PRBool nsFT2FontNode::LoadNodeTable() { int j; nsCOMPtr<nsIArray> arrayFC; nsCAutoString family, language; sFcs->GetFontCatalogEntries(family, language, 0, 0, 0, 0, getter_AddRefs(arrayFC)); if (!arrayFC) return PR_FALSE; PRUint32 count, i; arrayFC->GetLength(&count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { const char *charsetName; nsCOMPtr<nsITrueTypeFontCatalogEntry> fce = do_QueryElementAt(arrayFC, i); if (!fce) continue; PRUint32 flags, codePageRange1, codePageRange2; PRUint16 weight, width; fce->GetFlags(&flags); fce->GetWidth(&width); fce->GetWeight(&weight); fce->GetCodePageRange1(&codePageRange1); fce->GetCodePageRange2(&codePageRange2); if ((!flags&FCE_FLAGS_ISVALID) || (weight < 100) || (weight > 900) || (width > 8)) continue; for (j=0; j<32; j++) { unsigned long bit = 1 << j; if (!(bit & codePageRange1)) continue; charsetName = nsFreeType2::GetRange1CharSetName(bit); NS_ASSERTION(charsetName, "failed to get charset name"); if (!charsetName) continue; LoadNode(fce, charsetName, nsnull); } for (j=0; j<32; j++) { unsigned long bit = 1 << j; if (!(bit & codePageRange2)) continue; charsetName = nsFreeType2::GetRange2CharSetName(bit); if (!charsetName) continue; LoadNode(fce, charsetName, nsnull); } } return PR_TRUE; }
LODNode* SceneLoader::LoadLODNode(QDomElement element) { if (element.nodeName() != QString ("node") || QString::compare(element.attribute("type"), "lod", Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0) { printf ("ceXMLDataLoader::LoadLODNode: Illegal data format: '%s' != 'group'\n", element.attribute("type").toStdString().c_str()); fflush (stdout); } LODNode* lod = new LODNode (); QString name = element.attribute("name"); if (!name.isNull()) { lod->SetName(name.toStdString()); } for (QDomElement groupElement = element.firstChildElement(); !groupElement.isNull(); groupElement = groupElement.nextSiblingElement()) { ceNode* node = LoadNode (groupElement); if (node) { lod->Get().Add(node); } } lod->GetSolver()->SetNum(lod->Get().GetNumberOfLevels()); lod->UpdateBoundingBox(); return lod; }
int FbxLoader::LoadFbx(const char* fbxName) { m_fbxManager = FbxManager::Create(); FbxIOSettings *ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(m_fbxManager, IOSROOT); m_fbxManager->SetIOSettings(ios); FbxImporter* lImporter = FbxImporter::Create(m_fbxManager, ""); if (!lImporter->Initialize(fbxName, -1, m_fbxManager->GetIOSettings())) { printf("Call to FbxImporter::Initialize() failed.\n"); printf("Error returned: %s\n\n", lImporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); return -1; } FbxScene* lScene = FbxScene::Create(m_fbxManager, "myScene"); lImporter->Import(lScene); lImporter->Destroy(); m_rootNode = lScene->GetRootNode(); if (m_rootNode) { m_firstNode = m_rootNode->GetChild(0); for (int i = 0; i < m_rootNode->GetChildCount(); i++) LoadNode(m_rootNode->GetChild(i)); } m_animEvaluator = lScene->GetAnimationEvaluator(); return 0; }
ZD_STATUS Language::LoadNode(JsonBox::Value &node, const std::string &prefix) { if (node.isObject()) { JsonBox::Object obj = node.getObject(); for (auto &i : obj) { std::stringstream new_prefix; if (prefix.length() > 0) { new_prefix << prefix << m_delimiter; } new_prefix << i.first; LoadNode(i.second, new_prefix.str()); } } else if (node.isString()) { m_words[prefix] = node.getString(); } else if (node.isInteger()) { m_words[prefix] = Helpers::String::To(node.getInt()); } return ZD_NOERROR; }
bool MaterialGraph::LoadFromFile(const FilePath & pathname) { YamlParser * materialFileParser = YamlParser::Create(pathname); if (!materialFileParser)return false; materialPathname = pathname; const YamlNode * rootNode = materialFileParser->GetRootNode(); const YamlNode * materialNode = rootNode->Get("material"); const YamlNode * vertexShaderFileNode = materialNode->Get("vertexShader"); vertexShaderFilename = vertexShaderFileNode->AsString(); const YamlNode * pixelShaderFileNode = materialNode->Get("pixelShader"); pixelShaderFilename = pixelShaderFileNode->AsString(); const YamlNode * nodes = rootNode->Get("nodes"); if (nodes && nodes->GetType() == YamlNode::TYPE_ARRAY) { for (uint32 k = 0; k < nodes->GetCount(); ++k) { const YamlNode * graphNode = nodes->Get(k); bool result = LoadNode(graphNode); if (!result)break; } } SafeRelease(materialFileParser); return true; }
GroupNode* SceneLoader::LoadGroupNode(QDomElement element) { if (element.nodeName() != QString ("node") || QString::compare(element.attribute("type"), "group", Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0) { printf ("ceXMLDataLoader::LoadGroupNode: Illegal data format: '%s' != 'group'\n", element.nodeName().toStdString().c_str()); fflush (stdout); } GroupNode* group = new GroupNode(); QString name = element.attribute("name"); if (!name.isNull()) { group->SetName(name.toStdString()); } for (QDomElement groupElement = element.firstChildElement(); !groupElement.isNull(); groupElement = groupElement.nextSiblingElement()) { ceNode* node = LoadNode (groupElement); if (node) { group->AddNode(node); } } group->UpdateBoundingBox(); return group; }
// copy id node tree in visual scene or generate the names NodeHPChecker::TreeNode * NodeHPChecker::LoadNode(domNode *pDomNode, NodeHPChecker::TreeNode *pParentNode) { TreeNode * pNode = new TreeNode(); pNode->SetParent(pParentNode); // check id of node if ( pDomNode->getID() == NULL ) // no ID in this node { GeneratingName(pNode); } else { // put id of node to it pNode->SetID( std::string( pDomNode->getID() ) ); } // transverse children of current node domNode_Array& aNodes = pDomNode->getNode_array(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < aNodes.getCount(); i++ ) { pNode->AppendChildren( LoadNode(aNodes.get(i), pNode) ); } return pNode; }
bool NodeHPChecker::InitRoots() { for (int j = 0; j < NUM_TREES;j++) { pRoot[j] = new TreeNode(); GeneratingName(pRoot[j]); // new root pointers domNode_Array& aNodes = pVisualScene[j]->getNode_array(); // add each node to root for ( size_t i = 0; i < aNodes.getCount(); i++ ) { TreeNode * pChild = new TreeNode(); // Load current dom node // Append child pRoot[j]->AppendChildren( LoadNode(aNodes.get(i), pRoot[j]) ); pChild->SetParent(pRoot[j]); } // reset index: giIndexNoName = 0; } // sort each tree SortChildren(); return true; }
void FbxUtil::LoadScene(const std::string &filePath, const std::shared_ptr<SceneNode> &rootNode, float scaleFactor, unsigned int options) { FbxManager* sdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); FbxIOSettings* ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(sdkManager, IOSROOT); sdkManager->SetIOSettings(ios); FbxImporter* importer = FbxImporter::Create(sdkManager, ""); m_ScaleFactor = scaleFactor; m_Options = options; if (importer->Initialize(filePath.c_str(), -1, sdkManager->GetIOSettings())) { FbxScene* lScene = FbxScene::Create(sdkManager, ""); importer->Import(lScene); importer->Destroy(); FbxNode* lRootNode = lScene->GetRootNode(); if (lRootNode) { for (int i = 0; i < lRootNode->GetChildCount(); i++) LoadNode(rootNode, lRootNode->GetChild(i)); rootNode->Recompose(); } } else ASSERT_MSG(false, "Error: " << importer->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); // Destroy the SDK manager and all the other objects it was handling. sdkManager->Destroy(); }
/** * Load Road Network Data */ void loadData(char *path) { readBuffer = (char *)malloc(nowSize); LoadNode(path); LoadEdge(path); LoadNet(path); }
void LoadScene(TiXmlElement *element) { for ( TiXmlElement *child = element->FirstChildElement(); child!=NULL; child = child->NextSiblingElement() ) { if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "background" ) ) { Color c(1,1,1); ReadColor( child, c ); background.SetColor(c); printf("Background %f %f %f\n",c.r,c.g,c.b); background.SetTexture( ReadTexture(child) ); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "environment" ) ) { Color c(1,1,1); ReadColor( child, c ); environment.SetColor(c); printf("Environment %f %f %f\n",c.r,c.g,c.b); environment.SetTexture( ReadTexture(child) ); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "object" ) ) { LoadNode( &rootNode, child ); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "material" ) ) { LoadMaterial( child ); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "light" ) ) { LoadLight( child ); } } }
void BackGroundLayer::initInterface() { this->setName("BackGroundLayer"); MainScene::GetSceneInstance()->addChild(this); LoadSpriteCache(); //先预读精灵帧 LoadNode(); LoadAnimationCache(); }
ceNode* SceneLoader::Load(QDomElement element) { if (element.nodeName() != "node") { return 0; } return LoadNode (element); }
void FbxLoader::LoadNode(FbxNode* pNode) { for (int i = 0; i < pNode->GetNodeAttributeCount(); i++) LoadAttribute(pNode->GetNodeAttributeByIndex(i)); // Recursively print the children. for (int j = 0; j < pNode->GetChildCount(); j++) LoadNode(pNode->GetChild(j)); }
bool Model::LoadFromFile(std::string filepath) { // Clear any previously loaded data. Clear(); // Create an instance of the ASSIMP importer. Assimp::Importer importer; // Have ASSIMP read the file. const aiScene* assimpScene = importer.ReadFile( filepath.c_str(), aiProcess_Triangulate | aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals | aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices | aiProcess_RemoveRedundantMaterials | aiProcess_FlipUVs | aiProcess_OptimizeGraph | aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes ); // Check that the file was read successfully. if (assimpScene) { // Get the root node. const aiNode* assimpRootNode = assimpScene->mRootNode; if (assimpRootNode) { // Get the path to the parent directory. // This is used for determining the full path to textures. const std::string directoryPath = filepath.substr(0, filepath.find_last_of('/')); // Load the materials. LoadMaterials(assimpScene, directoryPath); // Load the nodes recursively. LoadNode(assimpRootNode, assimpScene, nullptr); // Load the node keyframes. LoadNodeKeyframes(assimpScene); // Success! m_name = filepath; return true; } else { std::cerr << "Failed loading model \"" << filepath << "\" due to missing root node" << std::endl; return false; } } else { std::cerr << "Failed loading model: \"" << filepath << "\" due to error: " << importer.GetErrorString() << std::endl; return false; } }
//void Import::LoadNode (INode* maxParent, const dMatrix& parentMatrix, dModel* model, dBone* node, const GeometryCache& meshCache, Mtl *mtl) void Import::LoadNodes (dScene& scene, const GeometryCache& meshCache, Mtl *mtl, MaxNodeChache& maxNodeCache) { dScene::dTreeNode* const root = scene.GetRootNode(); for (void* ptr = scene.GetFirstChild(root); ptr; ptr = scene.GetNextChild(root, ptr) ) { dScene::dTreeNode* node = scene.GetNodeFromLink(ptr); dNodeInfo* info = scene.GetInfoFromNode(node); if (info->IsType(dSceneNodeInfo::GetRttiType())) { LoadNode (scene, NULL, node, meshCache, mtl, maxNodeCache); } } }
void LoadScene(TiXmlElement *element) { for ( TiXmlElement *child = element->FirstChildElement(); child!=NULL; child = child->NextSiblingElement() ) { if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "object" ) ) { //cout<<"Object..................."; LoadNode( &rootNode, child ); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "material" ) ) { LoadMaterial( child ); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "light" ) ) { LoadLight( child ); } } }
void LoadNode(Node *parent, TiXmlElement *element, int level) { Node *node = new Node; parent->AppendChild(node); // name const char* name = element->Attribute("name"); node->SetName(name); PrintIndent(level); printf("object ["); if ( name ) printf("%s",name); printf("]"); // type const char* type = element->Attribute("type"); if ( type ) { if ( COMPARE(type,"sphere") ) { node->SetObject( &theSphere ); printf(" - Sphere"); } else { printf(" - UNKNOWN TYPE"); } } // type const char* mtlName = element->Attribute("material"); if ( mtlName ) { printf(" <%s>", mtlName); NodeMtl nm; nm.node = node; nm.mtlName = mtlName; nodeMtlList.push_back(nm); } printf("\n"); for ( TiXmlElement *child = element->FirstChildElement(); child!=NULL; child = child->NextSiblingElement() ) { if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "object" ) ) { LoadNode(node,child,level+1); } } LoadTransform( node, element, level ); }
void FbxParser::LoadScene(const std::string & filePath, GameObjectPtr rootNode) { mFbxManager = FbxManager::Create(); auto ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(mFbxManager, IOSROOT); mFbxManager->SetIOSettings(ios); auto importer = FbxImporter::Create(mFbxManager, ""); auto pos = filePath.find_last_of("/"); mFbxFolder = (std::string::npos == pos) ? "" : filePath.substr(0, pos + 1); Utility::Printf("FbxFolder %s", mFbxFolder.c_str()); if (importer->Initialize(filePath.c_str(), -1, mFbxManager->GetIOSettings())) { mFbxScene = FbxScene::Create(mFbxManager, ""); bool result = importer->Import(mFbxScene); importer->Destroy(); if (result) { auto& globalSetting = mFbxScene->GetGlobalSettings(); FbxGeometryConverter geomConverter(mFbxManager); geomConverter.Triangulate(mFbxScene, true); auto fbxRootNode = mFbxScene->GetRootNode(); if (fbxRootNode) { for (int i = 0; i < fbxRootNode->GetChildCount(); ++i) { LoadNode(rootNode, fbxRootNode->GetChild(i)); } rootNode->FreshData(true); } } } else { auto status = importer->GetStatus(); auto str = status.GetErrorString(); Utility::Printf("FBX File Cant Load %s %s", filePath.c_str(), str); } }
// LoadNode (FileNode) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /*static*/ bool Node::LoadNode( IOStream & stream, FileNode * & fileNode ) { Node * node; if ( !LoadNode( stream, node ) ) { return false; } if ( node == nullptr ) { fileNode = nullptr; return true; } if ( !node->IsAFile() ) { return false; } fileNode = node->CastTo< FileNode >(); return ( fileNode != nullptr ); }
// LoadNode (CompilerNode) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /*static*/ bool Node::LoadNode( IOStream & stream, CompilerNode * & compilerNode ) { Node * node; if ( !LoadNode( stream, node ) ) { return false; } if ( node == nullptr ) { compilerNode = nullptr; return true; } if ( node->GetType() != Node::COMPILER_NODE ) { return false; } compilerNode = node->CastTo< CompilerNode >(); return true; }
ZD_STATUS Language::Deserialize(JsonBox::Value &root) { if (!root["info"].isObject() || !root["locale"].isObject()) { return ZD_ERROR_BAD_DATA; } JsonBox::Object info = root["info"].getObject(); if (!info["language"].isString() || !info["title"].isString()) { return ZD_ERROR_BAD_DATA; } m_language = info["language"].getString(); m_title = info["title"].getString(); return LoadNode(root["locale"]); }
void FbxUtil::LoadNode(const SceneNode::Ptr &ntNode, FbxNode* fbxNode) { SceneNode::Ptr childNode = SceneNode::Create(fbxNode->GetName()); // copy transforms. FbxQuaternion fbxQ; fbxQ.ComposeSphericalXYZ(fbxNode->LclRotation.Get()); FbxDouble3 fbxT = fbxNode->LclTranslation.Get(); FbxDouble3 fbxS = fbxNode->LclScaling.Get(); Vector4 furyT((float)fbxT.mData[0] * m_ScaleFactor, (float)fbxT.mData[1] * m_ScaleFactor, (float)fbxT.mData[2] * m_ScaleFactor, 1.0f); Vector4 furyS((float)fbxS.mData[0] * m_ScaleFactor, (float)fbxS.mData[1] * m_ScaleFactor, (float)fbxS.mData[2] * m_ScaleFactor, 1.0f); Quaternion furyR((float)fbxQ.mData[0], (float)fbxQ.mData[1], (float)fbxQ.mData[2], (float)fbxQ.mData[3]); childNode->SetLocalPosition(furyT); childNode->SetLocalRoattion(furyR); childNode->SetLocalScale(furyS); // add to scene graph ntNode->AddChild(childNode); // read Components FbxNodeAttribute* fbxNodeAttr = fbxNode->GetNodeAttribute(); if (fbxNodeAttr != NULL) { FbxNodeAttribute::EType fbxNodeAttrType = fbxNodeAttr->GetAttributeType(); if (fbxNodeAttrType == FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh) { LoadMesh(childNode, fbxNode); } else if (fbxNodeAttrType == FbxNodeAttribute::eLight) { LoadLight(childNode, fbxNode); } } // read child nodes. for (int i = 0; i < fbxNode->GetChildCount(); i++) LoadNode(ntNode, fbxNode->GetChild(i)); }
CElement* CMapManager::LoadMapData ( CResource& Loader, CElement& Parent, CXMLNode& Node ) { // Load the elements vector < CElement* > ElementsAdded; CElement* pLoadedRoot = LoadNode ( Loader, Node, &Parent, &ElementsAdded, false ); if ( pLoadedRoot ) { // Add all the elements that are entities to a sync packet CEntityAddPacket AddPacket; vector < CElement* > ::const_iterator iter = ElementsAdded.begin (); for ( ; iter != ElementsAdded.end (); iter++ ) { // Is it a per-player entity? Sync it. Otherwize add it to the packet. if ( IS_PERPLAYER_ENTITY ( *iter ) ) { static_cast < CPerPlayerEntity* > ( *iter )->Sync ( true ); } else { AddPacket.Add ( *iter ); } } // Send it to everyone m_pPlayerManager->BroadcastOnlyJoined ( AddPacket ); return pLoadedRoot; } // If unsuccessfull, destroy the new elements. Remember removing it from our element group. CElementGroup* pElementGroup = Loader.GetElementGroup (); vector < CElement* > ::const_iterator iter = ElementsAdded.begin (); for ( ; iter != ElementsAdded.end (); iter++ ) { pElementGroup->Remove ( *iter ); delete *iter; } // Failed return NULL; }
bool _XKeyframeController::LoadKey(FILE* pFile) { // CHAR ShortFilename[512]; // memset( ShortFilename, 0, sizeof(TCHAR)*512 ); // GetFileNameFromPathString( ShortFilename, szFilename ); _LPXM_KEYFRAME lpKeyframe = new _XM_KEYFRAME; // strcpy(lpKeyframe->strName, ShortFilename); lpKeyframe->fMaxTime = 0.f; DWORD dwVersion; char cHeader[MAX_PATH]; memset(cHeader, 0, MAX_PATH); fread(cHeader, 3, sizeof(char), pFile); fread(&dwVersion, 1, sizeof(DWORD), pFile); fread(&m_nNodeCount, 1, sizeof(int), pFile); lpKeyframe->lpSubNode = new _XM_SUBNODE[m_nNodeCount]; memset(lpKeyframe->lpSubNode, 0, sizeof(_XM_SUBNODE) * m_nNodeCount); for (int i = 0; i < m_nNodeCount; ++i) { D3DXMatrixIdentity(&lpKeyframe->lpSubNode[i].matTM); LoadNode(pFile, &lpKeyframe->lpSubNode[i]); fread(&lpKeyframe->lpSubNode[i].fMaxTime, 1, sizeof(float), pFile); if (lpKeyframe->fMaxTime < lpKeyframe->lpSubNode[i].fMaxTime) { lpKeyframe->fMaxTime = lpKeyframe->lpSubNode[i].fMaxTime; } } m_lpCurKeyframe = lpKeyframe; m_svKeyframe.push_back(lpKeyframe); return true; }
void LoadNode(Node *parent, TiXmlElement *element, int level) { Node *node = new Node; parent->AppendChild(node); // name const char* name = element->Attribute("name"); node->SetName(name); PrintIndent(level); printf("object ["); if ( name ) printf("%s",name); printf("]"); // type const char* type = element->Attribute("type"); if ( type ) { if ( COMPARE(type,"sphere") ) { node->SetObject( &theSphere ); printf(" - Sphere"); } else if ( COMPARE(type,"plane") ) { node->SetObject( &thePlane ); printf(" - Plane"); } else if ( COMPARE(type,"obj") ) { printf(" - OBJ"); Object *obj = objList.Find(name); if ( obj == NULL ) { // object is not on the list, so we should load it now TriObj *tobj = new TriObj; if ( ! tobj->Load( name ) ) { printf(" -- ERROR: Cannot load file \"%s.\"", name); delete tobj; } else { objList.Append(tobj,name); // add to the list obj = tobj; } } node->SetObject( obj ); } else { printf(" - UNKNOWN TYPE"); } } // type const char* mtlName = element->Attribute("material"); if ( mtlName ) { printf(" <%s>", mtlName); NodeMtl nm; nm.node = node; nm.mtlName = mtlName; nodeMtlList.push_back(nm); } printf("\n"); for ( TiXmlElement *child = element->FirstChildElement(); child!=NULL; child = child->NextSiblingElement() ) { if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "object" ) ) { LoadNode(node,child,level+1); } } LoadTransform( node, element, level ); }
void nsFT2FontNode::GetFontNames(const char* aPattern, nsFontNodeArray* aNodes) { int j; PRBool rslt; PRUint32 count, i; char *pattern, *foundry, *family, *charset, *encoding; const char *charSetName; nsFontNode *node; nsCOMPtr<nsIArray> arrayFC; nsCAutoString familyTmp, languageTmp; FONT_CATALOG_PRINTF(("looking for FreeType font matching %s", aPattern)); nsCAutoString patt(aPattern); ToLowerCase(patt); pattern = strdup(patt.get()); NS_ASSERTION(pattern, "failed to copy pattern"); if (!pattern) goto cleanup_and_return; rslt = ParseXLFD(pattern, &foundry, &family, &charset, &encoding); if (!rslt) goto cleanup_and_return; // unable to handle "name-charset-*" if (charset && !encoding) { goto cleanup_and_return; } if (family) familyTmp.Assign(family); sFcs->GetFontCatalogEntries(familyTmp, languageTmp, 0, 0, 0, 0, getter_AddRefs(arrayFC)); if (!arrayFC) goto cleanup_and_return; arrayFC->GetLength(&count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { nsCOMPtr<nsITrueTypeFontCatalogEntry> fce = do_QueryElementAt(arrayFC, i); if (!fce) continue; nsCAutoString foundryName, familyName; PRUint32 flags, codePageRange1, codePageRange2; PRUint16 weight, width; fce->GetFamilyName(familyName); fce->GetFlags(&flags); fce->GetWidth(&width); fce->GetWeight(&weight); fce->GetCodePageRange1(&codePageRange1); fce->GetCodePageRange2(&codePageRange2); if (!charset) { // get all encoding FONT_CATALOG_PRINTF(("found FreeType %s-%s-*-*", foundryName.get(), familyName.get())); for (j=0; j<32; j++) { unsigned long bit = 1 << j; if (bit & codePageRange1) { charSetName = nsFreeType2::GetRange1CharSetName(bit); NS_ASSERTION(charSetName, "failed to get charset name"); if (!charSetName) continue; node = LoadNode(fce, charSetName, aNodes); } if (bit & codePageRange2) { charSetName = nsFreeType2::GetRange2CharSetName(bit); if (!charSetName) continue; LoadNode(fce, charSetName, aNodes); } } if (foundryName.IsEmpty() && !familyName.IsEmpty() && flags&FCE_FLAGS_SYMBOL) { // the "registry-encoding" is not used but LoadNode will fail without // some value for this LoadNode(fce, "symbol-fontspecific", aNodes); } } if (charset && encoding) { // get this specific encoding PRUint32 cpr1_bits, cpr2_bits; nsCAutoString charsetName(charset); charsetName.Append('-'); charsetName.Append(encoding); CharSetNameToCodeRangeBits(charsetName.get(), &cpr1_bits, &cpr2_bits); if (!(cpr1_bits & codePageRange1) && !(cpr2_bits & codePageRange2)) continue; FONT_CATALOG_PRINTF(("found FreeType -%s-%s-%s", familyName.get(),charset,encoding)); LoadNode(fce, charsetName.get(), aNodes); } } FREE_IF(pattern); return; cleanup_and_return: FONT_CATALOG_PRINTF(("nsFT2FontNode::GetFontNames failed")); FREE_IF(pattern); return; }
void Import::LoadNode (dScene& scene, INode* maxParent, dScene::dTreeNode* node, const GeometryCache& meshCache, Mtl *mtl, MaxNodeChache& maxNodeCache) { dScene::dTreeNode* geometryNode = NULL; for (void* ptr = scene.GetFirstChild(node); ptr; ptr = scene.GetNextChild(node, ptr) ) { dScene::dTreeNode* node = scene.GetNodeFromLink(ptr); dNodeInfo* info = scene.GetInfoFromNode(node); if (info->IsType(dGeometryNodeInfo::GetRttiType())) { geometryNode = node; break; } } INode* maxNode = NULL; if (geometryNode) { // maxNode = CreateMaxMeshNode (mtl, &geom[0]->GetInfo(), meshCache); maxNode = CreateMaxMeshNode (scene, mtl, geometryNode, meshCache); maxNodeCache.Insert (maxNode, geometryNode); } else { maxNode = CreateMaxHelperNode (); } _ASSERTE (maxNode); maxNodeCache.Insert (maxNode, node); if (maxParent) { maxParent->AttachChild(maxNode, 1); } dSceneNodeInfo* sceneInfo = (dSceneNodeInfo*)scene.GetInfoFromNode(node); TCHAR name[128]; TCHAR tmp[128]; strcpy (tmp, sceneInfo->GetName()); for (int i = 0; tmp[i]; i ++) { if (isspace(tmp[i])) { tmp[i] = '_'; } } strcpy (name, tmp); for (int i = 1; m_ip->GetINodeByName(name); i ++) { sprintf (name, "%s_%02d", tmp, i); // node->SetNameID(name); } maxNode->SetName(name); dMatrix transform (sceneInfo->GetTransform()); dMatrix matrix; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j ++) { matrix[i][j] = transform[i][j]; } } Matrix3 maxMatrix (GetMatrixFromdMatrix (matrix)); // maxMatrix.SetRow (0, *((Point3*) &matrix[0])); // maxMatrix.SetRow (1, *((Point3*) &matrix[1])); // maxMatrix.SetRow (2, *((Point3*) &matrix[2])); // maxMatrix.SetRow (3, *((Point3*) &matrix[3])); maxNode->SetNodeTM(0, maxMatrix); for (void* ptr = scene.GetFirstChild(node); ptr; ptr = scene.GetNextChild(node, ptr) ) { dScene::dTreeNode* node = scene.GetNodeFromLink(ptr); dNodeInfo* info = scene.GetInfoFromNode(node); if (info->IsType(dSceneNodeInfo::GetRttiType())) { LoadNode (scene, maxNode, node, meshCache, mtl, maxNodeCache); } } }
void Model::LoadNode(const aiNode* assimpNode, const aiScene* assimpScene, std::shared_ptr<Node> parentNode) { // Get the node's name. const std::string name(assimpNode->; // Calculate the local bind pose transformation matrix. const glm::mat4 localBindTransformationMatrix = glm::transpose(ConvertToMat4(assimpNode->mTransformation)); // Create our own new node. // We will be populating this with the data retrieved from ASSIMP. std::shared_ptr<Node> node = std::make_shared<Node>(name, localBindTransformationMatrix); // Get the number of meshes in the ASSIMP node. const unsigned int numMeshesInNode = assimpNode->mNumMeshes; // For every mesh in the ASSIMP node... for (unsigned int m = 0; m < numMeshesInNode; ++m) { // Get the ASSIMP mesh. const unsigned int assimpMeshIndex = assimpNode->mMeshes[m]; const aiMesh* assimpMesh = assimpScene->mMeshes[assimpMeshIndex]; // Create our own new mesh. std::shared_ptr<Node::Mesh> mesh = std::make_shared<Node::Mesh>(); // Get the number of vertices that compose the mesh. const unsigned int numVertices = assimpMesh->mNumVertices; // Set the material that is applied to the mesh. mesh->SetMaterial(m_materials[assimpMesh->mMaterialIndex]); // Populate the mesh's vertex positions, normals and texture // coordinates. for (unsigned int v = 0; v < numVertices; ++v) { mesh->AddVertexPosition(ConvertToVec3(assimpMesh->mVertices[v])); mesh->AddVertexNormal(ConvertToVec3(assimpMesh->mNormals[v])); mesh->AddVertexTextureCoordinates(ConvertToVec3(assimpMesh->mTextureCoords[0][v])); } // Get the number of faces and indices in the mesh. const unsigned int numFaces = assimpMesh->mNumFaces; // Populate the mesh's faces. for (unsigned int f = 0; f < numFaces; ++f) { // Get the ASSIMP face. const aiFace& assimpFace = assimpMesh->mFaces[f]; // Ensure that we are dealing with triangular faces. if (assimpFace.mNumIndices == 3) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { mesh->AddVertexIndex(static_cast<unsigned int>(assimpFace.mIndices[i])); } } else { std::cout << "WARNING: Face was not triangular" << std::endl; } } // Update the mesh's buffer objects. // This sends the mesh data over to the graphics card. mesh->UpdateBuffers(); // Add the mesh to the node. node->AddMesh(mesh); } // Add the node to the model. if (!parentNode) { // The created node doesn't have a parent node. Therefore, it must // be the root node. m_rootNode = node; } else { // Add the created node as a child to its parent node. parentNode->AddChildNode(node); } // Get the number of ASSIMP child nodes. const unsigned int numChildNodes = assimpNode->mNumChildren; // Recursively load child nodes. for (unsigned int n = 0; n < numChildNodes; ++n) { LoadNode(assimpNode->mChildren[n], assimpScene, node); } }
HRESULT KG3DTerrainRoad::LoadFromFile(const char cszFileName[]) { //return E_FAIL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; int nRetCode = false; TCHAR FileName[MAX_PATH]; _RoadHead RoadHead; DWORD nSize; D3DXVECTOR3* pNodePos = NULL; IFile* pFile = NULL; pFile = g_OpenFile(cszFileName); KG_PROCESS_ERROR(pFile); nSize = pFile->Read(&RoadHead,sizeof(_RoadHead));//fread(&RoadData,sizeof(_RoadData),1,pFile); m_scName = RoadHead.scName; m_scTextureName = RoadHead.scTextureName; m_fBendModulus = RoadHead.fBendModulus; m_fEdgeModulus = RoadHead.fEdgeModulus; m_fTexDensity = RoadHead.fTexDensity; m_fBlendLength = RoadHead.fBlendLength; m_fWidth = RoadHead.fWidth; m_nID = RoadHead.nID; m_fNodeSize = RoadHead.fNodeSize; m_nSegmentLength= RoadHead.dwSegmentLength; wsprintf(FileName,"%s", m_scTextureName.c_str()); LoadRoadTexture(FileName); if (!g_bClient) { nRetCode = pFile->Seek(RoadHead.dwParentTerrainBlock, SEEK_SET); KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(nRetCode != -1); for (int nT= 0; nT < (int)RoadHead.dwNumParentBlock; nT++) { TerrainBlockInfo TBI; pFile->Read(&TBI,sizeof(TerrainBlockInfo)); m_vecParentTerrainBlock.push_back(TBI); } nRetCode = pFile->Seek(RoadHead.dwNodePosBlock, SEEK_SET);//fseek(pFile,RoadData.dwNodePosBlock, SEEK_SET); KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(nRetCode != -1); pNodePos = new D3DXVECTOR3[RoadHead.dwNumOfNode]; KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(pNodePos); nSize = pFile->Read(pNodePos,sizeof(D3DXVECTOR3)*RoadHead.dwNumOfNode);//fread(RoadData.pNodePos,sizeof(D3DXVECTOR3),RoadData.dwNumOfNode,pFile); LoadNode(RoadHead.dwNumOfNode,pNodePos); } nRetCode = pFile->Seek(RoadHead.dwPassageBlock, SEEK_SET); KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(nRetCode != -1); { list<KG3DRepresentObjectNode*>::iterator iNode = m_listNode.begin(); float fLengthSum = 0; m_BBox.Clear(); for (DWORD i = 0;i < RoadHead.dwNumOfPassage;i++) { KG3DTerrainRoadPassage* pPassage = new KG3DTerrainRoadPassage(); if(pPassage) { _PassageData ReadData; if(SUCCEEDED(pPassage->ReadDataFromFile(pFile,ReadData))) { pPassage->CreateBuffersFromData(ReadData); pPassage->BulidPassageData(fLengthSum,m_fWidth,m_fBendModulus,m_nSegmentLength,m_fExtendWidth); m_listPassage.push_back(pPassage); m_BBox.AddPosition(pPassage->m_Bbox.A); m_BBox.AddPosition(pPassage->m_Bbox.B); m_ExtendBBox.AddPosition(pPassage->m_ExtendBBox.A); m_ExtendBBox.AddPosition(pPassage->m_ExtendBBox.B); if(iNode!=m_listNode.end()) { pPassage->m_pNodeA = *iNode; ++iNode; if(iNode!=m_listNode.end()) pPassage->m_pNodeB = *iNode; } } else { SAFE_DELETE(pPassage); } } } this->m_fLength = fLengthSum; } hr = S_OK; Exit0: KG_COM_RELEASE(pFile); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pNodePos); return hr; }