static void compute_kl_divergence_of_rnn_state ( const struct rnn_state *rnn_s, int truncate_length, int block_length, int divide_num, double *kl_div, double *entropy_t, double *entropy_o, double *gen_rate) { if (rnn_s->length > truncate_length) { double min, max; int **sequence_t, **sequence_o; struct block_frequency bf_t, bf_o; const int length = rnn_s->length - truncate_length; if (rnn_s->rnn_p->output_type == STANDARD_TYPE) { min = -1.0; max = 1.0; } else { min = 0.0; max = 1.0; } MALLOC2(sequence_t, length, rnn_s->rnn_p->out_state_size); MALLOC2(sequence_o, length, rnn_s->rnn_p->out_state_size); for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) { int N = n + truncate_length; for (int i = 0; i < rnn_s->rnn_p->out_state_size; i++) { sequence_t[n][i] = f2symbol(rnn_s->teach_state[N][i], min, max, divide_num); sequence_o[n][i] = f2symbol(rnn_s->out_state[N][i], min, max, divide_num); } } init_block_frequency(&bf_t, (const int* const*)sequence_t, rnn_s->rnn_p->out_state_size, length, block_length); init_block_frequency(&bf_o, (const int* const*)sequence_o, rnn_s->rnn_p->out_state_size, length, block_length); *kl_div = kullback_leibler_divergence(&bf_t, &bf_o); *entropy_t = block_entropy(&bf_t) / block_length; *entropy_o = block_entropy(&bf_o) / block_length; *gen_rate = generation_rate(&bf_t, &bf_o); free_block_frequency(&bf_t); free_block_frequency(&bf_o); FREE2(sequence_t); FREE2(sequence_o); } else { *kl_div = 0; *entropy_t = 0; *entropy_o = 0; *gen_rate = 0; } }
static void test_generation_rate (void) { int dimension, length, max_block_length; struct block_frequency bf_x, bf_y; int **x, **y; double gen_rate; dimension = 4; length = 1024; max_block_length = 5; MALLOC2(x, length, dimension); MALLOC2(y, length, dimension); int *tmp; MALLOC(tmp, length); gen_Morse_sequence(tmp, length); for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) { for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) { x[n][i] = tmp[(n+i) % length]; y[n][i] = tmp[(n+i+300) % length]; } } FREE(tmp); for (int n = 1; n < max_block_length; n++) { init_block_frequency(&bf_x, (const int* const*)x, dimension, length, n); init_block_frequency(&bf_y, (const int* const*)y, dimension, length, n); gen_rate = generation_rate(&bf_x, &bf_y); assert_equal_double(1, gen_rate, 1e-3); free_block_frequency(&bf_x); free_block_frequency(&bf_y); } for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) { for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) { x[n][i] = i; y[n][i] = i + 1; } } for (int n = 1; n < max_block_length; n++) { init_block_frequency(&bf_x, (const int* const*)x, dimension, length, n); init_block_frequency(&bf_y, (const int* const*)y, dimension, length, n); gen_rate = generation_rate(&bf_x, &bf_y); assert_equal_double(0, gen_rate, 1e-3); free_block_frequency(&bf_x); free_block_frequency(&bf_y); } FREE2(x); FREE2(y); }
list_add(struct list *h, int v) { while(h->init) h = h->next; h->i = v; h->init = 1; h->next = MALLOC2(24); }
main() { struct list *head = MALLOC2(24); //sizeof(struct list)); //sizeof *head); printf("head = %p\n", head); head->init = 0; list_add(head, 2); list_add(head, 5); list_add(head, 1); list_print(head); }
static void init_test_solver_info ( struct test_solver_info *ts_info, int length, int dim) { ts_info->length = length; ts_info->dim = dim; MALLOC2(ts_info->data, length, dim); MALLOC(ts_info->vector, dim); for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { MALLOC(ts_info->vector[i], dim); } MALLOC(ts_info->spectrum, dim); }
static void print_lyapunov_spectrum_of_mregn ( FILE *fp, long epoch, const struct mixture_of_rnn_experts *mre, const struct recurrent_neural_network *gn, int spectrum_size, int mre_delay_length, int gn_delay_length, int truncate_length) { int max_num; // decides spectrum_size which is the number to evaluate Lyapunov exponents max_num = mre->out_state_size * mre_delay_length; max_num += mre->expert_num * gn_delay_length; for (int i = 0; i < mre->expert_num; i++) { max_num += mre->expert_rnn[i].rnn_p.c_state_size; } max_num += gn->rnn_p.c_state_size; if (max_num < spectrum_size || spectrum_size < 0) { spectrum_size = max_num; } if (spectrum_size <= 0) return; double **spectrum = NULL; MALLOC2(spectrum, gn->series_num, spectrum_size); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for #endif for (int i = 0; i < gn->series_num; i++) { compute_lyapunov_spectrum_of_mregn_state(mre->mre_s + i, gn->rnn_s + i, spectrum_size, mre_delay_length, gn_delay_length, truncate_length, spectrum[i]); } fprintf(fp, "%ld", epoch); for (int i = 0; i < gn->series_num; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < spectrum_size; j++) { fprintf(fp, "\t%f", spectrum[i][j]); } } fprintf(fp, "\n"); FREE2(spectrum); }
void ptRun(const gchar* Name, gint NrParameters, const GimpParam* Parameter, gint *nreturn_vals, GimpParam **return_vals) { printf("(%s,%d) '%s'\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); printf("Name : '%s'\n",Name); printf("NrParameters : %d\n",NrParameters); if (!strcmp(Name,"photivoSendToGimp")) { printf("RunMode : %d\n",Parameter[0].data.d_int32); printf("FileName1 : '%s'\n",Parameter[1].data.d_string); printf("FileName2 : '%s'\n",Parameter[2].data.d_string); QFile GimpFile(Parameter[1].data.d_string); bool result = | QIODevice::Text); assert(result); QTextStream In(&GimpFile); QString ImageFileName = In.readLine(); QString ExifFileName = In.readLine(); QString ICCFileName = In.readLine(); // Read image FILE *InputFile = fopen(ImageFileName.toLocal8Bit().data(),"rb"); if (!InputFile) { ptLogError(1,ImageFileName.toLocal8Bit().data()); return; // ptError_FileOpen; } short Colors; unsigned short Width; unsigned short Height; unsigned short BitsPerColor; char Buffer[128]; // Extremely naive. Probably just enough for testcases. char *s = fgets(Buffer,127,InputFile); assert ( s ); int n = sscanf(Buffer,"P%hd",&Colors); assert ( 1 == n ); assert(Colors == 6 ); do { s = fgets(Buffer,127,InputFile); assert ( s ); } while (Buffer[0] == '#'); sscanf(Buffer,"%hd %hd",&Width,&Height); s = fgets(Buffer,127,InputFile); assert ( s ); sscanf(Buffer,"%hd",&BitsPerColor); assert(BitsPerColor == 0xffff); Colors = 3; unsigned short (* ImageForGimp)[3] = (unsigned short (*)[3]) CALLOC2(Width*Height,sizeof(*ImageForGimp)); ptMemoryError(ImageForGimp,__FILE__,__LINE__); unsigned short* PpmRow = (unsigned short *) CALLOC2(Width*Height,sizeof(*PpmRow)); ptMemoryError(PpmRow,__FILE__,__LINE__); for (unsigned short Row=0; Row<Height; Row++) { size_t RV = fread(PpmRow,Colors*2,Width,InputFile); if (RV != (size_t) Width) { printf("ReadPpm error. Expected %d bytes. Got %d\n",Width,(int)RV); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (htons(0x55aa) != 0x55aa) { swab((char *)PpmRow,(char *)PpmRow,Width*Colors*2); } for (unsigned short Col=0; Col<Width; Col++) { for (short c=0;c<3;c++) { ImageForGimp[Row*Width+Col][c] = PpmRow[Col*Colors+c]; } } } FREE2(PpmRow); FCLOSE(InputFile); QFile ExifFile(ExifFileName); result =; assert(result); qint64 FileSize = ExifFile.size(); QDataStream ExifIn(&ExifFile); char* ExifBuffer = (char *) MALLOC2(FileSize); ptMemoryError(ExifBuffer,__FILE__,__LINE__); unsigned ExifBufferLength = ExifIn.readRawData(ExifBuffer,FileSize); ExifFile.close(); QFile ICCFile(ICCFileName); result =; assert(result); qint64 FileSize2 = ICCFile.size(); QDataStream ICCIn(&ICCFile); char* ICCBuffer = (char *) MALLOC2(FileSize2); ptMemoryError(ICCBuffer,__FILE__,__LINE__); unsigned ICCBufferLength = ICCIn.readRawData(ICCBuffer,FileSize2); ICCFile.close(); // And now copy to gimp. gint32 GimpImage = gimp_image_new(Width, Height, GIMP_RGB); assert (GimpImage != -1); gint32 GimpLayer = gimp_layer_new(GimpImage, "BG", Width, Height, GIMP_RGB_IMAGE, 100.0, GIMP_NORMAL_MODE); #if GIMP_MINOR_VERSION<=6 gimp_image_add_layer(GimpImage,GimpLayer,0); #else gimp_image_insert_layer(GimpImage,GimpLayer,0,0); #endif GimpDrawable* Drawable = gimp_drawable_get(GimpLayer); GimpPixelRgn PixelRegion; gimp_pixel_rgn_init(&PixelRegion, Drawable, 0, 0, Drawable->width, Drawable->height, true, false); unsigned short TileHeight = gimp_tile_height(); for (unsigned short Row=0; Row<Height; Row+=TileHeight) { unsigned short NrRows = MIN(Height-Row, (int)TileHeight); guint8* Buffer = g_new(guint8,TileHeight*Width*3); for (unsigned short i=0; i<NrRows; i++) { for (unsigned short j=0; j<Width; j++) { for (short c=0;c<3;c++) { Buffer[3*(i*Width+j)+c] = ImageForGimp[(Row+i)*Width+j][c]>>8; } } } gimp_pixel_rgn_set_rect(&PixelRegion, Buffer, 0, Row, Width, NrRows); g_free(Buffer); } gimp_drawable_flush(Drawable); gimp_drawable_detach(Drawable); FREE2(ImageForGimp); GimpParasite* GimpExifData = gimp_parasite_new("exif-data", GIMP_PARASITE_PERSISTENT, ExifBufferLength, ExifBuffer); gimp_image_parasite_attach(GimpImage,GimpExifData); gimp_parasite_free(GimpExifData); FREE2(ExifBuffer); GimpParasite* GimpICCData = gimp_parasite_new("icc-profile", GIMP_PARASITE_PERSISTENT, ICCBufferLength, ICCBuffer); gimp_image_parasite_attach(GimpImage,GimpICCData); gimp_parasite_free(GimpICCData); FREE2(ICCBuffer); static GimpParam Values[2]; *nreturn_vals = 2; *return_vals = Values; Values[0].type = GIMP_PDB_STATUS; Values[0].data.d_status = GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS; Values[1].type = GIMP_PDB_IMAGE; Values[1].data.d_image = GimpImage; QFile::remove(ImageFileName); QFile::remove(ExifFileName); QFile::remove(ICCFileName); QFile::remove(Parameter[1].data.d_string); }
static void test_block_entropy (void) { int dimension, length, max_block_length; double entropy; struct block_frequency bf; int **sequence; dimension = 3; length = 10000; max_block_length = 5; MALLOC2(sequence, length, dimension); for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) { for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) { sequence[n][i] = 0; } } for (int n = 1; n <= max_block_length; n++) { init_block_frequency(&bf, (const int* const*)sequence, dimension, length, n); entropy = block_entropy(&bf) / n; assert_equal_double(0, entropy, 1e-3); free_block_frequency(&bf); } for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) { for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) { sequence[n][i] = (n + i) % 2; } } for (int n = 1; n <= max_block_length; n++) { init_block_frequency(&bf, (const int* const*)sequence, dimension, length, n); entropy = block_entropy(&bf) / n; assert_equal_double(1.0/n, entropy, 1e-3); free_block_frequency(&bf); } for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) { for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) { sequence[n][i] = (n + i) % 4; } } for (int n = 1; n <= max_block_length; n++) { init_block_frequency(&bf, (const int* const*)sequence, dimension, length, n); entropy = block_entropy(&bf) / n; assert_equal_double(2.0/n, entropy, 1e-3); free_block_frequency(&bf); } int *tmp; MALLOC(tmp, length); gen_Morse_sequence(tmp, length); for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) { for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) { sequence[n][i] = tmp[n]; } } FREE(tmp); for (int n = 1; n <= max_block_length ; n++) { init_block_frequency(&bf, (const int* const*)sequence, dimension, length, n); entropy = block_entropy(&bf) / n; mu_assert(entropy >= 0.5); free_block_frequency(&bf); } FREE2(sequence); }
static void test_kullback_leibler_divergence (void) { int dimension, length, max_block_length; struct block_frequency bf_x, bf_y; int **x, **y; double kl_div; dimension = 2; length = 1024; max_block_length = 5; MALLOC2(x, length, dimension); MALLOC2(y, length, dimension); int *tmp; MALLOC(tmp, length); gen_Morse_sequence(tmp, length); for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) { for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) { x[n][i] = tmp[(n+i) % length]; y[n][i] = tmp[(n+i+300) % length]; } } FREE(tmp); for (int n = 1; n < max_block_length; n++) { init_block_frequency(&bf_x, (const int* const*)x, dimension, length, n); init_block_frequency(&bf_y, (const int* const*)y, dimension, length, n); kl_div = kullback_leibler_divergence(&bf_x, &bf_y); assert_equal_double(0, kl_div, 1e-3); free_block_frequency(&bf_x); free_block_frequency(&bf_y); } init_genrand(61107L); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) { for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { x[n][j] = xor128() % 2; y[n][j] = xor128() % 2; } } for (int n = 1; n < max_block_length; n++) { init_block_frequency(&bf_x, (const int* const*)x, dimension, length, n); init_block_frequency(&bf_y, (const int* const*)y, dimension, length, n); kl_div = kullback_leibler_divergence(&bf_x, &bf_y); mu_assert(kl_div >= 0); free_block_frequency(&bf_x); free_block_frequency(&bf_y); init_block_frequency(&bf_x, (const int* const*)x, dimension, length-100, n); init_block_frequency(&bf_y, (const int* const*)y, dimension, length, n); kl_div = kullback_leibler_divergence(&bf_x, &bf_y); mu_assert(kl_div >= 0); free_block_frequency(&bf_x); free_block_frequency(&bf_y); init_block_frequency(&bf_x, (const int* const*)x, dimension, length, n); init_block_frequency(&bf_y, (const int* const*)y, dimension, length-100, n); kl_div = kullback_leibler_divergence(&bf_x, &bf_y); mu_assert(kl_div >= 0); free_block_frequency(&bf_x); free_block_frequency(&bf_y); } } for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) { for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) { x[n][i] = i; y[n][i] = i + 1; } } for (int n = 1; n < max_block_length; n++) { init_block_frequency(&bf_x, (const int* const*)x, dimension, length, n); init_block_frequency(&bf_y, (const int* const*)y, dimension, length, n); kl_div = kullback_leibler_divergence(&bf_x, &bf_y); mu_assert(kl_div > 0); free_block_frequency(&bf_x); free_block_frequency(&bf_y); } FREE2(x); FREE2(y); }
/* * returns the Lyapunov spectrum from n-dimensional time series by using the * Jacobian matrix * * @parameter data : n-dimensional time series * @parameter t : length of time series * @parameter m : number of Lyapunov exponents * @parameter n : dimension of time series * @parameter T : interval to compute Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization * @parameter func : function pointer to compute Jacobian matrix * @parameter obj : object used in func * @parameter spectrum : Lyapunov spectrum (result) * @parameter matrix : Jacobian matrix (temporal data cache) * @parameter vector : orthogonal vector (temporal data cache) * * @return : Lyapunov spectrum */ double* lyapunov_spectrum ( const double* const* data, int t, int m, int n, int T, jacobian_map func, void *obj, double* spectrum, double **matrix, double ***vector) { if (m < 1 || n < 1) { return spectrum; } double tmp_vec[n]; int flag_matrix_alloc, flag_vector_alloc; if (matrix == NULL) { MALLOC2(matrix, n, n); flag_matrix_alloc = 1; } else { flag_matrix_alloc = 0; } if (vector == NULL) { MALLOC(vector, m); MALLOC(vector[0], m * m); MALLOC(vector[0][0], m * m * n); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { vector[i] = vector[0] + i * m; vector[i][0] = vector[0][0] + i * m * n; for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { vector[i][j] = vector[i][0] + j * n; } } flag_vector_alloc = 1; } else { flag_vector_alloc = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { spectrum[i] = 0; /* initializes i'th Lyapunov exponent */ /* vector initialization */ for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) { vector[i][j][k] = (k%(i+1) == j) ? 1 : 0; } } gram_schmidt_orthogonalization(vector[i], i+1, n); for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) { resize(vector[i][j], n, 1); /* resizes vector length to 1 */ } } /* computing the Lyapunov spectrum */ for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) { /* computing Jacobian matrix */ if (func(data[i], n, i, matrix, obj) == NULL) { return NULL; } for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { for (int k = 0; k <= j; k++) { product((const double* const*)matrix, vector[j][k], tmp_vec, n, n); memcpy(vector[j][k], tmp_vec, n * sizeof(double)); } } if (( (i+1) % T ) == 0 || i+1 == t) { for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { gram_schmidt_orthogonalization(vector[j], j+1, n); for (int k = 0; k <= j; k++) { // computing expansion rate spectrum[j] += log(get_length(vector[j][k], n)); resize(vector[j][k], n, 1); /* resizes vector length to 1 */ } } } } for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { spectrum[i] /= t; /* time average */ for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { spectrum[i] -= spectrum[j]; } } qsort(spectrum, m, sizeof(double), compar); if (flag_matrix_alloc) { FREE2(matrix); } if (flag_vector_alloc) { FREE(vector[0][0]); FREE(vector[0]); FREE(vector); } return spectrum; }