Пример #1
          void computeL(MatrixType const & A,
                        MatrixType & L,
                        MatrixType & L_trans,
                        std::vector<VectorType1> & Y,
                        std::vector<std::vector<vcl_size_t> > & J)
            typedef typename VectorType1::value_type    ScalarType;
            typedef std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, ScalarType> >     STLSparseMatrixType;

            STLSparseMatrixType L_temp(A.size1());

            for (vcl_size_t k=0; k<A.size1(); ++k)
              std::vector<vcl_size_t> const & Jk = J[k];
              VectorType1 const & yk = Y[k];

              //compute L(k,k):
              ScalarType Lkk = A(k,k);
              for (vcl_size_t i=0; i<Jk.size(); ++i)
                Lkk -= A(Jk[i],k) * yk[i];

              Lkk = ScalarType(1) / std::sqrt(Lkk);
              L_temp[k][static_cast<unsigned int>(k)] = Lkk;
              L_trans(k,k) = Lkk;

              //write lower diagonal entries:
              for (vcl_size_t i=0; i<Jk.size(); ++i)
                L_temp[Jk[i]][static_cast<unsigned int>(k)] = -Lkk * yk[i];
                L_trans(k, Jk[i]) = -Lkk * yk[i];
            } //for k

            //build L from L_temp
            for (vcl_size_t i=0; i<L_temp.size(); ++i)
              for (typename std::map<unsigned int, ScalarType>::const_iterator it = L_temp[i].begin();
                  it != L_temp[i].end();
                  L(i, it->first) = it->second;
Пример #2
glm::vec3 AllLightingIntegrator::LightIndirectEnergy(const Intersection &isx, unsigned int n_split, const glm::vec3 &woW)
    int depth = 0;
    Intersection isx_temp = isx;//reflected intersection
    Intersection isx_light; //sampled intersection with "light source"
    glm::vec3 color_accum(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); //accumulated color
    glm::vec3 color_temp(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    glm::vec3 wi_temp(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    glm::vec3 wo_temp(woW);
    glm::vec3 brdf_energy_accum(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    glm::vec3 brdf_energy_temp(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    glm::vec3 L_temp(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    Material* M_temp = isx.object_hit->material;
    Geometry* obj_temp; //stores the temporary sampled object
    Ray sampler;
    float pdf_temp_brdf(0);
    float pdf_light_temp(0);
    float W(0); //for MIS

    float rand1 = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);
    float rand2 = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);
    float epsilon = 0.0001f;
    float throughput = 1.000001f;
    float russian = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);
    //default samples for direct lighting when estimating the irradiance of some other point in the scene
    unsigned int n_light = 10;
    unsigned int n_brdf = 10;

    int light_source_choice(0);

    while(depth < max_depth && (russian < throughput || depth < 2))
        //sample a random point on a random object in the scene
        light_source_choice = rand()%scene->objects.count();
        obj_temp = scene->objects[light_source_choice];
        //if I hit a real light source, kill the ray
        if (scene->objects[light_source_choice]->material->is_light_source) break;

        isx_light = obj_temp->GetRandISX(rand1, rand2, isx_temp.normal);
        //update random numbers
        rand1 = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);
        rand2 = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);
        //make ray towards these points
        wi_temp = glm::normalize(isx_light.point - isx_temp.point);
        sampler = Ray(isx_temp.point, wi_temp);
        //update my light intersection
        isx_light = intersection_engine->GetIntersection(sampler);

        //this ray dies if it hit nothing or is blocked, kill the ray as well
        if(isx_light.object_hit == NULL) break;
        if(isx_light.object_hit != obj_temp) break;

        //to avoid shadow acne
        isx_light.point = isx_light.point + epsilon*isx_light.normal;

        //find out the pdf w/r/t light
        pdf_light_temp = obj_temp->RayPDF(isx_light, sampler);
        //if my pdf is negative, kill the ray as well
        if(pdf_light_temp <= 0) break;

        //update accumulated brdf energy
        brdf_energy_temp = M_temp->EvaluateScatteredEnergy(isx_temp, wo_temp, wi_temp, pdf_temp_brdf);
        brdf_energy_accum = ComponentMult(brdf_energy_accum, brdf_energy_temp);

        //find the direct lighting irradiance of this point towards my original intersection
        wo_temp = -wi_temp; //now the old incoming ray is the outgoing ray for the new intersection
        L_temp = EstimateDirectLighting(isx_light, n_light, n_brdf, wo_temp);
        W = MIS(pdf_light_temp, pdf_temp_brdf);
        //this is light source sampling so use the illumination equation for BRDF sampling to accumulate color
        color_temp = ComponentMult(brdf_energy_accum, L_temp);
        color_temp = ComponentMult(ComponentMult(color_temp, M_temp->base_color), isx_temp.texture_color);
        color_temp = color_temp*W/pdf_light_temp*glm::abs(glm::dot(isx_temp.normal, wi_temp));
        color_accum = color_accum + color_temp/static_cast<float>(n_split);

        throughput = throughput * glm::max(glm::max(color_accum.r, color_accum.g), color_accum.b);

        //update the temporary material
        M_temp = isx_light.object_hit->material;
        isx_temp = isx_light;
        //update random number
        //update depth
        russian = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);
    return color_accum;
Пример #3
glm::vec3 AllLightingIntegrator::BxDFIndirectEnergy(const Intersection &isx, unsigned int n_split, const glm::vec3 &woW)
    int depth = 0;
    Intersection isx_temp = isx;//reflected intersection
    Intersection isx_light; //sampled intersection with "light source"
    glm::vec3 color_accum(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); //accumulated color
    glm::vec3 color_temp(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    glm::vec3 wi_temp(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    glm::vec3 wo_temp(woW);
    glm::vec3 brdf_energy_accum(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    glm::vec3 brdf_energy_temp(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    glm::vec3 L_temp(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    Material* M_temp = isx.object_hit->material;
    Ray sampler;
    float pdf_temp_brdf(0);
    float pdf_light_temp(0);
    float W(0); //for MIS

    float rand1 = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);
    float rand2 = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);
    float epsilon = 0.0001;
    float throughput = 1.000001f;
    float russian = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);
    //default samples for direct lighting when estimating the irradiance of some other point in the scene
    unsigned int n_light = 10;
    unsigned int n_brdf = 10;

    while(depth < max_depth && (russian < throughput || depth < 2))
        //sample random brdf starting at the input isx direction to get reflected ray to begin
        brdf_energy_temp = M_temp->SampleAndEvaluateScatteredEnergy(isx_temp, wo_temp, wi_temp, pdf_temp_brdf, rand1, rand2);
        //update accumulated brdf energy
        brdf_energy_accum = ComponentMult(brdf_energy_accum, brdf_energy_temp);
        //use the sampled incoming ray to find a reflected intersection
        sampler = Ray(isx_temp.point, wi_temp);
        isx_light = intersection_engine->GetIntersection(sampler);

        //this ray dies if I hit a real light source or nothing
        if(isx_light.object_hit == NULL) break;
        else if(isx_light.object_hit->material->is_light_source) break;

        //to avoid shadow acne
        isx_light.point = isx_light.point + epsilon*isx_light.normal;
        //find the direct lighting irradiance of this point towards my original intersection
        wo_temp = -wi_temp; //now the old incoming ray is the outgoing ray for the new intersection
        L_temp = EstimateDirectLighting(isx_light, n_light, n_brdf, wo_temp); //the direct lighting towards the isx
        pdf_light_temp = isx_light.object_hit->RayPDF(isx_light, sampler);
        W = MIS(pdf_temp_brdf, pdf_light_temp);
        //this is BRDF sampling so use the illumination equation for BRDF sampling to accumulate color
        color_temp = ComponentMult(brdf_energy_accum, L_temp);
        color_temp = ComponentMult(ComponentMult(color_temp, M_temp->base_color), isx_temp.texture_color);
        color_temp = color_temp*W/pdf_temp_brdf*glm::abs(glm::dot(isx_temp.normal, wi_temp));
        color_accum = color_accum + color_temp/static_cast<float>(n_split);

        throughput = throughput * glm::max(glm::max(color_accum.r, color_accum.g), color_accum.b);
        //update the temporary material
        M_temp = isx_light.object_hit->material;
        isx_temp = isx_light;
        //update random number
        rand1 = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);
        rand2 = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);
        //update depth
        russian = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);

    return color_accum;