Пример #1
bool Mutex::trylock() {
  switch (pthread_mutex_lock(&_mutex)) {
  case 0:
    return true;
  case EBUSY:
    return false;
    throw LockException("Unable to try/lock the mutex");
Пример #2
void Mutex::lock() {
  if (pthread_mutex_lock(&_mutex))
    throw LockException("Unable to lock the mutex");
// Semantics of this method are basically that if the lock cannot be acquired, returns false,
// can be retried. If the lock should not be tried again (some unexpected error),
// a LockException is thrown.
bool DistributedLock::lock_try(const OID& lockID,
                               const string& why,
                               BSONObj* other,
                               double timeout) {
    // This should always be true, if not, we are using the lock incorrectly.
    verify(_name != "");

    auto lockTimeout = _lockTimeout;
    MONGO_FAIL_POINT_BLOCK(setSCCCDistLockTimeout, customTimeout) {
        const BSONObj& data = customTimeout.getData();
        lockTimeout = data["timeoutMs"].numberInt();
    LOG(logLvl) << "trying to acquire new distributed lock for " << _name << " on " << _conn
                << " ( lock timeout : " << lockTimeout << ", ping interval : " << _lockPing
                << ", process : " << _processId << " )" << endl;

    // write to dummy if 'other' is null
    BSONObj dummyOther;
    if (other == NULL)
        other = &dummyOther;

    ScopedDbConnection conn(_conn.toString(), timeout);

    BSONObjBuilder queryBuilder;
    queryBuilder.append(LocksType::name(), _name);
    queryBuilder.append(LocksType::state(), LocksType::UNLOCKED);

        // make sure its there so we can use simple update logic below
        BSONObj o = conn->findOne(LocksType::ConfigNS, BSON(LocksType::name(_name))).getOwned();

        // Case 1: No locks
        if (o.isEmpty()) {
            try {
                LOG(logLvl) << "inserting initial doc in " << LocksType::ConfigNS << " for lock "
                            << _name << endl;
                             BSON(LocksType::name(_name) << LocksType::state(LocksType::UNLOCKED)
                                                         << LocksType::who("")
                                                         << LocksType::lockID(OID())));
            } catch (UserException& e) {
                warning() << "could not insert initial doc for distributed lock " << _name
                          << causedBy(e) << endl;

        // Case 2: A set lock that we might be able to force
        else if (o[LocksType::state()].numberInt() > LocksType::UNLOCKED) {
            string lockName =
                o[LocksType::name()].String() + string("/") + o[LocksType::process()].String();

            BSONObj lastPing = conn->findOne(
                LockpingsType::ConfigNS, o[LocksType::process()].wrap(LockpingsType::process()));
            if (lastPing.isEmpty()) {
                LOG(logLvl) << "empty ping found for process in lock '" << lockName << "'" << endl;
                // TODO:  Using 0 as a "no time found" value Will fail if dates roll over, but then,
                // so will a lot.
                lastPing = BSON(LockpingsType::process(o[LocksType::process()].String())
                                << LockpingsType::ping(Date_t()));

            unsigned long long elapsed = 0;
            unsigned long long takeover = lockTimeout;

            DistLockPingInfo lastPingEntry = getLastPing();

            LOG(logLvl) << "checking last ping for lock '" << lockName << "' against process "
                        << lastPingEntry.processId << " and ping " << lastPingEntry.lastPing;

            try {
                Date_t remote = remoteTime(_conn);

                auto pingDocProcessId = lastPing[LockpingsType::process()].String();
                auto pingDocPingValue = lastPing[LockpingsType::ping()].Date();

                // Timeout the elapsed time using comparisons of remote clock
                // For non-finalized locks, timeout 15 minutes since last seen (ts)
                // For finalized locks, timeout 15 minutes since last ping
                bool recPingChange = o[LocksType::state()].numberInt() == LocksType::LOCKED &&
                    (lastPingEntry.processId != pingDocProcessId ||
                     lastPingEntry.lastPing != pingDocPingValue);
                bool recTSChange = lastPingEntry.lockSessionId != o[LocksType::lockID()].OID();

                if (recPingChange || recTSChange) {
                    // If the ping has changed since we last checked, mark the current date and time
                } else {
                    // GOTCHA!  Due to network issues, it is possible that the current time
                    // is less than the remote time.  We *have* to check this here, otherwise
                    // we overflow and our lock breaks.
                    if (lastPingEntry.configLocalTime >= remote)
                        elapsed = 0;
                        elapsed =
                            durationCount<Milliseconds>(remote - lastPingEntry.configLocalTime);
            } catch (LockException& e) {
                // Remote server cannot be found / is not responsive
                warning() << "Could not get remote time from " << _conn << causedBy(e);
                // If our config server is having issues, forget all the pings until we can see it
                // again

            if (elapsed <= takeover) {
                LOG(1) << "could not force lock '" << lockName << "' because elapsed time "
                       << elapsed << " <= takeover time " << takeover;
                *other = o;
                return false;

            LOG(0) << "forcing lock '" << lockName << "' because elapsed time " << elapsed
                   << " > takeover time " << takeover;

            if (elapsed > takeover) {
                // Lock may forced, reset our timer if succeeds or fails
                // Ensures that another timeout must happen if something borks up here, and resets
                // our pristine ping state if acquired.

                try {
                    // Check the clock skew again.  If we check this before we get a lock
                    // and after the lock times out, we can be pretty sure the time is
                    // increasing at the same rate on all servers and therefore our
                    // timeout is accurate
                    if (isRemoteTimeSkewed()) {
                        string msg(str::stream() << "remote time in cluster " << _conn.toString()
                                                 << " is now skewed, cannot force lock.");
                        throw LockException(msg, ErrorCodes::DistributedClockSkewed);

                    // Make sure we break the lock with the correct "ts" (OID) value, otherwise
                    // we can overwrite a new lock inserted in the meantime.
                                      << LocksType::state() << o[LocksType::state()].numberInt()
                                      << LocksType::lockID(o[LocksType::lockID()].OID())),
                                 BSON("$set" << BSON(LocksType::state(LocksType::UNLOCKED))));

                    BSONObj err = conn->getLastErrorDetailed();
                    string errMsg = DBClientWithCommands::getLastErrorString(err);

                    // TODO: Clean up all the extra code to exit this method, probably with a
                    // refactor
                    if (!errMsg.empty() || !err["n"].type() || err["n"].numberInt() < 1) {
                            "Could not force lock", lockName, errMsg, "(another force won");
                        *other = o;
                        return false;

                } catch (UpdateNotTheSame&) {
                    // Ok to continue since we know we forced at least one lock document, and all
                    // lock docs are required for a lock to be held.
                    warning() << "lock forcing " << lockName << " inconsistent" << endl;
                } catch (const LockException&) {
                    // Let the exception go up and don't repackage the exception.
                } catch (std::exception& e) {
                    string msg(str::stream() << "exception forcing distributed lock " << lockName
                                             << causedBy(e));
                    throw LockException(msg, 13660);

            } else {
                // Not strictly necessary, but helpful for small timeouts where thread
                // scheduling is significant. This ensures that two attempts are still
                // required for a force if not acquired, and resets our state if we
                // are acquired.

                // Test that the lock is held by trying to update the finalized state of the lock to
                // the same state if it does not update or does not update on all servers, we can't
                // re-enter.
                try {
                    // Test the lock with the correct "ts" (OID) value
                                      << LocksType::state(LocksType::LOCKED)
                                      << LocksType::lockID(o[LocksType::lockID()].OID())),
                                 BSON("$set" << BSON(LocksType::state(LocksType::LOCKED))));

                    BSONObj err = conn->getLastErrorDetailed();
                    string errMsg = DBClientWithCommands::getLastErrorString(err);

                    // TODO: Clean up all the extra code to exit this method, probably with a
                    // refactor
                    if (!errMsg.empty() || !err["n"].type() || err["n"].numberInt() < 1) {
                            "Could not re-enter lock", lockName, errMsg, "(not sure lock is held");
                        *other = o;
                        return false;

                } catch (UpdateNotTheSame&) {
                    // NOT ok to continue since our lock isn't held by all servers, so isn't valid.
                    warning() << "inconsistent state re-entering lock, lock " << lockName
                              << " not held" << endl;
                    *other = o;
                    return false;
                } catch (std::exception& e) {
                    string msg(str::stream() << "exception re-entering distributed lock "
                                             << lockName << causedBy(e));
                    throw LockException(msg, 13660);

                LOG(logLvl - 1) << "re-entered distributed lock '" << lockName << "'" << endl;
                *other = o.getOwned();
                return true;

            LOG(logLvl - 1) << "lock '" << lockName << "' successfully forced" << endl;

            // We don't need the ts value in the query, since we will only ever replace locks with
            // state=0.
        // Case 3: We have an expired lock
        else if (o[LocksType::lockID()].type()) {

    // Always reset our ping if we're trying to get a lock, since getting a lock implies the lock
    // state is open and no locks need to be forced.  If anything goes wrong, we don't want to
    // remember an old lock.

    bool gotLock = false;
    BSONObj currLock;

    BSONObj lockDetails =
             << LocksType::who(getDistLockId()) << LocksType::process(_processId)
             << LocksType::when(jsTime()) << LocksType::why(why) << LocksType::lockID(lockID));
    BSONObj whatIWant = BSON("$set" << lockDetails);

    BSONObj query = queryBuilder.obj();

    string lockName = _name + string("/") + _processId;

    try {
        // Main codepath to acquire lock

        LOG(logLvl) << "about to acquire distributed lock '" << lockName << "'";

        LOG(logLvl + 1) << "trying to acquire lock " << query.toString(false, true)
                        << " with details " << lockDetails.toString(false, true) << endl;

        conn->update(LocksType::ConfigNS, query, whatIWant);

        BSONObj err = conn->getLastErrorDetailed();
        string errMsg = DBClientWithCommands::getLastErrorString(err);

        currLock = conn->findOne(LocksType::ConfigNS, BSON(LocksType::name(_name)));

        if (!errMsg.empty() || !err["n"].type() || err["n"].numberInt() < 1) {
            logErrMsgOrWarn("could not acquire lock", lockName, errMsg, "(another update won)");
            *other = currLock;
            gotLock = false;
        } else {
            gotLock = true;

    } catch (UpdateNotTheSame& up) {
        // this means our update got through on some, but not others
        warning() << "distributed lock '" << lockName << " did not propagate properly."
                  << causedBy(up) << endl;

        // Overall protection derives from:
        // All unlocking updates use the ts value when setting state to 0
        //   This ensures that during locking, we can override all smaller ts locks with
        //   our own safe ts value and not be unlocked afterward.
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < up.size(); i++) {
            ScopedDbConnection indDB(up[i].first);
            BSONObj indUpdate;

            try {
                indUpdate = indDB->findOne(LocksType::ConfigNS, BSON(LocksType::name(_name)));
                const auto currentLockID = indUpdate[LocksType::lockID()].OID();
                // If we override this lock in any way, grab and protect it.
                // We assume/ensure that if a process does not have all lock documents, it is no
                // longer holding the lock.
                // Note - finalized locks may compete too, but we know they've won already if
                // competing in this round.  Cleanup of crashes during finalizing may take a few
                // tries.
                if (currentLockID < lockID ||
                    indUpdate[LocksType::state()].numberInt() == LocksType::UNLOCKED) {
                    BSONObj grabQuery =
                        BSON(LocksType::name(_name) << LocksType::lockID(currentLockID));

                    // Change ts so we won't be forced, state so we won't be relocked
                    BSONObj grabChanges =
                        BSON(LocksType::lockID(lockID) << LocksType::state(LocksType::LOCK_PREP));

                    // Either our update will succeed, and we'll grab the lock, or it will fail b/c
                    // some other process grabbed the lock (which will change the ts), but the lock
                    // will be set until forcing
                    indDB->update(LocksType::ConfigNS, grabQuery, BSON("$set" << grabChanges));

                    indUpdate = indDB->findOne(LocksType::ConfigNS, BSON(LocksType::name(_name)));

                    // The tournament was interfered and it is not safe to proceed further.
                    // One case this could happen is when the LockPinger processes old
                    // entries from addUnlockOID. See SERVER-10688 for more detailed
                    // description of race.
                    if (indUpdate[LocksType::state()].numberInt() <= LocksType::UNLOCKED) {
                        LOG(logLvl - 1) << "lock tournament interrupted, "
                                        << "so no lock was taken; "
                                        << "new state of lock: " << indUpdate << endl;

                        // We now break and set our currLock lockID value to zero, so that
                        // we know that we did not acquire the lock below. Later code will
                        // cleanup failed entries.
                        currLock = BSON(LocksType::lockID(OID()));
                // else our lock is the same, in which case we're safe, or it's a bigger lock,
                // in which case we won't need to protect anything since we won't have the lock.

            } catch (std::exception& e) {
                string msg(str::stream() << "distributed lock " << lockName
                                         << " had errors communicating with individual server "
                                         << up[1].first << causedBy(e));
                throw LockException(msg, 13661, lockID);


            // Find max TS value
            if (currLock.isEmpty() ||
                currLock[LocksType::lockID()] < indUpdate[LocksType::lockID()]) {
                currLock = indUpdate.getOwned();


        // Locks on all servers are now set and safe until forcing

        if (currLock[LocksType::lockID()].OID() == lockID) {
            LOG(logLvl - 1) << "lock update won, completing lock propagation for '" << lockName
                            << "'" << endl;
            gotLock = true;
        } else {
            LOG(logLvl - 1) << "lock update lost, lock '" << lockName << "' not propagated."
                            << endl;
            gotLock = false;
    } catch (std::exception& e) {
        string msg(str::stream() << "exception creating distributed lock " << lockName
                                 << causedBy(e));
        throw LockException(msg, 13663, lockID);

    // Complete lock propagation
    if (gotLock) {
        // This is now safe, since we know that no new locks will be placed on top of the ones we've
        // checked for at least 15 minutes.  Sets the state = 2, so that future clients can
        // determine that the lock is truly set. The invariant for rollbacks is that we will never
        // force locks with state = 2 and active pings, since that indicates the lock is active, but
        // this means the process creating/destroying them must explicitly poll when something goes
        // wrong.
        try {
            BSONObjBuilder finalLockDetails;
            BSONObjIterator bi(lockDetails);
            while (bi.more()) {
                BSONElement el = bi.next();
                if ((string)(el.fieldName()) == LocksType::state())
                    finalLockDetails.append(LocksType::state(), LocksType::LOCKED);

                         BSON("$set" << finalLockDetails.obj()));

            BSONObj err = conn->getLastErrorDetailed();
            string errMsg = DBClientWithCommands::getLastErrorString(err);

            currLock = conn->findOne(LocksType::ConfigNS, BSON(LocksType::name(_name)));

            if (!errMsg.empty() || !err["n"].type() || err["n"].numberInt() < 1) {
                warning() << "could not finalize winning lock " << lockName
                          << (!errMsg.empty() ? causedBy(errMsg) : " (did not update lock) ")
                          << endl;
                gotLock = false;
            } else {
                // SUCCESS!
                gotLock = true;

        } catch (std::exception& e) {
            string msg(str::stream() << "exception finalizing winning lock" << causedBy(e));
            // Inform caller about the potential orphan lock.
            throw LockException(msg, 13662, lockID);

    *other = currLock;

    // Log our lock results
    if (gotLock)
        LOG(logLvl - 1) << "distributed lock '" << lockName << "' acquired for '" << why
                        << "', ts : " << currLock[LocksType::lockID()].OID();
        LOG(logLvl - 1) << "distributed lock '" << lockName << "' was not acquired.";


    return gotLock;