OSErr QTWired_AddWraparoundMatrixOnIdle (QTAtomContainer theContainer)
	MatrixRecord 	myMinMatrix, myMaxMatrix, myDeltaMatrix;
	long			myFlags = kActionFlagActionIsDelta | kActionFlagParameterWrapsAround;
	QTAtom			myActionAtom;
	OSErr			myErr = noErr;
	myMinMatrix.matrix[0][0] = myMinMatrix.matrix[0][1] = myMinMatrix.matrix[0][2] = EndianS32_NtoB(0xffffffff);
	myMinMatrix.matrix[1][0] = myMinMatrix.matrix[1][1] = myMinMatrix.matrix[1][2] = EndianS32_NtoB(0xffffffff);
	myMinMatrix.matrix[2][0] = myMinMatrix.matrix[2][1] = myMinMatrix.matrix[2][2] = EndianS32_NtoB(0xffffffff);

	myMaxMatrix.matrix[0][0] = myMaxMatrix.matrix[0][1] = myMaxMatrix.matrix[0][2] = EndianS32_NtoB(0x7fffffff);
	myMaxMatrix.matrix[1][0] = myMaxMatrix.matrix[1][1] = myMaxMatrix.matrix[1][2] = EndianS32_NtoB(0x7fffffff);
	myMaxMatrix.matrix[2][0] = myMaxMatrix.matrix[2][1] = myMaxMatrix.matrix[2][2] = EndianS32_NtoB(0x7fffffff);
	myMinMatrix.matrix[2][1] = EndianS32_NtoB(Long2Fix((1 * kSpriteTrackHeight / 4) - (kPenguinHeight / 2)));
	myMaxMatrix.matrix[2][1] = EndianS32_NtoB(Long2Fix((3 * kSpriteTrackHeight / 4) - (kPenguinHeight / 2)));

	myDeltaMatrix.matrix[2][1] = Long2Fix(1);
	// change location
	myErr = WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetMatrixAction(theContainer, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventIdle, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, &myDeltaMatrix, &myActionAtom);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	myErr = WiredUtils_AddActionParameterOptions(theContainer, myActionAtom, 1, myFlags, sizeof(myMinMatrix), &myMinMatrix, sizeof(myMaxMatrix), &myMaxMatrix);

void ofxQtAudioRecorder::prepareAudioRecording(int sampleRate, int numChannels_){
	OSErr err = noErr;
	// create audio description and set format ID along with format flags, mBitsPerChannel and mBytesPerPacket
	AudioStreamBasicDescription asbd;
	numChannels = numChannels_;
	asbd.mSampleRate           = sampleRate;
    asbd.mFormatID             = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
    asbd.mFormatFlags          = kAudioFormatFlagsNativeFloatPacked;
    // if multi-channel, the data format must be interleaved (non-interleaved is not allowed), 
    // and you should set up the asbd accordingly
    asbd.mChannelsPerFrame     = numChannels; // 2 (Stereo)
    // mBitsPerChannel = number of bits of sample data for each channel in a frame of data
    asbd.mBitsPerChannel       = sizeof (Float32) * 8; // was 8 // 32-bit floating point PCM
    // mBytesPerFrame = number of bytes in a single sample frame of data
    // (bytes per channel) * (channels per frame) = 4 * 2 = 8
    asbd.mBytesPerFrame        = (asbd.mBitsPerChannel>>3) * asbd.mChannelsPerFrame; // // number of *bytes* per channel * channels per frame
    asbd.mFramesPerPacket      = 1; // For PCM, frames per packet is always 1
    // mBytesPerPacket = (bytes per frame) * (frames per packet) = 8 * 1 = 8
    asbd.mBytesPerPacket       = asbd.mBytesPerFrame * asbd.mFramesPerPacket;
	//printf("bits per channel %i\n", asbd.mBitsPerChannel);
	//printf("bytes per frame %i - %i %i\n", asbd.mBytesPerFrame, (asbd.mBitsPerChannel>>3), asbd.mChannelsPerFrame);
	//printf("bytes per packet %i\n", asbd.mBytesPerPacket);
	err = QTSoundDescriptionCreate(&asbd,
								   NULL, 0,
								   NULL, 0,
	audioTrack = NewMovieTrack(movie, Long2Fix(0), Long2Fix(0), kFullVolume);
	err = GetMoviesError();
	audioMedia = NewTrackMedia(audioTrack, SoundMediaType, sampleRate, NULL, 0);
	err = GetMoviesError();
Пример #3
//	DrawString
	const PRUnichar *aCharPt, 
	PRUint32 aLen, 
	PRInt32 x, PRInt32 y, 
	short &oWidth,
	short aSize, short aFontNum,
	PRBool aBold, PRBool aItalic, nscolor aColor)
  oWidth = 0;
  if (!nsATSUIUtils::IsAvailable())
  StPortSetter    setter(mPort);

  ATSUTextLayout aTxtLayout;
  StartDraw(aCharPt, aLen, aSize, aFontNum, aBold, aItalic, aColor, aTxtLayout);
  if (nsnull == aTxtLayout)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  OSStatus err = noErr;	
  ATSUTextMeasurement iAfter; 
  err = ::ATSUGetUnjustifiedBounds(aTxtLayout, 0, aLen, NULL, &iAfter, NULL,
  if (noErr != err) {
     NS_WARNING("MeasureText failed");
     return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  err = ::ATSUDrawText(aTxtLayout, 0, aLen, Long2Fix(x), Long2Fix(y));
  if (noErr != err) {
    NS_WARNING("ATSUDrawText failed");
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  oWidth = FixRound(iAfter);
  // aTxtLayout is cached and does not need to be disposed
  return NS_OK;
Пример #4
OSErr DoPlayMovie(Boolean useOverlay)
    Rect movieBounds;
	OSErr err;

    BailErr((err = GetAMovieFile(&mMovie)));
    GetMovieBox(mMovie, &movieBounds);
    mMovieController = NewMovieController(mMovie, &movieBounds, mcTopLeftMovie | mcNotVisible);
    GetMovieBox(mMovie, &movieBounds);
	BailErr((err = InitializeMungData(movieBounds, 
							useOverlay, /* overlay */
							true, 		/* clamp */
							false 		/* draw with QT Effect */
	// This is key, as we need to draw all frames in our
	// offscreen gworld first. Once there, our custom
	// decompressor component can perform overlay drawing
	// or color clamping
    SetMovieGWorld(mMovie, GetMungDataOffscreen(), nil);
	// Our DrawCompleteProc calls BlitOneMungData which
    // ---------
    SetMovieActive(mMovie, true);
#ifndef __APPLE_CC__
	// Due to a bug in Jaguar, some QT functions are missing from 
	// /System/Library/CFMSupport/CarbonLib, so we must manually
	// grab the function pointers from the QuickTime.framework
	// for CFM Carbon applications. MachO Carbon applications do not
	// have the problem.
        // start the movie playing
    MCDoAction(mMovieController, mcActionPrerollAndPlay, (void*)Long2Fix(1));

    return err;

Пример #5
void PsychSetATSUStyleAttributesFromPsychWindowRecord(ATSUStyle atsuStyle,  PsychWindowRecordType *winRec)
	PsychFontStructType		*psychFontRecord;
	int						psychColorSize;
	//for ATSU attributes
	ATSUFontID				atsuFontID;
	Fixed					atsuFontSize;
	ATSURGBAlphaColor		atsuFontColor;
	ATSStyleRenderingOptions atsuRenderOptions;
	GLdouble				colorVector[4];
	OSStatus				callError;
	ATSUAttributeTag		aaTags[] =  {kATSUFontTag, kATSUSizeTag, kATSURGBAlphaColorTag, kATSUStyleRenderingOptionsTag };
	ByteCount				aaSizes[] = {sizeof(ATSUFontID), sizeof(Fixed), sizeof(ATSURGBAlphaColor), sizeof(ATSStyleRenderingOptions) };
	ATSUAttributeValuePtr   aaValue[] = {&atsuFontID, &atsuFontSize, &atsuFontColor, &atsuRenderOptions};
	//set the font index
	PsychGetFontRecordFromFontNumber(winRec->textAttributes.textFontNumber, &psychFontRecord);
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "Failed to lookup the font from the font number");

	//set the font size

	//set the color
	PsychConvertColorToDoubleVector(&(winRec->textAttributes.textColor), winRec, colorVector);
	// Set anti-aliasing mode (on/off): Default is to leave it up to the system to decide when
	// to anti-alias and when not. But this flag allows to always force anti-aliasin on or off:
	atsuRenderOptions = kATSStyleNoOptions;
	if(PsychPrefStateGet_TextAntiAliasing()==0) atsuRenderOptions = kATSStyleNoAntiAliasing; 
	if(PsychPrefStateGet_TextAntiAliasing()> 0) atsuRenderOptions = kATSStyleApplyAntiAliasing; 
	//assign attributes to the style object
	callError=ATSUSetAttributes(atsuStyle, 4, aaTags, aaSizes, aaValue);
Пример #6
void DoKillMovie()
    if (mMovieController && mMovie)
    	OSErr err = noErr;
            /* stop movie */
        MCDoAction(mMovieController, mcActionPlay, (void*)Long2Fix(0));

#ifdef __APPLE_CC__
		err = QTUninstallNextTaskNeededSoonerCallback(mTaskNeededSoonerCallback,mMovieTimerState.theEventTimer);
		err = mQTUninstallNextTaskPtr(mTaskNeededSoonerCallback,mMovieTimerState.theEventTimer);

            /* remove draw complete proc. */


#ifdef __APPLE_CC__
        mMovieController = nil;
        mMovie = nil;
Пример #7
pascal void DMModeInfoProc (	void* pData,
							  DMListIndexType nIndex,
							  DMDisplayModeListEntryPtr pInfo)
	DMModeInfoRec* pInfoData = (DMModeInfoRec*) pData;
	Fixed refresh = Long2Fix(pInfoData->pMode->refresh);

	for(unsigned long i = 0; i < pInfo->displayModeDepthBlockInfo->depthBlockCount; ++i)
#define pDBI pInfo->displayModeDepthBlockInfo->depthVPBlock[i].depthVPBlock
		    if (pInfoData->pMode->w == (int&) pInfo->displayModeResolutionInfo->csHorizontalPixels &&
		        pInfoData->pMode->h == (int&) pInfo->displayModeResolutionInfo->csVerticalLines &&
		        pInfoData->pMode->bpp == (int) pDBI->vpPixelSize &&
		        refresh == pInfo->displayModeResolutionInfo->csRefreshRate)
				memcpy(&pInfoData->sMode, pInfo->displayModeDepthBlockInfo->depthVPBlock[i].depthSwitchInfo,
				pInfoData->sMode.csMode = pDBI->vpPixelSize;
				pInfoData->bMatched = true;
#undef pDBI
OSErr QTWired_AddPenguinTwoConditionalActions (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theEventAtom)
	QTAtom								myNewActionAtom, myNewParamAtom, myConditionalAtom;
	QTAtom								myExpressionAtom, myOperatorAtom, myActionListAtom;
	short								myParamIndex, myConditionIndex, myOperandIndex;
	float								myConstantValue;
	QTAtomID							myVariableID;
	ModifierTrackGraphicsModeRecord		myBlendMode, myCopyMode;
	OSErr								myErr = noErr;
	myBlendMode.graphicsMode = blend;
	myBlendMode.opColor.red = myBlendMode.opColor.green = myBlendMode.opColor.blue = 0x8fff;	// grey

	myCopyMode.graphicsMode = ditherCopy;
	myCopyMode.opColor.red = myCopyMode.opColor.green = myCopyMode.opColor.blue = 0xffff;		// white

	WiredUtils_AddActionAtom(theContainer, theEventAtom, kActionCase, &myNewActionAtom);
	myParamIndex = 1;
	WiredUtils_AddActionParameterAtom(theContainer, myNewActionAtom, myParamIndex, 0, NULL, &myNewParamAtom);

	// first condition
	myConditionIndex = 1;
	WiredUtils_AddConditionalAtom(theContainer, myNewParamAtom, myConditionIndex, &myConditionalAtom);
	WiredUtils_AddExpressionContainerAtomType(theContainer, myConditionalAtom, &myExpressionAtom);
	WiredUtils_AddOperatorAtom(theContainer, myExpressionAtom, kOperatorEqualTo, &myOperatorAtom);

	myOperandIndex = 1;
	myConstantValue = kButtonStateOne;
	WiredUtils_AddOperandAtom(theContainer, myOperatorAtom, kOperandConstant, myOperandIndex, NULL, myConstantValue);

	myOperandIndex = 2;
	myVariableID = kPenguinStateVariableID;
	WiredUtils_AddVariableOperandAtom(theContainer, myOperatorAtom, myOperandIndex, 0, NULL, 0, myVariableID);

	WiredUtils_AddActionListAtom(theContainer, myConditionalAtom, &myActionListAtom);
	WiredUtils_AddMovieSetRateAction(theContainer, myActionListAtom, 0, Long2Fix(1));
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetGraphicsModeAction(theContainer, myActionListAtom, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, &myBlendMode, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetGraphicsModeAction(theContainer, myActionListAtom, 0, 0, NULL, 0, kTargetSpriteID, (void *)kPenguinOneSpriteID, &myCopyMode, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteTrackSetVariableAction(theContainer, myActionListAtom, 0, kPenguinStateVariableID, kButtonStateTwo, 0, NULL, 0);
	// second condition
	myConditionIndex = 2;
	WiredUtils_AddConditionalAtom(theContainer, myNewParamAtom, myConditionIndex, &myConditionalAtom);
	WiredUtils_AddExpressionContainerAtomType(theContainer, myConditionalAtom, &myExpressionAtom);
	WiredUtils_AddOperatorAtom(theContainer, myExpressionAtom, kOperatorEqualTo, &myOperatorAtom);

	myOperandIndex = 1;
	myConstantValue = kButtonStateTwo;
	WiredUtils_AddOperandAtom(theContainer, myOperatorAtom, kOperandConstant, myOperandIndex, NULL, myConstantValue);

	myOperandIndex = 2;
	myVariableID = kPenguinStateVariableID;
	WiredUtils_AddVariableOperandAtom(theContainer, myOperatorAtom, myOperandIndex, 0, NULL, 0, myVariableID);

	WiredUtils_AddActionListAtom(theContainer, myConditionalAtom, &myActionListAtom);
	WiredUtils_AddMovieSetRateAction(theContainer, myActionListAtom, 0, Long2Fix(0));
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetGraphicsModeAction(theContainer, myActionListAtom, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, &myCopyMode, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetGraphicsModeAction(theContainer, myActionListAtom, 0, 0, NULL, 0, kTargetSpriteID, (void *)kPenguinOneSpriteID, &myBlendMode, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteTrackSetVariableAction(theContainer, myActionListAtom, 0, kPenguinStateVariableID, kButtonStateOne, 0, NULL, 0);

Пример #9
// This example is almost identical to the helloworld example, except that
// in this case, there are two styles instead of just one. ATSUSetRunStyle
// is used to apply a style to different parts of the text.
void DrawMultipleStylesContents(WindowRef window)
	CFStringRef					string;
	UniChar						*text;
	UniCharCount				length;
    UniCharArrayOffset			currentStart, currentEnd;
	ATSUStyle					style1, style2;
	ATSUTextLayout				layout;
	ATSUFontID					font;
	Fixed						pointSize;
    ATSUAttributeTag			tags[2];
    ByteCount					sizes[2];
    ATSUAttributeValuePtr		values[2];
	Fixed						lineWidth, ascent, descent;
	CGContextRef				cgContext;
	float						x, y, cgY, windowHeight;
    ItemCount					numSoftBreaks;
    UniCharArrayOffset			*theSoftBreaks;
    int							i;
    GrafPtr						port, savedPort;
	Rect						portBounds;

    // Set up the graphics port
	port = GetWindowPort(window);
    GetPortBounds(port, &portBounds);

	// Create a style object. This is one of two objects necessary to draw using ATSUI.
	// (The layout is the other.)
	verify_noerr( ATSUCreateStyle(&style1) );

    // Look up the font we are going to use, and set it in the style object, using
	// the aforementioned "triple" (tag, size, value) semantics. This is how almost
	// all settings in ATSUI are applied.
	verify_noerr( ATSUFindFontFromName(kMultipleStylesFontName, strlen(kMultipleStylesFontName), kFontFullName, kFontNoPlatform, kFontNoScript, kFontNoLanguage, &font) );
    tags[0] = kATSUFontTag;
    sizes[0] = sizeof(ATSUFontID);
    values[0] = &font;
    verify_noerr( ATSUSetAttributes(style1, 1, tags, sizes, values) );

    // Set the point size, also using a triple. You can actually set multiple triples at once,
	// since the tag, size, and value parameters are arrays. Other examples do this, such as
	// the vertical text example.
	pointSize = Long2Fix(kMultipleStylesFontSize);
	tags[0] = kATSUSizeTag;
    sizes[0] = sizeof(Fixed);
    values[0] = &pointSize;
    verify_noerr( ATSUSetAttributes(style1, 1, tags, sizes, values) );
	// Now we create the second of two objects necessary to draw text using ATSUI, the layout.
	// You can specify a pointer to the text buffer at layout creation time, or later using
	// the routine ATSUSetTextPointerLocation(). Below, we do it after layout creation time.
	verify_noerr( ATSUCreateTextLayout(&layout) );

	// Before assigning text to the layout, we must first convert the string we plan to draw
	// from a CFStringRef into an array of UniChar.
	string = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, "In this example, various parts of the text have different styles applied. The same style is used more than once.", kCFStringEncodingASCII);

    // Extract the raw Unicode from the CFString, then dispose of the CFString
    length = CFStringGetLength(string);
    text = (UniChar *)malloc(length * sizeof(UniChar));
    CFStringGetCharacters(string, CFRangeMake(0, length), text);

    // Attach the resulting UTF-16 Unicode text to the layout
    verify_noerr( ATSUSetTextPointerLocation(layout, text, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, length) );
	// Now we tie the two necessary objects, the layout and the style, together
	verify_noerr( ATSUSetRunStyle(layout, style1, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd) );

	// Now, for this example we create a second style, and assign it to various runs within
	// the text. For our example, the run offsets are hard-coded for simplicity's sake. In
	// a real application, style runs are often assigned from external sources, such as user
	// selection.
	verify_noerr( ATSUCreateAndCopyStyle(style1, &style2) );

	// Change the font for the second style
	verify_noerr( ATSUFindFontFromName(kMultipleStylesFontName2, strlen(kMultipleStylesFontName2), kFontFullName, kFontNoPlatform, kFontNoScript, kFontNoLanguage, &font) );
    tags[0] = kATSUFontTag;
    sizes[0] = sizeof(ATSUFontID);
    values[0] = &font;
    verify_noerr( ATSUSetAttributes(style2, 1, tags, sizes, values) );

	// Apply the new style to the text in various places
	verify_noerr( ATSUSetRunStyle(layout, style2, 8, 7) ); // The word "example"
	verify_noerr( ATSUSetRunStyle(layout, style2, 65, 7) ); // The word "applied"
	verify_noerr( ATSUSetRunStyle(layout, style2, 83, 5) ); // The word "style"
	verify_noerr( ATSUSetRunStyle(layout, style2, 107, 4) ); // The word "once"

	// In this example, we are breaking text into lines.
	// Therefore, we need to know the width of the line.
    lineWidth = X2Fix(portBounds.right - portBounds.left - 2.0*kMultipleStylesMargin);
    tags[0] = kATSULineWidthTag;
    sizes[0] = sizeof(Fixed);
    values[0] = &lineWidth;
	verify_noerr( ATSUSetLayoutControls(layout, 1, tags, sizes, values) );

	// Prepare the CGContext for drawing
	QDBeginCGContext(port, &cgContext);
	tags[0] = kATSUCGContextTag;
	sizes[0] = sizeof(CGContextRef);
	values[0] = &cgContext;
	verify_noerr( ATSUSetLayoutControls(layout, 1, tags, sizes, values) );
	// Prepare the coordinates for drawing. In our example, "x" and "y" are the coordinates
	// in QD space. "cgY" contains the y coordinate in CG space.
	windowHeight = portBounds.bottom - portBounds.top;
	x = kMultipleStylesMargin; // leave a small left margin
	y = kMultipleStylesMargin; // leave a small top margin
	cgY = windowHeight - y; // Subtract the y coordinate from the height of the
							// window to get the coordinate in CG-aware space.

	// Break the text into lines
	verify_noerr( ATSUBatchBreakLines(layout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, length, lineWidth, &numSoftBreaks) );
    verify_noerr( ATSUGetSoftLineBreaks(layout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, 0, NULL, &numSoftBreaks) );
    theSoftBreaks = (UniCharArrayOffset *) malloc(numSoftBreaks * sizeof(UniCharArrayOffset));
    verify_noerr( ATSUGetSoftLineBreaks(layout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, numSoftBreaks, theSoftBreaks, &numSoftBreaks) );
    // Loop over all the lines and draw them
    currentStart = 0;
    for (i=0; i <= numSoftBreaks; i++) {
        currentEnd = ((numSoftBreaks > 0 ) && (numSoftBreaks > i)) ? theSoftBreaks[i] : length;

        // This is the height of a line, the ascent and descent. Getting the values this way is the preferred method.
		ATSUGetLineControl(layout, currentStart, kATSULineAscentTag, sizeof(ATSUTextMeasurement), &ascent, NULL);
        ATSUGetLineControl(layout, currentStart, kATSULineDescentTag, sizeof(ATSUTextMeasurement), &descent, NULL);

        // Make room for the area above the baseline
		y += Fix2X(ascent);
		cgY = windowHeight - y;

		// Draw the text
        verify_noerr( ATSUDrawText(layout, currentStart, currentEnd - currentStart, X2Fix(x), X2Fix(cgY)) );

		// Make room for the area beloww the baseline
        y += Fix2X(descent);
		// Prepare for next line
        currentStart = currentEnd;

	// This is a one-shot window, so we are now ready to dispose of all our objects.
	// Normally, we would want to keep everything around in case we needed to redraw or change
	// the text at some point.
    // Tear down the CGContext
	QDEndCGContext(port, &cgContext);

	// Deallocate string storage

	// Layout and styles also need to be disposed
	verify_noerr( ATSUDisposeStyle(style1) );
	verify_noerr( ATSUDisposeStyle(style2) );
	verify_noerr( ATSUDisposeTextLayout(layout) );

    // Restore the graphics port
OSErr QTTarg_AddTextToggleButtonTrack (Movie theMovie)
	Track					myTrack = NULL;
	Media					myMedia = NULL;
	MatrixRecord			myMatrix;
	RGBColor				myKeyColor;
	Fixed					myWidth, myHeight;
	TimeValue				myDuration = 0L;
	TimeValue				myTimeScale = 0L;
	OSErr					myErr = noErr;

	// get some information about the target movie

	if (theMovie == NULL) {
		myErr = paramErr;
		goto bail;

	myWidth = Long2Fix(2 * kButtonWidth);
	myHeight = Long2Fix(2 * kButtonHeight);
	myDuration = GetMovieDuration(theMovie);
	myTimeScale = GetMovieTimeScale(theMovie);
	// create a new sprite track in the target movie
	myTrack = NewMovieTrack(theMovie, myWidth, myHeight, kNoVolume);
	myMedia = NewTrackMedia(myTrack, SpriteMediaType, myTimeScale, NULL, 0);

	// set the track matrix to compensate for any existing movie matrix
	GetMovieMatrix(theMovie, &myMatrix);
	if (InverseMatrix(&myMatrix, &myMatrix))
		SetTrackMatrix(myTrack, &myMatrix);

	myErr = BeginMediaEdits(myMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// add sprite images and sprites to the sprite track; add actions to the sprites
	QTTarg_AddTextButtonSamplesToMedia(myMedia, 2 * kButtonWidth, 2 * kButtonHeight, myDuration);
	// insert media into track
	myErr = EndMediaEdits(myMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// add the media to the track
	InsertMediaIntoTrack(myTrack, 0, 0, GetMediaDuration(myMedia), fixed1);
	// set the sprite track properties
	QTTarg_SetTrackProperties(myMedia, kNoQTIdleEvents);				// no idle events
	myKeyColor.red = myKeyColor.green = myKeyColor.blue = 0xffff;		// white
	MediaSetGraphicsMode(GetMediaHandler(myMedia), transparent, &myKeyColor);
	// make sure that the sprite track is in the frontmost layer
	SetTrackLayer(myTrack, kMaxLayerNumber);
	SetTrackLayer(myTrack, QTTarg_GetLowestLayerInMovie(theMovie) - 1);
OSErr QTTarg_MakeDualVRControllerMovie (void)
	Movie					myMovie = NULL;
	Track					myTrack = NULL;
	Media					myMedia = NULL;
	RGBColor				myKeyColor;
	Fixed					myWidth, myHeight;
	FSSpec					myFile;
	Boolean					myIsSelected = false;
	Boolean					myIsReplacing = false;	
	StringPtr 				myPrompt = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSpriteSavePrompt);
	StringPtr 				myFileName = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSpriteSaveMovieFileName);
	long					myFlags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile;
	short					myResRefNum = 0;
	short					myResID = movieInDataForkResID;
	OSType					myType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('none');
	OSErr					myErr = noErr;

	// create a new movie file

	// prompt the user for the destination file name
	QTFrame_PutFile(myPrompt, myFileName, &myFile, &myIsSelected, &myIsReplacing);
	myErr = myIsSelected ? noErr : userCanceledErr;
	if (!myIsSelected)
		goto bail;

	// create a movie file for the destination movie
	myErr = CreateMovieFile(&myFile, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'), smSystemScript, myFlags, &myResRefNum, &myMovie);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// select the "no-interface" movie controller
	myType = EndianU32_NtoB(myType);
	SetUserDataItem(GetMovieUserData(myMovie), &myType, sizeof(myType), kUserDataMovieControllerType, 1);

	// get some information about the target movie

	myWidth = Long2Fix(kVRControlMovieWidth);
	myHeight = Long2Fix(kVRControlMovieHeight);
	// create a new sprite track in the target movie
	myTrack = NewMovieTrack(myMovie, myWidth, myHeight, kNoVolume);
	myMedia = NewTrackMedia(myTrack, SpriteMediaType, kVRControlMovieDuration, NULL, 0);

	myErr = BeginMediaEdits(myMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// add sprite images and sprites to the sprite track; add actions to the sprites
	QTTarg_AddVRControllerButtonSamplesToMedia(myMedia, kVRControlMovieWidth, kVRControlMovieHeight, kVRControlMovieDuration);
	// insert media into track
	myErr = EndMediaEdits(myMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// add the media to the track
	InsertMediaIntoTrack(myTrack, 0, 0, GetMediaDuration(myMedia), fixed1);
	// set the sprite track properties
	QTTarg_SetTrackProperties(myMedia, 0);								// idle as fast as possible
	myKeyColor.red = myKeyColor.green = myKeyColor.blue = 0xffff;		// white
	MediaSetGraphicsMode(GetMediaHandler(myMedia), transparent, &myKeyColor);
	// add the movie resource to the movie file
	myErr = AddMovieResource(myMovie, myResRefNum, &myResID, myFile.name);
	if (myResRefNum != 0)

	if (myMovie != NULL)

OSErr QTTarg_AddIconMovieSamplesToMedia (Media theMedia)
	QTAtomContainer			mySample = NULL;
	QTAtomContainer			mySpriteData = NULL;
	QTAtom					myActionAtom = 0;
	QTAtom					myTargetAtom = 0;
	RGBColor				myKeyColor;
	Point					myLocation;
	short					isVisible, myIndex;
	Fixed					myDegrees;
	FixedPoint				myPoint;
	OSErr					myErr = noErr;
	// create a key frame sample containing the sprite images

	// create a new, empty key frame sample
	myErr = QTNewAtomContainer(&mySample);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	myKeyColor.red = myKeyColor.green = myKeyColor.blue = 0xffff;		// white
	myPoint.x = Long2Fix(kIconDimension / 2);
	myPoint.y = Long2Fix(kIconDimension / 2);

	// add images to the key frame sample
	SpriteUtils_AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample(mySample, kOldQTIconID, &myKeyColor, kOldQTIconSpriteAtomID, &myPoint, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample(mySample, kNewQTIconID, &myKeyColor, kNewQTIconSpriteAtomID, &myPoint, NULL);

	// add the initial sprite properties and actions to the key frame sample
	// the old QT icon sprite
	myErr = QTNewAtomContainer(&mySpriteData);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	myLocation.h 	= kIconDimension + (kIconDimension / 2);
	myLocation.v	= ((kIconSpriteTrackHeight - kIconDimension) / 2) + (kIconDimension / 2);
	isVisible		= true;
	myIndex			= kOldQTIconImageIndex;
	SpriteUtils_SetSpriteData(mySpriteData, &myLocation, &isVisible, NULL, &myIndex, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddQTEventAndActionAtoms(mySpriteData, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseClickEndTriggerButton, kActionSpriteRotate, &myActionAtom);
	myDegrees = EndianS32_NtoB(FixRatio(90, 1));
	WiredUtils_AddActionParameterAtom(mySpriteData, myActionAtom, kFirstParam, sizeof(myDegrees), &myDegrees, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteIDActionTargetAtom(mySpriteData, myActionAtom, 2, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddSpriteToSample(mySample, mySpriteData, kOldQTIconSpriteAtomID);
	// the new QT icon sprite
	myErr = QTNewAtomContainer(&mySpriteData);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	myLocation.h 	= kIconSpriteTrackWidth - (kIconDimension + (kIconDimension / 2));
	myLocation.v	= ((kIconSpriteTrackHeight - kIconDimension) / 2) + (kIconDimension / 2);
	isVisible		= true;
	myIndex			= kNewQTIconImageIndex;
	SpriteUtils_SetSpriteData(mySpriteData, &myLocation, &isVisible, NULL, &myIndex, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddQTEventAndActionAtoms(mySpriteData, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseClickEndTriggerButton, kActionSpriteRotate, &myActionAtom);
	myDegrees = EndianS32_NtoB(FixRatio(90, 1));
	WiredUtils_AddActionParameterAtom(mySpriteData, myActionAtom, kFirstParam, sizeof(myDegrees), &myDegrees, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteIDActionTargetAtom(mySpriteData, myActionAtom, 1, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddSpriteToSample(mySample, mySpriteData, kNewQTIconSpriteAtomID);
	SpriteUtils_AddSpriteSampleToMedia(theMedia, mySample, kSpriteMediaFrameDurationIcon, true, NULL);	

	if (mySample != NULL)

	if (mySpriteData != NULL)
OSErr QTTarg_CreateTwinSpritesMovie (void)
	Movie					myMovie = NULL;
	Track					myTrack = NULL;
	Media					myMedia = NULL;
	FSSpec					myFile;
	Boolean					myIsSelected = false;
	Boolean					myIsReplacing = false;	
	Fixed					myHeight = 0;
	Fixed					myWidth = 0;
	StringPtr 				myPrompt = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSpriteSavePrompt);
	StringPtr 				myFileName = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSpriteSaveMovieFileName);
	long					myFlags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile;
	OSType					myType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('none');
	short					myResRefNum = 0;
	short					myResID = movieInDataForkResID;
	OSErr					myErr = noErr;

	// create a new movie file

	// prompt the user for the destination file name
	QTFrame_PutFile(myPrompt, myFileName, &myFile, &myIsSelected, &myIsReplacing);
	myErr = myIsSelected ? noErr : userCanceledErr;
	if (!myIsSelected)
		goto bail;

	// create a movie file for the destination movie
	myErr = CreateMovieFile(&myFile, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'), smSystemScript, myFlags, &myResRefNum, &myMovie);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// select the "no-interface" movie controller
	myType = EndianU32_NtoB(myType);
	SetUserDataItem(GetMovieUserData(myMovie), &myType, sizeof(myType), kUserDataMovieControllerType, 1);
	// create the sprite track and media
	myWidth = Long2Fix(kIconSpriteTrackWidth);
	myHeight = Long2Fix(kIconSpriteTrackHeight);

	myTrack = NewMovieTrack(myMovie, myWidth, myHeight, kNoVolume);
	myMedia = NewTrackMedia(myTrack, SpriteMediaType, kSpriteMediaTimeScale, NULL, 0);

	myErr = BeginMediaEdits(myMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	// add the appropriate samples to the sprite media
	myErr = QTTarg_AddIconMovieSamplesToMedia(myMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	myErr = EndMediaEdits(myMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// add the media to the track
	InsertMediaIntoTrack(myTrack, 0, 0, GetMediaDuration(myMedia), fixed1);
	// set the sprite track properties
	QTTarg_SetTrackProperties(myMedia, 1);
	// add the movie resource to the movie file
	myErr = AddMovieResource(myMovie, myResRefNum, &myResID, myFile.name);
	if (myResRefNum != 0)

	if (myMovie != NULL)

Пример #14
TextWriter::TextWriter(int in_x, int in_y, Renderer &in_renderer, bool in_centered, int in_size, std::wstring fontname) :
x(in_x), y(in_y), size(in_size), original_x(0), last_line_height(0), centered(in_centered), renderer(in_renderer)
   x += renderer.m_xoffset;
   original_x = x;

   y += renderer.m_yoffset;

#ifdef WIN32

   Context c = renderer.m_context;
   point_size = MulDiv(size, GetDeviceCaps(c, LOGPIXELSY), 72);

   HFONT font = 0;
   if (font_size_lookup[in_size] == 0)
      // Set up the LOGFONT structure
      LOGFONT logical_font;
      logical_font.lfHeight = get_point_size();
      logical_font.lfWidth = 0;
      logical_font.lfEscapement = 0;
      logical_font.lfOrientation = 0;
      logical_font.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL;
      logical_font.lfItalic = false;
      logical_font.lfUnderline = false;
      logical_font.lfStrikeOut = false;
      logical_font.lfCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET;
      logical_font.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
      logical_font.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
      logical_font.lfQuality = PROOF_QUALITY;
      logical_font.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;
      lstrcpy(logical_font.lfFaceName, fontname.c_str()); 

      font = CreateFontIndirect(&logical_font);

      HFONT previous_font = (HFONT)SelectObject(c, font);

      wglUseFontBitmaps(c, 0, 128, next_call_list_start);
      font_size_lookup[in_size] = next_call_list_start;
      font_handle_lookup[in_size] = font;
      next_call_list_start += 130;

      SelectObject(c, previous_font);


   // TODO: is this sufficient?
   point_size = size;

   if (font_size_lookup[size] == 0)
      int list_start = glGenLists(128);

      // MACNOTE: Force Trebuchet MS.  It's what we mostly use anyway, but
      // I want to be sure they have it.
      const CFStringRef font_name = CFSTR("Trebuchet MS");
      ATSFontFamilyRef font = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName(font_name, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
      if (!font) throw PianoGameError(WSTRING(L"Couldn't get ATSFontFamilyRef for font '" << WideFromMacString(font_name) << L"'."));         
      AGLContext context = aglGetCurrentContext();
      if (!context) throw PianoGameError(L"Couldn't retrieve OpenGL context while creating font.");         
      GLboolean ret = aglUseFont(context, font, normal, size, 0, 128, list_start);
      if (ret == GL_FALSE) throw PianoGameError(WSTRING(L"aglUseFont() call failed with error code: " << aglGetError()));
      font_size_lookup[size] = list_start;

      // Create the ATSU style object that we'll use for calculating text extents and store it for later.
      ATSUStyle style;

      OSStatus status = ATSUCreateStyle(&style);
      if (status != noErr) throw PianoGameError(WSTRING(L"Couldn't create ATSU style.  Error code: " << static_cast<int>(status)));

      Fixed fixed_size = Long2Fix(size);
      ATSUAttributeTag tags[] = { kATSUSizeTag };
      ByteCount sizes[] = { sizeof(Fixed) };
      ATSUAttributeValuePtr values[] = { &fixed_size };
      status = ATSUSetAttributes(style, sizeof(sizes) / sizeof(ByteCount), tags, sizes, values);
      if (status != noErr) throw PianoGameError(WSTRING(L"Couldn't set ATSU style attributes.  Error code: " << static_cast<int>(status)));
      atsu_style_lookup[size] = style;      


nsresult nsMessengerOSXIntegration::OnAlertFinished(const PRUnichar * aAlertCookie)
  nsresult rv = NS_OK;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefBranch (do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv));
  PRBool bounceDockIcon = PR_FALSE; 
  prefBranch->GetBoolPref("mail.biff.animate_dock_icon", &bounceDockIcon);

  // This will call GetAttention(), which will bounce the dock icon.
  if (!mSuppressBiffIcon)
    nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowMediator> mediator (do_GetService(NS_WINDOWMEDIATOR_CONTRACTID));
    if (bounceDockIcon && mediator)
      nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindowInternal> domWindow;
      mediator->GetMostRecentWindow(NS_LITERAL_STRING("mail:3pane").get(), getter_AddRefs(domWindow));
      if (domWindow)
        nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMChromeWindow> chromeWindow(do_QueryInterface(domWindow));

    // This will change the dock icon.     
    // If we want to overlay the number of new messages on top of
    // the icon ...
    // use OverlayApplicationDockTileImage
    // -- you'll have to pass it a CGImage, and somehow we have to
    // create the CGImage with the numbers. tricky    
    PRInt32 totalNewMessages = CountNewMessages();
    CGContextRef context = ::BeginCGContextForApplicationDockTile();
    // Draw a circle.

    ::CGContextAddArc(context, 95.0, 95.0, 25.0, 0.0, 2 * M_PI, true);

    // use #2fc600 for the color.
    ::CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 0.184, 0.776, 0.0, 1);

    //::CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7);

    // Draw the number.
    nsAutoString total;

    // Use a system font (kThemeUtilityWindowTitleFont)
    ScriptCode sysScript = ::GetScriptManagerVariable(smSysScript);

    Str255 fontName;
    SInt16 fontSize;
    Style fontStyle;
    ::GetThemeFont(kThemeSmallEmphasizedSystemFont, sysScript, fontName,
                   &fontSize, &fontStyle);

    FMFontFamily family = ::FMGetFontFamilyFromName(fontName);
    FMFont fmFont;
    OSStatus err = ::FMGetFontFromFontFamilyInstance(family, fontStyle, &fmFont,
    if (err != noErr) 
	  NS_WARNING("FMGetFontFromFontFamilyInstance failed");

    ATSUStyle style;
    err = ::ATSUCreateStyle(&style);
    if (err != noErr) 
      NS_WARNING("ATSUCreateStyle failed");
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
    Fixed size = Long2Fix(24);
    RGBColor white = { 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF };
    ATSUAttributeTag tags[3] = { kATSUFontTag, kATSUSizeTag, kATSUColorTag };
    ByteCount valueSizes[3] = { sizeof(ATSUFontID), sizeof(Fixed),
                                sizeof(RGBColor) };
    ATSUAttributeValuePtr values[3] = { &fmFont, &size, &white };

    err = ::ATSUSetAttributes(style, 3, tags, valueSizes, values);
    if (err != noErr) {
        NS_WARNING("ATSUSetAttributes failed");

        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    UniCharCount runLengths = kATSUToTextEnd;
    ATSUTextLayout textLayout;
    err = ::ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr(total.get(),
                                            kATSUToTextEnd, total.Length(), 1,
                                            &runLengths, &style, &textLayout);
    if (err != noErr) 
        NS_WARNING("ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr failed");

        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    ATSUAttributeTag layoutTags[1] = { kATSUCGContextTag };
    ByteCount layoutValueSizes[1] = { sizeof(CGContextRef) };
    ATSUAttributeValuePtr layoutValues[1] = { &context };

    err = ::ATSUSetLayoutControls(textLayout, 1, layoutTags, layoutValueSizes,
    if (err != noErr) 
        NS_WARNING("ATSUSetLayoutControls failed");
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    Rect boundingBox;
    err = ::ATSUMeasureTextImage(textLayout, kATSUFromTextBeginning,
                                 kATSUToTextEnd, Long2Fix(0), Long2Fix(0),
    if (err != noErr) 
        NS_WARNING("ATSUMeasureTextImage failed");
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    // Center text inside circle
    err = ::ATSUDrawText(textLayout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd,
                         Long2Fix(90 - (boundingBox.right - boundingBox.left) / 2),
                         Long2Fix(95 - (boundingBox.bottom - boundingBox.top) / 2));



    mBiffIconVisible = PR_TRUE;

  mSuppressBiffIcon = PR_FALSE;
  mAlertInProgress = PR_FALSE;
  return NS_OK;
Пример #16
OSErr makeMovieFromVideoFramesFile(char *inDestMovieFile)
    Handle					dataRef = NULL;
    OSType					dataRefType;
    ImageDescriptionHandle	videoDescH = NULL;
	OSErr					err;

	err = InitializeQTML(0);
	if ((err = GetMoviesError()) != noErr) goto bail;
	err = EnterMovies();
	if ((err = GetMoviesError()) != noErr) goto bail;

	// create a data reference from the full path to the video frames file
	makeDataRefFromFullPath(inDestMovieFile, &dataRef, &dataRefType);
	if (dataRef == NULL) goto bail;

    Movie m = NewMovie(0);
	if ((err = GetMoviesError()) != noErr) goto bail;

	// create the video track for the movie
    Track videoT = NewMovieTrack( m, Long2Fix(kFrameWidth), Long2Fix(kFrameHeight), kNoVolume);
	if ((err = GetMoviesError()) != noErr) goto bail;
	// create the video track media
    Media videoM = NewTrackMedia( videoT, VideoMediaType, kMediaTimeScale, dataRef, dataRefType);
	if ((err = GetMoviesError()) != noErr) goto bail;
	videoDescH = (ImageDescriptionHandle)NewHandleClear(sizeof(ImageDescription));
	if (videoDescH == NULL) goto bail;
	// create the ImageDescription that will describe our video track media samples
    videoDescH[0]->idSize = sizeof(ImageDescription);
    videoDescH[0]->cType = kCodecType; // the codec type for your data 
    videoDescH[0]->temporalQuality = codecNormalQuality;
    videoDescH[0]->spatialQuality = codecNormalQuality;
    videoDescH[0]->width = kFrameWidth;
    videoDescH[0]->height = kFrameHeight;
    videoDescH[0]->hRes = 72L << 16;
    videoDescH[0]->vRes = 72L << 16;
    videoDescH[0]->depth = 32;
    videoDescH[0]->clutID = -1;

    SampleReference64Record videoRef;
    videoRef.dataOffset.hi = 0; videoRef.dataOffset.lo = 0;
    videoRef.dataSize = (kFrameWidth*kFrameHeight*4) * kNumberOfSamples; 
    videoRef.durationPerSample = kDurationPerSample;
    videoRef.numberOfSamples = kNumberOfSamples;
    videoRef.sampleFlags = 0;

	// now add all of our media samples to the movie data file.
    err = AddMediaSampleReferences64(videoM, (SampleDescriptionHandle)videoDescH,
                            1, &videoRef, 0);
	if (err != noErr) goto bail;

    TimeValue mediaDuration = kNumberOfSamples * kDurationPerSample;
	// inserts a reference to our media samples into the track.
    err = InsertMediaIntoTrack(videoT, 0, 0, mediaDuration, 
				fixed1);	// media's rate (1.0 = media's natural playback rate).
	if (err != noErr) goto bail;

    DataHandler outDataHandler;
	// opens a data handler for our movie storage (the video frames file)
    err = OpenMovieStorage (dataRef, dataRefType, kDataHCanWrite, &outDataHandler );
	if (err != noErr) goto bail;
	// add a movie to our movie storage container
    err = AddMovieToStorage (m, outDataHandler );
	if (err != noErr) goto bail;

    err = CloseMovieStorage (outDataHandler);
	outDataHandler = NULL;
	if (videoDescH)
	return err;
Пример #17
OSStatus RunRoundTripFlatteningSample( 
	WindowRef	windowRef )
	OSStatus				err;
	CGrafPtr				windowPort;
	CGContextRef			cgContext;
	Rect					windowRect;
	PixMapHandle			pixMap;
	ATSUTextMeasurement		xPosition;
	ATSUTextMeasurement		yPosition;

	// initialize the global styles 
	err = InitializeGlobalStyles();
	require_noerr( err, RunATSUIFlatteningTest_err );
	// get the port for the window
	windowPort = GetWindowPort( windowRef );
	// get the port's pixMap. This will be used to find the viewable window area
	pixMap = GetPortPixMap( windowPort );
	// get the bounds for the port
	GetPortBounds( windowPort, &windowRect );
	// Offset the rect to obtain the window's viewable area
	OffsetRect( &windowRect, -(**pixMap).bounds.left, -(**pixMap).bounds.top );
	// calculate the x and y positions
	xPosition = Long2Fix( windowRect.left + kGlobalXOffsetValue );
	yPosition = Long2Fix( windowRect.bottom - kGlobalYSpaceBetweenTests );
	// start the cgContext for the port
	err = QDBeginCGContext( windowPort, &cgContext );
	require_noerr( err, RunATSUIFlatteningTest_err );
	// add a label to the test
	err = AddTextLabel( "Reference Style\0", cgContext, xPosition, 
		&yPosition );
	require_noerr( err, RunATSUIFlatteningTest_err );
	// create the layout for the default run information
	err = DrawLayoutForStyleAndRunInfo( gGlobalStyleArray, kGlobalStyleArraySize,
		gGlobalStyleRunInfoArray, kGlobalStyleRunInfoArraySize, gTestString,
		gTestStringLen, cgContext, xPosition, &yPosition );
	require_noerr( err, RunATSUIFlatteningTest_err );
	// add some space to separate the tests
	yPosition -= Long2Fix( kGlobalYSpaceBetweenTests );
	// add a label to the test
	err = AddTextLabel( "Flattened And Unflattened Sample\0", cgContext,
		xPosition, &yPosition );
	require_noerr( err, RunATSUIFlatteningTest_err );
	// run the default options for this test
	err = RoundTripFlatten( cgContext, xPosition, &yPosition, gGlobalStyleArray,
		kGlobalStyleArraySize, gGlobalStyleRunInfoArray, kGlobalStyleRunInfoArraySize,
		gTestString, gTestStringLen );
	require_noerr( err, RunATSUIFlatteningTest_err );
	// kill the cgContext for the port
	err = QDEndCGContext( windowPort, &cgContext );
	require_noerr( err, RunATSUIFlatteningTest_err );


	return err;
