Пример #1
 * AcquireExecutorShardLock: acquire shard lock needed for execution of
 * a single task within a distributed plan.
static void
AcquireExecutorShardLock(Task *task, LOCKMODE lockMode)
	int64 shardId = task->anchorShardId;

	LockShardResource(shardId, lockMode);
Пример #2
 * lock_shard_resources allows shard resources  to be locked
 * remotely to serialise non-commutative writes on shards.
 * This function does not sort the array to avoid deadlock, callers
 * must ensure a consistent order.
	LOCKMODE lockMode = IntToLockMode(PG_GETARG_INT32(0));
	ArrayType *shardIdArrayObject = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
	Datum *shardIdArrayDatum = NULL;
	int shardIdCount = 0;
	int shardIdIndex = 0;

	if (ARR_NDIM(shardIdArrayObject) == 0)
		ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("no locks specified")));

	/* we don't want random users to block writes */

	shardIdCount = ArrayObjectCount(shardIdArrayObject);
	shardIdArrayDatum = DeconstructArrayObject(shardIdArrayObject);

	for (shardIdIndex = 0; shardIdIndex < shardIdCount; shardIdIndex++)
		int64 shardId = DatumGetInt64(shardIdArrayDatum[shardIdIndex]);

		LockShardResource(shardId, lockMode);

Пример #3
 * LockShards takes shared locks on the metadata and the data of all shards in
 * shardIntervalList. This prevents concurrent placement changes and concurrent
 * DML statements that require an exclusive lock.
LockShards(List *shardIntervalList, LOCKMODE lockMode)
	ListCell *shardIntervalCell = NULL;

	/* lock shards in order of shard id to prevent deadlock */
	shardIntervalList = SortList(shardIntervalList, CompareShardIntervalsById);

	foreach(shardIntervalCell, shardIntervalList)
		ShardInterval *shardInterval = (ShardInterval *) lfirst(shardIntervalCell);
		int64 shardId = shardInterval->shardId;

		/* prevent concurrent changes to number of placements */
		LockShardDistributionMetadata(shardId, lockMode);

		/* prevent concurrent update/delete statements */
		LockShardResource(shardId, lockMode);
Пример #4
 * master_append_table_to_shard appends the given table's contents to the given
 * shard, and updates shard metadata on the master node. If the function fails
 * to append table data to all shard placements, it doesn't update any metadata
 * and errors out. Else if the function fails to append table data to some of
 * the shard placements, it marks those placements as invalid. These invalid
 * placements will get cleaned up during shard rebalancing.
	uint64 shardId = PG_GETARG_INT64(0);
	text *sourceTableNameText = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1);
	text *sourceNodeNameText = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(2);
	uint32 sourceNodePort = PG_GETARG_UINT32(3);
	char *sourceTableName = text_to_cstring(sourceTableNameText);
	char *sourceNodeName = text_to_cstring(sourceNodeNameText);

	char *shardName = NULL;
	List *shardPlacementList = NIL;
	List *succeededPlacementList = NIL;
	List *failedPlacementList = NIL;
	ListCell *shardPlacementCell = NULL;
	ListCell *failedPlacementCell = NULL;
	uint64 newShardSize = 0;
	uint64 shardMaxSizeInBytes = 0;
	float4 shardFillLevel = 0.0;
	char partitionMethod = 0;

	ShardInterval *shardInterval = LoadShardInterval(shardId);
	Oid relationId = shardInterval->relationId;
	bool cstoreTable = CStoreTable(relationId);

	char storageType = shardInterval->storageType;

	EnsureTablePermissions(relationId, ACL_INSERT);

	if (storageType != SHARD_STORAGE_TABLE && !cstoreTable)
		ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("cannot append to shardId " UINT64_FORMAT, shardId),
						errdetail("The underlying shard is not a regular table")));

	partitionMethod = PartitionMethod(relationId);
	if (partitionMethod == DISTRIBUTE_BY_HASH)
		ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("cannot append to shardId " UINT64_FORMAT, shardId),
						errdetail("We currently don't support appending to shards "
								  "in hash-partitioned tables")));

	 * We lock on the shardId, but do not unlock. When the function returns, and
	 * the transaction for this function commits, this lock will automatically
	 * be released. This ensures appends to a shard happen in a serial manner.
	LockShardResource(shardId, AccessExclusiveLock);

	/* if shard doesn't have an alias, extend regular table name */
	shardName = LoadShardAlias(relationId, shardId);
	if (shardName == NULL)
		shardName = get_rel_name(relationId);
		AppendShardIdToName(&shardName, shardId);

	shardPlacementList = FinalizedShardPlacementList(shardId);
	if (shardPlacementList == NIL)
		ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("could not find any shard placements for shardId "
							   UINT64_FORMAT, shardId),
						errhint("Try running master_create_empty_shard() first")));

	/* issue command to append table to each shard placement */
	foreach(shardPlacementCell, shardPlacementList)
		ShardPlacement *shardPlacement = (ShardPlacement *) lfirst(shardPlacementCell);
		char *workerName = shardPlacement->nodeName;
		uint32 workerPort = shardPlacement->nodePort;
		List *queryResultList = NIL;

		StringInfo workerAppendQuery = makeStringInfo();
		appendStringInfo(workerAppendQuery, WORKER_APPEND_TABLE_TO_SHARD,
						 quote_literal_cstr(sourceNodeName), sourceNodePort);

		/* inserting data should be performed by the current user */
		queryResultList = ExecuteRemoteQuery(workerName, workerPort, NULL,
		if (queryResultList != NIL)
			succeededPlacementList = lappend(succeededPlacementList, shardPlacement);
			failedPlacementList = lappend(failedPlacementList, shardPlacement);
Пример #5
 * FetchTableCommon executes common logic that wraps around the actual data
 * fetching function. This common logic includes ensuring that only one process
 * tries to fetch this table at any given time, and that data fetch operations
 * are retried in case of node failures.
static void
FetchTableCommon(text *tableNameText, uint64 remoteTableSize,
				 ArrayType *nodeNameObject, ArrayType *nodePortObject,
				 bool (*FetchTableFunction)(const char *, uint32, const char *))
	uint64 shardId = INVALID_SHARD_ID;
	Oid relationId = InvalidOid;
	List *relationNameList = NIL;
	RangeVar *relation = NULL;
	uint32 nodeIndex = 0;
	bool tableFetched = false;
	char *tableName = text_to_cstring(tableNameText);

	Datum *nodeNameArray = DeconstructArrayObject(nodeNameObject);
	Datum *nodePortArray = DeconstructArrayObject(nodePortObject);
	int32 nodeNameCount = ArrayObjectCount(nodeNameObject);
	int32 nodePortCount = ArrayObjectCount(nodePortObject);

	/* we should have the same number of node names and port numbers */
	if (nodeNameCount != nodePortCount)
		ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("node name array size: %d and node port array size: %d"
							   " do not match", nodeNameCount, nodePortCount)));

	 * We lock on the shardId, but do not unlock. When the function returns, and
	 * the transaction for this function commits, this lock will automatically
	 * be released. This ensures that concurrent caching commands will see the
	 * newly created table when they acquire the lock (in read committed mode).
	shardId = ExtractShardId(tableName);
	LockShardResource(shardId, AccessExclusiveLock);

	relationNameList = textToQualifiedNameList(tableNameText);
	relation = makeRangeVarFromNameList(relationNameList);
	relationId = RangeVarGetRelid(relation, NoLock, true);

	/* check if we already fetched the table */
	if (relationId != InvalidOid)
		uint64 localTableSize = 0;

		if (!ExpireCachedShards)

		 * Check if the cached shard has the same size on disk as it has as on
		 * the placement (is up to date).
		 * Note 1: performing updates or deletes on the original shard leads to
		 * inconsistent sizes between different databases in which case the data
		 * would be fetched every time, or worse, the placement would get into
		 * a deadlock when it tries to fetch from itself while holding the lock.
		 * Therefore, this option is disabled by default.
		 * Note 2: when appending data to a shard, the size on disk only
		 * increases when a new page is added (the next 8kB block).
		localTableSize = LocalTableSize(relationId);

		if (remoteTableSize > localTableSize)
			/* table is not up to date, drop the table */
			ObjectAddress tableObject = { InvalidOid, InvalidOid, 0 };

			tableObject.classId = RelationRelationId;
			tableObject.objectId = relationId;
			tableObject.objectSubId = 0;

			performDeletion(&tableObject, DROP_RESTRICT, PERFORM_DELETION_INTERNAL);
			/* table is up to date */

	/* loop until we fetch the table or try all nodes */
	while (!tableFetched && (nodeIndex < nodeNameCount))
		Datum nodeNameDatum = nodeNameArray[nodeIndex];
		Datum nodePortDatum = nodePortArray[nodeIndex];
		char *nodeName = TextDatumGetCString(nodeNameDatum);
		uint32 nodePort = DatumGetUInt32(nodePortDatum);

		tableFetched = (*FetchTableFunction)(nodeName, nodePort, tableName);


	/* error out if we tried all nodes and could not fetch the table */
	if (!tableFetched)
		ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("could not fetch relation: \"%s\"", tableName)));