Пример #1
bool Texture::Load()
		return LoadFromCache();
		return LoadFromPNG();
		//other formats
Пример #2
* CTexture class Initialise
* @author Christopher Howlett
* @param _pRenderer OpenGLRenderer
* @param _pcFilename texture filename
* @param _uiTextureUnit Texture ID
Texture::Initialise( const char* _pcFilename, unsigned int _uiTextureUnit )
	bool bResult = true;
	int iFilenameLength = strlen(_pcFilename);
	if (_pcFilename[iFilenameLength - 3] == 't' && _pcFilename[iFilenameLength - 2] == 'g' && _pcFilename[iFilenameLength - 1] == 'a')
		bResult = LoadFromTarga( _pcFilename, _uiTextureUnit);
	else if (_pcFilename[iFilenameLength - 3] == 'p' && _pcFilename[iFilenameLength - 2] == 'n' && _pcFilename[iFilenameLength - 1] == 'g')
		bResult = LoadFromPNG( _pcFilename, _uiTextureUnit);
	return bResult;
Пример #3
Texture::Texture(const char* file_path) {
  if (!LoadFromPNG(file_path)) {
    LOGE("Texture initialing error");
Пример #4
// HBITMAP LoadLSImage(LPCSTR pszImage, LPCSTR pszFile)
// Takes strings of the form:
//   File.bmp
//   .extract
//   .extract=file.exe[,3]
HBITMAP LoadLSImage(LPCSTR pszImage, LPCSTR pszFile)
    HBITMAP hbmReturn = NULL;
    if (pszImage != NULL)
        if (_stricmp(pszImage, ".none") != 0)
            char szImage[MAX_PATH];
            StringCchCopy(szImage, MAX_PATH, pszImage);
            // Bitmap merging by Thedd
            //  Thedd - pic1.bmp|pic2.bmp merges the images. Works recursively,
            //  so pic1.bmp|.extract=whatever.dll,3|pic2.bmp also works etc...
            // bitmap merging by grd
            LPSTR pszSecondImage = strchr(szImage, '|');
            if (pszSecondImage)
                HDC hdcFirst, hdcSecond, hdcResult;
                HBITMAP hbmFirst, hbmFirstOld;
                HBITMAP hbmSecond, hbmSecondOld;
                HBITMAP    hbmResult, hbmResultOld;
                HBRUSH hbrTransparent;
                RECT rc;
                int wdtFirst, hgtFirst;
                int wdtSecond, hgtSecond;
                int wdtResult, hgtResult;
                // get the position after the [|] character
                *pszSecondImage = '\0';
                // load the two bitmaps
                hbmFirst = LoadLSImage(szImage, pszFile);
                hbmSecond = LoadLSImage(pszSecondImage, pszFile);
                // if the second one is NULL, then there's no merging to do and
                if (hbmSecond != NULL)
                    // create mem dcs for the bitmaps
                    hdcFirst = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
                    hdcSecond = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
                    // select the bitmaps
                    hbmFirstOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdcFirst, hbmFirst);
                    hbmSecondOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdcSecond, hbmSecond);
                    // get the bitmap sizes..
                    GetLSBitmapSize(hbmFirst, &wdtFirst, &hgtFirst);
                    GetLSBitmapSize(hbmSecond, &wdtSecond, &hgtSecond);
                    // in earlier version of bitmap merge, those were painted on
                    // to each other now let's paint both images to a new one
                    // and we support different sized images!! therefore:
                    wdtResult = std::max(wdtFirst, wdtSecond);
                    hgtResult = std::max(hgtFirst, hgtSecond);
                    // create another dc, compatible with second dc
                    hdcResult = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcSecond);
                    // create a new bitmap for the new dc and select it
                    hbmResult = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcSecond,
                        wdtResult, hgtResult);
                    hbmResultOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdcResult, hbmResult);
                    rc.top = 0;
                    rc.left = 0;
                    rc.right = wdtResult;
                    rc.bottom = hgtResult;
                    // paint the background in transparent color...
                    hbrTransparent = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 0, 255));
                    FillRect(hdcResult, &rc, hbrTransparent);
                    // first "standard blit" the second image into the new one:
                    BitBlt(hdcResult, (wdtResult - wdtSecond) / 2,
                        (hgtResult - hgtSecond) / 2, wdtSecond, hgtSecond,
                        hdcSecond, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
                    // Secondly "tranparent blit" the first image over the
                    // second one Since TransparentBltLS double buffers the
                    // painting to reduce flicker and we are using only memory
                    // DC's in this function, we will just call
                    // TransparentBltLSWorker and shave off a few BitBlt calls
                    TransparentBltLSWorker(hdcResult, wdtFirst, hgtFirst,
                        hdcFirst, 0, 0, RGB(255, 0, 255));
                    // deselect the bitmap from the dc and delete the dc to get
                    // the image
                    SelectObject(hdcResult, hbmResultOld);
                    // delete all used objects
                    SelectObject(hdcFirst, hbmFirstOld);
                    SelectObject(hdcSecond, hbmSecondOld);
                    hbmReturn = hbmResult;
                    hbmReturn = hbmFirst;
                if (!_strnicmp(szImage, ".extract", 8 /*strlen(".extract")*/))
                    HICON hIcon = NULL;
                    hIcon = LoadLSIcon(szImage, pszFile);
                    if (hIcon)
                        hbmReturn = BitmapFromIcon(hIcon);
                    // Append the image name to the LiteStep image path and
                    // attempt to load the image.
                    char szExpandedImage[MAX_PATH];
                    VarExpansionEx(szExpandedImage, szImage, MAX_PATH);
                    LSGetImagePath(szImage, MAX_PATH);
                    PathAppend(szImage, szExpandedImage);
                    if (PathMatchSpec(szImage, "*.png"))
                        hbmReturn = LoadFromPNG(szImage);
                        hbmReturn = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(
                            NULL, szImage, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0,
                            LR_DEFAULTCOLOR | LR_LOADFROMFILE);
                    // If that fails, treat the image as a fully qualified path
                    // and try loading it
                    if (hbmReturn == NULL)
                        if (PathMatchSpec(szExpandedImage, "*.png"))
                            hbmReturn = LoadFromPNG(szExpandedImage);
                            hbmReturn = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(
                                NULL, szExpandedImage, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0,
                                LR_DEFAULTCOLOR | LR_LOADFROMFILE);
    return hbmReturn;