Пример #1
TbBool load_slabclm_file(struct Column *cols, long *ccount)
  long total;
  unsigned char *buf;
  long fsize;
  long i,k;
  fsize = 4;
  buf = load_data_file_to_buffer(&fsize, FGrp_StdData, "slabs.clm");
  if (buf == NULL)
    return false;
  i = 0;
  total = llong(&buf[i]);
  i += 4;
  // Validate total amount of columns
  if ((total < 0) || (total > (fsize-4)/sizeof(struct Column)))
    total = (fsize-4)/sizeof(struct Column);
    WARNMSG("Bad amount of columns in Column Set file; corrected to %ld.",total);
  if (total > *ccount)
    WARNMSG("Only %d columns supported, Column Set file has %ld.",*ccount,total);
    total = *ccount;
  for (k=0; k < total; k++)
    LbMemoryCopy(&cols[k],&buf[i],sizeof(struct Column));
    i += sizeof(struct Column);
  *ccount = total;
  return true;
Пример #2
TbBool load_column_file(LevelNumber lv_num)
    unsigned long i;
    long k;
    unsigned short n;
    long total;
    unsigned char *buf;
    long fsize;
    if ((game.operation_flags & GOF_ColumnConvert) != 0)
        game.operation_flags &= ~GOF_ColumnConvert;
    fsize = 8;
    buf = load_single_map_file_to_buffer(lv_num,"clm",&fsize,LMFF_None);
    if (buf == NULL)
      return false;
    i = 0;
    total = llong(&buf[i]);
    i += 4;
    // Validate total amount of columns
    if ((total < 0) || (total > (fsize-8)/sizeof(struct Column)))
      total = (fsize-8)/sizeof(struct Column);
      WARNMSG("Bad amount of columns in CLM file; corrected to %ld.",total);
    if (total > COLUMNS_COUNT)
      WARNMSG("Only %d columns supported, CLM file has %ld.",COLUMNS_COUNT,total);
      total = COLUMNS_COUNT;
    // Read and validate second amount
    game.field_14AB3F = llong(&buf[i]);
    if (game.field_14AB3F >= COLUMNS_COUNT)
      game.field_14AB3F = COLUMNS_COUNT-1;
    i += 4;
    // Fill the columns
    for (k=0; k < total; k++)
        struct Column *colmn;
        colmn = &game.columns_data[k];
        LbMemoryCopy(colmn, &buf[i], sizeof(struct Column));
        //Update top cube in the column
        n = find_column_height(colmn);
        set_column_floor_filled_subtiles(colmn, n);
        i += sizeof(struct Column);
    return true;
Пример #3
void setup_default_settings(void)
    // CPU status variable
    struct CPU_INFO cpu_info;
    const struct GameSettings default_settings = {
     0,                         // field_0
     4,                         // video_shadows
     3,                         // view_distance
     0,                         // video_rotate_mode
     1,                         // video_textures
     0,                         // video_cluedo_mode
     127,                       // sound_volume
     90,                        // redbook_volume
     1,                         // field_8
     0,                         // gamma_correction
     Lb_SCREEN_MODE_640_480,    // Default Screen mode 0x004 640X480
          {KC_UP, KMod_NONE},       {KC_DOWN, KMod_NONE},
          {KC_LEFT, KMod_NONE},     {KC_RIGHT, KMod_NONE},
          {KC_DELETE, KMod_NONE},   {KC_PGDOWN, KMod_NONE},
          {KC_HOME, KMod_NONE},     {KC_END, KMod_NONE},
          {KC_T, KMod_NONE},        {KC_L, KMod_NONE},
          {KC_L, KMod_SHIFT},       {KC_P, KMod_SHIFT},
          {KC_T, KMod_ALT},         {KC_T, KMod_SHIFT},
          {KC_H, KMod_NONE},        {KC_W, KMod_NONE},
          {KC_S, KMod_NONE},        {KC_T, KMod_CONTROL},
          {KC_G, KMod_NONE},        {KC_B, KMod_NONE},
          {KC_H, KMod_SHIFT},       {KC_G, KMod_SHIFT},
          {KC_B, KMod_SHIFT},       {KC_F, KMod_NONE},
          {KC_A, KMod_NONE},        {KC_LSHIFT, KMod_NONE},
          {KC_NUMPAD0, KMod_NONE},  {KC_BACK, KMod_NONE},
          {KC_P, KMod_NONE},        {KC_M, KMod_NONE},
     },                         // kbkeys
     1,                         // tooltips_on
     1,                         // first_person_move_invert
     6                          // first_person_move_sensitivity
    LbMemoryCopy(&settings, &default_settings, sizeof(struct GameSettings));
    settings.video_scrnmode = get_next_vidmode_for_switching(Lb_SCREEN_MODE_INVALID);
    // Removing this because we suppose these requirements are always met, and only reserved 640*400
    // in default switch mode list. 
    // if ((cpu_get_family(&cpu_info) > CPUID_FAMILY_PENTIUM) && (is_feature_on(Ft_HiResVideo)))
    // {

    //     SYNCDBG(6,"Updating to hires video mode");
    //     settings.video_scrnmode = get_next_vidmode_for_switching(settings.video_scrnmode);
    // }
Пример #4
TbBool load_slab_datclm_files(void)
    struct Column *cols;
    long cols_tot;
    struct SlabSet *slbset;
    long slbset_tot;
    struct SlabSet *sset;
    long i;
    // Load Column Set
    cols_tot = COLUMNS_COUNT;
    cols = (struct Column *)LbMemoryAlloc(cols_tot*sizeof(struct Column));
    if (cols == NULL)
      WARNMSG("Can't allocate memory for %d column sets.",cols_tot);
      return false;
    if (!load_slabclm_file(cols, &cols_tot))
      return false;
    // Load Slab Set
    slbset_tot = SLABSET_COUNT;
    slbset = (struct SlabSet *)LbMemoryAlloc(slbset_tot*sizeof(struct SlabSet));
    if (slbset == NULL)
      WARNMSG("Can't allocate memory for %d slab sets.",slbset_tot);
      return false;
    if (!load_slabdat_file(slbset, &slbset_tot))
      return false;
    // Update the structure
    for (i=0; i < slbset_tot; i++)
        sset = &game.slabset[i];
        LbMemoryCopy(sset, &slbset[i], sizeof(struct SlabSet));
    game.slabset_num = slbset_tot;
    return true;
Пример #5
long load_static_light_file(unsigned long lv_num)
    unsigned long i;
    long k;
    long total;
    unsigned char *buf;
    struct InitLight ilght;
    long fsize;
    fsize = 4;
    buf = load_single_map_file_to_buffer(lv_num,"lgt",&fsize,LMFF_Optional);
    if (buf == NULL)
        return false;
    i = 0;
    total = llong(&buf[i]);
    i += 4;
    // Validate total amount of lights
    if ((total < 0) || (total > (fsize-4)/sizeof(struct InitLight)))
        total = (fsize-4)/sizeof(struct InitLight);
        WARNMSG("Bad amount of static lights in LGT file; corrected to %ld.",total);
    if (total >= LIGHTS_COUNT)
        WARNMSG("Only %d static lights supported, LGT file has %ld.",LIGHTS_COUNT,total);
        total = LIGHTS_COUNT-1;
    } else
    if (total >= LIGHTS_COUNT/2)
        WARNMSG("More than %d%% of light slots used by static lights.",100*total/LIGHTS_COUNT);
    // Create the lights
    for (k=0; k < total; k++)
        LbMemoryCopy(&ilght, &buf[i], sizeof(struct InitLight));
        if (light_create_light(&ilght) == 0)
            WARNLOG("Couldn't allocate static light %d",(int)k);
        i += sizeof(struct InitLight);
    return true;
Пример #6
void net_load_config_file(void)
    TbFileHandle handle;
    char *fname;
    // Try to load the config file
    fname = prepare_file_path(FGrp_Save,keeper_netconf_file);
    handle = LbFileOpen(fname, Lb_FILE_MODE_READ_ONLY);
    if (handle != -1)
      if (LbFileRead(handle, &net_config_info, sizeof(net_config_info)) == sizeof(net_config_info))
    // If can't load, then use default config
    LbMemoryCopy(&net_config_info, &default_net_config_info, sizeof(net_config_info));
    LbStringCopy(net_config_info.str_u2, get_string(GUIStr_MnuNoName), 20);
Пример #7
 * Loads the language-specific strings data for game interface.
TbBool setup_gui_strings_data(void)
  char *strings_data_end;
  char *fname;
  short result;
  long filelen;
  long loaded_size;

  fname = prepare_file_fmtpath(FGrp_FxData,"gtext_%s.dat",get_language_lwrstr(install_info.lang_id));
  filelen = LbFileLengthRnc(fname);
  if (filelen <= 0)
    ERRORLOG("GUI Strings file does not exist or can't be opened");
    SYNCLOG("Strings file name is \"%s\"",fname);
    return false;
  gui_strings_data = (char *)LbMemoryAlloc(filelen + 256);
  if (gui_strings_data == NULL)
    ERRORLOG("Can't allocate memory for GUI Strings data");
    SYNCLOG("Strings file name is \"%s\"",fname);
    return false;
  strings_data_end = gui_strings_data+filelen+255;
  loaded_size = LbFileLoadAt(fname, gui_strings_data);
  if (loaded_size < 16)
    ERRORLOG("GUI Strings file couldn't be loaded or is too small");
    return false;
  // Resetting all values to empty strings
  // Analyzing strings data and filling correct values
  result = create_strings_list(gui_strings, gui_strings_data, strings_data_end);
  // Updating strings inside the DLL
  LbMemoryCopy(_DK_strings, gui_strings, DK_STRINGS_MAX*sizeof(char *));
  return result;
Пример #8
TbBool load_action_point_file(LevelNumber lv_num)
  struct InitActionPoint iapt;
  unsigned long i;
  long k;
  long total;
  unsigned char *buf;
  long fsize;
  fsize = 4;
  buf = load_single_map_file_to_buffer(lv_num,"apt",&fsize,LMFF_None);
  if (buf == NULL)
    return false;
  i = 0;
  total = llong(&buf[i]);
  i += 4;
  // Validate total amount of action points
  if ((total < 0) || (total > (fsize-4)/sizeof(struct InitActionPoint)))
    total = (fsize-4)/sizeof(struct InitActionPoint);
    WARNMSG("Bad amount of action points in APT file; corrected to %ld.",total);
  if (total > ACTN_POINTS_COUNT-1)
    WARNMSG("Only %d action points supported, APT file has %ld.",ACTN_POINTS_COUNT-1,total);
    total = ACTN_POINTS_COUNT-1;
  // Create action points
  for (k=0; k < total; k++)
    LbMemoryCopy(&iapt, &buf[i], sizeof(struct InitActionPoint));
    if (actnpoint_create_actnpoint(&iapt) == INVALID_ACTION_POINT)
      ERRORLOG("Cannot allocate action point %d during APT load",k);
    i += sizeof(struct InitActionPoint);
  return true;
Пример #9
TbBool load_thing_file(LevelNumber lv_num)
    struct InitThing itng;
    unsigned long i;
    long k;
    long total;
    unsigned char *buf;
    long fsize;
    fsize = 2;
    buf = load_single_map_file_to_buffer(lv_num,"tng",&fsize,LMFF_None);
    if (buf == NULL)
      return false;
    i = 0;
    total = lword(&buf[i]);
    i += 2;
    // Validate total amount of things
    if ((total < 0) || (total > (fsize-2)/sizeof(struct InitThing)))
        total = (fsize-2)/sizeof(struct InitThing);
        WARNMSG("Bad amount of things in TNG file; corrected to %d.",(int)total);
    if (total > THINGS_COUNT-2)
        WARNMSG("Only %d things supported, TNG file has %d.",(int)(THINGS_COUNT-2),(int)total);
        total = THINGS_COUNT-2;
    // Create things
    for (k=0; k < total; k++)
        LbMemoryCopy(&itng, &buf[i], sizeof(struct InitThing));
        i += sizeof(struct InitThing);
    return true;