already_AddRefed<SVGTransform> DOMSVGTransformList::Consolidate(ErrorResult& error) { if (IsAnimValList()) { error.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return nullptr; } if (LengthNoFlush() == 0) { return nullptr; } // Note that SVG 1.1 says, "The consolidation operation creates new // SVGTransform object as the first and only item in the list" hence, even if // LengthNoFlush() == 1 we can't return that one item (after making it a // matrix type). We must orphan the existing item and then make a new one. // First calculate our matrix gfxMatrix mx = InternalList().GetConsolidationMatrix(); // Then orphan the existing items Clear(error); MOZ_ASSERT(!error.Failed(), "How could this fail?"); // And append the new transform nsRefPtr<SVGTransform> transform = new SVGTransform(mx); return InsertItemBefore(*transform, LengthNoFlush(), error); }
already_AddRefed<DOMSVGPathSeg> DOMSVGPathSegList::InsertItemBefore(DOMSVGPathSeg& aNewItem, uint32_t aIndex, ErrorResult& aError) { if (IsAnimValList()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return nullptr; } uint32_t internalIndex; if (aIndex < LengthNoFlush()) { internalIndex = mItems[aIndex].mInternalDataIndex; } else { aIndex = LengthNoFlush(); internalIndex = InternalList().mData.Length(); } if (aIndex >= DOMSVGPathSeg::MaxListIndex()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return nullptr; } nsRefPtr<DOMSVGPathSeg> domItem = &aNewItem; if (domItem->HasOwner()) { domItem = domItem->Clone(); // must do this before changing anything! } uint32_t argCount = SVGPathSegUtils::ArgCountForType(domItem->Type()); // Ensure we have enough memory so we can avoid complex error handling below: if (!mItems.SetCapacity(mItems.Length() + 1) || !InternalList().mData.SetCapacity(InternalList().mData.Length() + 1 + argCount)) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return nullptr; } nsAttrValue emptyOrOldValue = Element()->WillChangePathSegList(); // Now that we know we're inserting, keep animVal list in sync as necessary. MaybeInsertNullInAnimValListAt(aIndex, internalIndex, argCount); float segAsRaw[1 + NS_SVG_PATH_SEG_MAX_ARGS]; domItem->ToSVGPathSegEncodedData(segAsRaw); InternalList().mData.InsertElementsAt(internalIndex, segAsRaw, 1 + argCount); mItems.InsertElementAt(aIndex, ItemProxy(domItem.get(), internalIndex)); // This MUST come after the insertion into InternalList(), or else under the // insertion into InternalList() the values read from domItem would be bad // data from InternalList() itself!: domItem->InsertingIntoList(this, aIndex, IsAnimValList()); UpdateListIndicesFromIndex(aIndex + 1, argCount + 1); Element()->DidChangePathSegList(emptyOrOldValue); if (AttrIsAnimating()) { Element()->AnimationNeedsResample(); } return domItem.forget(); }
void DOMSVGPathSegList::Clear(ErrorResult& aError) { if (IsAnimValList()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return; } if (LengthNoFlush() > 0) { nsAttrValue emptyOrOldValue = Element()->WillChangePathSegList(); // DOM list items that are to be removed must be removed before we change // the internal list, otherwise they wouldn't be able to copy their // internal counterparts' values! InternalListWillChangeTo(SVGPathData()); // clears mItems if (!AttrIsAnimating()) { // The anim val list is in sync with the base val list DOMSVGPathSegList *animList = GetDOMWrapperIfExists(InternalAList().GetAnimValKey()); if (animList) { animList->InternalListWillChangeTo(SVGPathData()); // clears its mItems } } InternalList().Clear(); Element()->DidChangePathSegList(emptyOrOldValue); if (AttrIsAnimating()) { Element()->AnimationNeedsResample(); } } }
already_AddRefed<nsISVGPoint> DOMSVGPointList::RemoveItem(uint32_t aIndex, ErrorResult& aError) { if (IsAnimValList()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return nullptr; } if (aIndex >= LengthNoFlush()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return nullptr; } AutoChangePointListNotifier notifier(this); // Now that we know we're removing, keep animVal list in sync as necessary. // Do this *before* touching InternalList() so the removed item can get its // internal value. MaybeRemoveItemFromAnimValListAt(aIndex); // We have to return the removed item, so get it, creating it if necessary: RefPtr<nsISVGPoint> result = GetItemAt(aIndex); // Notify the DOM item of removal *before* modifying the lists so that the // DOM item can copy its *old* value: mItems[aIndex]->RemovingFromList(); InternalList().RemoveItem(aIndex); mItems.RemoveElementAt(aIndex); UpdateListIndicesFromIndex(mItems, aIndex); return result.forget(); }
void DOMSVGPointList::Clear(ErrorResult& aError) { if (IsAnimValList()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return; } if (LengthNoFlush() > 0) { AutoChangePointListNotifier notifier(this); // DOM list items that are to be removed must be removed before we change // the internal list, otherwise they wouldn't be able to copy their // internal counterparts' values! InternalListWillChangeTo(SVGPointList()); // clears mItems if (!AttrIsAnimating()) { // The anim val list is in sync with the base val list DOMSVGPointList *animList = GetDOMWrapperIfExists(InternalAList().GetAnimValKey()); if (animList) { animList->InternalListWillChangeTo(SVGPointList()); // clears its mItems } } InternalList().Clear(); } }
already_AddRefed<SVGTransform> DOMSVGTransformList::ReplaceItem(SVGTransform& newItem, uint32_t index, ErrorResult& error) { if (IsAnimValList()) { error.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return nullptr; } if (index >= LengthNoFlush()) { error.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return nullptr; } nsRefPtr<SVGTransform> domItem = &newItem; if (newItem.HasOwner()) { domItem = newItem.Clone(); // must do this before changing anything! } AutoChangeTransformListNotifier notifier(this); if (mItems[index]) { // Notify any existing DOM item of removal *before* modifying the lists so // that the DOM item can copy the *old* value at its index: mItems[index]->RemovingFromList(); } InternalList()[index] = domItem->ToSVGTransform(); mItems[index] = domItem; // This MUST come after the ToSVGPoint() call, otherwise that call // would end up reading bad data from InternalList()! domItem->InsertingIntoList(this, index, IsAnimValList()); return domItem.forget(); }
already_AddRefed<nsISVGPoint> DOMSVGPointList::InsertItemBefore(nsISVGPoint& aNewItem, uint32_t aIndex, ErrorResult& aError) { if (IsAnimValList()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return nullptr; } aIndex = std::min(aIndex, LengthNoFlush()); if (aIndex >= nsISVGPoint::MaxListIndex()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return nullptr; } nsCOMPtr<nsISVGPoint> domItem = &aNewItem; if (domItem->HasOwner() || domItem->IsReadonly() || domItem->IsTranslatePoint()) { domItem = domItem->Copy(); // must do this before changing anything! } // Ensure we have enough memory so we can avoid complex error handling below: if (!mItems.SetCapacity(mItems.Length() + 1, fallible) || !InternalList().SetCapacity(InternalList().Length() + 1)) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return nullptr; } if (AnimListMirrorsBaseList()) { DOMSVGPointList *animVal = GetDOMWrapperIfExists(InternalAList().GetAnimValKey()); MOZ_ASSERT(animVal, "animVal must be a valid pointer"); if (!animVal->mItems.SetCapacity( animVal->mItems.Length() + 1, fallible)) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return nullptr; } } AutoChangePointListNotifier notifier(this); // Now that we know we're inserting, keep animVal list in sync as necessary. MaybeInsertNullInAnimValListAt(aIndex); InternalList().InsertItem(aIndex, domItem->ToSVGPoint()); MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(mItems.InsertElementAt(aIndex, domItem, fallible)); // This MUST come after the insertion into InternalList(), or else under the // insertion into InternalList() the values read from domItem would be bad // data from InternalList() itself!: domItem->InsertingIntoList(this, aIndex, IsAnimValList()); UpdateListIndicesFromIndex(mItems, aIndex + 1); return domItem.forget(); }
already_AddRefed<nsISVGPoint> DOMSVGPointList::IndexedGetter(uint32_t aIndex, bool& aFound, ErrorResult& aError) { if (IsAnimValList()) { Element()->FlushAnimations(); } aFound = aIndex < LengthNoFlush(); if (aFound) { return GetItemAt(aIndex); } return nullptr; }
already_AddRefed<SVGTransform> DOMSVGTransformList::IndexedGetter(uint32_t index, bool& found, ErrorResult& error) { if (IsAnimValList()) { Element()->FlushAnimations(); } found = index < LengthNoFlush(); if (found) { return GetItemAt(index); } return nullptr; }
already_AddRefed<nsIDOMSVGPoint> DOMSVGPointList::InsertItemBefore(nsIDOMSVGPoint *aNewItem, uint32_t aIndex, ErrorResult& aError) { if (IsAnimValList()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return nullptr; } aIndex = NS_MIN(aIndex, LengthNoFlush()); if (aIndex >= DOMSVGPoint::MaxListIndex()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return nullptr; } nsCOMPtr<DOMSVGPoint> domItem = do_QueryInterface(aNewItem); if (!domItem) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR); return nullptr; } if (domItem->HasOwner() || domItem->IsReadonly()) { domItem = domItem->Clone(); // must do this before changing anything! } // Ensure we have enough memory so we can avoid complex error handling below: if (!mItems.SetCapacity(mItems.Length() + 1) || !InternalList().SetCapacity(InternalList().Length() + 1)) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return nullptr; } nsAttrValue emptyOrOldValue = Element()->WillChangePointList(); // Now that we know we're inserting, keep animVal list in sync as necessary. MaybeInsertNullInAnimValListAt(aIndex); InternalList().InsertItem(aIndex, domItem->ToSVGPoint()); mItems.InsertElementAt(aIndex, domItem.get()); // This MUST come after the insertion into InternalList(), or else under the // insertion into InternalList() the values read from domItem would be bad // data from InternalList() itself!: domItem->InsertingIntoList(this, aIndex, IsAnimValList()); UpdateListIndicesFromIndex(mItems, aIndex + 1); Element()->DidChangePointList(emptyOrOldValue); if (AttrIsAnimating()) { Element()->AnimationNeedsResample(); } return domItem.forget(); }
nsISVGPoint* DOMSVGPointList::IndexedGetter(uint32_t aIndex, bool& aFound, ErrorResult& aError) { if (IsAnimValList()) { Element()->FlushAnimations(); } aFound = aIndex < LengthNoFlush(); if (aFound) { EnsureItemAt(aIndex); return mItems[aIndex]; } return nullptr; }
already_AddRefed<SVGTransform> DOMSVGTransformList::InsertItemBefore(SVGTransform& newItem, uint32_t index, ErrorResult& error) { if (IsAnimValList()) { error.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return nullptr; } index = std::min(index, LengthNoFlush()); if (index >= SVGTransform::MaxListIndex()) { error.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return nullptr; } nsRefPtr<SVGTransform> domItem = &newItem; if (newItem.HasOwner()) { domItem = newItem.Clone(); // must do this before changing anything! } // Ensure we have enough memory so we can avoid complex error handling below: if (!mItems.SetCapacity(mItems.Length() + 1) || !InternalList().SetCapacity(InternalList().Length() + 1)) { error.Throw(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return nullptr; } nsAttrValue emptyOrOldValue = Element()->WillChangeTransformList(); // Now that we know we're inserting, keep animVal list in sync as necessary. MaybeInsertNullInAnimValListAt(index); InternalList().InsertItem(index, domItem->ToSVGTransform()); mItems.InsertElementAt(index, domItem.get()); // This MUST come after the insertion into InternalList(), or else under the // insertion into InternalList() the values read from domItem would be bad // data from InternalList() itself!: domItem->InsertingIntoList(this, index, IsAnimValList()); UpdateListIndicesFromIndex(mItems, index + 1); Element()->DidChangeTransformList(emptyOrOldValue); if (mAList->IsAnimating()) { Element()->AnimationNeedsResample(); } return domItem.forget(); }
already_AddRefed<DOMSVGPathSeg> DOMSVGPathSegList::RemoveItem(uint32_t aIndex, ErrorResult& aError) { if (IsAnimValList()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return nullptr; } if (aIndex >= LengthNoFlush()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return nullptr; } // We have to return the removed item, so make sure it exists: EnsureItemAt(aIndex); nsAttrValue emptyOrOldValue = Element()->WillChangePathSegList(); // Notify the DOM item of removal *before* modifying the lists so that the // DOM item can copy its *old* value: ItemAt(aIndex)->RemovingFromList(); nsRefPtr<DOMSVGPathSeg> result = ItemAt(aIndex); uint32_t internalIndex = mItems[aIndex].mInternalDataIndex; uint32_t segType = SVGPathSegUtils::DecodeType(InternalList().mData[internalIndex]); // NOTE: ArgCountForType returns a (small) unsigned value, but we're // intentionally putting it in a signed value, because we're going to // negate it, and you can't negate an unsigned value. int32_t argCount = SVGPathSegUtils::ArgCountForType(segType); // Now that we know we're removing, keep animVal list in sync as necessary. // Do this *before* touching InternalList() so the removed item can get its // internal value. MaybeRemoveItemFromAnimValListAt(aIndex, argCount); InternalList().mData.RemoveElementsAt(internalIndex, 1 + argCount); mItems.RemoveElementAt(aIndex); UpdateListIndicesFromIndex(aIndex, -(argCount + 1)); Element()->DidChangePathSegList(emptyOrOldValue); if (AttrIsAnimating()) { Element()->AnimationNeedsResample(); } return result.forget(); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- void DOMSVGTransformList::Clear(ErrorResult& error) { if (IsAnimValList()) { error.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return; } if (LengthNoFlush() > 0) { AutoChangeTransformListNotifier notifier(this); // Notify any existing DOM items of removal *before* truncating the lists // so that they can find their SVGTransform internal counterparts and copy // their values. This also notifies the animVal list: mAList->InternalBaseValListWillChangeLengthTo(0); mItems.Clear(); InternalList().Clear(); } }
already_AddRefed<nsIDOMSVGPoint> DOMSVGPointList::ReplaceItem(nsIDOMSVGPoint *aNewItem, uint32_t aIndex, ErrorResult& aError) { if (IsAnimValList()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return nullptr; } nsCOMPtr<DOMSVGPoint> domItem = do_QueryInterface(aNewItem); if (!domItem) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR); return nullptr; } if (aIndex >= LengthNoFlush()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return nullptr; } if (domItem->HasOwner() || domItem->IsReadonly()) { domItem = domItem->Clone(); // must do this before changing anything! } nsAttrValue emptyOrOldValue = Element()->WillChangePointList(); if (mItems[aIndex]) { // Notify any existing DOM item of removal *before* modifying the lists so // that the DOM item can copy the *old* value at its index: mItems[aIndex]->RemovingFromList(); } InternalList()[aIndex] = domItem->ToSVGPoint(); mItems[aIndex] = domItem; // This MUST come after the ToSVGPoint() call, otherwise that call // would end up reading bad data from InternalList()! domItem->InsertingIntoList(this, aIndex, IsAnimValList()); Element()->DidChangePointList(emptyOrOldValue); if (AttrIsAnimating()) { Element()->AnimationNeedsResample(); } return domItem.forget(); }
already_AddRefed<nsISVGPoint> DOMSVGPointList::RemoveItem(uint32_t aIndex, ErrorResult& aError) { if (IsAnimValList()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return nullptr; } if (aIndex >= LengthNoFlush()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return nullptr; } nsAttrValue emptyOrOldValue = Element()->WillChangePointList(); // Now that we know we're removing, keep animVal list in sync as necessary. // Do this *before* touching InternalList() so the removed item can get its // internal value. MaybeRemoveItemFromAnimValListAt(aIndex); // We have to return the removed item, so make sure it exists: EnsureItemAt(aIndex); // Notify the DOM item of removal *before* modifying the lists so that the // DOM item can copy its *old* value: mItems[aIndex]->RemovingFromList(); nsCOMPtr<nsISVGPoint> result = mItems[aIndex]; InternalList().RemoveItem(aIndex); mItems.RemoveElementAt(aIndex); UpdateListIndicesFromIndex(mItems, aIndex); Element()->DidChangePointList(emptyOrOldValue); if (AttrIsAnimating()) { Element()->AnimationNeedsResample(); } return result.forget(); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- void DOMSVGTransformList::Clear(ErrorResult& error) { if (IsAnimValList()) { error.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return; } if (LengthNoFlush() > 0) { nsAttrValue emptyOrOldValue = Element()->WillChangeTransformList(); // Notify any existing DOM items of removal *before* truncating the lists // so that they can find their SVGTransform internal counterparts and copy // their values. This also notifies the animVal list: mAList->InternalBaseValListWillChangeLengthTo(0); mItems.Clear(); InternalList().Clear(); Element()->DidChangeTransformList(emptyOrOldValue); if (mAList->IsAnimating()) { Element()->AnimationNeedsResample(); } } }
already_AddRefed<SVGTransform> DOMSVGTransformList::RemoveItem(uint32_t index, ErrorResult& error) { if (IsAnimValList()) { error.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return nullptr; } if (index >= LengthNoFlush()) { error.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return nullptr; } nsAttrValue emptyOrOldValue = Element()->WillChangeTransformList(); // Now that we know we're removing, keep animVal list in sync as necessary. // Do this *before* touching InternalList() so the removed item can get its // internal value. MaybeRemoveItemFromAnimValListAt(index); // We have to return the removed item, so get it, creating it if necessary: nsRefPtr<SVGTransform> result = GetItemAt(index); // Notify the DOM item of removal *before* modifying the lists so that the // DOM item can copy its *old* value: result->RemovingFromList(); InternalList().RemoveItem(index); mItems.RemoveElementAt(index); UpdateListIndicesFromIndex(mItems, index); Element()->DidChangeTransformList(emptyOrOldValue); if (mAList->IsAnimating()) { Element()->AnimationNeedsResample(); } return result.forget(); }
already_AddRefed<nsISVGPoint> DOMSVGPointList::ReplaceItem(nsISVGPoint& aNewItem, uint32_t aIndex, ErrorResult& aError) { if (IsAnimValList()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return nullptr; } if (aIndex >= LengthNoFlush()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return nullptr; } nsCOMPtr<nsISVGPoint> domItem = &aNewItem; if (domItem->HasOwner() || domItem->IsReadonly() || domItem->IsTranslatePoint()) { domItem = domItem->Copy(); // must do this before changing anything! } AutoChangePointListNotifier notifier(this); if (mItems[aIndex]) { // Notify any existing DOM item of removal *before* modifying the lists so // that the DOM item can copy the *old* value at its index: mItems[aIndex]->RemovingFromList(); } InternalList()[aIndex] = domItem->ToSVGPoint(); mItems[aIndex] = domItem; // This MUST come after the ToSVGPoint() call, otherwise that call // would end up reading bad data from InternalList()! domItem->InsertingIntoList(this, aIndex, IsAnimValList()); return domItem.forget(); }
already_AddRefed<DOMSVGPathSeg> DOMSVGPathSegList::ReplaceItem(DOMSVGPathSeg& aNewItem, uint32_t aIndex, ErrorResult& aError) { if (IsAnimValList()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return nullptr; } if (aIndex >= LengthNoFlush()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return nullptr; } nsRefPtr<DOMSVGPathSeg> domItem = &aNewItem; if (domItem->HasOwner()) { domItem = domItem->Clone(); // must do this before changing anything! } nsAttrValue emptyOrOldValue = Element()->WillChangePathSegList(); if (ItemAt(aIndex)) { // Notify any existing DOM item of removal *before* modifying the lists so // that the DOM item can copy the *old* value at its index: ItemAt(aIndex)->RemovingFromList(); } uint32_t internalIndex = mItems[aIndex].mInternalDataIndex; // We use InternalList() to get oldArgCount since we may not have a DOM // wrapper at the index being replaced. uint32_t oldType = SVGPathSegUtils::DecodeType(InternalList().mData[internalIndex]); // NOTE: ArgCountForType returns a (small) unsigned value, but we're // intentionally putting it in a signed variable, because we're going to // subtract these values and might produce something negative. int32_t oldArgCount = SVGPathSegUtils::ArgCountForType(oldType); int32_t newArgCount = SVGPathSegUtils::ArgCountForType(domItem->Type()); float segAsRaw[1 + NS_SVG_PATH_SEG_MAX_ARGS]; domItem->ToSVGPathSegEncodedData(segAsRaw); bool ok = !!InternalList().mData.ReplaceElementsAt( internalIndex, 1 + oldArgCount, segAsRaw, 1 + newArgCount); if (!ok) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return nullptr; } ItemAt(aIndex) = domItem; // This MUST come after the ToSVGPathSegEncodedData call, otherwise that call // would end up reading bad data from InternalList()! domItem->InsertingIntoList(this, aIndex, IsAnimValList()); int32_t delta = newArgCount - oldArgCount; if (delta != 0) { for (uint32_t i = aIndex + 1; i < LengthNoFlush(); ++i) { mItems[i].mInternalDataIndex += delta; } } Element()->DidChangePathSegList(emptyOrOldValue); if (AttrIsAnimating()) { Element()->AnimationNeedsResample(); } return domItem.forget(); }
NS_IMETHODIMP DOMSVGPointList::GetLength(uint32_t *aLength) { *aLength = LengthNoFlush(); return NS_OK; }