Пример #1
/* SHLIB-INIT funtab &optional (version -1) (oldest version) */
LVAL xshlibinit()
  LVAL subr, val, sym;
  xlshlib_modinfo_t *info = getnpaddr(xlganatptr());
  FUNDEF *p = info->funs;
  FIXCONSTDEF *pfix = info->fixconsts;
  FLOCONSTDEF *pflo = info->floconsts;
  STRCONSTDEF *pstr = info->strconsts;
  struct version_info defversion;

  defversion.current = moreargs()?getfixnum(xlgafixnum()):-1;
  defversion.oldest = moreargs()?getfixnum(xlgafixnum()):defversion.current;

  if (! check_version(&defsysversion, &(info->sysversion)))
    xlfail("shared library not compatible with current system");
  if (defversion.current >= 0 &&
      ! check_version(&defversion, &(info->modversion)))
    xlfail("module not compatible with requested version");

  val = NIL;
  if (p != NULL)
    for (val = NIL; (p->fd_subr) != (LVAL(*)(void)) NULL; p++) {
      subr = cvsubr(p->fd_subr, p->fd_type & TYPEFIELD, 0);
      setmulvalp(subr, (p->fd_type & (TYPEFIELD + 1)) ? TRUE : FALSE);
      val = cons(subr, val);
      if (p->fd_name != NULL) {
        sym = xlenter(p->fd_name);
        setfunction(sym, subr);
  if (pfix != NULL)
    for (; pfix->name != NULL; pfix++) {
      sym = xlenter(pfix->name);
      defconstant(sym, cvfixnum(pfix->val));
  if (pflo != NULL)
    for (; pflo->name != NULL; pflo++) {
      sym = xlenter(pflo->name);
      defconstant(sym, cvflonum(pflo->val));
  if (pstr != NULL)
    for (; pstr->name != NULL; pstr++) {
      sym = xlenter(pstr->name);
      defconstant(sym, cvstring(pstr->val));
  if (info->sysversion.current >= MAKEVERSION(0,1)) {
    ULONGCONSTDEF *pulong = info->ulongconsts;
    if (pulong != NULL)
      for (; pulong->name != NULL; pulong++) {
        sym = xlenter(pulong->name);
        defconstant(sym, ulong2lisp(pulong->val));
  return xlnreverse(val);
Пример #2
/* SHLIB-INFO funtab */
LVAL xshlibinfo()
  LVAL val;
  xlshlib_modinfo_t *info = getnpaddr(xlganatptr());
  FUNDEF *p = info->funs;
  FIXCONSTDEF *pfix = info->fixconsts;
  FLOCONSTDEF *pflo = info->floconsts;
  STRCONSTDEF *pstr = info->strconsts;

  if (! check_version(&defsysversion, &(info->sysversion)))
    xlfail("shared library not compatible with current system");

  val = cons(cvfixnum((FIXTYPE) info->modversion.current), NIL);
  val = cons(cvfixnum((FIXTYPE) info->modversion.oldest), val);
  val = cons(NIL, val);
  if (p != NULL) {
    for (; (p->fd_subr) != (LVAL(*)(void)) NULL; p++)
      rplaca(val, cons(cvstring(p->fd_name), car(val)));
    rplaca(val, xlnreverse(car(val)));
  val = cons(NIL, val);
  if (pfix != NULL)
    for (; pfix->name != NULL; pfix++)
      rplaca(val, cons(cvstring(pfix->name), car(val)));
  if (pflo != NULL)
    for (; pflo->name != NULL; pflo++)
      rplaca(val, cons(cvstring(pflo->name), car(val)));
  if (pstr != NULL)
    for (; pstr->name != NULL; pstr++)
      rplaca(val, cons(cvstring(pstr->name), car(val)));
  if (info->sysversion.current >= MAKEVERSION(0,1)) {
    ULONGCONSTDEF *pulong = info->ulongconsts;
    for (; pulong->name != NULL; pulong++)
      rplaca(val, cons(cvstring(pulong->name), car(val)));
  rplaca(val, xlnreverse(car(val)));
  return xlnreverse(val);
Пример #3
#include "type_define.hpp"

const LIBVERSION  log_libversion = MAKEVERSION(2, 0, 0, 0);

enum ELogLevel
    LOG_LEVEL_NONE = 0x0000,
    LOG_LEVEL_DBG  = 0x0001,
    LOG_LEVEL_INF  = (0x0001<< 1),
    LOG_LEVEL_WRN  = (0x0001<< 2),
    LOG_LEVEL_CRI  = (0x0001<< 3)


class IFileLog
    virtual void OpenLevel(ELogLevel eLogLV) = 0;
    virtual void CloseLevel(ELogLevel eLogLV) = 0;
    virtual bool IsLevelOpen(ELogLevel eLogLV) = 0;
    virtual void Flush(void) = 0;
    virtual bool LogCri(const char* szFormat, ...) = 0;
    virtual bool LogWrn(const char* szFormat, ...) = 0;
    virtual bool LogInf(const char* szFormat, ...) = 0;
    virtual bool LogDbg(const char* szFormat, ...) = 0;

    virtual void Release(void) = 0;
Пример #4
 *  ======== store_interface_fxns ========
 *  Purpose:
 *      Copy the Bridge's interface functions into the device object,
 *      ensuring that fxn_not_implemented() is set for:
 *      1. All Bridge function pointers which are NULL; and
 *      2. All function slots in the struct dev_object structure which have no
 *         corresponding slots in the the Bridge's interface, because the Bridge
 *         is of an *older* version.
 *  Parameters:
 *      intf_fxns:      Interface fxn Structure of the Bridge's Dev Object.
 *      drv_fxns:      Interface Fxns offered by the Bridge during DEV_Create().
 *  Returns:
 *  Requires:
 *      Input pointers are valid.
 *      Bridge driver is *not* written for a newer DSP API.
 *  Ensures:
 *      All function pointers in the dev object's fxn interface are not NULL.
static void store_interface_fxns(struct bridge_drv_interface *drv_fxns,
				 struct bridge_drv_interface *intf_fxns)
	u32 bridge_version;

	/* Local helper macro: */
#define  STORE_FXN(cast, pfn) \
    (intf_fxns->pfn = ((drv_fxns->pfn != NULL) ? drv_fxns->pfn : \

	DBC_REQUIRE(intf_fxns != NULL);
	DBC_REQUIRE(drv_fxns != NULL);
			drv_fxns->brd_api_minor_version) <= BRD_API_VERSION);
	bridge_version = MAKEVERSION(drv_fxns->brd_api_major_version,
	intf_fxns->brd_api_major_version = drv_fxns->brd_api_major_version;
	intf_fxns->brd_api_minor_version = drv_fxns->brd_api_minor_version;
	/* Install functions up to DSP API version .80 (first alpha): */
	if (bridge_version > 0) {
		STORE_FXN(fxn_dev_create, pfn_dev_create);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_dev_destroy, pfn_dev_destroy);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_dev_ctrl, pfn_dev_cntrl);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_brd_monitor, pfn_brd_monitor);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_brd_start, pfn_brd_start);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_brd_stop, pfn_brd_stop);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_brd_status, pfn_brd_status);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_brd_read, pfn_brd_read);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_brd_write, pfn_brd_write);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_brd_setstate, pfn_brd_set_state);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_brd_memcopy, pfn_brd_mem_copy);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_brd_memwrite, pfn_brd_mem_write);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_brd_memmap, pfn_brd_mem_map);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_brd_memunmap, pfn_brd_mem_un_map);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_chnl_create, pfn_chnl_create);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_chnl_destroy, pfn_chnl_destroy);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_chnl_open, pfn_chnl_open);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_chnl_close, pfn_chnl_close);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_chnl_addioreq, pfn_chnl_add_io_req);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_chnl_getioc, pfn_chnl_get_ioc);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_chnl_cancelio, pfn_chnl_cancel_io);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_chnl_flushio, pfn_chnl_flush_io);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_chnl_getinfo, pfn_chnl_get_info);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_chnl_getmgrinfo, pfn_chnl_get_mgr_info);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_chnl_idle, pfn_chnl_idle);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_chnl_registernotify, pfn_chnl_register_notify);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_io_create, pfn_io_create);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_io_destroy, pfn_io_destroy);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_io_onloaded, pfn_io_on_loaded);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_io_getprocload, pfn_io_get_proc_load);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_msg_create, pfn_msg_create);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_msg_createqueue, pfn_msg_create_queue);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_msg_delete, pfn_msg_delete);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_msg_deletequeue, pfn_msg_delete_queue);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_msg_get, pfn_msg_get);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_msg_put, pfn_msg_put);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_msg_registernotify, pfn_msg_register_notify);
		STORE_FXN(fxn_msg_setqueueid, pfn_msg_set_queue_id);
	/* Add code for any additional functions in newerBridge versions here */
	/* Ensure postcondition: */
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_dev_create != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_dev_destroy != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_dev_cntrl != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_brd_monitor != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_brd_start != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_brd_stop != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_brd_status != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_brd_read != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_brd_write != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_chnl_create != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_chnl_destroy != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_chnl_open != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_chnl_close != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_chnl_add_io_req != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_chnl_get_ioc != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_chnl_cancel_io != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_chnl_flush_io != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_chnl_get_info != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_chnl_get_mgr_info != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_chnl_idle != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_chnl_register_notify != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_io_create != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_io_destroy != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_io_on_loaded != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_io_get_proc_load != NULL);
	DBC_ENSURE(intf_fxns->pfn_msg_set_queue_id != NULL);

#undef  STORE_FXN