slave].SM[SMc].SMlength = htoes(context->eepSM->Plength);
                  context->slavelist[slave].SM[SMc].SMflags = 
                     htoel((context->eepSM->Creg) + (context->eepSM->Activate << 16));
            /* SII FMMU section */
            if (ecx_siiFMMU(context, slave, context->eepFMMU))
               if (context->eepFMMU->FMMU0 !=0xff) 
                  context->slavelist[slave].FMMU0func = context->eepFMMU->FMMU0;
               if (context->eepFMMU->FMMU1 !=0xff) 
                  context->slavelist[slave].FMMU1func = context->eepFMMU->FMMU1;
               if (context->eepFMMU->FMMU2 !=0xff) 
                  context->slavelist[slave].FMMU2func = context->eepFMMU->FMMU2;
               if (context->eepFMMU->FMMU3 !=0xff) 
                  context->slavelist[slave].FMMU3func = context->eepFMMU->FMMU3;

         if (context->slavelist[slave].mbx_l > 0)
            if (context->slavelist[slave].SM[0].StartAddr == 0x0000) /* should never happen */
               EC_PRINT("Slave %d has no proper mailbox in configuration, try default.\n", slave);
               context->slavelist[slave].SM[0].StartAddr = htoes(0x1000);
               context->slavelist[slave].SM[0].SMlength = htoes(0x0080);
               context->slavelist[slave].SM[0].SMflags = htoel(EC_DEFAULTMBXSM0);
               context->slavelist[slave].SMtype[0] = 1;               
            if (context->slavelist[slave].SM[1].StartAddr == 0x0000) /* should never happen */
               EC_PRINT("Slave %d has no proper mailbox out configuration, try default.\n", slave);
               context->slavelist[slave].SM[1].StartAddr = htoes(0x1080);
               context->slavelist[slave].SM[1].SMlength = htoes(0x0080);
               context->slavelist[slave].SM[1].SMflags = htoel(EC_DEFAULTMBXSM1);
               context->slavelist[slave].SMtype[1] = 2;
            /* program SM0 mailbox in and SM1 mailbox out for slave */
            /* writing both SM in one datagram will solve timing issue in old NETX */
            ecx_FPWR(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_SM0, sizeof(ec_smt) * 2, 
               &(context->slavelist[slave].SM[0]), EC_TIMEOUTRET3);
         /* request pre_op for slave */
         ecx_FPWRw(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_ALCTL, htoes(EC_STATE_PRE_OP | EC_STATE_ACK) , EC_TIMEOUTRET3); /* set preop status */
   return wkc;
Пример #11
T64File *
T64File::makeT64ArchiveWithAnyArchive(AnyArchive *otherArchive)
    if (otherArchive == NULL)
        return NULL;
    T64File *archive  = new T64File();
    // Determine file size and allocate memory
    unsigned currentFiles = otherArchive->numberOfItems();
    unsigned maxFiles = (currentFiles < 30) ? 30 : currentFiles;
    archive->size = 64 /* header */ + maxFiles * 32 /* tape entries */;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < currentFiles; i++) {
        archive->size += otherArchive->getSizeOfItem();

    if ((archive->data = new uint8_t[archive->size]) == NULL) {
        archive->warn("Failed to allocate %d bytes of memory\n", archive->size);
        delete archive;
        return NULL;
    // Magic bytes (32 bytes)
    uint8_t *ptr = archive->data;
    strncpy((char *)ptr, "C64 tape image file", 32);
    ptr += 32;
    // Version (2 bytes)
    *ptr++ = 0x00;
    *ptr++ = 0x01;
    // Max files (2 bytes)
    *ptr++ = LO_BYTE(maxFiles);
    *ptr++ = HI_BYTE(maxFiles);
    // Current files (2 bytes)
    *ptr++ = LO_BYTE(currentFiles);
    *ptr++ = HI_BYTE(currentFiles);
    // Reserved (2 bytes)
    *ptr++ = 0x00;
    *ptr++ = 0x00;
    // User description (24 bytes)
    strncpy((char *)ptr, (char *)otherArchive->getName(), 24);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 24; i++, ptr++)
        *ptr = ascii2pet(*ptr);
    // Tape entries
    uint32_t tapePosition = 64 + maxFiles * 32; // data of item 0 starts here
    memset(ptr, 0, 32 * maxFiles);
    for (unsigned n = 0; n < maxFiles; n++) {
        if (n >= currentFiles) {
            // Empty tape slot
            ptr += 32;
        // Entry used (1 byte)
        *ptr++ = 0x01;
        // File type (1 byte)
        *ptr++ = 0x82;
        // Start address (2 bytes)
        uint16_t startAddr = otherArchive->getDestinationAddrOfItem();
        *ptr++ = LO_BYTE(startAddr);
        *ptr++ = HI_BYTE(startAddr);
        // Start address (2 bytes)
        uint16_t endAddr = startAddr + otherArchive->getSizeOfItem();
        *ptr++ = LO_BYTE(endAddr);
        *ptr++ = HI_BYTE(endAddr);
        // Reserved (2 bytes)
        ptr += 2;
        // Tape position (4 bytes)
        *ptr++ = LO_BYTE(tapePosition);
        *ptr++ = LO_BYTE(tapePosition >> 8);
        *ptr++ = LO_BYTE(tapePosition >> 16);
        *ptr++ = LO_BYTE(tapePosition >> 24);
        tapePosition += otherArchive->getSizeOfItem();
        // Reserved (4 bytes)
        ptr += 4;
        // File name (16 bytes)
        strncpy((char *)ptr, (char *)otherArchive->getNameOfItem(), 16);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < 16; i++, ptr++)
            *ptr = ascii2pet(*ptr);
    // File data
    for (unsigned n = 0; n < currentFiles; n++) {
        int byte;
        while ((byte = otherArchive->readItem()) != EOF) {
            *ptr++ = (uint8_t)byte;
    archive->debug(1, "T64 archive created with other archive of type %s.\n",
    return archive;
Пример #12
    unsigned i, n;
    uint16_t noOfItems = numberOfItems();

    // 1. Repair number of items, if this value is zero
    if (noOfItems == 0) {

        while (directoryItemIsPresent(noOfItems))

        uint16_t noOfItemsStatedInHeader = numberOfItems();
        if (noOfItems != noOfItemsStatedInHeader) {
            debug(1, "Repairing corrupted T64 archive: Changing number of items from %d to %d.\n",
                  noOfItemsStatedInHeader, noOfItems);
            data[0x24] = LO_BYTE(noOfItems);
            data[0x25] = HI_BYTE(noOfItems);
        assert(noOfItems == numberOfItems());
    for (i = 0; i < noOfItems; i++) {

        // 2. Check relative offset information for each item

        // Compute start address in file
        n = 0x48 + (i * 0x20);
        uint16_t startAddrInContainer = LO_LO_HI_HI(data[n], data[n+1], data[n+2], data[n+3]);

        if (startAddrInContainer >= size) {
            warn("T64 archive is corrupt (offset mismatch). Sorry, can't repair.\n");
            return false;
        // 3. Check for file end address mismatches (as created by CONVC64)
        // Compute start address in memory
        n = 0x42 + (i * 0x20);
        uint16_t startAddrInMemory = LO_HI(data[n], data[n+1]);
        // Compute end address in memory
        n = 0x44 + (i * 0x20);
        uint16_t endAddrInMemory = LO_HI(data[n], data[n+1]);
        if (endAddrInMemory == 0xC3C6) {

            // Let's assume that the rest of the file data belongs to this file ...
            uint16_t fixedEndAddrInMemory = startAddrInMemory + (size - startAddrInContainer);

            debug(1, "Repairing corrupted T64 archive: Changing end address of item %d from %04X to %04X.\n",
                  i, endAddrInMemory, fixedEndAddrInMemory);

            data[n] = LO_BYTE(fixedEndAddrInMemory);
            data[n+1] = HI_BYTE(fixedEndAddrInMemory);
    return 1; // Archive repaired successfully
Пример #13
static BOOL UI_WriteLogoFileName(UINT32 logoId)
    FST_FILE    pFile;
    UINT32      uiFileSize;
    UINT8       *BgBuf;
    char        *fileName;
    URECT       Rect = {0, 0, 320, 240};
    ER          erReturn = E_OK;
    PSTORE_SECTION_HANDLE* pSecHdl; // to save the handle of PStore section
    char *psecnameId;

    if (logoId == UI_LOGO_POWERON)
        fileName = "A:\\logo.jpg";
        psecnameId = PS_POWERON_LOGO;
    else //if (logoId == UI_LOGO_POWEROFF)
        fileName = "A:\\logo2.jpg";
        psecnameId = PS_POWEROFF_LOGO;

    pFile = FileSys_OpenFile(fileName, FST_OPEN_READ);

    if (pFile == NULL)
        debug_err(("open file error\r\n"));
        return FALSE;

    uiFileSize = FileSys_GetFileLen(fileName);  // for small page nand

    USE_MSG(("file size = %d\r\n",uiFileSize));

    if ((uiFileSize < 1024) || (uiFileSize > LOGO_MAX_FILESIZE))
        Cal_FillRect(&Rect, _OSD_INDEX_BLACK);
        Cal_ShowStringByColor("jpg size is too big or too small\n", &Rect, _OSD_INDEX_YELLOW, _OSD_INDEX_BLACK);
        Cal_FillRect(&Rect, _OSD_INDEX_BLACK);
        debug_err(("Write logo error\n\r"));
        return FALSE;

    BgBuf = (UINT8 *)OS_GetMempoolAddr(POOL_ID_APP);
    if (FileSys_ReadFile(pFile,(UINT8 *)(BgBuf+4),&uiFileSize,FST_FLAG_NONE,NULL)!=FST_STA_OK)
        USE_MSG(("file read failed\r\n"));
        return FALSE;


    *BgBuf = LO_BYTE(LO_WORD(uiFileSize));
    *(BgBuf+1) = HI_BYTE(LO_WORD(uiFileSize));
    *(BgBuf+2) = LO_BYTE(HI_WORD(uiFileSize));
    *(BgBuf+3) = HI_BYTE(HI_WORD(uiFileSize));

    pSecHdl = PStore_OpenSection(psecnameId, PS_RDWR | PS_CREATE);

    if (pSecHdl == E_PS_SECHDLER)
        debug_err(("Section open fail\r\n"));
        goto err_ret;

    erReturn = PStore_WriteSection(BgBuf, 0, SYSPARAM_LOGO_LEN, pSecHdl);

    if (erReturn != E_PS_OK)
        debug_err(("PStore program error\r\n"));
        goto err_ret;
    //#PIC#2010/07/23#Creator -begin
    //#PIC#2010/07/23#Creator -end
    return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
Пример #14
void UI_UpdateCfgFile(void)
#if 0
    UINT32      uiKeyAct, uiKeyCode;
    FLGPTN     uiFlag;
    char*       str;
    FST_FILE    pFile;
    UINT32      uiFileSize;
    UINT8       *BgBuf;
    char        *fileName;
    URECT       Rect = {0, 0, 320, 240};
    BOOL        Ret  =TRUE ;
    ER          erReturn;

    PSTORE_SECTION_HANDLE* pSecHdl; // to save the handle of PStore section

    fileName = "A:\\NTCONFIG.bin";

    pFile = FileSys_OpenFile(fileName, FST_OPEN_READ);

    if (pFile == NULL)
        debug_err(("open file error\r\n"));
        Ret  =FALSE;

    uiFileSize = FileSys_GetFileLen(fileName);  // for small page nand
    USE_MSG(("file size = %d\r\n",uiFileSize));

    //if file is null
    if (uiFileSize == 0)
        USE_MSG(("file size is 0\r\n"));
        Ret  =FALSE;

    if (uiFileSize > CFG_MAX_FILESIZE)
        USE_MSG(("file size is bigger = %d\r\n",uiFileSize));
        Ret  =FALSE;

    //get_blk((void *)&BgBuf,  POOL_ID_SICD);
    //rel_blk(POOL_ID_SICD, BgBuf);
    BgBuf = (UINT8 *)OS_GetMempoolAddr(POOL_ID_APP);
    if (FileSys_ReadFile(pFile,BgBuf,&uiFileSize,FST_FLAG_NONE,NULL)!=FST_STA_OK)
        USE_MSG(("file read failed\r\n"));
        Ret  =FALSE;


    *BgBuf = LO_BYTE(LO_WORD(uiFileSize));
    *(BgBuf+1) = HI_BYTE(LO_WORD(uiFileSize));
    *(BgBuf+2) = LO_BYTE(HI_WORD(uiFileSize));
    *(BgBuf+3) = HI_BYTE(HI_WORD(uiFileSize));

    pSecHdl = PStore_OpenSection(PS_BG_CFG, PS_RDWR | PS_CREATE);

    if (pSecHdl == E_PS_SECHDLER)
        debug_err(("Section open fail\r\n"));
        Ret  =FALSE;

    erReturn = PStore_WriteSection(BgBuf, 0, SYSPARAM_SYSFLAG_LEN, pSecHdl);


    if (erReturn != E_PS_OK)
        debug_err(("PStore program error\r\n"));
        Ret  =FALSE;

    Cal_FillRect(&Rect, _OSD_INDEX_BLACK);

    Rect.x   = 56;
    Rect.y   = 108;
    Rect.w   = 212;
    Rect.h   = 24;

    if (Ret  == FALSE)
        str =  "Update Cfg file error";
        Cal_ShowStringByColor(str, &Rect, _OSD_INDEX_YELLOW, _OSD_INDEX_BLACK);
        str = "Update Cfg file ok";
        Cal_ShowStringByColor(str, &Rect, _OSD_INDEX_YELLOW, _OSD_INDEX_BLACK);


    if (Ret)

#if 0

    clr_flg(FLG_ID_CALIBRATION, 0xffffffff);
    while (1)
        wai_flg(&uiFlag, FLG_ID_CALIBRATION, 0xffffffff, TWF_ORW | TWF_CLR);

        if (uiFlag)
Пример #15
/** Enumerate and init all slaves.
 * @param[in] usetable	  = TRUE when using configtable to init slaves, FALSE otherwise
 * @return Workcounter of slave discover datagram = number of slaves found
int ec_config_init(uint8 usetable)
    uint16 w, slave, ADPh, configadr, mbx_wo, mbx_ro, mbx_l, ssigen;
    uint16 topology, estat;
    int16 topoc, slavec;
    uint8 b,h;
	uint8 zbuf[64];
	uint8 SMc;
	uint32 eedat;
	int wkc, cindex, nSM;

    ec_slavecount = 0;
	/* clean ec_slave array */
	memset(&ec_slave, 0x00, sizeof(ec_slave));
	memset(&zbuf, 0x00, sizeof(zbuf));
    w = 0x0000;
    wkc = ec_BRD(0x0000, ECT_REG_TYPE, sizeof(w), &w, EC_TIMEOUTSAFE);		/* detect number of slaves */

    if (wkc > 0)
        ec_slavecount = wkc;
        b = 0x00;
        ec_BWR(0x0000, ECT_REG_DLPORT, sizeof(b), &b, EC_TIMEOUTRET);		/* deact loop manual */
        w = htoes(0x0004);
        ec_BWR(0x0000, ECT_REG_IRQMASK, sizeof(w), &w, EC_TIMEOUTRET);		/* set IRQ mask */
        ec_BWR(0x0000, ECT_REG_RXERR, 8, &zbuf, EC_TIMEOUTRET);  			/* reset CRC counters */
        ec_BWR(0x0000, ECT_REG_FMMU0, 16 * 3, &zbuf, EC_TIMEOUTRET);		/* reset FMMU's */
        ec_BWR(0x0000, ECT_REG_SM0, 8 * 4, &zbuf, EC_TIMEOUTRET);			/* reset SyncM */
        ec_BWR(0x0000, ECT_REG_DCSYSTIME, 4, &zbuf, EC_TIMEOUTRET); 		/* reset system time+ofs */
        w = htoes(0x1000);
        ec_BWR(0x0000, ECT_REG_DCSPEEDCNT, sizeof(w), &w, EC_TIMEOUTRET);   /* DC speedstart */
        w = htoes(0x0c00);
        ec_BWR(0x0000, ECT_REG_DCTIMEFILT, sizeof(w), &w, EC_TIMEOUTRET);   /* DC filt expr */
        b = 0x00;
        ec_BWR(0x0000, ECT_REG_DLALIAS, sizeof(b), &b, EC_TIMEOUTRET);		/* Ignore Alias register */
        ec_BWR(0x0000, ECT_REG_ALCTL, sizeof(b), &b, EC_TIMEOUTRET);		/* Reset all slaves to Init */
		b = 2;
		ec_BWR(0x0000, ECT_REG_EEPCFG, sizeof(b), &b , EC_TIMEOUTRET); 		/* force Eeprom from PDI */
		b = 0;
		ec_BWR(0x0000, ECT_REG_EEPCFG, sizeof(b), &b , EC_TIMEOUTRET); 		/* set Eeprom to master */
        for (slave = 1; slave <= ec_slavecount; slave++)
            ADPh = (uint16)(1 - slave);
            ec_slave[slave].Itype = etohs(ec_APRDw(ADPh, ECT_REG_PDICTL, EC_TIMEOUTRET)); /* read interface type of slave */
			/* a node offset is used to improve readibility of network frames */
			/* this has no impact on the number of addressable slaves (auto wrap around) */
            ec_APWRw(ADPh, ECT_REG_STADR, htoes(slave + EC_NODEOFFSET) , EC_TIMEOUTRET); /* set node address of slave */
            if (slave == 1) 
				b = 1; /* kill non ecat frames for first slave */
				b = 0; /* pass all frames for following slaves */
            ec_APWRw(ADPh, ECT_REG_DLCTL, htoes(b), EC_TIMEOUTRET); /* set non ecat frame behaviour */
            configadr = etohs(ec_APRDw(ADPh, ECT_REG_STADR, EC_TIMEOUTRET));
            ec_slave[slave].configadr = configadr;
		    ec_FPRD(configadr, ECT_REG_EEPSTAT, sizeof(estat), &estat, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
			estat = etohs(estat);
			if ((estat & (1 << 6))) /* check if slave can read 8 byte chunks */
				ec_slave[slave].eep_8byte = 1;
            ec_readeeprom1(slave, ECT_SII_MANUF); /* Manuf */
		for (slave = 1; slave <= ec_slavecount; slave++)
            ec_slave[slave].eep_man = etohl(ec_readeeprom2(slave, EC_TIMEOUTEEP)); /* Manuf */
            ec_readeeprom1(slave, ECT_SII_ID); /* ID */
        for (slave = 1; slave <= ec_slavecount; slave++)
            ec_slave[slave].eep_id = etohl(ec_readeeprom2(slave, EC_TIMEOUTEEP)); /* ID */
            ec_readeeprom1(slave, ECT_SII_REV); /* revision */
        for (slave = 1; slave <= ec_slavecount; slave++)
            ec_slave[slave].eep_rev = etohl(ec_readeeprom2(slave, EC_TIMEOUTEEP)); /* revision */
            ec_readeeprom1(slave, ECT_SII_RXMBXADR); /* write mailbox address + mailboxsize */
        for (slave = 1; slave <= ec_slavecount; slave++)
            eedat = etohl(ec_readeeprom2(slave, EC_TIMEOUTEEP)); /* write mailbox address and mailboxsize */
            ec_slave[slave].mbx_wo = (uint16)LO_WORD(eedat);
            ec_slave[slave].mbx_l = (uint16)HI_WORD(eedat);
			if (ec_slave[slave].mbx_l > 0) 
	            ec_readeeprom1(slave, ECT_SII_TXMBXADR); /* read mailbox offset */
        for (slave = 1; slave <= ec_slavecount; slave++)
			if (ec_slave[slave].mbx_l > 0) 
	            ec_slave[slave].mbx_ro = (uint16)etohl(ec_readeeprom2(slave, EC_TIMEOUTEEP)); /* read mailbox offset */
            configadr = ec_slave[slave].configadr;
            mbx_ro = ec_slave[slave].mbx_ro;
            mbx_wo = ec_slave[slave].mbx_wo;
            mbx_l = ec_slave[slave].mbx_l;
            if ((etohs(ec_FPRDw(configadr, ECT_REG_ESCSUP, EC_TIMEOUTRET)) & 0x04) > 0)  /* Support DC? */
                ec_slave[slave].hasdc = TRUE;
                ec_slave[slave].hasdc = FALSE;
            topology = etohs(ec_FPRDw(configadr, ECT_REG_DLSTAT, EC_TIMEOUTRET)); /* extract topology from DL status */
			h = 0; 
			b = 0;
            if ((topology & 0x0300) == 0x0200) /* port0 open and communication established */
				b |= 0x01;
            if ((topology & 0x0c00) == 0x0800) /* port1 open and communication established */
				b |= 0x02;
            if ((topology & 0x3000) == 0x2000) /* port2 open and communication established */
				b |= 0x04;
            if ((topology & 0xc000) == 0x8000) /* port3 open and communication established */
				b |= 0x08;
            /* ptype = Physical type*/
            ec_slave[slave].ptype = LO_BYTE(etohs(ec_FPRDw(configadr, ECT_REG_PORTDES, EC_TIMEOUTRET)));
            ec_slave[slave].topology = h;
			ec_slave[slave].activeports = b;
			/* 0=no links, not possible             */
            /* 1=1 link  , end of line              */
            /* 2=2 links , one before and one after */
            /* 3=3 links , split point              */
            /* 4=4 links , cross point              */
            /* search for parent */
            ec_slave[slave].parent = 0; /* parent is master */
            if (slave > 1)
                topoc = 0; 
                slavec = slave - 1;
		            topology = ec_slave[slavec].topology;
                    if (topology == 1)
                        topoc--; /* endpoint found */
                    if (topology == 3)
                        topoc++; /* split found */
                    if (topology == 4)
                        topoc+=2; /* cross found */
                    if (((topoc >= 0) && (topology > 1)) ||
					    (slavec == 1)) /* parent found */
                        ec_slave[slave].parent = slavec;
                        slavec = 1;
                while (slavec > 0);

            w = ec_statecheck(slave, EC_STATE_INIT,  EC_TIMEOUTSTATE); //* check state change Init */
			/* set default mailbox configuration if slave has mailbox */
			if (ec_slave[slave].mbx_l>0)
				ec_slave[slave].SMtype[0] = 0;
				ec_slave[slave].SMtype[1] = 1;
				ec_slave[slave].SMtype[2] = 2;
				ec_slave[slave].SMtype[3] = 3;
				ec_slave[slave].SM[0].StartAddr = htoes(ec_slave[slave].mbx_wo);
				ec_slave[slave].SM[0].SMlength = htoes(ec_slave[slave].mbx_l);
				ec_slave[slave].SM[0].SMflags = htoel(EC_DEFAULTMBXSM0);
				ec_slave[slave].SM[1].StartAddr = htoes(ec_slave[slave].mbx_ro);
				ec_slave[slave].SM[1].SMlength = htoes(ec_slave[slave].mbx_l);
				ec_slave[slave].SM[1].SMflags = htoel(EC_DEFAULTMBXSM1);
				ec_slave[slave].mbx_proto = ec_readeeprom (slave, ECT_SII_MBXPROTO, EC_TIMEOUTEEP);
			cindex = 0;
			/* use configuration table ? */
			if (usetable)
				cindex = ec_findconfig( ec_slave[slave].eep_man, ec_slave[slave].eep_id );
				ec_slave[slave].configindex= cindex;
			/* slave found in configuration table ? */
			if (cindex)
				ec_slave[slave].Dtype = ec_configlist[cindex].Dtype;				
				strcpy(	ec_slave[slave].name ,ec_configlist[cindex].name);
				ec_slave[slave].Ibits = ec_configlist[cindex].Ibits;
				ec_slave[slave].Obits = ec_configlist[cindex].Obits;
				if (ec_slave[slave].Obits)
					ec_slave[slave].FMMU0func = 1;
				if (ec_slave[slave].Ibits)
					ec_slave[slave].FMMU1func = 2;
				ec_slave[slave].FMMU[0].FMMUactive = ec_configlist[cindex].FM0ac;
				ec_slave[slave].FMMU[1].FMMUactive = ec_configlist[cindex].FM1ac;
				ec_slave[slave].SM[2].StartAddr = htoes(ec_configlist[cindex].SM2a);
				ec_slave[slave].SM[2].SMflags = htoel(ec_configlist[cindex].SM2f);
				/* simple (no mailbox) output slave found ? */
				if (ec_slave[slave].Obits && !ec_slave[slave].SM[2].StartAddr)
					ec_slave[slave].SM[0].StartAddr = htoes(0x0f00);
					ec_slave[slave].SM[0].SMlength = htoes((ec_slave[slave].Obits + 7) / 8);
					ec_slave[slave].SM[0].SMflags = htoel(EC_DEFAULTDOSM0);			
					ec_slave[slave].FMMU[0].FMMUactive = 1;
					ec_slave[slave].FMMU[0].FMMUtype = 2;
					ec_slave[slave].SMtype[0] = 2;
				/* complex output slave */
					ec_slave[slave].SM[2].SMlength = htoes((ec_slave[slave].Obits + 7) / 8);
					ec_slave[slave].SMtype[2] = 2;
				ec_slave[slave].SM[3].StartAddr = htoes(ec_configlist[cindex].SM3a);
				ec_slave[slave].SM[3].SMflags = htoel(ec_configlist[cindex].SM3f);
				/* simple (no mailbox) input slave found ? */
				if (ec_slave[slave].Ibits && !ec_slave[slave].SM[3].StartAddr)
					ec_slave[slave].SM[1].StartAddr = htoes(0x1000);
					ec_slave[slave].SM[1].SMlength = htoes((ec_slave[slave].Ibits + 7) / 8);
					ec_slave[slave].SM[1].SMflags = htoel(0x00000000);			
					ec_slave[slave].FMMU[1].FMMUactive = 1;
					ec_slave[slave].FMMU[1].FMMUtype = 1;
					ec_slave[slave].SMtype[1] = 3;
				/* complex input slave */
					ec_slave[slave].SM[3].SMlength = htoes((ec_slave[slave].Ibits + 7) / 8);
					ec_slave[slave].SMtype[3] = 3;
			/* slave not in configuration table, find out via SII */
				ssigen = ec_siifind(slave, ECT_SII_GENERAL);
				/* SII general section */
				if (ssigen)
					ec_slave[slave].CoEdetails = ec_siigetbyte(slave, ssigen + 0x07);
					ec_slave[slave].FoEdetails = ec_siigetbyte(slave, ssigen + 0x08);
					ec_slave[slave].EoEdetails = ec_siigetbyte(slave, ssigen + 0x09);
					ec_slave[slave].SoEdetails = ec_siigetbyte(slave, ssigen + 0x0a);
					if((ec_siigetbyte(slave, ssigen + 0x0d) & 0x02) > 0)
						ec_slave[slave].blockLRW = 1;
					ec_slave[slave].Ebuscurrent = ec_siigetbyte(slave, ssigen + 0x0e);
					ec_slave[slave].Ebuscurrent += ec_siigetbyte(slave, ssigen + 0x0f) << 8;
					ec_slave[0].Ebuscurrent += ec_slave[slave].Ebuscurrent;
				/* SII strings section */
				if (ec_siifind(slave, ECT_SII_STRING) > 0)
                    ec_siistring(ec_slave[slave].name, slave, 1);
				/* no name for slave found, use constructed name */
                    sprintf(ec_slave[slave].name, "? M:%8.8x I:%8.8x",
                    (unsigned int)ec_slave[slave].eep_man, (unsigned int)ec_slave[slave].eep_id);
				/* SII SM section */
				nSM = ec_siiSM (slave,&ec_SM);
				if (nSM>0)
					ec_slave[slave].SM[0].StartAddr = htoes(ec_SM.PhStart);
					ec_slave[slave].SM[0].SMlength = htoes(ec_SM.Plength);
					ec_slave[slave].SM[0].SMflags = htoel((ec_SM.Creg) + (ec_SM.Activate << 16));
					SMc = 1;
					while ((SMc < EC_MAXSM) &&  ec_siiSMnext(slave, &ec_SM, SMc))
						ec_slave[slave].SM[SMc].StartAddr = htoes(ec_SM.PhStart);
						ec_slave[slave].SM[SMc].SMlength = htoes(ec_SM.Plength);
						ec_slave[slave].SM[SMc].SMflags = htoel((ec_SM.Creg) + (ec_SM.Activate << 16));
				/* SII FMMU section */
                if (ec_siiFMMU(slave, &ec_FMMU))
					if (ec_FMMU.FMMU0 !=0xff) 
						ec_slave[slave].FMMU0func = ec_FMMU.FMMU0;
					if (ec_FMMU.FMMU1 !=0xff) 
						ec_slave[slave].FMMU1func = ec_FMMU.FMMU1;
					if (ec_FMMU.FMMU2 !=0xff) 
						ec_slave[slave].FMMU2func = ec_FMMU.FMMU2;
					if (ec_FMMU.FMMU3 !=0xff) 
						ec_slave[slave].FMMU3func = ec_FMMU.FMMU3;

			if (ec_slave[slave].mbx_l > 0)
				if (ec_slave[slave].SM[0].StartAddr == 0x0000) /* should never happen */
					ec_slave[slave].SM[0].StartAddr = htoes(0x1000);
					ec_slave[slave].SM[0].SMlength = htoes(0x0080);
					ec_slave[slave].SM[0].SMflags = htoel(EC_DEFAULTMBXSM0);
					ec_slave[slave].SMtype[0] = 0;					
				if (ec_slave[slave].SM[1].StartAddr == 0x0000) /* should never happen */
					ec_slave[slave].SM[1].StartAddr = htoes(0x1080);
					ec_slave[slave].SM[1].SMlength = htoes(0x0080);
					ec_slave[slave].SM[1].SMflags = htoel(EC_DEFAULTMBXSM1);
					ec_slave[slave].SMtype[1] = 1;
				/* program SM0 mailbox in for slave */
				ec_FPWR (configadr, ECT_REG_SM0, sizeof(ec_smt), &ec_slave[slave].SM[0], EC_TIMEOUTRET);
				/* program SM1 mailbox out for slave */
				// usleep(1000); // was needed for NETX (needs internal time after SM update)
				ec_FPWR (configadr, ECT_REG_SM1, sizeof(ec_smt), &ec_slave[slave].SM[1], EC_TIMEOUTRET);
			ec_FPWRw(configadr, ECT_REG_ALCTL, htoes(EC_STATE_PRE_OP | EC_STATE_ACK) , EC_TIMEOUTRET); /* set preop status */
    return wkc;
Пример #16
UINT32 UserPS_WriteUniFontFile(CHAR *pFilename)
    HNVT_FILE               *pFile;
    UINT32                  uiFileSize, uiWriteSize;
    UINT8                   *pMemPool;


    pFile = Filesys_fopen((char *)pFilename, "R");
    if(pFile == NULL)
        debug_err(("UserPS: Error opening %s\r\n", pFilename));
        return E_USERPS_FILE;

    uiFileSize = pFile->fileSize;
    uiWriteSize = uiFileSize;
    debug_err(("UserPS: File size = %ld\r\n", uiFileSize));

    if(uiFileSize > POOL_SIZE_UNIFONT)
        debug_err(("UserPS: File size too large!\r\n"));
        return E_USERPS_FILE;

    get_blk((void *)&pMemPool, POOL_ID_CAPTURE);
    rel_blk(POOL_ID_CAPTURE, pMemPool);

    FilesysReadWriteByName2(FST_CMD_READ_BY_NAME, pFilename, (UINT8 *)(pMemPool+4),
                            &uiWriteSize, 0, FST_TIME_INFINITE);
    debug_err(("UserPS: Gotta write file size = %ld\r\n", uiWriteSize));

    *pMemPool = LO_BYTE(LO_WORD(uiWriteSize));
    *(pMemPool+1) = HI_BYTE(LO_WORD(uiWriteSize));
    *(pMemPool+2) = LO_BYTE(HI_WORD(uiWriteSize));
    *(pMemPool+3) = HI_BYTE(HI_WORD(uiWriteSize));


    if((pSection = PStore_OpenSection(PS_UNIFONT_DATA, PS_RDWR | PS_CREATE)) != E_PS_SECHDLER)
        if(PStore_WriteSection(pMemPool, 0, (uiWriteSize+4), pSection) != E_PS_OK)
            debug_err(("UserPS: PStore write Unicode font data fail\r\n"));
        debug_err(("UserPS: PStore open section fail\r\n"));
        return E_USERPS_PSECTION;

    return E_USERPS_OK;