void SystemMgr::LoadScriptGossipTexts() { outstring_log("SD2: Loading Gossip Texts..."); LoadMangosStrings(SD2Database, "gossip_texts", TEXT_SOURCE_GOSSIP_START, TEXT_SOURCE_GOSSIP_END); }
void SystemMgr::LoadScriptTextsCustom() { outstring_log("SD2: Loading Custom Texts..."); LoadMangosStrings(SD2Database, "custom_texts", TEXT_SOURCE_CUSTOM_START, TEXT_SOURCE_CUSTOM_END, true); }
void SystemMgr::LoadScriptTexts() { outstring_log("SD2: Loading Script Texts..."); LoadMangosStrings(SD2Database, "script_texts", TEXT_SOURCE_TEXT_START, TEXT_SOURCE_TEXT_END); QueryResult* pResult = SD2Database.PQuery("SELECT entry, sound, type, language, emote FROM script_texts WHERE entry BETWEEN %i AND %i", TEXT_SOURCE_GOSSIP_END, TEXT_SOURCE_TEXT_START); outstring_log("SD2: Loading Script Texts additional data..."); if (pResult) { BarGoLink bar(pResult->GetRowCount()); uint32 uiCount = 0; do { bar.step(); Field* pFields = pResult->Fetch(); StringTextData pTemp; int32 iId = pFields[0].GetInt32(); pTemp.uiSoundId = pFields[1].GetUInt32(); pTemp.uiType = pFields[2].GetUInt32(); pTemp.uiLanguage = pFields[3].GetUInt32(); pTemp.uiEmote = pFields[4].GetUInt32(); if (iId >= 0) { error_db_log("SD2: Entry %i in table `script_texts` is not a negative value.", iId); continue; } if (pTemp.uiSoundId) { if (!GetSoundEntriesStore()->LookupEntry(pTemp.uiSoundId)) error_db_log("SD2: Entry %i in table `script_texts` has soundId %u but sound does not exist.", iId, pTemp.uiSoundId); } if (!GetLanguageDescByID(pTemp.uiLanguage)) error_db_log("SD2: Entry %i in table `script_texts` using Language %u but Language does not exist.", iId, pTemp.uiLanguage); if (pTemp.uiType > CHAT_TYPE_ZONE_YELL) error_db_log("SD2: Entry %i in table `script_texts` has Type %u but this Chat Type does not exist.", iId, pTemp.uiType); m_mTextDataMap[iId] = pTemp; ++uiCount; } while (pResult->NextRow()); delete pResult; outstring_log(""); outstring_log(">> Loaded %u additional Script Texts data.", uiCount); } else { BarGoLink bar(1); bar.step(); outstring_log(""); outstring_log(">> Loaded 0 additional Script Texts data. DB table `script_texts` is empty."); } }
void SystemMgr::LoadScriptTexts() { outstring_log("SD2: Loading Script Texts..."); LoadMangosStrings(SD2Database, "script_texts", TEXT_SOURCE_TEXT_START, TEXT_SOURCE_TEXT_END, true); }
void SystemMgr::LoadScriptTextsCustom() { outstring_log("SD2: Loading Custom Texts..."); LoadMangosStrings(SD2Database,"custom_texts",TEXT_SOURCE_RANGE*2,1+(TEXT_SOURCE_RANGE*3)); QueryResult* pResult = SD2Database.PQuery("SELECT entry, sound, type, language, emote FROM custom_texts"); outstring_log("SD2: Loading Custom Texts additional data..."); if (pResult) { barGoLink bar(pResult->GetRowCount()); uint32 uiCount = 0; do { bar.step(); Field* pFields = pResult->Fetch(); StringTextData pTemp; int32 iId = pFields[0].GetInt32(); pTemp.uiSoundId = pFields[1].GetUInt32(); pTemp.uiType = pFields[2].GetUInt32(); pTemp.uiLanguage = pFields[3].GetUInt32(); pTemp.uiEmote = pFields[4].GetUInt32(); if (iId >= 0) { error_db_log("SD2: Entry %i in table `custom_texts` is not a negative value.", iId); continue; } if (iId > TEXT_SOURCE_RANGE*2 || iId <= TEXT_SOURCE_RANGE*3) { error_db_log("SD2: Entry %i in table `custom_texts` is out of accepted entry range for table.", iId); continue; } if (pTemp.uiSoundId) { if (!GetSoundEntriesStore()->LookupEntry(pTemp.uiSoundId)) error_db_log("SD2: Entry %i in table `custom_texts` has soundId %u but sound does not exist.", iId, pTemp.uiSoundId); } if (!GetLanguageDescByID(pTemp.uiLanguage)) error_db_log("SD2: Entry %i in table `custom_texts` using Language %u but Language does not exist.", iId, pTemp.uiLanguage); if (pTemp.uiType > CHAT_TYPE_ZONE_YELL) error_db_log("SD2: Entry %i in table `custom_texts` has Type %u but this Chat Type does not exist.", iId, pTemp.uiType); m_mTextDataMap[iId] = pTemp; ++uiCount; } while (pResult->NextRow()); outstring_log(""); outstring_log(">> Loaded %u additional Custom Texts data.", uiCount); } else { barGoLink bar(1); bar.step(); outstring_log(""); outstring_log(">> Loaded 0 additional Custom Texts data. DB table `custom_texts` is empty."); } }