Пример #1
 *  \brief
 *      Compute the curl of B and it's parallel and perpendicular components at a given point.
 *  \details
 *      Computes \f$ \nabla\times B \f$, \f$ (\nabla\times B)_\parallel \f$, and \f$ (\nabla\times B)_\perp \f$.
 *      \param[in]      u0          Position (in GSM) to use.
 *      \param[out]     CurlB       The computed curl of B at position u0.
 *      \param[out]     CurlB_para  The computed parallel component of curl of B at position u0.
 *      \param[out]     CurlB_perp  The computed perpendicular component of curl of B at position u0.
 *      \param[in]      DerivScheme Derivative scheme to use (can be one of LGM_DERIV_SIX_POINT, LGM_DERIV_FOUR_POINT, or LGM_DERIV_TWO_POINT).
 *      \param[in]      h           The delta (in Re) to use for grid spacing in the derivative scheme.
 *      \param[in,out]  m           A properly initialized and configured Lgm_MagModelInfo structure.
 *      \author         Mike Henderson
 *      \date           2011
void Lgm_CurlB2( Lgm_Vector *u0, Lgm_Vector *CurlB, Lgm_Vector *CurlB_para, Lgm_Vector *CurlB_perp, int DerivScheme, double h, Lgm_MagModelInfo *m ) {

    double      g;
    Lgm_Vector  Bvec;

    Lgm_CurlB( u0, CurlB, DerivScheme, h, m );

    m->Bfield( u0, &Bvec, m );
    Lgm_NormalizeVector( &Bvec );

    // Compute parallel component of CurlB
    g = Lgm_DotProduct( &Bvec, CurlB );
    *CurlB_para = *CurlB;
    Lgm_ScaleVector( CurlB_para, g );

    // Compute perpendicular component of CurlB (CurlB_perp = CurlB - CurlB_para)
    Lgm_VecSub( CurlB_perp, CurlB, CurlB_para );


Пример #2
 *  \brief
 *      Compute the gradient of B and it's parallel and perpendicular components at a given point.
 *  \details
 *      Computes \f$ \nabla B \f$, \f$ (\nabla B)_\parallel \f$, and \f$ (\nabla B)_\perp \f$.
 *      \param[in]      u0          Position (in GSM) to use.
 *      \param[out]     GradB       The computed curl of B at position u0.
 *      \param[out]     GradB_para  The computed parallel component of curl of B at position u0.
 *      \param[out]     GradB_perp  The computed perpendicular component of curl of B at position u0.
 *      \param[in]      DerivScheme Derivative scheme to use (can be one of LGM_DERIV_SIX_POINT, LGM_DERIV_FOUR_POINT, or LGM_DERIV_TWO_POINT).
 *      \param[in]      h           The delta (in Re) to use for grid spacing in the derivative scheme.
 *      \param[in,out]  m           A properly initialized and configured Lgm_MagModelInfo structure.
 *      \author         Mike Henderson
 *      \date           2011
void Lgm_GradB2( Lgm_Vector *u0, Lgm_Vector *GradB, Lgm_Vector *GradB_para, Lgm_Vector *GradB_perp, int DerivScheme, double h, Lgm_MagModelInfo *m ) {

    double      g;
    Lgm_Vector  Bvec;

    Lgm_GradB( u0, GradB, DerivScheme, h, m );

    m->Bfield( u0, &Bvec, m );
    Lgm_NormalizeVector( &Bvec );

    // Compute parallel component of GradB
    g = Lgm_DotProduct( &Bvec, GradB );
    *GradB_para = *GradB;
    Lgm_ScaleVector( GradB_para, g );

    // Compute perpendicular component of GradB (GradB_perp = GradB - GradB_para)
    Lgm_VecSub( GradB_perp, GradB, GradB_para );


Пример #3
 * Given vectors a and b, compute the angle between them in degrees
double Lgm_VectorAngle(Lgm_Vector *a, Lgm_Vector *b) {
  double ang;
  Lgm_Vector  u, v;
  u = *a;
  v = *b;
  ang = acos(Lgm_DotProduct(&u, &v));
  return (ang*DegPerRad);
Пример #4
 *  \brief
 *      Initialize a Lgm_SlerpInfo structure. 
 *  \details
 *      This routine computes \f$\sin(\phi)\f$, \f$\cos(\phi)\f$, and
 *      \f$\phi\f$. Where \f$\phi\f$ is the angle between the initial and final
 *      unit vectors.  This is done outside the main slerp routine because you
 *      may want to perform many interps with the same endpoint vectors.
 *          \param[in]  a: initial unit vector.
 *          \param[in]  b: final unit vector.
 *          \param[in,out] si: Lgm_SlerpInfo structure.
void Lgm_InitSlerp( Lgm_Vector *a, Lgm_Vector *b, Lgm_SlerpInfo *si ) {

    Lgm_Vector  v, w;

    si->CosPhi = Lgm_DotProduct( a, b );

    w = *a; Lgm_ScaleVector( &w, si->CosPhi );  // w = cos(phi)*a-hat
    Lgm_VecSub( &v, b, &w );                    // v = b-hat - cos(phi)*a-hat
    si->SinPhi = Lgm_Magnitude( &v );           // sin(phi)

    si->Phi = atan2( si->SinPhi, si->CosPhi );  // Phi
