Пример #1
void YamlHelper::GetMapRemainder(std::string& mapName, MapYaml& mapYaml)
	for (MapYaml::iterator iter = mapYaml.begin(); iter != mapYaml.end(); ++iter)
		if (iter->second.subMap)
			std::string subMapName(iter->first);
			GetMapRemainder(subMapName, *iter->second.subMap);
			delete iter->second.subMap;
			const char* pKey = iter->first.c_str();
			LogOutput("%s: Unknown key (%s)\n", mapName.c_str(), pKey);
			LogFileOutput("%s: Unknown key (%s)\n", mapName.c_str(), pKey);

Пример #2
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE passinstance, HINSTANCE, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int)
	bool bSetFullScreen = false;
	bool bBoot = false;
	LPSTR szImageName_drive1 = NULL;
	LPSTR szImageName_drive2 = NULL;
	const std::string strCmdLine(lpCmdLine);		// Keep a copy for log ouput

	while (*lpCmdLine)
		LPSTR lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpCmdLine);

		if (((strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-l") == 0) || (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-log") == 0)) && (g_fh == NULL))
			g_fh = fopen("AppleWin.log", "a+t");	// Open log file (append & text mode)
			setvbuf(g_fh, NULL, _IONBF, 0);			// No buffering (so implicit fflush after every fprintf)
			CHAR aDateStr[80], aTimeStr[80];
			GetDateFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, (LPTSTR)aDateStr, sizeof(aDateStr));
			GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, (LPTSTR)aTimeStr, sizeof(aTimeStr));
			fprintf(g_fh, "*** Logging started: %s %s\n", aDateStr, aTimeStr);
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-noreg") == 0)
			g_bRegisterFileTypes = false;
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-d1") == 0)
			lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg);
			lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg);
			szImageName_drive1 = lpCmdLine;
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-d2") == 0)
			lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg);
			lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg);
			szImageName_drive2 = lpCmdLine;
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-f") == 0)
			bSetFullScreen = true;
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-fs8bit") == 0)
			SetFullScreen32Bit(false);				// Support old v1.24 fullscreen 8-bit palette mode
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-no-di") == 0)
			g_bDisableDirectInput = true;
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-m") == 0)
			g_bDisableDirectSound = true;
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-no-mb") == 0)
			g_bDisableDirectSoundMockingboard = true;
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-memclear") == 0)
			lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg);
			lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg);
			g_nMemoryClearType = atoi(lpCmdLine);
			if (g_nMemoryClearType < 0)
				g_nMemoryClearType = 0;
			if (g_nMemoryClearType >= NUM_MIP)
				g_nMemoryClearType = NUM_MIP - 1;
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-r") == 0)		// RamWorks size [1..127]
			lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg);
			lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg);
			g_uMaxExPages = atoi(lpCmdLine);
			if (g_uMaxExPages > 127)
				g_uMaxExPages = 128;
			else if (g_uMaxExPages < 1)
				g_uMaxExPages = 1;
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-f8rom") == 0)		// Use custom 2K ROM at [$F800..$FFFF]
			lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg);
			lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg);
			if ((g_hCustomRomF8 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || (GetFileSize(g_hCustomRomF8, NULL) != 0x800))
				g_bCustomRomF8Failed = true;
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-printscreen") == 0)		// Turn on display of the last filename print screen was saved to
			g_bDisplayPrintScreenFileName = true;
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-no-printscreen-dlg") == 0)		// Turn off the PrintScreen warning message dialog (if PrintScreen key can't be grabbed)
			g_bShowPrintScreenWarningDialog = false;
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-spkr-inc") == 0)
			lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg);
			lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg);
			const int nErrorInc = atoi(lpCmdLine);
			SoundCore_SetErrorInc( nErrorInc );
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-spkr-max") == 0)
			lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg);
			lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg);
			const int nErrorMax = atoi(lpCmdLine);
			SoundCore_SetErrorMax( nErrorMax );
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-use-real-printer") == 0)	// Enable control in Advanced config to allow dumping to a real printer
			g_bEnableDumpToRealPrinter = true;
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-speech") == 0)
			g_bEnableSpeech = true;
		else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-multimon") == 0)
			g_bMultiMon = true;
		else	// unsupported
			LogFileOutput("Unsupported arg: %s\n", lpCmdLine);

		lpCmdLine = lpNextArg;

	LogFileOutput("CmdLine: %s\n",  strCmdLine.c_str());

#if 0
#ifdef RIFF_SPKR
	RiffInitWriteFile("Spkr.wav", SPKR_SAMPLE_RATE, 1);
#ifdef RIFF_MB
	RiffInitWriteFile("Mockingboard.wav", 44100, 2);


    char szPath[_MAX_PATH];

    if (0 == GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, sizeof(szPath)))
        strcpy(szPath, __argv[0]);

    // Extract application version and store in a global variable
    DWORD dwHandle, dwVerInfoSize;

    dwVerInfoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(szPath, &dwHandle);

    if (dwVerInfoSize > 0)
        char* pVerInfoBlock = new char[dwVerInfoSize];

        if (GetFileVersionInfo(szPath, NULL, dwVerInfoSize, pVerInfoBlock))
            VS_FIXEDFILEINFO* pFixedFileInfo;
            UINT pFixedFileInfoLen;

            VerQueryValue(pVerInfoBlock, TEXT("\\"), (LPVOID*) &pFixedFileInfo, (PUINT) &pFixedFileInfoLen);

            // Construct version string from fixed file info block

            unsigned long major     = pFixedFileInfo->dwFileVersionMS >> 16;
            unsigned long minor     = pFixedFileInfo->dwFileVersionMS & 0xffff;
            unsigned long fix       = pFixedFileInfo->dwFileVersionLS >> 16;
			unsigned long fix_minor = pFixedFileInfo->dwFileVersionLS & 0xffff;
            sprintf(VERSIONSTRING, "%d.%d.%d.%d", major, minor, fix, fix_minor); // potential buffer overflow