Пример #1
bool cPlayer::LoadFromDisk()

	AString SourceFile;
	Printf(SourceFile, "players/%s.json", GetName().c_str() );

	cFile f;
	if (!f.Open(SourceFile, cFile::fmRead))
		// This is a new player whom we haven't seen yet, bail out, let them have the defaults
		return false;

	AString buffer;
	if (f.ReadRestOfFile(buffer) != f.GetSize())
		LOGWARNING("Cannot read player data from file \"%s\"", SourceFile.c_str()); 
		return false;
	f.Close(); //cool kids play nice

	Json::Value root;
	Json::Reader reader;
	if (!reader.parse(buffer, root, false))
		LOGWARNING("Cannot parse player data in file \"%s\", player will be reset", SourceFile.c_str());

	Json::Value & JSON_PlayerPosition = root["position"];
	if (JSON_PlayerPosition.size() == 3)
		SetPosX(JSON_PlayerPosition[(unsigned int)0].asDouble());
		SetPosY(JSON_PlayerPosition[(unsigned int)1].asDouble());
		SetPosZ(JSON_PlayerPosition[(unsigned int)2].asDouble());
		m_LastPos = GetPosition();

	Json::Value & JSON_PlayerRotation = root["rotation"];
	if (JSON_PlayerRotation.size() == 3)
		SetYaw      ((float)JSON_PlayerRotation[(unsigned int)0].asDouble());
		SetPitch    ((float)JSON_PlayerRotation[(unsigned int)1].asDouble());
		SetRoll     ((float)JSON_PlayerRotation[(unsigned int)2].asDouble());

	m_Health              = root.get("health", 0).asInt();
	m_AirLevel            = root.get("air",            MAX_AIR_LEVEL).asInt();
	m_FoodLevel           = root.get("food",           MAX_FOOD_LEVEL).asInt();
	m_FoodSaturationLevel = root.get("foodSaturation", MAX_FOOD_LEVEL).asDouble();
	m_FoodTickTimer       = root.get("foodTickTimer",  0).asInt();
	m_FoodExhaustionLevel = root.get("foodExhaustion", 0).asDouble();
	m_LifetimeTotalXp     = (short) root.get("xpTotal", 0).asInt();
	m_CurrentXp           = (short) root.get("xpCurrent", 0).asInt();
	m_IsFlying            = root.get("isflying", 0).asBool();

	m_GameMode = (eGameMode) root.get("gamemode", eGameMode_NotSet).asInt();

	if (m_GameMode == eGameMode_Creative)
		m_CanFly = true;

	m_LoadedWorldName = root.get("world", "world").asString();

	// Load the player stats.
	// We use the default world name (like bukkit) because stats are shared between dimensions/worlds.
	cStatSerializer StatSerializer(cRoot::Get()->GetDefaultWorld()->GetName(), GetName(), &m_Stats);
	LOGD("Player \"%s\" was read from file, spawning at {%.2f, %.2f, %.2f} in world \"%s\"",
		GetName().c_str(), GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), m_LoadedWorldName.c_str()
	return true;
Пример #2
bool cPlayer::LoadFromDisk()

    // Log player permissions, cause it's what the cool kids do
    LOGINFO("Player %s has permissions:", m_PlayerName.c_str() );
    for( PermissionMap::iterator itr = m_ResolvedPermissions.begin(); itr != m_ResolvedPermissions.end(); ++itr )
        if( itr->second ) LOGINFO("%s", itr->first.c_str() );

    AString SourceFile;
    Printf(SourceFile, "players/%s.json", m_PlayerName.c_str() );

    cFile f;
    if (!f.Open(SourceFile, cFile::fmRead))
        // This is a new player whom we haven't seen yet, bail out, let them have the defaults
        return false;

    AString buffer;
    if (f.ReadRestOfFile(buffer) != f.GetSize())
        LOGWARNING("Cannot read player data from file \"%s\"", SourceFile.c_str());
        return false;
    f.Close(); //cool kids play nice

    Json::Value root;
    Json::Reader reader;
    if (!reader.parse(buffer, root, false))
        LOGWARNING("Cannot parse player data in file \"%s\", player will be reset", SourceFile.c_str());

    Json::Value & JSON_PlayerPosition = root["position"];
    if (JSON_PlayerPosition.size() == 3)
        SetPosX(JSON_PlayerPosition[(unsigned int)0].asDouble());
        SetPosY(JSON_PlayerPosition[(unsigned int)1].asDouble());
        SetPosZ(JSON_PlayerPosition[(unsigned int)2].asDouble());
        m_LastPosX = GetPosX();
        m_LastPosY = GetPosY();
        m_LastPosZ = GetPosZ();
        m_LastFoodPos = GetPosition();

    Json::Value & JSON_PlayerRotation = root["rotation"];
    if (JSON_PlayerRotation.size() == 3)
        SetRotation ((float)JSON_PlayerRotation[(unsigned int)0].asDouble());
        SetPitch    ((float)JSON_PlayerRotation[(unsigned int)1].asDouble());
        SetRoll     ((float)JSON_PlayerRotation[(unsigned int)2].asDouble());

    m_Health              = root.get("health", 0).asInt();
    m_AirLevel            = root.get("air",            MAX_AIR_LEVEL).asInt();
    m_FoodLevel           = root.get("food",           MAX_FOOD_LEVEL).asInt();
    m_FoodSaturationLevel = root.get("foodSaturation", MAX_FOOD_LEVEL).asDouble();
    m_FoodTickTimer       = root.get("foodTickTimer",  0).asInt();
    m_FoodExhaustionLevel = root.get("foodExhaustion", 0).asDouble();
    m_LifetimeTotalXp     = (short) root.get("xpTotal", 0).asInt();
    m_CurrentXp           = (short) root.get("xpCurrent", 0).asInt();

    //SetExperience(root.get("experience", 0).asInt());

    m_GameMode = (eGameMode) root.get("gamemode", eGameMode_NotSet).asInt();


    m_LoadedWorldName = root.get("world", "world").asString();

    LOGD("Player \"%s\" was read from file, spawning at {%.2f, %.2f, %.2f} in world \"%s\"",
         m_PlayerName.c_str(), GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), m_LoadedWorldName.c_str()

    return true;