static sAttribute * findAttribute ( sObject *op, pwr_sAttrRef *aref, pwr_tClassId cid ) { LstLink(sAttribute) *al; sAttribute *ap = NULL; for (al = LstFir(&op->attr_l); al != LstEnd(&op->attr_l); al = LstNex(al)) { if (aref->Offset == LstObj(al)->aref.Offset) { ap = LstObj(al); break; } } if (ap == NULL) { ap = (sAttribute *)calloc(1, sizeof(*ap)); if (ap == NULL) exit(2); LstIni(&ap->attr_l); LstIni(&ap->sup_l); (void)LstIns(&op->attr_l, ap, attr_l); op->attr_c++; ap->cid = cid; ap->aref = *aref; } return ap; }
static void init ( ) { pwr_sClass_ASup *asp; pwr_sClass_DSup *dsp; pwr_tStatus sts; sAttribute *ap; sObject *op; sSupObject *sp; pwr_tObjid oid; ltp = tree_CreateTable(&sts, sizeof(pwr_tObjid), offsetof(sObject, oid), sizeof(sObject), 200, tree_Comp_oid); sts = gdh_GetClassList(pwr_cClass_ASup, &oid); while (ODD(sts)) { sts = gdh_ObjidToPointer(oid, (void **)&asp); op = tree_Find(&sts, ltp, &asp->Attribute.Objid); if (op == NULL) { op = tree_Insert(&sts, ltp, &asp->Attribute.Objid); LstIni(&op->attr_l); } ap = findAttribute(op, &asp->Attribute, pwr_cClass_ASup); sp = calloc(1, sizeof(*sp)); (void)LstIns(LstEnd(&ap->sup_l), sp, sup_l); sp->oid = oid; sp->p = asp; op->sup_c++; ap->sup_c++; sts = gdh_GetNextObject(oid, &oid); } sts = gdh_GetClassList(pwr_cClass_DSup, &oid); while (ODD(sts)) { sts = gdh_ObjidToPointer(oid, (void **)&dsp); op = tree_Find(&sts, ltp, &dsp->Attribute.Objid); if (op == NULL) { op = tree_Insert(&sts, ltp, &dsp->Attribute.Objid); LstIni(&op->attr_l); } ap = findAttribute(op, &dsp->Attribute, pwr_cClass_DSup); sp = calloc(1, sizeof(*sp)); (void)LstIns(LstEnd(&ap->sup_l), sp, sup_l); sp->oid = oid; sp->p = dsp; op->sup_c++; ap->sup_c++; sts = gdh_GetNextObject(oid, &oid); } }
void lex_FacName(const char *FacName) { sFacilityCB *facp = (sFacilityCB *)calloc(1, sizeof(sFacilityCB)); LstIni(&facp->MsgH); facp->f.FacName = MSG_NEW_STRING(FacName); LstIns(&lFacH, facp, FacL); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { extern FILE *yyin; extern int yylex(); FILE *cfp = NULL; int bmsg = 0; char *branch = NULL; int inFile; int outFile; if (argc < 3) usage(); if (argv[1][0] == '-') { if (argv[1][1] == 'b') { branch = argv[2]; bmsg = 1; } else usage(); if (argc != 5) usage(); } else if (argc != 3) usage(); inFile = bmsg ? 3 : 1; outFile = inFile + 1; if (!(yyin = fopen(argv[inFile], "r"))) { printf("Can't open input file: %s", argv[inFile]); exit(1); } LstIni(&lFacH); SyntaxError = 0; lineno = 1; yylex(); if (!SyntaxError) { if (!(cfp = fopen(argv[outFile], "w+"))) { printf("Can't open output file: %s", argv[outFile]); exit(1); } rewind(yyin); WriteIncludes(cfp); CopyFile(yyin, cfp); WriteFacility(cfp, branch); } fclose(yyin); fclose(cfp); #if defined OS_VMS || defined OS_ELN exit(1); #elif defined OS_POSIX exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); #endif }
/* * Main */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { extern FILE *yyin; extern int yylex(); FILE *cfp = NULL; FILE *hfp = NULL; if (argc != 4) { printf("Usage: co_msg2cmsg msg-file c_msg-file h_file\n"); exit(2); } if (!(yyin = fopen(argv[1], "r"))) { printf("Can't open input file: %s\n", argv[1]); exit(2); } if (!(cfp = fopen(argv[2], "w"))) { printf("Can't open c_msg-output file: %s\n", argv[2]); fclose(yyin); exit(2); } if (!(hfp = fopen(argv[3], "w"))) { printf("Can't open h-output file: %s\n", argv[3]); fclose(yyin); fclose(cfp); exit(2); } LstIni(&lFacH); SyntaxError = 0; lineno = 1; yylex(); if (!SyntaxError) { char fname[256]; char *p; #if defined OS_VMS || defined OS_ELN p = strpbrk(argv[2], "]>"); if (!p) p = strchr(argv[2], ':'); else { char *p2; while(p2 = strpbrk(p + 1, "]>")) p = p2; } if (p) for (i = 0; p[i+1]; i++) fname[i] = tolower(p[i+1]); else for (i = 0; argv[2][i]; i++) fname[i] = tolower(argv[2][i]); fname[i] = '\0'; #else if ((p = strrchr(argv[2], '/'))) strncpy(fname, p+1, sizeof(fname)); else strncpy(fname, argv[2], sizeof(fname)); #endif if ((p = strchr(fname, '.'))) *p = '\0'; WriteFiles(fname, cfp, hfp); } fclose(yyin); fclose(cfp); fclose(hfp); #if defined OS_VMS || defined OS_ELN exit(1); #elif defined OS_POSIX exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); #endif }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { pwr_tStatus sts; qcom_sQid my_q = qcom_cNQid; qcom_sGet get; errh_Init("pwr_linksup", errh_eAnix_linksup); errh_SetStatus( PWR__SRVSTARTUP); if (!qcom_Init(&sts, NULL, "pwr_linksup")) { errh_Error("qcom_Init, %m", sts); errh_SetStatus( PWR__SRVTERM); exit(sts); } sts = gdh_Init("pwr_linksup"); if (EVEN(sts)) { errh_Fatal("gdh_Init, %m", sts); errh_SetStatus( PWR__SRVTERM); exit(sts); } if (!qcom_CreateQ(&sts, &my_q, NULL, "events")) { errh_Fatal("qcom_CreateQ, %m", sts); errh_SetStatus( PWR__SRVTERM); exit(sts); } if (!qcom_Bind(&sts, &my_q, &qcom_cQini)) { errh_Fatal("qcom_Bind(Qini), %m", sts); errh_SetStatus( PWR__SRVTERM); exit(-1); } /* Wait for local nethandler to start */ while (EVEN(gdh_NethandlerRunning())) sleep(1); plc_UtlWaitForPlc(); LstIni(&node_l); LstIni(&timer_l); init_nodes(); if (!LstEmp(&node_l)) { list_state = eListState_Scan; } else { errh_Info("No nodes to supervise, exiting"); errh_SetStatus( pwr_cNStatus); exit(0); } errh_SetStatus( PWR__SRUN); for (;;) { scan_timers(); scan_nodes(); = NULL; if (qcom_Get(&sts, &my_q, &get, cTimerTimeScan) != NULL) { if (get.type.b == qcom_eBtype_event) { event(&get); } else { errh_Info("unexpected message type, type: %d", get.type.b); } qcom_Free(&sts,; } aproc_TimeStamp(((float)cTimerTimeScan)/1000, 5); } }