Пример #1
**  insert_comment ()
insert_comment ()
    STATUS                 ret_val ;
    OFFSET_TYPE            size ;

    if ((ret_val = bld_cmtName(msg)) != OK)
        disp_line(msg, 0, 0);
    else if (SEP_LOexists(cmtLoc))
        LOsize(cmtLoc, &size);
        if (size > 0)
            append_line(OPEN_COMMENT, 1);
            append_line(CLOSE_COMMENT, 1);

    return (ret_val);
} /* end of insert_comment */
Пример #2
** Name: NMwritesyms - write the symbol table list to file.
** Description:
**    Write the symbol table list back out to the file.
**    This duplicates the function in ingunset.c, but shouldn't be in 
**    compatlib because no one else has any business writing the file.
** Inputs:
**	none.
** Output:
**	none.
**      Returns:
**          OK                         	    Function completed normally. 
**          FAIL                            Function completed abnormally.
** History:
**      20-jul-87 (mmm)
**          Updated to meet jupiter standards.
**	14-apr-89 (arana)
**	    When LOlast was added to update symbol table mod time,
**	    return value was saved off but not returned.
**	15-jul-93 (ed)
**	    adding <gl.h> after <compat.h>
**      29-sep-94 (cwaldman)
**          Changed check of NMopensyms return value to compare against
**          (FILE *)NULL (was NULL).
**          Changed write routine to write into a temporary file first,
**          check whether this file has been written OK, and rename
**          temporary file to symbol.tbl if it is alright. This is part
**          of the fix for bug 44445 (symbol.tbl disappears). There is
**          still a slight chance of something going wrong during the
**          rename, but in that case variables are at least preserved
**          in symbol.tmp.
**      19-oct-94 (abowler)
**          Minor correction to change above. Cal to SIopen should be
**          passed address of location structure. (Didn't show up as
**          a bug on su4_u42 !)
**      28-feb-95 (cwaldman)
**          Amendment to change on 29 Sep. Part of the check whether
**          the temporary symbol table had been written OK was to check
**          the file size. The check would return the file size if
**          check was OK and 0 otherwise. If a 0 was returned, the old
**          symbol.tbl would not be replaced. This made it impossible
**          to 'ingunset' the last variable in a symbol.tbl. Changed
**          'OK-check' to use -1 as error indicator.
**	02-jul-1996 (sweeney)
**	    Apply umask fix (bug #71890) from ingres63p
**	07-apr-2004 (somsa01)
**	    Added backup of symbol.tbl logic.
    register SYM	*sp;
    FILE		*fp, *tfp = NULL;
    register i4 	status = OK;
    register i4 	closestat;
    char		buf[ MAXLINE + NULL_NL_NULL ];
    char		tbuf[ MAXLINE + NULL_NL_NULL ];
    i4			flagword, size, symcount = 0, bksymcount;
    STATUS		retval;
    LOCATION		t_loc;
    bool		perform_backup = TRUE;
    OFFSET_TYPE		bk_size;

    ** ensure sensible umask for symbol.tmp, as it will become symbol.tbl
    if ((FILE *)NULL == (fp = NMopensyms( "r" )))
	return (NM_STOPN);
    LOcopy(&NMSymloc, tbuf, &t_loc);
    if ( OK != LOfstfile("symbol.tmp", &t_loc) ||
         OK != SIopen(&t_loc, "w", &tfp))
	return (NM_STOPN);

    for ( sp = s_list; sp != NULL; sp = sp->s_next )
	(VOID) STpolycat( 3, sp->s_sym, "\t", sp->s_val, buf );
	STmove( buf, ' ', MAXLINE, buf );

	buf[ MAXLINE - 1 ] = '\n';
	buf[ MAXLINE ] = '\0';
	if ( OK != (status = SIputrec(buf, tfp)))

    /* Very interested in close status of file being written */
    closestat = SIclose( tfp );
    flagword = (LO_I_SIZE);
    size = (OK == LOinfo(&t_loc,&flagword,&loinfo) ? loinfo.li_size : -1);
    retval=(status != OK || closestat != OK || size == -1 ? NM_STAPP : OK);

    /* if file written ok update modification time */
    if(retval == OK)
	LOrename(&t_loc, &NMSymloc);
	LOlast(&NMSymloc, &NMtime);
#if defined(su4_cmw)
	/* Now reset the old MAC label if any */
	if (NM_got_label)
	    (void)setcmwlabel(NM_path, &NM_saved_label, SETCL_ALL);

	** If we have no backup to check against, just do it. Otherwise,
	** make sure our new symbol table differs from the backup by at most
	** one symbol before performing a backup.
	if (LOexist(&NMBakSymloc) == OK)
	    LOsize(&NMBakSymloc, &bk_size);
	    bksymcount = (i4)(bk_size / (MAXLINE + 1));
	    if (bksymcount != symcount && bksymcount != symcount - 1 &&
		bksymcount != symcount + 1)
		perform_backup = FALSE;

	if (perform_backup)
	    if (SIopen(&NMBakSymloc, "w", &tfp) == OK)
		for (sp = s_list; sp != NULL; sp = sp->s_next)
		    STpolycat(3, sp->s_sym, "\t", sp->s_val, buf);
		    STmove(buf, ' ', MAXLINE, buf);

		    buf[MAXLINE - 1] = '\n';
		    buf[MAXLINE] = '\0';
               	    if ((status = SIputrec(buf, tfp)) != OK)

    return (retval);